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July 21, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-21

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(Editor's Note is written by Co-Managing
Editor Craig Wilson.)
[INIGHT Prof. Preston W. Slosson, a very
convincing Democrat, will discuss the
resident's Health Insurance Program.
The open meeting, sponsored by the Young
?emocrats, will be held at 7:30 p.m., in the
It should be the high-point of political
ebate for the Summer Session and of conk
ern not only tomedical students who may
>meday be affected by it, but also to all
ther students who may be under its com-
ulsory regulations.
There are many aspects of the program
that need to be brought out, discussed and
made clear in our minds.
And there are many aspects that must
still be debated:
Will there be enough doctors to fulfill the
icreased demand for medical care?
Will doctors provide adequate medical at-
mtion for all?
Is a plan worthwhile that might coerce
oth doctors and patients?
Will it only oost $6 billion, as President
'ruman says?
Will the program maintain the present in-
entive for young men to enter the medical
Is there actually a need for a government-
1 program today, in the face of privately-
nanced health insurance plans?
Should we not be concentrating on in-
reasing facilities for training more doctors
nd nurses, instead of creating more de-
Is the Administration organized to effec-
ively institute such a program?
Will this program lead us to governmental
ontrol of all other professions?
.* * * *
OR ON THE OTHER HAND, is more gov-
rnmental control so bad? 'Or is it even
nough to be effective?
Is the program strong enough to improve
hie poor medical status of the nation?
Will the areas hardest hit, and the people
nost in need, gain by the program.
Will enough power be granted to the Ad-
ainistration to make the program work?
* * *
These °questions are vitally important to
you. And it is for you that the program is
Don't wear a coat. The weatherman
says it will be hot, and anyway, these
affairs are pretty informal.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

Supreme Court witnesses

THE HOT SUMMER is being spared the
tragedy of the Hiss trial, and vice versa.
Yet the dirty linen is going to be rewashed
again this fall, the lawyers will again set
the pace, and the quartet of unfortunates
will again go through travail. But maybe
the procedure isn't going to be the same;
some Congressmen were outraged that Hiss
wasn't summarily "hung" and want to make
the justice of our federal judiciary more akin
to that of the congressional committee.
Two Republicans-the usual source of
proposals such as these-were shocked
that Supreme Courts Justices Frankfurter
and Reed testified as character witnesses
for Hiss. Representatives Keating and
Velde are going to propose a bill outlawing
this practice. The guilt or innocence of a
man shades into insignificance beside the
shining honor of the Supreme Court-
it must not be sullied.
The rights of Mr. and Mrs. Hiss as indi-
viduals and Americans perforce must pale
before the dignity of the state and one of
its organs. Completely, utterly, ineffably
beside the point is that the testimony of
Frankfurter and Reed might persuade the
jury to find Hiss innocent.
Unfortunately, it seems, too many of our
Republican legislators restrict the definition
of "individual" to that metaphysical entity,
the corporation; hence, individual rights
equal corporate rights. The individual man
kind of wanders about in limbo, as the basic
premise underlying this bill suggests. Doubly
unfortunate is the fact that the bill has a
prima facie chance of snagging minority
support for it does not raise taxes, the prime
rule of trunk for the worth of a bill.
In support of their proposal, Reps. Velde
and Keating conjure up the chamber of
horribles-if enough justices appeared as
character witnesses, the American judicial
system would be paralyzed for they would
have to disqualify themselves when the
case came up on appeal.
These gentlemen have a most fantastic
imagination when they see seven, eight or
nine black robed justices all vouching for
one man, in one trial; and worst of all,
a man accused of communism (in effect).
The whole judicial edifice will come atum-
bling to the ground. With so fruitful,
or frightful, an imagination, these fellows
might better be grinding out thrillers for
some horror magazine.
Reciting the dire consequences of some
act is a favorite device of those with an axe
to grind. Scare people into something, scare
'em enough so they'll take the quick cure
and knock out a civil liberty. ,
The truth of this situation is that nothing
will happen to our judicial system. The hon-
orable representatives must consider our
Justice egregious idiots to think they would
ever allow a situation to arise where a ma-
jority would be disqualified. About the only
thing that could result from this testimony

-is the inculcating of a higher respect for
our system of injustice in the eyes of all,
as a country where the most honored of all
public officials are not so removed from
the people that they won't strive to do
justice in the work-a-day world.
Alger Hiss must'be passed upon by the
jury in the trial court and the trial, is
the great bastion of our liberties. Why
these two men desire to smack down indi-
vidual rights in the very institution de-
signed to protect them is a matter of spec-
ulation. Perhaps they feel that for polit-
ical offenses the axiom should be guilty
till proven innocent.
Probably it's a lack of regard for the
essential legal safeguards we afford the
accused. When difficulties arise, the spirit
of our law must govern, not a carping tech-
nicality. Today when a man stands smeared
with the taint of Communism, he not only
fights the full panoply of the government
but the more invidious and dangerous enemy
of potentially a prejudice in the jury's
mind. More than ever his civil liberties must
be given freedom and scope. And every
individual must realize that the rights being
attacked are his rights as well as the rights
of the accused.
-George Vetter.
Frank Murphy
FRANK MURPHY, the man who spent his
life protecting the underdog and ad-
vancing liberal causes died peacefully in his
A brilliant career as mayor of Detroit,
high-commissioner of the Philippines, gov-
ernor of Michigan, Attorney-General of the
United States, and finally as Supreme Court
Justice is ended.
Murphy opened the City Treasury to
hungry, jobless citizens who had no other
source of relief, when he was Detroit's
mayor in the early 30's.
He believed that when a family's income
has been removed through no fault of its
own, government's duty is to offer aid.
Later, as governor of Michigan, Murphy
became famous for refusing to call in troops
for 60 days during the 1937 sitdown strikes
by union men.
He acted to protect the rights of indivi-
duals, he said, although he believed that
the principle of sitdown strikes was wrong.
As Supreme Court Justice in his mild
manner and soft voice, ise continued to
protect the rights of individuals regardless
of their political affiliations.
There are many who might disagree with
Murphy's political theories and practices.
There are few, however, who could dis-
agree with his sympathy for the sufferings
and needs of his fellowmen.
There are few who could argue against
his insistence that human rights be extended
to all.
The interests of the people came above
all else to him. But, the single fact that
Frank Murphy lived and had an effect
on the course of events is not enough.
The question arises whether or not the
ideals of humanism that Frank Murphy ad-
vanced will continue to grow and spread,
and eventually become reality.
If the answer is in the affirmative, then
Frank Murphy's life and death had a pur-
pose, and we are all the more fortunate
for it.
If the answer is negative, then any hope
we have for an eventual peace is merely a
--Arlynn Rosen.
[Looking Back1

The library swallowed its pride and or-
dered a complete set of the "New Interna-
tional Encyclopedia," consisting of 23 .vol-
umes costing $85. Two volumes have already
been received and the others will come in as
they come off the press.
Prof. A. G. Ruthven, director of the Uni-
versity Museums, left for Utah to make a
thorough study of reptilian life. Dr. Ruth-
ven is reported to be especially interested in
the life of frogs, snakes and lizards.
*' * * *
Two University professors were named
to the National Research Council Advisory
Committee to Chicago's Century of Progress
World's Fair to be held in 1933. The com-
mittee was drawn up to present science at
the Fair in a clear and graphic manner.
* * * *
A super-duper Ice Cream Festival wd
held on the Mall to raise money for war
stricken China. The Festival was complete
with ice cream, concessions, an open a-s
concert and square dancing in front of the
Rackham Building. Nearly 3,000 attended
the event.
PITY THE POOR pipe smoker who is the
father of small children. If he keeps
pipe cleaners at home, the youngsters make
things out of them. His six-year-old fashions
complex things, like elephants, dogs or mon-

"By Gad, Sir - A Real Government Wouldn't
Tolerate Post-War Problems!"
11 ~ . .
- i
y n
~z- --
3 4--
_ Y
WASHINGTON-Some people, including John L. Lewis, seem to
have forgotten his all-too-familiar refrain: "No contract, no work."
have forgotten his all-too-familiar refrain: "No contract, no work."
For today, John L. and the miners are doing what they vowed
could not be done in the past. They have no contract, yet they are
There is a secret but excellent reason for this.
John L. is not above making a deal with the mine owners,
and he has made one now. It was no accident that he recently
declared that the coal industryneeded a czar. In fact, such a czar
has been agreed upon by Lewis and the northern operators.
He is George Moses of the Frick Company.
And after his appointment is formally announced, the Mine
Workers will get either a raise or an increase in the welfare fund.
This has been agreed upon in advance, and that is the reason John L.
is violating his old adage: "No contract, no work."
Note-The Justice Department is investigating another angle of
Lewis' cooperation with the mine owners-the three-day week. For
the mine owners to declare a three-day week would be a violation of
the anti-trust laws, but since labor unions are immune from the anti-
trust laws, it is suspected that Lewis has put the three-day week
across for the operators.
It was not Ben Fairless who really dictated U.S. Steel policy
regarding the strike-but Wall Street.
The J. P. Morgan firm, which finances U.S. Steel, dictated every
move from backstage, with Enders Voorhees, chairman of the finance
committee, acting as chief dictator.
The J. P. Morgan boys even dictated the telegram which Ben
Fairless sent the White House. The wire was written in New
York and phoned to Pittsburgh. All Fairless did was sign his
It was this remote Wall Street control that caused U.S. Steel to
make one of the most stupid blunders in the entire negotiation. The
Wall Streeters did not realize that the union wanted no strike, that
Phil Murray might have difficulty obtaining a favorable strike vote.
But when U.S. Steel sent its first abrupt telegram to Truman
turning down a fact-finding board and demanding action under the
Taft-Hartley Act, it swung the steelworkers overwhelmingly in favor
of a strike. Later, U.S. Steel had to reverse its position.
Real fact about the British atomic-bomb negotiations is that
Britain has never had any a-bombs stored on her territory. Two years
ago it was planned to send six bombs to Scotland without the trigger
mechanisms-the most secret part of the bomb and without which it
cannot explode.
However, publication of the plans to ship the bombs brought
a flood of protests and the shipment was called off.

Meanwhile we have received the lion's share of uranium from the
Belgian Congo, with Britain getting only a drivel. Naturally this has
Furthermore, the British stopped working on the a-bomb when
we started joint development during the war. They gave all their
know-how to us, and were working with American scientists when the
first bomb was exploded.
Since January 1948, however, we have not been exchanging
military atomic secrets with the British-only information.about
peacetime uses of atomic energy. The British now realize-as do
our scientists-that peacetime uses of atomic energy are 10 or
15 years off, and its main current importance is military.
Consequently they want to develop the atomic bomb, and have
notified us that they want their share of Belgian uranium when the
Belgian agreement expires shortly.
* * * *
Uranium is still one of the scarcest metals in the world. The
Russians have been searching fantically for it, have German slave
labor combing southern Germany.
The British, meanwhile, are blessed with a virtual monopoly
of uranium, first through Canada, second through their financial
and political hold over Belgium. The British claim they've made
considerable progress in making the a-bomb, though they still
proably lack the secret trigger mechanism.
President Truman, in outlining the British position at the secret
Blair House meeting last week, was sympathetic. He felt that national
pride was involved, that we must put ourselves in Britain's shoes.
Nevertheless, because of England's close juxtaposition to Europe, and
easy bombing range from Russia, he-and the others-did not want
a-bombs manufactured in England.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.)

Letters to the Editor

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general po1-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* **s
Atlantic Pact .. .
To the Editor:
IN A LETTER to the editor Mr.
Robert J. Good criticized a re-
cent editorial by Mr. Brentlinger
which raised some serious ques-
tions regarding the validity of At-
lantic Pact objectives. In effect Mr.
Good asks what alternative is
there to the pact? He answered
his own questions by posing what
was to his mind the only alterna-
tive. It is the alternative of sub-
mission to agression.
In this statement he failed to
mention the most suggestive and
viable alternative to war that is
maturating throughout the world
today. Our only hope lies in the
creation of a world federal gov-
ernment having powers while lim-
ited and defined shall be strong
enough to prevent armed aggres-
sion between nations..
Both the Atlantic Pact and
world government advocates as-
sume that this is rapidly becoming
a two-world earth. The Pact seeks
to put our half of the world in a
position to win the next war if it
comes. World government seeks to
rejoin a split world and thus to
prevent the next war from com-
Mr. Good stresses the fact that
the Pact does not undermine the
UN. What then is his opinion of
the following statement made by
Mr. Truman? According to the
New York Times, May 12, Presi-
dent Truman "frankly stated that

the UN as a security organization
had been a disappointment," and
"stressed that because of the dis-
appointment caused by the UN,
measures such as the North At-
lantic Pact had been taken for
reasons of security."
-Allen Hurd
* * *
Verbal Duel ..
To the Editor:
THE SUMMER issues of the Dai-
ly are being overrun by a ver-
bal duel between two people who
seem to think that the general
interests of the campus reading
crowd run to the Demorcratic-
Republican party line mud-sling-
It is just plain bad newspaper
policy for the Daily staff to al-
low a personal feud between too
abnormally hot-headed school
politicians to take up good editor-
ial space in order that they might
carry on their argument in front
of everyone else.
From having spent my good,
valuabledtimereading these so-
called editorials, it appears Mtore
and more as they wear on through
these beautiful summer days that
the little spat between Mr. Walsh
and Mr. Belin could better be car-
ried on in the men's room or on
the curb in front of the publica-
tions building.
-Ron Wetterholt
Ed. Note:; Mr.- Walsh and Mr.
Belin, who are the best of friends,
have made use of the privelege of-
fered them by the Letters column
of the Daily to bring controvers-
ial topics before the reader. The
Daily will not discourage serious
thinking along these lines nor will
it refuse to print letters which
stimulate thought because two
men are carrying the brunt of
their particular party's concepts.)





,; ,




All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletinaresto be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 228



There will be no Fresh Air
Clinic this week.



THE WHITE STEED. At the Lydia Men-
EN SPITE OF the fact that the Speech
Department has already turned out three
emarkably well-done performances thus
ar this summer, it looked from the sixth
ow last night as though they have come
ip with the best of the lot in "The White
Those of you who are, like me, suckers
or the Irish comedies will love this one. It
as to do broadly with the uncomfortable
iscrepancy between the way even persons
f the same faith think people ought to be-
lave, and, more specifically, with the teapot-
empest stirred up by a shiny new cleric with
tern ideas who comes into conflict with an
ider, and easier-going canon. Sound famil-
ar? Of course it is. But, happily,' 'The White
teed" is no "Going My Way."
As the comfortable old shoe, Canon Matt
Lavelle, Whitford Kane demonstrated why
he is highly regarded as he is both on
the stage and in the films.
Operating on the not-very-surprising prin-
iple that "there's always been a percent-
ge of human weakness in the community,"
he old canon proves that old shoes very
ften wear longest. Mr. Kane is an intelli-
ent and warm actor.
Mr. William Bromfield, an old Play
Production hand who performed with ease
and felicity two weeks ago as young Clar-
ence in "Life with Father," was as fine

as you could ask in

the part of Father

A sort of self-appointed Torquemada con-
ducting a small and local inquisition, the
snap-tempered Father S. creates a great deal
of trouble in the village, and all with high
moral purpose. Mr. Bromfield led his
straight-backed Vigilance Committee with
a fine and precise certainty, and succeeded
beautifully in making himself as unpleasant
as he should have been..
I was also made very happy by the per-
formance of Jeanette Grandstaff as the
housekeeper, " Rosieanne. Miss Grandstaff
might very easily have been another stock
housekeeper. She wasn't.
Ruth Livingston and Earl Matthews,
who operated in tandem-fashion as the
young lovers were, if not sensational, at
least solid and competent. Miss Living-
ston, as the instinctively pagan young
rebel who yearns for the days of Finn
McCool, is notable for her astonishing
ability to blow her top with complete
success. Matthews did, the unhappy young
schoolteacher Dillon with a properly for-
lorn uncertainty, but also with occasional
lapses into inaudibility.
Also present were Arthur Flemings, ex-
cellently futile as Nora's father, Phelim
Fintry; Bruce Huffman as the representa-
tive of the Civil Law, Inspector Toomey, and
Craig Tenney as the hotel owner Shivers.
In addition, the Moral Police, a fine and
upstanding bunch of Watch-and-Warders,
and including among their number a gentle-
man bearing the unlikely handle of Donna-
caidh McGoilla Phaidraig.
Direction, sets and costumes were, as they
have consistently been, superlative.
-W. J. Hampton
Written by Paul Vincent Carroll and
first produced on Broadway January 10,
1939. Presented by the Department of
Speech at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Wednesday, July 20, 1949. Directed by
Whitford Kane. Art direction by Oren
Parker, assisted by Harold Ross. Techni-
cian. Jack Bender. Costumes by Helen
Forrest Lauterer.
The cast:
Canon Matt Lavelle .....Whitford Kane
Father Shaughnessy . .William Bromfield
grn Fin -_T _--RthTLivingstonn

There will be a public showing
of selected Canadian films provid-
ed through the courtesy. of the
Canadian Consulate and the Na-
tional Film Board fo Canada at
one o'clock, Wednesday and
Thursday, July 20 and 21, in the
University High School Auditori-
um. This program of films is un-
der the auspices of the Canada-
United States Workshop.
Institute on Living in the Later
Years. Sessions, 9:30 a.m. and 2:00
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre;
6:00 p.m., Michigan Union ball-
Lecture: "The Use of Aptitude
Tests in Guidance." Marie Skodak,
lecturer in education. 3:00 p.m.,
Auditorium, University High
Summer Session Lecture Series.
"Water in Our National Economy."
Leslie A. Miller, Natural Resources
Committee. Commission on Or-
ganization of the Executive Branch
of the Government. 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Students
enrolled in Forestry 194S and City
Planning 200S are expected to at-
tend this lecture. Other students
and the general public are invited.
The Department of Engineering
Mechanics will present George
Winter, head of Department of
Structural Engineering, Cornell
University in two special lectures.
The first lecture entitled "Per-
formance of Thin Compression
Plates as Components of Struc-
tural Members" will be given Fri-
day, July 22 at 4:00 p.m.; the
second, "Stability of Structural
Framework" will be Saturday, July
23 at 11:00 a.m. Both lectures will
be held in Rm. 445, West Engineer-
ing Bldg. All who are interested
are nivited.
Professor S. Timoshenko will
present another in the series of

informal talks on the history of
strength of materials and. of the
theory of elasticity Thursday eve-
ning, July 21, from 7:30 to 9:00
p.m. in Room 311, West Engineer-
ing Bldg. His subject will be "S.
Venant and His Work in Strength
of Materials and Vibrations." All
who are interested are invited to
attend this meeting.
Lecture: Prof. R. M. S. Heffner
of University of Wisconsin, 7:30
p.m. today in Rackham Amphithe-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examina-
tions for Students in Education:
Preliminary examinations for doc-
toral applicants in education will
be held August 15, 16, 17. All stu-
dents who anticipate taking these
examinations must file their
names and fields of specialization
with the chairman of the Com-
mittee on Graduate Studies in Ed-
ucation, Rm. 4012, University High
School, not later than Aug. 1.
Doctoral Examination for Elden
Leslie Brigham, Education; thesis:
"The Relative Effectiveness of In-
cidental Guidance and a Program
of Intensified Educational and Vo-
cational Guidance on the Adjust-
ment and Vocational Success of a
Class of Flint, Michigan, High
School Students Five Years after
the Graduation of the Class," Fri-
day, July 22, East Conference Rm.,
Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Student Recital: Glenn Wright,
graduate student of piano with
John Kollen, will present a pro-
gram at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday,
July 20, 1949, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree. His program will
include ,compositions' by Bach,
Schubert, Chopin and Beethoven.
This recital is open to the public.
Organ Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur. Wed., July
20, 7:15 p.m.; Friday, July 22, 7:15
p.m. - Sullivan: Selections from
The Mikado. "Come a train of
little ladies." "Braid the raven
hair." Madrigal.
Chopin-Preludes 4, 6, 7, and
Price-Variations for large car-
illon on a chime tune by Sibelius.
Southern Airs-Nobody knows
the trouble I've seen; Suzanna's
Sunday shoes; Lonesome Valley;
the New Year jubilee.
Change in time for Carillon con-
certs. Carillon concerts will be held
on Monday, Wednesday and Fri-
day from 7:15 to 8 o'clock.
The Rackham Roof roof off the
West Terrace will be 'open to those
(Continued on Page 4)



Fifty-Ninth. Year
idited and managed by students of the University
Michigan under the authority of the Board in
atrol of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
S.Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
rag Wilson ..................Co-Managing Editor
;rte Levin......................... ...Sports Editor


Sl oil
You can play for awhile, Barnaby.
l 'm waiting breakfast for your

John, back so soon? We couldn't play.
I haven't started... Strangest thina--

Hello, m'boy. You're just in time
to help your Fairy Godfather

,-, A I

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