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June 23, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1948-06-23

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The Randolph Proposal

A. PHILIP RANDOLPH, the Negro leader
who is urging members of his race to
resist a draft law which tacitly sponsors
racial segregation, has placed before the
American public an extremely delicate issue.
His proposal, if executed, would lead to
mass passive resistance to a United States
statute by all Negroes who are eligible for
draft under that statute, an act which
would immediately pose the question of
The Constitution defines treason
against the United States as consisting
"only in levying War against them, or
in adhering to their enemies, giving them
aid and comfort." Whether or not Ran-
dolph's proposal would amount to whole-
sale treason,*as his opponents maintain
it would, obviously is a matter that can
be settled only by Federal jurisdiction.
Meanwhile, supporters of the proposal
reply with the charge that the existing
system of armed services segregation denies
Negroes their constitutional rights and that,
while mass resistance may be a severe meas-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by nembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ure, it is warranted by the issue at stake.
Thus, the Federal courts will face two con-
troversial decisions if the Randolph proposal
is put into action.
Other aspects of the issue, however, give
prima facie evidence to the soundness of the
case for the Negro. It is held by some, for
instance, that it is a gross injustice to
force the armed services, particularly the
Army, into such a dilemma. In this connec-
tion it is noteworthy that the Navy has
ostensibly at least done away with strict
segregation without any noticeably injurious
after-effects and that the Air Force is now
training white and Negro pilots in the same
It should also be noted that a policy
of non-segregation has been successfully
practiced in the civil service and all other
branches of the Federal government. Why,
one wonders, should such a policy be any
less practical in the armed forces.
On the contrary, it would seem that non-
segregation in the services should prove ex-
ceedingly effective in improving racial rela-
tions. It is by working with members of
other groups, by facing common problems
and resolving them together that one group
comes to understand another. There is no
reason then why the armed services should
not operate, along with schools and
churches, as high-grade test tubes in which
to dissolve prejudice.
-Kenneth Lowe.

The Basket of Eels

PHILADELPHIA-The central figure of
the opening phase of the Republican
convention is the brisk, competent, ambi-
tious Governor of New York. Thomas E.
Dewey wants the presidency so badly he
can taste it, He is pressing so hard that
irrelevant gossips say he has already prom-
ised a single, unhappily indivisible Collector-
ship of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to
no less than three of the hungry faithful.
And he would have the thing in the bag
if a few people liked him just a little bit
The leaders whose dislike threatens
Governor Dewey are Harold Stassen, Gov-
ernor Earl Warren of California and Gov-
ernor James Duff of Pennsylvania. If
these three should combine with Governor
Driscoll of New Jersey to, start a boom for
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Dewey's
chances of being nominated would be
drastically reduced. Or if Harold Stassen
should agree to support Senator Robert
A. Taft in return for second place on the
tickeit, Taft would become a very real
challenge to liis New York rival.
A Taft-Stassen ticket has been a secret
Taft objective for some time, although Taft
was reading Stassen out of the Republican
Party only a few weeks ago.
In the squalid closing hours of the Con-
gress, Taft's Philadelphia floor manager,
Congressman George Bender, was talking a
Taft-Stassen deal to every Stassenite in
sight. Now the idea of the deal has been
publicly endorsed by no less a titan than Col.
Robert R. McCormick, whose eagerness to
get Taft into the Presidency seems to have
overcome his detestation for Stassen. The
story behind all this mystifying maneuver-
ing casts a rather sharp, unlovely light, both
on the character of this convention and on
Governor Dewey's problem.
Dewey's problem, essentially, is to cap-
ture one of the big state delegations which,
added to his present strength, should
carry his bandwagon across the finish line.
All things considered, Illinois has long
been about his best bet. The Illinois fa-
vorite son is Governor Dwight Green, who
is just the sort of politician who could be
expected to make his way as Colonel Mc-
Cormick's creature. Under McCormick's
influence, Illinois is committed to Taft.
But there are already at least eight Dewey

men in the group, and over forty of the
Illinois delegates are state office-holders. If
Green could be induced to break away from
McCormick, the office-holders would follow.
Taft would lose Illinois.
Accordingly, some time ago, it began to
be known that Dewey was trying to tempt
Governor Green, who longs to ascend to the
empyrean of national politics. What must
coarsely be called a deal seems to have
been offered. Green was to defy the terrify-
ing lightnings of the Colonel's wrath. He was
to lead his office-holders into the Dewey
camp at the right moment. And Dewey was
to reward Green with the Vice-Presidency,
the Secretaryship of National Defense or
some other plum.
Since Oregon, Harold Stassen has been
almost more eager to defeat Dewey than
to be nominated himself. He evidently
got wind of the temptations being spread
before Green. He happened to see Colonel
McCormick shortly before the convention,
and took the remarkable step of warning
the Colonel that Dewey and Green were
plotting behind his august back.
Stassen is intensely ambitious and has
sometimes made grave concessions to ex-
pediency. He has never yet shown himself,
however, to be as totally unprincipled as
supporting Taft (whose views are the exact
opposite of his own) would prove him. Al-
though the vagaries of the human heart
are difficult to predict, it is still an odds-
on bet that Stassen will not get with Taft.
But if Dewey is to be menaced by a Taft-
Stassen deal, he has still to deal with the
possible combination of Governors Warren,
Duff, Driscoll and Stassen in favor of Van-
denberg. The formation of such a combina-
tion will be an immensely complex opera-
tion, involving the inter-action of all sorts
of factors of vanity and ambition. The Van-
denberg underground, which includes some
very shrewd operators, is working on the
project. If Illinois is really beyond Dewey's
reach, the task of the Vandenberg under-
ground will be rendered far easier. But
the combination is not formed yet. Further-
more, if the underground looks like being
able to put Vandenberg over, there is al-
ways the last-minute possibility that Dewey
will benefit by switches of Taft strength.
Such a political basket of eels is this conven-
tion, which is to settle the fate of the United
States and the world.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

University Project
NEW STUDENTS on campus and those
who were not at the University during
the spring semester may well be unaware
of the highly important Phoenix Project
that is being undertaken by the University's
student body and faculty. In order to ac-
quaint these students with the objectives
of the project, here is a resume of part of
its program:
1. A memorial rotunda dedicated to the
University's war dead in World War II will
be constructed on campus. It will serve as a
magnet to draw scholars from all over the
world who are interested in the various
phases of atomic development.
2. Research laboratories open to all types
of atom study will be constructed here.
3. An information center will coordinate
on a world-wide basis all the known data
on atomic research and make its findings
available to the world-with the hope that
somewhere, sometime it will help someone
put atomic energy to a peaceful use.
The Phoenix Project adds up to the
world's finest research institute devoted
exclusively to exploiting the peaceful and
humanitarian applications of atomic en-
You, as students of the University, will
play a big part in the development of the
project. By giving it the publicity it needs,
you will follow up the efforts of other
students who worked and planned for
months to establish the foundation. Pub-
licity is needed because this unique war me-
morial will be financed by private contribu-
tions beginning in the fall and augmented
only by government aid.
Let your friends know what is being
done here on campus. Atomic energy for
peaceful use has a bright future and its
headquarters will be right here.
Copies of The Daily's Phoenix Project
Extra, of May 17, can be obtained without
charge at the Office of Student Affairs.
Pick one up and read the details of this
huge memorial; then pass along the issue
to a friend or send it to your hometown
-Craig H. Wilson.
Writers Wanted
HIS SUMMER The Daily again ex-
tends an invitation to all students
who wish to participate in the publication
of its editorial page.
Positions now open include those for
staff reviewers for books, music, drama,
and Art Cinema League presentations.
The Daily prints one book review each
week and freviews for each musical and
dramatic event on campus as well as
reviews of all Art Cinema League movies.
Openings for political and radio col-
umnists and for cartoonists are also
available. Political columns will cover de-
velopments on both the local and the
national or international scenes and writ-
ers of these columns will be urged to
prepare crisp and timely copy. Radio col-
umnists should be able to devote con-
siderable time to auditing programs and
should be well-versed in latest develop-
ments in the field.
Sample reviews, columns and cartoons
should be submitted to The Daily, 420
Maynard St., before noon Friday, June
-The Senior Editors.

j Cold War
What Iron Curtain?
THE RUSSIANS scored a victory in the
cold war on campus. During the break
in the two-hour Russian 31 class, "Old-
English" students invaded the territory and
viewed the returning Russian students with
alarm. While debates were waged enthusias-
tically on the practicality of carrying on an
Old English class in Russian, the two pro-
fessors diplomatically settled the room mix-
up. The Old English retired gracefully to
the upper regions of Angell Hall.
Paging Mrs. Kinsey-
WE READ with more than academic in-
terest one news dispatch in which a
London psychiatrist attributes women's hat-
red of men to whippings received in child-
hood. It raises a question in our minds
about the reverse relationship. We are
either forced to agree with the male chau-
vinists that man is the stronger of the two
sexes, or like our hero, Arthur Godfrey, we
could ask Mrs. Kinsey.
The Landlady's Daughter
WE WERE more impressed by the old saw
about a "small world" when we viewed
the miserable visage of a young man of our
acquaintance, who was wildly overjoyed a
few woteekAnn t the rnennt of manvi

'. 4 .~ x.A



(Continued from ;?age 2)
endeavor by all reasonable means
to insure conformity with the
foregoing standards of conduct.
Approved Social Events for the
Coming Weekend:
June 25
Robert Owen Cooperative House
Congregational Disciples Guild
June 26
Delta Tau Delta
Recognized student organiza-
tions planning to be active during
the summer session are requested
to submit to the Office of Student
Affairs, Room 2, University Hall,
not later than July 2 the following
1) A list of officers and mem-
2) A letter from a faculty mem-
ber indicating his willingness to
act as adviser to the group.
Forms for the membership list
may be secured in Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall. Organizations not so
registered by July 2 are assumed
to be inactive for the summer.
Office of the Dean of Women-
office hours during summer, Mon-
day through Friday 8 to 12 and 1
to 5.
Closing hours, undergraduate
women's residences - Mon.
through Sun. inclusive 11 p.m.;
Fri. and Sat. 12:30 a.m.
Attention Women :
I. Week-end
(a) Overnight:
Any girl expecting to be out of
her house Friday, Saturday, or
Sunday night must notify the
head of the house personally, leave
address in advance, and sign in
when she returns.
(b) Late Permission:
Routine requests for late per-
missions must be made in advance
to the Office of the Dean of Wom-
en except for Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday nights. For Friday,
Saturday and Sunday nights,
housemothers may grant this per-
mission if they approve and if the
permission has been requested in
person by the student before she
leaves her residence. In such cases
the housemother is requested to
attach to sign-out sheets an ex-
planation of each late permission
II. Mid-week
(a) Overnight:
Any girl wishing to be out of her
house overnight during the week
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Thursday) must register her plan
in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
en before 4:30 p.m. of that day.-
She must leave the address at her
house and sign in when she re-
(b) Late Permission:
(1) All engagements other than
those campus activities defined
below which detain girls later
than the regular hours must
be registered in the Office of the

Dean of Women before 4:30 p.m.
of that day.
(2) Housemothers may give late
permission on week nights (Mon-
day, Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Thursday) only in the case of un-
avoidable and justifiable emer-
gencies which arise after the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women is
closed for the day. Such emer-
gency during the week must be re-
ported by the student the follow-
ing day to the Office of the Dean
of Women, at which time she
must present a written statement
of the circumstances from her
Office of the Dean of
Women Judiciary Council
Women students in the summer
session who wish to remain for the
fall semester and have not yet ap-'
plied for housing should do so at
once at the Office of the Dean of
Men and women students inter-
ested in taking meals at French-
Spanish Residence, 1027 E. Uni-
versity, call Mrs. Pauline Elliott,
2-5147-regarding terms. A few
places are still available.
Men's Cooperative Houses have
openings for a number of boarders
for the summer session. Boarding
involves full membership in the
Intercooperative Council, several
hours work per week, and three
meals every day at very low rates.
Contact Glenn Watkins, 338 E.
Jefferson, 2-2218.
Student Print Loan Collection :
Students interested in obtaining a
picture for the summer session
may sign for the print at the West
Gallery, Museum of Art, until
Thurs., June 24th. Students are
requested to bring student identi-
fication. A rental fee of 35 cents
will be charged. West Gallery is
open to the public from 9-5 daily.
Prints will be distributed from
Room 206, University Hall, the
week of June 28.
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Thurs., June 24, 8 p.m., Village
Discussion Group. Topic: "On
What Points are the U.S.A. and
U.S.S.R. now Differing?" All wel-
8 p.m., First meeting, Art Work-
shop Summer Program (Land-
scapes). Bring your own sketches
and supplies. Small fee. Begin-
ning and advanced students.
Tues., June 29, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club Tea to welcome new Univer-
sity wives in the Village.
Linguistic Lectures: "Delimiting
the Speech Areas of the Eastern
United States," first lecture in the
series, Thurs., June 24, 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Opening lecture of the Summer
Session Lecture Series, "The Eco-

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Birth of a Nation
To the Editor:
j HAVE JUST had the rare priv-
ilege of witnessing the birth of
a nation. Not that such a compli-
cated institution can suddenly
come to life but at least I was in
Israel at the time when she de-
clared her independence and I had
the opportunity to talk to dozens
of her citizens. I landed at Haifa
on May 15, the day the British
Mandate ended, and I was there
until the 22nd. During this time I
made a trip to Tiberias on the Sea
of Galilee and I visited Acre just a
few hours after it was captured by
The thing that has impressed
me most is the tremendous spirit
of the Jewish people in Israel.
They have no planes, tanks or ar-
tillery, yet they are determined,
courageous and confident. "Just
give us something to fight with,"
they say. "We can lvold the Arabs
off until aid comes but we hope
it will come soon."
"We either live or die here" is
the common sentiment. Many of
nomic Reconstruction of Europe"
will be given by Dr. James P.
Adams, Provost and Prof. of Eco-
nomics, Thurs., June 24, 8:10 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
French 11. In response to gen-
eral demand, the Department of
Romance Languages will offer a
course in French 11. Anyone in-
terested in taking the course
should see Professor Bement in
Room 301 Romance Languages.
Events Today
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Cafteria, Michigan League. All
students interested in informal
French conversation should join
this group which meets Tues. and
Wed. at 3:30 p.m., Michigan
League, and Thurs., 4:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Students in
French 31, 32, 61, 83, 92 and 153
will greatly profit by attending
Michigan Dames Bridge Group
meeting, 8 p.m., Henderson Room,
Michigan League.
Square Dancing Class sponsored
by the Graduate Outing Club:
Lounge of the WAB Bldg., 8 p.m.
Everyone welcome. Small fee.
Radio Program:
3:30 p.m. WKAR-The Hop-
wood Room-Programs of inter-
views with student writers, pro-
fessors and guests. Conducted by
E. G. Burrows.
3:45 p.m. WKAR--The School
of Music-Patricia Herman, so-
prano, assisted by Hugh Altvater,
violin, and Lydia. Pekarsky, piano.
5:45 p.m. WPAG-World and
Local Problems.
Mr. Thorsen, Edward Teller and
Paul Schlipp interviewed by Pres-
ton Slosson "World Government
and the Atomic Bomb."
Student Recital, Rackham
Assembly Hall 8 p.m., Virginia
Holmes, Pianist.
French Club: First meeting of
the Summer Session, Thurs., June
24, 8 p.m., 2nd floor Terrace
Room,. Michigan Union. Election
of officers, group singing of pop-
ular French songs, Mr. Newton
Graham will play on the cello and
Prof. C. E. Koella will speak on
"La France et ses problemes ac-
tuels." All students interested in
hearing and speaking French. are

cordially invited to our Thursday
International Center Tea: Mme.'
M. Dierkens from Brussels and
Mrs. Edna Miller will pour Thurs-
day, June 24.
U. of M. Sailing Club: First bus-
iness meeting of the summer se-
mester, Thurs., June 24, Michigan
Union. Anyone interested in sail-
ing or learning to sail is invited.


Letters to the Editor ...


the people I talked to have come
from Eastern European countries
where they have been the victims
of persecution and have lost
many relatives. They feel that
they are not wanted in any coun-
try in the world, that this is their
last chance and therefore they
are prepared to put everything
they have into the struggle. The
others who havetbeen in Palestine
for years are prepared to defend
to the last man the country they
have developed.
The next thing that impressed
me was the tremendous develop-
inent program that the Jews have
carried out in Palestine. Those
who have immigrated there have
not taken the best part of the
country from the Arabs but have
developed the areas which were
considered waste land and have
built beautiful modern cities and
The land is cultivated by
"settlements" of people organized
on a cooperative basis In three
ways: those where everybody lives
and works together in a commun-
al arrangement, those where the
people live separately but work
together and thdse where the
people live and work separately
but market their produce coop-
eratively. On these settlements
live the pioneers who have been
and continue to be the backbone
of Israel.
Although there has been. trouble
with the Arabs, the Jews seem to
be very fair in their treatment of
them. The Arabs are encouraged
to stay in Israel and told that they
will receive the same privileges as
Jewish people. The Jews say that
they have lived and will continue
to live peacefully with the local
Arabs. The recent trouble has
been caused by outside Arab in-
fluences, they contend, and they
blame the British for instigating
much of it.
Almost everyone voiced a deep
hatred for the British which is
often carried to extremes by in-
dividuals. They blame the British
for the present trouble and they
feel very bitter about the British
leaving them without arms to de-
fend themselves while supplying
the neighboring Arab states.
To sum up, may I say that re-
gardless of one's religious or polit-
ical views he would certainly have
to admire the spirit and industry
of the Jewish people and give
them a great deal of credit for the
splendid job of developing they
have done in Palestine.
--Hal Osgood, BSE '45.
Fifty-Eighth Year


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe....... Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr ..Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James......Business Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press


At the Michigan...
MacMurray, Valli, and Frand Sinatra.
IN A RECENT magazine article Quentin
Reynolds commented on his great for-
tune in having Ben Hecht as a collaborator
on "Miracle of the Bells," Mr. Reynolds' first
screen play. Mr. Reynolds needn't have been
so generous.. The Master had an off day,
and Mr. Reynolds' maiden effort is a less
than memorable event.
The plot is' pretty fantastic, to say the
least. It involves the attempt of a high-
powered press agent, played by Fred Mac-
Murray, to have a Hollywood producer re-
lease a film on Joan of Arc, starring Valli.
Valli succumbs to tuberculosis immediately
after completing the film and the producer
with the selflessness and high purpose char-

At the State.-
UNCONQUERED, with Paulette Goddard,
Gary Cooper and Indians.
WHEN CECIL B. DE MILLE makes a pic-
ture he seems to aim it at every Amer-
ican big enough to carry the price of a ticket
up to the box-office. "Unconquered," his lat-
est smorgasbord, has a little bit of some-
thing for everyone-with the exception of
those who ,like their plots integrated and
their realism straight. "The Perils of Paul-
ette," as the production might have been
more pointedly called, puts Miss Goddard
through whippings, Indian tortures and
crosscountry chases, and even plunges her
over a waterfall in the best serial tradi-
Gary Cooner. who snends nart of his time


I'll arrange for your
dog's reappearance in
goad time, Barnaby®
with your
magic wand?
...w .yM f9d8. ?Fe Ne. eAOPS aM.".^<.
Q'C! Fey. V. S Pa O!{
6 -81
I l l I'makneiv hrnls infn fba l t

I see there's a drive on
against unlicensed dogs.
John! Did you fasten the
fag on Gorgon's collar?


SMaybe the dogcatcher-
Say, maybe 1'd better go
look in the pound. First
thing tomorrow'morning-

fm sure Gorgon has learned
his lesson by now, m'boy. I'll
spring him-er--deliver him.
This very night.
C fi r J
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c_ . Y

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