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Washington Merry-Go-Round
by b. s. brown
co-managing editor
THE GENTLEMAN from Mississippi, Sen-
ator Eastwood, distinguished himself
the other day by announcing that Spain
should be included in the arms program
measure recently passed by the Congress
and signed by the President.
His contention is that in order to block
Communist Russia, it is necessary to have
a strong Europe. And Senator Eastwood
does not believe Europe can be a strong
bulwark unless Spain is a strong nation.
I wonder is Senator Eastwood would fill
his back pockets with rattlesnakes just be-
cause he is afraid of being attacked from
the rear every time he walks down a dark
There isn't much chance that his propo-
sition will be heeded. Aid to Spain was re-
nounced some time ago when an amend-
ment to aid the fascistic government of
Franco was added on the European Recov-
ery Program and rejected.
But the very fact that such a proposal
has been made shows the hysterical state
of the country today.
The threat of world Communism has
blotted out all sense of reason. Some of us
have become willing to lend our assistance
to the sort of evil which took six years of
Ravage warfare to eliminate.
f Just because, at the present, Com-
munism seems to ,be offering more of a
challenge than fascism, is no reason why
we should substantiate the warped philo-
sophies of Franco and his cohorts.
The Mississippian Senator head better re-
consider. His statement of policy defiles the
millions of white-crosses scattered over the
earth-crosses erected by the facists of a
recent era.
[UST CONSIDER what a world this would
be if ruled by the best thoughts of men
of letters! Ignorance would die at once, war
would cease, taxation would be lightened, not
only every Frenchman, but every man in the
world, would have his hen in the pot.
--Alexander Smith,.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
WASHINGTON - Last spring adamning
accusations were made in the House
of representatives impugning the patriotism
of high defense officials regarding the air-
plane in which the nation was placing much
of its confidence-the B-36.
The Secretary of Defense, Louis Johnson,
and the Secretary of Air, Stuart Symington,
it was charged, had ordered the B-36 be-
cause Johnson had previously been employed
by Floyd Odlum, manufacturer of the B-36;
while Symington had been wined and dined
by Odlum. It was also alleged that Syming-.
ton's former company-Emerson Electric of
St. Louis-had profited unethically at the
expense of the taxpayers in manufacturing
gun turrets for the B-29.
These charges naturally shake the con-
fidence of the country in its high officials
responsible for national defense. Several
weeks have passed and it remains impor-
tant to know what was behind these
charges and whether they were true.
This column can now state that the origin
of the Congressional attacks was an anony-
mous smear sheet first circulated by Glenn
L. Martin, president of the Glenn L. Mar-
tin Co., of Baltimore, well-known manufac-
turer of Navy planes.
The memo viciously attacking Johnson
and Symington was shown by Martin to
other airplane manufacturers who also
wanted air force business, and who were
being left out in -the cold because the air
force had switched to the B-36. Later the
same memo, with some additions; turned
up on Capitol Hill, where it obviously be-
came the source material for the attacks
delivered by Congressman Jimmy Van Zandt,
Pennsylvania Republican, a Naval Reserve
The wording of Van Zandt's speech was
somewhat different, though in places it
was almost identical.
For example, the smear memo said:
"In 1947 the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft
Corporation was in financial straits. Its
principal asset was a contract for one hun-
dred B-36 aircraft. There was doubt that the
contract would be completed."
In contrast, Van Zandt said:
"In 1947 the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft
Corporation held contracts for 100 B-36
bombers. At that time there was considerable
doubt as to whether the contracts would
ever be validated."
Glenn Martin's tactics in talking to other
airplane manufacturers failed. They did not
join him. Meanwhile, the reason for his des-
peration can be found in his own ledger
sheets. In 1948 his company showed a loss
of $16,710,762, on top of which it still owes
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
$16,372,521, payable in September 1950. The
company's financial statement also contains
this illuminating disclosure:
"An operating profit from military sales
was offset by losses in the commercial
airplane program . . ." In other words,
Martin's only profit was made from Uncle
Sam, and he lost money on non-govern-
ment business.
Since all this happened, Glenn Martin
has been quietly eased out of the presidency
of his company into the less active job of
chairman of the board.
* * *
One of the statements made by Congress-
man Van Zandt was that Symington's Emer-
son Electric Corporation had been renego-
tiated on its B-29 gun-turret contracts in
1948 by Col. Franklin Wolfe of the Air
Forces, who whitewashed the company, thus
costing U.S. taxpayers $20,000,000.
This was a rumor which this columnist
heard in 1945, at the time Symington first
entered the government as War Assets Ad-
ministrator. Upon investigation, this col-
umnist became convinced there was noth-
ing to the charge. Symington had a fine
record at Emerson Electric of which he
can be proud.
Furthermore, Congressman Van Zandt's
smear is obviously false since Colonel Wolfe
retired from the army in 1945, so he could
not have renegotiated the Emerson contract
in 1948.
Interesting to note is the fact that Vice
Adm. A. W. Radford, former Deputy Chief
of Naval Operations in charge of Air, and
a vigorous crusader against the B-36, has
been moved out to Hawaii. Also, the Navy's
former press chief, Rear Adm. Edward Ewen,
another tireless propagandist against the
B-36, has been moved to Guam-nat an
active areaefor press relations.
Also interesting: Glenn Martin's front
man and lobbyist on Capitol Hill was Har-
old Mosher, ex-Congressman from ,Ohio
and a Republican.
Mosher is a close friend and distant rela-
tive of Congressman Clarence Brown, also
of Ohio, one of the leaders of the Republican
Party in the House. Significantly, the first
Congressman to attack the B-36 was lobby-
ist Mosher's cousin, Clarence Brown.
Another rooter for Glenn Martin has been
Senator Tydings of Maryland. He has talked
to the Air Force about buying planes from
Martin, who is one of his constituents.
(Copyright, 1949, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
R. E. DOVER, of Cape Girardeau had a
nightmarish experience. He fell between
train tracks, and 44 boxcars passed over him,
the rods stripping off his clothing and goug-
ing his flesh.
The citizen who takes the responsibilities
of democracy seriously has a pretty good
idea of how Mr. Dover felt. He feels trapped
between the rails of narrow alternatives,
while boxcar-like problems rumble over him
-depression, threat of war, war, reconver-
sion,. inflation, recession, threat of war and
so on and on, and rods of fear, doubt, un-
certainty, guilty, inconfidence and discour-
agement buffet him from side to side.
The difference is that the real train
was eventually stopped and Mr. Dover was
"Somebody Hid My Suitcase!"
S/ S
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
tihe writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not ir good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of cow
densing letters.
Atlantic Pact. .
To The Editor:
Mr. Hurd made an excellent
point last Thursday. A world gov-
ernment with adequate powers is
a highly suggestive alternative to
war. I would gladly exchange the
Atlantic Pact for such a govern-
ment-and thro~w in the Monroe
Doctrine to the argain.
It is very sadly that I see how
far from feasible this is at pre-
sent. We would have to surrender
much of our soverignty to this
world government-do you think
Congress would ratify such an ac-
tion? What would Senator Taft
say? Could 64 senators be lined
up for it? I fear not.
Wehave already offered to sur-
render a large piece of soverignty
to the U. N., in the Baruch pro-
posal for :the atom bomb. Perhaps
in such an issue we could muster
the two-third majority-and that
would be a beginning.
But what was Russia's response'
to the plan? Denunciation, and
a counter-proposal obviously ri-
diculous and unacceptable.
It has been Russian intransi-
gence that has weakened the U. N.
from the first. At the San Fran-
cisco Conference, we hoped it
would not be so. But the story is
told in a few familiar words:
Cominform, Czechoslovakia, Hun-
gary, Berline, veto, veto.
It was with this in mind that
Pres. Truman made the state-
ments Mr. Hurd quoted. I'f Mr.
Hurd will re-read carefully, he
will find that Mr. Truman has
buttressed my point of view rath-
er than his.
Defensive regional agreements
are explicitly permitted under the
U. N. Charter. The Pact's purpose
is to take the place of police pow-
ers which the U. N. does not have
-powers which it cannot have in
the present state of the world.
It is only by showing Russia she
cannot win a war and rejoin the
split world in her way, that we
can deter her. If we can gain a
few year's peace, we can and must
use them to build up the U.N.
-Robert J. Good
Union Democracy.. .
To The Editor:
Congratulations to the Daily for
its latest riotous comic strip: "The
girls who came for dinner,
FRONT entrance!"
If you have not already hired
R. Wall and D. Oresch as good
humor men, GETnTHEM IM-
MEDIATFLY. Haven't had such
Letters to the Editor -
a good laugh in ages! Obedience,
girls. Hut, iup, hip, foa!
Some high school teacher's been
telling those young folks that old
"Land of the Free, Home of the
Brave" stuff.
--William B. Tower
Progressives . ..
To the Editor:
The "young progressives" have
raised an issue here recently and
at the expense of giving them un-
deserved publicity and boring a
few Daily readers, I think that
there may be some merit in set-
ting the record straight.
When a handful of "YP's" pick-
eted Governor Williams last week,
their attack, whatever- their mo-
tives, appeared to be two-fold.
Their signs demanded an FEPC,
restoration of the U's appropria-
tion, "Jobs and Peace, and the
The vocal chant of a handful
informed the public that the Gov-
ernor had the power to call a spe-
cial session of the Legislature and
as I recall, implied that he should
do so.
I have heard it said that the
picketers were primarily con-
cerned with getting their pictures
in the Daily - which graciously
But our fellow students have a
civil riglit to picket and so I would
prefer to consider the demonstra-
tion the result of a total lack of
political acumen and a failure to
keep up with reality' at the present
Certainly nobody was convinced
by the naive idea that calling a
special session would accomplish
anything constructiveuwith our
present state legislature (which
the "progressives" did their best
to help the Republicans elect).
Governor Williams sponsored a
bill to require the Public Service
Commission to hold public hear-
ings before allowing utilities to
hike rates. The only rational op-
position could come from utility
stockholders; yet this seems to
have been enough to prevent the
Republicans from even debating
the measure.
The Legislature is predominate-
ly rural. Yet they followed the
same negative pattern in refusing
to consider the Governor's pro-
posed "Seal of Quality" for Mich-
igan farm products.
And these were relatively non-
controversial matters.
It should be apparent to most
people after the recent Legisra-
ture session that the failure of
the Governor's constructive legis-
lative program (including FEPC
and more money for the Univer-
sity) can only be remedied at the
polls next year.
In that respect, the Progres-
sives have performed an unwitting
service, placing the Governor mid-
way between the immobile, reac-
tionary right and the extreme, un-
realistic left.
-Tom Walsh
At the State ..
LUST FOR GOLD, with Glenn Ford, Ida
Lupino, William Prince, Gig Young and
Edgar Buchanan.
EXCEPT for the inclusion of some very
melodramatic action at the close of the
picture, this film is far better than the title
might lead you to expect.
The director employs several flashback
scenes, one of them occupying two-thirds
of the running time, to tell the story -a
fantastic one which is verified at the be-
ginning of the picture in a letter written
by the governor of Arizona, the state in
which the gold mine is lost.
William Prince plays the descendant of
the unscrupulous Jacob Walz, acted by
Glenn Ford, who re-discovers the long-lost
gold mine in the 1880's after the Apache
Indians have sealed the entrance because
of their fear that it has angered the gods.
I was happy to see that Prince did not
froth at the mouth and roll his eyes wildly
when the lust of gold gripped his per-
sonality. His acting was competent, al-
though you often wonder whether or not he
is a fool.
Glenn Ford, who murders for the gold,
shows an amazing ability to portray the
difficult characterization of the Dutchman;-
Walz abandons his unfeeling, unscrupu-
lous, uninhibited personality for a tender,
loving and trusting disposition when he
meets Ida Lupino, a rebel in her environ-
ment who sees a method of escape in Walz'
When Walz discovers Ida's true motives,
the final phase of his personality is pre-
sented, and is dominated by cynicism and
Gig Young is more than adequate in his
role of Miss Lupino's unloved husband and
Edgar Buchanan appears briefly but com-
Semi-documentary, the picture, though it
seemed to be slightly modelled after "The
Treasure of Sierra Madre," is well worth
seeing. -
As an added attraction, an Academy
Award comedy involving the hysterical
antics of Tom and Jerry, entitled - "The
Little Orphan."
--Sheldon Browne.
At the Michigan ...
THE FOUNTAINHEAD, with Gary Cooper,
Patricia Neal, Raymond Massey, Kent
Smith, Robert Douglas, Henry Hull, and
Ray Collins.
ONE COUPLE AT THE Michigan summed
it up very well when they walked out
five minutes after coming in. The"rest of the
audience, who showed greater endurance,
echoed the sentiment with murmurs of "How
stupid" and at times actual cries of anguish.
The story concerns a rising architect
with radical modern tendencies who is
dead set on being a "rugged individualist."
True, Hollywood had very little to work
with. Ayn Rand's novel is best characterized
by the word "thick." However, the movie
makers knocked out whatever quality the
book had and all that remained was the
cold skeleton of a plot, with "actors" walk-
ing uncomfortably through it.
The movie was magnificently miscast.
Gary Cooper, as Howard Roark, was stil4
Gary Cooper. He was too human for the
Roark that novel-readers know. He is billed
as a man who comes into women's lives
"VIOLENTLY." But he still looks for all the
world like unassuming Lou Gehrig.
Patricia Neal threatens to rival the acting
talents of Jane Russell. Her chief virtue is
an ability to keep her eyes open without
blinking for twenty seconds more than the
average individual. She also has a flair for
making simple movements ultra-dramatic.
She opens her bedroom curtains with the
same intensity that she uses when slashing
her wrist.
It hurt to see Raymond Massey in a
role so beneath his talents. He did the
best that could be done, and was the
only leading player to reject the monotone
in favor of inflection.
.As a consequence of the feature's being so
poor, much applause and laughter was given
to, a mediocre cartoon. However, Bugs Bunny
far outclassed any of his human rivals. The
setting of the cartoon was in ye olde days
of King Arthur, and had the hero saying
between a mouthful of "forsooths," "What's
up, Sir Doc:"
Most cheerful note of the show was the
preview. The Wizard of Oz is coming to
-Nancy Bylan.
- AS - I
WASHINGTON-After visibly playing with the idea of changing
his isolationist spots. Senator Robert A. Taft took the lead
last week against the Atlantic Pact. In doing so, he almost seemed to
go out of his way to mark the difference between himself and his par-
ty's world-minded leaders, Senators Vandenberg and Dulles. And now,
this week, he will undoubtedly attack the European military aid pro-
gram with even greater violence.
The event is significant, because this flat re-assertion of his
isolationism completes the picture of Taft as a political thinker
which the Senator will present to the voters in the crucial Ohio
election next year. Meanwhile, it is also important that the oppo-
sition toySenator Taft is organizing in a novel and very formid-
able way.
Of course it is not Taft's unyielding isolationism, but his spon-
sorship of the Taft-Hartley Act, that has caused this development,
which began even before the last election. The political arm of the
C. I. O., the Political Action Committee, then shed its fellow-travellers
and agitprop experts and got down to business under Jack Kroll. At
that time, the A. F. of L. also organized labor's League for Political
Education, under Joseph Keenan.
Since the election, the immensely powerful Railroad Brotherhoods
have put their railway labor's Political League on a militant basis, un-
der C. T. Anderson. And what is more important yet, Kroll of the
C. I. O., Keenan of the A. F. of L. and Anderson of the Brotherhoods
have formed a close political partnership, in which representatives of
the big, independent Machinists Union also participate.
This completely organized, efficient political unity and milit-
ancy of almost all American labor is a brand new phenomenon,
entirely without parallel even in the New Deal years. It will have
far-reaching effects everywhere-a good many Dixiecrats, for in-
stance, are likely to turn rueful when they find the Railroad
Brotherhoods have joined to destroy them with the A. F. of L. and
C. I. O. But the most striking expression of the new labor unity
has been in Ohio.
The A.F. of L. leaders took the first step in Ohio about a month
ago, calling a meeting at Columbus to discuss the local political situa-
tion. Over twenty of the chief men in the Ohio C.I.O., Machinists Un-
ion and United Mineworkers responded to the call. The Washington
strategists, Kroll, Keenan and Anderson, all attended. The object
was to find a strong candidate to run against Senator Taft in 1950.
The problem was difficult, because of Frank Lausche's decision
to run for re-election to the Governorship in order to control his state
delegation in 1952. Lausche's withdrawal left the State Auditor, Jo-
seph Ferguson, an amiable political hack, as the most prominent
Democratic candidate. And Ferguson is the sort of politician who runs
well for minor offices, but would certainly lose the entire indepndent
vote in a contest with Taft.
At the Columbus meeting, the prospects of Ferguson and
about twenty other possible candidates were carefully canvassed.
After a long day of continuous debate, the field was slowly nar-
rowed until all had agreed on Murray D. Lincoln. Lincoln, al-
though a registered Republican, has consistently supported Demo-
cratic candidates since the beginning of the New Deal. He is the
chief man in the Ohio Farm Bureau, a leader of the co-operative
movement and of Americans for Democratic Action, an exceed-
ingly effective speaker, and a favorite among the Ohio farmers,
whose votes Taft relies on for victory.
After agreeing among themselves on Lincoln, the Labor group
leaders approached Ohio s Democratic National Committeeman, Al-
bert Horstman, and State Chairman, Eugene Hanhart. After further
discussions, a qualified commitment was secured from Horstman
and Hanhart, that the Ohio Democratic regulars would go along with
Lincoln if their own man, Ferguson, withdrew. Lincoln himself was
approached, and showed great interest, and efforts were begun to per-
suade Ferguson to get out of the race.
At the moment, the situation is still uncertain, and for a curious
reason. Lincoln will surely run if he is sure of regular Democratic
support. Secretary of Agriculture Brannan has urged him to do so.
But President Truman's political strategists in the Demo-
cratic National Committee are somewhat cold to the whole plan,
and have not done what is needed with Ferguson or the other Ohio
Democrats. It makes the Truman regulars almost as nervous, to
see labor assert its political power, as it ought to make the Re-
publicans and Dixiecrats.
The chances are, however, that Lincoln will open up as a can-
didate in a Labor Day speech. And if this is to be the pattern of the
Ohio election, and Lincoln defeats Taft in the end, then American
politics will also acquire a new pattern thereafter. History has a way
of playing nasty jokes.
And it may be that the principal long-range result of the Taft-
Hartly Act will be the emergence of an American equivalent of the
British Labor Party.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
while there seems no end to the
cars that rumble over the citizen.
-St. Louis Star-Times.
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
B. S. Brown....... .......... Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson...............Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin................. .Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones..................Women's Editor
Bess Young ............... ........ ..... Librarian
Buisiness Staff
Robert C. James.r.Business Manager
Dee Nelson..... ........... Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison..... ,.... Circulation Manager
James McStocker..............Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second-class mail matter.
(Continued from Page 2)
tunda. Life around the Mexican
volcano Paricutin.
Museum of Archaeology: An-
tiquities of the Mediterranean
Clements Library. Unique Can-
adiana: A selection of fifteen Ca-
nadian rarities in the Clements
Library. (June 20-Aug. 19).
General Library: main lobby
cases. Contributions of the Ancient
Mediterranean World to Western
Events Today
paquasaid aq 11m i1Vsuv SI'd~J
by the Teachers' Dramatics Work-
shop at 8 o'clock tonight in the
University High School Auditor-
ium. The Workshop, a course
composed of teachers in fields
other than -speech, is being of-
fered for the first time this sum-
mer by the Department of Speech.
All seats not' filled by 7:55 will be
open to persons without tickets.
University Community Center,
1045 Midway, Willow Village:
Wed., July 27, 8 p.m., Choir
The Square Dancing Class spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing Club
will be held Wednesday, July 27,
at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's Ath-
letic Building. There is a small
admission fee. Everyone welcome.
Mich. Hostel Club, Mid-Week
Picnic: To be held Wednesday,
July 27, at Silver Lake. Everyone
invited. Call Helen Henley at 7157
for reservations. Meet at Lane
Hall at 5:15.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall. Bible Study,
Epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter
5, 1:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane
Sociedad Hispanica: Miss Gab-
riella Bakonyi will speak on "La
novela del siglo XVII"; Wednes-
day, July 27, East Conference
Room, Rackham Building, 8 p.m.
Students and faculty are cordially
Coming Events
Cercle Francais: The fifth meet-
ing will take place Thursday, July
28, at 8 p.m., in the Hussey Room
of the Michigan League.
The program will feature Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon of the De-
partment of Romance Languages
who will present some of his well-
known "Lectures dramatiques,"
and Miss Ruth Campbell, lyric so-
prano and music major, who will
entertain with French songs from
her repertoire.
Acolytes Meeting: Thursday,
July 28, Mezzanine Lecture Room,
Rackham Building, 7:30 p.m. Mr.
Burnham Terrell of the University
of Minnesota Philosophy Dept. will
speak on "The Next Step in
I Gus! What held you uo?
The rods almost
I can't see the invisible Leprechaun's
Didn't you never hear of wire-tapping,
.." . of - .r 1 r
He could annoy the clams in the daytime,
(I-. t I -I
_- --_ __ ._ .._ __._, I
I I And t qot a cinder in me eye! I I