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June 26, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-06-26

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Latest Deadline in the State






Walcott in Eleventh





W rr en


Californian Will Play Large
Partin'Republican Regime'
CONVENTION HALL, Philadelphia, June 25-(IP)-The Repub-
lican National Convention swiftly placed Earl Warren by the side
of Thomas E. Dewey today for the free-for-all 1948 election cam-
With the help of a "brains board" sitting like Supreme Court
justices, Dewey hand-picked Warren for the Vice Presidential nomi-
One by one, other top men had been considered during a
long night of conferences, and all but Warren were crossed off the
The convention itself sealed the decision without even a roll

Soviets Stop
.Food S upply

- call vote. Warren was nominat-
ed by acclamation.
Then the convention went out
of business for another four

ToB e'rliners
Army Plans To Fly
Products Into City
BERLIN, June - 25-AP)-The
Russians took another turn in thi
starvation screw on Western Ber-
lin today.
But Col. Frank Howley, Amer
ican Commander in the city, tol
Berliners "the stupid and bruta
threat to starve Berlin is just fool-
ish." The Americans announce
they will begin flying vitally .need-
ed manufactured goods, electrica
equipment, drugs and products
Sinto Berlin tomorrow. Nothing wa
said about flying in food.
No Food to Poor
The Russians discontinued thei
contributions to the city's poor b3
which the Three Western Sectors
have received food from the East
They also halted all coal ship-
* ments to the city from the East
The French-licensed paper Kur-
ier said rails had been torn up or
r several stretches of the railwa3
which links Berlin with the West-
ern Zones. There appeared to b
no prospect that the Russians
would lift their embargo on foo
shipments from the West soon.
Month Supply on Hand
All sources of food, except a
30-day supply or less already or
hand, were thus cut off fror
2,000,000 Germans living in the
American, British and Frenc
sectors of the city.
Electric power in the westerr
sectors again was interrupted be-
cause the Russians have stoppe
the supply fromtheir plants, an
the western sectors can suppl
Only half their own needs.
The stoppage of coal shipments
threatened to bring a gradual col.
lapse of all light and gas service
Up to now the Russians hac
supplied brown coal from the East
the British had supplied hard
coal from the Ruhr. Now botL
sources were cut off.
Parl1ye d Cloe
'R.commei nd h -elth
Courses in Schools
Promotion of sanitation educa-
tion in public schools and training
An sanitation techniques in col-
4ages and universities were among
- the proposals urged yesterday at
the final session of the National
S anitation Clinic
Presenting the conclusions of
his sub-clinic on sanitation educa-
tion, .Edward .A. Leroy, Jr°., vice-
'president of Pepsi-Cola Co., rec-
ommended that sanitation inor-
mation be disseminated thro gl
textbooks, educational and enter-
tainment films.
The clinic, which has attracted
nation-wide attention, represented
the first time that officials from
industry and public health have
assembled together to work out
joint problems. Success of ,the co-
operative effort was stressed by
speakers at yesterday's session.
Also recommended by the rep-
resentatives was the establish-

In a news conference Dewey
said he hoped Warren can take
a "large part" in the "tremen-
dous" Job of reorganizing the
Delegates packed and headed
for home.
From midnight until dawn.
Dewey had held court in his Belle-
vue Stratford Hotel suite, looking
over the field for a running mate.
He took a two-hour nap, then
swung into another three hours
of conferences.
The choice narrowed down to
Warren and former Gov. Harold
E. Stassen of Minnesota, who
said he would have consented to
a draft,
A man who had his money on
one of the losers told a bit of
what was going on in Dewey's
Dewey Iwas the Chief Justice, he
said. On either side were members
of the "brains board"-men like
Senators Arthur H. Vandenberg,
of Michigan, Leverett Saltonstall,
of Massachusetts, Raymond Bald-
win, of Connecticut,
It included, too, the witness
said, Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll, of
New Jersey, National Committee-
men G. Mason Owlett, of Penn-
sylvania and Russel Sprague, of
New York, and Herbert Brownell,
a Dewey strategist.
Rep. Charles A. .Ialleck, of
Indiana, was called x during
the early morning ho, rs. Hal-
leek is the leader of the House
Republicans. He tossed In-
diana's 29 votes to Dewey at a
crucial moment yesterday.
Apparently Dewey wanted to
tell him: "Thanks for the help.
Sorry, it looks like somebody else
for second place."
Halleck wandered sadly down
the hall.
Then Warren was called in, 1-Ie
left at dawn.
Finally Sprague brought out
word that the California Gov-
ernor was "practically the unan-
imous" choice of Dewey and his
Senator Robert A. Taft, of
Ohio, who couldn't make the
grade for the presidential nom-
ination, paid a courtesy call on
Dewey this afternoon and told
reporters afterward:
"T am very well pleased with
the Vice Presidential nomination.
It makes a wonderful ticket."
On July 12 the Democrats take
over, in the same hotels and in
the same convention hall, prob-
ably to give President Truman a
chance for a full four-year term1
in the White House. .

KLeWis Signs
Terms With
WYelfaire, Pensai
WASHINGTON, June 25-(A)-
John L. Lewis signed a new con-
tract with two-thirds of the soft
coal industry today, giving the
miners a pay boost of $1 a day
and setting up a $100,000-000-a-
year welfare and pension fund.
All of the operators who have
contracts with Lewis' United Mine
Workers signed the new one-year
pact except the steel industry.
No Nationwide Strike
Effective July 1, the contract
staves off the threat of a nation-
wide strike; industry representa-
tive estimated roughly that it
would raise the cost of coal 40 or
50 cents a ton.
The producers who made the
contract with Lewis in less than
48 hours, after theynfinally started
Wednesday night under Govern-
ment prodding, mine 400,000,000
tons annually.
A clause giving Lewis the same
union shop arrangement as last
year caused the steel industry,
which owns many coal mines, to
balk. Harry M. Moses, negotiator
for the steel group, walked out of
the signing ceremonies, telling re--
porters he would not agree to the
union shop provision. He held it
violated the Taft Hartley Act.
Lewis Not Eligible
When the contract was made
last July, the union shop clause
was not in conflict with the Act.
However, now in order to have
such a hold on the industry, an
election among the miners is re-
quired by the act. That Lewis can
not get because he is not eligible
to use the election machinery of
the National Labor Relations
Board. He has not signed an affi-
davit disavowing Communism,
Lewis' union bars "reds" from
membership but Lewis has refused
to comply with the Taft-Hartley
Act. He says his stand is a matter
of principle.
Wage Conitract
PITSBURGH, June 25-P)-
A new wage agreement was
reached today between the .Alum-
inur. Company of America and
the CIO-United Steelworkers Un-
ion providing pay hikes of 10 to
16 cents hourly for 18,000 CdO
The Aluminum Company imme-
diately announced it would in-
crease its basic price for alum-
inum by one cent per pound-the
first such increase in 11 years.
The current increase bring the
price of 99 per cet aluinum pg
to 15 cents per pound, and of the
large-size 99 per cent ingot to 16
cents a pound.
Under the agreement, all terms
of the present contract are ex-
tended until May, 1950 with the
steelworkers reserving the right
to reopen the wage clauses next

WAtSINGT ON, June 25-(/I}}
--Recruiting of men for thze Na-
tional Guard was ordered stopped
immediately today as military
leaders began to coordinate poli-
cies under the new draft law.
Army Secretary Royall tele-
Fgraphed all state Adjutants Gen-
eral today to halt recruiting. He
explained that there isn't enough
money to pay more men, and
said congress will not favor ex-
tra appropryiations.
The budgetefor the next fiscal
year provides for a total guard
strength of X41,000 mxenz .1The rush
of volunteers this week, mostl
draft-age men seeking to avoid
the draf't, pushed the strenugth
nearer 3ty.000.
Under provisions of the draft
bill that President ''zrman zmade
law when he signed9 t yes terday,
men who were not in the guard or
other organized reserves by last
midnight are4 subject to the draft,,
defense officials said.
A cabinet meeting was held to-
day and afterwards Secretary of
Defense Forrestal arid Secretar~y
of the rmy Royald stayed to dis-
cuss the draft
Forrestal said he wozzld probab-
ly have a statemen t by next week,
but that plansn ave not been
worked out yet.
However, he aznounced the ap-
pointment ofaz sevenman advis-
ory comn itte sojn the d raft to co'
ordinate military policie unde
tAhe manpower act.
Meanwhile, selective service of-
ficals began to oil thde intricate
draft machinery to induct an an-
ticipated 200,000 to 225,000d men
19 through 25 into the regular
armed forces this year.
About 4,000 draft boa rdls muast
be organized Itisd belived ths-
will take six week, and offxicial,
predict registrations will begi
around Augtyt 1.
Ac.tual dzraftitnz may begin l0 j
days from yesterday, or around
Sept 2.__. _ _ . _ _
ROME, Junze 25- -(P)-}-Prmier
Alcide De Gasperin's gavernment
met today to consider large-scale
strikes spreading through Italy.
The most serious trouble in the
offing was a nationwide food
workers' strike scheduled to begin

Prime Minister Mahmoud
Pahmty Nokrasky Pasha of
Egypt, told Cairo newsmen to-
night'the Egyptian pilot opened
fire against the plane because
"he suspected it was an enemy
The Israel government also
charged the Egyptians with break-
ing the truce by bombing two
Jewish settlements south of Tel
These developments ccmc' as
Palmach shock troops of the gov-
ernment continued to round up
hundreds of dissident Irgun Zvai
Leumi soldiers who have deserted
the army and gone underground
as part of an illegal armed politi-
cal party.
A series of heavy explosions
south of Tel Aviv last night and
early today raised reports that
the army was attacking Irgurn
strongholds at Abo Kebir. Re-
ports circulated that orders had
gone out to bring in Menachim
Begin and other known Irgun
The alleged Egyptian truce vio-
lations also coincided with reports
from Rhpdes that Count Folke
Bernadotte,, the UN mediator, was
nearly ready with proposals for a
permanent Palestine peace.
The UN spokesman said
agyp~ians violated the truce
where they refused to let a UN-
approved convoy pass an Egyp-
tia.n pet0 near Bgeit Da.ras en-
out t Jewish settlements in
the siuthern desert. IHe said Col.
Ce ousi Thord Bonde, head of the
[TN truce mission, went through
the lines and so informed the
Egypti as.
UN observers took the view that
the breach did not invalidate the
general Palestine cease-fire, which
has been. observed for" two of its
four weeks, and did not involve
any resumption of armed con-
Greeks Assault
A THENS, Junle 25-(P)--Greek
army troopw swarmed into rebel
positions near Nestorion and Gre-
vena today in a surprise attack on
strategic Communist positions, a
general staff communique report-
"The communique did not name
these points, but observers said it
apparently referred to the fall of
Boufa Heights, which opened the
way for a new assault on Amouda
Ridge. Amouda Ridge, near the
Albanian frontier, is on the east
flank of the guerrilla lines north-
west of Nestorion.


UN Gives Israel Free Rein
In Egypt'sConvoy Block
TEL AVIV, Israel, June 2--IP-Jewish authorities were advised
by the UN truce mission here today they were "free to act as they
thought fit" to push a convoy to the Negeb desert in southern Pales-
tine, an Israeli announcement said;
A communique issued tonight said the Israel government would
take action "in a manner and at a time and place which its general
staff will deem suitable."
The announcement concerning the truce mission's attitude was
made after a UN spokesman disclosed the Egyptians had refused to
let a convoy pass and had fired on a white UN plane piloted by an
<American, Lt. Col. M. L. Martin.


SWIFT ACTION-Gov. Earl Warren, of California, was swiftly
acclaimed as the Vice Presidential running mate for Presidential
nominee Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, yesterday at the GOP National
Convention. Gov. Dewey and a "brains board" chose Gov. Warren
during an all-night series of conferences.


Poor Televis1rn Reception
Disappoints Fight Fans Here

Students and townsfolk were'
disappointed last night when they
thronged Ann Arbor's bars and
taverns in hopes of "ring side"
television seats for the Louis-Wal-
cott bout.
Expectations for clear reception
mounted steadily until imme-
diately before the fight when
WASHINGTON, June 25-(')
---resident Trunan today reluc.
tantly signed. and then bitter°ly
criticized a bill to let 205,000
European war refugees enter the
United States in the next two
The additions to America's
melting pot will be carefully
s*creened men, women and chil-
dren who fled to the now-occu-
pied zones of Germany or Austria
and to Italy between Sept. 1,
1939 and Dec. 22, 1945, and who
~tayed until January 1.
Many will be persons whose na-
tive lands are now behind Russia's
Iron Curtain.°
The President said the bill isn't
what he wanted. He said it was a
toss-up whether it wasn't worse
than no bill at all. He gave his
reasons in a 1,800 word statement.
He said if Congress were still
in session he would have vetoed
the measure and demanded a bet-
ter, fairer and more humane bill

spectators were greeted with a
blank screen. Continued attempts
between rounds to secure a clear
signal proved futile and the
crowds resigned themselves to a
strictly auditory reception of the
heavyweight contest.
Same Song, 2nd Chorus
Earlier in the week attempts to
relay convention scenes to Ann
Arbor television sets via an air-
plane hovering over Pittsburgh
had been unsuccessful because of
"atmospheric conditions." Favored
by better weather conditions, last
night's failure reniinded hopeful
spectators of the days when cry-
stal sets and headphones were in
their infancy. Many of the cus-
tomers protested against efforts
to pick up the television signal,
fearing they would miss some of
the action.
But as soon as the fighters
stepped into the ring, the spec-
tators became silent until a wave
of excitement swept the audience
when the champion was floored
in the third round.
Meanwhile, the management
continued to make persistent, but
unavailing efforts. to reproduce
the spectacle from Yankee Sta-
dium. Finally, after six or seven
rounds, the attempt was aban-
doned and even th e management
settled back to enjoy what was
beginning to look like an exciting
Customers held their seats until
after two minutes, 56 seconds in
the 11th when they began to file
out, satisfied that they had heard
a first rate fight even though they
hadn't seen one.

Bomber Says
T his Is Last
Rino Contest
'Heavy Barrage
F'oors C ontender
June 25 --(P) -Heavyweigiht
Champion Joe Louis tonight an-
"For my mother-this is fr
her-tonight was my last fight."
The undefeated titleholder
made the statement over a rad-
io network after knocking out
Jersey Joe Walcott in the 11th
* * *
Yankee Stadium, New York,
June 25-(A)-Joe Louis success-
fully defended his heavyweight
championship tonight by knock-
ing out Jersey Joe Walcott in 2:56
of the 11th round.
The fight had been slow and
cautious until the champion,
making his 25th defense of the
title he has held for 11 years
and three days, finally caught
Walcott on the ropes and
pounded him unmercifully.
The knockout gave Louis re-
venge for the close, disputed de-
cision he won over Walcott in
December, and made the tenth
time he had improved his record
against men whom he had fought
The fight was postponed twice
because of rain, and was finally
held under muggy, hot conditions.
There was a crowd of about 50,-
000 on hand. Louis weighed 213'/"
pounds on Wednesday, and Wal-
Raining destruction on the
stunned challenger with a furL
ous right hand attack, the
champion bombed Walcott to'
the floor for the first and only
time after he pinned him on the
ropes. Wobbly and dazed, Jer-
sey Joe tried vainly to scrape
himself off the canvas but could
not beat the count of Referee
Frank Fullam.
The crowd of 42,667 which had
booed intermittently through slow
early action, paid a gross gate of
As he climbed from the ring,
champion for 11 years and three
days, the 34-year-old king said
he had fought his last fight.
F or 10 earlier rounds he had
chased the Jigging hallenger'- _-
who had flored him fora one-
count in the third round with a
right to the head. Boos from thxe
big throng echoed through the
stadium as Jersey Joe danced
(Cotinued on-Page 3)
Auto orkers
Ask Ford fo r
DETa-R' OI, June 2-(?)-le-;
vamped demands adding up to 28
cents an hour wre handed to te-
Ford Motor Co. today by union"
representatives of the company's
110,000 hourly-rated employes. _
Half of that figure-14 cents-'
was sought as an across-the-boad
raise by the CIO United AtoJ
Workers. The remainder was de-'
manded in the frm of a com- '
panry-financed medical programn,

higher night differential pay,
more money for vacations, higher
call-in pay and other benefits.
Earlier this week the UAW had
turned down az Ford offer of a 14-
cent hourly boost to employes
earning more than the $1.50 av-
erage and a 11-cent hike to those
making less. The proposal made
no provision for so -called "fringe
The union noted its 14-cent de-
mand was higher than the indus-
try pattern. But it contended the
cost of living had risen still higher
since Chrysler Corp. settled for a
flat 13-cent boost and General
Motors Corp. granted an adjusta-
ble 11-cent hike late in May.

Footnotes fromthe GOPPh iladelphia Convention


< ')

S (Daily Correspondent)
timism is riding out of the City of
Brotherly Love by bus, train and
Delegates, who were just happy
over Dewey's nomination, are
jubilant over the selection of Cali-
fornia's popular Governor War-
ren as his running mate.

headquarters, but the MacArthur
headquarters, which never really
got going, went back to just being
hotel rooms,
Crowds kept a 24-hour watch on
the main entrance of the Bellevue
Stratford hotel as limousine after
limousine rolled up to collect their
cargoes of high politicians.
Generally, the man of the street

This turned out tl be the vic-
tory-clincher for Dewey. for it
ruled out any possible charges
that t-ie convention was being
stampeded in his direction,
The eighth floor of the Belle-
vue Stratford, where Dewey lives,
took on the appearance of a po-
lice convention.Everybody and his
brother' was trying to get by the

(Daily Correspondent)
The shortages of legitimate
news keeps reporters on their toes
looking for "exclusives," no matter
how trivial. One reporter suspect-
ed that the orange juice handed
out at Warren headquarters was
straight from Florida, but the
cute blond dispenser reassured
him that it was real California

bly chuckled when their city was
lauded as a citadel of Republican-
ism; they were thinking of the
current scandal concerning miss -
ing tax receipts which has rocked
the GOP administration back on
its heels.
Apparently Henry Morgan, rL-
dio comedian, has despaired of his
ndlirlgpcv I-is TTncnnve'ntina

Convention Hall crowd was to re-
fer to the prospective nominee as
"the next President of the United
States," As a miatter of fact, there
aren't many people in Philadel-
phia who won't agree.
* * *'
The vendors with their pins and
pennants lining the approaches to
the Hall are reminiscent of foot-

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