See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
State GOP
Group Asks
Black To Quit
Attorney General
Hit on Quizzes
LANSING, July 21-R)-The
* Republican State Central Com-
mittee tonight demanded the im-
mediate resignation of Attorney
General Eugene F. Black.
A resolution asking the resigna-
tion was amended from the floor
to include a request to Governor
Sigler to remove Black from office
' if he did not resign.
The amendment was adopted
unanimously over the protest of
Secretary of State Fred M. Alger,
Jr., who said it "put the Governor
in an embarrassing position."
Sigler Absent
The Governor, who had attend-
ed the meeting, was absent when
the vote was taken.
The meeting of the State Cen-
tral Committee and Local Finance
Chairman was called by State
Chairman John A. Wagner to con-
sider Black's charges of irregular-
ities in the collection and spend-
ing of party campaign funds.
Earlier in the meeting Gov.
Sigler admitted he had been urged
repeatedly to remove Black.
"I could remove him," Sigler
said, "But I am not going to.
Black is an elected official, and
the people must learn that when
they elect a person to office they
are responsible."
Cross Examination
Sigler conducted a long session
of cross examination of commit-
tee members reminiscent of the
days he was special prosecutor of
the State Graft Grand Jury.
He singled out the five county
financial chairmen who were also
auto dealers and questioned them
at length as to their knowledge of
any improper donations.
Sigler said he was "convinced
that there isn't any evidence"
against the party.
Sigler charged that "political'
bosses," whom he never named,
were after control of the Repub-
lican party," because of the cer-
tainty of a Republican adminis-
tration in Washington and the po-
litical plum of 30,000 patronage
jobs that it entails."
Suinmerfield Plan
National Committeeman Arthur
E. Summerfield said that "the
forces of evil, greed and personal
profit" were seeking to destroy
the Summerfield Plan" of cam-
paign fund raising to force the
return of bossism.
Summerfield, who led in the
plan's establishment, in 194 , de-
scribed it as modeled after the
Community Chest Campaign.
A budget is set up, solicitors
gather the money to meet it in
one drive and expenses of candi-
dates after the primaries are paid
out of it.
Draft To Begin
Around Oct.1
18-Year-Olds Rush
To Volunteer in Ariny
WASHINGTON, July 21-()-
Drafting of American men 19
through 25 for a 21-month stretch
in the armed forces will begin
around Oct. 1.
Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, na-
tional Selective Service director,
announced this tentative date
today as 18-year-olds flooded re-
cruiting offces to sign up for one-
year hitches.
By enlisting for 12 months, the
teen-agers will not be subject to
the longer draft when they reach
their next birthday.
Anid from coast to coast they
snapped up the bargain as it was
offered for the first time today.
Many waited all night outside re-
cruiting offices.
They were taking no chances of
being too late, for only 161,000 of
their age group will be signed up
the first year. The Army will take
110,000, Navy 30,000, Marines 6,-
000 and the Air Porce 15,000.
The draft chief said he favored
drafting 25-year-olds first be-
cause 100,000 of the 25-year-olds
become 26 every month and are
not ieligible for the draft.
Draft machinery is being
quicklywhipped into shape for ac-
tion in October. Hershey an-
nounced today that 20 state di-
rectors already have been ap-
nointed by President Truman.
FBI Still Seeking Four
Of Indicted Communists
Expected To Surrender Today; Other Eight
Accused of Conspiracy Released on Bail
By The Associated Press
Four of the Communist Party heads indicted on charges of con-
spiracy to overthrow the U. S. government still were sought by FBI
agents today.'
The other eight, including party chairman William Z. Foster,
were acounted for here and in Detroit.
U. S. attorney John F. X. McGohey said he had been advised one
of the four not yet apprehended would surrender tomorrow. He is
Irving Potash, manager of the CIO Furriers' Joint Council in New
The four men still sought a
* *
Protest Arrest
Of Communists
Professors Skeptical
Of Evidence in Case
Campus reaction yesterday to
the indictment of 12 top Commu-
nist leaders included a protest
telegram to Attorney General Tom
Clark by the Wallace Progressives
and guarded comments by Pro-
fessors John F. Shepard and Pres-
ton Slosson.
The 12 men were charged with
advocating violent overthrow of
the U. S. government.
The Progressives' protest tele-
gram charged the attorney gen-
eral with attempting to "accom-
plish the aims of the Mundt-
Nixon bill which was disapproved
by the vast majority of the Amer-
ican people."
Urge Release
Urging the immediate release of
the 12 Communist leaders (ac-
cording to the Associated Press
only eight of those indicted have
been arrested to date) the tele-
gram compared the action to the
persecution of "free thinking peo-
ple" by the Nazis.
Prof. Shepard expressed doubt
that evidence existed for the
"If there is concrete evidence
of some definite plot or scheme to
be carried out at some specified
date-that's one thing," he said.
"But if it's just another repeti-
tion of blaming the Communists
for something that Marx or Lenin
wrote, then it's a disgrace to this
Not in England
Prof. Shepard said he believed
such a roundup could not happen
in England.
Prof. Slosson said that if there
is any actual evidence of espion-
age "the full rigor of the law
should be employed," but added
that advocacy of Communism it-
self "is no crime."
Prof. Slosson has been active in
the fight for the preservation of
civil rights.
Evidence Exists?
"Conspiracy against the gov-
ement-such as espionage-is a
very serious crime," he said.
"However, I am not well enough
acquainted with the facts in this
case to know whether such evi-
dence exists or not."
He said that the action was
wrong if the 12 men were pro-
ceeded against solely "for Com-
munist agitation."
Airplane Crash
LONDON, July 21- (P) --The
British Air Ministry said tonight
a Dutch naval plane had crashed
in Scotland and that all six per-
sons aboard were killed.
re Potash, Robert G. Thompson,
Ochairman of the New York State
Communist Party; Gilbert Green,
district chairman for the Com-
munist Party at Chicago, and Gus
Hall of Cleveland, chairman of
the Ohio Communist Party.
In Chicago, the Communist
Party of Illinois said that Green
was on a "few days" vacation with
his family. Party spokesmen did
not say where he was vacationing
but added: "Mr. Green undoubt-
edly will have a statement to make
immediately upon his return."
The seven men taken into cus-
tody here all were released on
$5,000 bail today.
The $35,000 bail was supplied by
the Civil Rights Congress, one of
the organizations recently listed
by Attorney General Tom Clark
as subversive.
Wallace Statement
Meanwhile Henry A. Wallace
hit at the arrest of American
Communist leaders.
In a statement issued through
the party's convention headquar-
ters in Philadelphia, Wallace de-
scribed the Communist arrests as
part of the Truman administra-
tion's strategy of creating "red
scares. "
Wallace predicted the courtys
will eventually throw out the law
under which a New York Federal
grand jury indicted 12 Commu-
nists on charges of advocating the
violent overthrow of the American
Charge Plot
A special Federal grand jury in-
dicted the 12 top members of the
Communist hierarchy yesterday,
charging them with a plot to top-
ple the American government by
The 12 were accused by the jury
of activities extending over the
past three years in violation of
the Smith Act, a defense measure
passed in 1940. The Act is aimed
at those who advocate or teach
overthrow of the government by
The maximum penalty is 10
years imprisonment and $10,000
fine on each count.
SL Considers
Bike Problem
Paul McCracken, chairman of
the SL Campus action committee
of theLStudent Legislature report-
ed last night that the University
is making "some progress" in
minimizing bicycle traffic on cam-
pus. Additional racks that have
been set up for the new campus
buildings are between the build-
ings and the sidewalk, he said.
The present problem, Legisla-
ture members pointed out, is to
have the racks already on the cen-
ter of campus moved.
The Legislature also moved to
inquire if the roof-terrace of the
Rackham Building would be
available for an all-campus dance.
Not present at the meeting was
Le Roy Jimerson.
Clay Arrives
By Plane for
Marshall States
Standin Berlin
WASHINGTON, June 21-(P)-
Gen. Lucius D. Clay flew in from
Germany tonight for urgent talks
on the Berlin crisis.
Underlining the military seri-
ousness of the German situation,
Clay was met at the National Air-
port by Secretary of the Army
Royall and Gen. Omar Bradley,
Army chief of staff.
Secretary of State Marshall de-
clared today that the United
States will commit no belligerent
act to break the Soviet blockade
of Berlin. But he reaffirmed that
"we will not be coerced or intimi-
dated" into getting out of the
conquered city.
Position 'Understood'
"I can merely say at this time
that our Berlin position, I think, is
well understood.
"We will not be coerced or in-
timidated in any way in our pro-
cedures under the rights and re-
sponsibilities that we have in Ber-
lin and generally in Germany.
"At the same time, we will pro-
ceed to invoke every possible re-
source .of negotiation and diplo-
matic procedure to reach an ac-
ceptable solution to avoid the
tragedy of war for the world.
Clay. U. S. Commander in Ger-
many, will confer tomorrow with
Secretary of State Marshall on
possible U. S. intentions to stay in
Berlin despite the Russian drive
to force the western powers out.
Clay told newsmen only that he
was returning at Royall's request
"to report to the department of
the army on the German situa-
tion." He indicated that his stay
here would be brief.
Rep. Chiperfield (Rep., Ill.)
said the House Foreign Affairs
Committee hopes to get a first-
hand report from the General on
Review Proposals
His talks with Marshall and
others undoubtedly will review
proposals for action by the West-
ern Nations to overcome the
Soviet blockade of the German
capital. Many of these suggestions
have originated in Germany.
These proposals, which include
the dispatch of armored food
trains or truck convoys to Berlin,
have not been linked directly to
It is known, however, that high
officials here recently have be-
come concerned about the "sound-
ing off"-as they call it-in Ger-
many. It seemed likely that Clay
would be urged to coordinate his
information controls in Germany
more carefully at the same time
that the non-belligerent nature
of American policy is stressed.
There has been some specula-
tion that American officials in
Germany might be more disposed
to follow a very tough course than
their opposite numbers in Wash-
ington. Authorities here empha-
size that every resource of diplom-
acy must first be employed to try
for a peaceful solution of the Ber-
lin crisis.
Marshall Hits
Red-UN Link
r'~ A, " O'. C-' /
Bremen LSOVIET...ZONE',Schwedt i
M~edo, ~ _ Frankfurt
Marienbor Magdeburg JOINT CONTROL
fr _ _ ZILeipzig
Erfurt Dresden
/ y } Chemnisiz
.F.daPlauen h m az
" Mannhe m
.J 'Nuerriberg
,J GERMANY . ~ ~ i
s ~LIVfII___5__
AIR CORRIDORS TO BERLIN-Shaded lines trace routes of the
three air corridors being used by Western powers to supply Rus-
sian-blockaded Berlin. Other developments in the Berlin crisis:
(A) the French licensed newspaper in Berlin said the Russians
had torn up 10 miles of railroad used by Western allies between
Western Germany and Berlin; (B) the Royal Air Force began
flying coal to Berlin from Fassberg, near Hannover; (C) Russians
said their planes would be operating in the British corridor from
Perleberg Airfield and in the American skyway from Schoene-
Western Allies Abandon Plan
To Force Way Into Berlin
Auriol Summons
Marie to Form
French Cabne
Will Omit Communists, DeGaullists
From'Government of Republicans'
PARIS, July 21-OP)-President Auriol called today on Andre
Marie, a moderate Rightist who almost died in a Nazi concentration
camp, to form a new French government, if he can.
The lean 50-year-old Marie, a Radical Socialist, announced he
would seek a "government of Republicans," excluding Communists
and DeGaullists. However, there were strong indications he would
encounter serious difficulties in mustering the necessary 309 votes.
The big question mark was the position of the Socialists who
brought about the fall of Premier Robert Schuman Monday by
insisting on a $40,000,000 cut in the defense budget.
Socialists and Radical Socialists are poles apart on economic
doctrine. The Socialists want a
BERLIN, July 21-(P)-Talk of
sending an armed column through
the Russian-sealed approaches to
Berlin virtually ceased here to-
The Western Allies appeared to
have resolved on diplomatic means
of breaking the blockade.
At the same time British offi-
cials in London reported that a
new Western Power note protest-
ing the blockade has been drafted
and sent to Washington for re-
view by high State Department of-
B-29 Bombing
American B-29 Superfortress
bombers based in Germanyl
bombed the desert German Is-
land fortress of Helgoland on a
Tito Charges
Plots A trainst
Slav Regime
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 21
(-') - Premier-Marshal Tito
charged tonight that the Russian-
led Cominform brought Yugo-
slavia to the verge of civil war.
Rejecting again the Comin-
form's "slanders" against the Yu-
goslav Communist Party, Tito said
"anti-party persons" used the
troubled atmosphere caused by the
Cominform attacks on him to try
and seize power in the country.
Closing an eight-hour speech
to 2,300 Yugoslav Communists at
a Party Congress, Tito implied
that he now has the situation in
full control. He pledged the party
will continue to follow the Marx-
ist pattern and the line he and
his partisan leaders have set for
the complete socialization of Yu-
The Cominform (Communist
International Information Bu-
reau) denounced Tito's govern-
ment and party last June 28 as
being highly nationalistic and
anti-Russian. It said they were
courting the Western Powers, had
departed from Marxism and had
adopted the policies of the lateM
Leon Trotsky, arch-enemy of the
present Russian Communist re-
As his party followers cheered
wildly, Tito ended the long ad-
dress with the statement:
"The party has honestly carried
out its tasks and I am deeply con-
vinced it will continue to do so."
training mission today. A U. S.
Air Force spokesman said a squad-
ron--up to 12 - of the giant
bombers dr'opped explosive bombs
on the island, a former Nazi sub-
marine base.
A third day of bright summer
weather aided the Anglo-Ameri-
can air lift again today. In a 24-
hour period, 271 flights came into
the American airport with 1,558
tons of supplies. The British flew
in 202 plane-loads.
Starting next week, American
cargo planes will evacuate 5,000
refugees from Berlin to camps in
the American Zone. H. J. Fish-
bein of the International Refugee
Organization, said the blockade
made it too expensive to supply
the refugees, most of whom have
been living in two Berlin camps
for two years.
Inside Berlin, the Russians fol-
lowed up their offer to feed resi-
dents of the Western Sector with
hints through their controlled
press that they also would supply
electric power for the entire city.
Through imports of Polish coal,
the newspapers claimed, enough
power could be generated to get
industry going again and bring
light back to homes.
TheiSoviet-controlled Berlin
radio said tonight food for West-
ern Berliners would be ready for
distribution Aug. 1 in the Soviet
Allied observers viewed both
gestures as propaganda measures
to counteract unfavorable reac-
tion of the western world to the
"hunger" blockade.
* * * -
U.S. Jet Planes
Land in England
ODIHAM, England, July 21-
(AP)-Sixteen jet-propelled fighter
planes of the United States Air
Force landed today after a trail-
blazing crossing of the Atlantic
which their commander called
Lieut. Col. David Schilling, com-
manding the 16 Shooting Stars,
said "We had no real difficulty on
any of the stages."
The planes are en route to Ger-
many to reinforce United States
air strength.
In their first West-East crossing
of the Atlantic by jets, the Amer-
ican planes covered a total dis-
tnce of 4,288 miles in ten hours
government - directed economy,
while Radical Socialists favor giv-
ing the economy considerable
freedom from government con-
The Socialists at a caucus to-
night decided their attitude to-
ward Marie would be determined
by his economic policy.
On the other hand, Marie told
Radical Socialists tonight he
would continue the financial
and economic doctrine of his
fellow party member, Finance
Minister Rene Mayer, who has
been a favorite target of the
The stand of the Popular Re-
publicans of former Premier
Schuman also was undecided.
Many were reported friendly to
him but uneasy over his pro-
nounced anti-clerical views. The
popular Republicans are a Cath-
olic Party. On the other hand,
these views made Marie popular
with many Socialists.
The question is important be-
cause the issue of government
aid to church schools almost
brought the fall of the Schuman
government several weeks ago.
Marie's colleagues said he want-
ed former Premier Leon Blum, el-
derly Socialist, for Foreign Min-
ister and Former Premier Paul
Reynaud, a Rightist, as Finance
Minister. These sources said both
had accepted the offer.
Blum would replace Popular Re-
publican Georges Bidault, who has
directed French foreign policy al-
most continuously since the .lib-
UAW Leader
Enters Ford
Wage Sessions
DETROIT, July 21-(')-Wal-
ter P. Reuther, president of the
CIO United Auto Workers, stepped
in and took control of UJAW ne-
gotiations with the Ford Motor Co.
again tonight.
The surprise return of Reuther,
his bullet-shattered arm in a
heavy cast, added weight to re-
ports that a wage settlement for
Ford's 116,000 employes was near.
The UAW president walked out of
the sessions over a week ago,
charging Ford was "tilting with
theoretical windmills."
Rumors that Ford had made a
new wage offer were strengthened
by the calling of the overtime ses-
The last time negotiations met
at night since the bargaining ses-
sions began June 15, Ford made a
so-called "final" offer. Its terms
included a 13-cent wage raise plus
other concessions.
The union replied with a reduced
demand of 14 cents plus other !
benefits amounting to about 7
cents. Its previous demand had
totaled about 28 cents.
It was reported without con-
firmation that Ford's new offer
included a 13-cent raise plus in-
creased social security benefits
Truman Will
Ask Congress
To Act on Bills
Anti-Inflation, House
Laws To Head List
WASHINGTON, July 2-()-
President Truman next Tuesday
will go personally before the Con-
gress he has bitterly criticized to
lay down his demands for anti-in-
flation and housing laws.
House and Senate will meet
jointly at 10:30 a.m. (CST) to
hear the President, a time set after
consulting leaders in both parties.
Mr. Truman's message, covering
at least nine other proposed bills,
will be 'the signal for Republican
leaders in both Houses to hud-
dle and decide what to do about
Convene Monday
Congress comes together Mon-
day in extra session called by the
President after a speech accusing
the GOP-dominated body of
dodging its responsibility.
Announcing the President's
plans, Press Secretary Charles G.
Ross defended the session call
which critics have assailed as
playing politics.
"He is not asking Congress to
do the impossible," Ross said. He
declared that most of the bills Mr.
Truman wants are already pend-
ing in Congress, some already
passed by one House or the other,
Ross asserted:
No Wild Goose Chase
"He is not asking Congress to
go on a wild goose chase."
Ross said Mr. Truman is not
asking enactment of .the Republi-
can Platform. GOP leaders have
said this is not the time to try to
push it through.
Congress will be listening close-
ly to the message for mention of
the grave crisis in relations with
Russia. Ross did not disclose to
reporters how far it might go on
foreign policy.
Law For'm
To Consider
Public Ri hts
"International Law and Public
Rights" will be the general topic
for the concluding sessions of the
Forum on Current Problems in
International Law to be held to-
day and tomorrow, in Hutchins
Charles Fahy, attorney and for-
mer legal adviser for the Depart-
ment of State will speak on "Le-
gal Problems of German Reoccu-
pation" at 2:30 "The
Present International Status of
Germany" will be discussed by
Max Rheinstein, professor of com-
parative law at the University of
Chicago, at 4 p.m.
'International Crimes'
George Burke, Ann Arbor at-
torney who served as a judge in
the international military trials in
Germany, will talk on "Interna-
tional Crimes and Their Prosecu-
tion," at 8 p.m.
Tomorrow's lecture schedule has
been. changed. James L. Brierly,
professor emeritus of interna-
tional law at Oxford University
will r~ikimuz "(Thifira~tnof Tn-.
No Agents Under
Escaped Czech General Says
Air Force Hit by Desertions
Escaped Czech Gen. Antonin
Hasal said today the Czechoslo-
vak Airforce has been riddled by
desertions and the Army purged
of 1,200 officers but still is not
trusted by the Russians.
The 55-year-old former Deputy
Chief of Staff and military ad-
visor to former president Benes
slipped out of Czechoslovakia with
his wife, son and daughter the
night of July 2.
As many as70 per cent of the
enlisted men and non-commis-
sioned officers in the Czech Army
are opposed to Communism, he
situation should be improved so
greatly by the European Recovery
Program and other developments
that freedoms could again be re-
stored in such countries." He did
not explain further.
He said "I don't think the Rus-
sians want war.
In case of war "I doubt that the
present Czech regime or the
Soviets could relyuponthe Czech
army. Some forces would certain-
ly try to operate with the west."
Consequently,ethe Russians are
not integrating the Czechs into
their armed forces..
The Russians have "taken over
Secretary of State Marshall threw
cold water today on a story-told
by members of his own depart-
ment -- of Communist agents
hacking away at U. S. Security
under a shield of United Nations
But there were strong indica-
tions that Congress will delve
deeper into the question anyway,
maybe considering tighter re-
strictions on Soviet Bloc repre-
sentatives entering this country.
Marshall told a news conference
he doesn't know of a single case
in which a foreigner has come to
this country for the United Na-
tions and has threatened Ameri-
can security in any way.
The Secretary has been asked
for comment on statementsby
two of his subordinates that hun-
dreds of secret agents from be-
hind the "Iron Curtain" may be'
stirring up trouble in the United
and 40 minutes actual flying time. over the previous offer.
Police Finally Shoot Elusive Simian
Local citizens who have been
startled by the sight of a nimble
rhesus monkey swinging through
n-- .t,..'-.4. ,-.,-.c r nrn t nn ..
Police decided on the action
after repeated attempts to cap-
ture the elusive animal had failed.
It was thought that the monkey
taken alive," one officer confessed
Another officer backed him up
by claiming that he had seen the