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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LIX, No. 23S
99 Fa cult
To Take Effect
In September
Provost James P. Adams yester-
day announced the promotion of
99 University faculty members.
All the promotions will become
effective with the beginning of the
fall semester in September.
* * *
THERE WERE 20 promotions
to the rank of professor, 36 to the
associate professor level, while 43
faculty members were named as-
sistant professors.
Prof. Adams described this
year's promotion list as "some-
what larger than usual."
He added that the increase "re-
flects the increase in the size of
the teaching staff.
* * *
A COMPLETE LIST of the fac-
ulty promotions follows. Depart-
ments or fields of specialization
are indicated in parentheses.
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts:
William H. Burt ,(Zoology),
Charles M. Davis (Geography),
Howard M. Ehrmann (History),
James B. Griffin (Anthropology),
Karl Litzenberg (English), Nor-
man E. Nelson (English), Fred-
erick K. Sparrow, Jr. (Botany),
Charles L. Stevenson (Philos-
ophy), Robert C. Williams
College of Engineering
Robert C. Cole (Mechanism and
Engineering Drawing), Dean E.
Hobart (Mechanism and Engi-
neering Drawing), Richmond C.
Porter (Mechanical Engineering),
Frank L. Schwartz (Mechanical
Medical School:
Dr. Franklin D. Johnston (In-
ternal Medicine), Dr. Isadore
Lampe (Roentgenology).
School of Business Administra-
Wilford J. Eiteman (Finance),
Herbert E. Miller (Accounting).
College of Architecture and De-
George B. Brigham, Jr. (Archi-
tecture), John W. Hyde
Military Science and Tactics:
Donald H. Ainsworth (Air Sci-
ence and Tactics).
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts:
Newton S. Bement (French),
Russell H. Fifield (Political Sci-
ence), Louis Granich (Psychol-
ogy, Claude W. Hibbard (Geol-
ogy), Henry V. S. Ogden (Eng-
lish), Erich H. Rothe (Mathema-
tics), Kenneth T. Rowe (English),
Hans Samuelson (Mathematics),
Charles N. Staubach (Spanish),
Marcellus L. Wiedenbeck
.College of Engineering
Webster E. Britton (English),
Arnet B. Epple (Mechanical En-
gineering), William W. Hagerty
(Engineering Mechanics), John C.
Kohl (Civil Engineering), Edwin
R. Martin (Electrical Engineer-
ing), Mark V. Morkovin (Aeronau-
tical Engineering), Franklin B.
Rote (Chemical and Metallurgical
Engineering and Metal Process-
ing), Charles W. Spooner, Jr.
(Mechanical and Marine Engi-
neering), William C. Trucken-
miller (Metal Processing).
Medical School:
Dr. David F. Bohr (Physiology,
Wilfrid T. Dempster (Anatomy),
Dr. Frederick E. Shideman
(Pharmacology), Wayne L. Whit-
aker (Anatomy).
School of Education:
Claude A. Eggertsen, Glenn M.
Michigan Men Are Sad-Sacks
Lose 3-0 to Harvard in Competition for Blind Dates
Michigan men are sad sacks
at making love.
Three local lotharios pitted
their telephone personalities
against three Harvard men and
lost 3 to 0, on the 'Blind Date'
TV show, last night.
* * *
THE THREE Harvard men
wound up dating the three girls
at the Stork Club, and the three
Michigan men, who couldn't
make time, wound up staring at
consolation prize watches.
The three losers were: Al
Sandmann '49E, from Mal-
verne, N,Y., Gil Evans '49A
from Rockville Center, N.Y.,
and Bob Carpenter '53 of
Scarsdale, N.Y.
The girls-two blondes and a
brunette-were separated from
the six men by a partition.
EACH GIRL had her choice
of either a Harvard or a Mich-
igan man with only the tele-
phone conversations of each to
go by.
They didn't hesitate.
"I'll take the Harvard man,"
each in turn cooed sweetly.
THERE SEEMED little doubt
that the Harvard men were
superior, although it is difficult
to say why.
The Harvard men seemed to
have an intangible charm, al-
though each individual had a
different line.
They ranged from a blue-eyed
baby sitter who put "female
figures" in two classifications :
"physical and financial," to a
shy wrestler, and a lad who had
nothing but a sister which he
could supply to his losing
(Michigan) rival.
* * *
OF THE Michigan team, one
was decidedly obnoxious.
He described himself as "the
typical American boy: tall, dark,
with hazel eyes and lucky in
love-25 and still unmarried."
Another called himself as
tall, broad and ticklish, and
attributed his line of "sweet
talk" to a father who he said
manufactured candy.
A third merely said he was
"better on the settee than at
Would I have picked the Har-
vard men?
Atonic Conference Called
'Unimportant' by Truman
Truman said yesterday that his
secret atomic energy meeting at
the Blair House last week was rel-
atively unimportant and nothing
for the nation to be alarmed
But he expressed considerable
Art Cinema Film
Will Open Today
"How Green Was My Valley"
will be shown at 7:30 and 9:30
p.m. today and tomorrow at the
Architecture Auditorium under
the auspices of Art Cinema League
and the Young Progressives.
The film is based on Richard
Llewellyn's best - selling novel
about the early coal-mining days
of a small Welsh community.
Huw Morgan, the youngest of
the six Morgan boys, is played by
"Master Roddy McDowall," who
had his first American movie part
in the picture. The story is seen
through Huw's eyes, with all his
early life flashing before him at
the time he prepares to leave the
anger over what he called a leak
that the-meeting was,to be held.
He said at his news conference
that he didn't like that and he
still doesn't like it.
* * *
HE KNOWS the person who
leaked, he said, but he refused to
divulge his name. Whether this
person will be invited to another
conference will be decided when
and if a second meeting is held,
he added.
Sixteen military, diplomatic,
Congressional and atomic en-
ergy officials participated in
last Thursday night's meeting
at the Truman private resi-
dence. Reporters heard about it
in advance, but ran up against
a blank wall seeking informa-
tion when it ended.
Afterward, there were many re-
ports that the conference dealt
with the question whether to share
the latest a-bomb secrets with
Britain. Following another con-
ference on Capitol Hill yesterday,
legislators indicated a belief that
Mr. Truman will not divulge the
secrets to the British without the
approval of Congress.
House Defeats
Farm Aid Plan
To Continue Support
Olf Present Program
jor defeat for the Truman Ad-
ministration, the House yesterday
scuttled the Brannan farm sub-
sidy plan 239 to 170 and voted
to continue the present price sup-
port program through 1950.
The Brannan plan, offered by
the Secretarykof Agriculture, would
let the market price of perishable
foods drop to their natural level.
If they went below a point con-
sidered fair to farmers, the gov-
ernment (meaning the taxpayers)
would pay subsidies to the farmers.
* * *
UNDER THE present program,
the government keeps surpluses off
the market by means of purchases
and loans. Prices of major com-
modities are supported rigidly in
this way at 90 per cent of parity,
which is a price aimed at giving
the farmers a "fair" purchasing
Any losses on such operations,
are made good by the taxpayers.
The bill continuing this pro-
gram another year was passed
and sent to theSenate on a
vote of 383 to 25 but thep rev-
ious rolIcall by which the Bran-
nan plan was beaten, 239 to 170,
was the crucial test.
The House also made another
major decision-shouting approval
of an amendment to kill the Aiken
farm law enacted by the Repub-
lican-controlled 80th Congress.
Set to become effective in 1950,
this law would permit a flexible
60 to 90 per cent of parity support
for major crops.
* * *
A DEMOCRATIC - Republican'
headed by Rep. Gore (Dem.,
Tenn.), took complete charge of
the House, and not even a per-
sonal appeal by Speaker Rayburn
could save the day for the Ad-
ministration. Many men-suoh as
Gore and Monroney of Oklahoma
-who have supported many ad-
ministration bills, joined the op-
position to the Brannan plan.
Some members of the coalition
said the plan, which promised
cheaper food for consumers, got
its support principally from or-
ganized labor-not from farmers.
They argued that subsidies would
make farmers wards of the gov-
Is Effec tive
In February
'U' Forced To Use
Deficit Financing
(Co-Managing Editor)
Student tuition will be raised
again February, 1950.
Michigan students will pay $5
more each semester-$150 a year.
And out-state students will pay
an extra $25 each semester-$400
a year.
* * * *
nounced by the University Board
of Regents to help cover loss of
more than $1 million in expected
operating appropriations when the
state Legislature appropriated the
University $11,436,315, instead of
the $12,500,000 it had asked.
Even with the tuition raises, a
tentative budget deficit of $21,-
842 remains. Special Legislatu~re
appropriations are the on1y
means of covering the sum.
;The raise was the third in three
years. Tuition went from $120
and $240 to $140 and $300 Sep-
tember, 1946. Then it jumped an-
other $25 a semester for outstate
students last September, making
their yearly tuition $350:
* * *
EACHl TIME, University officials
have sid the raises were made
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven said the fee increase was
"one step that the Regents and
the University hoped to avoid."
"We trimmed our budget as far
as we possibly could and yet con-
tinue the high quality program
expected of the University," he
* * *
THE REGENTS approved an
operating budget of $18,658,657 for
1949-50 after a month of pruning
of a budget based on Legislative
approval of the 'U' request for
The budget arrived at is $1,-
962,902 more than last year's
record high budget.
Pres. Ruthven said only a "few"
of an estimated 400 more teachers
needed would be hired.
* * *
RAISES IN RANK and salaries
of present faculty-members were
made although Dr. Ruthven said
they "cannot be brought in line
with what other professional and
business employesphave received."
Acquisition of equipment was
also curtailed.,
Shortages in medicine, chemis-
try, physics, the biological sciences,
and engineering will have to re-
main, according to Pres. Ruthven.
will pay 36 per cent of the cost
of instruction, the state will kick
in 62 per cent and 2 per cent will
come from trust funds and mis-
cellaneous sources.
Students pay approximately
25 per cent of the cost of their
instruction in publicly-support-
ed state universities over the
country, according to Dr. Ruth-
Before World War II, students
paid 30 per cent and in 1929, they
paid 20 per cent.
-Daily--Norm Steere
Health In4suranePlan
Not Socialismm--Slosson.
By PHYLLIS COHEN care for the ill was provided
"Socialized medicine does not the older plans.
mean socialism in this country," Comparing the proposed so
Professor Preston W. Slosson, of ized medicine plans to the1
the history department, said at tional government's role in
an open meeting fo the Young education field, Slosson poin
Democrats last night. out that no one would cons
Speaking in support of the Ad- our educational system sociali
ministration's Health Insurance "People of different relig
Bill, Slosson declared that some faiths are free to send their c
form of socialized medicine is not dren to parochial schools if t
a new thing in this country, wish," the history professor no
* * * * * *
are covered by some form of med- socialized medicine where doc
ical insurance now, mostly by would be free to remain out
some sort of hospitalization plan. the plan and patients would
free to attend private physic
Slosson explained the differ- if they so desired."
ence between the Wagner-Mur- "Only a few fanatics wo
ray-Dingell Bill and old forms call for all-out compulsorys
of health insurance by saying cialized medicine," Slossond
that now "doctors would be in- clared. That is not whatt
cluded in the health program" Administration is proposing n+
whereas formerly only hospital and I hope it never will be p
- posed."
UjTO To Offer In showing the effects of c
Y l O 1pulsory health insurance in E
Paloma tpryland, Slosson pointed out tl
Palomar Biorv
t of
d be
82-13 Vote
'K's Mutual
Aid Treaty
All Reservations
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Senate, by
the overwhelming vote of 82 to
13, late yesterday ratified the
North Atlantic Treaty pledging 12t
nations to give mutual aid against
All reservations were defeated.
Designed as a bulwark against
any attack by Soviet Russia, the
pact puts the United States into
a military alliance with European-
nations for the first time in his-
THE 82 YES VOTES were 18
more than the two-thirds majority
necessary to ratify.
The Senate refused to modify
the United States stand in any
way. Three bitterly contested res-
ervations -*declaring that they
treaty does not commit us to send
arms or go to war--were swamped.
The votes came at the end of
13 days of furious debate in
which opponents of the treaty
cried that it "is likely to lead
to war."
But Secretary of State Dean
Acheson issued a statement of
gratification on the heels of the
smashing victory: "The decisive
nature of the Senate vote makes.
clear to the world the determina-
tion of the American people to
do thier full part in maintaining
peace and freedom."
follow up quickly with a $1,450,-
000,000 arms program, of i i
$1,130,000,000 would be spent to
back up the treaty with arms for
the alliance partners in Europe.
It may g to Congress tomorrow
Unlike the treaty, majority ap-
proval of both houses is required.
Most of the opponents of the
treaty centered their fire on the
arms program.
Throughout the closing day
three Republican senators fought
bitterly to get the Senate to de-
clare that the treaty does not
commit this nation to share the
atomic bomb or other arms with
Backers of the treaty said the
reservation was not necessary and
would weaken the alliance.
*. * *
en 74 to 21. It was offered by
Senators Wherry of Nebraska,
Taft of Ohio and Watkins of
Quickly then the Senate_
smothered a reservation offered
by Watkins alone. It would have
declared the U.S. not obligated
to defend the North Atlantic
area without approval by Con-
gress. The vote was $4 to 11.
Minutes later, another Watkinsx
proposal-to deny that the treaty
obligated Congress to declare war
or use U.S. armed forces to de-
fend a pact nation-was beaten
87 to 8.
THE TREATY becomes effec-
tive when the seven original spon-
soring nations approve it. All but
two of these, France and the
Netherlands, have ratified. France
may vote this week.
The heart of the North At-
lantic Treaty is in three sections
dealing with aggression.
Article 3 says the signers
through "self help and mutual
aid" will develop their "individual
and collective capacity to resist"
attack. Opponents argued this
was a commitment for the United
States to arm Europe. They were
met with the assertion that no
obligation is involved.
ARTICLE 5 s ts forth what
happens in case of an attack on a
treaty signer. Each will assist by
forthwith taking "such action as
it deems necessary, including the
use of armed force." This was as-
sailed as an automatic involve-
ment of the U.S. in var if oie of
the treaty nations is attacked.
SL Dance To Feature
Top Local Entertainers
S* * *
SL's search for entertainment
has met with success.
A star-studded floor show will
now greet couples at the SL dance,
to be held tonight from 8 p.m.
to midnight in the Ballroom of
the Michigan League.
* * *
FACED WITH the prospect of
an empty intermission, Frank Bu-
torac, chairman of the dance,
made a campus-wide appeal for
talent, which brought responses
from several directions.
Featured entertainer of the
show will be Newt Loken, gym-
nastic coach of the University.
Equipped with trampoline and
ladder, Loken will present a
program of gymnastic artistry.
Entertainment will also includeJ
singing by a barber shop quar-
tet. Blending their voices will be
Fir Rn,,-r i - . nr wra
After twenty years of planning
and hard work the giant 200-inch
telescope high on Mt. Palomar in
California finally has been as-
sembled and is ready for use.
A dramatic story, "Out of this
World," concerning the "giant
eye" will be presented at 2:30 p.m.
today on the Michigan Journal of
the Air over Stations WUOM-FM
and WKAR, East Lansing.
The documentary program will
be directed by Bill Flemming with
Walter Boughton narrating the
show. Others in the cast include
Vic Hurwitz, Mary Lou Bramwell,
Larry Johnson, and Pres Holmes.
It is a presentation of the depart-
ment of speech with the actors
taken from radio classes.
ity -diet which gives her less food
than even underwartime ration-
ing, her death rate has been going
down steadily.
Progress towards better national
health has been quite remarkable.
"People are running wild for free
false teeth," he said.
Opposition to theshealth pro-
gram as outlined last night came
chiefly from visiting members of
the Young Republicans and from
local doctors.
One local doctor pointed out
that, "The medical profession will
be controlled by politicians with-
out any medical training and their
ideas will be made to stick." He
noted an "ex-miner and labor of-
ficial now runs -the British medical
Miller Asks for Federal Water Agency
A single federal agency should
replace the half-dozen agencies
which administer the country's
un ,t . rfCr,,V. C nnn,,c.m i *r .PTC_
rigation water in the West, the
rapid silting-up of reservoirs be-
hind dams. and decreasing sun-
competition exist between the sev-
en major federal departments that
are directly concerned with our
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