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July 21, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-07-21

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Latest Deadline in the State





Senate Votes
" Today on
'No Obligation To
Share A-Bomb'
tion of the North Atlantic Pact
will carry no obligation for the
United States to share atom bomb
Secrets with other treaty nations,
Senator McMahon (Dem., Conn.)
told the Senate yesterday.
McMahon - chairman of the
Senate - House Atomic Energy
Committee-said the exact nature
of the military aid to Europe must
be decided when Congress acts to
implement the treaty with an
arms program.
to Senators Wherry (Rep., Neb.)
and Donnell (Rep., Mo.) who
pressed him as to whether any
army obligation in the treaty
would call for sharing the atom
bomb secrets.
McMahon declared: "There is
no binding compulsion in the pact
as to what kind of military assist-
ance will be given."
It may be, he added, the pact
nations could best be defended
by keeping the atomic weapons
in the continental boundaries of
the United States.
The Senate held a night session
on the treaty clearing the way for
a vote late today. Pact supporters
ii say they have the two thirds nec-
essary to ratify, with some to
spare. They also say they are con-
3fident of defeating all reserva-
IN YESTERDAY'S debate back-
ers of the security treaty called it
a bulwark for peace and opponents
saying it would weaken the United
Senator Humphrey (Dem.,
Minn.) went to bat for the
treaty, as did Senator Baldwin
(Rep., Conn.) Senator Taylor
(Dem., Idaho)" opposed it.
Then, as the session wore on,
Senator Graham (Dem., N.C.) de-
livered his maiden Senate speech
in support of the pact and Senator
Lucas of Illinois, majority floor
leader, made a dramatic appeal
for ratification.
GRAHAM, former president of
the University of North Carolina,
said the treaty "seeks to repair the
damages and reinforce the struc-
ture and does not impair the
foundations upon which the struc-
ture of the United Nations stands."
He coupled his plea with an
attack on Soviet Russia for fail-
ing to continue the allied co-
operation which won the war
and which, he added, "could yet"
win the peace.
He denounced Russia for crush-
ing civil liberties and obstructing
the United Nations.
Lucas said the pact "will operate
as a powerful instrument against
British Deny
Wage Scheme
LONDON-(P) - Labor Minister
George Isaacs assured 15,509 idle
London dockers today that the
government will not use the guar-
anteed weekly dock wage scheme
as a club to end their strike.
A warning that the dock labor

r scheme was in danger unless the
strike ended by tomorrow morning
had caused a split between the
dock labor board, which made the
announcement, and the govern-
A STATEMENT from No. 10
Downing Street-Prime Minister
Attlee's official residence-formal-
ly rejected the board's move.
The wage scheme, adopted two
years ago, guarantees the steve-
dore a weekly payment of 4 pounds
and eight shillings ($17.60) wheth-
er he works or not.
Previously, the London docks
had operated with casual labor on
a day-to-day basis.
'How Green Was
y Valley' Shown
"How Green Was My Valley"
will be shown here tomorrow and
Saturday, under the auspices of
the Art Cinema League and the
Young Progressives.

Joint Young Dem-
GOP Meeting Off
Slosson To Speak to YD Today
On Truman Health Insurance Plan
(Co-Managing Editor)
Plans for a large-scale series of joint Young Democrat and Young
Republican open discussions flopped.
But officials of both groups promised "a series of jointly-spon-
sored open meetings" in the fall, and the Young Democrats announced
an open meeting tonight on President Truman's Compulsory Health
Insurance Program.
PROF. PRESTON W. SLOSSON, unsuccessful Democratic cam-
paigner last fall, in Michigan's second Congressional District, will
The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., in the Union.
Announcement of the meeting was held up until the last moment,
in hopes that the two political groups could reach an agreement


Immediate Plan for Sharing
iomb Data With Britain Seen

.battles for
Farm Plan
ministration forces fought in the
House yesterday to save the Bran-
nan farm subsidy plan from
threatened defeat.
They shouted that it is neces-
sary to prevent a collapse of the
whole farm program.
The opposition responded with
a charge that the Administration
bill gathers its support principally
from organized labor-not from
farmers. They argued that it
would lead ultimately to a peace-
time OPA.
* * *
SECRETARY OF Agriculture
Brannan first submitted the sub-
sidy plan to Congress as a means
of getting cheaper food for con-
sumers and good income for farm-
Rep. Sabath (D-Ill.), chair-
man of the House Rules Com-
mittee, kicked off for the Ad-
ministration with a plea to
Democrats not to be led astray
"by a collusive combination of
Republican controlled farm or-
ganizations and Dixiecrats."
But some of President Truman's
best friends in Congress opposed
the Administration on the issue
which will come to a head in show-
down voting today or tomorrow.
ten have carried the Administra-
tion banner in Congressional bat-
tles-Gore of Tennessee, Monron-
ey of Oklahoma and Rains of Ala-
bama-helped lead an -opposition
coalition of Democrats and Re-
The coalition strove confi-
dently to overwhelm theAdmin-
istration bill, offered by Rep.
Pace (D-Ga.), and to enact in-
stead a substitute by Gore that
would continue the present farm
program for another year.
Chairman Cooley (D-N.C.) of
the Agriculture Committee ad-
mitted frankly to the House that
the Administration bill 'is "in
trouble," and he blamed its pre-
dicament on "vicious propaganda
and misrepresentation."
No Draft But--
You Must Sign
Registration under the Selective
Service Act is still required de-
spite the extended draft holiday,
draft board officials announced.
Registration requirements that
were not clearly understood by the
public were clarified by Colonel
Glenn B. Arnold, Michigan State
director of selective service.
* * *
EVERY MALE between the ages
of 18 and 26, regardless of citizen-
ship, is required to register, with
the only exceptions of members of
the armed forces and certain
The Colonel pointed out that
the local board must be kept
informed of any change in ad-
dress or status even after the
registrant passes his 26th birth-
Men who were on active duty in
the armed forces and who did not
register during the registration
period last September are required
to do'so within 30 days of their

*which would have allowed the
Health Insurance discussion to be
the first in the jointly-sponsored
* * *
THE PROPOSAL grew out of
Spontaneous debate that arose in
a recent Young Democrats meet-
ing, when that group held a dis-
cussion on Democratic Party pol-
icies, presided over by Prof. John
P. Dawson, of the Law School.
Enough Young Republicans
appeared to turn the meeting
into a verbal free-for-all on con-
troversial issues.
Theodore Souris, '49L, summer
chairman of the YD, and David
Belin, '51, president of YR began
making arrangements for the first
joint meeting.
Pollard, of the Medical School, to
oppose a doctor speaking for the
Democratic Party view. Souris,
finding no doctor available, picked
Prof. Slosson, of the history de-
However, because Dr. Pollard ac-
cepted on condition that the op-
posing speaker would be another
doctor, the joint forum was post-
poned to the fall.
Deadlocked for a week, Souris
announced plans for the Prof.
Slosson open forum sponsored
solely by Young Democrats. Souris
said he would have a doctor then
to oppose the Young Republican
Israel, Syria
Sign Armistice
Last Arab State To
Remove War Threat
TEL AVIV, Israel - (P) - Israel
and Syria, last of the Ahar neigh-
bors the Jewish state fought for
its independence, signed an armis-
tice today on a hill in the no-
man's land between their armies.
The agreement removes virtu-
ally the last threat of renewed
fighting along Isael's frontiers,
pending a final Palestine peace
* * *
EGYPT, Lebanon and Trans-
Jordan, the other Arab states hav-
ing common frontiers with Israel,
previously had signed similar ar-
mistice agreements.
The four countries and Israel
started negations toward a final
peace several weeks ago at La-
sanne, Switzerland ,under Unit-
ed Nations auspices. The talks
have made little progress, ,how-
The Israeli-Syrian agreement's
main provision calls for Syrian
troops to evacuate immediately
about 20 square miles of territory
near the Sea of Galilee, claimed
by Israel under the UN partition
plan for Palestine.
Israel, in turn, agreed to use of
most of the evacuated area-about
15 square miles-for the creation
of a demilitarized buffer zone to
be supervised by a UN armistice

Coo peratioi t
Urged by'U'
Instr uctors
Policy's Political
Advantages Cited
Three University faculty mem-
bers yesterday agreed that it
might be a good idea to share
atomic energy secrets with Bri-
George A. Peek, of the political
science department, sounded the
keynote of these opinions 'then
he said that the sharing of the
atom secrets would be a "logical
extension of our foreign policy."
*1 * * -
WITH THE North Atlantic Pact
occupying an important niche in
the nation's foreign policy, Peek
said that "it is almost our obli-
gation to share these secrets with
Britain as a co-signer of the Pact."
He also pointed out that since
Britain and Canada gave us so
much help in research on the
atomic bomb, it would be only
fair to let them share in the
technical knowledge we now
have about atomic power.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department added his ap-
proval to a sharing of atomic en-
ergy secrets.
* * *
"IT WOULD be safe to cooper-
ate -with Britain on atomic re-
search," he said.
He added that "the basis of
research would be broadened
through the collaboration of
several countries. As a result,
improvements in atomic energy
might be seen."
Political science instructor Man-
fred C. Vernon also thinks that
scientific progress would be im-
proved by a sharing of the secrets.
"British reseaich could be a
.valuable supplement to our work,
while our research would also sup-
plement that done in Britain,"
Vernon said.
Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb, of
the sociology department, pre-
ferred to wait until the details of
the secret-sharing plan are work-
ed out before making a definite
decision about the problem.
"It might help form a more
closely knit regional group - a
group which right now would be
made up of Atlantic Pact signers,"
* *
Condon Wants
Legislation To
WASI4INGTON - ()-Dr. Ed-
ward U. Condon yesterday advo-
cated legislation to protect the
rights of persons accused by such
Congressional groups as the House
Committee on Un-American Activ-
He said the committee has be-
smirched the reputations of de-
cent citizens.
* ~* *
DR. COINTDON, director of the
U.S. Bureau of Standards and an
atomic scientist, appeared before
the Senate Rules Committee to
testify on a bill by Senator Lucas
(DensIll.). This measure would
allowpersons criticized in Con-
gressional investigations to pre-
sent theirside of the story.

Condon said the government's
power to investigate should be
unlimited but persons investi-
gated publicly should be per-
mitted to reply.

On the Square


SETS IN ORDER-Square dancers "dive for the oyster" at the Michigan League Ballroom. This
group is one of four that gather weekly to enjoy the activity which has. become the top craze on
campus. The League offers square dancing instruction in a five-week summer course designed to
make novices feel at home in a grand right and left.s
'S wing er Partner' -Square Dani
Hits New High in Popularity on Campus

Officers Hold
Secret Talks
In Capitacl
Say Truman To
Heed Congress
WASHINGTON- - M -An extra-
ordinary secret session of high of-
ficials and law-makers produced
indications that President Truman
has no immediate plan to by-pass
Congress and share a-bomb se-
crets with Britain by executive
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
and other top-ranking officials
discussed U.S. policy on atomic
secrets for two hours and 45 min-
utes with the Senate-House Com-
mittee on Atomic Energy. Their
momentous meeting was guarded
by two police sergeants, and the
shades of their meeting room were
tightly drawn.
AT THE END of the session
Senator McMahon (Dem., Conn.)
chairman of the Joint'commit-
tee, told reporters:
"The joint Committee on
Atomic Energy met with the
Secretary of State, the Secre-
tary of National Defense, and
the Atomic Energy Commission
and General Eisenhower.
"We discussed the nation's for-
eign relations in the field of atomic
energy. No conclusions were
reached and none was contem-
plated at this meeting.
held at the call of the chairman
after the elapse of sufficient time
for further deliberations."
As a result of the meeting,
some lawmakers who had been
talking of making a move to tie
the President's hands against
giving A-bomb information to
any country-without first con-
sulting Congress-told reporters
they would put off discussion
of this idea.
These lawmakers had said prev-
iously that they would ask Con-
gress-or at least the Senate-to
oppose any effort to share the
bomb secrets by executive decree.
They planned to do this by a
resolution saying the Atomic En-
ergy Act of 1946 bars any exchange
of such information with foreign
powers unless Congress approves
in advance.
* * *
BUT AFTER the joint commit-
tee's meeting with interested gov-
ernment officials, it was indicated'
that those who had been talking:
of tying the president's hands had
received some assurances that
there is no immediate plan to give
the British or anybody else secrets
by Presidential agreement.
At.,n Off'.+ *

Square dancing is the latest
craze on campus.
Attendance at square dances
has doubled in the past year,
You can square dance ' four
nights a week now.
On Monday the Michigan
League gives lessons in square
World News
Round- Up
Ry The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Purchase of the
Washington Times-Herald by the
Chicago Tribune was announced
yesterday by the Tribune's editor
and publisher, Col. Robert R. Mc-
The Times Herald was publish-
ed by the late Mrs. Eleanor M.
(Cissy) Patterson until her death
in 1948. She was a member of a
distinguished newspaper family
and a cousin of Col. McCormick.
SOFIA, Bulgaria -- Foreign
Minister Vassil Kolarov, veter-
an Communist revolutionist and
close friend of the late Georgi
Dimitrov, was named Dimitrov's
successor yesterday as Bulgarian
- * * *
BREMEN, Germany - Police
said yesterday 10 skeletons believ-
ed to be those of wartime Russian
prisoners of the Nazis have been
exhumed and 70 more are expect-
ed to be found in a mass grave
discovered near Bremen.
GOODWATER, Ala - An ad-
mitted Klansman was flogged by
a band of armed, unmasked men
The victim, Scover Gough Bail-
ey, said he was positive his assail-
ants were not members of the Ku
Klux Klan.
"I'm a member of the Klan my-
self," he said.
* * *
GUATEMALA - A military re-
volt against the government of
President Juan Jose Arevalo flick-
ered out yesterday.

-On Tuesday "does-a-dos" rings
out at Lane Hall.
On Wednesday the Grad Out-
ing Club fills the Women's Ath-
letic Building with promenaders.
On Saturday the Youth Hostel
group provides the entertainment.
* * *
part of a recent country-wide re-
vival in square dancing. Local
callers Bill Blakely, '50E, and Da-
vid Palmer, Grad., have watched
with amazement the growth of
campus square dancing groups.
Square dancers are of all ages
and range from engineers to li-
brary science graduates. For-
eign students show up at the
dances in especially large num-
YOU DON'T have to be a good
dancer to enjoy it. And if you're
stuck with a date you don't like,
you can always find another part-
Blakely and Palmer, both pro-
fessional callers, come to the danc-
es equipped with victrola, ampli-
fiers, and a large variety of rec-
ords. They dress in everyday
clothes, forgoing the more tradi-
tional overalls and red kerchief.
They call old favorites like

"The Virginia Reel" and "The
Grape Vine Twist." They also
teach new squares and reels,,
schottisches, polkas and Euro-
pean folk dances.
Palmer emphasized his inter-
est in making up new calls. He
tries to fit them to the place or
occasion. He once startled dancers
with: "Swing your partners when
you meet 'em; squeeze 'em tight,
that's how to treat 'em; reminds
me of the Arboretum-"
* * *
GOOD CALLERS try to deliver
calls that people will have to lis-
ten to, Palmer explained. That
makes the dance more creative
for caller and dancer and less
Callers get their training in
summer camps or from clubs of
which they are members. In-
dicative of the rising popularity
of square dancing. is .the in-
crease in the number of schools
for callers.
The current interest in square
dancing has spread east from Cal-
ifornia. The revival is especially
prominent in the cities, where
square dancing had died out dur-
ing the jazz age. Even night clubs
have taken it up as a novel at-

Acheson Rebukes Red Protest
On Italy Signing Atlantic Pact

tiLml ill~cia
Chared with

ROME-(P)-A chamber of dep-
uties vote for ratification of the
NorthvAtlantic Pact was annulled
early today when more votes were
cast than there were deputies pres-
protest against Italy's membership
in the North Atlantic Alliance was
rejected by Secretary of State
Acheson yesterday within a few
hours after its' arrival.
He called the Soviet objection
"utterly without foundation."
took occasion at a news conference
to fire a round of his own in thej

cold war. He denounced the ComL
munist campaign againstzthe
Roman Catholic Church in Czech-
oslovakia as a violation of the
United Nations' pledges to build
up and respect human rights and
freedoms throughout the world.
Questioned as to what "ten-
sions and conflicts" behind the
iron curtain President Truman
had in mind in his Chicago
speech Wednesday, Acheson said'
had had no comment.
But other officials declared the
record is clear that religious, polit-
ical and economic forces are work-
ing against absolute Communist
control of Russia's satellites in
Eastern Europe.
* * *
ON THE PACIFIC front of the
cold war, Acheson reaffirmed his
opposition to American sponsor-
ship or participation in a pact
paralleling the Atlantic Treaty.
The Italian question was
brought up by a reporter, who
asked Acheson what the U.S.
attitude is regarding the Soviet
protest announced by the Mos-

SANTA FE, N.M.-(A')-A charge
of embezzling Red Cross money
was filed yesterday against H.
TracydSnelling, former informa-
tion director at the Los Alamos
atomic project.
The 37-year-old former Wash-
ington, D.C., newspaperman had
been missing for a week. He turned
up today at the Dallas, Tex., FBI
* * *
AT LOS Alamos, Edwin Brooks,
treasurer of the Los Alamos Red
Cross, said Snelling had given him
a personal check for $1,000 in pay-
ment of proceeds taken in during
a recent Red Cross campaign.
Snelling headed the drive.
The check, written on a Santa
Fe bank, was returned marked in-
sufficient funds, Brooks said.
Win Fellowships
Two University graduates have
been awarded fellowships to the

... . .... ... ....r .

'U' Students Compete in Blind Date'

(special to The Daily)
?T-'1XTv PT J-Hou cTAA1dis the

The Michigan team of diving
star Gil Evans, '49, Al Sandman,

young lady
each other.

- the two can't see

pert chick but the "Blind Date"
people pick up the entire tab

I ,

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