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August 03, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-03

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Barden Bill'
N A DEMOCRATIC society, where relig-
ous freedom is granted to all, it is the
duty of every citizen to see that one partic-
ular church does not attempt to usurp polit-
ical power.
The makers of the Constitution recognized
this policy of separation of church and state
when they wrote in the first amendment,
"Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion ..."
But those parties who have included aid
to parochial schools- in the Barden Bill
seem to have forgotten this fundamental
principle of democracy.
Cardinal Spellman too, seems to have for-
gotten it. He has attacked Mrs. Roosevelt
for her opposition to the Barden Bill, claim-
ing that in the cause of justice her misstate-
ments must be challenged and that her rec-
ord of discrimination towards Catholicism
stands for all to see. But many thinking
Americans will see Mrs. Roosevelt's record
as that of an outstanding citizen in a democ-
It is very inspiring to note that a Cath-
olic Congressman, Rep. Andrew Jacobs has
supported Mrs. Roosevelt. His statement
ran, "I expressed the same opinion as Mrs.
Roosevelt. Such opinion resulted from
careful consideration of fact and prin-
ciple." Rep. Jacobs cannot be too highly
commended for not allowing his religious
beliefs to affect his political views.
It is true that aid to parochial schools is -
a worthy cause. But far more worthy of con-
sideration is the cause which demands sep-
aration of church and state. This, not anti-
Catholicism, is the reason why leading cit-
izens have opposed and will continue to
oppose federal aid to parochial schools.
-Alice Platt.
Editorials 'published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

World Government

"Im Not Isolationist Any More - It's Just That
I Donnt Trust Anybody"

Letters to the Editor -

ONE FINE DAY, a thousand years in the
future, some historian will resurrect our
life and times. He'll bring it to life and
he'll evaluate it. He'll judge if we solved the
major problem facing our era by good will
and reason, or if we blindly were dragged
by irrational forces. And our time might
be labeled the era in which enlightened self
interest wedded a high ethic and caused a
revolution in political thinking.
Strictly speaking, we don't care too much
what the future thinks of us, for we are a
people that live in the present. A lot of
folk, moreover, don't concede that we do
have a singular, imperative problem. Yet
in the ultimate calculation, whether we care
to recognize it or not, the challenge we
face is how to live peaceably with each other.
For the first time that men can recollect,
the alternatives to man's living in peace
are seen by many to be a significantly
lower civilization or not living at all. No
other period ever postulated such a bleak
The innate optimism of some and the
pedestrian minds of others will cause this
dismal prophecy to be rejected. But still
there is a great element of truth, if we
don't solve the problem, war seems the
rosy future!
Essentially two solutions seem acceptable,
either a qualitative change in international
morality or world government. If the former,
the various states would live together in
peace by stint of international discipline. If
the latter, all would live together in peace
because the greater good demanded and
enforced it. World government is more prac-
tical because the wayward member cannot

destroy the equilibrium, so long as the ma-
jority sincerely desire peace.
It can be urged with much force that
the degree of enlightenment necessary for
a successful world government is equal to
that internal discipline that willy nilly
will give peace. This is true to a degree,
world government presupposes a higher
ethical standard. The difference is essen-
tially that it is much more attainable in
view of human nature; and that once the
government is set up, the whole apparatus
will work to the same end. World peace
will not depend upon the vagaries of one
state's politics or the resoluteness of its.
The advocates of world government are
not the nympholepts-the seekers after wild
ideals-that self-called realists brand them.
A strong argument can be made out on the
premise of historical determinism, that world
government is the "next step." Whether
predetermined or not, however, this is the
most cogent of all suggestions.
World government is the affirmative pro-
posal that takes precedence over the muddle-
on-through thesis or the world empire fal-
lacy. World government people realize the
difficulties, but they also know that man
is a plastic creation. Nationalism is no more
part of man's essential nature than the
feudal relationship was.
By education, by thought, and by example
individuals in all parts of the world can
come to realize that the best way they can
serve themselves is through a world govern-
ment-and they can effectuate this goal.
-George Vetter.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Union .
To the Editor:
1N REPLY to Mr. Wilson:
I would like to suggest that Mr.
Craig Wilson-co-managing editor
of The Michigan Daily, and all
other pseudo-liberals that they
stop and think seriously before
they try to play the role of Sir
Lancelot in defending our fair (?)
damsels' rights to enter the Mich-
igan Union via the front door.
For the past four years now I
have listened to people spout off.

as to what a crass injustice is
being committed in upholding tra-
It is niy belief that we of the,
present student body have no right
to attempt to do away with this
tradition-which was set forth and
adhered to by our previous alumni.
After all, the Union was built by
these alumni who donated hun-
dreds and thousands to build this
present men's club.
We, therefore, should have at
least enough respect for these men
who built this institution to ob-
serve their tradition. I doubt very
much if anyone is being- crucified
by being asked to use the side
As long as I am a member of
this club and an alumnus of this
University, I will do all within my
power to protect and keep at least
one tradition sacred to the men
of the Michigan Union.
-Edward H. Russell.

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WALTER PISTON and the Stanley String
Quartet shared the honors in last night's
concert at Rackham Auditorium. A packed
house of more than 1200 persons jammed
the hall to hear this final program of the
summer music series.
Haydn's delightful Quartet in F Major
opened the program. A very finely perform-
ed first movement set the key for the entire
work. The technique and quality of tone
of each of the players was superior, and this
last completed quartet by Haydn was very
well received by the audience.
Following Haydn, Joseph Brinkman
joined Messrs. .Ross, Raab, Doktor, and
Edel in the first concert performance of
Walter Piston's Quintet for piano and
string quartet.
The Quintet is one of the finest modern
chamber works that I have ever heard.
Judging from the thunderous burst of ap-
plause following the very fine performance,
I was not the only one who was so im-
pressed with this very expressive and en-
joyable work.
Commissioned by the University of Mich-
igan and dedicated to the Stanley Quartet
and Joseph Brinkman, the Quintet is in
three movements. In the work there is a
trace of classical style behind the melodic
rhythmic passages.
Freshness in interpretation and clear-
ness in tone and technique by all five
artists were a great asset in bringing forth
the full force of the work. Mr. Piston is
truly a master craftsman among modern
American composers.
In talking with the composer during inter-
mission I found him exceedingly compli-
mentary towards the performance by the
Stanley group.
Concluding the evening's program was the
G Minor Quartet of Debussy. It is the only
string quartet written by the great French-
man and is typically his in color and har-
Excellent expressiveness and technical
facility by the Stanley Quartet brought
out the superb musical effect of the work.
Its single theme, paramount throughout
all passages, and the transformations
within and among the movements is ex-
tremely fascinating to the ear.
After the final applause for the concert
had died away, there was a common ques-
tion on almost everyone's lips. "When are
they going to play again?"
It is to be hoped that performances by
this fine group of musicians, all of whom
are on the faculty of the School of Music,
will continue throughout the scholastic year.
Judging from the standard of last night's
outstanding concert, the Stanley String
Quartet is a musical group of which all
Michigan can be proud. Bravos to all!
-David Belin
believed of any man whatsoever, and
one of them is that he has taken to drink.

At the State:
TULSA, with Susan Hayward, Robert
Preston, Pedro Armendariz, and Chill
THIS IS ONE OF those big, florid films
done in Easter egg technicolor. It's all
about oil wells in the 1920's and how Tulsa,
Oklahoma mushroomed into a symphony of
neon lights and palatial residential dis-
tricts in less time than it takes to bring in a
It's trivial stuff in spite of its burning oil
wells and fist fights. The acting is extremely
perfunctory. Susan Hayward slithers in and
out of the arms of three men, slaps their
faces, flashes her eyes like a silent picture
siren and wears a marvellous white sweater.
She is supposed to be one of those dan-
gerous women who control empires by a
slight shudder of the torso.
Robert Preston grins and sweats in the
oil fields, in the gambling dens, and in
Miss Hayward's arms. He just makes a lot
of noise.
Pedro Armendariz, Mexico's latest gift to
American women, loves cattle and green
grass and hates oil wells. He unwillingly
plays big brother to Miss Hayward although
he really loves her as much as his stolid
nature will allow him.
Chill Wills who has finally hoisted him-
self out of Class B horse operas into Class
A horse operas plays the confidant and
calls everybody cousin. This is supposedly
heart-warming whimsy. If the weather
gets hot, go see it. It won't bother you.
The shorts are second-rate, including M-
G-M's "Some of the Best" which is forty
minutes devoted to that lush studio's past,
present and future. We didn't get as much
of the past as we wanted and the future
isn't the brightest on record. Lionel Barry-
more is the commentator and no doubt will

eyebrow and stutter his way into your hearts
as he relates the glories of Leo the Lion.
-Jim Castlereagh.
* *
At the Michigan .. .
Gable, Alexis Smith, Wendell Corey, Au-
drey Totter, Frank Morgan, Mary Astor,
Lewis Stone, Barry Sullivan, Edgar Bu-
A NUMBER of competent actors have been
brought together here in a distinctly
mediocre story. The writing is poor in spots,
and the moral of the whole thing is very
Clark Gable is his charming self as a
tough but honest gambling-house owner who
wants to get out of the gambling business
because of a weak heart. A great many
things happen in the course of the film, but
none of them seem to lend any weight
to Gable's mild predicament.
Alexis Smith gives an adequate per-
formance as Gable's loving but neglected
wife. Miss Smith might do better if she
had a more interesting role.
By far the movie's best feature is a series
of excellent minor characters: a slatternly
sister and worthless brother-in-law, the
gambling-house employees, and the various
characters that hang around such a place.
Here the lifeless writing seems to wake
up, and the actors in these roles, even
some of the smaller ones, seem to enjoy
what they are doing and do it well. There
is, for example, a ribald grande dame who
puts a spark into a few scenes.
But when it comes to finding any signifi-
cance in the picture, I am at a loss. The
moral, if any, seems to be that you shouldn't
be ashamed of having a gambler in the
family. Could that be right?
-Virginia von Schon.

WASHINGTON - Newspapers
carried a little note about
President Truman driving his own
car to Leesburg, Va., the other
day, but there washno otherhex-
planation of why he went there.
Here is the reason why:
Some weeks ago, Sen. Cabot
Lodge, Massachusetts Republican,
was visiting Gen. George Marshall
at Leesburg, when the ex-Secre-
tary of State showed himthe
grave of Col. Edward D. Baker,
former U.S. Senator from Oregon,
killed in action during the Civil
The stone marker was covered
with moss. Vines and vegetation
had grown up over the spot, and
-General Marshall remarked to
the Senator from Massachusetts
that it was a shame a Senator
from Oregon who had fought
so gallantly should be so un-
gallantly remembered.
Later, General Marshall report-
ed thisrto President Truman, and
some days later, Senator Wayne
Morse of Oregon got a message
from the President telling him
that a former Oregon Senator lay
unremembered at Leesburg, and
suggesting that they both visit the
Morse accepted. But before leav-
ing, he sent over -to the Library
of Congress to find out more
about Colonel Baker. The library
reported that he was killed at
Dall's Bluff, Va., but buried at
Lone Mountain Cemetery, San
Francisco. Furthermore, the late
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes,
who was wounded in the same
battle, described in one of his
books how Senator Baker's body
was carried back to the West Coast
-at that time an unheard-of trip
for a war casualty.
* * * *
Senator Morse, however, had no
opportunity to break this news to
President Truman until the two
got in the White House car-a
Lincoln-for their drive to Lees-
Their first conversation was
about the fact that the Presi-
dent was driving himself, the
Senator discreetly inquiring
when the President had last
driven. Mr. Truman admitted
he hadn't driven for a couple
of years, but said he still re-
membered how. As the trip con-
tinued, it was evident that
whatever the President lacked in
skill as a chauffeur, he made up
for in zestful driving. With the
Secret Service men sittingnerv-
ously in the rear, the President
enjoyed every minute of it.
Finally, Senator Morse broke
the news.
"I looked up Senator Baker of
Oregon," he said, "and the Library
of Congress informs me that while
he was shot at Ball's Bluff, he
was buried at San Francisco."
The presidential car nearly
swerved off the road.
Recovering, Mr. Truman said
that General Marshall would
feel bad about bringing them
all the way to Leesburg for
nothing. "We mustn't hurt his
feelings," he added. "You leave
this to me."
So, after lunch, as General
Marshall escorted the party threeI
miles away to the supposed grave1
of Senator Baker, Mr. Truman

broke the news that he wasn't
buried there after all. General
Marshall wasn't entirely convinced
however, and led them to the
There they found that the Li-
brary of Congress was right. The
tombstone was merely a marker
stating that "Col. Baker was killed
here, Oct. 21, 1861." There was no
indication that he was buried
there. In fact, the bodies of 54
other Federal soldiers had been
removed to a near-by grave.
General Marshall felt bad
about bringing the President and
Senator Morse down to Leesburg
on a wild-goose chase, but they
didn't feel that way at all. They
were delighted to have the ex-
cuse to get away from Washing-
ton, and they arranged to have
a gardener tidy up the spot
where Colonel Baker fell. No
new monument, they agreed, was
Note-Senator Baker, born in
England, served in the House of
Representatives from Illinois, then
moved to Oregon about the time
of the gold rush and was elected
to the U.S. Senate from Oregon
in 1859. He enlisted in the 71st
Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was
temporarily commissioned a ma-
jor general.
* * *
The story has never been told
how the Democrats discovered a
secret cocktail lounge in the Cap-
itol Building after they took over
from the Republicans.
The lounge was fixed up by
ex-Senator Curly Brooks of Illi-
nois and his political protege,
ex-Sergeant - at -Arms Edward
McGinnis, in one of the historic
rooms of the Capitol where the
Supreme Court first met. They
cleared out the stately, historic
furnishings and turned it into
a gay-colored cocktail lounge,
incongruous and out of place
in the Capitol.
How much it cost the taxpayers
to paint, decorate, and furnish
Brooks' private lounge will prob-
ably never be known. It was simple
for the ex-Senator from Illinois
to keep this secret since he was
Chairman of the Senate Rules
Committee and in charge of the
Senate wing of the Capitol.
But when Brooks was defeated
last November, Senator Carl Hay-
den of Arizona, the new rules
chairman, inherited all his keys.
That's how the Democrats discov-
ered the secret lounge.
Telephoning Senator Scott
Lucas, majority leader of the
Senate, Hayden said: "I have a
surprise for you."
Later he took Lucas to hte hide-
away, unlocked the door, and an-
"Look what I have discovered! I
don't want to get caught with a
room like this on my hands, so
I'm turning it over to you. It's
only poetic justice that you should
get it."
(Copyright, 1949, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
A MAN LIVES not only his per-
sonal life, as an individual, but
also, consciously or unconsciously,
the life of his epoch and his con-
-Thomas Mann.

(Continued from Page 3)
fice of the Bureu of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
The Annual Masters Breakfast
will be held Sunday, August 7, at
9:00 a.m., in the Michigan League
Ballroom. If you are fulfilling the
requirements this summer for the
master's degree and have not re-
ceived your invitation and ticket,
please call at 3510 Administration
Building before noon on Friday,
August 5.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events: Aug. 3, 1949-German
House; Aug. 4, Graduate Outing
Club; Aug. 6, Phi Delta Phi, Hostel
Club; Nakamura.
Stenographic Demonstration, 2
p.m., Wed., Aug. 3, Rm. 271, School
of Business Administration. Miss
Elsie Price, Training Director of
Stenographic Machines, Inc., will
demonstate machine dictation
methods for the business office.
Stenographers and teachers of
business subjects are cordially in-
Vocal Music Refresher Course,
Hussey Room, Michigan League.
Program: 9, Creative Rhythmic
Activities in School Music, Mar-
guerite Hood and Dr. Juana de
Laban. 10, Demonstration Teach-
ing of Elementary School Music,
Rdxy Cowin. 11, High School
Theory, John Lowell, 1, The Music
Testing Program, Thurber Madi-
son, University of Indiana. 2, A
Demonstration of Choir Rehearsal
Procedures, Louis Diercks, Ohio
University. 4, Audit of the Univer-
city Summer Session Choir in Re-
hearsal, Henry Veld conducting,
Room C, Haven Hall.
String Teaching Refresher
Course, Ballroom, Michigan
League. Program: 9, Problems of
Viola Teaching. Paul Doktor. 10,
Lecture-Demonstration in Violin
Pedagogy, Gilbert Ross. 11, Pro-
cedures in Teaching First Year
Cello. 1, Demonstration of Elemen-
tary School Class Violin Teaching,
David Mattern. 2, Fundamental
Techniques in Beginning Bass,
Illustrated, Walter Hardman, De-
troit Symphony Orchestra. 3,
Audit of Rehearsal, University
Symphony Orchestra, Wayne Dun-
lap, Conductor. 7, Recital by Stu-
dents of the String Department,
University of Michigan, Hussey
Room, Michigan League.
Lecture Series in Chemistry
Building: Professor William A.
Nierenberg of the University of
Michigan Physics Dept. will talk
on "Influence of Nuclear Quad-
rupol Moments on Chemical Bind-
ing" at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
Aug. 3, in Rm. 1300, Chemistry
Lecture: "Sectionalism in Can-
adian Politics." Dr. Lionel H.
Laing, Associate Professor of Po-
litical Science, University of Mich-
igan. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Audi-
Lecture: Luncheon Conference.
"Objective Determinants Affecting
Tense-Time Systems." Professor
W. E. Bull, Washington Univer-
sity. Luncheon, 12:10 p.m., Ander-
son Rm, Michigan Union; lecture,
1:00 p.m., Rm. 3D.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for James
George Knudsen, Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Heat Transfer,
Friction and Velocity Gradients in
Annuli Containing Plain and Fin
Tues," Wednesday, Aug. 3, 3201

East Engineering Bldg., at 3:0
p.m. Chairman, D. ,. Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Don-
ald George Burkhard, Physics;
thesis: "Molecular Structure and
Far Infrared Spectrum of Methyl
Alcohol," Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2038
Randall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, D:
M. Dennison.
Student Recital: James Merrill)
graduate student of piano with
Joseph Brinkman, will present
program at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday,
Aug. 3 in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, in partial fulfillment of th
requirements for the Master o
Music degree. His program will in-
dlude compositions by Bach-Bui
soni, Beethoven, Chopin, and
Rachmaninoff, and is open to the
Student Recital: Robert Colston
graduate student of piano with
Helen Titus, will present a pro-
gram at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday
Aug. 3, at the Rackham Assembly
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master od
Music degree. His program will in-
clude works by Bach, Beethoven
Hindemith, and Liszt, and is oped
to the public.
Student Recital: Alfred White
graduate student of piano with
Joseph Brinkman, will present 4
program at '4:15 p.m., Thursday,
Aug. 4, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, in partial fulfillment of thd
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. His program wil
include compositions by Bach,
Chopin, Mozart, and Schumann,
and is open to the public.
Student Recital: Barbara Blythe
Zerby, graduate student of piano
with John Kollen, will present a
program at 8:00 p.m. Thurs., Aug.
4 at the Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas7
ter of Music. Her program will in-
clude compositions by Bach, Beet-
hoven and Brahms, and is open to
the pudic.
Chamber Music Program: Stu
(Continued on Page 6)

, w I




A German-born professor visiting in Ger-
many during the summer barely escaped
from German conscription by taking the
liner Kaiser Wilhelm through the guns of
British and French cruisers..
* * *
The geology department unearthed a
great field of fossil bones in Wyoming. The
field was full of rhinoceroses and mam-
moth skulls and bones. Another field of
dinosour remains was found in Montana.
* * *
The St. Louis "Robin," a little monoplane
with two strong-minded and strong-bodied
pilots, landed after 420 hours in the sky, or
18 days. The men had broken the California
record by a week. The engine and men were
still in good shape, but a stabilizer strut gave
The United States broke the 20-year-old
trade treaty with Japan in preparation for
an arms embargo, but the next day aa

brand-new treaty was set up for the eager
* * *
German disaster was imminent in Nor-
mandy as Americans thrust back a vicious
German Tiger Tank attack 13 miles beyond
St. Lo. The English Eighth Army meanwhi
advanced to within sight of Florence.
* * *
Herb Barten, Michigan's track team cap-
tain, won the trial heat of the 800-meter
race at Wembley Stadium as the Olympics
Games got under way.
-From the Pages of The Daily.
HAS IT EVER struck you that the trouts
bite best on the Sabbath? God's critters
tempting decent men.
ALL CIVILIZATION has from time to time
become a thin crust over a volcano of

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of,
the University of Michigy aunder the'
authority of the Board in Cdntrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.......Co-Managing Editor
Craig wilson ......Co-Managing Editot
Merle Levin...........Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones....... Women's Editor
Bess Young................Librarian
Business Staff
obertCJames ....Business Manager
Dee Nelson......Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison ...Circulation Mgr.
James McStocker ... .Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to theduserfor republicatio
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at AnD-
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mat

........ . .


~ ~

, 1

F -

.. . z

Barnaby, I'm sorry I spoke so harshly to
you downstairs. I'm afraid I was upset-
_ _ _ _I


Look "how nice Gus the Ghost made
up the bed. You'd never believe
he was sleeping here, would you?

His mind is in a dream world miles away-
ltried to be nice to him and all he did
was talk some more about that ghost.

Barnaby! Did you hear Gus last night?
And the Invisible Leprechaun on the day
shift-Wonderful! Our pearls will be

Best job of clam irritating I've ever
promoted.. .They must be quite upset-

If they find we have thousands of dollars
in pearls cooking here they'll want a cut!
McSnoyd, you and Gus knock off work...,I

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