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July 09, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-09

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FRAY. JULY 9. 194.


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Internecine Strife

STRAIGHT from the elephant's mouth
comes the most revealing account of the
Republicans' Philadelphia fish-fry. Colonel
Robert (How Reactionary Can You Get?)
McCormick's Chicago Tribune ran an edi-
torial last Monday which summed up Tom
Dewey's triumph more neatly and precisely
than any of the many liberal "exposees."
"What Dewey had and his opponents
lacked," says the Trib, "was a single-mind-
ed devotion to the task of corralling dele-
"Dewey went into a few preferential pri-
maries and nailed a certain number of dele-
gates. He and his political organization, a
cohesive professional group which had been
in power six years in New York and had
profited by the experience of lining up dele-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

gates at two previous national conventions,
knew how to trade and make deals.
"They had cabinet jobs, ambassadorships,
posts in the bureaucracy, and plenty of
postmasterships to offer, even if these re-
wards were not quite yet theirs to dispense.
They could also play on fear and ambition
among politicians who must risk being
listed among the 'outs' when the 'ins' are
running the show."
There it is, folks. In order to become
President of the United States, via the
GOP route, you simply "devote your mind
to the task of corralling delegates" and
recruit a "cohesive professional group of
politicians" who can promise postmaster-
ships faster than any one else's stooges.
And this by the admission of Bertie Mc-
Cormick's editorial hacks.
Tch, tch, Bertie, let's not carry this in-
ternecine strife too far! It's alright, of
course, to get disgruntled because our boy
Taft didn't make it-but to tell the truth
about a convention that we had previously
labelled "Democracy in Action"-how utter-
ly unGO Psh!
-Ivan Kelley.

"THE LATE George Apley," second in the
Speech Department's summer drama
series, got a brilliant send-off last night as
a remarkably able cast headed by Robert
Thompson scored a direct hit in the Mar-
quand-Kaufman satire on the last of the
Boston Brahmins.
Contrasting sharply with the more ambi-
tious "Of Thee I Sing" production, the cur-
rent offering did much less, much more
Thompson, as Apley played his role with
taste and subtlety. He portrayed the old
Bostonian as somewhat senile, with gestures
that suggested rather than advertised senil-
His performance was supplemented by ex-
cellent support. John Cottrell, as Roger New-
comb, Clara Behringer, as Amelia, and Pa-
tricia Ann Ingraham, as Eleanor, were par-
ticularly effective.
Larry Ruben, as John Apley, seemed ill
at ease. As the anguished young lover he
was much too melodramatic. He did much
better in the play's epilogue.
For a first performance the timing of the
cast was fine. Once or twice lines were lost
in prolonged audience laughter, but on the
whole the play went off as if it were in the
middle of a long run.
Claribel Baird's direction was more than
competent and she managed one or two
neatly satiric effects. In one scene she ma-
neuvered three of the Apley women onto the
divan, where they sat waving fans, posing
remarkably like Grant Wood's "Daughters
of the American Revolution."
Oren Parker contributed one of the best
sets seen in many a moon. He somehow
managed to incorporate five huge portraits
in the Apley livingroom without making the
set look like an art gallery.
Taste and restraint marked the entire
production. Without careful vigilance "The
Late George Apley" could have been turned
into a burlesque, the satire lost, and Mar-
quand's well conceived character dissipated.
-Dick Kraus.

., .






Derocratic Paradoxes

W HY IS MR. TRUMAN so unpopular with
so many of the delegates to the coming
* Democratic convention? The answer to that
is easy enough; it looks as if he couldn't win
the election. If it looked as if he.could win,
he'd be popular enough with the convention;
they'd like him then even if he had two
Many of the delegates to previous Demo-
cratic conventions used to hate Mr. Roose-
velt, but it was noticed that they did not
organize widespread revolts against him,
on civil liberties or any other issue. It is an
interesting point that though Mr. Truman
is much closer, in size and thinking, to the
bulk of the delegates than Mr. Roosevelt
ever was, they lack confidence in him and
don't really want him.
Here we begin to get into paradoxes, for
Mr. Truman has spent three hard years
trying to please exactly the types of Dem-
ocrats who make up this convention. No
man could have worked harder at the
He has led crusades against what were
alleged to be radical elements in the gov-
ernment; he has fired almost every leftover
New Dealer who was displeasing to the
standard, or professional, type of Democratic
party functionary. He has gone to innumer-
able Senate luncheons, and has hung around
the Capitol, playing the part of being still
one of the boys, who got into the White
House accidentally, but whose heart was
really elsewhere. In every way he has tried

to reverse the practices which made Roose-
velt so unpopular with Democratic bigwigs,
in and out of Congress. The odd result is
that a party which used meekly to nomi-
nate and renominate Roosevelt, mutters and
hisses at the name of Truman, and wants
a change.
Oh, how those delegates would like to
have a Roosevelt now, whom they didn't
like; oh, how they are searching now for
the indispensable man, who, they have al-
ways wanted to believe, does not exist!
Perhaps we are hovering here on the brink .
of a great truth. Or maybe it's only a
medium-sized truth, but it would go like
this: If you try to win favor with the
politicians, you will lose favor with the
people, and then, in the end, you will lose
favor with the politicians, too.
And here we come to the best paradox of
all: The convention, in shying away from
Mr. Truman, and in seeking for someone
else who will be utterly pleasing to all fac-
tions, is, in the large sense, seeking for ..
a Truman. Led by a blind tropism, it still
hunts on for approximately what it would
reject. If it finds such a man, from the pros-
pects still available, it won't in the end, like
him very much, because the public won't
vote for him very much. Maybe the delegates
had better give up the search, and nominate
a man most of them do not really like, say
Douglas, in the hope that, as in other hu-
man relations, fondness will come later, in
its own way, in its own time.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.)

Current Movies


Tlrez Feels the Whip

A t the Michigan ...
IF YOU KNEW SUSIE, with Eddie Cantor,
Joan Davis, and Alan Joslyn.
O QUOTE one of the advertisements of
"If You Knew Susie": "It's the show
with that glow that makes you wanna go!"
They didn't say where. Eddie Cantor, who
must be crowding seventy by now, continues
to amaze me with his vitality and bounce.
But what could anyone do with material
like this:
First Joke:
Davis: I think I hear a mouse squeaking.
Cantor: What do you want me to do-oil
Second Joke:
Davis (talking about a convict): He's been
up the river so many times he's learning how
to spawn.
This is another one of those films in which
people give money away-seven billion dol-
lars, this time. Eddie and Joan give it away
because they feel it will upset their home
life. Which is another reiteration of that fa-
mous Hollywood maxim, "Money Isn't
Everything." Some of the dance routines
weren't half bad, and I kept waiting for the
film to take a turn for the better. It never

- I
Ann Arbor News ...
'eriod of Disunion'
WATCHING with glee and vulture-like anticipation our present pre-
"election squabbling and battlings are those of hostile minds who
may see advantage to themselves in the differences that divide us.
Therefore it behooves us in these days of political bitterness to make
sure that we are first and foremost Americans, and then possibly Re-
publicans or Democrats or even Wallaceites. Our country and its wel-
fare are paramount; our party's particular interests are secondary.
In the present world situations, it is important that we present
a clear-cut majority front-regardless of party-on vital issues involv-
ing our relations to foreign countries:
* * * *
TIS important that we present a clear-cut majority front against
aggression-against aggression of presently powerful or potentially
powerful totalitarian dictatorships upon the freedom of smaller na-
tions; against aggression within our own borders by those who would
by force overthrow our American form of government to substitute
the virtual enslavement now suffered by the peoples of certain areas
who have been robbed of the right to govern themselves. ..-
* * * *
BETWEEN now and the inauguration in January of the administra-
tion that is to conduct our national affairs for the next four years
comes a critical period. Those of other lands who do not understand
our methods of government nor the character of our people may mis-
interpret political happenings.
Thus if Truman should fail to be nominated by the Democrats, the
people of Europe, and even of England, iynight take this as a repudia-
tion of our government and might consider that for the rest of the
year we would be without a sound "government of the people."
Or if Truman should be nominated, and then should fail to be re-
elected President, the same mistaken view might be taken of the situa-
tion covering the period from November 2 to January. ..
Such interpretations would, of course, be wrong. We in the United
States retire presidents, or congressmen, or senators, as we think best
but the government goes on. The people still rule. They will stand
united against anyone who would mistake change for collapse. That
we should make clear in these months of political tui'moil. Wie will
not be weakened by the tempests raging in our midst. Rather the air
will be cleared by the storm and we will emerge stronger and more
united than before.
* * * *
Washtenaw Post-Tribune ...
'Cooperation, or Else?'
O NE OF THE publications which comes regularly to our desk has as
it's motto, "Cooperation beats any problem," which has the same
meaning as Kipling when he wrote about-"the everlastin' teamwork of
every blooming soul." We would say at this. point that Benjamin
Franklin said the same thing in effect, when he talked about "the
choice between hanging together, or hanging separately," though he
wa talking about revolution, and that of course is anathema at the
present moment. We cooperated with other nations during the war,
including Russia, which is very anathema at the moment!
Wouldn't it be possible to cooperate with other nations to have
peace. If, we say if, Russia has turned crook, wouldn't it be possible
to sort of gang up on her with the peaceful nations, there being enough
of them to make a dent in the iron curtain, even if we have scared the
Kremlin into taking action which in turn has scared us! And spent
about twenty times as much for defense because of it as we do for
** * *
W HY, YES, there's the United Nations, which was formed only for
peace, in San Francisco, in 1945. It furnishes the groundwork for
cooperation. Of course, the war was still on at the time. That makes
a difference; the same kind of difference as in a toper who is very
easy to convince, they say, while he is going through the tremors of
a hangover!ne
We listened rather intently to the Republican Convention and we
didn't hear a word about the UN. Perhaps they had something to say
while we weren't listening; though if they did, they said it very low
indeed. We know that the Republican platform carries a paragraph
about the international situation, but it is very general and safe, as
every paragraph was intended to be this being a political platform...
* * * *

THE SALVATION of the United States and for all nations is the
UN. The salvation rather comes through the peace which will
come to us if the Charter of the United Nations is followed. Maybe the
charter has to be amended. Our Constitution was, a score and more
times! Provision was made for amendment, as is the case with the
What we need more than anything else is a desire for peace, which
of course most of us have, plus a desire to cooperate. "Cooperation
beats any problem"? Let's try it on peace.

Publications in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of theniversity. Notices for
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
written form to the Office of the Sum-
mer Session. Room 1213 Angell Hal, by
3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publi-
cation (11:00 pm. Saturdays)
VOL. LVIII, No. 181
Veterans enrolled under Public
Law 346 are reminded that they
will, automatically receive sub-
sistence for an additional fifteen
days beyond the close of the Sum-
mer Session. Consequently, fifteen
days of eligibility time will be de-
ducted from their remaining en-
titlement. It should be emphasized
that this procedure is automatic
and that payments will be made
and entitlement reduced accord-
ingly unless a veteran notifies the
Veterans Administration in writ-
ing thirty days prior to the close
of the Summer Session that he
does not desire the extension of
subsistence benefits. Veterans who
desire the fifteen days extension
are not required to give any no-
The following form is suggested
for notification: "This is to no-
tify you that I do not desire the
fifteen days extension of subsist-
ence benefits following the close of
the Summer Session, 1948. Signa-
ture, "C" Number, Reference
29R7AA." The notice should be
sent to Registration and Research
Section, Michigan Unit, Veterans
Administration, -Guardian Build-
ing, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit
32, Michigan.
The second Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held Fri., July 9,
1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the Fresh
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students in-
terested in problems of individual
and group therapy are invited to
attend. The discussant will be Dr.
J. N. P. Struthers, Director of the
Huron Valley Children's Center,
Women students wishing to re-
main for the post-session at the
end of summer school should get
in touch with the Office of the
Dean of Women regarding housing
at once.
Women students in Astronomy
31 and 32 have late permission
until 11:30 p.m. either on Tues. or
Thurs. evening in accordance with
written slips being mailed to them
by the Office of the Dean of Wom-
Approved Social Events for the
coming week-end:
July 9, Stockwell Hall
July 10, Delta Tau Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Intercooperative Coun-
cil, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information
Immediate applications are in-
vited for the position of Principal
of the Kindergarten Training Col-
lege, Adelaide, South Australia.
Special training in pre-school
work is required. For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau 'of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information
The Mene Grande Oil Co., Bar-
celona, Venezuela, is in need of
teachers of the following subjects
for its school: Music-Art; Kinder-
garten; Early and Later Elemen-
tary Grades.These positions are
open in the company's school for"
its American employees. For fur-
ther information, call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason

Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Inf ormnation
The Young Women's Christian
Association has many interesting
job openings in various parts of
the country for experienced per-
sonnel and well-qualified seniors.
A background in Health or Physi-
cal Education or Recreation is
highly desirable. For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Notice Re Faculty Concerts:
Since the Monday evening faculty
concerts presented in the Rack-
ham Lectures Hall are broadcast
over WUOM, it is requested that
the audience be seated before 8
p.m., or as quickly as possible be-
tween numbers, never during the
actual playing.
Elementary Golf, Women Stu-
dents-A short course in golf for
women will begin today at 2:30
p.m.' at the Women's Athletic
Building. Bring balls.


.Lec tures


The third lecture, in the series
of special lectures sponsored by
the Department of Engineering
Mechanics, will be given by N.
M. Newmark, Research Professor
of Structural Engineering, Uni-
versity of Illinois. Professor New-
mark will discuss, "Iteration
Methods of Vibration Problems"
Fri.; July 9, 3 p.m., Room 445 W.
Eng. Bldg. Sat., July 10, 11 a.m.
Room 445 W. E. Bldg. Professor
Newmark will discuss "Step-by-
Step Methods In Vibration Prob-

Student Recital: Grayson W.
Brottmiller, organist, will present
a recital at 4:15 Fri. afternoon, 4
July 9, in Hill Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music. His program, open to the
general public, will include com-
positlons by Dupuis, Bach, Franck,
Paul De Maleingreau, Vierne, and
Sowerby. Mr. Brottmiller is or-
ganist and choirmaster of Em-
manuel Lutheran Church, Fort
Wayne, Indiana.
Events Today
Radio Programs
3:30 p.m., WUOM About Books
4:30 p.m. WUOM Student For-
6:45 p.m. WUOM Music from
Coffee Hour will be held at Lane
Hall at 4:30, Friday. Dr. Nicholas
Arseniev of St. Valdimer Orthodox
Seminary will be the guest of hon-
(Continued on Page 4)



The University Musical Society
announces the following concerts
for the University year 1948-49:
Eileen Farrell, soprano, Oct. 6;
French 'National Orchestra, *
Charles Munch, conductor, Oct.
25; Cleveland Orchestra, George
Szell, conductor, Nov. 7; Ezio Pin-
za, bass, Nov. 18; Clifford Curzon,
pianist, Nov. 27; Boston Symphony
Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky,
conductor, Dec. 6; Ginette Neveu,
violinist, Jan. 8; Vladimir Horo-
witz, pianist, Feb. 11; Nathan Mil-
stein, violinist, Mar. 4; and the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, r
Fritz Busch, guest conductor,
Mar. 27.
Marian Anderson, contralto, Oct.
14; Cincinnati Symphony Orches-
tra, Thor Johnson, conductor, Nov.
15; Rudolf Serkin, pianist, Dec. 3;
Jascha Heifetz, violinist, Feb. 19; '
and the Indianapolis Symphony
Orchestra, Fabien Sevitzky, con-
ductor, March 13.
Orders for season tickets are
being accepted and filed in se-
quence; and tickets mailed Sep-
tember 15. Address: University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial +

W ASHINGTON-A few weeks ago, some-
thing happened secretly in France
which has a parallel significance to what
has happened so publicly in Yugoslavia. At
a secret meeting of the top leadership of the
French Communist party, Communist leader
Maurice Thorez received the same sort of
tongue-lashing from the Kremlin as Marshal
Tito was enduring at about the same time.
The difference is that whereas Tito has now
boldly defied Moscow, Thorez knuckled un-
der. Yet it is believed that the episode in
France may have much the same meaning
for Communist leaders in the non-Soviet
world as the Tito revolt has had for the
Soviet Union's satellite chieftains.
The charges leveled at Thorez were pre-
cisely the same as those hurled at Tito be-
fore he decided to defy the power of Mos-
cow. He had been pursuing a hateful, un-
Marxist policy, which, if not corrected,
would make the French Communist party
a "bourgeois" party, a tool of imperialists.
Above all, he had been consistently and
dangerously "nationalist"-which of course
means simply that he had been too indepen-
dent of the Kremlin, too much a Frenchman
and too little an obedient servant of his
masters in Moscow.
The Kremlin emissary then .issued an
ultimatum. Either Thorez must confess
the error of his ways and henceforth give
adequate proof of his loyalty to the Krem-
lin, or he would be cast into outer dark-
ness and replaced.
Thorez obediently performed the required
Communist rite of confession of sins and
promised his colleague and the Kremlin to
follow the path of true righteousness in the
future. Unlike Tito, with his thirty-six di-
visions, Thorez had no real choice. The
Communist parties outside the Soviet sphere
are tightly controlled by Moscow's power of
subsidy and by the whole party "apparatus."
Groveling submission was thus forthcoming
from Thorez, and he has been allowed to
continue as titular head of the French Com-
munist party.
The significance of the Kremlin's denun-

the words of a leading Kremlin emissary
to Bulgaria, Chervenkov, in a significant
recent speech addressed to all loyal Com-
munists: "One cannot warmly love one's
own country if this love, no matter to
what extent, is opposed to love for the
Soviet Union."
The mission of the Communist leadership
in all countries, according to this interpreta-
tion, will now be to build an absolutely loyal
Communist hard core, rather than a mass
base. This hard core must act, first, as an
entirely reliable instrument of Soviet policy,
and second, as an effective fifth column in
case of war. If this interpretation is correct,
it would seem clearly to suggest that the
Kremlin is now consolidating its forces
against the possibility of a final showdown
with the West.
(Copyright, 1948, New Yort Herald Tribune, Inc)
DODSWORTH, with Walter Huston, Ruth
Chatterton and Paul Lukas.
J1JIX SINCLAIR LEWIS' ultra American
characters with three Continental fops
and an Italian divorcee and the result is the
love triangles, squares and hexagons of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Dodsworth, Zenith's re-
tired industrialist and wife. The plot, with
the typical Sam Goldwyn touch, slips ro-
mantically from Zenith, Minnesota, to Lon-
don, to Paris, to Vienna and finally Naples,
and rests heavily on Mrs. Dodsworth's at-
tempts to maintain a facade of youth with
petty amors. Walter Huston, who deserves
the highest possible praise as Sam, follows
her from apartment to apartment extricat-
ing her from one love after another until
he discovers that he too seeks to retain his
youth, but by living rather than acting.
As a re-release, Dodsworth is a fine ex-
ample of many lessons movieland has
learned in the past decade. The photography
lacks depth; sunlight appears as a white
glare; and composition is uniformly poor.

£idt jwu
Fifty-Eighth Year

There's also one
asramount short
Animals"-to add
the story.

of those incredibly inane
subjects-"Speaking of
to the general pallor of

-Jack Sokoloff
* * *
Atthe Sttee.. .
HAZARD, with Paulette Goddard and
MacDonald Carey.
"HAZARD" starts out to do for gambling
what "Lost Weekend" did for drinking,
but it doesn't get very far. A series of im-
probable incidents is strung on the spoiled-
debutante-meets-unspoiled-he-man theme,
with Miss Goddard doing rather a poorer job
as the deb than MacDonald Carey does as
the man. Aside from the too-too-cute she-
nanigans that always embroider this partic-
ular set-up, the picture is bolstered with a
good bit of melodrama and a fair share of
slapstick. The former reaches its height
when Carey, suffering third degree burns in
the process, drags Paulette from a blazing
automobile. The latter approaches a Laurel
and Hardyquality during a brawl in which
Paulette beans the wrong man with the
usual outsize vase.
The story, briefly, is this: Paulette's fiance
was killed in the war. Paulette's father died
leaving her a modest ($300,000) fortuhe.
Paulette becomes a gambling "bug" (psy-
chological mechanism explained by Carey)
and winds up staking herself on a cut of the
cards in preference to entering goal for
having written a bad check. She loses, and
the chase is on. Carey, who, in addition to
being a he-man, is a "welcher-hating" pri-
vate detective, trails her from New York to
California. Love is born on the trip back
and Carey, bandages streaming (the burn-
ir~r o. -cno cl -- a ,tP ,rr ,mitr t

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
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Student Publications.
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Lida Dailes.........Managing Editor
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Robert James......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


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