- -
Dicumarol Shows Little
Pill Can Have Big Effect
A tiny pill has been the sole ob-
ject of two years of study by doc-
tors at the University Hospital.
But that pill is a new and ef-
fective blood clot preventative,
which is saving the lives of manyI
patients after operations and
Called dicumarol, the aid has
been under study by medical men
all over the country, and is now
produced synthetically by com-
mercialfirms. A group of doctors
fat the University .Hospital, who
studied its results over a two year
period, report generally good re-
Most of Bogus
Dollrs Come
From Europe
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.--(P)--_
More than two-thirds of the
$3,094,000 in counterfeit American
money seized in the last year was
made in Europe, the Secret Service
reported today.
It was the biggest volume of
seizures since the service was cre-
ated in 1865. ,
James J. Maloney, Chief of the
Secret Service, said in a report to.
Treasury Secretary Snyder that
over two-thirds of the imitation
currency was grabbed at Mar-
sailles, France. The report covers
the 12 months ended last June 30.
Check Thefts
But Maloney reported that "by
far the greatest enforcement prob-
lem" now is the theft and forgery
of government checks-mostly tax
refunds-and savings bonds. More
than 32,000 forged checks and
11,000 forged bonds were received
for investigation.
The millions of taxpayers who
expect refunds, and those who reg-
ularly receive government checks
for other purposes, were urged to
watch their mail boxes carefully.
Merchants were asked to de-
mand positive identification be-
ore cashing checks.
Chicago Case
The Secret Service arrested
2,278 persons in the year, includ-
ing 1,964 for check and bond for-
gery and 158 for counterfeiting.
The biggest domestic case of the
year ended on June 2, when a Fed-
eral court gave two-year to ten-
year sentences to seven members
of a Chicago gang which had
manufactured more than $500,000
imn spurus. $5; $10,, $20 and $54.
bills., Some $365,000 was seized;
the rest had been burned.
sults in the 275 cases in which it
was used.
Lessens Clotting
"Dicumarol lessens the body's
capacity to manufacture pro-
thrombin, one of the components
of the clotting mechanism," Dr.
Ivan F. Duff, assistant professor
of internal medicine, explained.
"It is, therefore, used in cases
where we want to prevent the for-
mation of blood clots. Since di-
cumarol does not take effect until
36 to 48 hours after it has been
given, we sometimes use another
drug, heparin, with it."
Most patients treated with the
drugs were suffering from venous
thrombosis, which is primarily the
developmenthof soft, easily dis-
lodged clots in the large blood ves-
sels of the legs.
Feared Trouble
"This is one of the feared com-
plications after major operations
and can happen after childbirth,"
according to Dr. Robert W. Bux-
ton, assistant professor of surgery.
"People with some types of serious
heart disease and patients who
have been bedridden for a long
time are also subject to this con-
Coronary thrombosis has also
been successfully treated with the
new drug. In addition, a number
of patients at University Hospital
were given heparin and dicumarol
as a preventative measure. This
group included women who had
undergone major pelvic opera-
tions and patients who, in former
illnesses, had blood clot compli-
Discovered in Clover
One of the great dangers of a
clot forming within a blood vessel
is that the clot will break off and
be carried to the lungs. If it is
large enough it may cut off circu-
lation in a large part of the lung
and produce extensive damage
which not uncommonly causes
death. .
Dicumarol was discovered in
spoiled sweet clover when cows,
who had eaten it, bled profusely
after being caught on barbed wire.
In 1941; the active hemorrhagic
agent was obtained from the clo-
ver by Prof. Karl Paul Link and
his associates at the Wisconsin
Agricultural Experiment Station
at the University of Wisconsin.
Ashram at Interlochen
Prof. Paul Kauper of the Law
School will be one of six princi-
pal speakers at the Lutheran Stu-
dent Association of America's an-
nual Ashram, to be held from
Aug. 30 to Sept. 5 at the National
Music Camp, Interlochen.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on~
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
* * *
VOL. LVIII, No. 202
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in August.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than 11 a.m., Au-
gust 23. Grades received after that
time may defer the student's grad-
uation until a later date.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to.recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall by
11 a.m., August 23.
Master's Degree Candidates in
the Graduate School who expect
their degrees at the conclusion of
the Summer Session must have
completed the Graduate Record
Examination or the Graduate Ap-
titude examination or the degree
will not be awarded. Students who
have not taken either of these ex-
aminations should report immedi-
ately to the Recorder, 1014 Rack-
ham Building, for instructions.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information:
The Detroit Police Department
will have a representative here
Tuesday, August 10th, to inter-
view policewomen candidates.
They are seeking women with a
background in social work or the
social sciences, between the ages
of 22 and 28. The beginning sal-
ary is $2986.00. Those desiring fur-
ther information or appointments
should call at the Bureau on Mon-
No tees
Reports on the Strong Voca-
tional Test given recently under
the auspices of the School of Busi-
ness Administration will be avail-
able Mon. afternoon in Room 108
Tappan Hall. Professor Schmidt
will be available in Room 380
Business Administration Building
Mon. from 3 to 5 p.m. for any stu-
dent wishing aid in interpreting
the reports.
Women students on campus this
summer who are Interested in liv-
ing in a French or Spanish House
during the summer session of 1949
may leave their names- at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women now.
Plans for the organization of
foreign language houses will de-
pend in part upon the number of
requests for this type of residence.
Women who wish to list their
names at the present time will be
assured of receiving further in-
formation before next summer but
this will not constitute a commit-
ment at the present time.
All women are eligible to live in
a language house provided they
have the initial ability to speak
-the language and }provided they
wish to improve their fluency.
To all students having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Mon., August 9.
2. Students having special need
for certain books between August
9 and August 13 may retain such
books for that period by renewing
them at the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their rec-
ords at the Library by Fri., August
13, will be sent to the Cashier's
Office and their credits and
grades will be withheld until such
time as said records are cleared
(Continued on Page 4)
Navy To Build
Giant Carrier
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(/P)-
The United States Navy an-
nounced tonight that construction
will get under way soon on its
$100,000,000 giant flush-deck air-
craft carrier.
The carrier will be the largest
ship afloat, a Navy spokesman
said, with a water line length of
more than 1,000 feet, and a beam,
or width,'of 130 feet. That will be
20 feet wider than the Panama
Canal locks.
The huge vessel will be con-
structed by the Newport News
Shipbuilding and Drydock Com-
pany, Newport News, Va. The job
is expected to take two years.
With a speed of approximately
36 knots, the ship will have no is-
land on the deck, such as carriers;
now have. The additional space
will be used in handing larger,
carrier bombers now being con-
Zurich Tours
Provide Taste
Of SwissLife
Report Cheap Meals
Offer Lesson to T-)
(Continued from Page 1)
offer valuable information to the
students, but also the discussions
between the students themselves.
The most popular topic is, of
course, the Marshall Plan, and it
must be admitted that many ofI
these European students fear the
Plan almost as much as they wel-
come it.
They fear the economic domi-
nation of Europe by the United
States, they wonder what changes
in the Plan may be brought about
by a Republican administration,
and they speculate on their for-
tunes under the Plan in the event
of another 1929 in this country.
The Michigan Union also make
note of the "Uni-Bar" at the Uni-
versity of Zurich, where one may
purchase a hot dinner complete
for 50 cents, a glass of milk for
six cents, and the equivalent to a
whole Union pie for 20 cents.
The tables are so arranged that
one may eat while seated on a
balcony overlooking the. interior
of the University's beautiful mu-
seum of ancient and Classical
sculpture-evidence of the Swiss
belief that education should not
even take a back seat to life's lit-
tle necessities.
Wine-Drinking Tour
The Summer School is also
sponsoring tours to all parts of
Switzerland, where the students
will have an opportunity to study
various features of the country,
such as its government, its indus-
try, and its culture. One such
tour took us to Zollikon, a suburb
of Zurich, where we had a chance
to observe elements of Swiss city
To make sure that the students
never forget the little village of
Zollikon, the mayor treated the
entire group, about 100 students,
to a banquet at which gallons of
Swiss wine were consumed in
toasting the city, the University,
and each country represented by
the students gathered there. The
Student Legislature might vAell
consider approaching the Ann
Arbor City Council on the educa-
tional features of such tours.
The dollars in your pocket de-
termine the class of music you
prefer, according to a University
of Indiana sociologist, the Indiana
Daily Student reports.
"Classical and light-classical
music has the greatest appeal for
higher classes in the social-eco-
nomic scale, while jazz and hill-
billy music appeals more to lower
classes," the sociologist said in a
recent lecture.
* * *
The married vet studying in a
trailer complete with running
children is a better scholastic
bet then the easy-going very-
bachelor undergraduate male,
at the University of Wisconsin,
according to the Daily Cardinal.
The trailer vets averaged 1.79,
all students averaged 1.61 and
undergrads 1.67, in a detailed
study of university staitistics.
(System of points is one lower
for each mark than at Univer-
sity of Michigan.
* * *
The flying disk mania recently
hit the University of Illinois with
reports that "Buck Rogers ships"
have been sighted, according to
the Daily Illini.
Quizzing every localite that
knew anything about aviation, the
Illini drew comments like: "Hallu-
cinations," "Possible," "Eyes play-
ing tricks," and "People are just
looking for something to talk
They called last year's flying
disks a "hoax."}
* * *
The used text market is flue-
tuating violently at the Univer-
sity of Texas, according to the
Summer Texan.
The large number of veterans
buying new books under G.I.
Requisitions and turning them
in at the end of the term has re-
sulted in a "flooded" book mar-
ket. Booksellers are looking
hopefully to the student who
buys used texts for the noting
and underlining to take up the
* * *
Students earning money as ice-
men at Michigan State College
have "extra-curricular activities,"
the Michigan State News- reveals.
The ice crew, which numbers
five, often gets stuck to feed the
baby or move the piano for young
student wives.
One even reported that he was
ordered to close his eyes before
entering a trailer with a load of
ice. Doing as he was told, the
unsuspecting iceman got inside to
find a lady in distress with a
zipper on the back of her dress.
After chunking the ice into the
icebox, he zipped it closed, took
his change and went on to see
what adventure waited at the next
* * *
The LSU tiger is stalking the
longhorn of the University of
Texas, according to the Summer
Recent attempts by the Tex-
ans to subdue the morale of the
Louisiana collegiates with a
show of Texas pulchritude found
stiff opposition in the form of a
pretty coed from LSU touring
Texas as part of an "Operation
The Summer Texan philos-
ophized that if the campuses
worry about the Texas-LSU
gridiron clash this fall they
won't worry about the 98 degree
* * *
The Unversity of Colorado will
install dial phones throughout the
campus before the fall term, ac-
cording to the Silver and Gold.
The move will put them several
decades ahead of Boulder, Col.,
where the University is located,
which will remain on the crank
* * *
Another 'all-male' tradition has
fallen to the advancing ranks of
the coeds-.
The Summer Round-Up, a com-
pletely masculine undertaking at
the University of Indiana, which
features athletes, singing and
banqueting, will feature two fe-
male singers-one for pop music
and the other for "hill-billy," the
Indiana Daily- Student reports
Library Science
Program Changed
Several changes in the fall se-
mester curriculum of the Depart-
ment of Library Science were an-
nounced yesterday.
Beginning next semester, nearly
all of the professional course work
in library science will be per-
formed in the Graduate School.
The present LS&A program lead--
ing to an A.B. in library science
will be discontinued. Students in
the future will matriculate as can-
didates for M.A. degrees in library
For admission to the graduate
program students must have a
high scholastic average, a balanced
program of liberal arts subjects
and a reading knowledge of
French or German.
Televised Operas
The doors of the Music Center,
210 S. Thayer, will be open from
3:15 to 5 p.m. today to permit in-
terested students to view the tele-
vision version of the double bill of
Both the new opera by Kurt
Weill, "Down in the Valley," and
the 18th Century "La Serva Pa-
drona" will be televised from the
stage of Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre by WWJ-TV. The program will
begin at 3:30 p.m.
Dollars Determine Music Appreciation
b r'
-_ _- - v
_ ---. e
Caesified Advertising
i _ _ t
New zipper-lined coats now in stock. Covert
with shawl-type hood in wine.
Gabardines with semi-full back . . . in green,
brown, wine, gray, and a covert color.
$ 95
needed to sell a new fast-moving
item. Car not necessary. Liberal
commissions. 1273 Sudbury, Willow
Run after 6 p.m. )44
TWO GRADUATE women desire small
apartment or rooms with cooking
privileges beginning fall semester.
Call 9494, 10:00 a.m.-Noon or 7:00-
11:00 p.m. H. Price. )36
LAW STUDENT and wife need apart-
ment before September 1st. Write de-
tails, price: S. Fisher, 110 Linden Ave.,
Buffalo, New York. )75
ROOM AND/OR BOARD wanted for
young man who is entering his Junior
in September. Highest references and
credentials offered. Please wirte to
A. Kast, 555 Beverly Rd., Merrick,
L. I., N.Y. )87
SEWING, Miss Livingston. 315 S Divi-
sion, 2nd floor. )35
TYPING OF ALL sorts done. Call 9023
after 5:15 p.m )29
LAUNDRY-Washing and ironing done
in my home. Free pick-up and deliv-
ery, Phone 2-9020. )79
OF FALL CLOTHES. For the entire
month we are specializing in altera-
tion. Let us adapt your last year's
wardrobe to this year's styles. Bring
your sewing problems to us. Hilde-
garde Shop, 109 E. Washington. Tel.
2-4669. )94
WANTED-Ride to Texas about August
14th. Share expenses and driving.
Contact Arnold Heyman, 4315. 41
DRIVING to Baltimore via Pittsburgh
directly after summer school. Could
accommodate several passengers. If
interested phone 7571 evenings. )38
WANTED-A ride to New York-Phila-
delphia area on August 14 or 15. Will
share expenses and driving. Call
3378W-2 Ypsi after 6 p.m. and ask
for Bob Stephens. )34
WANTED: Ride to Los Angeles or Ari-
zona after Aug. 14th. Will share ex-
penses. Contact James Strong. 2-6824.
DRIVING to Denver around August 17
in a new '48 sedan. Can take 2 or 3
passengers. Call 7009.
FRIGIDAIRE, 10 cu. ft., excellent con-
dition. R. L. Weiss, 1086 Goshen
Court, Willow Run, Ypsi 3596-J2. )42
USED GOLF CLUBS. Six matched Mac-
Gregor irons. Phone 6651.) 31
MEN'S BIKE. Balloon tire. Good conl-
4tition. Cheap. Al Genn.. 7543. )3
ROOMS available between Aug 13 and
Sept. 13. Phone 2-0849. 520 Forest. )5
LOST-Billfold in League Sunday-
Papers valuable. Return Mendelssohn
Box Office. Ann B. Davis. )33
LOST-Texas Stetson, 2 gal. Cowboy
style. Sentimental value. $10 reward.
Collect at North Desk, East Quad, or
Phone 2-4591, Rm. 202, Tyler House.
Alphabet* Bra
with Sta-Down Band
it has the new Capehart-Farnsworth
intermix record changer.
it shuts off automatically.
it has ,genuine, handrubbed, mahog-
any finish.
it even has FM, complete with built-
in aerial.
Model K289-P
Mahogany Finish
This superb new Farnsworth
model, known for tone, offers you
preferred passage to the wonder-
land of music. Made by the
makers of the incomparable
Capehart, this great new Farns-
worth offers distinguished cab-
inetry, full tonal brilliance.
We invite you now to attend a per-
sonal demonstration of this-and
other new Farnsworth models-for
proof that a Farnsworth offers
musical excellence, modestly priced.
New FARNSWORTH Models . ......... from $ 99.95
New CAP EHTART Modes .............. from $295.00
. i