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July 29, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-29

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

"I've Got The Drop On You, See? One Little Move,
See?~ "

Letters to the Editor

fresh carton for two old ones. The overage
cartons he planend to sell to the Japanese
at an estimated profit of $5,000,000.
When General Clay heard about this, Hu-
bert Fountleroy Julian was sent eagling on
his way back to the U.S.A. and to the man
who sent him-Harry Vaughan.
Quiet, middle-of-the-road Guy Gabrielson,
GOP committeeman from New Jersey, looks
like the new GOP chairman. Having spent
twenty years in the middle west, he is geo-
graphically O.K, and reasonably nonpar-
tisan. In the clinches, he might lean to-
ward Stassen . . through a twist of fate,
the Senate probe of the U.S. Lines' new
luxury liner has been placed in the hands
of North Carolina's Clyde Hoey. Senator
Hoey is the brother-in-law of the late 0.
Max Gardner, attorney for the U.S. Lines.
However, fair-minded Hoey will let the chips
fall where they may ...
Washington rumor has it that the FBI
is investigating two high Federal judges
because of alleged Communism. Here is
all there is to the story: Two judges are
being given a routine check-Judge
Charles Wyzanski of Boston, who has been
quoted as stating that if he were called
before the Un-American Activities Com-
mittee he would tell them to "go to hell";
and Judge Leon Yankwich of Los An--
geles, because of some speeches reported
to have been too "liberal" for West Coast
In Justice Department books, however,
both judges rate high, and the FBI check
is merely of the routine type made when-
ever a complaint is received. Judge Yank-
wich, a champion of the underdog, is author
of the famous phrase: "There are no illegit-
imate children; only illegitimate parents."
Little noticed in the Congressional shuffle
is a bill for creating fresh water out of ocean
water, which might revolutionize the water
supply of many cities.
Introduced by farsighted Senator Joe
O'Mahoney of Wyoming, the bill appro-
priates $50,000,000 to set up two pilot
plants on the East Coast and West Coast
to experiment with distilling sea water.
What most people don't realize is that
fresh water is becoming an increasing prob
lem in some parts of the U.S.A. In Queens
County, Long Island, for instance, the fresh-
water level is 35 feet under the sea level,
so there is constant danger of salt water
contaminating the fresh-water supply.
In Ohio, likewise, deep wells plus heavy
use of water by industry have sent the
water level down to an alarming point.
Distilling fresh water from salt water is
done constantly aboard ships, but in rela-
tively small qantities and at relatively high
expense. If the expense could be reduced,
and sal, water could be distilled on a whole-
sale scale, the water supply for cities like
Los Angeles and San Diego might be revolu-
(Copyright, 1949, Bell Syndicate, Inc)
Czech archeologist has discovered skele-
tons of a vertebrate, living several million
years ago, that had three eyes-one in the
top of its head.
For some reason this creature, the stegoce-
phal, became extinct. What a pity he did
not live till the present age! He would have
been admirably equipped to withstand the
struggle for existence in the day of the
airplane, high buildings and television.
-St. Louis Star-Times.
OUR LIFE is like some vast lake that is
slowly filling with the stream of our
years. As the waters creep surely upward the
landmarks of the past are one by one sub-
merged. But there shall always be memory to
lift its head above the tide until the lake is

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


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All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to thewOffice
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 28S
English 180s, section 2, will meet
Friday, July 29, instead of today,
at 11:00, 1007 A.H. Mr. John A.
Sargent and Mr. Nafe E. Katter
will read poems by Dickinson,
Whitman, and Sandburg. All stu-
dents interested in poetry are in-
vited to attend.
Veterans presently enrolled un-
der the G.I. Bill, who plan to use'
those benefits in any other insti-
tution or for on-the-job training
in the fall, should call at the Vet-
erans Service Bureau, Room 555
Administration Building (hours 8-
12; 1-5) at their earliest conven-
ience to make arrangements to ob-
tain a Supplemental Certificate of
Eligibility for use at that time.
The Public School of Minneap-
olis are in need of teachers of
Handicapped Children. Teachers
are needed to instruct the Blind,
Deaf, Mentally Retarded, Crippled,
and those with Speech defects.
The Bureau of Appointments
has receivedaa call for a teacher
of Chemistry. The Ph.D. is re-
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg. or call ext.
Women Students attending the
League dance July 30 have 1:30
a.m. permission. Calling hours will
not be extended.
* * *
The Creole Oil Co. is in need
of two women teachers for its
school in Venezuela. One position
calls for a primary teacher, the
other, for a teacher of the inter-
mediate grades. Experience is re-
quired. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Departments of Aeronau-
tical Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics will present . F. R.
Shanley, Consulting Engineer,
Rand Corporation, in two special
lectures. The first is Friday, July
29, at 4:00 p.m.; the second, Sat-
urday, July 30, at 11:00 a.m. Both
lectures will be held in Rm. 445,
West Engineering Building. His
topic will be "Optimum Structural
Design." All who are interested are
invited to attend.
Professor Max Dehn will address
the University Mathematics
Colloquium Friday, July 29, in Rm.
3201 Angell Hall at 4:30 p.m. He
will talk on Structural Problems
in Geometry.

the Summer Session, University
of Michigan.
1. Howard McKaughan, Summer
Institute of Linguistics: A Formu-
lated Procedure for Describing
Chatino Consonantal Sequences
(15 mm.)
2. Tung Yiu, Princeton Univer-
sity: "Changed Tone" Patterns in
a Mandarin Dialect (10 min.)
3. Joshua Whatmough, Harvard
University: Gaulish VIMPI (15
4. William A. Smalley, Summer
Institute of Linguistics: Some
Comanche Prosodic Feaura" (10
5. Einar Haugen, University of
Wisconsin: The Stress Tones of
Modern Norwegian (20 min.)
6. Winfred P. Lehmann, Wash-
:ngton University: Brugmann's
Sprachlaut and the Phoneme (10
7. Marjorie M. Kimmerle, Uni-
versity of Colorado: The Influence
of Locale and Human Activity on
Some Words in Colorado (15 min.)
Friday, July 29, 7:30 p.m.-Pro-
fessor Charles C. Fries, University
of Michigan, presiding.
8. Bagby Atwood, University of
Texas: Regional and Social Var-
iants in the Pronunciation of Mrs.
(15 mii.)
9. Hans Kurath, University of
Michigan: Local Ar'eas and Tran-
sition Areas in the Eastern United
States (20 mica.)
10. William G. Moulton, Cor-
nell University: On the Classifica-
tion of Morpheme Alternants (10
11. Eunice Pike, Summer Insti-
tute of Linguistics: Intonational
System of Muasteco (20 min.)
12. Ralph E. Ward, Yale Univer-
sity: The Phonemes of Ancient
Greek (20 min.)
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will pre-
sent a program on Friday, July 29
at 7:15 p.m. and on Monday, Au-
gust 1 at 7:15 p.m. His program
will include compositions as
follows: 4 old Italian Pieces; 2
Carillon compositions; and 6 Latin
American Songs.
The Rackham Terrace is open to
the public for those who would
like to listen to the concert.
Student Recital: Ethel Pehrson,
graduate student of piano with
Marian Owen and Helen Titus, will
present a program at 8:00 p.m.,
Friday, July 29, at Kellogg Audi-
torium, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. Her program will
include compositions by Beetho-
ven, Brahms, Schubert and Mous-
sorgsky. The recital is open to the
Rackham Galleries, east gallery.
Paintings by Willard MacGregor.
Visiting Professor of Piano, School
of Music (July 8-August 5.)

'[he Daily accords its readers thet
privilege of' submitting letters for
publication in this coluni. Subjectt
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all ltters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters wich h
for any other reason are not in goodc
taste will not be published." he
editors reseve the pr vilege of con-t
denying letters.I
* *
To the Editor:
B S. BROWN'S article in Sun-
day's paper on Federal Aid toj
parochial schools has shown that
one more distorted opinion was let
loose in many a reader's mind.
I wish to quote a portion of an
article printed in "Our Sunday
Visitor" on the same day.<
"Tihose who oppose the appro-<
priation of a single dollar of fed-
eral funds to support certain serv-
ices needed by non-public as well
as public schools, miss the real
point entirely. No Catholic be-j
lieves in the support of the Catho-
lic or Lutheran or any other de-
nominational school from funds
contributed by non-Lutheran and
"But the allocation of some of
the tax money collected from
Catholic parents to the schools to
which they send their children is
a different matter. That practice
has been followed in nearly every
country in the world ...
"Even Mrs. Roosevelt did not
seem to have proper distinction in
her mind when she took issue with
Cardinal Spellman on the subject
of Federal aid-not to education
itself, in non-public schools, but
toward health service which every
country owes all its children; to-
ward bus transportation, without;
which many children attending
school, whether public or private,
would not be able to go; and the
provision of those text books which
the state insists be used in the
non-public school.
"There are all kinds of injustices
in the Barden Bill, and in all other
Federal Aid Bills which have been
presented for consideration ...
"Catholics would be asked to
pay about $60,000,000 of the $300,-
000,000 federal grant and get none
of it back for the education of
their own children. This all adds
up to taxation withoutarepre-
sentation,' an evil principle on
which the Revolutionary War was
-Mrs. Win. F. Tousignant, Jr.
* * *
Opinion Is Opiion .. .
To the Editor:
by Francis Cardinal Spellman
concerning the religious bias of
Mrs. Roosevelt, necessitate, I
think, some comment in reference
to the problem of State and
Church in support of the validity
of Mrs. Roosevelt's opinion as an
opinion. The problem is current,
and hotly discussed on all sides,
but as of yet, there has not been
until now, to my knowledge, any
reference to bias on behalf of those
asserting a total separation be-
tween the two.
I would refer the reader to the
statement of the Roman Catholic
Bishops of the United States: The
Christian in Action (New York
Times, Nov. 21, 1948) in which the
decision of the Supreme Court in
McCollum vs. Board of Education
(Decided Mar. 8, 1948) is attacked.
In that case the Court affirmed
again, by quotation, a principle
laid down in the earlier case, Ever-
son vs. Board of Education (De-
cided Feb. 10, 1947), saying in
part: "The 'establishment of re-
ligion' clause of the First Amend-
ment means at least this: Neither
a state nor the Federal Govern-

ment can set up a Church. Neither
can pass laws which aid one re-
ligion, aid all religions, or prefer
one religion over another... . No
tax in any amount, large or small,
can be levied to support any re-
ligious activities or institutions,
whatever form they may adopt to
teach or practice religion."
The McCollum Case was decided
8-1; the Everson Case was decided
5-4-it should be pointed out that
the latter was one in which the
decision, though not the argument,
was favorable to the Catholic
Church. In any case, a substan-
tial opinion contrary to that ex-
pressed by Cardinal Spellman is
found among the members of the
Supreme Court; and further, the
late Mr. Justice Murphy was with
the majority in both cases, and
must be considered as affirming
the language quoted above. While
his professional ability might have
been questioned along with that
of seven of his brethren (See the
Statement of the Bishops), one
would assume a precarious position

to allege that he was biased in
these cases.
I therefore submit that bias can-
not be truthfully alleged by show-
ing that an opinion on this issue
is not favorable to the Catholic
Church-that to allege bias be-
cause of that opinion is to deny
the validity of the opinion on a
most insecure ground.
-Theodore V. Liss
(Ed. Note: The dark type in the
second paragraph was designated by
Mr. Liss as hs own)
S ' e *
R~ooseelt-Spellin al.
To the Editor:
IT IS TO BE HOPED that Cardi-
nal Spellman's impudent smear
of Mrs. Roosevelt will be properly
answvered in Congress by immedi-
ate passage of the Barden Bill.
The Catholic hierarchy in New
York is no stranger to political in-
fighting. Several years ago New
Yorkers were shocked to learn that
Mayor O'Dwyer had made an ap-
pointment to the City Board of
Education from a list submitted by
this same Cardinal Spellman.
More recently, the magazine "The
Nation" was barred from New Yprk
public schools, because it had pub-
lished articles critical of the
church's political activities. And
Drew Pearson reports the Catho-
lic hierarchy is ready to veto Her-
bert Lehman as Democratic nom-
inee for the Senate this fall, be-
cause he signed a petition urging
the removal of the ban on "The
Catholic political pressure on a
national scale is nothing new ei-
ther, But the Spellman letter rep-
resents its most brazen manifes-
tation in recent times. One can
only be thankful that Catholicism
is not the dominant religion in
America, and that the clerical will-
to-power can only be asserted in
this persecution-in-reverse style.
It is hard to feel quite so sorry for
Stepinac, Mindszenty, and Beran,
when one thinks of how Cardinal
Spellman would be throttling the
First Amendment if 100 million
Americans were Catholic.
-David Saletan
* * *
Taxes, Again. .
To the Editor:
THE QUESTION of what to do
about the constantly increas-
ing size of government costs is one
of the most complex problems fac-
ing America today. The Repub-
licans have been criticized for at
tempts at economy which have
curtailed activities that many peo-
ple have thought desirable. Since
few legislators can be qualified to
say how much money each govern-
ment organization needs, some un-
justified cuts may have occurred
under Republican policy. A rem-
edy for this would be some sort of
Hoover Commission that would
periodically examine the opera-
tions of government organizations
to see how much they really re-
quired to do their jobs. The leg-
islators would then have some-
thing to go on besides the organi-
zation's own budget which is likely
to be biased.
The important thing is that the
Republicans at least make an ef-
fort to solve the problem, while
all the Democrats think of is
spending and taxing. We should
all realize that high government
costs take money out of our pock-
ets, and cannot be shifted to cor-
porations, rich people, etc., and
thus should try to cut costs. If all
corporations are taxed, it increases
their costs of doing business and
is reflected in higher prices. It
has been estimated that when you
buy something for a dollar today,
it would cost less than seventy
cents on the average if it were not
for taxes paid by those who pro-
duced and handled the goods be-
fore you. The mere fact .that some

other state taxes corporations a
given amount does not make that
practice a wise one. If deficits are
resorted to, inflation follows, re-
ducing the value of your savings.
The best way to avoid a deficit is
to spend less, and the Republi-
cans know it. If a private person
cannot afford something, he fore-
goes it. Why not let the govern-
ment try that for a change?
--Stanley Dole
ment on Cardinal Spellman's
criticism was ,calm and restrained.
She wrote in the spirit of good will
and charity. She made clear her
position in favor of religious free-
dom for all. That she holds no
religious rancor and has no "rec-
ord of anti-Catholicism" was doc-
umented when she told how she
campaigned personally not once
but through a series of elections
for the late great Catholic layman,
Alfred E. Smith....
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.








ON'T TAKE THIS ONE seriously.
Go for a good laugh, and you'll be able
to enjoy the corn you'll be exposed to.
The plot is set in the splendor of sixteenth
century Italy when the Borgia clan, Cesare
and his sister Lucretia, especially, were
running the show.
Lucretia (Paulette Goddard) marries the
Duke of Ferrara (John Lund) to pay him
back for the death of her first husband.'
Unknown to his pleasant and poison-
minded wife, the duke had nothing to do
with the crime. Obviously, the snake in this
thick grass is Cesare (MacDonald Carey).
Intrigue and fast action ensue, especially
when the duke discovers the secret of
tempered metal after having been poisoned.
Now we know how this revolutionary dis-
covery took place.
This latest version of the fabulous Lu-
cretia showed her as a good girl gone wrong
because of a nasty brother. Love, however,
sets her on the right track.
sweet to convince anybody that she could
hurt a fly, in spite of the make-up depart-
ment's contribution of a pair of unusual and
evil looking eyebrows.
Sixteenth century costumes do not do the
most for John Lund. He seemed somewhat
embarrassed by having so much of himself
exposed, * 1
MacDonald Carey, decked out in a stringy,
black wig, wispy beard, and another pair of
unusual eyebrows, played his part for all it
was worth.

DEEP-DYED CYNICS and confirmed real-
ists will probably find this picture child-
ish. Everyone who can enjoy fairy stories
should make a point of seeing it-or, more
likely, seeing it again.
It was a good show when it first came
out, and it's still a good show.
The best thing about it is its wealth
of clever, hummable tunes like "Over the
Rainbow," and "We're Off to See the
The story was taken from the famous
children's classic, with a few modern im-
provements. It concerns a little girl named
Dorothy (Judy Garland) and her dog Toto,
whose house in Kansas is blown away by a
tornado and lands them in the magic Land
of Oz.
Trying to get back to Kansas, Dorothy
goes in search of the Wizard of Oz, (Frank
Morgan), helped by the good witch awl
hindered by the bad one, and encountering
along the way the Scarecrow (Ray Bolger A
the Tin Woodsman (Jack Haley) and the
Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr).
The picture can boast a number of
excellent performances. Judy Garland, al-
though perhaps a bit old for the part
she plays, does a fine job of it. Ray Bolger,
Jack Haley, and Bert Lahr are splendid,
encumbered as they are with incredibly
elaborate make-up and costumes. Frank
Morgan is good as the Wizard.
The sets are as fantastic as the plot.
The land of the Munchkins, weird forests
with talking trees, and the futuristic Em-
erald City are some of them. The cast is


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................. Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson.................Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin........................Sports Editor

Architecture Building: Exhibit
Joint Meeting of the Linguistic of student work indesign and in
Society of America and The Amer- city planning. (June 9-August 13).
ican Dialect Society in conjunction
with the Linguistic Institute at the University Museums Bldg., ro-
University of Michigan Rackham tunda. Life around the Mexican
Amphitheatre, July 29-30, 1949. volcano Paricutin.
Program of the Sessions-Fri-
day, July 29, 2 p.m. Dean Kenis- Museum of Archaeology: An-
ton, University of Michigan, pre- tiquities of the Mediterranean
siding; Word of Welcome, Profes- area
sor Louis A. Hopkins, director of (Continued on Page 4)


Mom, do you mind if Gus the Ghost

He works.nights irritating clams. McSnoyd,
I lnvi41l-; ; A.I- a, ms on th da sin fh.

What on earth is that outlandish racket?

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