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Washington Merry-Go-Round

by b. s. brown
co-managing editor

IT IS INDEED unfortunate that Francis
Cardinal Spellman has bluntly charged
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt with bigotry, merely
because she has publicly written against
Federal aid to parochial schools.
Many Catholics have come out against
the proposal which Mrs. Roosevelt has
denied as being worthwhile. In her syndi-
cated column, she said that she did not
want to see "public education connected
with religious control of the schools which
are paid for by taxpayers' money.
"If we desire our children to go to
schools of any particular kind," the wife
of the late president wrote, "be it be-
cause we think they should have religious
instruction or for any other reason, we
are free to set up those schools and to
pay for them."
Yet those Catholics who have stated their
opposition to the proposal have not been
called bigoted or termed as anti-Catholic.
They realize that there are dangers in ac-
cepting Federal aid.
Mrs. Roosevelt has taken the vied of many
leading educators, politicians and religious
organizations in her criticism of a bill that
would extend Federal aid to parochial
Cardinal Spellman feels that as long as
the Catholic taxpayer is aiding in support
of the nation's schools, the religious insti-
tutions should share in the Federal alloca-
On the surface, Cardinal Spellman's con-
tentions may seem justified. However, one
point to remember is that Catholic parents
are free to send their children to public
schools. If they feel that their children will
suffer in their education by attending a
public school, then it is their prerogative to
enroll their youngsters in a parochial school.
That is a decision they must make.
Then there is another. point. Many
Catholics realize the danger in accepting
Federal funds. It would automatically pro-
vide the government with an excuse for
interfering in the administration of the
parochial schools.
And I can't believe that Cardinal Spell-
man or any other religious leader would
want to submit to any sort of Federal con-
Mrs. Roosevelt cannot be denied her opin-
ion. Cardinal Spellman, though he may vio-
lently disagree with her arguments, should
respect them, if only because they are in
He should not try to discredit them by
calling Mrs. Roosevelt anti-Catholic. If he.'
can present stronger arguments in favor of
Federal aid, then there is his recourse.
If he cannot, then he should accept oppos-
ing thoughts as the result of honest thinking.
Name-calling has become far too prevalent
today. Its about time we all abandoned the
weak and ugly method of criticism.

WASHINGTON-A howl came up from
some quarters of Congress when Secre-
tary of Defense Johnson sent the joint chiefs
of staff to White Sulphur Springs, West Vir-
ginia, to mix play with work. Some of the
brass hats thought the idea was foolish.
However, the trip did more to bring about
harmony at the Pentagon than anything
since unification.
For the first time, the chiefs of staff got
to see the human side of the other fellow.
Though they worked only two hours a day,
they accomplished more routine paper work
with less bickering than all day in their
PenLtagon offices.
Most of the time was spent on the golf
links where Army Chief of Staff Omar
Bradley shot the best game-a neat 75.
Air Force Chief of Staff Hoyt Vanden-
berg's best score was 84, where as Chief
of Naval Operations Louis Denfeld didn't
even play. He just tagged along to kibitz.
The generals and admirals also split up in
sharing rooms. Vandenberg stayed with the
Army's Maj.-Gen. A. M. Gruenther, secre-
tary to the joint chiefs. Bradley bunked with
Rear Adm. A. D. Struble, Denfeld's assistant,
and Denfeld shared quarters with Lieut.-
Gen. Lauris Norstad, Vandenberg's assistant.
After playing and living together, they
are now working more like a team.
Paul Hoffman's Marshall Plan-ECA has
been going in for the usual hush-hush re-
garding any information reflecting scandal
or inefficiency.
However, it can be revealed that when a
batch of old Brooklyn streetcars was shipped
to Austria recently to revitalize Vienna's
transportation system, the taxpayers got
socked an extra $73,000. The overcharge is
on the books of the All-Transport Company
of New York City.
The company was hired by Austria to
transport ECA goods purchased in this
country-including the Brooklyn street-
cars. However, ECA auditors made a spot
check, discovered that the profits ran un-
usually high and started a thorough in-
They found that All-Transport shared its
business with Overseas Terminal Corpora-
tion, which turned out to be nothing but a
dummy company. Thus, Overseas Terminal
would charge its parent company for serv-
ices, which amounted to All-Transport bill-
ing itself. The result was to boost profits.
All-Transport also chartered the Nor-
wegian-ship, Milbank, to haul goods to
Austria. But instead of charging bulk
rates, the company collected berth rates
the same as if the goods had been sent
over by regular freight. The company also
neglected to give Austria credit for some
non-ECA goods carried on the same ship.
These tactics ran up the profits of the All-
Transport company-and the bill of the
American taxpayers. Since the cash was put
up by Uncle Sam, ECA is now negotiating
with Austria to collect the excess profit.
Austria, in turn, will have to recover from
the All-Transport Company.
Maritime Commission officials almost
fainted the other day, when, on opening an
envelope, they found inside a check for
$6,000,000. It was the return of government
subsidy by the American President Steam-
ship Lines.
The man who mailed the check was
George Killion, head of the American
President Lines, and an old hand at rais-
ing money. As former treasurer of the
Democratic National Committee, Killion
raised much of the dough that financed
the 1944 and 1946 campaigns. And, though
Secretary of Defense Johnson got the
credit, it was Killion who raised much of
the real money for Truman in 1948.
Killion now operates one of the most im-
portant of all American steamship lines, car-

rying the American flag to Japan, China,
the Philippines, and the Middle East. Re-
cently returned from the Orient, Killion re-
ports that the pre-war tourist and business
trade of Japan would flourish if General
MacArthur would kick his officers out of
lush Japanese hotels so American tourists
could find some place to stay.
* * * *
Only a few White House insiders know it,
but the idea for President Truman's $300,-
000,000,000 national income plea which he
sent to Congress recently, originated with a
conservative New York businessman, not a
supposedly starry-eyed Fair Dealer.
Prompting Truman's plea for national in-
come expansion was gruff, tough, Lewis S.
Rosenstiel, chairman of the board of Schen-
ley Industries. Trotting around Washing-
ton, Rosenstiel had pointed out to cabinet
members that America has never tried to
win the peace as hard as it has tried to win

wars. He pointed out that "the world is not
overproduced, but unerconsumed and un-
Rosenstiel also told Truman . advisers
that the nation needs more pay for labor
--a most unorthodox doctrine to comee
from big business. In fact, Rosenstiel
went on record for a 5 per cent annual in-
crease in wages for labor for the next five
years to expand purchasing power where
it is needed most: among the lower bracket
consumers. In turn, Rosenstiel wants labor
to step up its efficiency 4 per cent every
Rosenstiel evolved much of his plan after
a recent trip through Europe which con-
vinced him that halfway measures would not
win the peace against a dynamic foe like
the Russians. Talking to Secretary of Labor
Maurice Tobin the other day, the Schenley
chairman said:
"We spent three hundred billion dollars
plus untold misery, lives and suffering to
win the war. We ought to be willing to pay
a third as much to win the peace. We can't
have peace until the peoples of the world
can see themselves moving toward a higher
standard of living. We've got to raise that
standard here and abroad."
Tobin was so enthusiastic about the
Rosenstiel "Win the Peace Plan," he want-
ed to trot his guest right over to see Presi-
dent Truman.
Note-At the Treasury Department, Ros-
enstiel urged Secretary Snyder to take a
fresh look at the tax laws, start figuring out
incentives for making business expand, not
contract. Rosenstiel urged Snyder to take
the initiative in reviewing tax incentives
for business expansion rather than have
Congress do it for him.
* * * * .
Government agencies are usually bored
with burdensome mail. But the other day
the Interior Department received the fol-
lowing inquiry from Mrs. Krsta Tchossitch
of Whittier, Calif., which it has not yet been
able to answer:
"Department of Interior
Washington, D.C.
We are a group of lonely widows living
here in Whittier with no hope of meeting
men of our ages and marrying again-ages
30-60. I, as our spokesman, am writing to
this department in the hope that I might
be able to obtain the answers to the follow-
ing questions: Where in the United States
is there an abundance of men? Do you get
letters from men working on government
projects in far off places saying that they
are also lonely? If so, where are these places?
The few men here in California that we have
met are so spoiled that they do not value
love and the devotion and a good home that
a good wife can give them.
I am enclosing a self-addressed letter for
some kind of a reply. If you know of any
other office where I might obtain this in-
formation please inform me.
Mrs. Krsta Tchossitch
Whittier, California"
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in 'The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

t s
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson ............... ...Co-Managing Editor
Merle Levin..................... .Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones .....................Women'sbEditor
Bess Young ........................ e.. Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James .................Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. ..............Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison..........Circulation Manager
James MeStocker .................Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second-class mail matter.

Cold Stec
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mC 0'fQnE s-r+J ,.4.. ..PCST C..
WASHINGTON-"The problem of Anglo-American co-operation in
atomic energy development is almost as explosive as the bomb
itself." Such was the summary of an informed and ordinarily un-
excitable participant, after the two grave conferences on this prob-
lem that have rocked Washington during the week. But before the
dangers can be understood, the facts must first be set down. Three
sets of facts have bearing.
First, the British nuclear research program is already well
along. "They have got about as far as we were in 1944"-the year
before the Hiroshima bomb was exploded-.according to one com-
petent authority. Thus the so-called American "atomic monop-
oly" is already on its way out; whatever happens.
Second, the British and Canadians have not come empty-handed
to the very limited partnership with us that has existed since the
war in the atomic field. They have contributed part of the all-im-
portant fissionable raw stuff. Two of our three known and im-
portant uranium sources are in the British Empire, in South Africa
and Canada. One of our two known and important resources of the
second fissionable raw stuff, thorium, is also in the British Empire, in
the Indian state of Travancore.
Outside the British Empire, thorium is also obtained from Bra-
zil. And besides the Soviet-controlled mines in Czechoslovakia and
Eastern Germany, uranium is also produced in the Belgian Congo,
which has the world's most important deposits. About two years ago,
however, the Belgian Congo's uranium output was tied up for ten
years, in a contract between the Compagnie Miniere du Haut-Katan-
ga (the Katanga Mining Company, which owns the deposits) and
the Combined Policy Committee, which is a joint body set up under
the Anglo-American-Canadian atomic energy agreement.
Thus even the Belgian Congo uranium is not all ours, by any
means. And if there is a great deal of rocking of the international
atomic boat, the Belgians are quite likely to nationalize the Ka-
tanga Mining Company, abrogate the contract with the Com-
bined Policy Committee, and begin a world-wide auction of uran-
ium ore. This is already the greatest talking point of the Belgian
It is certainly significant that if we put a stop to Anglo-American
atomic co-operation, we should be left much worse off for the es-
sential raw materials of atomic development. But there is even more
importance in the third point.
The plain truth is that all American higher strategy, both mili-
tary and political, is now, and for four years has been based on the
existence of an unwritten but entirely effective Anglo-American
alliance. If the Anglo-American alliance should be dissolved, every
military plan in all the stages in the Pentagon would have to be
torn up. The long, gruelling job of building the precarious structure of
American security would have to begin again, at ten times the exist-
ing heavy cost.
These are not general and meaningless statements. On the
contrary, every major strategy paper of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
every policy paper of the National Security Council, recognizes
the existence of the unwritten Anglo-American alliance. The
specific assumption is formally and officially made, by all Ameri-

can high policy planners, that the unwritten alliance will be
translated, in wartime, into formal, full, overt fighting partner-
ship. And in order to provide a safe channel for working out
common problems in peacetime, the Anglo-American Combined
Chiefs of Staff have been quietly kept alive.
These are, so to speak, the strategic facts of life. The men who
have taken the lead thus far in opposing any extension of the Anglo-
Candanian-American atomic energy partnership-Atomic Ehergy
Commissioner Lewis Strauss and Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper--
wish to cling to the American "atomic monopoly" in the face of these
Their only argument is that through the British loan, the Mar-
shall plan and the Atlantic Pact, we have already done much for
Dritain. Therefore, they say, the British should not seek to compete
with us in this field that means so much. The Strauss-Hickenlooper
position is lent serious importance by the fact that they have been
supported to date by Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg.
But while American public opinion is invoked as the final
authority for the Strauss-Hickenlooper position, there is also
British public opinion to be considered. It may be wrong. It may
be indicative of the wicked, ever-enduring human tendency to be
ungrateful. But the fact remains that no British government
could last a week which accepted a Washington dictate that the
British Commonwealth had no right to produce absolute weapons.
Thus the Anglo-American political and strategical partnership
is directly endangered by the present dispute. What may be in pros-,
pect is a sort of competition, in which each nation will rival the other
in biting off its nose to spite its face, until the very tonsils of both
are exposed. The mere fact that this danger exists is the best proof
of the serious weakening of the bi-partisan foreign policy and the
general deterioration of our leadership.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
mended that Communists be barred from the teaching profes-
sion. It agreed in effect with an earlier statement, by 20 distinguished
educators who had been commissioned to study the problem. But
the American Association of University Professors refuses to go along.

All notices for the Daly Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satu-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m, Room 3510 Ad-j
ministration Building.
SUNDAY, JUULY 24, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 25S
Regents' Meeting: The Board
adjourned to meet on call of the
President. In any event there will
be a Regents' meetinlg at 9:00 a.m.
September 24. Communications for
consideration at this meeting must
be in the President's hands not
later than September 15.
The Pacific Mutual Life Insur-j
ance Co. of Los Angeles, Calif., will
have two representatives here on
Wed., July 27th, to interview menj
interested in group insurance sales
positions. For further information,
call at the office of the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Sociedad Hispanica: Conversa-
tion group meets Tuesday at the
Spanish House, 1219 Washtenaw
from 4-5:30. Faculty and students
are cordially invited.
Seniors, College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health: Tentative lists of
seniors for August graduation
have been posted on the Regis-
trar's bulletin board in the
first floor corridor, Administration
Building. If your name is mis-
spelled or the degree expected in-
correct, please notify the Recorder
at Registrar's window number 1,
1513 Administration Building.
U.S. Air Force Reservists: Or-
ganizational meeting of 9607th
Volunteer Air Reserve Training
Squadron, Flight B, will be held
at Michigan Union, Room 3-R,
Tuesday, July 26, 1949, 8:00 P.M.
Information will be available re-
garding the Air Force Reserve
Training Program and Reserve
requirements. Interested Air Re-
servists are urged to attend.
Lecture: "The Bisitun Inscrip-
tion-A Key to Decipherment and
Understanding." Dr. George G.
Cameron, Professor of Near-East-
ern Cultures, 4:15 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium, Monday, July 25.
Sunimer Session Lecture Series:
General subect, fifth week: Gov-
ernmental Policies in Relation to
Natural Resources, Anthony W.
Smith, Industrial Union Councils,
CIO, "The Role of Government in
Resource Conservation," 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater, Monday,
July 25.
Lecture: "What Can and Should
the Schools Teach about World
Peace?" Margaret Koopman, Cen-
tral Michigan College of Educa-
tion, 3:00 p.m., Auditorium, Uni-
versity High School, Tuesday, July
Lecture: "Greeks and Phoeni-
cians" (illustrated), Rhys Carpen-
ter, Professor of Classical Archae-
ology, Bryn Mawr College, 4:15
p.m.,'Tuesday, July 26, Rackham
India Colloquium: "Modern In-
dia, Repeating Western Cultural
Movements." Speaker: Professor
Benoy Sarkar. Chairman, Profes-
sor Everett S. Brown, Department
of Political Science, 4:15 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
The Linguistics Institute will
present lectures by three outstand-
ing linguists during the coming
On Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the

Rackham Amphitheater, Professor
Angus McIntosh of the University
of 8dinburgh, Scotland, will dis-
cuss "On Planning a Survey of the
Dialects.of Scotland."
The Wednesday lecture will be
given by Professor Stanley S. New-
man of ..the University of New
Mexico in the Union at 1:00 p.m.
His subect will be "The Status of
Field Linguistics in Mexico."
Professor Otto Springer of the
University of Pennsylvania will
speak, on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheater on
"Colonial Speech and the Rise of
Standard German."
Academic Notices
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Tuesday, July 26, 3-5, Tea
at 4. Room 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
MacDowell will speak on "Gener-
alization of In-Betweenness."
Botanical Seminar-Wednesday
evening,. July 27, at 7:30, in Room
1139, Natural Science Building.
Doctor Robert J. Lowry will dis-
cuss his work on Chromosomes in
Mosses. All interested are invited
to attend.
Doctoral Preliminary Examina-
tions for Students in Education:

University Carillonneur. will pre-
sent a recital on Monday. July 25.
1949 at 7:15 p.m. and repeat it on
Wednesday, July 27, 7:15 p.m. His
program will include compositions
by Jef Denyn, Schubert, 7 Scot-
tish folk songs, and the Blue Dan-
ube Waltzes by Strauss. The Rack-
ham Terrace is open evenings to
those who wish to listen to the
carillon recitals.
Student Recital: Sidney Milder,
graduate student of piano with
Marian Owen and Helen Titus,
-will present a program at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday, July 26, 1949 at the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music. His
program will include compositions
by Bach, Beethoven and Schu-
mann. This recital is open to the
Rackham Galleries, east gallery.
Paintings by Willard MacGregor,
Visiting Professor of Piano, School
of Music (July 8-August 5.)
Architecture Building: Exhibit
of student work in design and in
city planing. (June 9-August 13).
University MuseumshBldg., ro-
tunda. Life around the Mexican
volcano Paricutin.
Museum of Archaeology: An-
tiquities of the Mediterranean
Clements Library. Unique Can-
adiana: A selection of fifteen Ca-
nadian rarities in the Clements
Library. (June 20-Aug. 19).
General Library: main lobby
cases. Contributions of the Ancient
Mediterranean World to Western
Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Rev. John Burt, St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church, will speak on "Is
Faith Wishful Thinking?" 4:30
p.m., -Fireside Room, Lane Hall.
Everyone welcome. Refreshments.
Coming Events
Russian Circle Meeting, Mon-
day, July 25, at 8:00 at Interna-
tional Center. Games and singing.
All interested are invited.
Euripides' The Trojan Women,
the Gilbert Murray translation,
will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech, Thursday and
Friday evenings. This classical
tragedy supplements the Summer
Session's program of "The An-
cient Civilizations of Greece and
Rome." Performances will be given
on the steps of Clements Library.
There will be no admission charge.
Michigan Hostel Club - Mid-
Week Picnic: To be held Wednes-
day, July 27, at Silver Lake. Ev-
eryone invited. Call Helen Henley
at 7157 for reservations. Meet at
Lane Hall at 5:15 p.m.
University Community Center,
Willow Village: University Club
Bridge Night. Monday, July 25, 8
p.m. Small fee. Everybody wel-
University Community Center,
Willow Village: Tuesday, July 26,
8 p.m., Wives Club-Talent Show.
New villagers especially welcome.
Sociedad Hispanica: Miss Gab-
riella Bakonyi will speak on "La
novela del siglo XVII"; Wednes-
day, July 27, East Conference
Room, Rackham Building, 8 p.m.
Students and faculty are cordially

First Presbyterian Church: Dr.
W. P. Lemon will preach at the
10:45 a.m. worship service. His
topic will be "What Life Can Be."
At 5:30 p.m., 'Prof. Preston W.
Slosson will speak to the Summer
Vesper Group in the Social Hall
on "Some Implications of Atomic
Energy." Supper will be served at
6:30 p.m.
The Congregational - Disciples
Student Guild will meet at the
Congregational Church, State and
William Streets, at 6:00 p.m. for
a cost supper. At 7:30 p.m., Miss
Mimi Gowen of New York City
will speak on "The Healing Min-
istry of Religious Counseling."
Miss Gowen is attending the Sum-
mer School of Pastoral Care at
the University Hospital.
Wesleyan Guild at 5:30 p.m. will
hear the Rev. J. Edgar Edwards
of the Willow Run University
Community Church speak on
"Sources of Inner Strength."
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Service Sunday at
11:00 a.m., with sermon by the
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "The Shield
of Faith." Ble S~ tu& av t i0.



. L

Looking Back 1

The Wolverine (Summer Daily, three times
a week) got its headlines mixed up and ran
The deck (subhead) read "Observatory Man
Explains Moon to 150 Curious Ones."
The United States unofficially won the
1924 Olympics as they swept the tennis
games, piling up a total of 95 points, to
47 for France, her closest rival. Great Brit-
ain was third with 38 and Finland fourth
with 34.*
The new queen of trans-Atlantic travel,
the German ship Bremen, docked at her
pier in Brooklyn after making a record
maiden voyage from Cherbourg in four days,
17 hours and 42 minutes.
* *- * *
"Daily Readers Take Heed! It Still Can
Happen Here," the headline read in the
Daily. It was followed by a short AP squib:
"Subscribers to the Wyanet Record, a week-
ly, received their papers with one page of a
four-page section blank except for the fol-
lowing small type: 'Don't laugh. We had a
helluva time filling the other three pages."
A small civilian plane dropped a crude
bomb on UN Headquarters, but it exploded
harmlessly 400 feet from the main UN offi-
ces. The pilot gave himself up the next day,1
saying that he wanted to "make them here
and abroad look to the United Nations for
lasting peace."i
--From the Pages of The Daily




Mr. Baxter thinks a car passing over this


Barnaby says his Fairy Godfather broke
"arnty ashsfairy f "o"


--ti tar rrtnrl,,.

Gosh, Mr. O'Malley, I was afraid 1 Jac
It . lt J __. . _ 5 I _ .._C .


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