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July 03, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-03

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Little Man, What Now?

WERE SOMEWHAT disenchanted by
the goings-on at the Republican Con-
vention because for the second time in four
years we were presented with Mr. Thomas
E., Dewey.
His New Look, the results of astute pot-
ical managers, a bare four months of
speechifying, improved vocal techniques and
a new warmth of personality, leaves us cold
when we remember the sure laughs he drew
from the crowd with his confused pro-
nouncements on Things That Mattered. We
-could always be sure that Mr. Dewey would
take a firm, if undramatic, stand in the
middle of the road and, one thing in his
favor; he never failed us.
That he now ."has John Foster Dulles
and a host of other "brain trusts" to aid
his confusion, does not make us feel any
happier, but adds an ominous and grisly
touch to the party. Mr. Dulles' Wall Street
connection harks us back. to the good old
days of the Republican Party when stocks
and bonds were the Frankensteinian di-
rectors of the national economy.
That Mr. Dewey and his supporters beat
their chests proudly and claim that they
were the originators of the Br-Partisan For-
eign Policy impresses us not one bit, We do
not. feel sympathetically with Mr. Dulles
that the United States must support The
Other Side against the Russians as a mattet
of principle. Especially when financial aid
to Gleece and China means sacrificing our
own democracic principles to the Cominu-
nist Menace. And Mr. Dewey, admittedly
advised by Mr. Dulles on such matters,
stands firmly in favor of aid to Greece and
China, the Marshall Plan and UMT.
On the domestic front, Mr. Dewey has
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

been hailed as one of the ablest state ad-
ninistrators. His machine-like tactics are
supposed to have eradicated the Ineffi-
ciency and Red Tape in New York State
Government. Mr. Dewey's efficiency has
been so powerful that it has led one of his
ardent admirers in a March issue of LIFE
magazine to proclaim that Mr. Dewey has
personally created the employment boom
there. As proof he offers, "There are one
million more sobs than there were in
Comparing statistics of 1939 and 1948 in
these inflation-ridden days is a dangerous
thing for Mr. Dewey's epublican propo-.
.nents to attempt.
In the realm of state economics, this same
LIFE lauder of Mr. Dewey says: "To meet
the state's .801 million dolllar budget, he
(Mr. Dewey) refused to encourage free-
(The emphasis is ours). Instead, he called
on his department heads for a nine peicent
across-the-board cut in expenditures." Evi-
dently Mr. Dewey has a twisted sense of
economy. He would prefer to let the in-
flation-flush citizen spend his money, rather
than hurt his feelings, and valiantly at-
tempts to prevent further spiralling by
cutting expenditures. For further proof of
such intelligent economic reasoning, the R e
publican state legislature reduced personal
income taxes 40 per cent and business taxes
25 per cent.
Well, so we are faced with a new can-
didate, an able administrator, a personable
fellow and last but not least, a "liberal."
Yes, liberal. Mr. Dewey favors the Mundt-
Nixon Bill because it doesn't outlaw the
Communist Party. Poor Stassen lost his
liberal aura because he liked the bill too,
because it did outlaw the Communists.
If Mr. Dewey personifies a liberal, a
broadminded internationalist'and the best-
working machine we ever saw, we might
have been tempted. But ruefully and sin-
cerely, we don't feel we can afford to be
near-sighted or suckers for political huck-
--Lida Dailes,

The Outlokfor Dougi gas

IT LOOKS AS IF MR. Truman will gain
the Democratic nomination the way Mr.
Dewey obtained the Republican nomination,
on points, and because the opposition is not
unified or organized. Maybe I'm wrong, and
maybe the great name of Eisenhower, or
some other, will sweep. the convention, but
it's a pretty safe bet that at the end Mr.
Truman will be nominated. The little groups
of protesters will be left scattered on the
street corners of Philadelphia, looking about
wildly for the disappearing Douglas, the way
similar groups at the Republican meeting
peered through the dark for the vanishing
This business of hoping that some one
magic name can come along and sweep a
major convention off its feet seems to be
growing. I think it's lazy man's politics,
myself, and not very practical. It was prob-
ably started.by the successful Willkie up-
rising of 1940, but that was different. The
Republicans did not expect to win in that
year, and they weren't being swept off their
feet, they were taking a gamble.
Besides, Willkie was an active candi-
date; he was all over the place at Phila-
delphia, holding public meetings and mak-
ing speeches; he was not a name sitting
in a remote study somewhere, with a "Do
Not Disturb" sign on his door.
And anyway, Willkie reached his peak of

liberal development after his nomination and
defeat. By the time he had matured to the
kind of character he ultimately became, the
Republicans had little use for him; he hard-
ly got a mention in ,'44
To expect any name to sweep a conven-
tion without organization, is to be hopeful
indeed, and to expect a conspicuously liberal
name to do so borders on fantasy. Even
Roosevelt, though certainly liberal in '32,
was by no means as much so as he later
became; he had important conservative
support in that year, and one of his chief
pledges was a promise to cut the cost of gov-
ernment by twenty-five per cent.
This has been the year of the Great
Fantasy, the feeling on the part of lib-
erals, especially the amateurs, that the
chief political job of the moment is to
find some magic name, and tie on to it,
The talk of Eisenhower all winter and
spring, and now of Douglas, has almost
assumed the proportions of a new political
movement; it might be called Name-ism,
It would be exciting to see the Douglas
move succeed. But if Name-ism does flop,
it would be better for it to flop very badly,
so that at least we'll have learned, for fu-
ture use, that this isn't the way, that you
don't get far in politics by looking around
wildly for a papa; and maybe later on there
will be the movement first, and then the
(Copyright, 1948, New Yori Post Corporation)

Sourthern Costs
INFLATION hAS COME to Tennessee. The
eye of a Negro, worth practically nothing
there a few years ago, brings as much as
fifty-one dollars today,
This unprecedented price was paid in
Memphis last Thursday by one of that city's
more affluent police officers, Mr. Lonnie E.
Bryan, Bryan took an eye from its original
owner, Eli Blame, last May 16 without in-
dicating at that time that he intended to
make any payment for it. A jury of up-right
townspeople decided, however, that the eye,
described as a serviceable one, had been of
considerable use to the person from whose
head it had been beaten, and that the price
quoted above was a fair and just one.
In announcing the sum, the court
pointed out that the numerous complicat-
ing factors had been taken into full ac-
count. These were stated, in order, as:
1. Blaine very foolishly walked into the
Memphis police station and complained that
ten dollars had been taken from him during
a police investigation.
2. He was beaten by the incensed police-
men until his condition made it seem advis-
able to rush him to a hospital.
3. On the way to the hospital, as a means
of enlivening a rather dull trip, officer
Bryan continued and elaborated on the
original beating, causing the loss of the eye.
"The Tennessee Purchase," as the trans-
action has been dubbed by one humorist,
may well cause consternation on the part
of economists concerned with Southern price
levels, If this can be taken to indicate a
trend, it is entirely possible that comparable
sums will soon be levied for such hitherto
inexpensive things as lynchings.
Furthermore, Bryan is still under indict-
ment on another mayhem charge connected
with the case and, unless the court sets some
sort of a price ceiling, may be billed for a
yet more exorbitant fee.
-Ivan Kelley.
The Tito Trouble
WASHINGTON-The men whose flesh
must creep when they consider the con-
sequences of Marshal Tito's declaration of
independence are the rulers of the still loyal
Soviet satellites. For it is virtually certain
that a purge of the whole Soviet empire in
eastern Europe, comparable to the internal
purge in the Soviet Union which culminated
in the treason trials, is about to get under
Heads have already fallen, or are in the
process of falling. In Rumania, Communist
leader Gheorghiu-Dej has been accused, like
Tito, of "grandeeism," and if he is not al-
ready experiencing the discomforts of a
peoples' prison, he soon will. Tsola Dragoi-
cheva, heroine of Bulgarian Communism,
has been ruthlessly relegated to plaintive
obscurity. In Russia's eastern German
province, Communist leader Otto Grotewhol
has loudly demanded a purge of "diversion-
ist and obstructionist" elements. But th.
sort of thing is only the beginning. The real
question is how far the purge will go and
what technique the Soviet overlords will use
to bind the Soviet empire with hoops of
Tihe Soviet masters will have little diffi-
culty in Poland, Rumania, eastern Ger-
many and Hungary. The reason is simple.
In these areas the Red Army and the
Soviet secret police, the M.V.D., are al-
reay openly present. The whip is there to
crack. ut where there is no army and
M.V.D. whip, epecially in Albania, Czech-
oslovakia, Bulgaria and Finland, steps will
almost certainly be taken to provide one.

In Albania, of course, such steps cannot
easily be taken. Albania is fenced off from
the Soviet empire by Yugoslavia, and has
for this reason always been regarded in the
past as a satellite of satellite Yugoslavia,
like a flea on a flea's back. Almost necessar-
ily, the Albanian dictator, Enver Hoxha, will
follow Tito, and thus the Soviets will be de-
prived of their last Adriatic outpost.
Bulgaria's case is different. There Dictator
Dimitrov some months ago openly suggested
the Balkan federation which the rebellious
Tito has now indorsed. Dimitrov at that
time was rudely slapped down by the Krem-
lin, but he has not yet rejected Tito's invi-
tation. Even if he does so, a wholesale purge
of doubtful elements in Bulgaria is cirtually
certain. The several tens of thousands of
Red Army and M.V.D. troops left in Bul-
garia after the Soviet "evacuation" may be
If not, Bulgaria may be required to "invite"
units of the Red Army to re-enter the coun-
sufficient to make sure that the job is done.
try, to "protect the Bulgarian people's de-
mocracy" against Western imperialist ag-
It is quite possible that Czechoslovakia
may be required to extend a similar invi-
tation. Indeed, Prague is perhaps the first
place to look for trouble. Czechoslovakia's
submission was recent and reluctant. So-
viet deliveries of promised raw materials
have been far behind schedule and the
Czechs are suffering from a severe hard
currency shortage. The Czech standard of
living, important in a country where al-
most every adult is at least comfortably
stout on a diet of five meals a day, has

Editorial Rounds
Washtenaw Post Tibune.. .
6W e Shll Se'
E WERE tremendously impressed with the democracy of the Re-
publican convention, and that is not a play on words. We were
impressed with the handling of a great crowd in the American way by
the chairman, Martin. We were impressed with the speech of the
candidate Dewey, and what he had to say about the spiritual needs of
the Amierican people, now that we have about all the mechanical
perfection that a people can use. But-
We can't forget that the 80th Congress, a Republican Congress,
was in session from January 1946 until June 1947, and out of the
mountain of effort was brought forth a mouse, so bad and so small
that the President was forced to say that this was the worst of all
Congresses! And h e vetoed a great many bills for the Season thlat
they had been passed against the interest of the people.
We can't forget that Congressman Rayburn of Texas said just
before the session came to an end, (and it was all important that it
come to an end in plenty of time for the Republican Convention)
something to the effect that "the Moguls from New York, who run the
party" had sent word to the Republican powers-that-be in Congress
that it was necessary to have something accomplished before the ses-
sion ended. And so we got the accomplishment. But the urge didn't
come from. Congress; it came from New York, probably from Wall
$:: * *
NOR CAN we forgetthat one of the very worst things passed by the
Congress was the kind of power that for years has been denied to
them, by taking away the anti-trust restrictive measures that formerly
kept the railroads in line. And we can't forget that the Congress voted
to override a Supreme Court decision as well as presidential veto, in
giving back to the states, the fabulously rich tide-water oil lands
which according to almost everybody were Federally owned. Oil com-
panies seem to have pretty much their own way with oil-producing
states. And some day, when the Federal government catches up
with what surely will be done, you may see another and greater "Tea
Pot Dome" scandal coming out of this action! Now, we holler for
States' rights, and to heck with results. We forget, the people do, that
1949 follows 1948, and then comes 1950. In contrast, the "interests"
keep the plan and the calendar forever in mind.
*.* * *
F WE COULD count on the Americanism of the Republican Party
after the election, that the members of the party would submerge
politics and be citizens and patriotic citizens of this country before
they are anything else, that we would all be Americans before we are
Protestants, or citizens of Michigan, or oil men, or automobile men, or
members of any special group, we would think about it very differ-
ently. We always listen to campaign speeches, especially speeches
made at party conventions, and say to ourselves, "Ain't this a great
country where things like this are possible?" And the first thing you
know.the country is being overrun by dollar-chasers who have chosen
to forget alt of the promises of the speech, or the convention. The
country and its people are entirely out of mind, and the campaign
pledges, pfft.
The claim of the Wallace supporters is that there is much of a
sameness whether one bears the label Republican or Democrat, that
the parties have no real and separate goals. There is nmch to be said
for this opinion, since the people who think have seen for example
Forrestal made Secretary of Defense. Forrestal used to be the head of a
big stock brokerage house in New York, and according to the Congres-
sional Record, is "up to his neck in oil." He was before a Senate com-
mittee in 1933, telling how to gyp the country out of taxes, something
which led Representative Bender of Ohio to say, "He has not, and he
cannot in public office rid himself of his past." He, we suppose, is la-
beled a Democrat.
* * *
WELL, MR. DEWEY, we shall see. If, as seems likely, the people of
W' these United States elect you as their president, despite the abys-
mal failures of your party in coping with recent problems-then we
shall see.
You have been adept at finding the middle of the political road.
You have won a reputation as a cautious but able administrator.
But these times demand more-much more-than the ability to be
accepted by both the liberal and reactionary wings of a political
party, although neither group can give you whole hearted support.
These times demand a type of statesmanship far greater than the
ability to operate public departments with financial economy.
And the people are getting impatient! Many disillusioned liberals
hrave come to the conclusion that they must support Truman and the
Democrats-as the lesser of the major party evils. Many have also
decided to cast their votes for Henry Wallace and his third party.
We do not know what will happen when the returns are counted
in November, but we feel sure that all the people are not so apathetic
as the "old guard" party members think.

We shall see!


Publications in The Daily Official
ultletin is onstructive notice to al
'u i,-ibders of the University, Not~s fr
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
wrItten form to the Offie of the Suim-
loer Ses sion, Room 31?13 Angel all, by
3:00 p.m on the day preceding publi-
cation (1 :00 pm. saturdays)
VOL. LVIII, No. 177
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-'
cupational inf'ormnation
The U. S. Army Dependents1
Service schools is in need of three
principals for schools in the Far
East .Command. Those selected
will not be permitted to take their
families with them.
There is also a need for Mathe-
matics-Science teachers in the
Secondary field. Five years of ex-
perience is required. For further
infornation regarding these an-
nouncements, call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall,.
Driving Regulations:
During the summer session the
rules regarding the use of auto-
mobiles by students at the UniverL
sity will be p'actically the same
as in the previous summer session.
Certain individuals have been
designated as exempt from the
regular regulations to whom these
rules do not apply. These persons
include: students who are over 26
years of age, those who in the pre-
vious year have been engaged in
professional puzrsuzits surch as law-
yers, doctors, dentists, teachers,
nurses and those holding faculty
rank of instructor or above.
All other student drivers must
report to Mr. Gwin or Miss Mc-
Dowell" in the Office of Student
Affairs where they may obtain
special permits which will enable
them to use their cars for purposes
which are deemed nrecessary. Any
studenit may secure a summer' per-
mit for recreational use in order
to participate in such outdoor ac-
tivities as golf, tennis, swimming,
boating, etc.
It is to be remembered that
driving permits are not parking
permits and consequently do not
give students the privilege of
parking in restricted parking
areas. The following parking
areas may be used by students:
1. East of Univ. Hospital
3. East Hall on Church St.
4. Catherine St. North of
Vaughan Residence Hall
5. West Quad Area at Thomp-
son and Jefferson Sts.
6. Michigan Union Area
7. College St. between East
Med. anid East Hall
8. General Service Building
9. Lot behind Univ. Museum ad-
jacent to Forest Avenue
10. Business Administration
building area
Students violating parking or
driving regulations will be sub-
ject to disciplinary action and pos.
sible fines,
Post Session: There will be a
Post Session. The courses that will
be offered are Economics 153ps,
Modern Economic Society; His-
tory 139ps, Nineteenth Century
Europe; A Study of Nationalist
Movements; and Sociology 154ps,
Modern Social Problems. Regis-
tration days will be August 12 to
The General Library and all of

the Divisional Libraries 'will be
closed Monday, July 5.
July 5th is a legal holiday.
There will be no classes.
Attention-Women Students-
Closing hours over holiday week-
end: Fri., Sat. and Sun., July 2, 3
and 4, 12:30 a.m., Mon., July 5,
11:30 p.m.
Lecture: Dr. Curt Sachs of New
York University will continue his
series of Tuesday afternoon lec-
tures on "The Commonwealth of
the Arts," at 4:15 July 6, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Sachs
is an authority on musicology and
musical instruments. His lectures
are as follows:
The Clash of Classic and Anti-
classic Ideals, Part I, July 6
The Clash of Classic and Anti-
classic Ideals, Part II, July 13
Art and the Crises of History,
July 20
Phases and Cycles in the Arts
of the 1iddle Ages, July 27
Phases and Cycles in the Arts
of the Later Ages, August 3
All lectures are scheduled for
Tuesdays at 4:15 in the Lecture
(Continued on Page 4)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege af submitting letters fr
Puxblieation in this colum. ubject
to space Intjitations, the general pol-
icy Is to piihlish in the order in which
they are received all etters bearing.
the writer's signature and address,
Letters exeedinxg 30words, repet-
ttaoxs letters and letters o a defama-
tory character or such letters which
f or any othxer reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of ca -
densing letters.
Civil Libe ris
To the Editor:
The .Tow n Hall" program
Tuesday night touched upon the
subject of civil liberties, but not
too fuilly. One of the proponents
of the Truman administration re-
marked that the President had
presented a prog ram that fearless-
ly scourged undemocratic ele-
ments His outspoken views n
civil liberties were considered by
the speaker evn more courageous
than the late President Roose-
From the New York Post of June
12 comnes tiis interesting item:
When asked if lie thought the
coming political battle would be
tough, tle President relied that
he had no fear, for he had been
"in four of the toughest fights that
a white man had ever been in" in
Missouri. Read that sentence over
slowly, then meditate 'upon the su-
perb democratic principles that
Truman represents.
The Republicans have been no
better in the ight for equality. It
was their majority in Congress
that forced postponement of the
anti-segregation and anti-1yne s
bills. Where's your chice, folks?
Both parties have said sweet
things, but tiheir actions are con-
trary to their words.
Fo rtunately, thiere will be a
choice in the coming elections. The
Third Party, under the guidance
of Henry Wallace, has demon-
strated its equivocal opposition to
any andl every form of bigotry and
intolerance. To t dhse wo anest-
ly believe in tr'ue democracy, the
Progressive Party extends an invi-
tation to work and win with Wal-
-gIy Bershad
* * *
Leagure Cf etertia
To the Editor:
Is it not time that something
were done to correct theabuse of
the management of the League
cafeteria? Should students be
forced to go down town to get a
good meal as a reasonable price?
As an illustration: the new minia-
ture servings of ice cream at 10
cents, by actual weighing, aver-
aged 1.1 ounces, thus representing
a profit of over 800 per cent on
this item. At no other cafeteria in
the country has the writer ever
found mashed potatoes at 15 cents
or ice cream sodas at 30 cents. For
whom is this dining room run?
Such establishments can operate
at a high overhead and make
money and yet satisfy the public
by giving good meals at reasonable
-R, W Wood


Sf ty-Eighth Year


" The Crystal Ball

P rog sis
WE'VE been outlining a guide to coin toss-
ing on the Law Quad ever since the
first warm day. According to our classifica-
tion system, the guys that hurl the larger
pieces of silver are looking forward to being
corporation lawyers. And the men that
argue so effectively about the legality of
their opponent's technique, in our crystal
ball, will be the potential presidential nomi-
nee with impressive racket-busting records
of big city DA's. The tweedy, pipe smoking
mnales who view the whole process with a
detached philosophical air are the future
state department diplomats.
But the ones we really feel sorry for are
those future ambulance chasers we caught
in the evening shadows of that august area
looking for the money the other bar nomi-
nees left behind.
W ATCHING great minds at work can be
great fun.
Our favorite Daily night editor, for ex-
ample, has her own theories as to what con-

"Yes," replied her roommate.
"Did he have a low, refined voice?"
"Why, yes, he did," said the roommate.
"Hmmm," the first coed mused, "I won-
der who that could have been?"
NVice Recover"y
S UNDAY EVENING at 10:45 we dutifully
tuned our radios to WHRV to listen to
the Speech Department's " Workshop
Drama" program, as publicized in The Daily.
In the midst of our studies we were only
dully aware that something was not quite
right. We were hearing an account of Mich-
igan's first four students who also seemed
to be singing in a quartet.
After about five minutes the program was
faded and the announcer spoke:
"Due to technical difficulty we have pre-
sented the wrong transcribed program. We
will now proceed as scheduled with the
Work-shop Drama' program."
It was good, too!
(Contributed by waiter Arnoid)
* '* * '
Price Spiral

Edited and riianaged by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Sta f
Lida Dailes.........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe ........Associate Editor
Joseph R. walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
- Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
nt he AssocistedPress is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-puzblication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press


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