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July 07, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-07

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Democratic Dilemma

E DITORIAL WRITERS all over the coun-
try have coined a new cliche-they are
calling the coming Philadelphia convention
the Democrat's dilemma, and judging from
the frantic nation-wide spoutings of that
party, the Democrats are obligingly con-
forming to the sneering implications of the
While Harry Truman grins confidently
and predicts a victory on the first ballot, the
"'1We can't stand Truman" factions are
hopefully preparing his political Ides of
March. Men who formerly had sense, are
acting desperately-the last we heard from
the Eisenhower faction was the torchlight
parade it was sponsoring with big signs pro-
claiming "We marched for you, now you
run for us."
If Ike refuses to run, Douglas hopefuls
foresee that the Eisenhower delegates will
back the Supreme Court Justice. And if the
Philadelphia Democrats find that they can't
swallow the New Deal policies that Douglas
is to represent, others have been proposing
Senator Barkley, And so on down the line,
the Democrats hope to swing votes for can-
didates other than Truman.
What dominates the Democratic party
is a well-founded fear that the Republi-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views -of the writers only.

cans will win the election. Their last ditch
fight has all the earmarks of a death-
struggle. What was a new hope for mil-
lions of little people in the thirties, has
turned into an ugly, disillusioning battle
for power.
The Republican Party platform and can-
didate has not radically changed to make
the GOP a New Hope. The record of the
80th Congress is not the testimony of sanc-
timony that the Republicans have por-
trayed it. What then makes the Republicans
so confident of a victory in the fall?
The most obvious answer that comes to
mind, is spit in Democratic ranks. But there
is a more meaningul and horrifying explana-
tion. The Democrats are repudiating the
Philosophy of the New Deal because they
are afraid. Many of them have always dis-
liked the New Deal, but they supported it
because it was on the winning side. But for
the others, the fear that has entered into
every phase of political life has entered their
minds and hearts and vindicatively swept
out their old liberalism.
Fear-ridden Democrats will never win
the fall election. All the last-minute can-
didates cannot overcome the machine-like
tactics of the GOP wtih its well-worn
promises dressed up in new clothing. What
the Democratic Party needs now is a new
honesty and sincerity and a restoration of
that old faith.
But they rejected that old faith in 1944
when they rejected Henry Wallace as a vice-
presidential candidate.
-Lida Dailes

Grteece T oday
A THENS, June 30 (Delayed)-As ECA
brings the U. S. and Europe closer to-
gether, American foreign news reporting will
need to be thoroughly overhauled.
This prediction is based on the observa-
tion that U. S. newsmen here haven't put
into their columns the information Ameri-
cans need to evaluate our foreign aid pro-
The major wire services are preoccupied
with the routine military operations of the
Greek Army. They also follow executions of
people convicted of murder. When a fanatic
threw a bomb at Christos Ladas, Minister of
.Justice, our newsmen pounced on the story.
Again, when George Polk's body was washed
ashore at Salonika a furore arose that is
still going on.
UJ. S. newspapers did a magnificent job
of covering World War II. Their reporters
are expert at describing mass and ndi-
vidual murder. In Greece today, however,
killing is neither a normal nor a usual vo-
cation. Emphasis on it neglects aspects of
Greek life that touch American aims more
It's true that there's a civil war in the
mountains, and it's being fought with Amer-
ican equipment; it's also true that there
have been needless and violent deaths here.
The civil war is Greece's immediate prob-
lem; until the fighting is reduced to a few
small areas elections are obviously impossi-
But that isn't the whole story. In order to
understand the civil war and the long-range
problems that caused it, Americans need to
know less about how many people were killed
oay before yesterday.
Instead they need to know the an-
swers to qestio"s" like these: y isn't
the Greek standard of living as high as
ours? Why is the middle class, which us-
ually has a stabilizing influence, practi-
cally non-existent here?
Does this lack of moderate-income
groups have something to do with the
weakness of the Liberal Party? What do
the Greek people hope for, and what is
the American program doing about their
Those questions are worth trying to an-
swer, but I haven't seen any U. S. news re-
port that threw them a passing glance. I
have seen a lot of charges that Greece is a
totalitarian state. What are the govern-
mental procedures that prove it? Our news-
men are pretty free and easy with adjec-
tives, but rather miserly with the facts.
Having gone through the endless business
of getting a police permit to travel, I know
the Greek government has some disagree-
able features. And certainly intelligent criti-
cism could strike some shrewd blows for a
more democratic government here.
But the criticism U. S. newspapers have
contributed is misdirected. By concentrat-
ing on murder and war, they fail to give
the American public the most essential in-
To get the facts, one has to step out of the
detective-story atmosphere. Solutions to
long-range political and economic problems
aren't sensational. The American people
aren't sending $4 billion to Europe just for
the excitement, and the U. S. press ought to
tell them what they're getting for the money.


Letters to the Fditor..

Thxe Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters,
* * *
Angdel Lecture
To the Editor:



Black- MarketBrt

City, for the first time in more than
half a year.
"Drink?" said Bert, and they turned in
for a beer.
Harry noticed that Bert was wearing the
same gray suit as last fall, with the long-
double-breasted coat, hooked with one
button somewhere down near the knees.
It you hadn't known it was sharp, you'd
have thought it was funny.
"Still have your apartment, Harry?" asked
"Why, Bert?" asked Harry, though he
knew why.
"I got a fellow who'll give you two fifty
to give it up, and I think I could persuade
your landlord. I wouldn't even take a per-
centage from you, I'd get it from the other
Harry laughed. Same old Black Market
Bert, as always. Harry remembered him
vividly, in his muddy soldier suit, as king
of the cigarette deals. It had seemed sort
of funny, then, in France, but that had
been a long time ago.
"How you been doing, Bert?" he asked,
really wanting to know.
"I been hanging around New York since
the war." said Bert. "I help people buy
things that are hard to get. You work your
way into the middle of a deal, somehow,
and you make a couple of hundred for your-
self. It was good for a while. But now!"
He made a face; it was an almost babyish
disgusted gesture. "You'd be surprised how
few things are really short now," he said
"Why don't you look for something else?"

"Oh, my old man wants me to go back to
Ohio and work for him. I don't want to,
not enough in it. I almost decided to go last
week, though. Had my bag packed, and then
changed my mind."
"Like it here that much, huh?" asked
"No, it wasn't that," said Bert. He laughed.
"It's kind of funny, I guess. You know where
I live."
Over on the east side. Near where they
want to build those United Nations build-
ings, you know. I've watched them work-
ing there, lots of times, it's a big deal.
Well, I had my bag packed to go back to
Ohio, my ticket bought, Pulllman, and was
going to give up my room to somebody I
know. Then I pick up this paper and read
where Congress hasn't given them the
money for these United Nations buildings,
Sixty-five million, you know"
"I know, said Harry.
"Well," said Bert, with a funny, half-shy
smile, "I decided to stay. I know it doesn't
really mean anything, Congress was just too
busy, or something, and I don't expect it to
be war or anything like that. But, hell, if
they don't even build those buildings, it
looks like things aren't going to settle down
and be so quiet. And if everything stays
kind of stirred up, and not normal, I can
find me some deals."
"So you're going to stay," said Harry,
looking at Bert unbelievingly.
"Yeh." Bert smiled again. "Hey, Harry,
you don't think I'm just grabbing at a straw,
do you?"
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.)

Publications in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices for
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
written form to the Office of the sum-
mer Session, Room 1213 Angel haill, uy
3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publi-
cation (1;00 pm . saturday-i)
VOL. LVIII, No. 179
Accounting Achievement Test:
Results of the test given to stu-
dents in Business Administration
12 (Economics 72) during the
spring semester may be picked up
in Room 108 Tappan hall July 6
through July 10.
The second Fresh Air Carp
Clinic will be held Fri., July 9,
1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the Fresh
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students in-
terested in problems of individual
and group therapy are invited to
attend. The discussant will be Dr.
J. N. P. Struthers, Director of the
Huron Valley Children's Center,
Approved Social Events for the
coming week-end:
July 9, Stockwell Hall
July 10, Delta Tau Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Intercooperative Coun-
cii, Sigma Alpha Eiysilon
Recognized Student Organiza-
tions active during the summer
term 1948 are-as follows:
American Veterans Committee,
Le Cercle Francais, Chinese Stu-
dents' Club, Christian Science Or-
ganization, Flying Club, Inter-co-
operative Council, Inter-racial As-
sociation, Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship, National Lawyers' Guild,
Roger Williams Guild, Student
Legislature, Unitarian Student
Groups, United Nations Council
for Students, Wallace Progressives,
Young Democrats Club, Young Re-
publicans, Sailing Club.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon
Conference. . Lecture, "M oller n
English Pronouns: Definition, De-
scription" by Dr. A. A. Hill, Profes-
sor of English and English Phil-
ology, Univ. of Virginia. Wed., July
7, Union Building. Luncheon, An-
derson Room, 12:10; Lecture,
Room 308, 1:00.
On July 7 at 8 p.m., Dr. Welchj
will speak "On the Maturation'
of the Erythrocyte," at 8 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
On July 8 at 2 p.m., Dr. Welch
will speak on "Studies of the Folio
Acid and Related Substances."
This lecture will be in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Professor Nicholas Arseniev of
St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary
in New York City will lecture on

Thurs., Jrzly 8, 4 p.m., Kellogg Au-
ditorium, under the auspices of
the Committee on Russian Stud-
ies, on the subject of "Russian
Culture in the Nineteenth Cen-,
Iinguistic Institute Forum Lee-
ture. "Tlhe Present Status of Indo-
European Linguistics," by Dr.
George S. Lane, Professor of Lin-
guistics, University of North Caro-
lina. Thurs., July 8, 7:30, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Events Today
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta,
Kappa groups will hold a joint"
meeting, Wed., July 7 at 7 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Dr. DouglastD.
Blocksma of the University of Chi-
cago, will speak about "Parochial
Education." Refreshments will be
served. All members are invited.'
Student Legislature: There will
be a meeting of the Student Legis-
lature at 7:30 tonight in room 308
of the Michigan Union.
Flying Club - Open meeting
Wed., July 7, 7:30 p.m., 1042 East
Engineering Building.
All students and members of the
faculty are invited.
The first Summer Session meet-
ing of the American Veterans
Committee will be held this eve-
ning at 7:30, Room 305, .Union.
Guest speaker will be Nancy
Bailey Rickert, Director of Occu-
pational Therapy for the Veterans
Rehabilitation Center, University
Hospital, who will talk on "Emo-
tional Wounds." Group discussion
on the purposes of AVC. Refresh-
ments. All student and faculty
veterans and their friends are in-
The Spanish Gonversation Group
will meet at 4 p.m. today in the
League Cafeteria, and at the In-
ternational Center tomorrow. Na-
tive speakers as well as students
of Spanish are cordailly invited.
La p'tite causette meets each
Tues. and Wed., 3:30, Grill Room
of the Michigan League.
The French Club will hold- its
third meeting Wed., July 8, 8 p.m.,
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Professor Francis Gravit,
of the Romance Language Depart-
ment, will speak on "Main Street
ou Montmartre." Group singing of
French songs, games, social hour.
All those interested to hear or
speak French are cordially invited
to join.
The Pi Lambda Theta and Phi
Delta Kappa groups will hold a
joint meeting today at 7 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Dr. Douglas D.
Blocksma of the University of Chi-
cago, will speak of "Parochial Ed-

('RAIG WILON'S write-up of
" -Prof. Angell's speech on "Ma-
jor Problems of Readjustment" did1
not give the speaker's viewpoint
adequately. This is particularlyt
true in the second heading read-
ing, "Question's Justification of
'Tremendous' Spending for Re-I
covery by United States." This
implies that Prof. Angell is against
the outlay of money for this pur-
pose but he certainly made it clear
that he was very much in favor1
of it.
Prof. Angell did say it was a"
gamble as Senator Vandenberg
has also said but this doesn't
mean that they are against it.
They both realize that the West-
ern European economy may col-
lapse and the reasons why were
given in the write-up.
Prof. Angell is convinced that'
without outside aid, which neces-'
sarily must come in the main from
the United States, the Western
European economy will collapse
and the result would be a grave
security threat to the United
States and probably war. That
is the reason why he is in favor
of aid to Western Europe. The
cost of the aid program, he said,
would be under two per cent of
our national income and infinite-
ly cheaper than a war.
These conclusions were left out
of the write-up, giving it a false
twist, probably unintentionally.
-Ralph L. Christensen,
* * *
'Of Thee I Sing'
To the Editor:
HE THEATRE department is
to be congratulated on its re-
vival of "Of Thee I Sing" for it is
time this operetta took its place
with suchmasterpieces as "Trial
by Jury" and Mozart's "Costi fan
Tutti." The production was spir-
ited and significant-what a de-
light to see young Americans pro-
ducing a great American musical
play! While criticism would be
pointless, I think there would be
value in giving some thought to
the exact qualities of this work.
"Of Thee I Sing" is satirical and
in many respects the satire is as
timeless as it is in "Trial by Jury."
The Sinatra "fever" has given
point to the "platform of love"
idea; it comes off better today
than it did originally. The Amer-
ican habit of poking fun, good-
humoredly, at his government and
his own personal failings is per-
haps more refreshing today than
in 1932, and the significance is
not lost. But it is not satire that
gives greatness to this work; it is
the genius of Gershwin that keeps
this play eternally fresh. A pro-
duction that asks the satire to
carry .the play rather than the
music will fall short.
In no other American musical
work for the stage is there to be
found such an affluence of beau-
tiful melodies, such a perfection
of style. As in Mozart, inspira-
tion follows inspiration and the
climax is reached without con-
science effort. The style is so com-
ucation." Refreshments will be
served. All members are invited.
Radio Programs
4:30 p.m. WUOM Stump the
5:15 p.m., WUOM Spanish Club
5:45 p.m. WUOM Russia and Its
Coming Events
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
of all regular and summer mem-
bers, 7:00 p.m. Thurs., .July 8,
Michigan Union. Dues must be
paid at this time.

pletely Gershwin's tlat he can
indulge in sly caricature of other
musical styles as he does in Dev-
ereoux's plaint in the Debussy
idiom and the Scottish cadence
in the "Blighted" waltz tWhy did
the chorus sing "die" and not
"dee"'?) and the fun at the ex-
pense of English folk-sung in
"Trumpeter, Blow Your Horn." In
only .one respet is tlhis work in-
ferior; it's orchestration. Gershwin
did not orchestrate the work. The
original orchestration was for a
large theatre orcliestra and, as I
recall, excellent, but the small or-
chestration furnished by the pub-
lishers is a pitiful handicap. It
brings out none of the music's
subtleties and does little to help
the singers project either the text
or the melody.
The revival last week was ad-
mirable, but I hope the theatre
department will produce this op-
eretta again sometime, putting
more emphasis on the musical
qualities of the work. In doing so
they will not cut the exuberant
dance that follows "Love Is
Sweeping the Country" nor the
lilting sequence that starts the
second act, and surely it will not
be necessary in this day and age
to ruin poetry, music and point by
expurgating, "She's the illegiti-
mate daughter of the illegitimate
sone of the illegitimate nephew of
Napoleon." Better leave out the
song than ruin it.
-Ross Lee Finney.
The belated consent of the
Soviet Union to a conference of
the Danubian nations on naviga-
tion of the river may be a sign of
a more conciliatory attitude. If the
shift has occurred because the
Communists now control the votes
of a majority of the conferees-
Russia insists that Austria, which
it does not control, be denied a
vote-the inference that it indi-
cates a change in line is not weak-
ened but strengthened. Such a
change, if it is a fact, is probably
due to the calculation that Com-
munist penetration has for the
present gone about as far as it can
Events in Berlin do not neces-
sarily upset this interpretation.
The Soviet authorities continue to
harass the Westernbpowers with
traffic obstructions, but they now
explain carefully that the obstruc-
tions are practical necessities not
intended to annoy.




Fi fty-Eighth Year


Current Movies








OJNDAYjEVENING the second in the
current series of Faculty Concerts was
presented at Rackham Lecture Hall, in the
form of a piano recital by Webster Aitken.
Mr. Aitken was warmly received, both lit-
erally and figuratively, by an audience that
filled about two-thirds of the auditorium.
In short, it was very warm and humid inside
Rackham. Lecture Hall, air-conditioning or
Thus, all comments on this.recital should
be viewed with a realization of the physical
handicaps imposed upon the performer. Wet
hands, and a sticky or slippery keyboard, are
some of the very definite obstacles that con-
fronted Mr. Aitken in this piano recital.
The program presented was interesting
in itself, in that it afforded a comparison of
two extremes of usage of the same musical
form, that of the Theme and Variations. The
first work performed, Aaron Copland's Piano
Variations, represented one contemporary
radical usage of the form. In it, the prin-
ciple of variation is carried down to the
minutest internal 'details. In the main, thne
interest and variation is produced by fre-
quent rhythmic and metrical changes. On
first hearing, this intransigeance tends to
promote a feeling of irritating jumpiness, or
"cat on the keyboard" aimlessness. Variation
of timbre, alternate skips of register, har-
monic condensation of melody, and a har-
monic scheme based arbitrarily on the in-
tervals of the theme, are other characteris-
tics of this early experimental Copland

completion" that characterized much of con-
temporary short story literature.
After the intermission, the recital con-
cluded with a performance of Beethoven's
Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli, Op. 120.
The 33 variations in this work represent one
of the greatest lengths to which the form
has been taken. All in all, they are a mon-
ument to the great craft and imagination of
Beethoven's genius. Unfortunately, from the
point of enjoyment, it seems altogether too
much of a good thing. Lacking the drama of
the sonata-form, the work seems to crave
ending long before its alloted time is up.
Then again, one can't help noting the ab-
surdity inherent in the construction of such
a towering edifice upon a pea of a founda-
tion. In the face of Beethoven's evident seri-
ousness, other than in one or two of the
variations, viz., that of Mozart, the work re-
sults in embarrassment for the listener.
In this work, Mr. Aitken tended to play
each of the variations on the basis of its own
musical merit. A lack of stress upon the
feature derived from the theme, tended to
detract from the unity of the work, and
obscure its logic. While "distortion" is us-
ually to be avoided, it would seem that this
is one form that justifies and requires such
a practice.
All in all, Mr. Aitken displayed a compe-
tent technique. His Beethoven left little to
be desired in the way of intensity and force.
At times, however, these were produced at
the cost of clarity and tone. Too frequent
ifo f r~f h.,tn~ r o. ii, 1'hiier y hm r, Va

Atl theSate.. .
I REMEMBER MAMA, with Irene Dunne.
N THE DELUGE of family stories that
have appeared in the last decade or so,
"I Remember Mama" has outlived most to
bring its humor and warmth to both stage
and screen. The story of a Norwegian family
living in San Francsico around the turn of
the century is sold in a series of sketches
and episodes in the life of the family, re-
volving around Mama-wise, practical, un-
selfish Mama. Kathryn, the oldest daughter,
who aspires to be a writer, perches in her
attic study overlooking the Bay, and writes
of what she knows the most about: Mama
and the bank-account, counting out the
money on Saturday nights; noisy, whiskey
loving Uncle Chris;
Irene Dunne puts her whole heart into
the part of Mama, and Phillip Dorn, Oscar
Homolka and Barbara Bel Geddes are all
commendable as Papa, Uncle Chris and the
authoress, respectively. The whole thing is
very well done, and a happy combination of
lots of laughs, excellent acting, and a few
tears for the sentimental.
-Gloria IHujiter.
* , *
At th e M7schigae...
SILVER RIVER, with Errol Flynn, Ann
Sheridan and Thomas Mitchell.
W ARNER BROTHERS have done things
. to "Silver River" that would make Tom
Mix turn over in his grave. They've brought
culture to the West. Errol Flynn, our hero,
plays a gambler and silver tycoon, who got.
to the West via Harvard's back door. He
also prefers milk to whiskey, quotes Shake-
speare and makes much use of a good old
Western colloquialism - "sanctimonious."
Even kisses Ann Sheridan instead of his
horse. Is nothing sacred?
For a couple of reels this film looked
promising, but then it degenerated into
one of those high-finance-among-the-silver-
tycoons shindigs, ticker-tape and all, and

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe.........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Sta f
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
AlY rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier $5.00, by mall,
Associated Collegiate Press


° Are we going to wait
here for Mr. O'Masltey,
omy Fairy Go~dfeather, to
retch up with us, Pap.?
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Thought they'd
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