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August 07, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-07

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Lesser of Two Evils?

IN HIS SECOND lecture on campus this
week, Prof. Kenneth Wheare urged an
action which strikes me as being a last-
ditch proposal, the sort of thing a person
or a nation might resort to when all other
rational considerations have vaporized. Prof.
Wheare, to come to the point, urged the
democratic nations to accept the aid of every
nation opposed to Communism, Spain and
Portugal included.
He favored this measure because he de-
clared, Russia is the strongest power in
Europe today and because Communism is
the greatest single threat to democracy's
survival. That the spread of Communism
must be checked in Europe and elsewhete
goes without saying. But that it must be
checked by giving tacit approval to the
dictatorial governments of Portugal, and,
particularly, Spain is quite another matter.
It isn't what you do, as the man in the
street will tell you, it's the way that you
do it.
And it doesn't seem to me that the way
to thwart Communism lies in embracing
Fascism. This assumes that Fascism is
the lesser of two evils. The fact that Fas-
cism is less wide-spread today than is
Communism does not mean that it is, in
principle, a lesser threat to democracy.
Both Fascism and Communism are dan-
gers to democratic ideology and a dicta-
torship anywhere is a dictatorship, no
matter what its identifying "ism" may be.
You don't arrive at solutions by playing
one menace against another, by endorsing
one crime to check another.
Prof. Wheare knows, I'm sure, the signifi-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

cance of July 18, 1936. And he knows that
World War II began, officially or not, when
the developments in Spain following that
date proved to Hitler that his forces were
capable of over-running Europe. It was the
confidence born in the Spanish struggle
that led the Nazis to their program of con-
quest, holding Europe in the grip of their
Fascism for half a decade. The part that
Generalissimo Franco played in setting the
stage for that era was somewhat more than
It's difficult to believe, in view of this,
that the memory is so short as to permit
the United States or any other democracy
to commence a courtship with Franco Spain
merely because it is grasping blindly for a
program with which to defeat Communism.
Certainly a program is needed, but it should
be a program arrived at advisedly, not a
program of self-effacement, not a program
of appeasement.
The United States has consistently and
intelligently applied a policy of negativism
toward Spain ever since the Franco regime
assumed control of that state. And so it
is hardly reassuring to believe that our
foreign department is fickle enough to
cooperate actively with such a govern-
ment at this juncture.
Prof. Wheare also stated that "America's
goals in Europe are to build up economic
strength, political independence and a free
society." One wonders how it is possible to
build up a free society when the agents
for the construction of that society are
travelling with forces opposed to a free
The professor concluded by maintaining
that the role of the United States in the
European struggle might well be an attempt
to "quarantine Western Europe against anti-
democratic forces." How does one go about
quarantining an area when one is infected
with the very disease he is seeking to pre-
--Kenneth Lowe.

Co mplcicency
THE SPECIAL SESSION has not solved
the crisis, but it has shown us how big
the crisis is, and perhaps that is an ac-
complishment. It is a crisis of complacency.
The anti-poll tax bill has been put off by
the Republicans until next year, under a
variety of small excuses, such as the doc-
trine that it is hard to break a filibuster in
a fifteen-day session. (But who except the
Republicans limited the sitting to fifteen
days,and out of what hat was that figure
This postponement has been blithely de-
cided upon in a period of American life in
which thes Lsue of minority Fights has
worked its way to the top level of our na-
tional consciousness. it is a period in which
one can see aninom a thousand other indi-
cations, the absorbed interest our novelists
and playwrights have been taking in this
question- always an important sign, for
these are professionals when it comes to
knowing on what subjects the American
mind has been sensitized and made anxious.
Our leislators need only stop in at the
nearest lending library to learn that America
is in a crisis. They have responded to this
huge moral unease with a postponement;
and that is enough to show that our crisis
is indeed a crisis of complacency, a moral
crisis, not only a crisis in regard to the
rightso f Negroes, but a crisis in our rela-
tions with ourselves, and with our own
minds. And ihe special session which has
failed to solve the crisis has thus proved
beyond doubt that it exists.
On another matter, inflation, one senses
the same~ lifting of complacency to the
critical level, to the level where it itself
is our problem. But here our complacency
is much more intricate, more diffuse, more
widespread, for there is little doubt that
the American voter intends, in November,
to put into power a party which not only
has no program for meeting inflation, but
which is virtually bound, by its economic
philosophy, not to have one. The one
problem which it is certain to meet, infla-
tion, is precisely the one on which it stands
self-foreclosed against action.
The fact that the Republicans have not
been afraid to reject an anti-inflation pro-
gram at this session shows not only that
they are complacent, but also that they
are banking on the complacency of others;
they have rendered a judgment on the na-
tional mood. Here again the special session
has shown more than it has solved, has
revealed more than it has handled. It con-
vened in a crisis of inflation and prepares to
adjourn in a crisis of unconcern.
And, finally, the fact that complacency
is our real crisis, our deepest crisis, shows
up in the strange lack of discussion at
this session of" the relation between our
foreign and domestic policies which are
almost totally irreconcilable. You cannot
adopt an armaments policy whose predict-
able expenditures may ultimately run up
to twenty or twenty-five billions a year,
without adopting economic controls at
home; and you cannot follow a policy of
normal, uncontrolled economic life at
home, without adopting a foreign policy
based on peace and compromise.
But our problems are real and even
though this Congress may adjourn within a
few days, the American people are going
to be in special session with themselves for
a long time.
(Copyri-iht, 1994, New York Post Corporation)

Letters to the Editor...

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Six Shaky Senators

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WASHINGTON - Republican strategists
have been surprised, and by no means
delighted, by the results of a survey which
has been quietly undertaken by the Repub-
lican Senatorial campaign committee. For
the survey shows that a Democratic Senate
next year is a perfectly serious possibility. A
switch of four Senate seats will throw the
Senate to the Democrats. And the survey
indicates that at least six Republican seats
in the Senate are exceedingly shaky.
One threatened Senator is John Serman
Cooper of Kentucky. Kentucky is normally
a Democratic state, and Cooper has been
hurt by the nomination for the Vice-Presi-
dency of Senator Alben Barkley, since Bark-
ley is extremely popular in his native Ken-
tucky. Thus Cooper is certain to have an
uphill fight for re-election. His defeat would
be a loss to the Senate, for he has been a
highly valuable member of that body.
Only admirers of "The Chicago Tribune"
and Colonel Robert R, McCormick could
say as much of Illinois' Senator C. Way-
land (Curly) Brooks, one of the Colonel's
most obedient creatures. The survey paints
a dark picture of the Brooks political fu-
ture. Paul Douglas, Brooks' Democratic
opponent, is popular and an effective cam-
paigner. But the real reason why Brooks
is in trouble is believed to be a growing
weariness in Illinois with the postures, the
policies and the politicians of the self-
assured Colonel.
Senator Joseph Ball of Minnesota is in like
case. Ball also has a strong opponent in
Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey. But
Ball's major weakness is the fact that he has

consistently zigged when he should have
zagged. He zigged when he supported Frank-
lin Roosevelt in 1944, thus alienating every
regular Republican in his home state. Hav-
ing built up a repittation as a liberal, he then
zagged violently, making one of the most
reactionary records in the Senate. He has
thus shaken off both liberal and conserva-
tive support, as a dog shakes water off its
back. And both the Republican survey and
local polls show he is in bad political trouble.
The Brooks and Ball cases are of course
complicated by the Wallace third party. The
egregious Elmer Benson has been propelled
forward to run against Humphrey, and
Douglas will also have Wallace opposition,
although both men have virtually spotless
liberal records. However, it is interesting
that the strategists in the camp of Governor
Thomas E. Dewey, who are far from politi-
cal nincompoops, are inclined largely to dis-
count the Wallace vote in the coming cam-
paign, except in a few local situations.
Other shaky Republicans are Senator
Chapman Revercomb of West Virginia;
Senator Edward V. Robertson of Wyoming,
and Representative Ross Rizley of Okla-
homa, who is bidding for a Senate seat.
The pompous Revercomb is opposed by
former Senator Matthew Mansfield Nealy,
an oratorical left-wing hack. In defending
Harry Hopkins in the New Deal days,
Nealy described him as "chaste as the ic-
icles on Diana's brow," a meaningless but
pleasing phrase typical of the Nealy ora-
torical style. Aat any rate, Nealy's oratory,
must gratify the West Virginia electorate,
for he is considered a very good bet to win.
Risley, one of the Old Guard in the House,
is given little chance against popular Gover-
nor Robert Kerr of Oklahoma. And Senator
Robertson, chiefly remarkable for his long
and passionate love affair with the Navy, is
equally weak against Wyoming's Lester C.
Hunt, according to the Republican survey.
The Democrats, of course, have their weak
spots too, chiefly Montana and New Mexico.
The Republican survey also indicates sur-
prising Republican strength in North Caro-
lina, of all places. And if Estes Kefauver,
who has been one of the nmost useful mem-
bers of the House, wins the Senatorial nom-
ination in Tennessee, he might be defeated
by the fatuous CarrollReece, former Re-
publican National Chairman. This is because
Kefauver has so enraged the aging Boss
Crump by his independence that Crump has
castigated him as "a pet coon," among other
epithets. If Kefauver is nominated, Crump
will sit on his hands, thus giving Reece a
good chance.
Yetdespite these compensating Demo-
cratic weaknesses, the Republican survey
suggests that a Democratic Senate next year
is a real possibility, provided Dewey does ndt
win by a landslide. A very large majority
for Dewey would almost certainly save the
political skins of most of the six shaky Re-
publicans, since only a small proportion of
the voters split their ballots. But what is
chiefly interesting is that, of the six, all
except Cooper are of the Old Guard faction
which still rules the roost in the House, but
which was soundly trounced at the Republi-
can convention in June. A areat deal has


The Daily accords Its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of co-
densing letters.
* * *
Civil Rights Note
To the Editor:
The following are copies of a
letter sent to the Mayor and to
members of the City Council of
Ann Arbor, and of the telegram
sent to Representative Michener
and to Senators Vandenberg and
The Washtenaw County Pro-
gressive Party strongly condemns
the action of the "City Golf Com-
mittee" in voiding the participa-
tion of Mr. Lloyd Quicksey in the
"City Golf Tournament" because
of his race. We strongly recom-
mend that:
1. The City Council prevent the
use of 'the name of Ann Arbor or
City in connection with the tour-
nament; the present implication
is that the tournament is spon-
sored by the city.
2. The City Council prevent
the use of school banking facilities
in handling the funds for the
present tournament.
3. The City Council prevent the
use of the municipal golf course in
such segregated tournaments.
We further urge that all mer-
chants contributing prizes for
this tournament withdraw their
support. This action of discrimi-
nation by the city golf committee
is particularly reprehensible, oc-
curring during the preparations
for the visit to the "Freedom
The foregoing recommendations
were unanimously approved at the
August 5th meeting of the Pro-
gressive Party.
Sincerely yours,
Donald Hoff
PO BOX 207
-Donald Hoff
Treasurer, Washtenaw County
Progressives for Wallace
Alaskan Development
To the Editor:
,As the School of Forestry and
Conservation of the University has
Symposium on Theoretical and
Nuclear Physics
The summer symposium pro-
gram will berconcluded with two
lectures by Prof. H. B. G. Casimir
at 10a.m., Mon., August 9sand
Wed., August 11, Room 150 Hutch-
ins Hall. Prof. Casimir will com-
plete his discussion of "Theoreti-
cal Aspects of Low Temperature
Professor W. G. Cochran, of the

University of North Carolina, will
give two lectures Tues., August 10.
The first: on Systematic Sam-
pling will be given at 2 p.m. in
3017 Angell Hall.
The second: on Groups of Ex-
perinents at 4 p.m. in the Amphi-
theatre, Rackham ,Building.
All itnerested are invited to at-
Linguistic Institute Forum Lec-
ture. "Verb Forms in the English
of the Eastern States," by Profes-
sor E. Bagby Atwood of the Uni-
versity of Texas. Tues., August 10,
7:30, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for David
Wooderson Reed, English; thesis:
"The History of Inflectional n in
English Verbs," Monday, August
9, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, C.
C. Fries.
(Continued on Page 3),

been following the development of
the timber resources of Alaska
over the past several years, it will
be of interest to the student body
that the pulp and paper industry
came to Alaska today (Aug. 2)
with the signing of an agreement
by the United States Forest Serv-
ice and the Ketchikan Pulp and
Timber Company.
This industry for Alaska-which
was first hindered by the depres-
sion of the '30's and by many other
factors will mean the construction
of a mill that will cost-accord-
ing to estimates-many millions.
The mill will bring a year-round
(rather than a seasonal) indus-
try tc the Territory. In my opin-
ion, the announcement will mean
that the largest supply of pulp-
wood resources of the continent
will now be tapped. Much credit
for bringing this industry to the
Territory is due to the efforts of
the Regional Forester, Mr. Frank
Heintzleman, and his associates
in the United States Forest Serv-
-Dow W. Baxter
University of Michigan
Laboratory Pathology in
Forest Practice
Ketchikan, Alaska
Urges Voing
To the Editor:
The primary election will be
held on September 14th. In 1946
only about 25 per cent of the regu-
lar voterstactually participated in
the selection of the party candi-
dates in Washtenaw County.
This non-voting in the primar-
ies is the greatest weakness of the
American electoral system. It is
ideal for the maintenance of po-
litica machines and reduces by
half the voter's voice in the gov-
ernment. Too often has the best
man been discarded in the pri-
mary because his supporters have
been too indifferent to vote for
In the Democratic primary this
September 14th, Congressional
candidate Preston W. Slosson
faces opposition from lame-duck
county chairman Redman Burr.
Slosson is certainly no politician.
Yet he appeals to many of us as a
man with the capacity for gemit-
me statesmanship.
Consequently, your primary
vote will be mighty important this
fall. If you will be out of town
on voting day, your city or town-
ship clerk can provide you with
an absentee ballot by mail.
But you first have to be regis-
tered. The closing date for pri-
mary registration is August 25th.
Today for the last time before
the primary election, the Ypsi-
lanti and Superior Township
Clerks will be at the University
Community Building and the
North Community Center until 8
Why not be an active citizen?
Register now. Vote September
-Tom Walsh
fl tY
Fifty-Eighth Year




*This Isthe Army


Rapid Cure
STUDENTS in a summer psychology class
are feeling a wave of sympathy for an
anonymous sergeant whose plight was de-
scribed recently by the professor. Speaking
of the Army's highly efficient shock treat-
ment for psychoneurotic patients, the pro-
fessor explained that the military had per-
fected the system to such a degree that it
became possible to administer the shock
therapy on an assembly line schedule, rough-
ly four minutes per patient. The system
worked so effectively, the professor said,
that one sergeant, expecting to be treated
for a common cold, fell into the wrong line,
received a very severe shock and was dis-
charged as a psychoneurotic patient.
Not Responsible
ly in a local parking lot which reads,
We wonder if many people have been
leaving those things around lately.

A t Kedllogg A uditorium
Redgrave, Margaret Lockwood, Dame May
Whitty, and Paul Lukas. Directed by Al-
fred Hitchcock.
ADMIRERS OF THE Hitchcock touch were
treated to a repeat performance of one
of the master's classics last night at Kellogg
Auditorium, aid we're pleased to report that
this time the showing lacked the spotty
sound track which marred it last February.
No one has any business trying to sum-
marize a Hitchcock plot. They're involved,
complica ed, bewildering-but never slow.
"The Lady Vanishes" is no exception. It',c
complete with international spies, cagey vil-
lains, sudden shocks, innocuous-appearing
old ladies who aren't what they seem to .be,
and the patter of small-arms fire.
Margaret Lockwood, who never looked
more like Joan Bennett than she does in
this one, and Michael Redgrave,swhodtook a
crack at "Macbeth" on Broadway last sea-
son, both seemed to enjoy themselves in their
not-very-trying parts. Dame May Whitty
and Paul Lukas are cast in the sort of roles
that have become stock parts with them,
and they lend a steady supporting hand.
In addition, there are a couple of side-
splitting British cricket-fanciers who get off
some of the slyest lines in the picture. Th6
characteristic Hitchcock alternating laugh-
and-scare treatment builds up beautifully
to one of the most suspenseful climactiv
scenes in a long, long time. Once this is over,
the story unwinds rather quickly so that the
effect is not lost. This is the way it should
be, and it demonstrates a bit of good judg-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivenotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a m. Satur days).
* * *
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in August.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up
gyade not later than 11 a.m., Au-
gust 23. Grades received after that
time may defer the student's grad-
uation until a later date.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature,, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
shouid recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall by
11 a.m., August 23.
Master's Degree Candidates in
the Graduate School who expect
their degrees at the conclusion of
the Summer Session must have
completed the Graduate Record
Examination ortthe Graduate Ap-
titude examination or the degree
will not be awarded. Students who
have not taken either of these ex-
aminations should report immedi-
ately to the Recorder, 1014 Rack-
ham Building, for instructions.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information:
The Detroit Police Department
will have a representative here
Tuesday, August 10th, to inter-
view policewomen candidates.
They are seeking women with a
background in social work or the

social. sciences, between the ages
of 22 and 28. The beginning sal-
ary is $2986.00. Those desiring fur-
ther information or appointments
should call at the Bureau on Mon-
Reports on the Strong Voca-
tional Test given recently under
the auspices of the School of Busi-
ness Administration will be avail-
able Mon. afternoon in Room 108
Tappan Hall. Professor Schmidt
will be available in Room 380
Business Administration Building
Mon. from 3 to 5 p.m. for any stu-
dent wishing aid in interpreting
the reports.
Women students on campus this
summer who are interested in liv-
ing i' a French or Spanish House
during the summer session of 1949
may leave their names at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women now.
Plans for the organization of
foreign language houses will de-
pend in part upon the number of
requests for this type of residence.
Women who wish to list their
names at the present time will be
assured of receiving further in-
formation before next summer but
this will not constitute a commit-
ment at the present time.
All women are eligible to live in
a language house provided they
have the initial ability to speak
the language and provided they
wish to improve their fluency.
To all students having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notifiedthat such books are
due Mon., August 9.
2. Students having special need
for certain books between August
9 and August 13 may retain such
books for that period by renewing
them at the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their rec-
ords at the Library by Fri., August
13, will be sent to the Cashier's
Offico and their credits and
grades will be withheld until such
time as said records are cleared
in compliance with regulations of
the Regents.

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe ........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press





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