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June 26, 1948 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1948-06-26

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Silent Figurines Stand Guard
In OldUniversityA Auditorium

Looking Down on ihe Convention

aring Arrows o o
D~augers of Fast Driving

Sveellinrg en;rollment figures
these past few years have caused
space-harried University adminis-
trators to appropriate every avail-
able room on the campus for class-
room use, but there's still one
place that has remained safely out
of their reach.
From one year's end to the next,
the old University auditorium on
At Convention
(Continued fror Page 1)
Among those who have been
drawn to Philadelphia by the Con-
vention are Harvey Leve, former
Daily movie reviewer; Dan Dwor-
sky, Michigan footballer and Daily
cartoonist; and Dave Dutcher,
president of the Student Legisla-
ture. Also here is Jim Schoener
who heads the University's recent-
ly organized Young Republicans;
he is working with the Michigan
At Stassen press conferences
they serve Wisconsin cheese and
beer. Even with all the handouts,
though, the nation's newspaper
editors will be amazed at the ex-
pense accounts their boys bring
Woinents' Summer
Hours Announced
Women students on campus this
summer have an extra half hour's
grace on week day nights to
stretch out those long summer
Closing hours for undergraduate
women during the summer are 11
p.m. from Sunday through Thurs-
days, and 12:30 a.m. on Friday and
Women living in graduate
houses are not required to keep
hours. Hours for graduates living
in sororities, league houses, or
dormitories are set by the indi-
vidual house.

the second floor of 'U' Hall is al-
most undisturbed by human foot-
prints, except for occasional for-
ays to the the filing cabinets which
have encroached upon its dusty,
pottery-laden floor.
Art objects ranging in size and
from shape, from bronze medal-
lions commemorating the Oregon
Trail to life-sized casts of human
bodies, are scattered helter-skel-
ter around the room, which has
apparently assumed the status of
a haphazard storeroom.
Annual Figures
Upstairs, the seats of the gallery
are literally lined by a whole host
of animal figurines. One of these,
a sober-eyed owl, bends danger-
ously forward, as if in a pose of
rapt attention, but the numerous
busts of Lincoln have a more con-
ventional aspect.
On a table in the deserted audi-
torium lie some half-completed
letters, and outdated ph~one di-
rectory, and an unused package
of clay, all of which combine to
create the impression that activity
here has not really stopped, but
has merely been interrupted. A
steady sound of typing comes from
the rooms aljoining the audito-
rium, as if to deny the reality of its
complete remoteness and isolation.
As if also denying the idea that
the slowly deteriorating chamber
,s no longer of any practical use,
a telephone sits on the floor in the
middle of the room. Although nev-
er used, the phone is still con-
Velvet Curtains
Traces of the auditorium's for-
mer majesty can still be seen in
the plush green velvet curtains,
now just a crumpled heap in a
cardboard box, and the cracked
gilt lettering of the motto (taken
from the Ordnance of 1787 on
Education) which surmounts the
oval of the stage.
T he auditorium has been the site
of many memorable events, in-
cluding speeches by two famous
visitors to the campus-Theodore
and Matthew Arnold. Its present
function is somehow a fitting con-
clusion to its distinguished ca-
C'ity Beat
An Ann Arbor dog failed in his
duty to protect his master Thurs-
day when Miss Anna Lawry, 65,
322 E. Ann St., was bitten in the
leg by a cat.
Her dog who was trotting along
at her side failed to catch the cat
that suddenly appeared from be-
hind, according to police reports.
She was treated at St. Joseph's
S* *
Casper N. Enkemann, Ann Ar-
bor Police Chief, was one of 55 law
enforcement officers to receive di-
plomas from the National Police
Academy of the FBI, in Washing-
ton yesterday.
The 12 week training course,
which was for training police
chiefs and other key law enforce-
ment officers so that they could
establish special courses in their
local departments, included fire-
arms instruction, investigative
techniques, organization and ad-
During Chief Enkemann's ab-
sence, Capt. Albert Heuse, detec-
tive bureau head, acted as director
of the police department.
Enlistments in Company K, All
Arbor National Guard detachment
of the 125th Infantry Reginient
were expected to decline sharply
yesterday, by Capt. Roman Woj-
ciehowski, commanding officer.
The Unit had experienced heavy

enlistments before President Tru-
man signed the Draft Law Thurs-
day but now enlistees are subject
to draft, he stated.
All National Guard recruitment
will end Saturday Noon, according
to the State Adjutant General's

Something new will.be added to
the speed-o-meters of most Ann
Arbor cars beginning next week.
Red stickers in the shape of an
arrow, with the legend: "25 -
takes 60 feet to stop" pointing to
the 25 miles-per-hour mark will
be glued in local automobiles by
gas attendants cooperating with
Ann Arbor police in a campaign to
help reduce the nation's terrifying
Fourth of July accident toll,
"The stickers are one phase of
The first concert of the four-
chamber music programs during
the. summer session will be pre-
sented at 8 p.m. Monday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The University String quartet
will present the programs on al-
ternate Mondays with a different
accompanying pianist. The pian-
ist for the first concert will be
Mischa Meller, professor of piano
in the School of Music.
Members of the quartet are:
Gilbert Ross, Emil Raab, Bernard
Milofsky and Oliver Edel.
The concerts are open to the
general public as well as the Uni-
versity faculty" and students in
the summer session.

an intensive traffic safety pro-
gram over the holiday weekend for
Ann Arbor in conjunction with the
National Safety Council," Police
Chief Casper M. Enkemann an-
Present plans of the police de-
partment call for several five-
minute talks on safety over station
WPAG and a number of 'spot' ra-
dio announcements, according to
Capt. Roland J. Gainsley, of the
Traffic Bureau.
Display posters also will be used
to emphasize the slogan: "Speed
Kills; Take It Easy," Capt. Gains-
ley said.
Chief Enkemann predicted that
traffic on Independence Day
weekend would hit a new high be-
cause many new cars are now in
use and citizens are still catching
up on. the pleasure driving they
missed during the war years.
Law enforcement officers plan
to extend the campaign through
Biologist ' o T'Ialk


BIRD'S EYE VIEW-This shot of the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia was taken by an enterprising photographer
from the rafters of the convention hall. The delegates are on their feet demonstrating for Governor Dewey, chosen as Republican
Presidential candidate. A corner of the speaker's podium can be seen at the bottom of the picture. Large floodlights are mounted
on the flag-bedecked platform at left center.

Problems in biological chemistry
will be discussed in a series of spe-
cial lectures to be given here the
week of July 5 in the Rackham
The lecturer will be Dr. Arnold
Welch, of the Medical School fac-
ulty of Western Reserve Univer-

' .

' .-

Be smart-get an early start
Check and mail this ad for
further information on the
course which interests you.
D Secretarial
C Accountant
LI Machine Shorthand
LI Pre-college Typing
LI Finishing Course for
high school commercial
(~ Intensive Course for
college-trained students
Cool, pleasant classrooms
Day and Evening Classes
Free Placement Service
Approved for
Veteran Training

Fl ing Club
Will Launch Drive
For New Members
The University Flying club will
launch a summer membership
drive beginning Monday, Robert
M. Lamb, club president, an-
nounced yesterday.
A membership meeting will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in
Rm. 1042, East Engineering Bldg.
Membership will be open to all
summer students.
Previous flight training is not a
prerequisite to membership, Lamb
said. Instructors for beginning
pilots are provided by the organi-
Main object of the club is "to
provide University students with
low-cost flying facilities by means
of a cooperative system," Lamb ex-
plained. The group owns and op-
erates three planes, which areI
available to members at a rental of
$2.50 per hour. Base of flight op-
erations is the Ann Arbor City
Reorganized after the war as a
cooperative, non-profit corpora-
tion, the club has been active in
promoting intercollegiate compe-
tition in flying events. It is af-
filiated with the National Inter-
Collegiate Flying Club and has
participated in two national fly-
ing meets.
In theNational Inter-collegiate
Flying Meet held at Willow Run I
last Saturday, the Wolverine fly-
ers finished in seventh place.
Western Michigan won the meet.
Students interested in joining
the organization may secure fur-
ther information by contacting
Lamb, 226 Anderson House, East
Quadrangle, or Clarence R. Kut-
schinski, vice-president, 312 Wil-I
Willow §lo ho ldc
Art W orkshops
Informal weekly meetings have
been scheduled for the Art Work-
shop at the Willow Village Com-
munity Center during the summer
Both beginners and advanced
students may attend the work-
shop, which meets at 8 p.m. every
Thursday. The informal gather-
ings will center around such top-
ics as non-objective painting, tex-
tile design, and craftwork,
Mrs. Imogene Blatchley is di-
rector of the group. The instruc-
tor is Mrs. Sylvia Delzell.



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