See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
lvll. r 17r 1r1 r u r
Y ll1.N, .i.r Y f lla i t (Y. 12S l
Arabs, Egyptians Resume
Natinwid RaZiroad spute S
Var in Palestine
15 1-2 Cent Increase
Grarnted Trainmen
A greee ta tt erl(e1 Af ter Plan
(ii IPres id(ellt's Fiaer-Fi Id(iin Board
WASHINGTON, July 8-(/P)-The wage dispute which threatened
a nationwide rail strike and caused government seizure of the railroads
was settled peaceably late today.
The settlement was announced by the White House. Representa-
'tives of management and the three railroad brotherhoods which called
the strike adjusted their differences in a series of conferences there
arranged by John R. Steelman, Presidential assistant.
The engineers, firemen and switchmen accepted a wage increase
of 15/z cents an hour,.retroactive to last Nov. 1, plus several changes
in operating rules, some of which' * * *
will increase the railroadmen's
t take-home pay.U Federai COUrt
Railroad management repre-
sentatives said the settlement W ill Rule on
was virtually the same as that
recommended by the President's j .
y emergency board March 27. iv iiners trile
President Truman called the
labor and management repre-
sentatives into his office to con- WASHINGTON, July 8-(P)-
gratulate them. The strike of 55,000 coal miners in
"I wanted to see this thing steel company pits was thrown
settled as it should be done, by into Federal Court today.
bargaining and not in any other Judge T. Alan Goldsborough set
way. You did this on your own a hearing next Wednesday on a
hook and I feel very good about °equest from the National Labor
it. I congratulate all of you on it." Relations Board for a stop-strike
The settlement means that the order.
railroads will be turned back to The striking United Mine Work-
private management as soon as ers and their president, John L.
necessary papers can be drawn up. Lewis, were directed to appear be-.
Steelman estimated that that fore the judge at that time and
could be done in "a day or two." show cause why he should not1
Nominally, the railroads have issue an injunction against the
been under government control strike.1
since May 10, with Secretary of UMW headquarters said Lewisf
the Army Royall directing their had no comment on the develop-
operations. The government got ments.
an injunction against the threat- For the past three days the
ened strike, miners have stayed awaysfrom the
Numerous unsuccessful efforts so-called "captive" mines which
had been made to work out an produce coal used exclusively by
agreement. The conferences which the steel industry. In addition,
resulted in today's settlement be- nearly 25,000 union members have
gan Wednesday night and con- not shown up for work at commer-
tinued this afternoon. Steelman cial coal mines, apparently in
told reporters he had put in more sympathy with their striking
than 300 hours trying to bring fellow union members.
about an agreement. IDavid Findling, associate gen-r
The dispute had lasted more eral counsel for the NLRB, asked
than a year. The three brother- Goldsborough to consider issuing
hoods made different demands the temporary injunction. A few
in early 1947 than the rest of hours earlier, Robert N. Denham, t
the railway unions and had a NLRB general counsel, had issued
separate set of negotiations with a formal complaint charging Lewis
the carriers. ongaother and the striking workmen withe
things, they demanded a 30 per violating the Taft-Hartley law.
cent wage increase. iagft l a
One strike date was postponed
and a walkout of the three unions Counties M ay
was finally set for May 11. Be-
cause of the key positions of the
engineers, firemen and switchmen Q 6 Qr
on the railroads it was clear the
strike Would bring the Nation'sa
rail system to a standstill. LANSING, July 8-(AP)-At thec
So President Truman seized the present rate of expenditure, ap-.t
rail industry under his War Pow- proximately 60 of the less populat- E
ers on May 10, the day before the ed counties may be hard pressed
strike was to have taken place. to provide veterans care under
U-.S., Alles
Cwt Ber in ,
Western Powers
11old Protest Note
BERLIN, July 8-(P)-The three
western occupation powers today
ordered new drastic electric power
cuts in Russia-blockaded Berlin.
They called on the German pop-
ulation to "measure up to the role
that history has given you."
C1. Frank L. Howley, United
States commandant, said in a
statement to the Berliners that
the restriction will pass on to
them inconveniences, economic
privation and personal suffering
which are direct results of the
Soviet blockade.
"We ask only that you under-
stand the situation, that you
cheerfully stand up to those pri-
vations and that you bear in mind
that freedom and democracy have
always been purchased only by
struggle and suffering," he said.
Delay Protest Note
(In London, responsible diplo-
matic officials said the western
powers decided, after a series of
telephone talks between Wash-
ington, London and Paris, to delay
for at least 24 hours announcing
the terms of their notes calling
on Russia to restore unimpeded
surface transportation between
the western zones and Berlin.)
Effective at midnight tomorrow,
the new cuts completely withhold
power from certain small indus-
tries. They include reductions for
occupation, municipal and med-
ical authorities. Homes are limited
BERLIN, July 9 - (P) - A
United States Air Force plane,
flying food to Russian blockaded
Berlin, crashed last night near
Frankfurt, killing at least two
to four hours of electricity per day.
Transport is affected. Street light-
ing is cut 75 percent.
Col. Howley said the Allied or-
der was expected to reduce by one
third the amount of coal used to
generate power. At the same time,
it raised the spectre of mass un-'
Rubble Project
To combat this, Allied authori-
ties worked on a project to put'
10,000 people to work immediately
cleaning rubble and tearing down1
bomb ruins.
Howley said that the "greatest
air-lift in peace time history"
could not at present meet all of
the requirements of the people oft
Douglas Group '
Two members of the local Dem-l
)crats for Douglas organization
will leave tomorrow for New York;
o aid the New York group organ-I
ze a Douglas headquarters in
Philadelphia in time for the Dem-1
cratic Convention.1
They are Prof. Samuel J. Elders-c
veld, of the political science de-
)artment, and Everett Reimer,<
hairman of the local group. r
TANKER EXPLOSION-The tanker Edgewater, loaded with a cargoa
explosion on Lake Michigan 23 miles southwest of Ludington, injurii
Guard's PBY planes, answering a "we are on fire" radio alarm fr
and removed burned and injured men.
egro Leader
Bl1asts Dhems
On Civil Rights
Southerners Quiet;
Predict Compromise
Southern Democrats held their
fire today as a Negro leader called
them "bigots" and demanded that
President Truman's civil rights
program be written into the 1948
Democratic platform.
The Southerners not only kept
quiet butonesof them predicted
that a compromise will be reached
in the battle over racial issues
which has started a small war
within the Democratic Party.
U. S. Senator Clyde R. Hoey of
North Carolina told a reporter:
Agreement Possible
"I am confident that we can
reach on agreement on civil rights
that will be satisfactory to Presi-
dent Truman and probably satis-
factory to the South. We do not,
however, expect to satisfy the ex-
treme elements of either end."
Walter White, of New York,
executive secretary of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, told the Demo-
cratic platform drafting commit-
"The Democratic Party has been
too much dominated by those who
have attained and held power
through disfranchisement, lynch-
ing and racial discrimination. The
day of reckoning has come when
the Democratic Party must de-
cide whether it is going to permit
bigots to dictate its philosophy. .."
Truman Program
The CIO also urged that the
Truman program be adopted -
including laws to ban poll taxes,
lynching and racial discrimination
in hiring. This is the program the1
Southern Democrat leaders don't
The CIO proposals included re-
peal of the Taft-Hartley labor act,
price controls, broader social se-'
curity, Federal housing, Federal
aid to education, health insurance,
an excess profits tax and otherc
Gerrman Destru.
Recovery Seen
War destruction in Germany is
an optical illusion and prospects $
for a complete German economic n
recovery are "good," Dr. Edward
S. Mason, dean of the Graduate i
School of Public Administration, C
Harvard University, asserted yes- t
terda y. n
"Although recovery will be com- t
plete in seven or eight years-not o
the four planned in our ERP s
schedule-the U. S. will be "very o
surprised by Germany's adjust- S
ment," Dr. Mason said, lecturing
on "Political Developments in Ger- 1
many," in the current University
summer lecture series on European d
recovery. 1
Percentage Losses
Only 15 per cent of Germany's p
housing facilities and 10 to 15 per 1
cent of her industrial plant and t
equipment were destroyed, he d
stated. A nation's productive in- E
come in a year is four times asZ
great as the cost of all its plant
and equipment, according to Dr.
Besides the rapid increase in
output in the western zone, Dr.
Mason based his "optimistic view''
on present plans to establish free
trade between the western zones
within six months and the proba-
bility that a government to ruleg
the zones as a whole will be
formed. c
To Speed Recovery h
He also cited the inclusion of 4
Germany in the ERP program and 1V
the recent German currency re-
form which he said would elimi- n
nate the unused credit of Hitler f
Germany and increase the present t
labor supply . a;
"Thc most difficult aspect of c
the German problem is exporting m
goods to pay for imports. The w
Western zone is a small industrial-
ized area with a population ofp
more than 50 million people. She sc
needs food and raw materials." A
$900 Million Needed r
To cover present yearly imports s
of $2 billion in goods, aid under to
the AMG will pay $675 million,
e tled Mediator
To Exten
U.S. Vessels Stand
American, United
CAIRO, July 8-(IP)-The Pales
The United Nations mediator gave up
stead to spare Jerusalem's holy place
Count Folke Bernadotte of Swe
his Rhodes headquarters the "war is
few hours to run untii it expired at 12
He said the Jews agreed to exte
replied "No."
* A The Arabs flashed orders to the
....n r.**.**.when the truce ended. The secreta
Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha, said
the Arab nations are passing
through a big test.
The Jews said in Tel Aviv that
the Arabs already had started
of gasoline, caught fire after an fighting, using planes, tanks and
ng nine men. One of the Coast armored cars. They said the
om the tanker, sped to her aid Egyptians took the offensive south
of Tel Aviv.
_,_ _ _Other top developments of a
tense day were:
1. The U. S. Navy announced
American military and United
®n aNations personnel are being
evacuated from Palestine. The T
n hU. S. naval carrier Palau was in S
in i t ears Haifa to take them out. Berna- st
__ dotte asked both sides to hold if
up hostilities in Haifa and e
ERP $437 and Britain $80, leaving Beirut, Lebanon, until UN offi-
$900 million German exports may cials and guards could leave the
not meet, he explained, war zone. ti
"Unless the American taxpayer 2 t
s gong o cotinallysuport 2. The Arab League announcedL
s going to continually support a a news conference that it ac- L
Germany, the situation following cepted under certain conditions n:3
he end of ERP in 1952 will be Betndereqet fodii- e
morediffcul. Th naion ustBernadotte's request for demli- U
nore difficult. The nation must tarizing the Haifa refinery and U
hen export $2,600 millions with- pipeline terminus and Jerusalem's o
ut help from outside. This is the holy places. Bernadotte may talk
ame situation that faces the rest to the Jews later but he does not te
f the 16 European nations." expect agreement on Haifa. He in
Schedule Change does hope for agreement on Jeru- d
Changes have been made in the salem. o
ectures next week by Camille 3. Arab Legion artillery and ar- U
Gutt, chairman of the board of mor moved up to Jerusalem from U
lirectors and managing director, the Jordan River base, expecting
nternational Monetary Fund. to resume fighting tomorrow. A th
Mr. Gutt will speak on "Euro- few shots were heard in Jerusalem. fr
ean Balance of Payment Prob- 4. The United States and Brit- a
ems" at 8:10 p.m., Monday, in ain were said to be working ur- fo
he Michigan Union ballroom and gently behind the scenes to im- in
liscuss "Monetary Difficulties of press on the Arabs their feeling t
European Countries," at 4:10 p.m., that the truce should be extended.
Tuesday, in Kellogg Auditorium. But Azzam Pasha declared Arab th
relations with Britain will depend e
on Britain's loyalty to treaties is
with the Arabs during this crisis. fo
The Jewish high command d(
said the Egyptians were hitting d
at Beer Tuvia, 23 miles south ofM
the Israeli capital. The attack M
Students for Slosson, an or- apparently was aimed at Isdud, sa
anization to coordinate student where an Egyptian force waso
upport for the Congressional truce temporarly before the in
andidacy of University History began. to
rofessor Preston W. Slosson, will Air raid warnings sounded in F
fold anorganizational meeting at Tel Aviv but no planes appeared1
p.m. today in Rm. 302 of the during the alert. ci
Mlichigan Union. sc
Immediate circulation of nomi- Br "" a hc
ating petitions, which must beG
iled by July 20th, the election of to
emporary officers for thegroup, T o 1 u t D owU
end planning for the coming o
ampaign will be handled at the oR v
ieeting, according to Tom Walsh, ac
ho called the meeting.
"We expect that students willLa
lay a major part in the political LONDON, July 8-(rP)-Colonial ye
cene," said Lawrence Prakken, Secretary Arthur Creech - Jones Pa
nn Arbor publisher, and tempo- told the House of Commons today
ny chairman of the district Slos- Britain is "mobilizing in all pos- sp
ary cara ftedsrc ls sible ways" to put down the jun- St
on for Congress steering commit- gle revolt daaa Hn
ee, who endorsed the move. The terrorist outbreak, he de- co
The public is invited to attend. dared, "is not a movement of the an
people of Malaya. This is the con- ca
duct of gangsters who are out to po
destroy the very foundation of Ex
human society and orderly life." '
Official government sources tra
haveattributed the uprising, do
p~apermen have33
1 which cost 52 lives during May, to tug
Communist forces. an
Communists Killed ha
aily Worker's five-man team in- Dispatches from Singapore said fo
cted acid comments on the British forces killed two Commu- Eg
eeches in their "sidelights" col- nist leaders today in a gunfight of:
mn. with guerrillas in central Johore la
The late President Roosevelt ex- state. One British officer was I
oded the myth of the "power of wounded. Le
he press" by winning despite Creech-Jones' statement came cel
verwhelming opposition in the the day after the beginning of a th
ation's newspapers. It took the British military campaign against ta
948 Republican convention to terrorism was announced by Mal- an
rove convincingly that the news- colm MacDonald, British commis- lin
en's much - vaunted "political sioner for Southeast Asia.
nnm .xrh n -xl,.- i o +'.x.. o. n h,,Anra I tW ranntOred that tn Pritih A
id Truce
IBy To Evacuate
Nation Observers
tine war was on again tonight.
hope of stopping it and tried in-
es from destruction.
den, the mediator, announced at
on again." The truce had only a
midnight <CST) tonight.
nd the truce 30 days; the Arabs
ir soldiers to prepare for action
ry-general of the Arab League,
* **
.S . Advises
JN To Invoke
Armed Force
Deputy Jessup Asks
Arabs To Reconsider
he United States said today the
ecurity Council shouid invoke
rong measures-including force
necessary-if the Arabs fail to
xtend the Palestine truce.
U. S. deputy delegate Philip C.
essup appealed to the Arab na-
ions to reconsider their decision
aresume warfare in the Holy
and at 12 midnight (CST) to-
ight when a four-week armistice
nds. He said if they refused, the
nited States was ready to carry
ut its obligations under the UN.
Jessup's statement here was in-
rpreted as meaning that Wash-
gton would be ready to join in
plomatic and economic sanctions
r even supply troops should the
N decide to take such steps.
S. S. Policy
Responsible sources expressed
ie view that the United States re-
ained from pressing for immedi-
te action in order to renew ef-
irts-along with the British-to
duce the Arabs to continue the
Meeting in emergency session,
te Council decided it did not have
nough official details to act. It
sued a hurried call for direct in-
rmation from Israel, the Arab
ates and Count Folke Berna-
)tte, the UN mediator.
Council President Dmitri Z.
anuilsky of the Soviet Ukraine
id he would summon delegates
to another special session as
on as replies were received. He
dicated he expected word by late
morrow or Saturday.
ull-Scale War Expected
Meanwhile, many top UN offi-
als here expressed the belief full-
ale fighting would resume in the
ly land within a few hours.
Syria's Faris El Khouri replied
Jessup's direct appeal to the
dbs with a bitter attack on the
rited States. Giving no inkling
any reconsideration, he shouted
ross the table:
"Go ahead and destroy the
rabs. Use your atomic bombs, if
u want to. The Arabs are pre-
red to die."
El Khouri interspersed a lengthy
eech with attacks on the United
fates, Russia and the Zionists.
e charged Washington and Mos-
w are vieing for favor in Israel
d maintained that Palestine was
ught in a pincer of big power
traordinary Session
The Council was called into ex-
ordinary session after Berna-
tte reported the Arabs had
ed down the truce extension
.d the Jews had agreed. Also on
and was an appeal from Israel
r UN action and a charge that
gypt already had launched an
tensive in south Palestine in vio-
tion of the present armistice.
Meanwhile in Cairo, the Arab
ague said tonight it had ac-
pted conditionally an appeal for
e demilitarization of areas con-
ining Jerusalem's holy places
.d Haifa's oil refinery and pipe-
.e industry.
TAf' Tb*
the $50,000,000 state veterans trust
Tru n n lf fund program, it was declared to- S day.
J. J. Lalone, secretary of the
H " ' " trust fund board of trustees, said
igli Officials the legislature had earmarked
two-thirds of the funds' annual
WASHINGTON, July 8-()- $1,068,000 revenue for other pur-
President Trumanord ered shifts poses and that the counties were
today in two high diplomatic exceeding their remaining one-
posts, but he still had some im- third share at the rate of $75,000 a
portant administrative appoint- year.
ments to decide upon.
He named Stanton Griff is, hoDA ILY REPOR TE
has been Ambassador to Poland,
as the new Ambassador to Egypt.
WleaJ.Glmnof New g
York, a career diplomat, was ap- I1'T ' 1t1
pointed to succeed Giffin at War- YYJLV .'JE j.
Both appointments are subject
to Senate confirmation when Con- By JOHN CAMPBELL
gress reconvenes. (Daily Correspondent)
Mr. Truman still must choose a PHILADELPHIA - To the na-
secretary of labor to succeed tie tion's reporters and editors, the
late Lewis Schwellenbach. national political conventions are
_ _._ __what the World Series is to a
, ," F:.Ir ballplayer.
1Dodsworth Fl They all want to be in on it.
They want to show what they
Wil Begin Today can do under pressure on a story
that almost every man and woman
SDodsworth," screen version of in the United States wants to hear
Sinclair Lewis' novel about Amern- about.
cans in Europe. will open a two- Tar mrn+-n m an mcnanar.
ons Give Lie to Sagacity of News
in the streets and through hotel
lobbies for hours trying to absorb
some "color" to send back to the
boss. If he's "in" with a big shot,
he may be lucky enough to stum-
ble over a scoop for his paper.
The large newspapers, on the
other hand, don't ignore anybody.
Like a police dragnet, their pro-
fessional "snoops" comb the vast
reaches of the city. While one
reporter is trying to find out what
Mrs Warren thinks of Philarl-
there would probably be two re-
porters assigned to cover every
Nevertheless, the city moved
over andmade room. The Pen and
Pencil Club, located strategically
close to the Bellevue Stratford, of-
fered newsmen free use of its
clubrooms throughout the week.
The Club, which claims to be the
oldest newspaper club in America,
also operated a free bus service
to and from Convention Hall for
papers and their sources, which D
"refuse to be quoted," that start je
the rumors, and rumors often sp
change votes-and history. With- um
out doubt, the almost hourly edi-
tions of the Philadelphia papers, pl
the Bulletin and the Inquirer, had th
their effect. One of the Bulletin's ov
bad guesses was that the Mich- n
igan delegation would switch from 19
Vandenberg to Dewey after the p
first ballot. The paper even quot- m
ed Sigler as the source. This: guessr i