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July 07, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-07

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Latest Deadline in the State


Tito Slapped
By Russians
For Defiane
Albania Dismisses
Yugoslav Ultimatum
LONDON, Wednesday, July 7-
(P) - Premier-Marshal Tito's
Yugoslav Communists got twc
hard answers early today to thei
defiance of the nine-nation Com-
munist International Information
~' =Bureau (Cominform).
Russia's Communist Party said
i ,' it has rejected an invitation tc
send a delegation to the Yugoslav
Communist Congress opening in
Belgrade July 21. The announce-
m, ent was made here just before
midnight through the Soviet News
Agency Tass and the Moscow ra-
SAn hour later, Tass reported
' little Albania defied Yugoslav
warnings that she must resume
economic relations with her bigger
neighbor or face the consequences.
O utside Family
The Yugoslav Communist Party
placed itself 'outside the family of
Communist Parties," the Russian
Communique said, by its refusal to
attend a Communist International
Information Bureau meeting in
Romania last month. At that
meeting, other members of the'
nine-national Cominform dis-
cussed Tito's alleged deviations
from the Marxist line.
The central committee of the
Russian Communist Party, which
Stalin has served as general sec-
retary since 1922, thus repeated in
almost identical words a charge in
the original Cominform blast at
The Russians implied that the
situation remains the same-the
Yugoslav Communists have not
repented of their "Trotskyist" ac-
tions charged by the Cominform
and, therefore, still are not wel-
come back into the Communist
Tirana Dispatch
The Tass dispatch !rom Tirana,
capital of Albania, said the Alban-
ians were taking "strong meas-
ures" to guard their frontiers with
Yugoslavi and Greece against
"hostile elements,"
The Cominform's original blast
against Tito and the Yugoslav
Communist Party said the Yugo-
slays, by their actions, had placed
themselves "outside the family of
the brotherly Communist Parties."
The Cominform called on the
"healthy forces" within the Yugo-
slav party to force party leaders to
mend their ways. If this fails, the
Cominform said, the leaders
should be replaced.
Council. Acts
On Ar11 Arbor
The city council moved to help
eliminate the local housing short-
age and then took action that may
lead to a restriction of tempo-
rary housing facilities.
An ordinance requiring the
posting of a bond to cover costs
a: of public improvements (water,
pavement) in undeveloped subdi-
vision areas before such additions
could be made was amended to
allow the council to waive the
bond requirement when it felt it

The passage virtually assured.
that work would begin on the
construction of more than 80
homes in the Arbor View Subdi-
vision. Officials of the Home
Realty Co., owners of the project,
had protested that the unamended
ordinance required an outlay of
too much of the company's operat-
' ing capital.
Eventually the project is expect-
ed to include more than 300
An ordinance to cease issuance
of licenses for trailer homes and
require the removal of all trailer
dwellings by Oct. 1 passed a first
reading. Final action is expected
in' August.
The University trailer camp will
be unaffected. Disregarding the
camp, there are 52 licensed trailer
homes in Ann Arbor, according to
Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city health of-
Directory Sales
In Third Editioii

Eisenhower, Douglas Are
Nanmed To Stop Truman
By The Associated Press
A last ditch stop-Truman movement drove grimly ahead last night
in the hope that General Dwight D. Eisenhower can be drafted for the
Democratic presidential nomination despite his refusal to take it.
New attention was thrown on the name of Supreme Court Justice
William O. Douglas as a possible nominee with the same aim of side-
tracking the President's ambitions for election.
In Massachusetts, all delegates to next week's nominating con-
vention were urged to support Douglas. Letters were sent them by a
committee headed by former U. S. Rep. Thomas H. Eliot. Eliot said
Douglas had not authorized the action.
Douglas' name will be put before the convention, asserted Leon
C. Henderson, chairman of Americans for Democratic Action. Hen-
derson said in a statement that ADA still hopes Eisenhower can be
persuaded to run.
In Illinois, an unofficial survey among members of the 60-Vote
* * * delegation indicated Mr. 'Truman

Western Nations
Address Kremlin
Allies Confer on American Support
For Newly-Created European Union
WASHINGTON, July 6-(I)-The United States, Britain and
France today called on the Russian government itself to lift the block-
ade of Berlin.
They warned the Kremlin that the Western powers take an ex-
'remely serious view of the German crisis.
At the same time the Western nations began a series of confer-
ences designed to produce a formula for American military support to
the Western European Union.
The double-punch technique employed by Secretary of State
Marshall in the two latest moves in the cold war possibly was arranged
to impress this upon the Soviets:d * *
the Western powers are determin-
ed not to back down in Berlin or j j
anywhere else but rather toget
_about the job of organizing their "' ni

Telegram Sent by
Club in Ann Arbor
The Democrats for Douglas Club
Sof Ann Arboruhas sent a letter to
SPresident Truman requesting he
withdraw his candidacy for the
Democratic nomination.
The letter was signed by Everett
Reimer, chairman of the group .
It stated that the President had
inherited one of the most difficult
and trying jobs that ever fell to
the lot of any man, but that de-
spite his heroic efforts, "confi-
dence in his Administration has
been withdrawn by the American
Miracle Needed
"Barring miracles, it seems cer-
tain that should you seek election
to the presidency in November, the
Democratic Party would be de-
feated," the letter said.
The note claimed that a Demo-
cratic defeat would be a serious
blow to both the party and the
common people of the nation.
The President vas told that the
people "want most an opportunity
to continue the Roosevelt tradi-
"You have it in your power to
make a decision that will go down
in history as an act of unpar-
alleled self-sacrifice and states-
manship," the letter added.
Asked to Withdraw
"With the greatest respect for
your position and your record, we
ask that you withdraw your can-
didacy," it said.
Nowhere in the note was Su-
preme Court Justice William O.
Douglas' name mentioned. Only
by inference was he suggested as
an alternate candidate.
Elsewhere in the Ann Arbor po-
litical scene, Leslie A. Wikel, Ann
Arbor pharmacist, announced his
candidacy for the Michigan State
Senate from the First District.
Mr. Wikel will run on the Dem-
ocratic ticket. He has been en-a
dorsed by the Washtenaw and thet
Pontiac Democratic clubs.
Veteran Candidate
At present, he is Washtenaw
County coroner and was State Di-r
rector of Drugs and Drugstores in
1941-42. During World War II,
Mr. Wikel commandedthe 114ths
Company of the Michigan Statet
He made his bid for political
office because he felt that a bus-
inessman is needed in the Senatec
to cope with "the multitude ofc
governmental activities and com-a
plex financial problems" which the
state has to deal with.
Mr. Wikel is' married and has
two children.

''had gained strength after the lat-

est Eisenhower disavowal of polit-
ical ambitions, while some pro-
Eisenhower delegates indicated
a leaning to Douglas. Pro-Truman
Illinois leaders ; discounted the
Douglas talk then.
One stop-Truman leader, Wil-
liam Ritchie, Nebraska State
Democratic Chairman, said he will
suggest Senator O'Mahoney of
Wyoming for the Presidential
nomination. O'Mahoney is a' can-
didate for the Vice ,Presidential
nomination and a friend of Mr.
Although pre-convention cau-
cuses still were scheduled by anti-
Truman leaders, the President's
backers exultantly viewed the
Eisenhower statement as the
clincher for Mr. Truman's nomi-
nation on the first ballot.
While the Democrats wrangled
over their presidential choice,
Thomas E. Dewey, the Republi-
can nominee, planned an invasion
of the South.
A spokesman said Dewey will
make speeches in North Carolina
and Maryland at unannounced
dates. Visits to Indiana and Flat
Head Lake in Montana also are
Eisenhower's "No!" was sub-
jected to a close between-the-lines
study by those who seek to draft
him, looking for loopholes.
He said he couldn't take the
nomination, They hoped, how-
ever, that he wouldn't refuse to
run if chosen by the convention
opening Monday.
James Roosevelt, California
State Chairman and son of the
late President Franklin D. Roose-
velt, declared the Democrats
should nominate Eisenhower as a
"national candidate."
But other politicians were freely
predicting a first ballot victory for
President Truman.
Ini tia.lMee ting
Group Will Discuss
Organization's Aims
The campus chapter of the
American Veterans Committee
will hold its first meeting of the
summer session at 7:30 p.m. today
in Rm. 305 of the Michigan Union.
Nancy Bailey Rickert, director
of occupational therapy at the
Veterans' Rehabilitation Center,
will speak on "Occupational Ther-
apy and Emotional Rehabilita-
Following the lecture, members
and guests will participate in a
group discussion on the purposes
of the AVC. Parliamentary proce-
dure will be abandoned in favor of
a new psychological technique in
group discussion, it was an-
nounced. This will be the first
meeting of the group to employ
the experimental technique.

through a portion of the tangled wreckage of a Swedish airliner in wooded area near Northolt Air-
port, London, after it collided with an RAF transport and crashed (July 4). Portion of tail assembly
with company's identifying marks is visible. All aboard both planes were killed.

Bernadotte Peace Proposals

CAIRO, July 6--4/P)--The Israeli
government turned down Count
Folke Bernadotte's Palestine peace
proposals today.
He promptly announced he will
continue peace talks even if fight-
ing resumes.
The United Nations mediator
made this statement on arriving
from Tel Aviv, where he was asked
by the Israeli government to "re-
* * *
Palestinet Fch
Blocks Haifa
IEL AVIV, Israel, July 6 /P).
The main TIel Aviv-h aifa highway
was blocked tonight by a heavy
battle between Jewish and Arab
The clash ccursed as Count
Folke Bern<-lo tte traveled from
Tel Aviv to Cairo in an attempt
to extend the uneasy Palestine
Few details of the fighting 10
miles south of Haifa were avail-
able here. Two United States Ma-
rines driving United Nations truce
team trucks were turned back by
Arabs who fired on them for 40
minutes before they waved a white
flag to end the shooting.
MVarinxes Alttacked
Private Charle Phalern, 19, of
Bluefield, W. Va., a nd PErivate
Lewis Taylor, 1,9, of Jackson, Miss,
said they were forced to pull their
truekstao a ditch and crawl for
cover under rifle and machzineguzn
fire from Arabs dominating the
road between Tireh and Jara. This
occurired about noon.
There was no official indicationr'
how seriously Jewish authorities
here regarded the highway clash.
Telephone lines between the two
cities were cut
William K. McC'lure, Pathe News
cameraman who drove from Haifa
to Tel Aviv late today was fired
on by Arabs about 20 miles south
of Haif a.
Arab Bullet
Phalen, whose white-painted UN
truck was hit by an Arab bullet,
said he saw more than 100 armed
Arabs on both sides of the main
"We'd been told by a Jewih
military policeman the road was
clear, but when we got about 75
yards from a bus, two trucks and
a car burning on the road, the
Arabs opened up," Phaen told
"Taylor and I drove our trucks
into a ditch and jumped for cover,
but heavy firing continued for 40
m inutes.,"
Phalen said the firing died
down and he waved a white flag
which had been mounted on the
truck, Most Arabs who approached
wore no kind of uniform, he add-
Israeli Communique
An Israeli communique said to-
night three Jews were wounded by
Arab rifle and machinegun fire
from Ein hazal and Jaba.
It said "the Arab fire continued
until silenced by a Jewish armored
car." It indicated the action was
continuing and said "Israeli armed
forces are taking appropriate ac-
tion ."
The communique described the
t wa villarcs na "Arah nrkt an

consider" his plan for ending
Arab-Jewish warfare.
In Tel Aviv Bernadotte received
from Israeli foreign minister
Moshe Shertok a 1,000-word reply
to the mediator's proposal to turn
Jerusalem over to Arab rule, make
Haifa a free port and regulate im-
Deeply Wounded'
The reply said the Israeli lead-
ers were deeply wounded b the
Jerusalem suggestion and ex-
pressed emphatic opposition to
any restriction on immigration.
It said Bernadotte's proposals
"appear to ignore" the United Na-
tions partition decision and add-
ed: "It is indeed the conviction of
the provisional government that
the territorial provisions affecting
the Jewish state now stand in
rieed of improvement in view both
of the perils revealed by Arab
aggression and the results
achieved by Israel in repelling this
Doors Still Open
At a Tel Aviv conference Berna-
dotte said he did not know wheth-
er the Jews and Arabs would agree
to extend the Holy Land truce but
added: "I have a feeling the doors
are not closed."
Explaining why he 'suggested
that Jerusalem be demilitarized
under a United Nations guard, he
said: "If war would start again I
am afraid holy places would be
The four-week truce ends Fri-
Replies Expected
2Bernadotte said he plans to fly
back to Tel Aviv tomorrow to re-
ceive the Jewish reply to his truce
extension proposal. In Tel Aviv, a
government spokesman said the
Israeli cabinet will hold a special
meeting tonight or tomorrow to
discuss the proposal.
An Egyptian cabinet source said
last night that a .majority of Arab
leaders oppose an extension. The
chiefs of staff of the Arab armies
were summoned to a m.eting here
Employc Hurt
Howard P. l-inson, emnploye of
the Cushing Motor Sales, 514 E.
Washington, was injured late last
night when gasoline in the com-
pany garage ignited.
Hinson, who was welding the
gas tank of a vehicle received
back injuries and face lacerations
while escaping from the car when
a sudden burst of flame enveloped
it from beneath. Firemen arriveda
and extinguished the blaze in five
Company employes said the fire
might have been caused by failure

own strength without further de-
Coal l iners layo take a personal role in the
new developments, Marshall de-
U t layed until tomorrow a scheduled
Stay ,ut AskI ~ nnstchdrd
' physical examination at the Ar-
my's Walter Reed Hospital and
For Contract came to his State pepartment of-
fice today.
His decision to do this evidently
ProductiOn of Steel followed a final agreement among
Skids Id'1l the United States, Britain and
mmeiaey France that, since the efforts of
the three Western powers to get
PITTSBURGH, July 6--(P)-~ the Berlin blockade lifted by ac-
Protesting lack of a contract, 40.- tion in Berlin itself had failed, a
000 coal miners employed at steel- direct approach to Moscow had
company-owned pits stayed away to be made. ,
from work today. The three governments
Steel production started an im- agreed that they would send
mediate skid. separate but similar notes to
An additional 45,000 miners Moscow. This allowed the
failed to show up at commercial French, if they wished, to soft-
mines in West Virginia and West- en the wording of their declara-
ern Pennsylvania, but their exact tion-and the United States to
status was not immediately made take as tough a position as it
clear. Elsewhere commercial pro- desired.
duction was near normal, Marshall summoned Soviet
captive Miners ambassador Alexander S. Pan-
T e captiversine°.were idlein yushkin to his office at 11
Thve catie meswere id in, o'clock (EDT) this morning.
five sta.te&:--Penznsylvania, 'West 'anyuashkin, juast back from a
Virginia, Alabama., Kentucky, and weeknmd in the ccuntry, sent
Utah. Steel firms refused to sign word that he would be unable to
4 contract with them because of a get there until 11:30. le was es-
union shop demand. corted into the office by State
The majority of the nation's Department counsellor Charles
400,000 bituminous miners are E. Bohlen, who speaks Russian
employed by commercial pits, and is one of MVarshall's top ex-
whose coal goes to homes and in- perts on the USSR.
dustries other than steel. Ending Meanwhile the lobby of the ex-
their annual 10-day vacation, the ecutive offices on the fifth floor of
bulk of them renewed work under the air-conditioned State Depart-
a new contract granting a $1-per- ment building became a busy
day pay boost and doubling to 20 place. The British ambassador, Sir
cents their welfare fund royalty Oliver Franks, French envoy Hen-
on a ton of coal. ri Bonnet, and representatives of
Commzercial Miners Belgium, the N etherlands and
Thirty-five thousand commner- Canada streamed into the office
cial miners failed to show up in of Undersecretary n State Lovett.
West Virginia, but they were des- The Panyushkin conference
cribed as merely slow in starting lasted only 14 minutes. When the
after a vacation, ambassador came out he would
____._______ tell newsmen only that he had re-
ceived a note from Marshall and
that he did not know what was in
Czecns Cheer hhddnona
it. He said that Marshall had not
discussed the Berlin situation with
Eduard en him.
Later, press officer Lincoln
White announced that Panyush-
PR 7E, Czechoslovakiza, July kin "was given a note regarding
6-i'-Former President Eduard the situation in Berlin." White
Benes was cheered today by 80,000 said Marshall told him the note
persons marching through Prague I would be kept secret "until the
in the Sokol Congress parade. Soviet government had a reason-
1n te SkolCongessparde, able period of time" to study the
There were no cheers for his note arnd make its reoly"
Communist successor, President The meeting of the Canadian
Element Gottwald. and Western European ambass-
The paraders also shouted slo- adors with Lovett lasted 80 min-
gans for Yugoslavia, Premier Mar- utes. An official announcement
shal Tito, Russia, Premier Stalin said that the talks beginning
and the United States. Scores of day were an "informal and ex-
small paper American flags ap- planatory exchange of views
peared in the parade, carried by concerning problems of common
individuals. They drew cheers interest in relation to the Sen-
along the route, ate resolution of June 11, 1948."
The Sokol is a national cul- Press officer White said the
tural and physical training organ- meetings are expected to continue
ization. It is not political but it for some time and no information
has had a reputation for being will be given but about them until
anti-Communist. The scale of to- decisions are reached. Both of to-
day's cheers for Benes and the day's developments, therefore,
openness with which they were had a delayed reaction element so
voiced gave the Sokol demonstra- :far as the public is concerned.
tion a political tinge that it has What actually is going on behind


.3. ~

To Oust Allies
British Office Denies
PARIS, July 6-(IP)-Evidence
of a Moscow-inspired plot to force
the United States, France and
Britain out of Berlin was reported
by the French Foreign Ministry
The reported plot first was dis-
closed through the publication in
Le Figaro, conservative Parisian
morning paper, of a purported se-
cret document sent by the central
committee of the German Com-
munist Party to the Berlin cells
of the movement.
British Denial
A spokesman for the Qua
D'Orsay said his government had
received confirmation of the
Communist plot from the British.
I'he British in London disclaimed
giving the French any note on the
In the newspaper account, the
move to oust the Westerners wa
to begin with a break-down of
public services; continue with
street riots between Communists
and the German police; and end
with the Soviet army moving in to
protect the western occupation
forces by corralling them in a
special reservation,
Conununist Demonstrations
The newspaper document said
Communists should demonstrate
for a unified government. It added
it must be assumed there will be
numerous dead and wounded
when the German police inter-
Soviet forces then would ap-
pear, it said, and a provisional
government set up at a mass
meeting of workers would declare
a state of general public crisis.
All this would take place only in
case of increased tension between
Russia and the west, it said.
Order Note Destroyed
The note ended with instruc-
tions that it be destroyed. It was
reported to have been turned over
to the Western allies by a member
of one of the Communist cells in
Announcement of the plot
caused a stir in French political
and diplomatic circles. A govern-
ment source said the French army
believed it had sufficient forces in
its sector in Berlin to deal with
any disorders.
* * *
Russians Stop
Truck Exports
From Berlin
BERLIN, Juy 6-(AP)-The Rus-
sians stopped the truck export of
food and other essential comnod-
ities to Western Berlin from the
Russian sector today, Western-li-
censed newspapers reported.
This action appa'rently steered
the Berlin crisis toward a climax.
The Russians, in another of
their long series of protests,
charged the Americans with vio-
lating flying safety rules.
The Soviet-licensed news agency
ADN said a new protest was sent
to American authorities by the
Russian section of 'the Berlin air
center. "The Americans by their
unilateral violation of rules for
control of flying traffic," the pro-
test said, "take full responsibility

World News A t A Glance
By The Associated Press
ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 6-Acting on urgent orders. American
warships sailed out of Istanbul and Naples harbors under forced draft
today with their destination a mystery.
* * * *
MONTREIAUX Switterland, July 6-A deadlock between
Communist and anti-Communist delegates marked the end of the
second assembly of the World Jewish Congress today.
* * * *
NEW YORK, July 6-The bodies of 4,300 American war dead are
scheduled to arrive Friday from European battlefields aboard the U. S.
Army transport Oglethorpe Victory.
* * * *
ORIZABA, Mex., July 6-General Alejo Gonzalez Gonzalez
said tonight all 16 persons aboard a wrecked U. s. plane on Ora-
zaba Peak are dead
* * . .

to drain completely the gas tank. never had before.

the scenes remalns to be disclosed.

German66 Isu adT eov~ o

Russia must forget Communist
control and exploitation of Ger-
many if there is ever to be any
settlement of the German issue,
Dr. Edward S. Mason, dean of the

to exploit the nation economically
by collecting more than ten bil-
lions in war reparations-which
would mean that the United

Russians are convinced that the
spread of Communism In Europe
is atyan end and they wont get
everything they want without

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