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July 31, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-31

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Congressional Calendar

fihte Pe
by b. s. brown, co-managing editor

[ED A one-night stand at At 8:30, that awfully cute nurse reap-
rvice. peared, with a pink pill. It was a sleeping
ised to say that the crew pill, she explained. It seems that taps are
parish is friendly and effi- at 9 p.m.
I hesitated in consuming the pill. It al-
't have any gripes. I stag- most wasn't necessary. The music of Del
ront door, was directed to Elliott's orchestra at the League nearly
e third floor and then re- lulled me to sleep.
of my life. I buzzed for my cute little nurse. She
ked at me sympathetically ran in with a worried look on her face.
to her desk. When I told I nodded out of the window and asked her
she asked if I would like if she wanted to dance. Under unreason-
I nodded. weakly in the able pressure, I then took the pill.
she said, "But it will cost Before I fell asleep, I began to say a prayer
for the nurse for the pill had had its effects.
was putting it on rather I felt just as though I had guzzled a pint
s. It's a good thing I wasn't of the almighty spirits.
place, unconscious. I would At 6 a.m. (my usual rising hour, of course)
2 able to tell her that I another nurse gently awakened me by quietly
the payment of the dollar shouting a "good-morning" in my left ear.
lying there. As I opened my mouth to answer, she thrust
r did come promptly and a thermometer beneath my tongue.
room, after I had filled out Two hours later they brought me break-
vere almost as bad as the fast, consisting of orange juice, white
it registration. gruel and coffee. I took the liquids. The
nosis declared that I had gruel I returned to the kitchen with many
eat in a variety of restaur- happy returns of the day.
know that the food isn't Then Shirley came in. She was beautiful.
you get at home, but I Blonde hair (feather cut), a sparkling smile
it to be bad enough to send and a shapely nurse's cap. She walked up to
rvice. me, slinkily, took me by the hand and yanked
eries are raking in a fair me out of bed. She made my bed.
no reason why the food I asked her for The Daily. I knew it had
perly prepared. And it was been delivered. I had seen the delivery boy
ere was a slip up some- sleepily walk up to the entrance when I
was awakened in time to greet the early
te nurse handed me some morning light.
ich tasted like melted cam- She finally brought me The Daily at 10
rew it down bravely and a.m., about five minutes before I was
ter threw it up, just as discharged.
The doctor asked me if I would like to
inner. It was the most de- stay for lunch just before I left, but I
ale I ever tasted. About thought of the gruel and smiled a thanks
s feeling fine. I asked if I but no, thanks.
ith the inevitable answer But don't get me wrong. I love Health
earance of my clothes. Service. Especially Shirley.

- :V


Letters to the Editor


a IO ,~~


ilie Daily accords its readers the
Sivitege oft sublittintg letters or
piitic.t ion In tlii', co( U1711. Stlb)jet'
to space limitations, thLe general pub-
ic\ is to piblish in th.eC order in halit
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters ,andletters of a defaia-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of coi-
dezsing letters.
Viola Enthusiast . ..
To The Editor:
A few evenings ago some
friends and I happened to attend
a concert sponsored by the Cercle
Francais. The entire program was
unusually delightful and we were
very much impressed with the ar-
tistry of both the violist and the
pianist. The concert was of parti-

cular illLt'I' l to m' beause I ha1d
nev'r b-for "'erd a whole pro-
grain w ith the viola as a solo in-
struent. I .1fond hatiltthe viola
has a rich mellow tone, with var-
ied enough possibilities to make it
and excellent choice for solo work.
Why thcen isn't it used in this
manner more often? Thele has
been good music written for vi-
ola. On questioning a musical
friend on the subject, I find that
is just isn't the style. I vote for
initiating a new style. This friend
further told me that twenty years
ago solo cello concerts were almost
unheard of in America and now
a days are a common occurence.
Eo perhaps there is some hope
that. the viola will have its day
-Alice Rabson


i I







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im-Like almost everything other side. Something very like a vacuum
peculiar country, the in- now exists. The question is how to fill it.
istinct low comedy flavor. Siam has an army of some thirty thousand
one of Siam's large collec- reasonably good infantrymen, sufficient to
>rime ministers, a man of assure at least the ,internal security of the
and real intelligence. Yet country, except that they are very badly
11 Siamese, about half his armed. Siam is looking for arms.
a window seat wriggling his Small arms alone are not enough
.g and telling jokes. to bring this lesson home, .either here or
1 attempt was made to in- elsewhere. What is needed above all is a
note into the conversation, firm, clear American policy, which wilt'
kely to happen, the former convince Southeast Asia first, that the
d, if Indo-China as well as United States is not interested in restor-
Communists, and pressure ing colonialism in Asia; second, that the
on Siam? He giggled. "We United States is nevertheless not prepared
d, giggling merrily, to witness the substitution of a Communist
iggles, this prediction was imperialism for a European imperialism;
rfectly accurate one, as and third, that the United States is a
,nd, in the view of the power to be reckoned with.
ere. For many years, Siam To devise such a policy, and to make it
nly independent state in stick, is as hideously difficult a problem as
For all these years Siam has ever confronted the United States. Yet it
its independence, not by is not enough for the American policy mak-
but by a carefully cal. ers merely to throw up their hands in de-
af caving in when caving spair, for then the giggling prediction of
ble. the former prime minister, with all its dire
'nt cavein occurred during meaning, will certainly come true, and not
Marshal"n hibul Songgram only in Siam.
Vnashno w.When ghrap-n (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

W ASHINGTON - The idea oft
Congress repealing the law of
gravity is an old joke. Neverthe-t
less, the Senate is actually study-
ing what laws may be needed to
regulate man-made hurricanes.
The issue was brought up by
General Electric which asked Con-1
gress to exempt the company froml
damage suits for any wind, hail or1
rain storms it may cause.
General Electric is dead ser-
ious about this. For it has a con-
tract with the Navy to conduct
weather-making experiments in
the mountains near Schenec-
tady, N.Y. and wants to make
sure it is not held responsible
in case a bad storm is brewed.
The Navy appealed to Congress
on behalf of General Electric,
warning that its experiments "may
cause certain weather conditions
-rain, snow, hail and even in
some instances may develop hur-
ricanes and other high wind
This worried Senator Harley
Kilgore, West Virginia Democrat,
who called a hearing of his judi-
ciary subcommittee, nervously
asked about the danger of start-
ing a hurricane.
Earl Dressler, meteorologist forJ
the Office of Naval Research, ex-
plained: "We have found that in
seeding the cumulous-type cloud
that causes tornado or thunder-
storms, different results have come
about. Sometimes the cloud will
dissipate from the sky. So it is
very possible that one of the things
we may come out with is the
elimination of the tornado or the
elimination of hail from the coun-
Relieved at this, Kilgore went
on to another problem. He was
suspicious that General Electric
might learn how to control the
weather, then patent the proc-
"The next thing you know,"
he snorted, "General Electric will
have this whole thing patented,
and we will pay them a royalty
every time we turn around. It has
been my experience with General
Electric, Bell Research, Westing-
house . . . That they spend our
money and then turn around and
patent the results and they soak
us for it."
"If they could break the spell
of weather we have just been hav-
ing, Senator, I would be willing to
contribute," suggested the Navy's
Captain Chester Ward.
"I do not like to pay twice,"
grunted Kilgore.
Meanwhile, General Electric
must go on experimenting with
the weather at its own risk. Con-
gress will not pass a law-at this
Despite the North Atlantic Pact,
ex-Congressman Maury Maverick
found President Truman quite
Mexican-minded when he called at
the White House the other day.
"It looks as if you folks in
Washington have your eyes so
focused on Europe that you can't
see south of the border," Mav-
erick told the President. "In
fact, it looks as if Mexico would
have to move over to Europe in
order to get any attention from
the U.S.A."
Mr. Truman listened carefully,
took notes copiously. He showed
surprising knowledge of things
south of the border.
"I certainly agree that we can't
neglect our friends in Latin Amer-
ica," he told Maverick, and point-
ed out that he personally had
taken two trips to Brazil and

to facilitate the sale of beef from
a friendly neighbor, Mexico, rather
than from an unfriendly dictator-
ship, Argentina.
Tempers are as hot as the tem-
peratures these days on Capitol
Hill, with usual parliamentary po-
liteness broken by flashes of anger.
Two sparring partners, often
at each other's throats, are Sen-
ate majority leader Scott Lucas
of Illinois and Senator Pat Mc-
Carran of Nevada, both Demo-
crats. It's got to a point where
they don't even take the trouble
to expunge their heated remarks
from the record.
Latest flareup was over funds
for the watchdog committee sup-
posed to keep an eye on the Mar-
shall Plan. Created by the Repub-
licans, the committee is now
chairmanned by McCarran, and
when Lucas argued that the com-
mittee was costing too much
money,uthe Senator from Nevada
flared up.
"I think it would be well," he
piped, "for the Senator from Illi-
nois to have some conception of
the law before he says this com-
mittee is trying to branch out
all over the world."
"I thank the able Senator
from Nevada for that last con-
tribution of his," purred Lucas,
in a voice as sticky as molasses.
"I well know what a distin-
guished lawyer he is."'
"I did not ask the Senator for
that," snapped McCarran.
"I am not giving itto him be-
cause I like the Senator from
Nevada, and he is a great lawyer,"
Lucas replied, sweetly. "I would
not, under any circumstances, at-
tempt to compete with the great
legal ability he exercises on the
floor of the Senate."
At this the Nevadan puffed up
and exploded: "The sarcasm of
the Senator from Illinois . . ."
But Lucas cut him off with a
sharp: "I did not yield for that."
"The Senator was addressing me
personally," squeaked McCarran.
"Will he not yield?"
"I decline to yield. I hope the
Senator understands it!"
snapped the majority leader.
"I do understand it!" yelled Mc-
Finally Wisconsin's Alexander
Wiley, leader of the weekly wor-
ship hour for spiritual-minded
Senators, broke in.
"Peace, brethren, peace!" he
* *1 *
The natural gas lobby seems to
have concluded that John L. Lewis
is not the only controller of fuel
who can strike. In Telegrams to
Congressmen, the lobby has
threatened to shut off the nation's
natural gas -- unless Congress
passes a bill exempting indepen-
dent producers from Federal reg-
The warning was sent to
members of the House Com-
merce Committee just before
they were scheduled to meet on
the bill. Signed by Richard Wag-
ner, president of the Chicago
corporation-a holding company
which holds the purse strings
to many natural gas companies
-the telegram said:
"We are convinced that failure
to pass (this) bill would mean
hardship to consumers generally,
as most producers are determined
to avoid any sale in interstate
commerce until the natural gas
act is clarified."
This threatened strike by pro-
ducers is the climax of a long.

All notices for the Daily Official i
Bulletin aresto be sent to the OfficB
of the Summer Session in typewritten B
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced- j
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 30S f(
Notices i
The Creole Oil Co. is in needP
of two women teachers for itst
school in Venezuela. One position s
calls for a primary teacher, theA
other, for a teacher of the inter-N
mediate grades. Experience is re-
quired. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
Public Administration Students:
Films on administrative manage-B
ment will be shown on Tuesday,
August 2, from 2 to 4 p.m. in theE
East Lecture Room, Rackham
Building. All interested persons p
cordially invited.
Student Loan Prints: All Stu- n
dent Loan Priits rented for thes
Summer Session are to be returnedV
to Room 508 (basement), Admin-'
istration Building, by August 5.P
A fine of five cents will be chargeda
for each day the picture is heldc
after that date.
The office is open from 8-12
a.m. and 1-5 p.m. Monday throughC
Friday. v
La Boheme, Puccini's world fa-t
mous opera will open Wednesdayt
night at Lydia Mendelssohn The-r
ater, 8 p.m. This last summer pre-t
sentation of the Department of
Speech will be produced in con-
junction with the School of Mu-n
sic. "La Boheme" will have a five
day run, Aug. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.1
Tickets are on sale at the Theaterl
box office, open from 10 a.m. to1
5 p.m.
Square Dance sponsored by theQ
Graduate Outing Club will be held
Wednesday, Aug. 3, at 8 p.m. in
the Graduate Outing Club rooms<
on the Ground Floor of the Rack-4
ham Building. There is a smallI
admission charge. Everyone in-
Russian Circle Meeting, Monday,f
Aug. 1 at 8 p.m. at InternationalG
Center. Program: Movies about1
Russia. All interested are invit-
Graduate Outing Club will meet
at 2:15 p.m. Sunday, July 31, at
the Northwest Entrance of the1
Rackham Building, for swimming.k
All Graduate students are invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John
Krapcho, Pharmaceutical Chemis-i
try; thesis: "Synthetic Analgesics.
Cycle Analogs of Amidone," Tues-(
day, Aug. 2, 2525 Chemistry Bldg.,c
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F.
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics. Tuesday, Aug. 2, 3-5 p.m.
Tea at 4 p.m., Room 3001 Angell;
Hall. Mr. Arnold will speak on1
"Euclidean Areas and Volumes."
Mr. Lubelfeld will speak on "A
decomposition of the surface of
a sphere." .
Botanical Seminar: Wednesday,
evening, Aug. 3, room 1139 Nat-
ural Science Building. Dr. Ken-
neth L. Jones will discuss his work
on "Screening for Microbes that
Produce Antibiotics." Everyone
interested is invited.
Doctoral Examination for John
Krapchio, Pharmaceutical Chem-
istry; thesis: "Synthetic Analge-
sics. Cyclic Analogs of Amidone,"

Tuesday; Aug. 2, 2525 Chemistry
Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, F. F.
Refresher Course in School Vo-
cal Music, Hussey Room, Michigan
League, Monday, Aug. 1. Program:
9, Creative Activities in School

ng, Jon Curry, Leola Hoke, Edith
3ugg, Robert Bartholemew, Mar-
orie Hubbard, Frances Gillett.
The Linguistic Instliute lectures
.or the coming week will feature
hree outstanding visiting ling-
ists. On Tuesday evening at 7:30
n the Rackham Amphitheatre
Professor Thomas A. Sebeck of
the University of Indiana will
peak on "The Meaning of 'Ural-
On Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the
Michigan Union Professor W. E.
Bull of Washington University,
t. Louis, will discuss "Objective
Determinants Affecting Tense-
Time Systems."
The third lecture will be by
Professor W. Freeman Twaddell of
Brown University on "Analogy."
He will speak in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre on Thursday at 7:30
Lecture: Miss Josefina Mesa,
ioted Mexican costume artist, will
speak on her experiences in art,
West Gallery, Rackham Building,
Tuesday, Aug. 2, at 8 p.m., aus-
pices of the Sociedad Hispanic
and Casa Espanola. The public is
cordially invited.
Summer Session Lecture Series.
General subject, sixth week: Quo
Vadimus? Edwin G. Nourse, Coun-
cil of Economic Advisers, Execu-
tive Office of the President, "Na-
tional Resources and Maximum
Production," 8 p.m., Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, Monday, Aug. 1.
Tuesday, Aug. 2: Lecture. "Ro-
man Law and Its Influence on
Western Civilization." Professor
H. E. Yntema, professor of com-
parative law. 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Tuesday, Aug. 2. India Collo-
quim. "Hindu Thought from Rig-
Veda to Rabindranath Tagore."
Speaker: Professor Benoy Sarkar.
Chairman, Professor Hans Kurath.
4:15 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
Lecture. Tuesday, Aug. 2. "The
Meaning of 'Ural-Altaic'." Pro-
fessor Thomas A. Sebeok, Univer-
sity of Indiana. 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Arthur Kennett,
pianist, 8 p.m., Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Monday, Aug. 1.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University carillonneur, will are-
sent a program on Monday, Aug.
1, at 7:15 p.m. His program will
include compositions as follows:
4 old Italian Pieces; 2 Carillon
compositions; and 6 Latin Ameri-
can Songs.
The Rackham Terrace is open
to the public for those who would
like to listen to the concert.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Mary Crawford,
pianist. 4:15 p.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall on Tuesday, Aug. 2.
Faculty Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Stanley Quar-
tet. 8 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall
on Tuesday, Aug. 2.
Chamber Music Program: Stu-
dents of Paul Doktor and Oliver
Edel will present a program of
chambertmusic on Wednesday;
Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. in the Hussey
Room of the Michigan League.
Their program will include a quar-
tet by Beethoven, a quarte by
Mozart, and a sonata for viola and
piano by Milhaud. This program
is open to the public.

Rackham Galleries, east gallery.
Paintings by Willard MacGregor.
Visiting Professor of Piano, School


:~ t4duu k{

cess if the Com-'
vhich is in many
Communist drive Fifty-Ninth Year
L) gains sufficient Editedand managed by students of the University
.) gins uffiient of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Siam. Phibul has Control of Student Publications.
mmunist line and
Yet someone will Editorial Staff
B the only sensible B. S. Brown..................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson ...............Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin......................Sports Editor
mean a full fledged Marilyn Jones............... Women's Editor
Bess Young........... .Librarian
ntually, no doubt,B
uld be transformedusiness Staf
RobertC. James ............. ...Business Manager
acy," complete with Dee Nelson....................Advertising Manager
arxist Leninist ex- Ethel Ann Morrison..........Circulation Manager
James McStocker................Finance Manager
's. But at first it is Telephone 2 3-24-1
would merely be- _6_
of Japanese power,
o suit Communist Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
ios. Siam will cave to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
from one side, and are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
a vacuum on the gan. as second-class mail matter.

cnod did afin job friofrtaing our

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