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August 07, 1948 - Image 1

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Latest Deaineljl in the Stte


West Envoys
To Continue
Soviet Talks
Meeting Expected
For Tomorrow
MOSCOW, Aug. 6-'P)-U.S.,
British and French envoys will
hold more meetings with Russian
officials before any final agree-
ments materialize as a result of
the current Four-Power talks, it
was learned tonight.
i A highly informed source said
there may be another' conference
with the Russians tomorrow, but
this is unlikely. A meeting Sunday
seems more probable, the source
Today's conference with For-
eign Minister V. M. Molotov was
described as "very thorough." It
lasted three hours. Prime Minister
Stalin was not present.
Another Try
At this meeting U.S. Ambassador
s Walter Bedell Smith, French Am-
bassador Yves Chataigneau, and
Frank Roberts, special British en
voy, visited the Kremlin for an-
other try at solving East-West dif-
It appeared tonight that several
more meetings may be in order
before the current conversations
come to an end. It was almost a
certainty they would continue
into next week.
Although the going may seem
slow, it was learned on excellent
authority that there is no need
for pessimism. In fact, the oppo-
site is true. It was learned that the
Western Power negotiations with
Molotov are proceeding smoothly.
The Western envoys' conference
with the Soviet Foreign Minister
today lasted an hour longer than
their meeting last Monday with
Stalin. They emerged from it smil-
ing but non-committal.
"We met with Molotov. No com-
ment," Smith told newspapermen.
(London dispatches said diplo-
matic circles there believed the
three Western Powers had sub-
mitted specific questions which
they believed should be discussed
at a new four-power conference on
't Berlin, Germany and perhaps Eu-
New Meeting?
(The dispatches said an an-
nouncement may be made this
weekend of the time, place and
scope of a new meeting of the
Foreign Ministers Council. State
; Department spokesmen in Wash-
ington said no agreement on such
a meeting has yet been reached.
EA meeting of Secretary of State
George Marshall, Soviet Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov, British
Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
and French Foreign Minister Rob-
ert Schuman might be preceded
by a get-together of their dep-
uties to lay the groundwork.
(The last two meetings of the
Foreign Ministers Council - in
Moscow, March 10 to April 25,
1947, and in London, Nov. 25 to
Dec. 15, 1947-ended in a dead-
lock on peace treaties for Ger-
many and Austria.)
Dewey Plan
To Widen DP
Act Rejected

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-()P)-
Republican Presidential nominee
Thomas E. Dewey got his first
"no" from Capitol Hill today when
a Senate sub-committee turned
down his request to liberalize the
Displaced Persons Bill at the
special session.
Sen. Revercomb (Rep., W. Va.)
said Dewey asked revision of the
law, which has been criticized by
a number of Republicans and
Demcrats on the ground that it
discriminates against many Jews
and Catholics.
In Pawling, N.Y., James Hag-
erty, Dewey's press secretary, said
there was no comment on Rever-
comb's statement.
Revercomb. chairman of the
Judiciary subcommittee, said "1
emphatically deny" that the bill
is discriminantory. Revercomb
added that the issue cannot be
'~"dealt with in haste or under
pressure" and should be explored
at the hearings at the regular
Congressional session next year.

Fourteen Michigan Students Prepare
For National Congress of NSA Group

Fourteen Michigan students will
represent the University at the
first Congress of the National Stu-
dent Association to be held at the
University of Wisconsin, August
They will meet with over 600
other students who represent
nearly 750,000 students in the 250
member colleges and universities
throughout the country.
Heading the delegation will be
Tom Walsh, chairman of the
Student Legislature's NSA Com-

mittee last year, and Harvey Weis-
berg, NSA regional chairman for
the state of Michigan.
Solves Problems
Other delegates are Gellert Seel,
Blair Moody, Norris Domangue,
Dick Hooker, and Arlyn Rosen,
Roma Lipsky, Marvin Failer, El-
liott Charlip, Dorrianne Zipper-
stein, Donald Calhoun, Marshall
Lewis and Lou Weisberg are the
alternate delegates.
Designed to aid stuczent govern-
ing bodies in solving problems on

Official Says
U.S. Sent Reds
Atomic Metal
Uranium Shipped
As Late as 1945
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-()P)-
The United States shipped Russia
a "significant" amount of una-
nium metal-the base stuff of
atomic bombs-as late as 1945,
Rep. McDowell (Rep., Pa.) told
the House today.
He said it followed up shipments
of 2,720 pounds of uranium com-
pounds in 1943, when Russia was
asking for the rare material by
the ton.
McDowell is a member of the
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities which has been
conducting a series of sensational
hearings into tales of communist
spying in wartime Washington.
Secret Rendevous
The committee took a breather
today, but did so with a flourish.
Acting chairman Mundt (Rep.,
S.D.) said a picked group from the
committee had been dispatched to
a secretnrendezvous with a mys-
tery witness. The point of contact
was not disclosed.
Senate investigators, who have
been conducting a parallel in-
quiry into the alleged spy ring,
shut down their hearings, too,
after a brief morning session.
Chairman Ferguson (Rep., Mich.)
complained- that an order from
President Truman has caused 'the
withholding of loyalty files they
need to check on charges of com-
munist infiltration into the gov-
McDowell first told the Un-
Amea ican Activities Committee
abouturanium shipments yester-
day, saying that a total of 1,300
pounds of compounds of the radio-
active element had been shipped
to the Soviets in 1943.
'To Appease Them'
The actual uranium metal went
in 1945, he said, declaring it was
sent to the Soviets "to appease
them." He told reporters he "un-
derstands" the amount was some
25 pounds.
McDowell told reporters later
that Russia had asked for the
uranium compounds to use for
medical purposes and experiments
in physics. While Russia was suf-
fering heavy war casualties at the
time, McDowell said he thought
the Soviets really wanted the ma-
terial for atomic research and to
get a line on what this country
was doing.
He asserted that Russia ob-
tained uranium "as a result of
pressure of the highest kind." He
added that his information is
based on the etstimony of more
than 30 persons, presumably
heard in secret sessions.

Soviets Urge
East Control -
Of All Danube
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Aug.
6--(P)-Russia asked the Danube
Conference today to brush aside
American proposals and concen-
trate instead on a Soviet plan to
place the river under the exclu-
sive domination of Eastern Eu-
rope's Communist states.
In making thi move Soviet Dep-
uty Foreign Minister Andrei Vish-
insky also rejected a British pro-
posal that the International Court
at the Hague be asked to deter-
mine the present validity of pre-
vious Danube agreements.
Soviet Majority
With the Communist states in
the majority and voting as a bloc,
the acceptance of the Russian
plan was regarded as certain. The
test will come tomorrow on the
question of adopting a working
draft for a new Danube Conven-
tion to replace the 1921 Paris ac-
The United States, with British
and French support, is advocating
the creation of an 11-member
Danube Control Board which
would include representatives of
the three major Western Powers,
Austria and eventually Germany.
Westerners Excluded
Under the Soviet plan the West-
ern Powers would be excluded
from the board.
The American plan also would
have navigation of the Danube
free and open to the commercial
vessels and persons of all nations
on a footing of equality.
Meat Boycott Plan
Sum ested for City
The war against meat prices be-
ing waged by housewives in scat-
tered areas of the United States
opened yesterday in Ann Arbor
with announcement of a week-
long boycott for next week.
The plan, which would result in
no business for local butchers from
August 9 through August 16, was
proposed by Mrs. Rhea Kish, 701
Mt. Pleasant St., who is executive
secretary of the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Progressives for Wallace.
Several women groups are con-
sidering support of the boycott
with some suggesting delay to a
later date when the drive can be
organized more completely.
Similar campaigns, with a view
to cutting meat prices, are now
underway in Dallas, Texas, and
seVeral other large cities.
Not Available
OTTAWA, Ont., Aug. 68-(/P --
Prime Minister W. L. MacKenzie
King told the Liberal Party con-
vention today he would not be

their campuses, the NSA congress
will include flexible workshops on
such national problems as eco-
nomic aid to students, discrimina-
tion, cultural activities, relief
drives on campuses, and travel and
reconstruction abroad. Student,
faculty and business experts will
be available for consultation.
Workshop reports will serve as the
basis of NSA's activities during
the coming year.
Twenty Michigan students are
spending the summer in Europe
in travel, study, or work-camp
projects sponsored by the NSA.
Two Seats
Established last summer as the
national organization represent-
ing college and university student
bodies, NSA has been awarded
one of the two student seats on
the United States Commission for
Campus NSA activities include
co-sponsorship with the Ann Ar-
bor Junior Chamber of Commerce
of International Week which in-
cluded a mock-UN assembly last
spring, introduction of a foreign
student speakers bureau and an
international correspondence ex-
change, and participation in a
state-wide government clinic with
18 other Michigan schools.
Michigan delegates will distrib-
ute information about the Uni-
versity's Phoenix Project as well
as present reports on the "student
experts" orientation program and
faculty grading system inaugurat-
ed by the Student Legislature.
Russians Hint
Allies Violate
Air Corridor
BERLIN, Aug. 6-(/P)-The of-
ficial Soviet News Agency charged
tonight that British and American
airplanes violated flight regula-
tions 62 times in five days and
hinted that planes committing
violations can be forced to land.
This was the first time since
the start of the big Anglo-Ameri-
can aerial supply operation into
Soviet-blockaded Berlin that the
Russians have mentioned the pos-
sibility of forcing planes down.
Previously, the Russian-con-
trolled press had talked of de-
claring closed one or two of the
three air corridors to Berlin from
western Germany.
The official Russian agency
ANB said there are specific regu-
lations for forcing down planes
which fly over unauthorized areas.
The agency said the 62 viola-
tions occurred between July 31
and Aug. 4, and consisted of low-
level flights over Soviet airports
On the currency front, western
occupation authorities announced
that attempts to reach satisfac-
tory arrangements for the release
of blocked east-mark accounts
"have now been brought to noth-
~Spy Givenl
Gale - Muid
Rep. Mundt (Rep, S.D. said to-
night that William W. Remington,
of the Commerce Department, who
has been accused of supplying in-
formation to a Russian spy net-
work, "has been removed from his
Mundt said on a radio program
that this is one useful result that
has come from Congressional in-
vestigation of Soviet espionage ac-
tivities. He said that previously

Remington had been on vacation
and on leave from his Commerce
Department position but has been
removed from the job since the
hearings began.
Secretary of Commerce Charles
Sawyer has announced that Rem-
ington, who was in the office of
international trade, has been
place on "indefinite leave" until
the question of his associations
has been cleared up.
A spokesman for t department
said tonight that was still the
situation, that Remington had not
been "fired."
Mundt is acting chairman of
the House Un-American Activities
Committee, which has been con-
ducting one ohase of the spv in-

Congress Pans
Own Legislation,
Def ieessidnt
Anti-Inflation, Housing Bills Are
Readied for Last Session Passage
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-(/P)--Congress defied President Truman
tonight by preparing to pass its own anti-inflation and housing bills
tomorrow and then go home.
With GOP leade,:s in firm control, the legislature paid no atten-
tion to Mr. Truman's demand that it stop concocting "feeble compro-
mises" and adopt his cost-of-living and housing programs.
The Senate passed a home-building bill minus the slum clearance
and low-rent housing subsidies the administration asked. Leaders
expected House approval tomorrow.
The Senate decided to vote at 2 p m.. tomorrow on the GOP
anti - inflation bill, already * * *

killed August 5 when a trailer truck in which they were riding
(bottom) crashed through a guard rail of the east approach of
the MacArthur Bridge on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River
at East St. Louis, Ill.
Political Dynasty of Memphis
Crumbles in Stunning Defeat

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 6-
(/)-The potent E. H. Crump po-
litical dynasty of Memphis and a
lesser Democratic organization
long allied with it in Tennessee
went down in stunning defeat to-
day as the final ballots were
counted from yesterday's violence-
punctuated elections.
The landslide which engulfed
the Crump forces was such as
Crump himself had buried his op-
position without setback in' 20
Crump's choice for the state's
two top, nominations - for U.S.
senator and for governor-were
soundiy whipped.
Only the Tenth
Crump's choice for governor, in-
cumbent Jim McCord, seeking a
third two-year term, carried only
the tenth (Shelby County-Mem-
phis) district and the first district
in ;republican East Tennessee.
His senatorial candidate, John
A. Mitchell carried only his home
district, the fourth in middle Ten-
nessee, and the tenth. The state
has 10 districts.
Victors in the senatorial and
gubernatorial contests were Estes
Kefauver, veteran of 10 years in
the lower House of Congress, and
Gordon Browning.
Kefativer Nominated
Kefauver was nominated to the
Senate seat now held by Tom
Stewart, who sought reelection.
Browning was nominated for the
goveinor's seat he won for one
term in 1937.
Browning won his previous race
with a Crump support but broke
with him and became his bitter
political enemy. He pitched his
campaign on a "Down With One-
Man Rule" slogan.
McCord conceded his defeat to-
day as did Stewart. Crump made
no statement. Stewart was an-
other one-time ally of Crump but
was dropped by the Memphis po-
litico in this campaign.
Means Election
Democratic nomination in Ten-
nessee usually means election.
But Roy Acuff, nominated for
govei nor in yesterday's Republi-
can primary, and Carroll Reece,
former GOP national chairman,
nominated for the Senate, said
they'd make it a contest in the
November general election.
The biggest surprise of yester-
day's results was the vote piled up
in Memphis by Kefauver. Hereto-
fore a Crump opponent could
count his vote there in the hun-
dreds or low thousands.
Out of 11 of Shelby's 126 pre-
cincts, Kefauver polled 21,181

votes. Browning didn't fare as
well there, but he amassed a heavy
vote elsewhere in the state.
While unofficial tabulations
told a story of the Crump organi-
zation's thrashing in the statewide
Democratic primary, the National
Guard moved into Benton in
southeast Tennessee to quell con-
tinuing election strife which has
left two dead and five wounded
following a Polk county general
* * *
'Guards Quell.
Election R iot.
T ennessee Flares Up
Over Election Strife
BENTON, Tenn., Aug. 6-W)P-
National Guardsmen with bayo-
nets rolled into this gun-bristling
southeastern Tennessee county
seat today to quell continuing
election strife which has left two
reported dead and five wounded.
The troopers came at the direc-
tion of Gov. Jim McCord as ten-
sion remained high in a county
general election dispute which
flared up yesterday.
They were preceded a few min-
utes by a second ambush shooting
within 24 hours. The first ended
in the death of one man and the
wounding of another. In subse-
quent gunplay another man was
slain and four persons wounded.
Today's ambush attack was di-
recte3 at a heavily armed motor-
cade bringing a disputed election
box from nearby Copperhill to
:Menton. The driver of a car at
which a single shot was fired was
cut by glass fragments.
The gunplay apparently was
touched off by the election and
tenseness engendered by it, but no
official spokesman has yet openly
blamed the disorder on political
Undertaker H. E. Brewer said
four other persons were wounded
in election-night shootings.
Sigler Will Speak Here
Michigan's Gov. Kim Sigler will
speak here Aug. 16, climaxing
Washtenaw County's Rededica-
tion Week.
Sigler's speech will keynote
"Civic Organizations Day" which
will also feature a parade, barbe-
cue and civic program.
The governor will speak at
Ferry Field.

passed by the House. It is de-
signed to restore wartime curbs
on installment buying, and to
restrict bank credit.
Democrats, in a last-ditch and
probably futile effort, will try to
substitute the Truman program of
rationing and wage - control
If all goes according to GOP
plan, the extra session the Presi-
dent called will be over late to-.F
morrow afternoon, and the legis-
lators will be on their way home,t
probably to be followed by new
denunciations from the Whitee
A preview of one reply the Re-I
publicans will make in the coming
campaign wars was given by1
Senator Taft of Ohio, Republi-
can leader.t
He told the Senate many per-
sons have expressed the opinion1
that if Congress goes too far in
applying the economic brakes,
a dangerous deflation may re-
Senate passage of the housing
bill came after a fight which split
Republican ranks.
President Truman had asked for
action on slum clearace, public-
owned low rent homes, aid for
rural homes.
These provisions are contained
in the Taft - Ellender - Wagner
housing bill,
Sen. McCarthy (Rep., Wis.)
worked up a compromise bill that
contained many of the provisions
of the T-E-W bill, but ignored
government subsidized projects.
In a surprise move yesterday,
the Senate Banking Committee
decided to disregard McCarthy's
compromise measure and gaffer,
instead, the T-E-W bill. Argu-
ment was bitter and heated over
this decision, with Sen. Tobey
Rep.. N.H.) chairman of the
banking committee, champion-
ing the T-E-W bill.
But the Senate today overrode
its banking committee and voted
48 to 36 to substitute McCarthy's
measure for the T-E-W bill. Ap-
proval of the substitute came on a
voice vote later.
'Senator Taft, one of the au-
thors of the T-E-W bill, advocat-
ed passage of the compromise,
saying the other and more com-
prehensive measure could wait for
the regular session in January.
Opera Tickets
Still Available
Seats for this afternoon's spe-
cial matinee performance of the
double opera bill are still avail-
able, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
officials announced yesterday.
Tickets for "La Serva Padrona"
and "Down in the Valley," which
will be broadcast over a national
hook-up during this afternoon's
performance, sell for $1.50, $1.20
and $.90. They may be obtained
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box of-
fice. Performance will begin at
2:15 p.m.
Nation-wide attention has been
attracted by the all-student opera
bill. The National Broadcasting
Company's presentation of Kurt
Weill's "Down in the Valley"
marks its radio premiere.

McGrath Puts
Dewey on Spot
Urges Direct Action
In Anti-Inflation Fight
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-()-
Republican Presidential Nominee
Thomas E. Dewey was challenged
tonight to use his influence to
get Congress to pass a "strong"
cost-of-living bill or "surrender
any moral right to speak about
high prices during the campaign."
The challenge came from Sen.
McGrath (Dem., R.I.), chairman
of the Democratic National Com-
McGrath said that reports from
Pawling, N.Y., where Dewey is "as-
siduously saying nothing" indi-
cate that the GOP candidate de-
sires to make inflation an issue
in the coming campaign.
"This amounts to a proposal
to debate the issue of who failed
to lock the stable door after the
horse was gone. It is still not too
late to do something about infla-
tion," McGrath said in a state-
He charged that the Republican
Party is to blame for today's dan-
gerously high 'cost of living, but
"That might be forgiven by
some voters if Governor Dewey
honestly admits the Republican
mistakes of the past and forces
constructive and workable legis-
lation out of this Congress at
this special session."
But his continued silence, said
McGrath, may turn out to be "the
most expensive silence in Amer-
ican history."
Indicted Reds
Reelected by
CP Convention
NEW YORK, Aug. 6--(M--
American Communists today re-
elected to high party posts all 12
leaders indicted on charges of ad-
vocating the overthrow of the U.S.
They also announced officially
their support of Henry A. Wallace
for President.
A 3,000-word platform, adopted
at the final session of the party's
14th annual convention, called on
all Americans "who hate Fascism
to defend the rights of Commu-
nists," and lauded Russia as the
world's "strongest bulwark for
The platform, which announced
support of Wallace instead of a
Presidential candidate of their
own, said the Communists would
back the Progressive Party with-
out seeking any "special position"
in it.
In announcing the reelection of
William Z. Foster as national
chairman as well as the reelection
of the 11 others as members of
the party's national committee,
the convention asked Americans
"to help explode the myth that
Communists are foreign agents or
advocate force and violence."
The indictments againstFoster
and the 11 others, returned two
weeks ago by a Federal Grand
.Jury, charged them with advocat-
ing and teaching the overthrow of
the U.S. government by force and
violence. All now are free on bail.
Reelected as general secretary of
the Party was Eugene V. Dennie.

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
NANKING, Aug 6-Official Chinese government reports today
said 3,500 persons were drowned and 400,000 made homeless by the
flooding Yellow River in northern Nonan province.
Such preliminary reports frequently exagerate casualties but the
Water Conservatory Ministry said officials on the spot described the
flood as "the worst in a hundred years."
* * * *
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Aug. 6-Four Air Force fliers were killed
when two training planes crashed in the air and plummeted to the
earth north of here today. .
Therfour were on a routine training flight from Randolph
Field here.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-Retail food prices are likely to go still
higher during the next few months, the Agriculture Department said

Electrocardiogram iAids Heart Station


I raph i c Di a osis, which form erly

ducted the strenuous six day nro-

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