SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1948
_ ' ,
- --
Consumers Intend To Buy
Despite Decreased Savings
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of three interpretative ar-
ticles on the 1948 Survey of Con-
sumer Finances.)
Consumer buying intentions re-
mained as strong at the beginning
of this year as they were at the
same time in 194 7, despite a gen-
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Roofa
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. oij
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1948
VOL. LVIII, No. 188 j
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
The Ansco Corporation, Bing-
hampton, 14ew York, is again re-
cruiting men for the Ansco Cadet
Training program. They are in-
terested in men receiving Bachelor
of Science degrees in Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering, or Electri-
cal Engineering. Men should be
under twenty-six years of age.
Complete details about the train-
ing program are on file at the Bu-
reau, Men who are interested
should contact the Bureau imme-
Survey Research Techniques:
There will be a conference for
students and instructors attend-
ing- the special summer session in
Survey Research Techniques at
4 p.m. Mon., July 19, in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
The Russian Circle will meet in
the International Center on Mon-
day, July 19, at 8 p.m. The film,
"Peoples of the U.S.S.R.", will be
English Teachers' Summer As-
sembly (No. 4)-Tues., July 20,
1948, at 4 p.m., in 318 Michigan
Union. A panel of teachers expe-
rienced in secondary school will
discuss problems raised by the
pamphlet Preparation for ;College
English (1945)."Moderator of the
(Continued on Page 2)
eral decrease in savings during the
intervening period.
This was shown by the 1948
Survey of Consumer Finances
made for the Federal Reserve
Board by the Survey Research
Center of the University.
At the beginning of the year the
outlook of most consumers was
still optimistic concerning income
prospects and future business con-
ditions. The commodity price
break in February had little effect
on this optimism one way or the
Car Demand Off
There was some indication of
a drop in the demand for new
cars by the lower income brackets,
but this was offset by a larger
demand on the part of the units
earning more than $3,000. There
were no significant changes in the
demands for other durable goods.
The expected number of pur-
chasers of new houses was larger
than the estimated number of
dwelling completions for 1948. The
demand was down 20% from the
previous year's survey, however,
with most of the drop in the
below-$2,000 income class.
The report concluded that, al-
though fewer spending units held
liquid assets at the end of last
year, there was a substantial in-
crease in total indebtedness, con-
sumers continue to have a strong
financial status. Employment and
income are at peak levels and
widely distributed, and well over
two-thirds of all spending units
still have liquid assets, with siz-
able amounts held by people in
all income groups.
More Credit Buying
Consumer spending for durable
goods and houses is expected to
continue in expanding volume.
There is a tendency for a greater
proportion of such goods to be
bought on credit compared to a
year ago, with less buying out of
savings. In order to satisfy the de-
mand for houses, particularly for
new ones, there will need to be a
substantial increase in mortgage
credit, according to the report.
In general, the plans of consum-
ers to buy both durable goods and
houses indicates a continued heavy
demand in the areas that depend
on availability of credit and sav-
ings for effective buying power.
The first watch was invented
about 1500 by Peter Henle, who
lived in Nurnberg, Germany, re-
lates the World Book Encyclo-
pedia. For this reason and because
of their round shape, the first
watches were called "Nurnberg
Flight SafetyI
To Be Shown
Science teachers, superinten-
dents and school principals at-
tending the two-day Aviation Ed-
ucation Conference opening here
Wednesday will be lifted right off
the ground.
Prof. M. L. Byrn, chairman of
the annual summer conference,
announced that on July 22 flight
experience will be given to 150 con-
ferees. Twenty planes from local
airports will be used for the fifteen
minute rides. Once in the air, pas-
sengers will get a chance at the
controls to convince themselves
how safe and simple air travel can
be made.
Confidence in Flying
Prof. Byrn, of the education
school and the University High
School has more confidence in
flying than in long-distance driv-
ing, where your life depends too
much on other people. Prof. Byrn
says that the safest age for flying
has been found to be 54 years,
when experience is as important
as the quick reaction, of a young
Prof. Byrn is 61 years old and
admits that he could not fly a
pursuit ship like a youngster, but
in civilian flying his little Stinson
plane will take him and his family
to wherever there is a landing
To Show MoviesI
As a special feature of the con-
ference, Willard R. Custer will
show movies of his Custer Channel
Wing, an airplane with landing
and take-off speeds of 15 miles
per hour. By comparison, an air-
plane landing at 45 m.p.h. needs a
landing strip nine times as long.
The inventor calls the channel
wing the "greatest safety device
known," flying as fast as pro-
peller-driven craft and landing as
slow as a helicopter.
Custer achieved this amazingly
low speed by evolving the " U-
channel wing," a U-shaped airfoil.
The two-day conference, which
will open July 21, will also con-
sist of a detailed tour through
Willow Run and talks by Horace
S. Gilbert, education director of
the Chicago District of the CAA,
and H. R. Waite, education di-
rector of the Michigan State De-
partment of Aeronautics.
Read ... and Use Daily
Classif ied Ads
TO SOUND TAPS FOR PERSHING-First Sergeant Charley.
Wycoff (above) of Carswell Air Force Base at Fort Worth, Texas,
was alerted to fly to Washington, D.C., so that he may sound taps
for General of the Armies John J. Pershing. The General oice
said, t want no one but Charley Wycoff to sound taps." A vast
milif.ary funeral procession is planned for the 87-year-old war
hero tomorrow. Burial will be held in Arlington National Ceme-
Science iReview
Latest studies on the effects of
atom bombs place the emphasis
on the blast damage, saying that
radiation effects are not as potent
and widespi'ead as was originally
thought. Civilian defense measures
will have to be directed more to-
ward protecrion from the origina.
flash of tremend ,us heat.
* * *
The physiologicai center of con-
sciousness is in the middle of the
brain, reported Tars. Thompson
and Neilsen of the University of
Southern California at an Amer-
ican Medical Association meeting
in Chicago. If this dime sized area
in the very mlIdle of the brain
is destroyed, as by a blood clot or
tumor, the patient loses conscious-
ness. Though he may live on for
several days or even three weeks,
he does not recover from his deep
The special kind of personality
needed to become a politician is
the subject of a new book, "Power
and Personality," by Prof. Harold
Lasswell of Yale University. The
"political man," says Prof. Lass-
well, is one who has an intense
desire for deference which he ra-
tionalizes in terms of public serv-
ice or the public good.
* * *
A study conducted in Detroit
and Chicago showed that soap
operas, like old-time morality
plays, are beneficial to the house-
wife-listeners, and help to hold
family life together. The radio
serial tells stories which point out
Thomas Runs'
For Sixth Time
Says 111i~iwls Will
Nally to SocialliSt!4
(Conutinu e fr(i P I 3a t )
Despite the Progressives, the So -
cialist leader is certain that his'
party will draw more votes this
year than ever before.
But Thomas made it clear that
he undertook this campaign with
considerable reluctance. He fin-
ally accepted his party's nomina-
tion, even after stating publicly
that he would not run again, be-
cause they needed a name thaut
would "get the party on the bal,
Is this the last time?
"Good Lord, I should hope so,"
exploded Thomas.
As far as the 1948 election goes,
the clear-voiced candidate gives
the Dewey-Warren combination
a slight edve over the Truman-
Barkley ticket.
Journalism is "old stuff" for the
perpetual candidate of the Amer-
ican Socialists. He has been edi-
tor of the World Tomorrow and
associate editor of the Nation, and
has written many books. Prior to
his editing career, he spent seven
years in the Presbyterian minis-
Thomas will start his 1948 cam-
paign in the far west and will
probably wind it up in the mid-
west. The tireless campaigner's
schedule includes Ann Arbor.
Fronti er A thority
To Talk ott West
Prof. Edward Everett Dale, of
the history department of the
University of Oklahoma, will
speak on "The Romance of the
Cow Country" in the Rackham
Lecture Hall at 4:15 p.m. Monday.
Prof. Dale, who has been cow-
boy and ranchman, is the author
of numerous books dealing with
the history of the West, social and
economic developments of the
frontier, Indian life, and ranch
He will give a second lecture,
"The Indian and His Problems,"
at 4:15 Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Educators Will Discuss
Graduate Admissions
Summer staff members and ad-
vanced graduates in education
will discuss requirements for ad-
mission to graduate schools at a
meeting at 8 p.m. Monday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Several visiting educators will
address the conference, which will
be followed by a group discussion.
A reception will be held after-
wards in the Assembly Hall.
MSC Students Abandon
Classroois for Resort
Studying in the summer need
not be made up on long sweaty
days in crowded clasroons at
Michigan State ollege.
Art students, at least, are for-
titnate enough to have a pleasant
resort, on Lake Michigan where
they can study. Among the ad-
vantages of the location, accord-
ing to the Michigan State Spar-
tan, are the cool breezes from Lake
Michigan, swimming and the
scholarly attire of the coeds --
shorts, bathing suits and plenty of
sun tan.
The Ohio State Lantern sound-
ed-off recently against alleged re-
strictions on academic freedom at
Ohio State University.
They lashed out in a front-
page editorial against campus
sources "who refused to co-opel'
ate with student reporters at-
tempting to get accurate facts and
reasons behind the current WOSU
policy of increased supervision of
all student newscasts.'
"We believe that this increased
supervision may eventually lead
to a complete 'muzzling' of stu-
dent opinion," the Lantern com-
The Lantern labelled "sugar-
coated," the reasons given by Pres-
ident Bevis who said the Univer-
sity desires to "review the scripts
for all student briadcas." He
called for greater accuracy in
broadcasts .
The University of Colorado is
stuck with a student body of
frustrated erstwhile firemen, ac-
cording to the Silver and Gold,
collegiate newspaper.
It seems the local flame-chasers
have a standard arrangement for
calling out the entire men's dorms
whenever a blaze starts.
The men were called out twice
in a week but both times, the fire-
men had the fire completely ex-
* * *
Life can be scientfic,
At least, a Michigan State Col-
lege graduate student is figuring
the necessities of life to a cost
margin so close he can live on
"peanuts." "cording to the Mich-
igan State News.
On a "peanut" income of $1300,
lie is attending school and raising
three children, ranging in age v
from six to two,
Ife does it by renting the second
floor of lhis house to nine coeds,
pedalling toc ant to a milk
depot every night stsaves $35
yearly), by doing his own dry
cleaning, having his wife do all
the sewing and tailoring, buying
food in quantity, not smoking and
givingup virtually every form of
social life.
* *' *
An engineering school dean, M.
L. Enter, found himself "presi-
dent for a iay," at the University
of Illinois, according to the Daily
President Stoddard and other
officials chose the same day to be
out of town leaving the job to
Enger, the olcest dean on the
Sp eechi Parley
Will Be Held
good and evil in a way that or-
dinary people can understand.
Further, the average housewife
leads a restricting, self-denying
and unsatisfying life, and through
the serials is given a chance to
live vicariously in a way that
pleases them.
Geniuses share the widespread
but erroneous belief that their
lives will be short, reported an
anthropologist after four years of
investigation into the lives of 12,-
000 generally acknowledged gen-
iwses. Famous cases of brilliant
lights snuffed out by death too
early are exceptions. Some gen-
iuses, however, convinced that
they are doomed to die young,
have labored with demoniac en-
ergy, with the result that they pro-
duced their best work before they
were 35.
Stevenson To Address
Unitarian Student Group
Prof. Charles L. Stevenson of
the philosophy department will
discuss with the Unitarian Student
Group "The Struggle Between Ab-
solute and Relative Values in the
Practical World.
The group will meet for a supper
meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Uni-
tarian Church, 1017 Washtenaw.
Read.., and1/se Daily
Classified Ads
A conference for students and
alumni of the Speech Department
and others interested in speech
will be held at the University Fri-
day and Saturday.
The conference will open at 9:30
a.m. Friday with a speech correc-
tion demonstration by the staff
of the University Speech Clinic in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Prof. James F. Curtis, of the
State University of Iowa, and
writer Lou Hazan, of NBC, will
also speak. A reception in the
Assembly Hall will follow, from 4
to 5 p.m.
Prof. Alan Monroe, of Purdue
University, will be the opening
speaker for the Saturday session.
He will be followed by a demon-
stration debate, and a luncheon
at which Prof. Rupert L. Cort-
right, of Wayne University, will
speak. Prof. Cortwright is the
president of the Speech Associa-
tion of America.
41 8East Washingtlon
01 Lunch 11:30 A.M. to :3) P.M.
(Come and eat all you want)
Daily, except Friday, 11:30 to 1:30 and 5:00 to 8:00 P.M.
Sunday, 12 Noon to 6:00 P.M.
Catering to Wedding Breakfast and Bridge Clubs
t i
for the Avant Garde ...
THE BLOOD OF OTHERS, Simone de Beaumont ...........
FRANZ KAFKA: DIARIES, 1910-1913..................
I'LL SEE YOU IN THE MORNING, Kenneth Patchen ........
EXISTENTIALISM, Ralph Harper .......................
CALIGULA and CROSS PURPOSES (Plays), Albert Camus
336 South State Street Phone
. ..00
1939 DESOTO-Radio, heater, very clean
$695. Call Ypsi 3545W3. )41
TWO SHELF Book Case and Wooden
Frame Ironing Board. Call 2-9244. )39
CAMERA (Perfex 55) and photo meter
(Weston Master). Call Dykstra. 5974.
ANTIQUES-Cherry tables. Chests 4
barroom chairs, 5 Hitchcock chairs,
Lincoln rocker. Wing chair. Punch
bowl and cups. Miscellaneous glass,
china. Bric-a-Brae. 214 S. Ingalls. Tel.
7649. )18
DODGE '48--3 months old owner must
sell. 2-door sedan. Low mileage, radio,
heater, seat covers. H. C. Johnson, 551
Church, weekdays after 6:00 p.m..
Sunday. )38
LOOKING for a place to live? We rec-
onmmend life in a house trailer. 22
foot, in good condition, ready for
occupancy. Parking space lease in-
cluded in the sales agreement. 1880
Packard Road. )33
1948 Packard convertible. Low mileage.
Good condit ion. Call in the after-
noon. Phone No. 20939. )31
3 BEDROOM modern home. Automatic
heat, near A.A. schools and campus
bus. Comfortable housing, reasonably
priced. Address Box 126. )32
3-ROOM APARTMENT. Private bath.
first floor, for three men. Ph. 6415.
) 37
driving to Boston. Share expenses.
Start preferably between July 23rd
and 24th. References. Ph.9682. . )30
SINGLE or share double room for fall
near campus. Doesn't smoke or drink.
Will keep room in orderly condition.
3-year legal student. Write Box 125,
Michigan Daily. )17
,TYPIST-Accurate, dependable. 5 half
days a week. )42
LOST--Billfold. North side entrance,
Michigan Union, about 6:30 p.m.
Thursday. Return to desk at Michi-
gan Union, or send to Hamont Swan-
son, 1818 Paris, SE., Grand Rapids,
Mich. Very liberal reward. )40
BRtEAKFASTI for men. 35 cents. 1319
Bill St. )34
PERSONALIZED alterations - Prompt
service-custom clothes. Hildegarde
Shop, 109 E. Washington, Tel. 2-4669.
ROOMS for men $5 to $7.50 week until
Sept. 15 only--Breakfast optional.
1319 Hill St. )35
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