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July 03, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-03

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Latest IDeadline in the State


Virginia, Georgia
Leave President,
Boom Eisenhower
Truman Confident of 676 Delegates;
Supporters Discount South Revolt
WASHINGTON, July 2-(/P)-Virginia, last state to name dele-
gates to the Democratic National Convention, tonight instructed its
. 26-vote delegation to work for the nomination of Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower for President.
Georgia, earlier in the day, had similarly thrown its 28 to Eisen-
This brought the number of votes instructed for the General to
54 out of a total of 1,234 in the Convention. Another 58 votes have
been publicly announced as anti-Truman.
The two actions were the most positive to date in a revived
movement to draft General Ike for the party's Presidential nomin-

ation and "ditch" President
Truman Asked
To Call for
4Ship Programn
'Immediate Action'
Asked by Forrestal
WASHINGTON, July 2-()-
President Truman was urged to-
day to get a $400 million dollars
merchant ship construction pro-
gram started immediately.
The recommendation was made
in a letter signed jointly by Sec-
retary of Defense Forrestal and
Chairman W. W. Smith of the
Maritime Commission.
The letter said there was "an
urgent necessity of immediate ac-
The over-all program calls for
building 18 modern passenger and
combination passenger - cargo
vessels to be sold to eight Amer-
ican shipping companies, 20 mod-
ern high speed tankers, and two
passenger-trailer vessels designed
for coast-wise operation.
This is the program discussed
with the House Appropriations
Committee during recent hearings
on the supplemental independent
offices appropriation bill.
As finally enacted the bill ap-
proved $94 million dollars in con-
tract authorization for this fiscal
year and carried over $84,0000,000
from the last fiscal year for use
t during the first three months of
the current fiscal year.
The tankers, under the pro-
' posed program, would be built by
private owners with government
participation limited to the cost
of the national defense feature of
increased speed. The two passen-
ger-trailer vessels would be con-
structed "by an experienced West
Coast operator with government
mortgage-credit assistance.
The whole program would call
for spending $400 million dolllar
over a period of three years.
Palestine Plan
Wil Be Told
Bey 'Otte Proposal
'May Lxtendl Truxce
LAKE SUCCESS, July 2--(/P)--
The United Nations said tonight
"Count Folke Bernadotte's Pales-
k'tine peace proposals would be
made public Sunday afternoon.
A UTN spokesman said the 1,500-
word text, submitted to the Arabs
and Jews June 28 and June 29,
"would be given out simultaneous-
ly at Lake Success, Cairo, Tel Aviv
and Rhodes, where the UN media-
' tor has his headquarters.
Publication was decided upon,
informed quarters said, as a re-
,sult of publication in a Cairo
newspaper of a plan purpoting to
be that offered by Bernadotte. A
high UN source said the published
plan was "not entirely correct."
It was understood here that top
aides of Secretary-General Trygve
Lie hoped publication of the med-
r iator's peace suggestions might
open the way for a move to ex-
te fnd "the four-weeks Palestine
truce which ends July 9.a
'Of Thee I Sing
To Clo e id ngr
"Of Thee I Sing," opening pre-

Truman. The General was
standing silent on his January
declaration that he can't accept
a nomination.
Georgia Democrats unanimous-
ly instructed their delegates to do
all they can to make Eisenhower
the standard-bearer and the Vir-
ginia Convention told its delegates
to work for Eisenhower's nomina-
tion-and against the naming of

GOP Chiefs
Study Joinat
B er in Parr
U.S. Asks SovieL
To Return Ships
WASHINGTON, July 2-(')-
Secretary of State Marshall dis-
closed today the Western Allies'
joint strategy in the Berlin crisis
is being worked out in consulta-
tion with Republican leaders in
Marshall, back from a 10 day
hospital check-up, said' the State
Department has been in close
touch with Britain and France
on measures to cope with the Sov-
iet Blockade-and with Senator
Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) and Rep.
Eaton (R.-N.J.) as well.
In Due Course
What action is decided on will
come to light in due course, he
told a news conference. A strong
three-power approach to Moscow
is under consideration, Britain's
foreign Secretary Bevin has said.
Eaton, chairman of the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, con-
firmed that he and Senator Van-
denberg, chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee,
have been consulted at every step
of the development of U.S. policy
in Berlin.
In Accord
"I am in absolute accord with
Secretary Marshall's position,"
Eaton said. "We propose to stay in
Berlin, period."
In another development of
American relations with Russia,
Marshall announced that the
United States has asked Moscow
for the "immediate return" of 28
naval vessels and three ice break-
ers which were turned over to the
Russians in wartime. The request
was made in January and Russia
still has the ships.
Return of these vessels is one
aspect of the long drawn out ne-
gotiations for settlement of a
Soviet $11,200,000,000 lend lease
account with this country. Al-
though Soviet Ambassador Alex-
ander S. Panyushkin has sub-
mitted a proposed new formula,
Moscow and Washington are re-
ported still far apart on terms.
Tanned and fit in appearance,
Marshall opened his news confer-
ence by referring to the close con-
sideration being given to the Ber~-
lin crisis. On other matters he
Yugoslav - The State De-
partment is closely following de-
velopments in the Cominform's
quarrel with Marshal Tit, the
Yugoslav dictator. Marshall de-
clined further comment.
Brussels Pact - The United
States is conferring with the Five-
Nation Brussels Pact countries on
a date for a conference, following
up the, Senate approval of the
Vandenberg Resolution, endorsing
U.S. support for a v astern Europ-
ean union.
Turkey - On a suggestion as-
cribed to the Turkish Foreign
Mlnister for a formal alliance be-
tween Turkey and the United
States, Marshallnoted theU.S.
has done much to support Turkey
and has a deep interest in main-
taining Turkey as a free govern-
ment. But an alliance, he said,
would involve consideration of
American relations with all other
Marshall reported the United
States also has asked the Soviets
to pay compensation to U.S. firms
for use of patented processes sup-

plied under lend-lease.

Slays Urge Stalin
'To Rebuke Aides
For Blast on Tito
Protest Note to Albania Demands
End of 'hisiilts' Against. Yugoslavia
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 2--(/P) --Yugoslav Communists
went on the offensive today and urged Premier Stalin of Russia to re-
buke the Cominform for its political attack on Marshall Tito.
The Belgrade radio broadcast the text of a Yugoslav note to Al-
bania demanding that the Albanian government halt "gross and of-
fensive acts" again Yugoslavia. Unless offenders are taken to task,
investigated and the Yugoslav government informed of the results,
and such acts prevented, the note threatened, "The Yugoslav Govern-
ment does not consider, themselves responsible for the consequences
which may result."

._ w 9..:". ;q;::Cefi: :29 s .. .Y. :. - 'a::...... . . . .....
JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE-Fires caused by a recent earthquake give Fukui the appearance of a
latter day Hiroshima. Smoke from the charred ruins of the city were still rising when this picture
was taken. Like Hiroshima, only the gutted remains of a few modern buildings were left standing.
A cluster of frame structure (left foreground) somehow also escaped the havoc of the quake.

...'Ike' Bandwagon?
* * *
anyone proposing a Federal Civil
Rights program. Truman has pro-
posed one, touching off a Southern
Democratic revolt against him.
Georgia and Virginia were the
last two states to pick delegates to
the Convention, which begins at
Philadelphia July 12.
Of the 1,234 delegates now chos-.
en, 286 are pledged or instructed
to vote for Truman, another 390
are claimed for the President and'
414 are uncommitted.
President Truman's supporters
say he is assured of many more
than the 618 votes needed for the
nomination. But those out to
"ditch" the President says he can't
even be sure of all those pledged to
vote for him.{
Here's how the votes are di-

Threat Arises
ver Conr tract
new coal strike threat arose to-
It involves 30,000 to 4.0,000
workers in the "captiv" mines
owned by steel companies. They
are members of John L. Lewis
United Mine Workers, whose 400,-
000 members struck earlier this
The trouble came to a head to-
day when 18 steel and coal com-
panies refused to sign the new
contract agreed to by a maority
of the coal industry. The non-
signing companies asked the Na-
tional Labor Relations board to
find the union guilty of unfair la-
bor practices.
Now on Vacation
All the miners now are taking
their annual vacation. They are
due back at work next T'ueday,
but Lewis' union newspaper has
hinted broadly that the employes
of the captive mines won't work
unless the new contract has been
signed by then.
The new contract which Lewis
negotiated with the majority of
the industry became effective yes-
terday. Among its major provi-
sions are a $1 a day increase for
the miners, and a doubling of the
miners welfare and penson fund
rolayty to 20 cents a ton of coal
Balk at Provision
What the 18 steel and coal com-
panies officially balked at was a
provision for a union shop.
The steel company lawyers
point out that the Taft-Hartley
Labor Law permits a union shop
only if a majority of the workers
vote for it in an election sper-
vised by the National' Labr Re-
lations Board. No such election
has been held by the UMW.
Loose Cash1-
is ft Yours?
There is $900 in the 'Ensian of-
fices and no one seems to want
even a dollar of it.
That is the amount more than
150 students have paid in orders
for the 1948 Mihiganensian
which arrived on campus May 15.
But those students, who are en-
titled to copies of the yearbook,
have not picked them up, accord-
ing to Bull Zerman, 'Ensian sales
"The price paid for the year-
books did not include a charge for
mailing, The 'Ensians will be held
indefinitely at the Cashier's office,
in the Student Publications Build-
ing," Zerman said.
"At present, no books can be
forwarded," he said.
For students who missed pur-
chasing the yearbook earlier, 95
copies of the 1948 edition remain
to be sold. They are on sale at the
cashier's office priced at $6.50
The remaining 'Ensians are the
last of 6,000 copies of the yearbook
* * *
Stidett Diretory-

DETROIT, July 2-(A)-A wides
open race for the Republican
nomination for Governor devel-
oped today as Recorder's Judge
W. McKay Skillman of Detroit
stepped into the ring to oppose.
Governor Sigler's bid for reelec-
Skillman's action touched off a
House Groulp
hears Ex-FBI
A neiit T esify
i-ouse committee heard an cx-
FBi agent testify today that Coin-
rnunists "blanket the key sections"
of industry in New York City.
"For a long time, the Comrnu-
iiists concentrated on heavy in-
dustries," said Theodore C. Kirk-
patrick, now a New York private
investigator. "But now they are
organizing the light industries,
particularly the so-called distribu-
tive trades which include depart-
ment store workers."
As today's hearings recessed,
pending their reopening in New
York Wednesday, Chairman Hart-
Iey tRep. N.JJ of the House La-
bor Committee, recalled that wit-
nesses already have testified on
Communist infiltration of depart-
ment store union locals and said:
Vicious Attacks
"I have just received word that
pamphlets have been distributed
around New York department
soes today, particularly at Gim-
woappere o tetf at thes
"T want to make it perf ectly
clear that all witnesses appeared
uder subpoena and if they had
failed to appear I would have cited
them to Congress for contempt.
Some Courageous
"Some of those who testified
have been courageous but some
have been too reluctant to tell the
full story."
Fitzpatrick, the ex-EBI agent,
testified today that there are 11,-
080 Communist Party members in
the borough of Manhattan alone.
He said he got his figures from a
Communist publication of June 13,
Sheriff's Plea
Difficulty In getting an ambu-
lance to an airplane accident at
Whitmore lake recently resulted in
a plea by Washtenaw County
Sheriff John L. Osbbrn that all
motorists "yield the right-of-way
whenever they hear a siren."

day of statements and counter-
statements with Sigler and Attor-
ney Ge t ral Eugene Black doing
most of the talking.
Machine 'Tool,'
Sigler branded Skillman a
"naive" tool of the old state GOP
machine, which he said was led by
Frank D. McKay and Edward H.
Skillman made no immediate
comment on Sigler's statements,
but Black rushed into the fray
with a heated blast at Sigler,
The Attorney General broke
with Sigler last Saturday when
Black announced he woald sup-
port another candidate other than
Sigler for the Republican nomina-
Black, in disclosing his role as
one of the chief supporters of
Skillman's candidacy, said at
"There is only one place now
for Mr. Sigler to take his 'Stop-
Dewey Campaign'-back to the
Democrats where he originally
came from and really belongs.
"He has been their unsuccess-
ful candidate for Attorney Gener -
al, their successful candidate for
Prosecuting Attorney,, their con-
vention keynoter and he returned
to his true colors last week when
he gratuitously insulted the next
President of the United States.
We shall see how much he can
take in the way of comparison of
his campaign promises with his
vaudeville performances in office.
And he shall learn that no one
who doublecrosses the people ever
gets a chance to repeat.
"The people will give him a blue
discharge in September and he
will lose his striped morning pants
in the process,"
Sigler replied, "that's the kind
of thing I have had to contend
with from my Attorney General
throughout my administration."
Of Skillmnan, the farm-born au-
to rackets grand juror in Detroit,
Sigler said, "if the judge knows
when le is well off, he would stay
on the bench."
Aitken To Present
Piano Program
Webster Aitken, guest lecturer
in piano at the music school, will
present a piano recital at 8:00
p.m. Monday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. ,
Aitken is head of the Carnegie
Institute piano department and
has been featured soloist with sev-
eral major symphonies here and
The program is open to the pub-
lic without charge.

Skillman To .ppose Sigler's
Bidl for Gubernatorcil Post

The note repeated charges
previously made in Belgrade
broadcasts that Marshal Tito's
pictures had been removed from
public places in Albania, sales of
Yugoslav newspapers prevented,
and a Yugoslav bookshop closed.
Fifteen thousand party members
in a Belgrade mass meeting b7y
resolution sent a telegram to
Stalin in which they appealed di-
rectly to the Soviet leader to erase
the 'false accusations" made by
the Cominform.
The Cominform, a nine-nation
Communist information bureau of
which Yugoslav is a member, has
accused Marshall Tito and the
Yugoslav Communist Central
Committee' of being too national-
istic, entertaining grandiose am-
bitions betraying the precepts of
Marxism and being anti-Russia.
The Yugoslav committee slapped
back, declaring the Cominform
charges were lies and slander,
(In effect, the Yugoslav mass'
meeting asked Stalin to riebuke
one of the three or four most
influential men in the Soviet
Union, A. A. Zhdanov, chief
Russian instigator of Cumi-
form policies. Zhdanov is con-
sidered one of the chief rivals of
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
in the event of the death of
Stalin and a scramble for power
inside Russia.)
The Yugoslav resolution was
made after the central commit-
tee of the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union already had en-
dorsed the Comiform's action.
Communists have emphasized.
however, that the Cominform is an
organization of parties apd not of
governments. As head of, the
Soviet government Slalina presum-
ably could express a viewg different
from that of the party.-
In the other notes, as reported
by Tanjug, the Yugoslav news
agency, Marshal Tito's govern-
ment protested against two spe-
cific developments: '
1-That Albania had ordered
the cancellation of all exports to
Yugoslavia until further notice,
and 2-'That Albania had stopped
construction on two railway lines
to the Yugoslav frontier.
* * a
Unidentified Aircra ft
Reported by Greeks
GREECE, July 2-A'?--An auth-
oritative military source said an
unidentified plane had bombed
Bitol, Yugoslavia, last night.
The reort of the bombing was
not confirmed from any other
Bitolj is about 10 miles from
the Greek frontier in the area
where Greek government troops
are at war with guerrillas.
The military source who can
not be named said Bitolj is still
without electric power. There
were no other details.
The same source said 13 armed
Yugoslav civilians surrendered to-
day to a Greek frontier post
northwest of Phorina. There
were no indications whether the
Yugoslavs were pro- or anti-Tito.

Britain Asks
Russia To End
Air Shipments Will
Total Over 500 Daily
BERLIN, Saturday, July 3-(P)
- The British military governor
early today called on the Russians
to open the highway to blockaded
Berlin at once and name a date
on' which rail traffic can be re-
In a letter to Marshal Vassily D.
Sokolovsky, the Soviet commander
in Germany, Gen. Sir Brian Rob-
ertson said he was ready to meet
with the Russian official imme-
diately "to discuss times and
methods of reopening communi-
Endless Roar
As Robertson dispatched his
letter an endless roar of engines
in the black, rainy sky testified to
the expanding Anglo-American
effort to feed 2,500,000 inhabi-
tants of Western Berlin by air.
The British Commander's letter
was in reply to a communication
from Sokolovsky earlier this week
in which the Russian commander
held forth a hope of completing
"technical repairs" on the Helm-
stedt-Berlin rail line before the
city's food supply ran out.
Robertson said the Russians
would have "no cause to fear your
currency will be exposed to a7 y
risk" by keeping the highway at
Helmstedt closed.
!Currenzcy .Rform
That was tle reason given by
the Russians for closing the road
two weeks ago when a Western
Power currency reform was de-
creed for Western Germany.
Meanwhile, Allied experts said
tonight "flying coal cars" may
soon join the Allied food shuttle
into Russian-blockaded Berlin.
William II. Draper, U.S. Under-
secretary of the Army, said he ex-
pected American planes soon
would be bringing coal into West-
ern Berlin. The Russians have
stopped shipments of industrial
coal into the city in addition to
their food blockade.
G"roewin'g Bigger
T'heAllied air-borne answer to
beleaguered Berlin was growing
bigger, but at a cost of millions
of dollars and the ceaseless labor
of thousands of men.
High American and British of-
f'_cers indicated the flying food
armada soon would swell to more
than 500 flights daily to the two
Berlin airports supplying 2,000,00t
western sector Germans.
Lt. Gen, Curtis E. Le May, U.S.
airforce commander, spoke of 360
daily flights by American planes
alone when the air lift hits its
peak. The British planned at least
200 flights, During the war Le
May directed the mass flights of
8-29 superfortresses against
Pllock Sees
2-(/P)--Prof, James K. Pollock,
Special United States Government
Adviser to Gen. Lucius . Clay,
expressed corfidence today in
Germany's ability to recover eco-
nomically and build a strong
democratic nation.
Prof. Pollock, of the political
science department, Univesity of
Michigan, sailed for home on the
liner America to report to the
Secretary of the Army.
st! r., ,. ." r ni ni af

For T'ruman. ...........
Claimed for Truman ..
For Eisenhower ....... .
G'uv. Thurmond ( . C'.).
Gov. Wright (Mliss.) ....
Uncommitted ..........

11 /

James Roosevelt, son of Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, was reported to
have called a meeting of pre-Eis-
enhower forces in Philadelphia
July 10 - two days before the
Democratic National Convention,

By The Associated Press
MEXICO CITY, July 2-(/P)-An airplane with 14 United States
and Mexican officials aboard was reported lost tonight in Southeastetn

* * *


ATHENS,- July 2-Greek Army troops plugged away at dogged
rebel defenders in North Greece today as the government offensive
showed signs of gaining momentum, press dispatches said.
* * '* *
SAN FRANCISCO, July 2--Membership in the Communist
Party is not sufficient cause for discharge of a newspaperman,
the American Newspaper Guild held today.
* * * *
ROME, July 2-The Senate, by a vote of 184 to 67, approved pre-
bier Alcide De Gasperi's recovery and reform plans tonight and gave
him a vote of confidence.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, July 2-Legislation to put 254 war plants
into a reserve defense pool was signed into law today by President


One"w"lldie and five will go to
Uie hospiftal some time this In-
denendence Day weekend-traffic

"Speed Kills--Take It Easy,"
the slogan of the Police Depart-
I -r , 7ry f=a fi a a~r r _I

So far, 1948 has been a good
year, the records show. Only one

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