See Page 2
Krg r
Da ii4
Latest Deadline in the State
*Reuther To Support
Predicts Demnocra tic Nomination
Will Return Party to Liheralists
By The Associated Press
Walter P. Reuther, president of the UAW-CIQ, today threw his
A support behind Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas for the
Democratic nomination for President.
The red-headed leader of almost 1,000,000 auto workers described
Douglas as "a man whose universal appeal can unite the Democratic
Party and the independent vote."
Reuther said his nomination would return the party "to the high-
est standard of integrity and liberalism."
Labor Support
Forecasting that labor wduld support Douglas, Reuther said
Douglas would be able to "insure maximum mobilization of the labor
A Reuther aide pointed out that the statement could not be in-
terpreted as the official stand of the big auto union since no action had
been taken on the question by its executive board.
Between meetings of the executive board, however, Reuther is au-
thorized to speak for the union.
Truman To Win
Democrats gave their National Convention machinery a prelimi-
* * * <6naxy spin today and to many of
them it looked as if President Tru-
emlocrats' man would turn up with the win-
ning number.
Democratic Chairman J. How-
ard McGrath said today that
President Truman's friends accept
P lank IN ailed as "definite and final" General
Dwight D. Eisenhower's elimina-
tion of himself from the Demo-
Sut hern Del.egate cratic presidental race.
Ask Hands Off Policy,
SL Sets Up
Ye1l etion
Discuss Tentative
All-Campus Hop
'I'he Student Legislature is lay-
ing the foundation for a "coor-
dinated" sophomore cheering see-
tion during the coming football
season, Dick Burton, acting presi-
dent, announced.
The section will be organized on
a voluntary basis. when sopho-
mores apply for football tickets.
They will be asked if they wish to
sit in the special section, Burton
Insure Cooperation
"The purpose of this arrange-
ment is to insure cooperation in
cheering and card demonstration.
Last year's card displays were
good, but the later ones showed
lack of cooperation," Burton said.
The section will be number 34,
in the center of the usual sopho-
more sections. It will accommo-
date about 1,500 students.
Plans for an all-campus dance
to be held in the near future were
tentatively settled. Final arrange-
ments will be announced later in
the week.
Bicycle Problem
The legislature also discussed
the possibility of eliminating bi-
cycles from the campus.
Al Maslin was elected to serve
with Burton on the Student Af-
:airs Committee.
Members who were not present
were Max Dean and Marshall
Unionist .Defies
House Group
Ofn Red Issue
NEW YORK, July 7-('?)-A
local union president today re-
fused to tell a House subcommittee
whether he is a Communist.
He told committee members "we
will run people like you out of
The threat was made by Arthur
Osman, head of Local 65 of the
CIO1 Department Store Union and
one of several union officers who
declined to answer the Commu-
nist question today.
Earlier David Livingston, a vice
Spresident of the local, charged
Rep. Fred Hartley (Rep., N.J.)
with trying to "railroad me to
The co-author of the Taft-
Hartley Law is among members
of the House Committee on Edu-
cation and Labor who began hear-
ings today in an investigation of
the union. The sub-committee's
announced purpose is to probe
Communist influence in unions.
During the noon recess an esti-
mated 450 persons demonstrated
outside the Federal building.
Joined by some of those sub-
poenaed as witnesses, the demon-
strators marched and chanted:
"Mr. Hartley, take a walk; can't
bust unions in New York."
When Livingston was called to
testify he told the committee
Hartley had announced he was
"out to railroad" Livingston and
others "to jail."
Hartley then leaned forward
and said: "I made no statement
at any time that this committee
was going to railroad anybody."
In Palestine
Moslem League Representative
Walks Out on UN Security Council
CAIRO, July 7-(/P)-An Arab League spokesman said tonight the
Palestine war between Jews and Arabs will be resumed Friday.
Israel was reported to have acceited Count Folke Bernadotte's
proposal to extend the Palestine truce beyond the Friday deadline. The
Arab League spokesmen said, however, there would be no extension of
the four-week truce.
Asked if his statement meant that warfare would start again,
the Arab replied, "I mean nothing else."
(As the Arab made this statement in Cairo, the United Na-
tions Security Council voted 8 to 0 at Lake Success, N.Y., to appeal
to both Arabs and Jews to extend the truce.)
Bernadotte, the United Nations mediator, has not received an
YUGOSLAV YOUTHS SUPPORT TITO-Young Yugoslavs attend a mass meeting near Belgrade
called by the Yugoslav youth working brigades in support of Marshall Tito and the Yugoslav Com-
munist party in their recent differences with Russian leaders. Girls in foreground hold portraits
of Marshall Tito (left) and Premier Stalin. Other pictures are emblems of various Yugoslav prov-
inches. The signs being carried identify each brigade by territorial origin."
Arabs Say War
f Dixie Democrats marched into
Philadelphia today demanding-
as one possible price for recapture
of party unity-a hands-off plat-
form policy on Federal Civil{
Rights Laws and a resounding
party plank for states rights.
The race issue plopped before
the Democratic platform writers
shortly after they convened-five
days ahead of the party conven-
tion-to begin the task of uniting
warring factions on a single state-
ment of party principles.
If 'Smart' ,
Chauncey Sparks, former Ala-
bama Governor, quickly threw out
a hint that if the platform writers
"are smart" they may bring some
Southerners back into the fold.
Charles E. Shepperd of Florida,
another platform committee mem-
ber, told reporters: "We want a
states rights plank in no uncer-
ftain terms-with as little inter-
ference of the Federal Govern-
ment into the internal affairs of
the states, as possible."
Two other Dixie members of
the platform writing group-Sen-
ator Clyde R. Hoey of North Caro-
lina and former Governor Dani
. 1oody of Texas-hiad different
ideas whether the South would ac-
cept the general language of the
1944 platform on the race issue.
Hoey said he thought so. Moody
said he thought not. Sparks said
he wanted to doctor that, 1944
plank some.
But it developed quickly that
the Southerners will' not have
everything their own way-not, at
least, without a fight.
Mayor Hubert H. Humphrey of
Minneapolis, a platform commit-
tee member, told reporters he is
ready to battle for a direct pledge
in the platform for anti-lynch,
anti-poll tax and Federal Fair-
Employment Practices legislation.
He said 50 prominent Democrats
are supporting such a plank.
Truman Constitution
Senator Francis J, Myers, of
Pennsylvania.chairman of the
platform committee, told reporters
Mr. Truman undoubtedly will be
consulted on the platform before
it is presented to the convention.
Myers did not venture to say what,
if any, influence the President
would have in framing the plat-
The American Legion urged the
party to nail down a plank for
Universal Military Training.
The American Farm Bureau
Federation asked the party to
pledge a new governmental attack
on the problem of skyrocketing
Late George A ple y
To Be Presented
... in like Flynn?
Postal Official
Says Railroads
Gouged' .S.
DIemands' PrOtbe Of
Wartime Contracts {
Government official said today the
Nation's railroads exploited "a
grandiose scheme to gouge the,
Government" on the shipment of
war materials during World War
Thomas F. Proctor, an official
of the solicitor's Office of the Post
Office Department, made the ac-
cusation. He testified before a
House Expenditures subcommit-
tee which is investigating alleged
multi-million dollar overpaying by
the Government to the railroads.
Rep. Bender (Rep., Ohio), sub-
committee chairman., estimated
Federal overpayments at between
$1,000.000,000 and $3,000,000,000.
Meyers Again
Proctor brought in the name of
Maj. Gen. Bennett E. Meyers, war-
time Army Air Forces procurement
officer, who has been convicted of
subornation of perjury in connec-
tion with the handling of war con-
"As long as Gen. Benny Meyers
was running the Air Forces Mate-
riel Command at Patterson Field,"
Proctor said, "The Army Trans-
portation Corps and the Air
Forces traffic people in Washing-
ton were relegated to a position of
secondary importance in traffic
"This commnittee could very well
direct itself to ain investigation
into the so-called service contracts
which eneral Meyers negotlated
with the oil companies on aviation
gasoline during the war."
Freight Rate Quiz
Another witness, James . Ki T-
day of the Department of Justice,
testified that he has recommended
a criminal investigation of some
unnamed Army and Navy officers
who worked out Government
freight rates with the railroads
during the war.
"Are you suggesting they were
hell-bent to flilmf1am the Govern-
ment?" Bender asked.
"It was a case of Government
personnel dealing with a thor-
oughly organized and cartelized
industry," replied Kilday, trans-
portation chief in the Justice De
partment's anti-trust division.
William T. Fancy, president of
the Association of the American
Railroads, later called Kilday's
testimony "irresponsible'' and said
the railroads are ready to defend
their wartime rates in court.
"In no instant was the Govern-
ment charged more than com-
mercial shippers and in most in-
stances it was charged less," Far-
icy said in a statement.
The AAR head said railroad
men who became Army and Navy
officers to help the wartime
movement of troops arid supplies
distinguished themselves by "pa-
triotism and integrity."
NLRBnCton siders Requesting
Inijunction in Soft Coal Strike
WASHINGTON, July 7-- (') -
The government is due to decide
within 24 hours whether to seek.
a court order against the strike
which has tied up the "captive"
coal mines that supply America's
steel mills.
Robert N. Denham, general
counsel of the National Labor Re-
lations Board, assigneda squad of
aides today to check unfair labor
Italian Po 'clice
Srikers CashI
In FoodPlant
ROME, July 7-(P)-Polie riot
squads hurled tear gas bombs in
Milan today after workers occu-
pied part of a strike-bound food
'rTanks, a rmored cars and :leeps
blockaded the area for more than
two hours while police dispersed a
fighting, jeering crowd of workers.
Several persons were bruised in
flist fights. An agent of the struck
Motta Food Products factory was
injured by a flying tear gas bomb.
No arrests were reported
Pr otest Enztry
Workers' spokesmen said 30
strikers "symbolically" invaded
part of the factory in protest
against what they called manage-
ment's attempts to continue oper-
ations. They did not try to mo-
lest some 50 comipany agents in
ano~ther part of the factory.
Meanwhile a. creeping paralysis
of strikes threatened to cripple all
of Italy. Gas workers planned a
nation-wide walkout next Mon.
day. This would endanger dwin-
dling fuel supplies. Petroleum
workers have been on strike eight
days. Stocks of gasoline and oil
are running dangerously low.
Other Threats
Rome's provincial hospital em -
ploycs will quit work Saturday.
They called for a nation-wide
Tie railway men's syndicate will
meet friday to decide whether to
call a nationwide stoppage of
Italy's rail system.
Higher wages, a halt to layoffs
in industry, and improved pensions
are among labor's demands.
Two De in C 4rashlcj
Of Air JirCe Plane
GREENVILLE, S.C., July 7-(')
-T'wo men were killed tonight
when an Air Force C-47 on a rou-
tine training flight crashed and
burst into flames at Greenville Air
Force Base.
First reports from the scene in-
dicated that only two men were on
board the plane which was on a
routine night flying training mis-
sion. .
practice charges levelled by the
steel companies against John L.t
Lewis and his United Mine Work-c
"We hope to complete our in-
vestigation today," Denham said.j
"Then, within 24 hours, we should
be in a position to decide whether
to issue a formal complaint and
ask the district court for an in-
Must Issue Complaint
Under the Taft-Hartley Law,
Denham's office must issue a for-
mal complaint before the case cant
be taken to court.
Meanwhile reports collected at
Pittsburgh showed that more than
87,000 soft coal diggers were not,
on the job.
Men staying from work includ-
ed: Pennsylvania, 27,000; West
Virginia, 15,000; Alabama, 5,700;,
Kentucky, 1,924; Colorado, 1,800;
Utah, 1,000. They totaled 52,424.
Demand Contract
The captive diggers said they
wouldn't work without a contract,
which steel firms refused to sign
because of a union shop demand
which they claim violates the
Taft-Hartley Law.
Meanwhile the number of idle
commercial miners shrank from
49,500 yesterday to 37,000 today.
They comprise 20,000 in West Vir-
ginia, 14,000 in Western Pennsyl-
vania, and 3,000 in Indiana.
The commercial miners are cov-
ered by a new contract granting
a $1-per-day pay increase and a
doubled welfare fund royalty,
which is now 20 cents per ton of
coal dug=,
Sympathy Strike
Western Pennsylvania coal op-
erators said the commercial walk
outs were in sympathy with the
John eP. Busarello, president of
United Mine Workers District 5
at Pittsburgh, reported union lead-
ers were in the field trying to end
the walkouts of commercial min-
ers: Coal operators protested to
Lewis yesterday that the walkouts
violated their contract.
Dr. Mason To
Lecture Today
Dr. Edward S. Mason, Dean of
the Graduate School of Public Ad-
ministration, Harvard University,
will conclude his discussion of
The Problem of Germany," with a
lecture on political developments
in Germany, at 4:;10 p.m. today,
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Mason is the third lecturer
in the current summer session
University lecture series, which is
considering "The Economic Re-
construction of Europe."
Next week, two lectures will be
given by Camille Gutt, chairman
of the board of directors and man-
aging director, of the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund.
official reply on the truce eten-v
sion from either the Jews or
Arabs. A well-informed source in
Tel Aviv said, however, the Israeli
government is willing to continue
the truce during further negotia-
The Jewish source said Israel
will not deal now with Berna-
dotte's proposals to demilitarize
Jerusalem and the Haifa prt
area. The Arabs have already re-
jected these proposals.
At Lake Success, N.Y., theq
representative of tne Arab high-t
er Committee .walked out ofr
United Nations Security Councila
discussions on Palestine.v
The Arab representative, Jamal
Husseini, objected when the Coun-r
cil President, Dmitri Z. Manuil-z
sky, foreign minister of the Sovietx
Ukraine, designated Aubrey S.t
Eban as representative of Israel
and not as representative of the
Jewish agency.r
In Jerusalem, 225 Haganah sol-;
diers evacuated Hadassah hospital
and Hebrew University. This left1
the twin American-financed insti-l
tutions under control of United1
Nations Security Police.1
Vets Must' Tel
VA If Waivingi
Student veterans under P. U. 346l
not desiring leave time at the end
of the summer session must notify
the VA in writing before July 15,:
according to Robert S. Waldrop,
director of the Vterans Service
Under present VA rules, veter-
ans will automatically receive
subsistence for fifteen days beyond
the close of the summer session,
Mr. Waldrop said.
Vets Advised
As this will reduce their total
period of entitlement, veterans
who expect to use their full eligi-
bility time are advised to refuse
this leave time, he said. However,
if the veteran has benefits to
spare, the extension of subsistence
is better acceted
Notification of refusal of the
additional subsistence must reach
the VA at least thirty days before
the close of the Summer Session,
and should be sent to Registration
and Research Section, Michigan
Unit, Veterans Administration,
Guardian Building, 500 Griswold
Street, Detroit 32, Michigan.
Information To Send
Suggested form for notification
follows: "This is to notify you that
I do not desire the fifteen days ex-
tension of subsistence benefits fol-
lowing the close of the Summer
Session, 1948." The notice should
contain the veteran's signature,
C number, and "Reference
Veterans who desire the addi-
tional subsistence payments are
not required to give any notice.
L.S, . Rejcts
Polish Protest
L~n Germany
Lovett Tells Diplomat
To Blame Moscow
WASHINGTON, July 7-(A')--
The United States advised Poland
today to complain to the Russians
ather than the Western Powers
about "the present deplorable sdl-
vision of Europe and Germany."
The State Department acidly
rejected Poland's protest against
a plan to set up a separate govern-
ment in western Germany. The
note laid full blame for the split
on Moscow.
Following up the demand sub-
mitted yesterday by the United
States, Britain and France that
the Soviets lift the blockade of
Berlin, Undersecretary of State
Robert A. Lovett told the Polish
Not of Our Making Or Wish
The division "is not of our mak-
ing and certainly not in accord-
anrce with our wishes."'"-
"If certain countries 'who suf-
fered most in consequence of Ger-
man aggression' claim that thein
interests are not sufficiently taken
into account by the prggram
planned for Western Germany,"
Lovett advised, "their complaint
should not be addressed to the
United States government but to
the government primarily respon-
sible for preventing these coun-
tries from cooperating in the gen-
eral recovery program for Eu-
Reply to Protest
Lovett's note was in reply to a
protest filed June 18 by Poland
against last month's six-power
agreement at London to go ahead
with plans to revive Western Ger-
many without participation of
Russia and her satellites. First
steps already are being taken to
merge the American, British and
French occupation zones. Lovett
addressed his note to Ambassador
Josef Winiewicz and used it as
a vehicle for a fresh indictment
of Soviet actions since J-Day.
Britain rejected a similar Polish
protest yesterday.
Plane Saves
Ship Explosio, Fire
Brings Quick Air Aid
LUDINGTON, Mich., July 7-
(/P)-An explosion and fire aboard
a big Great Lakes oil tanker sent
the U. S, Coast Guard on a spec-
tacular rescue mission on Lake
Michigan today.
One of the guard's PBY planes,
answering a "We are on fire"
radio alarm from the tanker Edge-
water, sped to her aid.
Within minutes a plane frj.n
the coast guard air station at
Traverse City sat down hard by
the Edgewater.
The PBY's crew worked with
Edgewater sailors in removing the
Lowered in Basket
All were lowered in ship's bas-
kets into lifeboats and then taken
into the plane through a hatch at
the rear.
...Reuther support
(By The Associated Press)
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich.., July 7-The .three-year-old daughter
of a forest ranger was carried off into the woods and killed by a
bear in the isolated Marquette National Forest west of here today.
* * * *
BERLIN, July 7-The British announced tonight that five
Russian Yak fighter planes were sighted in the British air corridor
between Berlin and Hamburg yesterday.
* * *% *
AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, July 7-The Dutch radio said
tonight early returns from today's' general election show the Com-
znunist Party is running about 30 per cent behind its vote in the
1946 elections.
The Catholic People's Party led in. the preliminary returns with
710,000 votes. The Labor Party, partners of the Catholics in the
Coalition Government, followed with 540,000.
The Communists ran fifth with 87,000 votes.
* * * *
PARIS, July 7-The French News Agency said tonight the
wreckage of a pIane carrying 16 passengers was sighted today
aabt ie mile m ra in~ .'e -acoh Inanhina.
1A.T N - . TT
Proctor said it was "not mere I eie S i
coincidence" that many of the I
men who negotiated freight rates I
for the Army and Navy during the 'WASHINGTON, July 7--(P)~
war came to Government service Put on your false whiskers and
from railroad jobs. your opera cape, and we'll study a
"These men were generally fur:°story of international intrigue,
loughed railroad employes mes- junior grade.
spor Los t,RecoUvered
bassador to the U.S., Constantin
Fotitch, who still lives here.
Last Friday Fotitch gave the
passports to a messenger to take
to the British Embassy for the
from the Premier Cab . Co. had
called the embassy and said he
had a couple of spare passports he
couldn't use. Send them around,
he was told. .