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July 08, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-08

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TH _MC..N DA L _."__.HTI. usRRA Y ITTxu~a~cip ft 1 bAK .

A Roof fo r UN

THEGCARNIVAL at Philadelphia was good
clean fun. Everybody had a good time.
Wisconsin had a chance to show off its
cheese. Dewey had a chance to show how a
political machine should be run. And the
Republicans, ah, the happy Republicans, had
a chance to show off their New Look party
And new it was, too. So new, in fact, that
it seems to us that we heard that song be-
fore. The Republicans were in favor of
everything-with the possible exception of
Communism. Nobody likes Communists any-
how, so that's okay. But that's not all. Not
content with presenting us with a super-
duper platform, the Republicans would feign
have us look at the record of the 80th Con-
gress, their Congress, if we have any doubts
as to who belongs in the White House next
Yes, the Republicans belong there, the
self-same Republicans who in their anxi-
ety to get to Philadelphia, forgot in their
last session--just a minor oversight, mind
you-to approve a $65,000,000 loan to the
United Nations. You remember the United
Nations, it's an organization that works
for world peace.
Only it doesn't even have a roof over its
head-yet. The $65,000,000 was going to be
sent to build that roof. But Congress was
too busy, So the construction companies
and the laborers who were going to build
that great temple of peace on a site laid
aside for that purpose in New York have to
go begging. Ground for the United Nations
headquarters has already been broken.
That's as far as it is going to go, at least,
until the next session of Congress.
4Meanwhile, what of the UN? What has it
to say to all this? Sentiment has arisen in
many member countries to the effect that
if that's all the United States cares about
the United Nations, well, maybe it would',
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

be a good idea to clear out entirely, move
UN headquarters to some other land where
it might feel a little more at home. Two
cities have been suggested for this move to
date-Paris and Geneva. What of the
former? Paris is the capital of a country still
struggling to get on its feet, and while locat-
ing UN headquarters there would greatly
enhance the prestige of Paris it might very
well work a hardship on the ordinary folk
who will find scores of people bidding for
already scarce living quarters and food.
Geneva, on the other hand, boasts of the
splendid set of buildings which formerly
housed the League of Nations. It is ad-
mirably appointed to receive foreigners
by rail or air and the economy of Switzer-
land would be easily able to accommo-
date the demands of the additional per-
sons. And Switzerland is famed for lhe
role it his played in international politics
as a neutral arbiter. No reason why it can-
not continue in this vein.
Delegates from both the East and West
can enter Switzerland with a minimum of
effort to conduct their business and then
leave. Full and unfettered press coverage
would 'be assured and the majority of the
delegates would have easy access to their
home countries for last minute consultations
and directions.
New York, overcrowded as it is, would only
be further pressed for space. Where space
has been cleared for the UN headquarters,
New York could do no worse than erect a
fine low-cost public housing units, a crying
need in this day.
Soberlty, we realize that of first and
foremost consideration is not the fancy
house that contains the UN, but the de-
liberations and decisions aitd actual ac-
complishments of the UN that count; that
were the UN to fail in its mission to ac-
complish world peace, it would be of little
moment whether it bungled in a marble
edifice in New York, or failed in the old
League of Nations palace or struck out
in a glorious structure in Ypsilanti.
But for the reasons outlined above, the
nations would do well to consider locating
the United Nations headquarters in Geneva.
-Fredrica Winters.

IE CHIEF FEELING I get from the elec-
tion campaign so far is that there is an
awful lot of smugness around. I have never
seen a campaign which was more purely a
contest of personalities. Yet there are plenty
of issues; we are, for example, in the grip
of an inflation which is gathering speed and
rapidly becoming disorderly. One naturally
would expect to see such issues reflected in a
mirror on the wall. Not at all; what we are
having now is a ifind of high-grade popu-
larity contest.
Our problems are real enough. The tax
cut, the European aid program and the re-
armament program have given us a new
shot of inflation. These measures have re-
fueled the fire, just as it seemed to be dying
down, and we are off toward new levels of
speculation and disorder.
All of this ought to give us a feeling as
if we 'were standing on a loose brick on
top of a high wall, and making like a
ballet dancer to stay upright. But concern,
if there is any, is confined exclusively to
professional economists, a special group
of men whom we have told off to be con-
cerned for the rest of us. No vestige of
worry has been allowed to intrude into
the election campaign, with the result that
it has acquired the air of smugness men-
tioned above.
That the inflation Is becoming disorderly
is clear enough. First, there is no longer any
organized resistance to it, in government,
or outside. Second, it is becoming difficult
for sizable groups to obtain the necessities
of life; you have to pay so much for milk
to induce producers to ship it to the big
cities that more and more persons in those
cities can't afford to buy it after it gets
there. Third, volume is beginning to suffer;
department store sales for the first half of
this year are up 7 per cent above a year ago,
but since prices are up more than that, unit
sales are probably down.
Prices did start to bog down in February,
but it turned out that we couldn't steady
them; the only way we cduld support them
was to give them a new jolt upward. That is
the worst of it; our only answer to drastic
deflation seems to be drastic inflation; we
don't seem to be able to hit in between to
find a level stretch on the roller coaster.
The question is how long we can continue
to go straight up to avoid going straight
down, and whether, with large grain crops,
etc., ahead, we won't turn out to need the
Marshall Plan even more badly than does
All this would appear to be pertinent 1948
matter, but it doesn't seem to turn up at
political conventions. Perhaps that is why,
this year, the conventions have a strange
air of being sporting events, whose conclu-
sions are exciting without being quite real.
The Republicans, of course, have a kind of
license not to worry, being, by definition,
opposed to government economic controls.
But even so, their blithe confidence that
they are going to win, on the basis of an
appeal that has little to do with our chief
problem, has in it something eerie and


The Literary Leagues

WHEN THE' F EDERAL Trade Commission
turned the spotlight on half a dozen
book book clubs last week and illuminated-
various flaws in the structure of their ad-
vertising, we were not in the least bit sym-
pathetic toward the book peddlers,
As you perhaps know, the commission's
comnplaint against the mail order book
houses charged them with a misleading use
of the word "free" (or FREE, as it appears
in the book ads) in their advertising pro-
gram, holding that the "book dividends"
_were not gifts at all, but inducements which,.
if accepted, placed the member under obli-
gation to make a specified number of pur-
Unethical as all this may be, we feel
that it represents one of the lesser sins of
the literary leagues. Offhand, we can think
of several conditions perpetuated by the
clubs which, while not subject perhaps to
legal jurisdiction, are none the less as
unsavory as the "free"' advertising copy.
Our principle contention is" that the book
clubs promote a lower literary standard
among their members. Protagonists claim
that the clubs make their choices purely on
the basis of literary merit. Not so, we cal-
culate. Instead we venture to presume that
titles are selected which have the largest

mass appeal, regardlss of literary value. If
this were not the case-if the selections
were actually guided by altruistic motives-
there would be no need for the sensational
advertising (we're back to that again) that
accompanies these selections.
Among the consequences of such a system
of selection is the fact that many important
books are overlooked. By ignoring some
pretty outstanding writing and focusing on
numerous second rate works, the book clubs
produce a disequilibrium in the literary
scene. They foster a false concept of what
is worth-while in literature by emphasizing
the modern, the sensational and the type
of writing that throbs with adventure. The
implication is that a book is a great book,
simply because it will be a "best-seller." In
short, we do not believe that the book clubs
are supplying the homes of thousands with
the creme de la creme of modern writing,
as they maintain they are doing.
If this is true, and we believe it is, the
argument that the clubs make good reading
available at reduced costs is also question-
able. As a friend of ours once summarized
it, "Purchasing books from the 'Literary
Guild is like paying $50.00 for a blue serge
suit that ordinarily sells for $100.00 and is
actually worth less than $25.00."
-Kenneth Lowe.

Publlcations in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices :for
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
written form to the 011ce of the suu-
mer Session, hoo±n 1213 Angell Hail, by
3:U0 pirn. on th~e day preceding poi~ti-
cation (11:(J pm. haturidays)
. . .9
- a
VOL L.tV I, Nor. 1811
Veterans enrolled under Public
Law 346 are reminded that they
will automatically receive sub-
sistence for an additional fifteen
days beyond the close of the Sumn'
mei Sessian. Consequently, fifteen
days of eligibility time will be de-
ducted from their remaining en-
titlement. It should be emphasized
that this procedure is automatic
and that payments will be made
and entitlement reduced accord-
ingly unless a veteran notifies the
Vieterans Administration in writ-
ing thirty days prior to the close
of the Summer Session that he
does not desire the extension of
subsistence benefits. Veterans who
desire tile fifteen days extension
are not required to give any no-
The following form is suggested
for notification: "This is to no-
tify you that I do not desire the
fifteen days extension of subsist-
ence benefits following the close of
the Summer Session, 1948. Signa-
ture, "C" Number, Reference
29R7AA." The notice should be
sent to Registration and Research
Section, Michigan Unit, Veterans
Administration, Guardian Build-
ing, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit
32, Michigan.
Women students wishing to re-
main for the post-session at the
end of summer school should get
in touch with the Office of the
Dean of Women regarding housingt
at once.
Women students in Astronomy
31 and 32 have late permission
until 11:30 p.m. either on Tues. or
Thurs. evening in accordance with
written slips being mailed to them
by the Office of the Dean of Wom-
The second Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held Fri., July 9,
1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the FreshJ
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students in-
terested in problems of individual
and group therapy are invited to
attend. The discussant will be Dr.
J. N. P. Struthers, Director of the
Huron Valley Children's Center,
Students of Business Adminis-
tration and Education Interested
in Typewriting: George Hossfield,
one of the World's champion typ-

ists, will give a typewriting demon-
stration Fri., July 9, 3 p.m. in
Room 268, Business Administra-
1i0n Building.
The Russian Conversation
G'uup will not meet at the Inter-
Ilational Center Tea today, Thurs.,
S<J.ly8, due t o the lecture on Rus-
sian Culture by Professor Arse-
miiv at 4 p.m. in tie Rackham
Univ. Commnunity Center:
T'itirs., July 8, 8 p.m. Arts and
Crafts Workshop. Lesson: Expe-
riencing Non-objective Painting.
I nstr'uctor: Sylvia Deizell.
8 p.m. Cooperative Board meet-
Monday, July 12, 8 p.m. Faculty
Wives. lBusiness meeting.
On July 8, at 2 p.m., Dr. Welch
will speak on "Studies of the Folio
Acid and Related Substances."
This lecture will be in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Professor Nicholas Arseniev of
St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary
in New York City will lecture on
Thurs., July 8, 4 p.m., Kellogg Au-
ditorium, under the auspices of
tile Committee on Russian Stud-
ies, on the subject of "Russian
Culture in the Nineteenth Cen-
Linguistic Institute Forum Lec-
ture. "The Present Status of Indo-
European Linguistics," by Dr.
George S. Lane, Professor of Lin-
guistics, University of North Caro-
lina. Thurs., July 8,- 7:30, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
The third lecture, in the series
of special lectures sponsored by
the Department of Engineering
Mechanics, will be given by N.
M. Newmark, Research Professor
of Structural Engineering, Uni-
versity of Illinois. Professor New-
mark will discuss, "Iteration
Methods of Vibration Problems"
Fri., July 9, 3 p.m., Room 445 W.
Eng. Bldg. Sat., July 10, 11 a.m.
Room 445 W. E. Bldg. Professor
Newmark will discuss "Step-by-
Step Methods In Vibration Prob-
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics will be held Thurs., July 8,
4 p.m., Room 247 West Engineer-
[ing Building. Professor G. E. Hay
will speak on "Approximations in
Coc ert.
Graduate School Record Con-
certs: Thursdays at 7:45 p.m.,
East Lounge, Rackham Bldg. To-
night's program:
CORELLI: La Folia (Variations
Serieuses); Szigeti, Violin, A. Far-
kas, Piano. BACH: Suite No. 2 in
B Minor for Flute and Strings;

Caratelli, Flute, Pittsburgh Sym-
phony Cond. by Reiner. BARTOK:
Quartet No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 17;
Budapest Quartet. MOZART: Di-
vertimento No. 15 in B Flat, K.
287; Szigeti, Violin, Chamber
Orch. Cond. by M. Goberman.
All graduate students invited;
silence requested.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will play
another program in his series .of
summer recitals, at 7:15 Thurs.
evening, July 8. Opening with four
old English airs, Prof. Price will
continue with Handel's Composi-
tions for Musical Clock, Selections
from Jymns of the Rig Veda by
Host, and conclude the recital
with Schubert's Scottish Dance
and Three Waltzes.
Organ Recital: Warren Schidt
will be heard in an organ recital at
4:15 Thurs. afternoon, July 8, Hill
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music. Mr. Schmidt,
Organist and Choirmaster at Zoar
Lutheran Church, Elmwood Park,
Illinois, is a former pupil of Palm-
er Christian, and is now studying
under Carl Weinrich. His pro-
gram will include compositions by
Purcell, Bach, Vierne, Marriott,
Rowley, and Bonset, and will be
open .to the public.
Student Recital: Grayson W.
Brottmiller, organist, will present
a recital at 4:15 Fri. afternoon,
July 9 in Hill Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music. His program, open to the
general public, will include com-
positions by Dupuis, Bach, Franck,
Paul De Maleingreau, Vierne, and
Sowerby. Mr. Brottmiller is or-
ganist and choirmaster of Em-
manuel Lutheran Chur'ch, Fort
Wayne, Indiana.
The University Musical Society
announces the following concerts
for the University year 1948-49:
Eileen Farrell, soprano, Oct. 6;
French National Orchestra,
Charles Munch, conductor, Oct.
25; Cleveland Orchestra, George
Szell, conductor, Nov. 7; Ezio Pin-
za, bass, Nov. 18; Clifford Curzon,
pianist, Nov. 27; Boston Symphony
Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky,'
conductor, Dec. 6; Ginette Neveu,
violinist, Jan. 8; Vladimir Horo-
witz, pianist, Feb. 11; Nathan Mil-
stein, violinist, Mar. 4; and the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
Fritz Busch, guest conductor,
Mar. 27.'
Marian Anderson, contralto, Oct.
14; Cincinnati Symphony Orches-'
tra, Thor Johnson, conductor, Nov.
15; Rudolf Serkin, pianist, Dec. 3;
Jascha Heifetz, violinist, Feb. 19;
and the Indianapolis Symphony
Orchestra, Fabien Sevitzky, con-
ductor, March 13.
Orders for season tickets are
being accepted and filed in se-
quence; and tickets mailed Sep-
tember 15. Address: University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial
Events Todayx
La p'tite causette meets every
Thurs., 4:30, International Center.
The French Cluh meets at 8 p.m.
2nd floor Terrace Room of the
Michigan Union. Professor Fran-
cis Gravit, of the Romance Lan-
guage Department, will speak on
'Main Street ou Montmartre."
Group singing of French songs,
games, social hour. All those in-
terested in hearing or speaking
French are cordially invited.
International Center Tea, today,
4:30 to 6. Mrs. Roy Swinton and
Mrs. Vida Tan will be hostesses.

(Dean and Mrs. Tan from the
University of the Philippines). All
Philippine students are especially
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
of all regular and summer mem-,
bers, 7:00 p.m. Thurs., July 8,
Michigan Union. Dues must be
paid at this time.
J AMES G. McDONALD'S only di-
rect official connection with the;
cause of Israel is his membership
on the 1946 Anglo-American Com-
mission of Inquiry on Palestine.
His unofficial connection with
that cause, however, has been a
long and honorable oie. An edi-




The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of subimitting letters for
publication in this colunn. Subject
to space limitations, the genieral pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearin~g
the writer's sigratre and address,
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defatna-
tory'character or such letters which
for any othxer reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of core-
densing letters.
** *
Roses for ileery
To the Editor:
I have just finished reading
your review on "Alias a Gentle-
man, starring Wallace Beery. It
is seldom that I write, or even
comment, on reviews, but your
review has propted me to do so.
I would just like to say that I
enjoyed the picture very much. I
may be one of those semi-intelli-
gent individuals, but it is my opin-
ion that there is a need for funny,
or even humorous, pictures in this
propaganda-blasted world full of
hate and fear.
-Ronald Swarthout
torial writer for the New York
Times and later a news analyst
and special adviser for the Blue
network, he still found time to
give his study and his sympathy
to the Jews. He was a commis-
sioner for aid to refugees from
Nazi Germany, Jewish and other-
wise, and he has served as honor-
ary chairman of the Foreign Pol-
icy Association. Without flamboy-
ance, for such is not his way, he
has been a constant crusader for
Now he has been appointed our
first diplomatic representative to
the new state of Israel. Relations
between that little nation and our
own could scarcely have got off to
a better start.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
Observers at Philadelphia re-
port tlat the nomination of Dewey
was accepted by the delegates with
widespread, though not unbridled,
enthusiasm. The impression one
gets is that our Governor is exast-
ly what the Party wants, but not
very much.
The coal miners have won an-
other nice boost in pay and pen-
sion funds, butsthe owners are not
disheartened. They know that
they can add the cost to the price
of coal, and then some.
-The New Yorker
Fifty-Eighth Year





(Copyright, 1918, New York

Post Corp.)

le _ __ -

* Man With a Moustache




Oh, Do We?
VERHEARD at a political bull-session:
"And, furthermore, that silly little
moustache alone is enough to lose him my
vo te°'
"Oh, so you condemn the man for his
"I do not, I condemn the moustache for
its man!"
The Co Coed
A DEPRESSING commentary on campus
males came to our attention in this
morning's post. Addressing us more inti-
mately than we are accustomed to being
addressed, a coed submitted this plaintive
bit of testimony:
"I, -having arrived on the campus of the
University of Michigan this summer, filled
with hopes of pleasant association with the
opposite sex, do find myself at the time of
writing this (two weeks are past-mind
you!) without having had one date with a
campus intellect . . . or even anyone . ."
Unfortunately, our coy correspondent ne-
glected to sign her name.
* *;
Too Many Boys
T HE HOUSE MOTHER next door, bless
her, is sweet, though a trifle absent-
Yi} 'Y [ P

Oching Chorocho
FEELING SOMEWHAT foolish, but obe-
dient, we dutifully repeated our Russian
exercise aloud as our professor went hunting
for house keys somewhere else in the build.
ing. The end of the paragraph had some of
us stumped and the silence was painfully
embarrassing. When the professor came back
a few minutes later, we were enthusiastically
shouting "Chorosho" (good) at each other
for our performance. The confident stu-
dents, however, chose to add the "Oching"
(very) to the Russian praise, which made
us lowlies feel inferior as usual.
* * *
Service .ACC.
A COUPLE OF OUR athletic acquaintances
were surprised last Sunday morning to
find the Ferry Field tennis courts abandoned
and the gates locked. Looking forward to
the prospects of playing a few sets without
paying the customary court fees, they de-
cided to slip under the fence and onto the
courts. After several minutes of vigorous
squirming, they managed to get inside where
they found. themselves face to face with the
custodian, who smugly pocketed their fees,
Cavalier's Lament
.HE'SUJMER SESSION has now gone
. underway with its tanrtf: nn a

ANY OF US have heard of WQXR, a
New York radio station which provides
its listeners with little else but good serious
music every hour of the day. What a con-
trast is our local radio dial, where only with
luck and patience can one locate anything
better than soap operas, horse operas and
popular music programs which are usually
about 70 per cent patter and commercials.
It is true that such programs provide the
radio stations with the best possible finan-
cial returns, but there is good reason to be-
tieve' that a small radio station could be
operated successfully in the campus district
on the basis of providing programs of serious
recorded music.
It will probably be admitted that there
is sufficient demand on this campus to jus-
tify the existence of such a station as we
propose. Since interest in learning and in-
terest in the arts often occur together, there
is good reason for a greater interest in music
among a student population than in the
public as a whole. Concrete evidence of this
interest is the popularity of University-
sponsored musical events. How many times
do we search the dial for some music to
provide relaxation or a background for work
and then turn off the radio in disgust at the
worthless di'ivel that fills every channel?
What would probably be the best solu-
tioni to the problem would be an inex-
pensive, low-power FM transmitter situat-
ed in the campus district. Lack of inter-
ference from static and other stations
would make possible very low-power op-
erration and, consequently, lower costs.
Very inexpensive FM receivers and con-
verters are noiv on the market and the
only reason they have not been popular
is that most FM stations broadcast their
programs on AM too, making FM unnec-
essary to any but the few who desire the
greater fidelity of tone that is attributed
to FM rteeption.

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Editorial Stafi
Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe........,Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Stsff
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to' the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.04, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press


-. -'


Barn~aby. a.' ! . Helo, 1M
Jahn! EIlent Dawn,


Hos Mr. ® Mo11ey, my
.Foiry Godfather, got
here yet, Grandma?

Ephrerim wi1J bri g y tir begs gin. 1 te'
greaf help is rrreo Spy hell®, Fphr im.
Heave you 1 1
seen him
A Pixie-

I don't believe in Pissny.
You don't?

[l Yr . 7AA h AA v :I r .'>.' L

V ~AI ~ LA ~ - ~,

z' .,

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