FRIDAWY, uNE , 1948
The Ohio I ncident
.IF THE WELFARE of America is of any
real interest to the American press, every
story that it prints on Communist-con-
trolled European elections will hereafter be
concluded with a footnote that says some-
thing like this:
"The Progressive Party was removed front
the ballot in Ohio by the action of one
If this note appeared often enough be-
fore the eyes of the public it might be in-
strumental in producing a most valuable
realization on the part of the public: the
realization that political tyranny is not
an exclusively Communist disease, but one
that flourishes wherever men grow careless
of their rights and elevate bigots of either
the right or the left to positions of power.
Constant repetitions of the Ohio inci-
dent might give the familiar phrase "dic-
tatorial powers" more realism for the
reader. Instead of straining his imagina-
tion in an attempt to produce a picture of
a grim Communist leader seated at a desk
.Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of T he Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
and signing dread orders with both hands,
he would have merely to conjure up a
view of Ohio's Attorney General meticu-
lously tearing Henry Wallace's name off
his state's ballots.
When one man arbitrarily removes from
the ballot the candidates of a political party
estimated to have the support of ten million
people, it makes little difference whether
that man owes allegiance to the hammer
and sickel, the swastika or the GOP ele-
phant. He is a political dictator and as such
has no place in the government of a sup-
posedly democratic state.
Why did this official commit his crime
against democracy? Because, in his personal
opinion, the Third Party is "subversive."
Laying aside his ridiculous belief that ten
million Americans are subversive, one
can only wonder that any elected offi-
cial in any one of the United States of the
North) should have either the power or the
amazing impudence to attempt to dictate
to the voters of his state.
Why Ohio's incipient dictator stopped
with the Third Party is a matter for cnn-
jecture. Apparently he has it within his
power to disfranchise, in effect, any group
that doesn't strike his fancy. It is, perhaps,
as well that the Democratic Party is not too
strong in Ohio.
-Ivan Kelley.
Second est
1HIS week the Republican Party is treat-
ing itself to the biggest political free-
for-all it has been able to afford in 16 years.
Beneath the welter of press releases and
behinid the dozens of pretty chorus girls to
be found at the Convention, it appears that
the GOP is selecting the next President and
Vice President of the United States.
If the records made by past Vice Presi-
dents (with the exception of Theodore
Roosevelt) is any indication, the convention
will choose him by any one of three meth-
1. By straws drawni in a room so filled
with smoke the bosses cannot see which
straw is the shortest.
2. By awardingf the position as a door
3. By having everyone play musical
chairs with loser getting the Vice Presi-
dential seat.
Vice Presidents, who have upon occasion
become Presidents, have in most cases been
totally unqualified to take the larger job
and have also been unwilling to carry out
the policies put forward by their predeces-
sors, who incidentally, were elected on those
A perfect example was furnished at the
Convention by several speakers who blasted
President Harry S. Truman. His nomination
for the Vice Presidency by the Democrats in
1944 was at best a boost for the conserva-
tive elements of the Democratic Party and
at worst a concession to party bosses disaf-
fected by Henry A. Wallace. His succession
to the Presidency resulted in a sincere but
woefully inept administration.
The Republicans must choose wisely if
they wish to avoid the Truman mistake.
They must throw out considerations of
securing a doubtful state here or an elec-
toral vote there by nominating a favorite
son, a compromise politician or an un-
known from the opposite end of the na-
tion as the President.
Vice Presidential candidates should have
the same viewpoint as the Presidential nom-
inee, be the second best man the party has
to off er and be willing to support, during the
campaign and after, the other candidate's
administrative policies.
Then, perhaps men would not be ashamed
to accept a Vice Presidential nomination.
--Craig H. Wilson.
' .
F (
Big Man in Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA - The most important
name before the Republican National
Convention is that of Harry S. Truman.
He is making 13,000 people here very
happy. He has realeased them from strain
and soothed away their doubts; he has even
made them feel young again. In a funny
way, he is running the show.
I say this advisedly, for if he were sud-
denly to announce that he was not
running again, the delegates here, their
kin, and the hangers-on would turn into
the most sensationally stricken lot of hu-
man beings ever seen in one place since
the day James Thurber observed the cit-
izens of Columbus, Ohio, running from a
non-existent flood.
They are not, actually, too concerned
about who collars the nomination; there is
more kidding on this question than I ever
remember at any national convention. This
is technically a chance to choose a candi-
date, but it has actually turned into a cele-
bration over the happenstance that the
other side, they think, has no choice.
Mr. Truman is being dutifully de-
nounced on all sides, but you have a feel-
ing that if some of the denouncers
thought Mr. Truman might take the de-
nunciations seriously enough to want to
retire whimperingly from politics, they
would bite their tongues rather than fin-
ish their speeches.
As a matter of fact, they don't really seem
to hate Mr. Truman very much; there is
little of that quivering, spark-projecting
fury against the head of the other party
that you usually feel along about this stage
in a convention; and in a perverse way a
rising vote of thanks to the President for all
he has done would seem completely in order
right after one of the denunciatory speeches.
And the argument that is being used,
quite candidly, in support of what is consid-
ered the internationalist, or Dewey-Stassen-
Vandenberg, wing of the party is the theory
that if someone from the less international-
ist wing is named, Mr. Truman might not
run, it might be somebody else, it could be
It makes one realize, with a kind of wan
hopefulness, that Mr. Truman has it in his
power to turn the convention into a sham-
bles, simply by withdrawing; and however
hopeless that prospect, one cannot resist
calling to his attention that sucsh a step
would represent the most direct, simple,
lovely and striking exercise of real power
he is ever going to have the opportunity to
effect in all his career.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
I _
West German ,State
rfH E ANNOUNCEMENT issued by the six-
power London Conference in regard to
the proposed establishment of. a Western
German State was by no means a surprise.
The splitting up of Germany into West
and East had been inevitable for a long
time. The Soviet Union felt itself obliged
to pay lip service to the idea of a unittAd
Germany, but there was more to be gained:
by drawing Germany's eastern provinces.
into the Russian orbit than by facing a
Hope for Movies
Tf M E WAS when Hollywood cared litter
enough for budget worries and related
problems. She was growing up then and, like
many another adolescent miss, she was too
popular to wonder if things would ever be
different. She was in love with the Box Of-
fice and the Box Office was in love with
her and everybody thought it would last. But
then trouble reared its ugly head.
Trouble sprang from. multiple sources.
Britain and Argentina began to put checks
on their receipts flowing toward the Amer-
ican film colony. Meanwhile, things were
going none too well in the United Ctates:
box office receipts began falling off shortly
after the war. The Supreme Court rendered
a decision unfavorable to the Hollywood-
owned theatre chains and then there was
the Congressional investigation fiasco. Nor
does the future seem particularly rosy for
Hollywood's economic constitution: high-
grade films imported from Europe threaten
to make further inroads on box office re-
turns and television poses an even greater
On the other hand, it may well be that
these same adverse developments will
eventually lead Hollywood to its potential
maturity by teaching her that top qual-
ity films can be produced without a seven-
figure budget. Since the war, Italian movie
makers have released a parade of excel-
lent films, all financed on a shoe-string.
The French have been producing some of
the finest dramas on celluloid for a good
many years and with 'none of the high cost
assembly line techniques that have ham-
pered American studios.
Hollywood is already drifting in a similar
directinn ,Manv nver-nieisrt nra hingr
politically strong anti-Communist Germany.
The Western Powers felt that the unsettled
state of Germany was responsible for the
lack of progress made, and preferred any
sort of unified government to continued
Britain and the United States could
have set up a political government for
Bizonia, but Bizonia was already an eco-
nomic failure. Bavaria refused to ship
food "abroad" to the Rhineland and in
return the industrial Rhineland withheld
coal shipments from agricultural Bavaria.
Some German officials made a bad name
for themselves with Millitary Government
as well as with their own countrymen.
Others were considered incompetent. The
set-up seemed to suffer from the difficulty
shared by every MG-created government
group: too much responsibility with too little
Besides, any such action would have made
the Marshall Plan impossible. It was neces-
sary to give the other Western European
nations a voice in the setting up of a new
Germany to insure their co-operation.
Economic co-operation in Western Eu-
rope is absolutely necessary in order to
keep any sort of peace. France and the
Benelux countries are dependent on Ger-
man industry for their recovery and Ger-
many needs foreign markets to keep up
her imports.
It is an oversimplification to say the Rus-
sian Zone has agriculture, the British Zone
industry, the French oZne wine and the
UnitedStates the scenery.Actually each of
the zones has considerable agriculture and
industry. A large part of the French Zone is
rather poverty-stricken as a result of large
mountainous areas. It is much less densely
populated than the other zones. Instead of
solidifying their zone, the three states of
the French Zone have been decentralized
to the extent of issuing separate postage
stamps and discussing separate railroad sys-
tems. Southern Germany has always had
strong separatist movements and has been
suspicious of even mild Federal govern-
With a responsible local government, each
zone could have been self-supporting-other;
countries live by trading with each other
when they are not self-sufficient-but the
ennomic and nalitical onnfnoinn halr1 nn
At lul A iitorium...
"MARIIUS," with Raimu, Charpin and
Pierre Fresnay. (In French with English
OPENING TONIGHT at Hill Auditorium,
the French movie MARIUS will make
good escapism from the first week of classes
and Ann Arbor rains. The film has been
publicized as a masterpiece of the genius
of Marcel Pagnol. I do not exactly concur
with such exuberant outpourings, but would
rather describe it as a serious story turned
out in almost the same burlesque comedy
style as the early Chaplin and silent Amer-
ican movies.
The plot concerns handsome Pierre Fres«
nay as Marius, dreamy son of the bluff old
barkeeper Cesar, enacted by Raimu with his
usual excellence. Marius yearns for the sea,
and Fanny, the little sea food vendor girl,
longs for him. Her attempts to make him
acknowledge the love she is sure he feels
toward her and the trials and tribulations
of their affair provide the nucleus around
which is hung a number of incidental
scenes enabling Raimu and Charpin, (as the
aged widower also interested in Fanny) to
show their versatility and skill in their art
and their flair for comedy. Transitions be-
tween the two themes are often sudden
and momentarily confusing and the film,
running a good two hours, has a tendency
to lag in the early reels, speeding up later
to a provoking climax and ending that will
surely bring many in the audience back for
FANNY, companion production of Marius,
which will be shown later this summer.
Less subtle than most French movies,
the humor becomes at times almost ribald,
but this in turn is balanced by scenes of
pathos and serious drama which those who
understand French will very likely find of
high quality. Too much commendation can-
not be showered on the fine performance
of Raimu, and Charpin is an excellent
foil to him. Pierre Fresnay turns in a sen-
sitive performance as Marius, but Miss De-
mazis brings entirely too much melodrama
to the role of Fanny. Her nondescript ap-
pearance, heavy gestures, and tendency to
act as if she had a stock assortment of pat
emotions makes her at times a most unsym-
pathetic heroine.
--Gloria Hunter.
Ii It
Publications in Tihe Daily Official
Buletin is constrcctive notice to all
members of the University. Notices for
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
written form to the Office of the Sum-
mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, Iby
3:00 p.m. on the day preceding: publi-
cation (11:00 pm. Saturdays)
* * *.
FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1948
VOL. LVIII, No. 171
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts:
No courses may be elected for
credit after today.
Office of Admissions with Ad-
vanced Standing, College of L. S.
& A. Beginning June 28, the fol-
lowing office hours will be ob-
served: Mon. through Fri., 10 to
11:30 and 2 to 4.
Married Veterans of World War
II-University Terrace Apart-
ments and Veterans' housing
Opportunity will be provided
Mon., Tues., Wed., June 28, 29, 30
(8-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m.) for stu-
dents in the above group to file ap-
plication for residence in the
University Terrace Apartments
and the Veteran's Housing Proj-
To be eligible to apply the ap-
plicant must be a Michigan resi-
dent, married veteran, and have
completed at least two full semes-
ters on this campus. Please bring
Military Record and Report of
Those who filed applications
prior to June 28, 1948 should not
apply again.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, Unvhlrsity Hall
Recognized student organiza-
tions planning to be active during
the summer session are requested
to submit to the Office of Student
Affairs, Room 2, University Hall,
not later than July 2 the following
1) A list of officers and mem
2) A letter from a faculty mem-
ber indicating his willingness to
act as adviser to the group.
Forms for the membership list
may be secured in Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall. Organizations not so
registered by July 2 are assumed
to be inactive for the summer.
Social events conducted by stu-
dent organizations during the
summer session shall be held in
conformity with the following
(a) Approval is necessary for
all entertainments and social
events sponsored by student or-
ganizations, graduate and under-
graduate, where both men and
women are to be present. Applica-
tions for approval must be filed in
the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall, not later
than 12 o'clock noon on the Mon-
day before the event is scheduled,
and must include signed accept-
ances from the chaperons.
(b) Chaperons of social events
must be approved by the Dean of
Students. Two married couples of
sufficiently mature years are pre-
ferred as chaperons. Resident
chaperons or house directors may
serve if the group so desires. Ap-
plication forms and chaperon ac-
ceptance cards may be secured in
the Office of Student Affairs.
(c) Dances may be held only on
Friday and Saturday nights and
shall close not later than 12
o'clock midnight.
(d) A list of approved social
events will *be published in te
Daily Official Bulletin on Wed-
nesday of each week.
Special attention is called to the
following regulations of the Com-
mittee on Student Conduct:
(a) The presence of women
guests in men's residences, except
for social events approved by the
Office of Student Affairs, is not
(b) The use or presence of in-
toxicating liquors in student quar-
ters is not permitted.
(c) Student organizations are'
expected to take all reasonable
measures to promote among their
members conduct consistent with
good morals and good taste, and to
endeavor by all reasonable means
to insure conformity with the
foregoing standards of conduct.
Approved Social Events for the
Coming 'Weekend:
June 25
Robert Owen Cooperative House
Congregational Disciples Guild
June 26
Delta Tau Delta
Driving Regulations:
During the summer session the
rules regarding the use of auto-
mobiles by students at the Univer-
sity will be practically the same
as in the previous summer session.
Certain individuals have been
designated as exempt from the
regular regulations to whom these
rules do not apply. These persons
include: students who are over 26
years of age, those who in the pre-
vious year have been engaged in
professional pursuits such as law-
yers, doctors, dentists, teachers,
nurses and those holding faculty
rank of instructor or above.
All other student drivers must
report to Mr. Gwin or Miss Mc-
Dowell in the Office of Student
Affairs where they may obtain
special permits which will enable
them to use their cars for purposes
which are deemed necessary. Any
student may secure a summer per-
mit for recreational use in order
to participate in such outdoor ac-
tivities as golf, tennis, swimming,
boating, etc.
It is to be remembered that
driving permits are not parking
permits and consequently do not
give students the privilege of
parking in restricted parking
areas. The following parking
areas may be used by students:
1. East of Univ. Hospital
2. S.E. Corner of Thayer and
E. Washington Sts.
3. East Hlall on Church St.
4. Catherine St. North of
Vaughan Residence Hall
5. West Quad Area at Thomp-
son and Jefferson Sts.
6. Michigan Union Area
7..College St. between East
Med. and East Hall
8. General Service Building
9. Lot behind Univ. Museum ad-
jacent to Forest Avenue
10. Business Administration
building area
Students violating parking or
driving regulations will be sub-
ject to disciplinary action and pos-
sible fines.
Bureau of Appointments
New Registration: A meeting
will be held on Mon., June 28, 4:05,
Natural Science Amphitheatre, for
all interested in securing positions
for the coming year. This applies
to both students and faculty in-
terested in either Teaching or
General positions. General place-
ment includes positions in busi-
ness, industry, and professions
other than education. This is the
only registration period that will
be held this summer.
Bureau of Appointments: We
have calls for dormitory hostesses
in some of our good colleges. Call
at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, for further details.
Women students wishing to do
baby-sitting may put their name
on the baby-sitters' list in the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women."
HIusehOld'rs wishing the serv-
ices of baby-sitters may call the
Office of the Dean of Women. Of-
live hours are Monday through
Friday 8 to 12 and 1 to 5.,
Mer's Cooperative Houses have
openings for a number of board-
ers for the summer session. Board-
ing involves full membership in
the Intercooperative Council, sev-
eral hours work per week, and
three meals every day at very lov
rates. Contact Gslenn Watkins,
338 E. Jefferson, 2-2218.
Sports for Women
Registration is being held in
Barbour Gymnasium from 9-4 to-
day and Sat. from 8-12. Classes
will begin on Mon., June 28. Life
saving has met twice.
Addtional Sports Classes for Wom-
Tennis-Tues. and Thurs., 4:30
Elementary Swimming - Mon.
and Wed., 4:30 p.m.
Posture-Tues. and Thurs., 4:30
Posture Clinic-Mon., 3:30 p.m.
and Tues., 2:30 p.m.
Register at Barbour Gym, Fri.,
9-4 or Sat., 9-12.
Recreational Swimming-Wom-
en Students: There will be recre-
ational swimming, Michigan Un-
ion Pool, Tues. and Thurs. eve-
nings, 7:30-9:30 p.m., and Sat.
mornings, 9-11 beginning June 29.
Bring bathing cap. Small fee
charged. A check-up at Health is required of all who par-
Academic Notices
Philosophy 141s (Social Philoso-
phy) meets Tues. and Thurs., 205
Mason Hall, 7-9 p.m., not a.m.
Preliminary examinations for
the doctorate in English will be
given on July 21, 24, 28, 31 at 9 to
12 (noon) in 3223 Angell Hall. All
those expecting to take these ex-
aminations should notify N. E.
Nelson,3223 Angell Hall.
The Engineering Mechanics De-
partment is sponsoring a Sympo-
sium on "Dynamic Stress and
Strain" for the Summer Session
of 1948. Professor J. P. Den Har-
tog, Professor of Mechanical Eh-
gineering, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, will speak on the
"Analysis of Centrifugal Pendu-
lums with large Amplitudes as
used for Vibration Suppressors,"
Fri., June 25, 3 p.m. Room 445
West Engineering Building, and
Sat., June 26, 11 a.m., 445 West
Engineering Building. All who are
interested are cordially invited to
Events Today
Congregational-Disciples Guild
will have a square dance tonight
at 9:00. The dance will be held in
the Congregational Church, State
and William.
Radio Program:
3:30 p.m. WKAR--On Campus
Doorsteps-Wolverine Girls' State
5:45 p.m. WPAG-Music Fra-
ternities and Sororities Sigma Al-
pha Iota
.Coalring Events
Graduate Outing Club meet at
northwest entrance of Rackham
Building, Sun., June 27, 2:30 p.m.
for" hiking and swimming. Sign. up
at Rackham check-desk before
noon Sat. Graduate students wel-
International Center: Terrace
Party by Counselor to Foreign
Students and Director of the Sum-
mer Session for newly arrived for-
eign students to meet the Commit-
tee of Academic Advisers at the
Rackham Assembly Hall June 26
from 8 to 9 o'clock; informal
dancing following reception by In-
ternational Students Association.
The Michigan League is offering
the following program during the
Summer Session:
Mon. Square Dancing Lessons,
starting June 28, 7:30-9 p.m.
League Ballroom; Scott Colburn
calling. Five lessons, $1.50 or one
for $.40.
Tues. Ballroom Dancing Classes.
Beginning 7:00 p.m., Intermediate
8:00 p.m. Six lessons are $2.00.
League Ballroom.
Wed. Bridge Lessons at 7:30 p.m.
League Gameroom.
Thurs Duplicate Bridge at 7:30
TilegDaily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters far
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish In the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding X00 wrds, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
iger Fan
To the Editor:
AM A FAN of the Detroit Tiger
baseball group. I think that in
your paper you discriminate
against my favorite horsehide
nine. They have a superb category
of hurlers; they also have men
who are potent with the bats;
they are lightning streaks on the
base paths; Mr. O'Neill is an in-
telligent adviser to them. Not-
withstanding all these attributes,
you do not give them the "play"
that they deserve. Even Harold
Heilmann, a notable figure in the
world of sporting, agrees with my
analysis. Walter O. Briggs has
given them the finest lighting
paraphernalia in the country. I
think that the record speaks for
-herbert Ruskin.
p.m. Charge: $0.50. Room will be
Fri. Casbah in the League Ball-
room; 9-12 p.m. Charge: $.60 per
person or $1.20 per couple.
Sat. Casbah, League Ballroom;
9-12 p.m. Charge $.60 per person,
or $1.20 per couple.
Failure of the Eightieth Con-
gress to approve either the $65,-
000.000 loan for a permanent
United Nations headquarters in
New York City or the Taft-Fll-
ender-Wagner Housing bill is re-
grettable and disheartening. Both
measures were high in the public
interest and urgently needed The
utter dismay at Lake Success
shows how vital the UN loan is to
our"continued good relations with
other nations. Meanwhile refusal
to provide low-cost housing in the
present shameful shortage will be
deeply resented by millions of
Americans. It still remains within
the power of this same Congress
to approve both bills.
There was only scattered oppo-
sition in Congress to the U.N.
loan, and that only from die-hard
isolationists. But the proposal was
badly handled from the start. Af-
ter unconscionable delay it was
finally tucked away in an omni-.
bus bill filled with more contro-
versial provisions involving our
procedure in the U.N.
On the housing proposal there
was open controversy and bitter
opposition in the House to the
broad and carefully prepared Sen-
ate bill.
No planks in the Republican
platform adopted at Philadelphia
can explain or excuse these fail-
-The New York Times
Fifty-Eighth Year
Xe tter4
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe ........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The AssociatedsPress is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arb or, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,
Associated Collegiate Press
1947-4 8
Looking Back
The summer session had begun with an
enrollment of 2,812 following a record-
breaking commencement which saw more
than 2,000 students-"the largest class ever
to be graduated" from the University-en-
terino- the rankrs of t+hP lhmni
[Ti/e're a bit lite gettinW
What does your
Yes, $5,000. !'ve seen j
he tong-horn steer can graze