Latest Deadline in the State
See Page 2
Eminent Domain
Worries Localites
If the University decides that your house or lot is just the place
for that new dormitory, don't argue about it-the cards are stacked
against you.
"Ever hear of "eminent domain?" - The University has it.
EMINENT DOMAIN, in case you have forgotten what you learned
in your sixth grade civics class, is a pretty potent thing.
According to Webster, it is "That superior dominion of the
sovereign power over property within the state which, authorizes
it to appropriate all or any part thereof to a necessary public use,
reasonable compensation being made."
This simply means that there is no stopping the University,
once it finds that a certain piece of property fills the bill for its
expansion needs.
* * * *
THE PROCEDURE WORKS something like this.
After University officials have selected the proper property,
competent real estate agents visit it and give it an official
At this point, the University offers to buy the property for the
GI Insurance
Refund Slips
Out Aug.29
Checks To Start
Out in January
WASHINGTON-()-The gov-
ernment will start handing out
the long - awaited application
blanks for its $2,800,000,000 G.I.
Life Insurance refund Aug. 29.
Veterans Administrator Carl R.
Gray Jr., said yesterday the forms
will be available on that date in
every postoffice, every VA office
and at veterans' service organi-
"JUST MAIL in your applica-
tion filled out as completely as
you possibly can," Gray advised
in a statement.
"Then wait until the checks
start out' some time in January
of next year"
About 16,000,000 present and
former policyholders and their
dependents will share in the pay-
ments through the 20,000,000 pol-
icies issued from 1940 through
* * *
THE MONEY represents an
eight-year accumulation of what,
in effect, have been overpayments
of premiums. The death rate has
been lower than the standard
table upon which the premium
rate has been based.
'It doesn't matter greatly if
the veteran does not know the
number of his insurance policy,
Gray said.
"The application can readily be
identified by service number, rank
and the exact name used during
service," he explained.
* * * ,
"IT WILL NOT be necessary to
write to us about the insurance
number or about the status of the
application, since VA will mail
back part of the application to
show that it has been received and
is being processed.
"Veterans who do write in will
only delay their own payment, be-
cause it will delay 'the production
Take Census on
merce Department dispatched its
top officials yesterday on a new
census undertaking-to determine
what areas of the country are in
greatest need of federal aid to
combat unemployment problems.
Heading the nation-wide sur-
vey is the Department's Chief,
Charles Sawyer, who will get the
project under way Monday in Bos-
ton where he is due to confer with
the New England council on that
section's jobless aid needs.
Building on Way Down
Truman To Ask
Government for
Europe Arms Aid
Bulk of Appropriations Requested
For Members of Atlantic Treaty
WASHINGTON-(P)-President Truman will ask Congress Mon-,
day for a highly flexible program of arms aid abroad-including a
$45,000,000 fund for emergency use, and $155,000,000 to stimulate:
armament production in Europe.
The President's proposals, totaling $1,450,000,00 for countries
on the cold war front all over the world will cover several kinds of
aid, it was learned yesterday.
EUROPEAN PARTNERS in the Atlantic Security Treaty would
CRUSHED BY FIRE-Fire destroyed the Mineral Springs Breaker at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The
structure, shown buckling under intense heat, w as leased by Bouis Pagnetti from the Lehigh
Valley Coal Company. There was no estimate -of damage. Pagnetti said that 90 per cent of the
equipment had been removed just before the fire.
-Daily-Bill Hampton
4' * * *
appraisal figure. Unless the owner is fond of legal manipulations
and courtroom scenes, he will be wise to accept this offer.
IF HE DOESN'T JUMP at the bait, diplomatic negotiations begin
between the University and the property owner.
.2 * * * *
SHOULD THE NEGOTIATIONS fail to produce the desired
result, the University will refer the case to an appropriate court.
The court's course of action is quite simple-it merely con-
demns the property and sets the fee which the owner will receive
for it.
This pretty well closes the issue-all the owner has to do now
Is call his favorite moving van company.
* * * *
IN ACTUAL PRACTICE, the University seldom has to take such
drastic steps to acquire property for expansion. Perhaps this indicates
that local property owners have the best interests of education at
The moral of the story, if you must have one, is: Don't build
that dream house across the street from the campus unless you feel
that moving vans represent the ultimate in luxurious transportation.
Top Senators
Accept Slash
In Foreign Aid
Will Fight 'Crippling'
ECA Amendments
Senate leaders accepted without
much protest yesterday a slash of
moie than a half billion dollars
in foreign aid spending during the
next year.
But they promised a battle
royal on the Senate floor next
week against a long string of what
they called "crippling amend-
ments" to the multi-billion dollar
European recovery program.
Tex.) of the Foreign Relations
Committee was the latest to back
up the economy move but warn
against rigid restrictions on ECA
and its, Administrator Paul Hoff-
"I intend to support the 10
per cent cut in funds for this
year voted by the appropria-
tions committee which has given
this careful consideration,"
Connally told a reporter. "In the
main I do not want to cripple
or hamper Mr. Hoffman by
amendments. I think he is doing
a fine job."
Connally thus lined up with his
Republican teammate ni Foreign;
Affairs, Senator Vai.denberg'
(Rep., Mich.), in accepting the
bulk of a cutback of about $525,-
000,000 in foreign-aid spending for
the fiscal year that started July 1.
* *. *.
(Dem., Ill.) previously had an-
nounced that the administration
fight will be aimed, not at this
reduction, but the long series of
amendments approved by the ap-
propriations group.
But chairman McKellar (Dem.,
Tenn.) struck by all reductions or-
dered by his Appropriations Com-
mittee as well as the numerous
riders. and amendments it ap-
DDT Treatment
'Cancels' Matinee
TULSA, Okla-(4P)-Three hun-
dred children were recovering yes-
terday from a severe case of the
As they watched a special movie
cartoon matinee the theatre air
conditioning system picked up a
city health department insecticide
spray being applied outside as an
anti-polio measure.
No one stayed to see the show.
Two performances will be3
Greek tragedy will be by Claribel Baird.
given, on Thursday and Friday nights.
Greek Tragedy To Be
Presented at Clements
The steps of the Clements Library on South University will
supplant the Lydia Mendelssohn boards for this week's Department
of Speech presentation.
In a unique outdoor setting, the department will offer Euripides'
"The Trojan Women," the fifth in the summer series of dramatic
* * * *
Excise Tax
Repeal Urged
By Senator
repeal of wartime excise taxes at
this session of Congress was urged
yesterday by -Senator George
(Dem., Ga.) He said it would stim-
ulate business and employment.
George, ranking Senate tax ex-
pert as chairman of its finance
committee, told reporters that the
special wartime taxes could be
wiped out at once if President
Truman and Congress cooperate.
HE REFERRED to taxes now
collected on sales of furs, railroads
and ailline tickets, most jewelry,
and a long list of other items.
He said his repeal proposal
would not cover the permanent
federal excise taxes on such
products as liquor, cigarettes
and tobacco.
George said removal of the war-
time levies would mean a loss of
about $1,500,000,000 in present
government revenue.
But the Senate leader said the
step would lead to higher federal
income tax payments from cor-
porations, individuals and other
taxpayers and partially offset the
tax loss.
'52-20' To End Tomorrow;
Some Will Still Get Benefits
WASHINGTON-UP)-The "52-20" program dies tomorrow but
a few veterans may be eligible for its benefits for years to come:
The program since its beginning in September, 1944, has funneled
$3;600,000,000 into the pockets of some 8,770,000 World War II veterans
during their periods of unemployment.
AS THE PROGRAM enters its final hours, some 650,000 veterans
are on its rolls.
The Veterans Administration said the majority of them would
draw their final checks at the end of this week. Some states
operate on a bi-weekly basis, and will issue their checks in August.
To Present
'Papa Is.All
Patterson Green's "Papa Is All"
will be presented by the Teachers'
Dramatic Workshop at 8 p.m.
Wednesday in the University High
School Auditorium.
Direction is by Jack E. Bender,
technician for the Speech Depart-
ment summer series of dramatic
* * *
THE WORKSHOP, which is
composed of teachers in fields
other than speech, is being offer-
ed for the first time this summer.
Bender has served as course in-
A folksy comedy about the
Pennsylvania Dutch, the play
will star Albert Jones as Papa,
Ruth Wanty as Mama, Frances
Castner as Emma and Merle
Dunn as Jake. Also included in
the cast are Evina Van Dyke
and Walter Gillette.
Rosemary Bowers will be stage
manager and will be assisted by
Pauline Kempe. Norma Alec will
be costumer; Alfred Shaw, stage
carpenter; Marshall Mahan, prop
man; and Jane Hardin, electri-
Admission will be by invitation
but tickets will not be honored
after 7:55 p.m. the night of the
performance. Any empty seats af-
ter that time will be given to
persons wishing admission but
without tickets.
East Quad Concert
A concert by University stu-
dents and members of the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra will be held
today in the South Main Lounge
of the East Quadrangle.
Beethoven's String Quartet in
A minor will be featured.
TRANSLATION of the work is
by Gilbert Murray, who has said,
"The terrors of war have not
changed in three thousand years.
Euripides . . . had learned that
which we are even now learning'
-that when most triumphant it
brings as much wretchedness to
the victors as to the vanquished."
Chorus movement is under the
direction of Dr. Junana de La-
ban. The chorus will include
Jane Hoffman, Nancy Connable,
Sarah Jane Dohse, Bette Ellis,
Marian Gyr, Alice Juzek, Leo-
nora Leet, Doris Medina, Betty
Publisis and Dolores Rashid.
This list concludes with Elva
Van Heitsma, Bernice Wolfson,
Edith Aull, William Taylor, Frank
Bouwsma, Nafe Katter, Earl Mat-
thews and James Clarke.
* * *
IN GREEK plays, the chorus
serves a double function-it nar-'
rates and it creates the mood.
Music for the production was
written by Grant Beglarian, a
student in the University School
of Music.
Beglarian achieved initial suc-
cess with his compositions for the
String Quartet which performed
in Chicago and Cincinnati.
War Dog Walks
2,000 Miles Home
SEATTLE--(P)-Schultz, a Ger-
man shepherd war-dog, appar-
ently hoofed it some 2,000 miles
from Wakarusa, Ind., to Seattle
to be with his owner.
The home-loving dog turned up
at a Seattle housing development.
He was turned over to the Marine
Corps recruiting office and re-
turned to his owner, PFC. Richard
B. Anthony, who is stationed near
First performed in 415 B.C.,
the play stars Clara Behringer
as Hecuba, Dorothy Gutekunst
as Andromache, Margaret Pell
as Casandra and Virginia Doh-
erty as Helen of Troy.
John' Sargent will play Tal-
thybius, Craig Tenney will take,
the role of Menelaus, Beverly Ket-
cik will characterize Pallas Athena
and Ted Heusel will play Podeidon.
get the bulk of it to strengthen
Mr. Truman hopes to win
Senate and House approval for
a program which would not nail
him down now to deliver to any
particular country during the
next 12 months an exact amount
of war material.
In that way, administration of-
ficials believe, the President car
meet more effectively condition
which are not possible now t
forecast. It is proposed he be al-
lowed to move the arms dollar
around within reasonable limits
MEANWHILE, Senator Vanden-
berg (R-Mich.) called for sub-
mission only of a stop-gap foreig
arms program until the advisor3
council to be set up under the
North Atlantic Pact can name a
defense committee to draft de-
fense assignments.
This view shared by Senators
Taft (R-Ohio) and Smith (R-
NJ), who said in separate in-
terviews that the Pattern of
over-all defense should be de-
cided before the United States
starts supplying arms to Euro-
pean nations.
But Vandenberg said he woul
reserve decision until he saw th
Truman proposals.
Vandenberg also repeated his
previous call for President Tru-
man to take up the other objec-
tives of the so-called Vandenberg
resolution passed by the Repub-
lican 8th Congress from whic
the Atlantic Pact st rned.
that these call on the Presideni
to work for:
(1) A voluntary agreement tc
remove the United Nations vetc
on settling world disputes peace-
(2) An arms reduction agree-
ment, or, if these efforts fail,
(3) An amendment to the UN~
charter under provisions permit-
ting a review by a general con-
He urged Senators who voted
for the Atlantic Pact when it
was ratified last week, as well
as most of the 13 who opposed
it, have indicated they will fight
any large scare arms outlay at
this time.
Chairman Kee (D-W.Va.) of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee
said that he would begin hearing
on the highly complicated meas-
ure at once. He expressed confi-
dence that it would be passed b3
the House after considerable de-
bate. Secretary Acheson probabl
will be the first witness at hear-
ings expected to start Tuesday.
* * *
But the House Committee, lik
the rest of Congress, appeared tc
be deeply split on the issue of sup-
plying arms to other governments
in peacetime even with a "col
war" going on.
Accuses 'State
Carran (D-Nev.) yesterday accus-
ed the State Department o
"undermining the leadership o
Chiang Kai-Shek and the legiti-
mate Chinese Government" and
indirectly aiding the Communis
"drive for world domination.
Speech Hits
Labor Party
-Winston Churchill said yester-
day the Conservative Party's main
aim is to restorehthe greatness of
Britain and "the first essential
step is to regain our economic in-
dependence by earning our own
Socialism and Communism, he
charged, differ only in methods.
THE WARTIME Prime Minister,
speaking before a sell-out crowd
of 40,000 in the Wolverhampton
socker arena, said the Labor (So-
cialist) govermnent had steered
Btain near a ruin which would
"carry many other nations with
us into chaos and Communism."
"Never before in the history
of human government has such
great havoc been wrought by
such small men," declared
Churchill, departing from his
prepared text. The aside recalled
his tribute to RAFfighters I
the battle of Britain: "Never in
the field of human conflct was
so much owed by so many to so
The chunky Conservative states-
man denounced "Socialist spend-
thrifts and muddlers" in a major
policy speech bidding for public
support in the parliamentary elec-
tion due sometime before the ex-
piration of the Labor Govern-
ment's fide-year term in mid-
1950. Churchill elaborated on the
Conservative Party 'platform, re-
leased a few hours earlier today
"WE MEAN to set the people
free, so far as possible and as
soon as possible, from wrong-
headed planning and from official
interference with our daily life
and work," he said.
"Our Tory (Conservative) faith
is that the gifts and genius of
our men and women, if released,
will not be found unequal to the
first task and duty of every com-
munity, namely to earn its daily
* * *
AT DURHAM, 160 miles north
of this midlands industrial center,
Prime Minister Attlee delivered a
rival political speech before a min-
ers' rally and injected a comment
on the Conservative leader.
"The strength of Churchill's
language is in inverse ratio to
his knowledge of the subject,"
Attlee said. "It is unfortunate
that his words are taken at their
face value in other countries.
They just don't realize it is Just
Winnie's sentiments."
* * *
ATTLEE SAID the new Con-
servative platform - pledging,
among other things, to do a better
job with socialist laws already en-
acted and to halt further nation-
alization of industry-was dishon-
est and "only a great piece of
window dressing." He said every
page was "a damning indictment
of what the Conservative Party
did not do" while it held the reins
of the government.
"The Conservative party has
never been able to put forward
a real alternative policy to that
of the Labor Party," the Prime
Minister said. "I shudder to
think what would have hap-
pened had they had control of
them against Red aggression.
In the. case of most veterans, cla
World News
Round- Up{
By The Associated Press
Labor Relations Board has order-
ed a collective bargaining election
among the 1,600 employes at the
American Seating Co. Plant in
Grand Rapids. Workers will have
a choice of the CIO United Furni-
ture Workers, AFL Upholsterers
Union, CIO United Auto Workers
or no union at all.
* * *
TOKYO - A U.S. air force
plane flew over the stormy Paci-
fic today in an effort to pene-
trate the veil of silence shroud-
ing Okinawa since a Typhoon
hit the island yesterday with
126-mile-an-hour winds.
ims will not be allowed on any
unemployment week starting af-
ter Monday.
Possibly ten per cent of the 650,-
000 may remain longer on the
rolls. They are:
1. Veterans who have been dis-
charged( from the Armed Services
since July 25, 1947, following a
period of war service. Their bene-
fits were to continue for two years
from the date of discharge or the
official end of hostilities, which-
ever was the latest.
2. Veterans who enlisted or re-
enlisted under the Voluntary Re-
cruitment Act, between Oct. 6,
1945, and Oct. 5, 1946, and whose
benefits continue for two years
from the date of expiration of the
period of enlistment. Some of
these veterans signed up for as
long as six years.
THE VETERANS Administra-
tion said benefits will stand in
these casesbdespite expiration of
the law.
At least seven bills were sub-
mitted in the 81st Congress to
'Musical Circus' Packs 'em in at Old Tent Theatre
Something unique in summer the-
aters has sprung up on Woodruff
Mountain here-quite literally like
Terrell explains he calls it a
circus "because circuses are any-
thing that centers on a circle,
not just a menagerie."
The "Merry Widow" stars stage
and screen veteran Susanna Foster
and her actor husband, Wilbur
Evans, who created the leading
rnicin' KcPvi ,,An - . vire" and
action. On an orthodox stage,
this usually is played in one
corner. In Terrell's production
it is played in one of the aisles,