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August 08, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-08

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Da ii4


See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State
Con gress Ajourns; OK's AntiInfla

ion Bill

4'. .4


9,000 Cram
For Session's
Final Exams
Vets To Return
For Post-Session
More than 9,000 University stu-
dents will wind up the summer
session with final examinations
i next week-and then head for a
four week vacation before the
opening of the fall semester Sept.
" 21.
Examinations are scheduled for
Thursday and Friday. From Aug.
16 to Sept. 10, approximately 100
students, mostly veterans, are ex-
pected to attend a post-summer
The four-weeks course will
offer three courses of three
hours credit each and will be
available under the GI Bill of
Entering freshmen and transfer
students will arrive in Ann Arbor
Sept. 13 for the fall orientation
Registration for all students will
be held Sept. 15-16. Fall classes
will be open Sept. 20.
In the post-session, students
will 4be allowed to take only one
course. Wives of veterans may
in on the 'courses without
Scheduled for the post session
are modern economic society
taught by William B. Palmer,
nineteenth century Europe taught
by Prof. Harry De Vries of Michi-
gan State Teachers College; and
modern social problems taught by
Prof. Werner S. Landecker.
Registration for these supple-
mentary classes will be held
Thursday and Friday of next
Price To Head
losson Group
Professor To Start
Speaking Campaign
Hickman Price Jr., Kaiser-
Frazer vice-president in charge of
export was announced today as
the chairman of the district "Slos-
son for Congress" committee.
Washtenaw CIO Council Presi-
dent Kenneth Sisson is vice chair-
man of the Slosson group with
Prof. Robert C. Angell secretary,
Neil Staebler, treasurer, and Tom
Walsh, publicity director.
Committees being formed in
each of the four counties, which
include representatives from pro-
fessional, labor, business, farm,
and minority groups will be
named early next week, Price an-
Prof Slosson will open a speak-
ing campaign with an address at
the Washtenaw Democratic Club's
picnic next Sunday at 1 p.m. at
the Dexter-Huron Park.
The following week Slosson will
speak at mass registration rallies
in Jackson, Lenawee, Monroe and
Washtenaw Counties, appearing
here in Ann Arbor on August 20th.
The Slosson Committee has set
$10,000 campaign fund goal.
"In this critical period in inter-
national and domestic affairs, it
is imperative that men of top cali-
ber talent be sent to Congress to
do our thinking and planning,"
Price declared.
"Preston Slosson is one of these
men. He has spent a lifetime

studying world and national eco-
nomic probltms. Seldom in the
history of our Congressional Dis-
trict," said Price, "has the elec-
torate had the opportunity to sup-
port a man of Slosson's stature."
"Since Slosson's candidacy was
announced last month, a host of
support from Democrats, inde-
pendents, and Republican voters
alike has been received and ac-
cepted," continued erice.
Shugg Appointed
To Atomic Group
' WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(/P)-
Carleton Shugg, now managing
the Hanford, Wash., Atomic
Plant, will become Deputy Gen-

Kefauver, a candidate for the nomination to the U.S. Senate,
watches as his wife pins campaign button on Hollis Reid, one of
the "Committee for Kefauver" election watchers guarding polling
booths at Memphis, Tenn. Kefauver won the nomination, defeat-
ing candidate sponsored by political leader E. H. Crump.
Housewives Speek Attack
On High Cost of Pork Chops

CHICAGO, Aug. 7-(P)-Budg-
et-harried housewives increased
their buy-no-meat campaign over
telephone wires today in the face
of a government prediction that
meat prices will go higher.
The boycott plan, originating in
Dallas, spread to such cities as
Louisville, Salt Lake City, Kansas
City, San Francisco, Indianapolis,
16 cities in Texas and half a dozen
in Wisconsin.
Theshousewives' crusade was
aimed directly at one of two causes
given by the department: record
consumer buying power and a de-
SL Asks Help
In Circulating
Ban Petitions
Volunteers to help the Student
Legislature circulate petitions dur-
ing registration week were called
for by Marshall Lewis who heads
the SL drive to change the Uni-
versity's political speakers' ban.
The petitions will be used to
substantiate the Student Legis-
lature's resquest that the Regents
authorize it to sponsor a series
of political meetings this fall
which would be open to the cam-
Circulation of the petitions dur-
ing registration week is necessary
because the Regents meet during
the first week of school, Lewis ex-
Current Regents rulings limit
attendance at political meetings to
the members of the student group
which sponsors the meeting.
Dean Erich Walter of the Office
of Student Affairs refused to per-
mit the SL to circulate them dur-
ing the summer session on the
ground that many of the signers
would not be here this fail.

cline in the output of meats and
other livestock products.
Predict Price Advance
Meanwhile the agriculture de-
partment predicted that meat and
other livestock prices will lead a
retail food price advance in the
next few months.
In Indianapolis, however, an of-
ficial of Kingan & Co., meat pack-
ers, discounted the government
prediction and said beef and pork
prices would fall in September or
October as farmers bring in stocl.
And in Chicago, a spokesman
for the major packers said that
"although we have no crystal ball
capable of forecasting future
prices, more adequate meat sup-
plies are expected this fall and
winter, due to seasonably in-
creased marketing of livestock.
Prices then, as always, will be es-
tablished by the overall demand
of consumers."
Phone Drive
But the women who pay the
grocery bills teamed for action.
Ten thousand Dallas women
promised to support the boycott
idea, which started when 71-year-
old Mrs. R. D. Vaughn, president
of the Dallas women's chamber
of commerce, took to the tele-
The idea spread across Texas,
whene in 16 cities women agreed
to stop buying meat on August 9.
Some sales already have fallen
off, but there has been no general
reflection in prices to date.
Otis Bryant, president of the
Dallas independent grocers, told
the women that poultry and pro-
duce prices may shoot up as a re-
sult of their drive.
The Daily ceases publication
for the summer session with
this issue. Publication will be
resumed at the beginning of the
fall semester.

West Awaits
Of Russ Talks
Expect Several
Molotov Meetings
MOSCOW, Aug. 7-(P)-Envoys
of the three Western powers ex-
pect a call from Soviet foreign
minister V. M. Molotov tomorrow
or Monday to resume negotiations
to solve the East-West deadlock
in Germany and perhaps all Eu-
After two lengthy meetings with
the Russians-one Monday night
with Prime Minister Stalin and
another last night with Molotov-
all or most of the issues between
the four powers have been brought
into the open and laid on the con-
ference table.
The present stage was de-
scribed by an authoritative
source here as a "negotiations
(A British diplomatic source
said in London the Western
powers thus far have failed to
agree with Russia on a broad basis
for four-power talks on Germany.
The informant said some progress
was being made in the negotia-
tions but Russia had raised objec-
tions to "certain concrete pro-
posals" made to Molotov last
The negotiations period as
such may continue for some
time. In other words, there may
be several more meetings with
Molotov before all four negotia-
tors are ready to report back to
Atthis point, things are be-
lieved to be proceeding all right.
There have been a lot of frank ex-
changes over the Berlin question
and Germany. The three western
envoys have been talking pretty
bluntly tbout the Berlin blockade
and the Soviet has been just as
frank about allied plans for a
Western German government, it
was said.
* * *
Berlin Fears
New Munich
Socialist Paper Calls
For Western Stand
BERLIN, Aug. ?-(a-Concern
was reported growing among
Western Berliners tonight that a
"new Munich" may be in the mak-
ing in four-power negotiations on
Germany taking place in Moscow.
Calling for a firm Western stand
against new demands by the Rus-
sians, the Socialist newspaper
Telegraf said the "brave attitude
displayed by Berlin" under the So-
viet blockade had "earned this city
assurances of a free democratic
Fears Compromise
"Unfortunately," the newspaper
said, "there is evidence today that,
despite their sorry experiences
since 1945, the democracies again
are inclined to trust the promises
of a totalitarian power. Anyone
who believes that the differences
between the democracies and Rus-
sian totalitarianism can be re-
solved merely on the German
problem or the Berlin question is
on the road to a new Munich."
Socialist Otto Suhr, chairman of
the Berlin City Council, told a
rally of Berliners in the French
sector that a "poor compromise
must not be decided upon at the
cost of us Berlin cellar-dwellers."

Protest Slave Camps
More than 1,000 Germans
packed a Western Berlin audi-
torium today to portest against
what they termed "police state
and concentration camp terror" in
the Communist-ruled Russian oc-
cupation zone of Germany.
Several former inmates of Rus-
sian zone camps said they esti-
mated the total of those confined
runs into "hundreds of thou-
sands." They claimed conditions
in some of the camps are as bad
as those which the Nazis had
The meeting was sponsored by
the Democratic Youth Union of
Berlin and had as its theme" sil-
ence is suicide."

Congress Box Score

WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(3)-Here's the score:
Granted in Full:
A $65,000,000 loan to the United Nations to finance construction
of a permanent headquarters in New York.
Granted in Part:
Anti-inflation legislation-Congress voted authority to the federal
reserve board to restrict installment credit and to tighten up on bank
reserve requirements. A minor part of the broad anti-inflation powers
asked by the President.
Housing legislation-Congress approved a bill providing limited
federal aid for low-cost housing and large rental projects, but lacking
the subsidized public housing and slum clearance provisions of the
Taft-Ellender-Wagner bill recommended by the President.
Progress Reported:
International wheat agreement-the Senate foreign relations
committee approved the international wheat marketing agreement-
but left it for the next Congress to act upon.
Rejected or Ignored:
Civil rights.
The great bulk of the President's anti-inflation program, including
revival of the excess profits tax, regulation of commodity speculation,
stronger rent controls, stand-by rationing authority, price and wage
controls, and authority to allocate scarce commodities.
Federal aid to schools.
Raise the minimum wage from 40 cents to 75 cents an hour.
Increase social security benefits.
Liberalize displaced persons act.
Make appropriations for additional public power projects.
Revise federal pay legislation.
More money to administer housing laws.
Buy automobiles for disabled veterans.
Repeal a rider ousting two reclamation department officials.
Ferguson Accuses Truman
Of Concealing Public* Affairs


WASHINGTON, Aug. 7--()-
Senator Ferguson spoke sternly of
"impeachment" today in accusing
President Truman of lowering "an
iron curtain between Congress and
the public business."
His complaint was against the
executive's refusal to let the law-
makers have "loyalty" investiga-
tion records of government work-
There was no comment forth-
coming from the White House.
In a speech prepared for the
Senate, Ferguson declared:
Threatens Impeachment
"Congress is rapidly being
pushed into the intolerable posi-
tion of having either to legislate
through a blind spot or compel
the President to answer for his
conduct in an impeachment pro-
"We do not want representa-
tive government, reduced to such
a ridiculous position."
Ferguson is chairman of the
Senate investigations subcommit-
tee which closed its public hear-
ings on the case of William W.
Remington this week because, the
committee said, Mr. Truman re-
fused to turn over necessary rec-
ords and information on Reming-
Remington Case
Remington, 30, is a Commerce
Department official. He has been
suspended while inquiries are be-
ing made into charges by Eliza-
beth T. Bentley that he gave her
wartime information for a Soviet
spy ring.
Ferguson said that as a senator,
President Truman "had been in-
tensely critical of this secrecy,"
Friends Don't Know
Texan Minus Stetson
A boy from Texas isn't interest-
ed in a girl from Tennessee.
At present he is more worried-
$10 worth-in discovering the
whereabouts of his two-gallon
The finder of the hat, which was
lost August 4, in the neighborhood
of the East Quadrangle, will be
paid the $10 by Lee Hanson, Uni-
versity student from Texas, who
claimed the hat has "sentimental
Without it, his friends don't
even recognize him, according to

built up under President Roose-
Finds Change
"But when he became Presi-
dent," Ferguson continued, "he be-
came the willing prisoner and
mouthpiece of this power clique."
Ferguson noted that Congress
has the "final word" under the
Constitution and added that if a
President "carried the powers of
his office to unconscionable ex-
tremes, the Congress can dispose
of him by impeachment proceed-
Koral Named
Key Witness
In SpyTrials
The House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee revealed today
that Alexander Koral is the mys-
tery witness supposed to help
crack the real story of a red spy
But the committee was as mys-
terious as ever who Koral is.
Described as Key
A subcommittee which hurried
to New York yesterday to see the
key witness questioned Koral last
night. In Washington today, Rep.
Mundt (Rep., S.D.), acting com-
mittee chairman, told reporters:
"The fellow they went up spe-
cifically to see was Koral. He was
supposed to lead to another wit-
ness not yet mentioned."
In New York, the subcommittee
fired questions today at:
Browder Talks
Earl Browder, deposed head of
the Communist party; Victor
Perlo, accused of being leader of
one group of government officials
alleged to have slipped wartime
secrets to Russian agents; Whit-
taker Chambers, who has testified
already that he was courier for a
pre-war Communist underground
in Washington of which, he said,
Perlo was a member.
Arrangements were under way
to question both Koral and Perlo
in public hearings heredMonday.
The plans will be worked out to-
morrow at a special Sunday ses-
sion of the committee. The sub-
committee is supposed to report
then on its New York trip.


to Federal Reserve System. The
Senate beat back by a 53 to 33
vote a Democratic attempt to re-
vive rationing, price and wage
control powers. The Truman plan
to bring back the excess' profits
tax wasn't even considered.
Republicans said their housing
bill would encourage the construc-
tion of low-cost homes and rental
housing" But it omitted the fed-
eral subsidies for public housing
and slum clearance that were fea-
tures of the Taft-Ellender-Wagner
bill endorsed by the President.
Mr. Truman had his way
without quibbling on only one
major item. The lawmakers ap-
proved a $65,000,000 interest-
free loan to the United Nations
for construction of permanent
headquarters in New York.
Until the last couple of days,
two extracurricular developments
stole the show from the actual
lawmaking. One was a successful
5-day filibuster by Southern Dem-
ocratic senators against the anti-
poll tax bill. The other was a sen-
sational series of hearings, before
House and Senate Committees, on
charges that Communist spies and
sympathizers had wormed deep
into the Federal Government.
In its last long day, Congress
cleared first the housing bill,
then the anti-inflation measure.
Senator Barkley (Dem., Ky.),
President Truman's running mate
in the fall campaign, pleaded for
adoption of the White House anti-
inflation program. He said a do-
nothing policy would endanger
America's economy and national
security and impair the nation's
foreign policy. Inaction on high
prices, he declared, will cost the
American people $10,000,000,000
in the next year.
But Senator Taft of Ohio, the
Republican policy chief, asserted
"Price controls won't work in
America in peacetime."
UAW Authorizes
Ford Settlement
DETROIT, Aug. 7-(P)-A new
wage settlement with the Ford
Motor Company has been ratified
by approximately 75 per cent of
the UAW-CIO locals, Ken Bannon,
UAW Ford director, announced
Among the latest to ratify the
agreement was the Highland Park
local 400.
The agreement calls for a flat
13-cent hourly wage boost and in-
cludes a new insurance plan.
Afftected by the new contract
are approximately 116,000 workers
at 46 Ford plants in 25 states.
The new rate would make the
Ford hourly scales of $1.67 the
highest among the major auto

To Secretary
of Labor Post
Senate Approval
Blocked by Taft
President Truman nominated for-
mer GovernorMaurice J. Tobin of
Massachusetts to be Secretary of
Labor tonight but Senator Taft
(Rep., Ohio) blocked Senate con-
However, legislators said Mr.
Truman can give Tobin a recess
appointment while Congress is in
adjournment. They said Tobin
then can serve and draw pay
pending action at the next session
of Congress.
Boston Mayor
Tobin, former democratic mayor
of Boston as well as governor of
the Bay State, would succeed the
late Secretary Lewis B. Schwel-
Senator Barkley of Kentucky,
the Democratic vice-presidential
nominee, askedhfor Senate con-
firmation tonight on the ground
that, barring "extraordinary cir-
cumstances, the President has the
unquestioned right to choose
members of his own Cabinet."
Taft Objects
Taft said there is no Senate rule
which permits action on a Cabinet
appointment before it has been
examined by a committee. The
Tobin nomnation came up after
Senate committee had ended their
meetings for the special session.
Barkley replied that 'he wasn't
seeking to invoke a rule, merely
asking for a courtesy confirma-
Taft noted that the President
can make a recess appointment
Lost in the rush were some ap-
pointments of Republicans, such
as the choice of Warren R. Austin,
former GOP Vermont senator, as
chief of the American delegation
the United Nations general as-
sembly meeting in Paris next
Israel Plans
Prepared To Admit
LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 7-Wes)-
The Israeli government said today
it is prepared toadmit Jewish im-
migrants at the rate of 10,000
This statement appears in a re-
port from Moshe Shapira, Israeli
Minister of Immigration, which
was circulated among United Na-
tions delegations.
Shapira reported 25,000 Jewish
immigrants had entered Israel in
the first nine weeks after the pro-
visional government came into ex-
istence May 15.
The Israeli immigration pro-
gram, Shapira said, will give pri-
ority to Jews detained by the Brit-
ish on Cyprus and to displaced
persons still in camps in Europe.

Legislators Block,
Ignore, Rewrite
Truman Program
GOP Housing Bill Cuts Out Federal
Subsidies, Slum Clearance Proposal
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(M)-Congress wrote its own ticket today
on anti-inflation and housing legislation, then slammed the door
on the extra session called by President Truman.
The House adjourned at 8:31 p.m., the Senate at 8:39 p.m. They
had met July 26 and had been in session 11 working days.
The adjournment was until December 31, with a provision that
the session may be resumed earlier on call of the Republican leaders.
With a few minor exceptions, the lawmakers rewrote, blocked,
or just plain ignored the far-ranging program Mr. Truman pre-
sented with an "urgent" label.
The President's eight-point anti-inflation program emerged cut
down to two: Revived curbs on installment buying and higher reserve
requirements for banks belonging

Botanist Reports True Love
Rare Blossom in United States

True love is almost non-existent
in the United States, according to
Dr. Acosta-Solis, research botanist
from Ecuador who is just complet-
ing two years of study at the Uni-
In a pamphlet entitled "My Two
Year Stay in the United States,"
Dr. Solis claims that this condi-
tion exists because "materialism
has usurped fields of love, matri-
mony and the home."
Sloppy Dress Here
Speaking of 'North American

fessors in the northern hemisphere
work diligently at their studies, in
contradistinction with the prevail-
ing trend in South America where
"they usually engage in politics."
U.S. Friend
In spite of his occasionally caus-
tic comments on North American
customs, Dr. Solis has acquired a
deep and sincere affection for this
nation and intends to devote part
of his busy day to promoting
greater understanding between the
United States and Ecuador when

Switzerland Still Prosperous, Stable

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of a series of articles by two former
Daily staff members touring Europe.)

tions, clean streets, and flower-
bedecked homes-as much a part
of the beautiful scenery as her
famca mmtins and i mint vil..

san state institutions. For the
seventh year, this University is
sponsoring the Summer School of
Ernnean Studies a five-week

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