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July 17, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-17

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Latest Deadline in the State










_ . .. . . .. .. .

U.S. Rushes
60 Bombers
Into England
Soviet Planes To
Train in Corridor
By The Associated Press
The United States today an-
nounced powerful reinforcement
of its aerial striking arm in Eu-
Sixty B-29 Super-Fortresses
were dispatched to England for
The disclosure was immediately
interpreted by officials here as a
new move in the Berlin showdown
with Russia.
The announcement came, more-
over, as it was learned that the
American, British and French gov-
ernments are considering the
eventual use of forceful measures
against Russia-including eco-
nomic restrictions-if necessary to
try to break the Russian blockade
of Berlin.
Train in Corridor
Meanwhile the Russians said to-
day that their fighter planes would
train in the Air Corridor used by
the Western Powers to fly supplies
to Berlin.
In London, the American En-
assy announced the planes would
'e in Britain two to four weeks
and then go to bases on the con-
London informants reported
there is already one' group of 30
Superforts in Germany; the rein-
forcements mean at least tripling
B-29 strength in Europe.
Officials said the flights might
remind the Soviets not only of the
presence of American airpower in
Europe but also of the speed with
which it could be further increased
in event of need.
Poker Face
The Air Force announcement
was made with a poker face. The
emphasis was on the "training''
nature of the flight. The Embassy
statement in London described the
operation as "part of a normal
song range flight training program
instituted more than a year ago
by the Strategic Air Command."
The Russians warned the Amer-
icans and British their fighters
would go aloft from airfields at
~ethen, Dalgow and Branden-
1g, west and southwest of Ber-
lin. U.S. operations men said the
Russians told them the fighter
will be flying between 7 a.m. and
7~ pm.
Harassing Tactic
There seemed to be no doubt
among American military men
that the Russian announcement
was another "harassing tactic."
That the situation in Europe
was becoming too tense and the
connection between the B-29's and
new Russian threats at Berlin wa:
too obvious for officials to den
privately that the Berlin situation
was the cause of the action.
What the Russians did was send
warnings to the Western Allies
yesterday that they were prepar-
ing to undertake the greatest Red
Army air maneuvers yet held in
the vicinity of the "corridors" or
air lanes which the Western cargo
craft fly between Berlin and
Western Germany. There is spec-
ulation here that the Russians
want to try to frighten the cargo
plane pilots, and by this and other
means gradually force a closing
down of the supply service:
No Serious Trouble
There is every indication that
the Western governments do not
want to force serious trouble with
the Russians but that if the So-

viets resist all preliminary pres-
sures, London, Washington and
Paris may agree on proposals to
employ force. These are already
under consideration.
Meanwhile, the Western Mili-
tary governments ordered no ve-
hicles carrying foodstuffs or fuel
should go outside the western sec-
tors of the city.
Food and fuel stocks in the West
were frozen recently because of
the blockade, and officials said the
order on the vehicles was logical
Wilcox To Lecture
On World Trade
Clair Wilxny nrnfesnor nf ien-

Daily.-Roy Brogren
BOOK DONATION-Jack Elliott, chairman of the AVC Book
Collection Drive turns over a collection of 175 books to Mrs.
Glennis Rickert, director of occupational therapy (left) and Mar-
garet McHugh, recreational director, who represent the Veterans
Readjustment Center. The donation is the first in a series of
projects to be sponsored by AVC this summer. The collection
of the books was directed by Jack Elliott and Louis Berman, chair-
man of the drive. The project is part of the national AVC policy
-citizens first, veterans second.
Discss World-Wide Aviatior,
D i s c s s -ti v r n m n~t i n ,C o me r'

"Air transportation has reduced
nations to neighborhoods and is
partly responsible for the in-
creased emphasis placed on bar
association reports," Charles S.
Rhyne, attorney and legislative
onsultant in this field said yes-
Rhyne, vice-chairman of the
Section on International and
Comparative Law of the American
Bar Association said it is probable
that a knowledge of aviation law
Outdoor Dance
To Be Held on
Mall Tonight
If the Willow Run Weather Bu-
real can be believed, there will be
'lear skies and a balmy breeze for
tonight's Outdoor Dance, to be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight on
the Mall next to the League.
Art Starr and his Sextette will
urovide the "sweet and danceable"
vith Renee Peters occupying the
featured vocalist's spot.j
The dance is free and an open
invitation has been issued to the
antire campus. Dancing will be
n the streets on both sides of the
Mall, and the benches around the
fountain will provide the place to
"sit one out."
The street will be closed to cars
and police will insure dancers
against interruption from traffic.
The League Cafeteria will be
:pen for those wishing refresh-
Even weathermen are fallible,
however, so in case of rain the
dance will move indoors to the
Casbah which will not hold its reg-
ular Saturday night dance.
Chaperones for the dance are
Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean Mary
Bromage, Dean Walter Rea and
Miss Ethel McCormick.
Co-sponsored by the Student)
Legislature and the Women's
League, the Outdoor Dance was
given for the first time last year.

will be more beneficial to the
"Main Street" lawyer as air term-
inals move inland.
Speaking at the Forum on Sur-
rent Problems in International
Law, Rhyne discussed those con-
ventions which have restricted the
powers of nations to regulate their
air space. At the 1944 convention
in Chicago, the standards of
safety, licenses, air rules and
other such technical matters were
agreed on by the United States
and 25 other countries, he said.
Some Success
He pointed out that although
there was success in the technical
field, there has been no success in
clearing up economic problems.
In the second address of the
day, Prof. William Bishop, Jr. of
the University Law School stated,
"The continued expansion of gov-
ernmental activities in fields in
which private individuals can en-
gage, is calling for a halt to the
extension of diplomatic immuni-
Prof. Bishop said that the ex-
pansion of all governments into
fields which can be considered as
commercial has caused confusion
in the American courts as to the
application of traditional sov-
ereign immunities.
American Courts
The American courts, accug-
tomed to apply immunity to all
governmental activities, have been
recognizing the distinction be-
tween a true governmental func-
tion and a governmental business
enterprise, he said.
Lately, however, because of the
international repercussions result-
ing from such decisions, the courts
have been relying on the State
Department to determine whether
functions are governmental and
immune, or commercial and sub-
ject to private contract law, Prof.
Bishop said.
He recommended that the re-
sponsibility for determining the
nature of each governmental cor-
poration, be taken from the State
Department and returned to the
courts along with some standard
that will allow them to judge uni-

State Jury To
Dig into GOP
Black To Probe
Source of Funds
LANSING, July 16-(WP)-Attor-
ney General Eugene F. Black's
Flint Auto Rackets Grand Jury
erupted today into a State inves-
tigation of alleged corrupt elec-
tion practices in the State and
National Republican Party.
Reporters asked Black which
political party he was investigat-
"The Republican Party," he
said, "and if we find any corre-
sponding information dealing with
the Democrats it will be equally
Black said, "We picked the Re-
publican Party because its blatant
use of money and its boasted ac-
quisition of funds attracted at-
tention first."
Declines to Say
He declined to elaborate but re-
porters understood him to refer
to fund-raising programs for
which Arthur E. Summerfield, Re-
publican National Committeeman
from Flint, was credited with au-
Black was asked whether his in-
vestigation was aimed at the
"fund raising" portions of the
Corrupt Practices Law.
He replied: "Not the fund rais-
ing alone, but the use of money
afterwards and particularly the
concealment of sources."
The Attorney General hinted at
possible Federal activity in his in-
In such a case, he said, Federal
indictments probably would be
followed with state indictments.
Quizzes Halted
Announcing that he would drop
the investigation of sales tax defi-
ciencies in Flint auto sales, Black
said also that he would request
recorders Judge W. McKay Skill-
man to close down his Detroit
auto rackets investigation.
His reasons, Black said, are
partly the necessity for using all
his staff on the corrupt practices
probe and also because "I am sat-
isfied the state revenue depart-
ment has enough punch back of it
now to carry on without our help."
"The investigation we are em-
barking on now," Black said, "and
on which we have been engaged
in Flint for four weeks is into an
apparent conspiracy to violate the
Michigan Corrupt Practices Act.
Our facts are leading outside the
state into the probable realm of
corresponding violations of the
Corrupt Practices Act."
Regents Make
Receive Gifts
Twelve faculty appointments
were approve], and gifts totaling
$39,601 were accepted by the
Board of Regents yesterday.
The Board also gave approval
to new contracts and supplements
and extensions of old' contracts,
amounting to $13,100, entered in-
to by the Engineering Research
The appointments included
additions to the faculties of seven
of the University's schools and
colleges, as well as to the staff of
the University Hospital and the

department of Intercollegiate
Three Leaves
In addition the Regents granted
three leaves of absence and ap-
proved various committee ap-
A sabbatical leave covering the
first semester of the coming aca-
demic year was approved for Prof.
Warren E. Blake, of the classical
languages department.
Leaves for the second semester
of the 1948-49 academic year
were approved for Arthur Dun-
ham, professor of community or-
ganization in the Institute of So-
cial Work, and Dr. Robert C.
Ward, instructor in political sci-
ence. Dr. Ward's leave also covers
the first semester of 1949-50.


READY TO SAIL-Cadets man the masts of the square-rigged
Portuguese naval training ship 'Sagres' as she prepared to set
sail from Boston, Mass., for calls at Provincetown, New Bedford,
Fall River and Providence, R.I. The clipper, which carries 300
officers and midshipmen, is on a training cruise, and will also
make calls at New York and Washington, D.C.
Expected' Condon Clearance
For Restricted Data---Kaplan

The clearance of Dr. Edward U.
Condon, director of the National
Bureau of Standards, by the
Atomic Energy Commission was
to be expected, according to Prof.
Wilfred Kaplan, of the mathe-
matics department.
Prof. Kaplan commented that
"any other result would be sur-
prising." He said that attacks on
Political Rally
To Be Topic of
Meeting Today
Three student political leaders,
representing both Republicans
and Democrats on campus, will
meet today to arrange a joint po-
litical rally at which all of the
Congressional candidates from
the Second District would appear.
The meeting came as the result
of a letter from Thomas C. Walsh,
leader of the Slosson movement,
to Jack Warren, chairman of the
Young Republicans. The Slosson
supporters initiated plans for the
rally following a recent denial of
recognition by the Student Af-
fairs Committee.
Warren held a hurried phone
conversation with Walsh last
nignt, during which this morn-
ing's meeting was arranged.
"From what I know now," War-
ren said, "I am convinced that
the idea is sound. However, I
won't be able to say anything defi-
nite until after the meeting to-
Bob Collins, representing the
Young Democrats at the meeting
today, has approved the rally idea.
Walsh announced that all stu-
dents who still have petitions for
Slosson, which they have been in-
dividually circulating, must re-
turn them to 508 S. Division by
noon today, or call 2-7816 to have
them picked up.


StrongUN Order
Moslem League Meets To Answer
Demands for Immediate Truce
By The Associated Press
Arabs and Jews agreed tonight to stop fighting in the Holy City
of Jerusalem.
It was reported officially in Amman, Capital of Trans-Jordan,
that the Arab Lei ,"e Political Committee had agreed to a cease-fire
in the city effecti,_ ar midnight, Greenwich mean time, (6 p.m. Cen-
tral Standard Time) tonight.
The above followed on the heels of the strongest order yet given
by the United Nations-end the Palestine war in three days.
Israel has agreed to a truce for the Holy Land if the Arabs
go along. The Arab League is meeting in Lebanon and may give
its decision tomorrow.
The UN Security Council gave the Jews and Arabs 24 hours to
accept a cease fire in Jerusalem

Dr. Condon as "one of our weak-
est links in our atomic security"
were made by men anxious to see
their names in big print, for pub-
licity's sake.
Prof. Kaplan called these at-
tacks "political and without foun-
dation." He mentioned Dr. Con-
don's insistence on getting an
early hearing before the Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities,
and the Committee's postpone-
Dr. Condon was accused of as-
sociating with subversive elements
by the Thomas Committee last
spring, but has not yet been called
to testify.
Prof. Kaplan does not think
that the Thomas Committee will
drop its case against Dr. Condon
because of the findings of the
Atomic Energy Commission, but
that the hearings may keep being
postponed beyond the tentative
date set for some time in August.
Although the FBI found that
there was no evidence that Con-
don was disloyal, J. Parnell Thom-
as had said their letter was criti-
cal of Condon and his activities.
Atomic scientists rushed to his de-
fense, saying he was the victim of
a "deliberate smear."
Cinema Film
Ends Tonight
The final showing of "Beauty
and the Beast," French film with
Jean Marais and Josette Day, will
be given at 8:30 pin. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Tickets for the Jean Cocteau
production, which is being co-
sponsored on campus by the Art
Cinema League and the Inter-
Cooperative Council, can be ob-
tained at the box office. Admission
charge is 50 cents, all proceeds
going toward furnishings for the
John M. Nakamura Cooperative

and three days for all Palestine or
face forceful measures. In view
of the agreement on Jerusalem it
was assumed the Holy City cease1
fire would be effective sometimei
tonight, possibly 4 p.m. E.S.D.S.T.
During the day Count Berna-
1. Sent formal letters to the
United States, France and Bel-
gium, as members of the Consular
Truce Commission in Palestine-
asking them to provide military
observers, ships, planes, cars and
other equipment as they did dur-
ing the recent four-week truce.
2. Discussed with top Secreta-
riat officials plans for recruiting
an International police force for
Jerusalem. This force is expected
to be raised from volunteers,
largely from the United States,
France and Belgium.
As fighting continued, Jewish
troops captured Nazareth, the
boyhood home of Christ, and
northern stronghold of Fawzi
Pasha Al Kaukji's Arab Irreg-
ulars, an Israel announcement
said. It was taken following a
steady Jewish advance on the
An Arab Legion communique
said a Jewish attack on Bab El
Wad, on the important Jerusalem-
Tel Aviv highway, was repulsed. It
said the Jews left 87 dead on the
Jewish aircraft bombed Egypt
again today attacking the El
'Arish Air Base near the Pales-
the frontier.
The sprawling Egyptian capi-
tal was ordered to begin a partial
blackout as a precaution against
further raids.
An Egyptian Communique
said Egyptian planes attacked
Tel Aviv last night an hour and
a half after Jewish planes had
raided Cairo. The Communique
said considerable damage was
caused and large fires started
in the Jewish capital.
Arab and Jewish military
commAnders appeared to have
begun a race against time in
view of a possible new truce pe-
riod. Arab forces using armored
cars, tanks, planes and heavy
artillery launched a strong
counterattack on the Northern
An Israeli communique said
many Arab civilians and soldiers
were seen today fleeing northward
toward the Lebanese border from
the Nazareth district.
Its population and many Arab
refugees from surrounding towns
in Jewish hands tried to negoti-
ate a surrender with the Israeli
army yesterday but were prevent-
ed from doing so by pressure ap-
plied by Syrian, Iraqu and Leba-
nese troops of Kaukji's army, a
Jewish communique said.
A spokesman for the Israeli
army's sixth brigade said Jewish
batteries had been firing on Arab
gun emplacements in the vicinity
of the Damascus gate.

U.S. Steel Will
Boost Wages,
Raise Prices
Union Hails Increase
As 'A GreatVictory'
PITTSBURGH, July 16-(P)-
The giant U. S. Steel Corp. today
capitulated in its avowed fight
against inflation by giving wage
raises averaging 13 cents hourly
and announcing price hikes soon
would follow.
The wage boosts, ranging be-
tween 91/% and 25 cents or about
nine per cent, went to some 170,-
000 CIO-United Steelworkers in
"Big Steel's" producing subsidia-
ries. The Union quickly ratified
the increase, hailing it as 'a great
victory." U. S. Steel said compar-
ative- raises would be handed-to
about 100,000 salaried workers.
Plan Abandoned
President Benjamin Fairless of
the Corporation in a statement
admitted U. S. Steel's plan to sta-
bilize the cost of living by pegging
wages and cutting prices was
abandoned. This intent was
avowed last April when Fairless
first rejected the union's wage
demands and instituted price cuts
on some items.
Fairless hinted that faflure of
"other members of the steel in-
dustry" to join "Big Steel" in
price cutting and wage pegging
forced his hand today.
$10 a Ton
Amount of the coming steel price
boosts hae, been a subject for
much speculation. Iron Age, met-
alworking trade journal, estimat-
ed the advances at as much as
$10 a ton.
A Union statement, released by
President Philip Murray, said the
present contract with Big Steel is
extended to April 30, 1950, with
the Union reserving the right to
negotiate wages and social insur-
ance in July of 1949. The Union
will have the "right to strike on
these subjects at that time," Mur-
ray said.
Court Upholds
Negro Rights
South Carolina Dems
Must End Race Bias
CHARLESTON, S.C., July 16-
(P)-The South Carolina Demo-
cratic Party was directed today in
a Federal order to enroll Negroes
and grant them full rights in
party affairs.
The chairman of the State
Democratic executive said- the or-
der "will be carried out fully."
"It's a disgrace and shame when
you must come into Court and ask
a judge to tell you you are an
American," Judge Waring
He warned 87 state and county
party leaders, who were named
defendants, that imprisonment
awaited any party official who
failed to comply fully with the
spirit and letter of the decision.
Judge Waring, a Democrat,

World News At A Glance
(By The Associated Press)
ROME, July 16-Oxygen and American-made penicillin were ad-
ministered tonight to Communist Boss Palmiro Togliatti.
Dr. Pietro Valdoni, one of the three physicians attending Togli-
atti, was asked whether he thought the Communist leader had a
chance to survive. He replied: "Yes, by all means."
Meanwhile, Italy's government disclosed it will seek to outlaw
political strikes such as the latest, called in Communist protest against
the attack cii Togliatti.
DETROIT, July 16-The Ford Motor Co., deadlocked over
wages with 116,000 restless production workers, today boosted
salaries of 25,500 other employes an average of nine per cent.
At the same time the company rejected federal mediation in
its wage dispute with the CIO United Auto Workers.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 16-The Socialist Party of Ohio filed
suit in federal court today in an effort to get the names of its candi-
dateo nn the Ohin ballot in the November election.

Kids Are Cared for by Couple in Love

Ann Arbor's kids can get their
bottoms wet three times a week
under a new child-care project
operated by two enterprising Uni-

purest lake water in southern
Miss Porter, a junior psychology
minr disnses the child-care

Miss Porter has worked with
children in juvenile detention in-
stitutions, orphan asylums and
child settlements in Pittsburgh.


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