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August 03, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LIX, No. 31S



112 Million More.





Former King



By House Bill
Would Increase Pensions, Disability
Payments, Death Compensation
WASHINGTON-(AP)-Without a single vote in opposition, the
House passed and sent to the Senate yesterday a bill raising veterans
pensions and disability payments by more than $112,000,000 a year.
The measure sailed through despite objections from the White
House. The budget bureau informed Congress that tl", legislature
was not in accord with President Truman's program.
EVEN THOUGH no House member opposed the bill, there was a
roll call vote and 354 Congressmen got on record as favoring the
The first year's cost was estimated at $112,597,300 by the
Veterans Administration. It made no estmate of the cost in

°.. ORATORICAL 'ASSOCIATION LECTURERS-Speaking in the University's 1949-50 Lecture Series
are: (left to right) Mrs.. Franklin D. Roosevelt; Leland Stowe, journalism Pulitzer Prize winner; John
Mason Brown, associate editor of the Saturday Review of Literature; Adolphe Menjou, distinguished
actor; (not pictured) King Peter II of Yugoslavia and Mary Garden, former opera singer. Miss
Garden will open the series on Oct. 5 with her talk, "My Memories of the Opera." Stowe will give
\. ..the second lecture, "We Still Have Time to Win Peace," Oct. 26. On Nov. 7, Menjou will talk
on "Stairway to Stardom." Bunche will deliver the fourth talk, "United Nations Intervention in
Palestine," on Nov. 28. The date of Mrs. Roosevelt's talk, "The Citizens' Responsibility to the UN,"
has not been set. Brown will lecture on "Broadway in Review," Jan. 19. In the final lecture on
Feb 15, King Peter II will tell, "The Story of My Country."


'La Boheme'
On Boards
Giacomo Puccini's popular opera,
"La Boheme," will open a five-day
run at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The last of the presentations by
the Department of Speech this
summer, the Italian masterpiece
will run through Saturday and
will close next Monday night.
entine Windt, of the speech de-
partment. Wayne Dunlap will con-
duct the orchestra and is in
charge of musical direction.
The beloved opera, which is
in the standard repertoire of
every important opera house in
the world, is the product of col-
laboration by the Department of
Speech and the School of Music.
Selection of the principles in the
opera was made from the Opera
Workshop, and the 33 musicians
were chosen from the University
* * *
THE OPERA, which is Puccini's
most famous, ranks with two other
great compositions by the Italian
master-Madame Butterfly and
La Tosca.
Assistants to the director are:
Oren Parker, art director; Har-
old Ross, assistant art director;
Jack E. Bender, technical direc-
tor; and Helen Forrest Lauterer,
Richard Miller, tenor, will be
cast as Rudolph; Robert Sills,
baritone, as Marcel; and Norma
Heyde, soprano, as Mimi. Musetta
will be sung by Carol Neilson, so-
praon and Malcolm Foster, bari-
tone, will play Schaunard. Jack
Wilcox, bass, and Donald Price,
bass, will be cast as Colline and
Alcindoro, respectively.
Stephenson, Jacque Normand,
Elsie Bell, Ruth Campbell and Una
Chermerda are included in the
members of the chorus.
The list continues with Jean
Deal, Ralph Hamilton, Mary
Hammond, Beulah Hamkinson,
Donald Harris, Mildred Hart,
Suzanne Hendrian, William
Hinton, Donald, Hostetler, Car-
olyn Whittaker and Arlene Kool.
Valeska Howell, Alfred Johnson,
Phyllis Pletcher, Sunhild Rausch-
kolb, Betty Lou Robinson, Reid
Shelton, Janice Shively and Mar-
vin White conclude the list.
The well-known opera recounts
the alternately gay and sad life
of the Bohemian Left Bank in
Paris, circa 1830.
A few remaining tickets for all
performances through Monday
will go on sale today at the Box
office at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Expert To Speak

subsequent years.
VA estimated that 2,024,000 vet-
erans of the First and Second
World Wars and of the Spanish-
American War would be affected
by a section increasing disability
and death payments.
the bill:
Disability and death compensa-
tion rates and basic rates for serv-
ice-connected disability would be
increased. The rate for total dis-
ability would go up from $138 a
month to $150, with corresponding
raises for partial disability.
The monthly payments to
widows and dependent children
of wartime casualties would be
increased from the present $100
for a widow with one child to
$105. The payment for each ad-
ditional child would be $25 in-
stead of $15.
World War I veterans with dis-
abilities legally presumed to be
service-connected would get full
compensation instead of the pres-
ent 75 per cent.

Move To Deny Truman
Power To Arm Nations

WASHINGTON - (P)-A move-
ment to deny President Truman
the power to arm any nation he
thinks necessary developed in the
Senate's powerful combined com-
mittee on Foreign Relations and
Armed Services yesterday.
Members said that Senator Van-
denberg (Rep., Mich.) led the
drive to strip such powers from
the President's $1,450,000,000 pro-
gram to arm "free nations"
* * *
ALTHOUGH the Senators did
not want to be quoted by name,
some of them gave reporters this
account of what happened at a
closed session of their joint com-
mitttee with Secretary of State

SL Discusses Improvements
In Fall Voting Procedure

Plans for getting out a larger
vote at next fall's election were
discussed last night by the summer
Student Legislature.
Results of the discussion will be
given to the regular legislature in
the fall, in the form of a recom-
mendation on election procedure
from the summer SL.
LEGISLATORS agree that the
success of future SL activities will
depend largely upon the prestige
it gets from the size of the vote
in its elections.
To achieve more student par-
ticipation in elections, SL hopes
to improve conditions in voting
booths, making the whole elec-
tion process 'more convenient
for all concerned.
The warm weather legislators

will recommend a more virile pub-
licity campaign in the fall to ac-
quaint students with issues and
S* * *
tion rally might well be part of
such a campaign.
It was also suggested that
every effort be made to secure
competent election officials to
man the polling places in the
A training session for election
workers might result from this
Legislators also heard Tom Hun-
ter, co-chairman of the Graduate
Student Council's social commit-
tee, tell of some of the accomplish-
ments and purposes of the Grad

Acheson and Secretary of Defense
Vandenberg, who has been a
strong supporter of the bi-par-
tisan foreign policy, objected
vigorously to language in the
foreign arms bill that would let
the President supply arms to any
nation and permit him to recog-
nize a group of persons as a
nation for this purpose.
The influential Republican con-
tended this is the greatest grant
of power ever asked by a President
in peacetime.
* * *
fended the bill in its present form,
but agreed reluctantly to discuss
possible changes.
Secretary Johnson told the
committee he thinks it will take
five years to rearm our Allies
fully, but that the $1,450,000,-
000 now proposed will be the
largest single year's contribution
the U.S. will have to make.
Some committee members ques-
tioned a provision of the bill which
they said would permit heads of
government departments, rather
than the chiefs of staff, to de-
termine what military supplies and
equipment are surplus. Under the
administration's program, existing
surplus weapons and supplies that
originally cost $450,000,000 would
be sent to U.S. Allies.
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
HONOLULU - An attempt to
give Hawaii's government power
to seize stevedoring companies in-
volved in the 94-day-old dock
strike was killed in the territorial
senate yesterday.
* * *
head of the Ku Klux Klan in
Alabama went back to jail yes-
terday. A circuit judge ordered
that William Hugh Morris be
held until he produces secret
records of the white-robed or-
der. The decision said Morris
is still in contempt of court fail-
ing to deliver the Klan roster to
a grand jury.
FRANKFURT - U.S. military
governmlent tightened its anti-
smuggling net yesterday to cut
off a huge flow of black market
goods into Germany. Despite re-
cent creation of a customs control
force, large quantities of coffee,
cigarettes, chocolate and drugs
were reported still slipping into
the U.S. zone illegally. Officials
recently estimated the annual to-
tal at nearly $600,000,000.
* * *
CANTON - Four Chinese
Communist columns plunged
deeper into the rice growing
region of south-central China
yesterday. One column reached
a town only 235 miles from this
refugee Nationalist Capital. The
aneaetina t hreatned t+isnlmie

U.S. Forces
In Europe
To Remain
Are Prepared for
Any Emergency
LONDON-(P)-Present United
States Armed Forces in Europe
will be maintained, ready for any
emergency, and will be strength-
ened by an all-jet fighter air de-
fense in Germany, American mili-
tary chiefs disclosed yesterday.
The joint chiefs of staff gave
out this news in Grafenwoehr,
Germany, shortly before flying
here for their second stop on a
military fact-finding tour of North
Atlantic Treaty countries.
* * *
Chief of Staff, told reporters there
was rio prospect "that I know of"
that American occupation forces
in Germany will be reduced. They
constitute the bulk of American
land forces in Europe.
"Occupation troops are pre-
pared fc, any emergency," Brad-
ley said of the Americans who
police the U.S. Zone and guard
the demarcation line with So-
viet Eastern Germany.
Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, Air
Force Chief of Staff, disclosed that
jets will replace all propellor type
American fighters now in" Ger-
(AIR FORCE officials in Wash-
ington said there are now two
fighter groups in Germany, one
of F-80 Shooting Star jets and one
of F-47 Thunderbolt propellor
craft, each of 75 planes with 5 or
more spares. They said jets would
replace the Thunderbolts, with the
bulk of the transfer taking place
after Jan. 1, 1950.
Vandenberg said the big U.S.
Air Force base at Burtonwood,
England, will remain in full op-
eration after the Berlin Air-
lift is cut back to skeleton size
this fall. Burtonwood was estab-
lished more than a year ago to
service airlift planes during
Russia's Berlin blockade.
Bradley, Vandenberg and Adm.
Louis Denfeld, U.S. Chief of Naval
Operations, arrived in London last
night to continue their survey of
needs for bringing the 12-nation
Atlantic Pact into military effect.
Responsible big power inform-
ants here said the Americanstare
seeking, above all, assurance that
the Atlantic Pact Allies will accept
big-scale unficiation of strategic
planning, command and function-
ing of their armed forces.
The American chiefs are not
discussing the $1,450,000,000 For-
eign Arms Aid Program now be-
fore Congress in Washington.

WHEN STUDENTS do feel that their attiture on campus differs
from their attitude off campus they most often give as their reason
for this difference the fact that members of other racial groups on
campus are socially and/or intellectually superior to those off campus.
No significant differences were found among Jews, Protes-
tants, and Catholics.
"Is there any difference in your attitude toward members of
different racial groups on campus than in your attitude towards them
off campus?"
There is no difference in attitude on or off campus..........77%
Feel differently toward those on campus......................22%
"Can you explain it?"
Those on campus superior, higher class, above average,
from better families ......................................11%
More freedom on campus, different social standards
than at home, less social pressure.. .......................4%
Have no contact with them off campus........................ 3%
(last three figures included in 22%)
* * * *
A TOTAL OF 95% OF the students say there is no difference in
Nourse Sees No Trend
Toward U.S. Socialism

Minority Groups
Off, On Campus Views Compared
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the fifth of seven articles on the Survey Research
minority group report. Clip them-they will serve as the basis for student
and administrative action in the fall.)
(Co-Managing Editor)
Campus life in relation to minority group attitudes is studied
in the fifth section of the University Survey Research Center's report
on "Campus Attitudes Toward Minority Groups."
More than three-fourths of the students do not feel that there
is any difference in their attitude towards members of different racial
groups on or off campus.

* *


Of Yugoslavs
Wi Speak
Talks To Open
On October 5
Seven famous figures from the
fields of government, art, drama
and journalism will visit Hill Au-
ditorium in the University's 1949-
50 Lecture Course.
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt;
Ralph J. Bunche, United Nations
mediator in Palestine; King Peter
II of Yugoslavia; Adolphe Men-
jou, actor; Mary Garden, former
opera singer; John Mason Brown,;
critic; and Leland Stowe, journal-
ist, will take part in the lecture
* * *
THE SERIES, sponsored by the
Oratorical Association, will open
in October 5 when Miss Garden
speaks on "My Memoriesof th
For arquarters ofa century
Miss Garden was one of the
most colorful figures in the op-
eratic world..
In the past, she has sung at Hill
Auditorium under the auspices of
the Choral Union. At the age of
72 she will return from her home
in Scotland for a speaking tour
sponsored by the National Arts
winner in journalism, will talk on
"We Still Have Time to Win
Peace" in the second of the lec-
tures, on October 26.
A distinguished foreign corre-
spondent with the Chicago Daily
News, Stowe is now foreign ed-
itor for The Reporter, a news
Menjou, a distinguished actor,
also known as one of America
best dressed men, will sleak ox
"Stairway to Stardom" on No-
vember 7. He is the author of "It
Took Nine Tailors," an autobiog-
"United Nations Intervention in
Palestine," will be delivered by
Bunche on November 28. He has
distinguished himself by his work
in Palestine as Chief of the Trus-
teeship Division of the United Na-
tions. hf h s
Bunche was offered the posi-
tion of Assistant Secretary of
State a short time ago, and was
named the "Alumnus of the
Year" by the University of
Southern California.
Mrs. Roosevelt will visit the
campus sometime after the United
Nations Assembly adjourns, prob-
ably in January. The exact date
of her talk on "The Citizen's Re
sponsibility to the United Nation "
will be announced later.
* * *
the Saturday Review of Litera-
ture, will speak in Ann Arbor for
the fourth successive year on Jan-
uary 19. He will discuss current
Broadway plays and recent books
in his talk entitled "Broadway in
Anchor man for the lecture
series will be King Peter II. His
reign saw the dark days that
were finally climaxed, by the in-
vasion of Yugoslavia by Hitler
and the later Communist
struggle for control of the coun-
The King will tell "The Story
of My Country."
The Oratorical Association is
now accepting mail orders for sea-
son tickets for the series, and the
Hill Auditorium box office wi
open on Sept. 19.

Indonesia To
Be Sovereign
BATAVIA, Java - (P)-Repre
sentatives of the Indonesian Re-
public and 15 Dutch-backed states
of the East Indies agreed yester-
day to form a United States of
Indonesia which will accept sov-
ereignty under the Netherlands
The agreement still needs Dutch
approval. It will be submitted at a
forthcoming round-table confer-
ence on Indonesia's future.

Prof. Angell Receives
High UNESCO Position
Prof. Robert C. Angell, chairman of the sociology department.
will direct the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) project on international tensions in the fall.
He will leave New York about September 1 for Paris, where he
will make his headquarters.
* * * *
THIS UNESCO PROJECT involves a series of interrelated studies
aimed at finding what causes misunderstandings between nations and
possible ways in which friction and tension can be eliminated.
* * * Six general fields are to be
covered by the studies. They in-
1. The distinctive character of
' ~the various national cultures,
ideals and legal systems.
2. The ideas which the people
of one nation hold concerning
their own and other nations.
3. Modern methods developed
in education, political science,
philosophy and psychology for
ehanuin m ental attitude and the

The American economy is and
has always been a mixture of lais-
sez-faire and government control,
according to Edwin G. Nourse,
Chairman of the President's Coun-
cil of Economic Advisers.
Nourse spoke Monday evening,
as the final lecturer in the series
of natural resources lectures, on
the general subject of "Quo Vadi-
mus?" He will make a second
speech, the last in this series, at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
pose of the Employment Act of
1946, which set up the Council of
Economic Advisers. It was design-
ed to give systematic study on a
professional plane to the nation's
economic problems.
The goal, according to Nourse,
is to obtain maximum produc-
tion and employment, and to
check periods of unnecessary
"We are going to do more . .
socially minded thinking, but this

. . . does not mean authoritarian
planning." The Employment Act
speaks of "free competitive enter-
prise" and emphasizes the impor-
tant role of private capital, he
* * *
"THE INDIVIDUAL is given the
first chance. Only when private
enterprise proves that it is unable
or unwilling to function efficiently
in a given field does public enter-
prise step in."
The natural forces of supply
and demand and free competi-
tion are allowed to function, he
said. This is not planned econ-
omy; planned economy regu-
lates prices and amount of pro-
duction arbitrarily, he added.
This parallel functioning of
public and private enterprise has
been the American tradition,
Nourse said. At a very early period
in our history, for example, the
government stepped in to operate
the postal system-schools, roads,
and many other enterprises have
long been in the hands of the gov-
ernment, he declared.

Premiere 'Like Having IBaby'--Piston

"Tt's iust like having a baby!"

Stanley Quartet, that is. But he
onxa +hat thQ mmnoser alwavs

fessor of Music at Harvard, divides
his time hetween teaching and

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