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July 30, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-30

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t) V;

VERY FEW WORLD federalists expect to
see a unified world government in the
immediate future. They realized that con-
vincing nations to abandon nationalism is
something which is going to take a long time.
Rut very few world federalists would
support the Atlantic Pact, hoping that it
will frighten Russia to "come around" and
"Join the fold."
The Atlantic Pact provides for "coopera-
tion" between the U.S. and most of Western
Europe. There is just one thing that this
coalition will "show Russia" and that is that
she must prepare for war just as quickly as
possible because the nations are already lined
up against her.
This balance of power is opposed to the
most fundamental principles of world gov-
ernment and most certainly can never lead
to it.
The organization which might have
evolved into an effective world govern-
ment, the U.N., is snubbed rather rudely
by the Atlantic Pact. It is claimed that
the UN Charter explicitly permits de-
fensive regional agreements.
But it certainly takes a lot of imagination
to see where an agreement between the U.S.
and Western Europe could be called "re-
If we are sincerely concerned with mak-
ing the UN a body which would preserve
peace and eventually become an effective
world government, let's not look for loop-
holes in its charter, but rather give it our
whole-hearted support.
--Alice Platt.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
e It's the Weather
WAS SITTING ON the steps of the Eco-
nomics Building, idly browsing through
my Daily, when I felt the eyes of an over-
the-shoulder reader peering down the front
"The Daily is really terrific this summer,"
she said.
"You know, it would be nice if the paper
was this good during the regular year.
"I mean, in the summer The Daily says
what it wants to say and doesn't bother
being so careful, like it does in the winter.
"I guess they're not as worried about fol-
lowing some fool rules. It's too hot.
"But that's what makes it top stuff.
"There's only one thing wrong," she con-
cluded. "Howv much longer do we have to
read about cats?"

Arboretum Band Shell

"How Do You Feel?"

Letters to the Editor -

THURSDAY EVENING'S band concert in
the Law Quad served as further proof
that summer band music under the stars
can be one of the most enjoyable forms of
warm weather entertainment.
The Gothic spires of the law library and
the soft green of the surrounding lawns
provided a perfect artistic setting for the
"Stars and Stripes Forever" and other fa-
vorite concert airs.
However, the Law Quad grass is not the
most comfortable sort of a seat, especially
when it is moist from a light rain. And
if frequent concerts were to be given in
the Quad, the fine grass would eventually
suffer from the trampling of the throngs
of music lovers.
A band shell in the arboretum would be
a much better place for such concerts.
Such a shell would undoubtedly be expen-
sive. If the arboretum were used as a site,
several new streets would have to be built,
and a considerable amount of grading would
be necessary. The shell itself plus the nec-
essary seating and lighting installations
would be quite costly.
But the final product of such expendi-

tures could be something of which the
University and the city could be proud.
It would will one of the few gaps in the
community's entrtainmient spnere.
Not only could band concerts be given
in the shell, but a whole range of summer-
time entertainment and educational activ-
ities could be carried on from its stage.
Orchestral and vocal concerts, lectures,
speeches--even certain dramatic productions
could take place on its stage There might
even be a possibility of a summer season of
open air light opera in such a setting.
At Thursday night's concert, Prof. Re-
velli, the band conductor, suggested that
such a band shell would make a regularly
scheduled series of summer band con-
certs possible.
The enthusiastic applause which greeted
his suggestion shows that there would be a
considerable amount of public backing for a
band-shell promoting project.
It seems to me that an attempt to build
a band shell in the arboretum, or in any.
other desirable location, would be worthy of
the best efforts of both University officials
and civic leaders of Ann Arbor.
-Paul Brentlinger.

"- F-pF" V





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WashiEngton Merry-Go-Round


WASHINGTON-What may have been a
significant conference was scheduled in
New York this week between Cardinal
Mooney of Detroit and Cardinal Stritch of
Chicago, who called on Cardinal Spellman.
What they planned to talk about is not
known. But it is known that on the pre-
ceding evening, when the distinguished pre-
lates ,from Chicago and Detroit attended a
preview of the motion picture, "Come To the
Stable," they did not appear happy over
Cardinal Spellman's attack on Mrs. Roose-
This brings up a highly important point
now widely asked in both political and de-
nominational circles, namely-did Card-
inal Spellman speak for the Catholic
Church or only for himself when he wrote
his letter to Mrs. Roosevelt?
The answer, according to lay Catholic
leaders and to Catholic newspapermen, may
lie in the fact that Cardinal Spellman is
not popular with various of the Catholic
hierarchy. Catholic leaders interviewed this
week pointed out that Spellman has jurisdic-
tion over only the New York metropolitan
area, excluding Brooklyn which is under the
jurisdiction of Bishop Molloy.
They also pointed out that, despite this,
the New York Cardinal has shown great dex-
terity in placing his own friends in certain
key spots where they can influence church
policy. Recently, he appointed one of his
proteges, Father Thomas J. McCarthy, to
be chief of the National Catholic Welfare





Many University professors were reported
"in danger of being stranded in European
countries by the war there." Others cabled
the University that they were safe on board
ship headed for home or England. In addi-
tion to the danger to personnel, some $10,000
worth of chemicals and supplies ordered
from Germany have been cancelled.
The skeleton of an extinct hippopotamus
found in Madagascar will be on display at
the Museums in the fall, after it gets put
together by its "keeper." The skull has al-
ready been mounted and was on display.
* * *
Tile and marble work on the new Union
swimming pool was expected to be completed
by the end of the summer. The pool, costing
some $48,000, was to be the best in the
contry; only catch on its completion was
lack of funds-about $16,000 worth.
The French proved their cycling skill as
the best in the world as they took all eight
first places in the Olympics marathon. The
winning cyclist rode the 117-mile distance
in six hours and 20 minutes.
The American doubles tennis team turned
around and whipped the French team at
Paris, but were still behind the French in
the race for the coveted Davis Cup, symbol
of world tennis supremacy. The French were
all-powerful in the singles, but gave way to
the Americans in the doubles.
Eugene L. Patterson (female) was the first
of her sex to swim the Hellespont. She did
it with two other gals in an hour and a
A $150,000 "snow cruiser" has been built
for a fancy Antarctic expedition in October.
The snowmobile was 55 feet long and 15
feet wide, and had complete accommodations
for four to six men and a complete lab. A
five-passenger "flying lab" was carried on
its back.
Ten years ago it was like this: An ad

in The Daily (1939)
a carton, or two for

ran cigarettes at $1.15
25 cents.

Lt. Gen. Leslie J. McNair, former com-
mander of the Army Ground Corps, was
killed by enemy fire while directing opera-
tions in France.
A Bloody Four, consisting of Hitler, Goer-
ing, Goebbels and Himmler have been de-
clared to rule all of Germany, both military
and domestic, through her desperate fight
to prolong the war or to get better peace
terms than they expected.
The Progressive Party, at its "Hayloft Ho-
down" Convention, adopted a platform of
"Wallace or War" which called for Peace
with Russia, repeal of the draft law, de-
struction of all atom bombs, and many
More than 300 were known dead and 6,200
injured in the series of blasts that rocked
the I. G. Forben Chemical Plants in Ger-
many. The explosions occurred in the French

Conference Information Bureau which dis-
tributes news to all Catholic papers.
Another of Spellman's proteges, J.
Francis McIntyre, was appointed Arch-
bishop of Los Angeles, an appointment re-
sented by many southern California Cath-
olics where the population is largely Ital-
ian and Mexican and not appreciative of
an Irish clergyman all the way from New
York. This is the first time an archbishop
has been appointed, to that area who could
not speak Spanish.
* * *
Some years ago, Spellman wrote a speech
for Jimmy Roosevelt to deliver at Spring-
field, Mass., in favor of the child labor law
-a law opposed by Cardinal O'Connell of
Boston. Spellman had served under O'Con-
nell as his auxiliary bishop, and when Spell-
man was promoted to be Archbishop of New
York, a Catholic newspaperman congratu-
la-ted Cardinal O'Connell. The much-loved
prelate did not reply immediately. Finally,
with a note of sadness, he said:
"Francis epitomizes what happens to a
bookkeeper when you teach him how to
Many of the Catholic hierarchy have
felt that Cardinal Spellman's frequent
visits at the White House, his widely pub-
licized magazine articles, and his various
visits to Europe were part of a campaign
to make him papal secretary and later the
first American Pope.
It 'is recalled that when the American
Cardinals-designate went to the Vatican to
receive their red hats, Spellman alone was
kissed by the Pope. At that time, the lat
Cardinal Glennon of St. Louis remarked
to Congressman Joseph Casey of Massa-
chusetts, who accompanied him to Rome:
"I hear Spellman wants to be papal sec-
retary. He'll have us all in hot water."
That, many Catholics fear, is now what
has happened. They point to the con-
stantly growing Ku Klux Klan and to the
zooming sales of Paul Blanshard's book,
"American Freedom and Catholic Power."
The book received almost no reviews in
the press; while even advertisements were
banned by the New Yorw Times. Neverthe-
less, the book has gone into its fifth print-
ing since Cardinal Spellman's blast against
Congressman Barden of North Carolina.
And since his attack on Mrs. Roosevelt, the
sales have skyrocketed.
All of which is why, in fairness to all
Catholics, it should be noted that Cardinal
Spellman appears to represent only one seg-
ment of his church.
In two widely separated American cities,
two attempts are being staged at encourag-
ing people-to-people friendship-the 'only
sure way top revent war.
In Philadelphia-Is located the oldest in-
ternational house in the country, established
to house and encourage foreign students in
the United States.
In Jacksonville, Alabama-Is located the
youngest international house in the country,
established for the same purpose and ob-
Jacksonville is a small town-about 10,-
000. It has no great local industries, no
wealthy taxppying population, but a pop-
ulation which, living inland, doesn't worry
too much about enemy attacks. Yet it
raised the money to build its own inter-
national house for foreign students.
Philadelphia, third largest city in the
U.S.A., is called "the city of brotherly love."
Philadelphia lived up to its traditions by
founding the first international house in
the entire country. But now, slow, sleepy
Philadelphia feels less brotherly. Its inter-
national house has already cut its budget,
begun to fire personnel, while down in Ala-
bama, the Jacksonville foreign students proj-
ect is going strong.
*A * * S

RANGOON, Burma-Here as elsewhere in Asia, the nationalist lead-
ers who are now trying to govern Burma are rather like intelligent
but neurotic adolescents. They are adolescents in their lack of experi-
ence of the hard realities of power and politics. And they are neurotic
in their obsessive fear of losing their hard-won independence.
Yet because Burma's leaders are also highly intelligent, they
are capable of learning. They are now learning some difficult lessons.
It is this which makes it possible to say that the mess which is Burma
today is not a hopeless mess.
The first lesson, which they have already learned, is that
Communists are Communists. Like Indonesia's, Burma's national-
ist government had originally a strong fellow-traveling coloration.
Every possible effort was made to appease the Communists. When
the Communists, nevertheless, took up arms against the goveri-
ment, in obedience to the Kremlin's Asian strategy, the fellow-
traveling tinge began rapidly to fade, although it has not yet
faded out entirely.
The second lesson which the Burmese leaders are learning is
that they must have a settlement with the rebellious Karens. As
long as the tough Karens are in revolt, Burma will remain a quivering
jelly which the Chinese Communists will ultimately consume with
ease. If the authority of the government is to be reestablished, the
Karens must be transformed from the enemies of the government
into its active allies.
The third lesson has been, for quite understandable reasons, the
most difficult to learn. It is simply that without some help from the
outside, the mess in Burma will never be cleared up, and the
Communists will inherit the power which the British surrendered.
This lesson has been so difficult because the Burmese leaders
react to anythingThat smacks of "intervention" as though they
had been flicked with a whip in an open wound. They are ob-
sessed with the fear that somehow the British, or even perhaps
the Americans, will seize power in Burma. However unreasonable
this fear may be, it is necessary to recognize its existence to
understand not only what is going on here but elsewhere in Asia.
"You've got to remember," remarked one astute American here,
"that they're as scared of us as they are of the Communists."
This is still partly true, but it is a great deal less true than it
was only a few months ago, when it was impossible to help the gov-
ernment of Burma simply because the government refused all help.
Now, by way of contrast, the Burmese leaders are reluctantly con-
sidering the possibility of outside mediation in their dispute with the
Karens, which is probably the only way a settlement with the
Karens can be achieved. Moreover, they are nervously toying with a
British Commonwealth offer of aid in the form of money and
They are inspecting the offer from every possible angle, to make
sure that no imperialist strings are attached, but they have gone
so far as to send Vice-Premier Ne Win to London to talk things over.
And finally, Premier Thakin Nu has made an open bid for American
capital investment in Burma, which would have been unthinkable
a few months ago.
Thakin Nu's bid is hardly likely to find an eager response
now, simply because any capitalist would be mad to invest a dollar
in Burma today. Yet if only the mess can be cleared up in time,
through a settlement with the Karens and help from the
Commonwealth, there will be breathtaking opportunities for eco-
nomic development in this rich country, with its huge unexploited
coal and oil reserves and its great food surplus. With peace,
capital investment, and technical assistance, a sudden, sharp rise
in the standard of living of the people here is wholly predictable.
Thus a Burma with a political and economic structure sufficiently
strong permanently to withstand the Communist drive south in
Asia is at least possible. But it is no more than possible. It is based
on a whole series of ifs-if a settlement with the Karens can be
reached, if effective economic and military aid is forthcoming from
the British Commonwealth, if the necessary capital and technical
assistance comes from the United States, above all if there is time
to clean up the mess before the Chinese Communist armies reach
the borders of Burma.
There is still a chance here, and clearly the United States, work-
ing with the British Commonwealth, should do everything that can
be done to increase the chance. But it is only necessary to add up the
ifs to realize that in losing China we have risked losing not only Burma,
but the whole vast, fabulously rich, strategically vital region of South-
east Asia.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
PETE, THE HIPPOPOTAMUS, at the Bronx Zoo has passed his
46th year. For a hippo this is the same as the hundred mark
for a human.
To what does Pete attribute his longevity? From the voiceless
lips of the unreplying "water horse" there comes no word. But
his keeper, Bob Montana, says, "Pete never had a romance."
-St. Louis Star-Times.

he Daily accords its readers the
p~rivilege of 'submiitting etters for
publication in this column. Subet
to space limitations, the general po-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reseve the privilege of con-
densing letters,
** *
Rev iew
To the Editor:
THE DAILY'S article on the
"Fountainhead" is somewhat
less than adequate. It is not a
review, since it does not retell
the story; it is not a critical work
as the author has no standards;
perhaps it can be called a poll-
since the author spent a great deal
of time watching and listening to
the audience.
Since this is an approved tactic
to test the sales value of such
commodities as soap and automo-
biles we cannot really deprecate it;
although we can safely assume
that it holds a less important place
in judging the value of a work of
I was at the Michigan during
the screening of "Mourning Be-
comes Electra." There was laugh-
ter then also. But "Gulliver's
Travels" has described the- Ya-
hoos much better than I possibly
could. Since great numbers of sod-
busters, apple-knockers, bobby-
soxers and fraternity and sorority
kids attend the movies it is pos-
sible that a poll of their opinion
is not of nuch artistic or critical
I have read the novel and have
seen the picture. The picture does
not follow the novel faithfully-
but the author of the novel also
wrote the screen play and it was
her privilege to edit it in any way
that fitted her artistic judgment.
Since your writer seemingly has
never heard of restraint, under-
playing for effect and has no abil-
ity to judge one of the finest
movies of the year perhaps she
followed "Time" and "New York-
er") I am enclosing a paper nap-
kin for her to wipe behind her
ears. When this is no longer nec-
essary she will be ready for her
-L. V. Young.
'I' *
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH the article written
by Mr. Neufeld in The Mich-
igan Daily on July 27 regarding
the National Lobby to Save 52-
20 was accurate, as far as it went,
there are a few points which I
believe need explanation and am-
In the upper house, as the ar-
ticle pointed out, a bill to extend
52-20, although not an adequate
bill, was passed unanimously by
the Senate Labor Committee last
Friday and passage by the Sen-
ate is expected imminently. It is
worth noting, however, that when
interviewed by delegates, Sen.
Wherry, Minority Leader, placed
all responsibility for passage of
the bill on the Administration,
and Sen. Lucas, Majority Leader,
despite Pres. Truman's "state-
ments" in favor of 52-20, had
done, and was expected to do
very little to push the bill.
In the House of Representatives,
too, Republicans shifted all re-
sponsibility to the Democrats and

the Democrats shlruged off same.
No matter how they sqirmed, how-
ever, it was clear that the Demo-
crats could pass 52-20 if they
wanted to, for although the Ad-
ministration could, at this point,
do very little to get the bill re-
ported out by the House Veteran
Affairs Committee, which was
commanded by Rep. Rankin,
(Dem., Miss), in the case of a
discharge petition being circulated
by Rep. Huber, (Dem., Ohio), the
Administration could, if it so de-
sired, obtain the necessary num-
ber of signatures (218) which
would bring the bill to the floor
of the House regardless of the
Veteran Affairs Committee and
Rep. Rankin, Obviously the Ad-
ministration had no intention of
pushing the bill.
Although continued attempts
will be made to secure the re-
quired number of signatures on
the Huber Discharge Petition,
(slight changes in the dates of
the bill will now have to be made)
the major attempt to have the bill
passed will rest on another parlia-
mentary method, On the first and
third Mondays of each month, ac-
cording to House rules, a mem-
ber may rise and, if recognized,
move for a suspension of the rules
in order to consider certain legis-
lation. There is no debate on the
motion, which is followed by forty
minutes of discussion on the leg-
islation and then a vote is taken
in which a two-thirds majority is
needed to pass the bill. A number
of congressmen have already
promised that on Aug. 1, and
then again on Aug. 15, one of
them will rise to seek recognition
to move that the House rules be
suspended in order to consider a
bill to extend 52-20. Now it is felt
that when faced by a roll call vote
directly on this issue of 52-20,
two-thirds will vote for extension,
whereas, when asked to sign a
discharge petition, many hide be-
hind the false front of a claim
that they don't believe in dis-
charge petitions, or they will do
no good, or some similar rot.
Therefore, although it is ab-
solutely necessary to pressure
individual Congressmen into
voting for 52-20 when it comes
to a vote on the floor, the key
to the success of this attempt
to pass 52-20, which the Pres-
ident has said he is for, lies in
the hands of one man, the Ad-
ministration's representative in
the House, Speaker Sam Ray-
burn, (Dem., Tex.), for it will be
up to him, and no one else, to
recognize a member who will
move for suspension of the rules.
52-20 can be passed if enough
organizations and individuals con-
tact their own congressmen and
Speaker Rayburn to tell them that
52-20 must bepassed.
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank those people, who,
by their donations, made our trip
to Washington possible. During
our trip, however, unexpected ex-
penses were incurred when one of
our cars turned over on the road
(none were hurt and the people
went on to Washington) and when
a great deal of trouble was had
with our other car. Therefore, I
should like to make an appeal to
friends of the Young Progressives
and those in sympathy with the
campaign to save 52-20 to help
liquidate the debts that this trip
has brought upon us. Please send
all donations to me at 807 South
-Al Fishman.


zone, but Americans assisted in
German police estimated 500 to
-From the Pages of

rescue work.
600 killed.
The Daily.

U . .P t . t tlt tt l

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 29S
Women Students attending the
League - dance July 30 have 1:30
a.m. permission. Calling hours will
not be extended.
The Creole Oil Co. is in need
of two women teachers for its
school in Venezuela. One position
calls for a primary teacher, the
other, for a teacher of the inter-
mediate grades. Experience is re-
quired. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Linguistic Institute lectures
for the coming week will feature
three outstanding visiting ling-
uists. On Tuesday evening at 7:30
in the Rackham Amphitheatre

Professor Thomas A. Sebeck of
the University of Indiana will
speak on "The Meaning of 'Ural-
On Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in
the Michigan Union Professor W.
E. Bull of Washington University,
St. Louis, will discuss "Objective
Determinants Affecting Tense-
Time Systems."
The third lecture will be by
Professor W. Freeman Twaddell of
Brown University on "Analogy."
He will speak in the Rackham
Amphitheatre on Thursday at 7:30
The Departments of Aeronau-
tical Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics will present F. R.
Shanley, Consulting Engineer,
Rand Corporation, in two special
lectures. The first is Friday, July
29, at 4:00 p.m.; the second, Sat-
urday, July 30, at 11:00 a.m. Both
lectures will be held in Rm. 445,
West Engineering Building. His
topic will be "Optimum Structural
Design." All who are interested are
invited to attend.
Lecture: Miss Josefina Mesa,
noted Mexican costume artist, will
(Continued on Page 4)


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson ..................Co-Managing Editor
MerleLevin .........................Sports Editor


No matter where we row the
sound carries over the water-

That's fine, McSnoyd. The clams must be
[very annoyed indeed-Knock off for supper

facKmrss ed
The noise has stopped. IE

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