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July 22, 1949 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-07-22

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(Editor's Note is written by Co-Managing
Editor Craig Wilson.)
T SEEMS STRANGE to find Senator Taft
and former Vice-President Henry Wallace
sharing the same bed with me, but that
seems to be the case in our opposition to
the proposed Atlantic Pact.
The proposed treaty would set up an in-
visible American Empire based on each
member taking "such action as it deems
necessary" to "restore and maintain the
security of the North Atlantic area."
Of course, the United States is the only
nation with the power to take any sort
of effective action.
And that action may be taken in case
of invasion or physical unrest-where there
is lively controversy between the ideologies.
The treaty pledges us to support present
regimes against any force that threatens
their security, i.e.: security of the Atlantic
area and the U.S. We have already seen that
philosophy of defending hopeless dynasties
cost us billions in useless subsidization. And
the prospect is that we will continue, under
the Atlantic Pact to spend money-not for
reconstruction and improvement, but for*
maintenance and patchwork on systems that
have proven themselves incapable of ful-
filling the needs of their peoples.
The Pact also openly sanctions arning
of Western Europe against attack from
the East-an attack that is daily being
recognized as not much of a menaoe any-
But we are to expend our resources for
useless weapons and forget the things we
really need: highways, development of na-
tural resources, education, health programs
and inter-cultural development.
Without these, our system shall become
weak andI crumble away. And then we will
be vulnerable from within to those who will
Justifiably feel that the democratic way of
life has failed to sustain them on the ever-
rising standard they have earned. Then
from within, will come the attack that Rus-
sia hopes will carry us to Communism.
And for that matter, who will be in the
front ranks fighting for Communism?
Those who are denied the product of their
labors today and as long as the philosophy
of supreme security from everything is con-
tinued-you and I.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara, Roddy
McDowall, Donald Crisp, Sara Allgood,
and if you look carefully, you can see
Barry Fltzgerald in three different roles.
Directed by John Ford.
T HE ART CINEMA people did well to
bring this Academy Winner back to
town. This epic has everything for every-
There are speeches and there is silence,
there is action and there are scenes of
quiet dreaminess. There are tears and
laughter, joys and sorrows. There is sym-
pathetic young minister and there is an old
minister who preaches hellfire and brime-

There is enough social and economic con-
sciousness to satisfy the co-sponsoring
Young Progressives, who should enjoy the
somewhat caricatured portrayals of the dod-
dering old capitalist and the dandified young
capitalist, who own the mine and like to
cut the miners' wages. Even Life magazine
is aroused enough to speak of the tough
situation at the "grim collieries during a
strike against starvation wages."
And the singing of "God Save the
Queen" should warm the heart of many
a conservative.
When seeing the movie, we must nk
forget that it was filmed just prior to Amer-
ica's entry into the shooting war, at a
period when many who supported our of-
ficial neutrality policy still admired the
courage and stamina of the English people,
who carried the whole burden of the war
for 11 years after the fall of France.
In that sense, "How Green Was My Val-
ley," "M'rs. Miniver" and the long list that
following during the next years are propa-
ganda pictures. They try to -make us see
the "better qualities" of the Britishers, the
vitality of the English as well as the non-
English components of the United Kingdom.
But the film, being a true work of art,
has survived any immediate aims it may
have had, and is today as enjoyable as
About the best thing in the picture is its
authentic flavor and its expert direction.
We feel as if we were really living in 19th
C'Panhir Wale .John Fnrd has made expert

(4if ted Peh
by b. s. brown, co-managing editor

"You Can See We're On A Higher Level This Year"

s ~uy ERCL
MAC pty rt L

Letters to the Editor

EDITOR'S NOTE: Today's column was written
by HOMER SWANDER, Managing Editor of the
Daily in 1943.)
MR. BROWN has kindly loaned me his
column today so that I may wrestle
for a moment or two with that greatest
monster of them all: Should Communists
be allowed to teach (i.e., "contaminate") the
young people of America?
I am motivated by a strong impression
that an increasingly large number of lib-
erals-even student liberals-are objecting
to a ban against Communist teachers only
because such a ban would occasionally be
used against the more outspoken members
of the non-Communist left. Justified though
this objection may be, it completely by-
passes the real heart of the problem.
The more immediate and more impor-
tant issue concerns the Communists them-
selves, the admittedly orthodox party-lin-
ers, and our relation to them. It boils
down to just this.: Have we allowed the
- pressure of the cold war so to weaken our
faith in freedom that we no longer dare
expose ourselves to the most controversial
and even most dangerous ideas of our
If the recent NEA meeting is any indica-
tion, the majority of American teachers,
following the lead of university presidents
Conant and Eisenhower, now openly sub-
scribe to the theory that the duty of educa-
tors is to protect the student from alien or
dangerous philosophies, to insulate him, to
let him hear only what is "good" for him.
They are now hellbent on doing. overtly what
they have long tried to do more subtly:
Create us all in their own intellectual image.
They insist upon making our ideological
choices for us out of a fear that if left
alone we will not meekly follow along the
careful path they have so lovingly marked
out for us. They will not trust us with our
own choices, our own minds, our own lives.
They are, in other words, afraid not of
the Communists, but of you and me.
This may strike you as a strange out-
look for men and women who call them-
selves teachers. Yet it is not, I think,
so strange as that of the students who
are echoing (or at least not protesting)
the hyperpatriotic incantations of their

I confess I cannot understand the sort of
spiritual illness which impels any of us to
turn to the Conant-Eisenhower image and
say, in effect, "Father, let us rest in your
wisdom. In this hour of trouble, we need
your strength and your protection. Let us
not climb the mountain by ourselves; for
confronted by the Devil with a textbook in
his hand, we would lose our souls and all.
Save us, O father, save us!" These are
strange gods, indeed! Only an appalling lack
of faith in ourselves and a twisted idea of.
education could make us so willingly kneel
to the censor.
Actually, there can be no education with-
out danger. Training, yes, but no education.
For true education implies a constant broad-
ening of the horizons, a constant experi-
menting with the new and retesting of the
old, a constant, exciting danger that at any
moment one may learn some new thing-
even some new Marxian thing-which will
change the whole image of the universe. It
is precisely this danger, this excitement
which makes freedom-and education in a
free society-worth preserving. Intellectual
calm and ideological safety are not the vir-
tues of democracy; it takes strong souls
to weather democratic seas. Strong teachers
and strong students-we need them both,
and today we have too few of either.
How many, for instance, understand
so thoroughly the meaning of education
and rejoice so profoundly in the free ex-
change of ideas that they would feel fan-
tastically uneducated for our time had
they never come into close personal con-
tact with at least a single first-class Com-
munist mind?
If I may be allowed, now, to reverse the
proper order, I should like to conclude with
what might well be our text for the day-
and for many days to come. "I would not,"
said Henry David Thoreau, "have any one
adopt my mode of living on any account; for
beside that before he has fairly learned it
I may have found out another for myself, I
desire that there may be as many different
persons in the world as possible; but I would
have each one be very careful to find out
and pursue his own way, and not his father's
or his mother's or his neighbor's instead."

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column, Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* "s
Union Heave Ho...
To the Editor:

mitted by the
and Suffness in

the letter sub-
Misses Hagelin
last Saturday's

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Daily, in which they state that
they were given the old "heave
ho" from the Union, we would like
to go- on record as having given
a hearty "Well Done!" to the
"strapping young gentleman"
who ejected them forcibly from
the male students' only remaining
sanctuary on campus. Surely these
two innocent young things knew
full well the sacreligious nature of
their encroachment upon our
rights. We strongly suspect that
these young ladies are trouble-
makers and tradition-breakers,
who "are attempting to strip the
University of all school spirit.
This must not happen!
Therefore, to insure man's sanc-
tity on campus in the future, we
submit the following suggestions:
(1) All women entering the Union
(by the side door, by all means)
must present ID cards or be re-
fused entry. (2) Any woman ap-
prehended entering the front

doors of the Union should be
severely f i n e d. (Five dollars
should be sufficient to break this
disrespectful practice.) (3) If the
above two suggestions are found
to be inefficient in checking this
dangerous invasion of man's ex-
alted position on campus, we
move that women be forever bar-
red from enjoying the privileges
of the Union, so generously grant-
ed Union members.
Really. girls, you should use a
little common sense. Why spoil a
good thing for your sister stu-
dents? Rules and regulations were
made to be obeyed, and you will
find that true all through life.
Colleges instituted these rules,
however "silly and stupid" they
may seem to you, to prepare you
to meet life, upon graduation.
Obviously you have not benefited
from this aspect of college life
as yet. It is sincerely hoped that
you charming ladies still have two
or three years of college to com-
plete, so that these principles of
obedience may be properly install-
ed in you before your entry into
the world.
Prior to reading your irreverent
letter, we were rather sympathe-
tic to some of the complaints voic-
ed by the women students. How-
ever, it is now opparent that the
University realized more fully
than we the necessity of strict
supervision of the feminine ele-
ment in the school. It is evident
that your immature attitude must
be curbed. A bas les femmes!
-Richard J. Wall
Dexter P. Gresh

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At the Michigan ...
THE STORY of Lady Windermere's fan
has been told and retold on the stage
and radio, as well as in the original version
by Oscar Wilde.
The Hollywood interpretation, somehow
falls short of its predecessors, however.
A mother's sacrifices for her children is
always good for tear-jerking, even tender,
movie-which this was in spots.
The main trouble was that so much time
was spent needlessly with scenes of an 80-
year old Madelaine Carroll prancing after
an 80-year old George Sanders that we,
began to wonder where the plot was.
The use of the flash-back technique bogged
the movie down so effectively that even in
Sander's big scene in which he offers his,
life to the woman he loves," the gentleman
beside us let loose with a gusty yawn.
Madelaine Carroll turned in a top-notch
performance in, thank goodness, a role that
suited her age. As the mysterious Mrs. Er-
lynne who gives up her chance for accept,
ance into society for the sake of Lady Win-
dermere, Miss Carroll was as lovely and9
charming as ever.
For once Jeanne Crain, as Lady Winder-'
mere, made us forget that she was ever look-
ing for an apartment. She has now been
permitted to enter the ranks of full-grown
If she knew how well being an adult looked
on her, she would never go back to being
Peggie, Margie, or the other characters she
George Sanders portrayed a human being
for once, and Richard Green and Martita'
Hunt were ; their usual screen selves-all
adding the right flavor to the characteriza-
All in all, "The Fan" is quite an enjoyable
film, once scenes stop being wasted.
The snap and crackle that Oscar Wilde
had in his original version are not obvious,
so we advise that you best forget that he
had anything to do with the movie before
you see it.
Also included in the bill of fare: An inter-
esting short feature on heart trouble, an-
other short feature that combined Jan Si-
belius' "Swan of Tuonela" tone poem with
views of snowy mountain tops which would
have been better to have left uncombined,
and a so-called cartoon which you might
just as well miss.
-Arlynn Rosen.
* * *
At the State...
EL PASO: with John Payne, Gail Rus-
sell, Sterling Hayden, George "Gabby"

title on the marquee. But you've made the
mistake, unless you go for blazing guns be-
cause that's what's coming.
John Payne, as the handsome, dashing
captain who has just returned from fight-
ing the Civil War, offers to go to Texas on
some legal business for his grandfather.
Discovering the corruptness of the west
and an old prewar girl friend, Payne, as
Clay Fletcher, transforms from a mild
eastern lawyer and soldier to a fearless
cowboy fighting for the rights of El Paso's-
The plot is the picture. It winds and
twists, comes up for a breath of air and
then sinks to the level of a not too hardy:
"Hiooh Silver . .
Payne's acting follows the plot. He's con-
vincing until he tries to offer some advice
about law and justice. It's like ham and
cheese with Payne haming, up a few cheesy
The cast tried hard and the plot moved
quickly. Together, they succeed in bluntly
knocking the audience over the head with
the idea that laws must be administered
in the courts, not down the sight of a gun
Gail Russell plays the love interest. But
this is strictly a "he-man" show with almost
no mush. Miss Russell, with relatively few
lines, seems to be thrown in along with the
Texas prairie.
Like all westerns, El Paso has some scenes
that will keep you on the edge of your seat,
such as following a running gun battle
across the prairie.
This is a picture that people sit through
till the end, enjoying life and the air-condi-
tioning, and then . walk out talking about
the weather.
-Herb Kravitz
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig wilson................Co-Managing Editor
M L Lin . . - norts Editor

WASHINGTON-Early this week
Congressman Paul Shafer,
Republican, of Battle Creek, Mich.,
publicly urged that Gen. Harry
Vaughan, military aide to the
White House, be suspended. He
charged that Vaughan was justj
as guilty as two other suspended
generals who had unwarranted
contacts with "5 per cent lobby-
A few hours after making this
statement, Congressman Shafer
got a phone call from a White
House spokesman demanding
that he "lay off." Shafer was
reminded that unless he "piped
down" on the Vaughan charges,
he could expect no "favors" in
his district from the White
Some even nastier, though in-
direct, threats were made to Sha-
fer, coupled with a more friendly
reminder that Shafer, Truman and
Vaughan had once traveled to Fort
Sill, Okla., together when Truman
was chairman of the Senate War
Investigation Committee, and that
Shafer had taken some nice pic-
tures of Truman firing World War
I artillery.
Whether this combination of
White House cajolery and threats
had any effect on Shafer is not
known. But it is known that he
shut up like a clam, declined to
elaborate to the press on his
charges against General Vaughan.
* * *
It is a safe prediction that simi-
lar threats and pressure will be
brought against the Senate sub-
committee now investigating "five
percenter" James Hunt and his
connections with Harry Vaughan.
For whoever pries into the life of
the President's jovial military aide
is certain to be either privately
pressured or publicly called an
Nevertheless, here are some
unhealthy facts which Senate
probers and the Army Depart-
ment might scrutinize carefully.
First, there was excellent reason
why generals Waitt and Feldman
played close to Vaughan's friend,
five per-center James Hunt. For
General Vaughan had demonstrat-
ed how he went to bat for his
friends who got rebuffed by- Army
generals. He could and did influ-
ence their promotions and demo-
* * *
Shortly after the war, Brig.-Gen.
William L. Lee of the air forces
was demoted to the rank of Colon-
el when he got into an altercation
with Harry Vaughan's pal, John
Maragon, the Kansas City ex-
bootblack. Maragon, who supplies
liquor to the White House and is
frequently seen riding in a White
House car, had obtained a special
permit to go to Greece by way of
Italy at a time when few foreign
travelers were allowed in war
And, in front of the Hotel
Hassler in Rome, Maragon, who
always carries a picture of him-
self and President Truman, in-
tervened in a dispute between
an Italian bus driver and Gen-
eral Lee. During the altercation,
the General applied the flat of
his hand to Maragon's face.
It was 4 a.m. Washington time

when this happened. But Maragon
was able to get the White House
on the phone, appealed to his
friend, General Vaughan, and
shortly thereafter General Lee was
reduced to the rank of colonel,
reprimanded under the 104th ar-
ticle of war, and ordered back to
the United States by air priority.
This incident was no secret in-
side the Army. Outside the Army
it was published in this column
more than two years ago. Gen-
erals read, and after that the gen-
erals were careful how they treat-
ed any friend of rollicking Harry
Vaughan. "Five per-center" Hunt,
they knew, was so close a friend
that Vaughan once took him to a
White House garden party where
he instructed the bandleader to
play one of Hunt's musical com-
Probably even more important
than Vaughan's contacts with five
percenter Hunt have been his con-
tacts with the above-mentioned
John Maragon. The chief differ-
ence between Hunt and Maragon
is that the latter doesn'f stop at
five per cent. His percentage runs
from five to fifty.
Maragon first became a five-
to-fifty per-center when his old
friend, Harry Truman, became
Vice President of the United
States and he, Maragon, began
to work for David Bennett, the
perfume importer.
Bennett operated a luxurious
yacht in the Potomac, on which
MIaragon conducted lobbying cruis-
es, and Vaughan was a more fre-
quent yachtsman.
Bennett's lobbying objective was
to reduce the excise taxes on per-
fumery and, immediately after the
war, to import French perfumes
at a time when they were hard to
To this end, Maragon took one
trip to France, expedited through
his friend Vaughan. He also
showed up-believe it or not-
in Potsdam for the Big Three
conference, along with Stalin,
Churchill and Truman.
Housing was so scarce in Pots-
dam at that time that Mrs. Jim-
mie Byrnes and Mrs. Truman
stayed at home, while many Con-
ference advisers were forced to re-
main in Paris and give advice over
the long-distance telephone.
Yet Maragon, thanks to his
friendship with Harry Vaughan,
turned up at the most important
diplomatic conference since the
war. When he left, he carried a
pocketful of diamonds, presum-
ably bought on the black mar-
Maragon also staged a Wash-
ington perfume party which caus-
ed considerable notoriety. Shortly
after the war, when perfume was
scarce, he brought a consignment
of French varieties in on a TWA
constellation and rounded up a
group of Washington socialites, in-
cluding wives of the "Little Cab-
inet," to wait at the airport for
the plane's arrival. Bottles were
passed outto the ladies present.
Eventually, and perhaps because
of the publicity, Bennettsgave up
John Maragon as his Washington
lobbyist and transferred his wire-
pulling to James Hunt.
(Copyright, 1949, by
Trhe Bell Syndicate. Inc.)


All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 23S
There will be no Fresh Air Camp
Clinic this week.
The Pacific Mutual Life Insur-
qnce Co. of Los Angeles, Calif., will
have two representatives here
Wednesday, July 27, to interview
qualified candidates interested in
group insurance. For further in-
formation and appointments, call
at the office of the Bureau -of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
The Ceco Steel Products Corp.
of Chicago, Ill., has sales openings
for men with training in civil,
architectural, mechanical and in-
dustrial engineering. For further
information and applicatio'ns, stop
at the office of the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Speech Conference. Lectures:
"Physical Analysis of Voice Qual-
ity," Dr' Earl D. Schubert, 9:00
a.m.; "The Radio Writer Today,"
Lou Hazam, 1:30 p.m.; "Trends in
Contemporary Stage Design," Pro-
fessor Oren Parker, 2:45 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lecture:"Guidance in the Small
School. System." Stewart C. Hul-
lander. Lecturer in Vocational Ed-
ucation. 3:00 p.m., auditorium,
University High School.
Lecture: "Performance of Thin
Compression Plates as Compon-
ents of Structural Members."
George Winter, Chairman, De-
partment of Structural Enigineer-
ing, Cornell University. 4:00 p.m.,
Rm. 445, West Eng. Bldg.
The Department of Engineering
Mechanics will present George
Winter, head of Department of
Structural Engineering, Cornell
University in two special lectures.
The first lecture entitled "Per-
formance of 'Thin Compression
Plates as Components of Struc-
tural Members" will be given Fri-
day, July 22 at 4:00 p.m.; the
second, "Stability of Structural
Framework" will be Saturday, July
23 at 11:00 a.m. Both lectures will
be held in Rm. 445, West Engineer-
ing Bldg. All who are interested
are invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examina-
tions for Students in Education:
Preliminary examinations for doc-


toral applicants in education will
be held August 15, 16, 17. All stu-
dents who anticipate taking these
examinations must file- their
names and fields of specialization
with the chairman of the Com-
mittee on Graduate Studies in Ed-
ucation, Rm. 4012, University High
School, not later than Aug. 1.
Doctoral Examination for Elden
Leslie Brigham, Education; thesis:
"The Relative Effectiveness of In-
cidental Guidance and a Program
of Intensified Educational and Vo-
cational Guidance on the Adjust-
ment and Vocational Success of a
Class of Flint, Michigan, High
School Students Five Years after
the Graduation of the Class," Fri-
day, July 22, East Conference Rm.,
Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Organ Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, Wed., July
20, 7:15 p.m.; Friday, July 22, 7:15
p.m. - Sullivan: Selections from
The Mikado. "Come a train of
little ladies." "Braid the raven
hair." Madrigal.
Chopin-Preludes 4, 6, 7, and
Price-Variations for large car-
illon on a chime tune by Sibelius.
Southern, Airs-Nobody knows
the trouble I've seen; Suzanna's
Sunday shoes; Lonesome Valley;
the New Year jubilee.
Change in time for Carillon con-
certs. Carillon concerts will be held
on Monday, Wednesday and Fri-
day from 7:15 to 8 o'clock.
The Rackham Roof roof off the
West Terrace will be open to those
who wish to hear the concerts to
best advantage.
Student Recital: Cohleen Jen-
sen, student of voice with Philip
Duey, will present a program at
8:00 p.m., Friday in the Hussey
Room of the Michigan League, in
partial fulfillment of the requjre-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. Her program will in-
clude compositions by Purcell,
Dowland, Handel, Mozart, Ravel.
Poulenc, Schubert, Delius, Rimsky-
Korsakov, and Bernstein. This re-
cital is open to the public.
Rackham Galleries, east gallery.
Paintings by Willard MacGregor,
Visiting Professor of Piano, School
of Music (July 8-August 5.)
- Architecture Building: Exhibit
of student work in design and in
city planing. (June 9-August 13).
University Museums Bldg., ro-
tunda. Life around the Mexican
volcano Paricutin.
Museum of Archaeology: An-
tiquities of the Mediterranean
Clements Library. Unique Can-
adiana: A selection of fifteen Ca-
nadian rarities in the Clements
Library. (June 20-Aug. 19).
General Library: main lobby
cases. Contributions of the Ancient
(Continued on Page 3)





Thof net? I found, it last night...

Peopleare so careless. Leaving

If you isisf we'll stroll over


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