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August 04, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-04

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Latest Deadline in the State


Phoenix Gets
$25,000 Gift
Of Regents
Majority To Be Used
For Atom Research
The Phoenix Project-living war
memorial of the University-has
been granted $25,000 by the Board
of Regents for research and or-
ganization, the office of President
Alexander G. Ruthven disclosed
I yesterday.
The president's office said $20,-
000 was to be used for fellowships
and research activities and up to
$5,000 for administration expenses.
Equivalent to Interest
The $25,000 allotment was re-
garded as equivalent to the inter-
est at present rates on an en-
dowment of $1,000,000, tentative
goal for the first year of the broj-
At the same time, Dr. Ralph A.
Sawyer, chairman of the prelim-
inary Phoenix planning commit-
tee, announced that part of the
money would be used to establish
four post-doctoral fellowships, ef-
fective this fall.
Applications Accepted
Each fellowship will carry a
stipend of $1,700 for a single per-
son and $2,000 for a married per-
son. Qualified graduate students
interested in researcsh in the ap-
plications or implications of
atomic -energy may apply to the
Dean of the Horace Rackham
School of Graduate Studies up
until Sept. 1. Appointments will
be made Sept. 10.
CeThe Phoenix Project was estab-
lished by the Regents last spring
as a memorial to University war
dead. It will be devoted to research
into the peacetime uses of atomic
Special Stress
Special stress will be placed on
the sociological, economic, philos-
ophical and cultural impact of
nuclear fission on the peoples of
the world. The project also will
serve as a worldwide clearing
house for atomic energy knowledge
of a non-military nature.
Funds for the project will be
raised by students and alumni
t groups. It is hoped eventually to
raise $25,000,000 in gifts and en-
dowments to support the com-
pleted memorial and its agencies.
Israeli Drafts
As Laborers
Military Conscription
Prohibited by Truce
TEL AVIV, Israel, Aug 3-(P)-
A labor conscription order affect-
ing immigrants who arrived after
the beginning of the United Na-
tions truce June 18 was announced
by the Israeli government today.
Terms of the truce prohibit mil-
itary conscription of the immi-
grants but the order allows the
} government to register them for
draft labor.
The Hebrew press today dis-
played prominently Foreign Mi-
ister Moshe Shertok's warning
that Arab violations of the truce
would lead to a renewal of the
war by the Israeli Army.
Israeli leaders are expected to
reiterate their demands for firmer
UN action to halt truce infrac-

tions when Count Folke Berna-
dotte, thge UN mediator, arrives
here tomorrow for conferences.
Sniper Shots
Bernadotte met in Jerusalem to-
day with Bernard Joseph, newly
appointed military governor of the
Jewish section of the city. While
they met intermittent sniper shots
were heard and a huge column of
black smoke poured from a store
of burning oil in the no-man's-
land between the Arab and Jew-
ish-held areas of the city.
Bernadotte said at a news con-
ference after the meeting "the
demilitarization of Jerusalem for
which I am working might neces-
sitate an international police force
of about 2,500 men to be dis-
patched by the UN to the Holy
Typhoid Epidemic
Meanwhile in Alexandria, Egypt,
Sir Rafael Cilento said there was
grave danger of a typhoid epi-
demic among Arab refugees from
the Palestine war.
Sir Rafael, an Australian. repre-

a - _______________________________________________________________

News Blackout Hides
Result of East-West
Moscow Conference

Ambassadors Send Reports To Capitals,
Await Home Instructions or Russian Reply


LONDON, Aug. 3-(P)-A four-power news blackout today hid
results of the Monday night talks in Moscow with Premier Joseph
Stalin regarding ending the East-West deadlock over Berlin, Germany
and perhaps Europe.
United States ambassador Walter B. Smith, French .ambassador
Yves Chataigneau, and Frank Roberts, special British envoy, all sent
reports to their home capitals about their more than two hour
conference last night with the Soviet leader.
British Spokesman
/A British spokesman said Britain's main policy makers were
"weighing very carefully" the report sent by Roberts to Foreign
*Secretary Ernest Bevin.
Bevin conferred with acting
Ch b r S a Prime Minister Herbert Morrison
immediately after reading the re-

U.S. Officials
Active in CP
Calls Hiss, Witt, White
Former Communists
Whittaker Chambers, who said he
once served in the Communist un-
derground in Washington, swore
today that it was headed by a
number of U. S. government off i-
cials, including:
Alger Hiss, State Department
official who later rose to be Sec-
retary General of the San Fran-
cisco Conference at which the
United Nations was launched, and
Nathan Witt, who served succes-
sively as attorney and executive
secretary for the National Labor
Relations Board.
Government Officials
Chambers also declared a num-
ber of other government officials
were among the leaders of the Red
network in the Capitol during his
life as a Communist Party member
from 1924 to 1937.
Chambers, now a senior editor
for Time Magazine, testified be-
fore the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee as it dug into
stories of a widespread spy ring
in the federal government.
He asserted that Harry Dexter
White, former Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury, was "certainly" a
fellow traveler. Chambers said he
tried to persuade White to "break
away from the Communist group"
but failed.
The witness also told of seeking
unsuccessfully to get Hiss to
"break away from the party."
Hiss, now President of the Car-
negie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace, said in New York: "I
don't know Mr. Chambers. As far
as I know I never met him. And
there's no basis for the statement
whicin has been reported to me
that he made to the committee."
Hiss has been named vice chair-
man of the National Citizens
Committee for United Nations
Day, Oct. 24, by Secretary of State
Chambers named other cell
leaders of the Red network here
as Lee Pressman, Donald Hiss,
Victor Perlo, Charles Cramer,
John Abt and Henry Collins.
He said he told his story to gov-
ernment authorities in 1939 but
that nothing happened.
Robert E. Stripling, committee
counsel, described Donald Hiss as
a brother of Alger and a State
Department employe from 1938 to1

port. Later he saw U.S. ambassa-
dor Lewis Douglas.
Roberts to Stay
A spokesman said there were no
present plans for Roberts to leave
Moscow. This was taken as an in-
dication the three envoys in Mos-
cow either were awaiting instruc-
President Truman has received
a full report on Monday night's
American - British - French con-
versations with Joseph Stalin on
the German crisis, the White
House said late today.
tions from their home govern-
ments, or were expecting a Rus-
sian reply to the suggestions they
put forth at the Kremlin.
All indications were that the
Western Power envoys expected to
continue their talks with Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
and possibly Stalin. The Western
Powers were believed attempt-
ing to arrange four-power nego-
tiations on German and European
problems with lifting of the Berlin
blockade as a condition.
Refuse Comment
In London, Washington and
Paris, however, officials refused
to make any comment on the re-
ports received from Moscow. Brit-
ish Foreign Office spokesmen said
this news blackout may continue
for several days, because of the
delicacy of the situation.
State Department spokesmen in
Washington said they expected
the same lid would be on news in
Moscow. Moscow newspapers
prominently reported the long
talks in the Kremlin last night but
made no comment.
Moscow dispatches said, how-
ever, that the concensus of opin-
ion among observers there was
that progress had been made in
ironing out at least same prelim-
inary difficulties. The good spirits
of the Westernenvoys when they
left Stalin last night was taken as
a good sign. These observers be-
lieved that the Western Powers
not only had put forward their
own suggestions buthad received
counter-proposals from Stalin.
UN Loan Bill
Up for Action
to lend the United Nations $65,-
000,000 to build a permanent
headquarters in New York was ap-
proved today by the House Foreign
Affairs Committee.
The measure is expected to go
before the House for action to-
morrow. The Senate already has
passed it.

Provision of
Law Blasted
Strike Vote Section
Declared Unlawful
DETROIT, Aug. 3 -- (P) - A
Wayne County Circuit Judge
tossed out the strike vote provision
of Michigan's year-old Bonine-
Tripp Labor Law today as uncon-
The long-awaited ruling by
Judge Theodore J. Richter
stemmed from the 17-day strike
last May of 75,000 Chrysler Corp.
employes. It was made on the
CIO United Auto Workers' request
for a permanent injunction to pre-
vent criminaleprosecution of
Chrysler strike leaders.
Disregard Act
ThegChrysler strike was called
May 12 without regard to the
Bonine-Tripp Act's requirement of
a state-conducted strike vote.
Judge Richter *held that Chrys-
ler was engaged in interstate com-
merce; hence its employes were
governed only by the Federal Taft-
Hartley Labor law.
The ruling had these immediate
1. Assistant Attorney General
Ben Cole and Wayne County Pros-
ecutor James N. McNally said
an appeal would be made "within
minutes" after the judge's final+
decree on a permanent injunction.
is issued.
2. The State Labor Mediation
Board said it would continue to
function as in the past except that
it would not attempt to force strike
votes in Wayne County. A spokes-
man said the board would expect
unions to abide by the strike vote
provision elsewhere in the state
at least until the state Supreme
Court rules in the case.1
"The State Labor Mediation
Board is not going out of business'
as a result of Judge Richter's de-
cision," Cole asserted.
He pointed out that the ruling
only prevents criminal prosecution
when Union leaders call a strike
without a state-conducted vote-
and then only in Wayne County.
The Legislature put a so-called
"savings" clause in the Bonine-
Tripp Law to preserve the remain-
der of the act in case one or1
more provisions were held invalid.
Continue in Force
State officials interpreted this
as meaning all except section 9-
the strike vote provision-would
continue in full force.
The Labor Mediation Board left
its future course to Cole to deter-
mine after Judge Richter's deci-
sion. He said the Board would con-
tinue to set up machinery for
strike votes even in Wayne county.
But he admitted "there is nothing1
the board can do" if a union re-]
fuses to use this machinery.
World News
At a Glance
(By The Associated Press)
FRANKFURT, Germany, Aug. 31
-Several thousand Czechs who
fled their Communist-ruled home-1
land were promised a pardon to-
day if they return within three
DETROIT, Aug 3-Attorney
Gen. Eugene F. Black, with the
state hot on his heels in pursuit1
of the Flint Auto Rackets Grand
Jury records, popped them safe-

ly into Federal hands today.
The records, which Black
claims show the state Republi-
can party has illegally solicited
campaign funds, were turned
over to U.S. District AttorneyI
Thomas P. Thornton.
BUDAPEST, Hungary, Aug. 3-
Arpad Szakasits, pro-Communist
Socialist, succeeded to the presi-
dency of Hungary today.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3-Carl
Winter, chairman of the Mich-
igan State Communist Party,
pleaded innocent today to an
indictment charging he con-
spired to overthrow the govern-
ment by force and violence.
ATHENS, Aug. 3-The Greek1
Army offensive against stubbornI
rebel resistance moved into high+
gear today with the capture of
important guerrilla strongpoints1
on both eastern and western

Leaders of GOP
Decide on Move
oCurb Prices
Reach Accord on Anti-Inflation Bill;
Congress Will Consider Plan Today
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3-(P)-Republican leaders reached an
agreement tonight to start a limited anti-inflation bill rolling through
Congress tomorrow.
The agreement was announced by Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio),
chairman of the Senate GOP Policy Committee, and Rep. Wolcott
(Rep., Mich.), chairman of the House Banking Committee. Their
announcement followed a two-hour meeting of Taft, Wolcott and
several members of the Senate Banking Committee.
As outlined by Wolcott, the House Banking Committee will start
consideration tomorrow of a Senate-approved bill to re-establish -

ex-Communist editor, stands during his testimony before a Senate
subcommittee to identify Elizabeth T. Bentley (not shown) as a
person described to him as "very trustworthy" and active in the
party's underground organization. Chairman Homer Ferguson
(Rep., Mich.) of the subcommittee sits behind microphones at
committee table. Miss Bentley, seated in the rear of the room at
the time, has testified that she collected information for gov-
ernment employes during the war.
Annual Choral Union Series
To Feature Great Musicians

The seventieth annual Choral
Union Concert Series, and Extra
Concert Series will offer Ann Ar-
borites an excellent opportunity
to hear some of the world's finest
musical artists "right in their own
All the concerts will take place
in Hill Auditorium.
Eileen Farrell, soprano, will
open the Concert Series on Oct. 6.
Miss Farrell has long been known
to radio audiences for her many
appearances on her own programs
and as guest star. She has also
performed with the New York
Dennis Says

Being 'Saved'


NEW YORK, Aug. 3-(P)-Eu-
gene Dennis, General Secretary of
the Communist Party, told the
Party national convention today
"big capital is saving Eisenhower
for a more acute emergency."
Dennis devoted most of his
speechnat the closed convention
session to the 1948 elections. He
said the Communists would con-
tinue to support the Progressive
Party despite contentions they
should withdraw this backing if
they "really want to help beat
Indicted Communist
Portions of the speech were re-
leased by the convention publicity
staff. Dennis was one of 12 top
Communist officials recent indict-
ed by a Federal Grand Jury on
charges of seeking to overthrow
the U.S. government.
The secretary said, "Big cap-
ital is saving Eisenhower for a
more acute national emergency,
where he can appear in the guise
of a non-partisan candidate and
play the Cincinnatus role of na-
tional saviour.
Monday to Friday
The convention, which opened
last night with a rally in Madison
Square Garden, continues through
Friday. The closed sessions are at
a hotel. About 250 delegates and
100 guests are attending.

Philharmonic - Symphony, and
with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
French Orchestra
On Oct. 25, the French National
Orchestra, under the direction of
Charles Munch will perform.
Munch has conducted six major
orchestras in this country in addi-
tion to several internationally
known French orchestras.
George Szell will conduct the
Cleveland Orchestra on Nov. 7 in
the third concert of the series.
This is Szell's first year as conduc-
tor of the Cleveland Orchestra
which is in its 29th season.
Ezio Pinza
Ezio Pinza, called by one critic
"the greatest singing actor of his
generation" will give the fourth
concert on Nov. 18. Pinza who is
known to radio fans and concert
and opera-goers for his rich bari-
tone, sings a variety of 70 operatic
This season, Clifford Curzon,
who will perform here on Nov. 27,
is making his first American tour.
An English pianist, Curzon has ap-
peared in this country in 1939
and again in 1947 at which time
critics hailed him as "among the
greatest keyboard artists of the
Boston Symphony
The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, of Berkshire Music Festival
fame, will play on Dec. 6 under the
baton of Serge Koussevitsky.
The Seventh artist to appear in
See EILEEN, Page 4
Petition for Rally
Called Ineffective
Dean Erich Walter, of the Office
of Student Affairs, said he believed
that the petition requesting an all-
view political rally which the Stu-
dent Legislature had intended to
circulate, would be unrepresenta-
tive and ineffective at this time.
Marshall Lewis, SL member
quoted Dean Walter as saying,
"Any further effort to request the
Regents to reconsider (their polit-
ical speakers ban) must be mean-
ingful. A petition circulated now
would not be meaningful."
Dean Walter pointed out that
many of those who sign the peti-
tion would be temporary students
here, who would not return to the
campus after next fall.

consumer credit controls.
Wolcott said the bill would
be used as a base. He explained
that he would offer amend-
ments in committee to restore
the gold. reserve requirements
for federal reserve banks to their
1945 level, and probably an
amendment to increase the re-
serves of federal reserve banks
by three per cent on demand de-
posits and one per cent on time
Increasing the reserves cuts
down the amount of money banks
can lend. The theory is that this
is a check on inflation.
President Truman had recom-
mended that the government be
empowered to increase reserve re-
quirements on time dposits by 4
per cent, and on demand deposits
by 10 per cent.
The Republican leaders have
marked for the discard most of
the Truman anti-inflation pro-
gram, which calls among other
things for powers to control
some prices and wages and to
resume rationing if it is deemed
Despite indications that it has
no chance of success the President
pressed today for passage of an-
other item in his anti-inflation
program-an excess profits tax de-
signed to trim the peacetime prof-
its of larger corporations.
He proposed a $4,300,000,000 tax,
much like the wartime levy. Spon-
sors of the bill said it would dis-
courage price increases. Rep.
Knutson (Rep., Minn.), chair-
man of the House Ways and
Means Committee, predicted the
bill's defeat.
Rep. Wolcott said his amend-
ment to increase the reserves
that banks are required to set
aside to assure payment of their
depositors would apply only to
members of the Federal Reserve
The President, too, asked that
the increases apply only to mem-
ber banks but federal reserve offi-
cials have said the increase should
apply to non-member banks as
The President's program made
no mention of gold reserves, which
back up paper currency. Some of-
ficials have said an increase in
thesebwould be largely psycholog-
ical because the reserves already
exceed requirements.
Wolcott told newsmen that
his Banking Committee should
agree on a bill tomorrow and
place it before the House Thurs-
day. He predicted the House
would pass it and send it to the
Senate the same day. Taft said
it would be referred immediately
to the Senate Banking Commit-
Chairman Tobey (Rep., N.H.) of
the Senate banking group indicat-
ed to reporters after he left the
meeting that he would propose
some amendments to the Wolcott
Bill. Tobey wants to include both
member and non-member banks
in the reserve requirements and
has indicated he would like to go
along with the administration pro-
posals for the amounts of re-
serve increases.

The Southern filibuster against a
bill to repeal the poll tax droned
on today with Senator Hill of Ala-
bama reading the history of the
Constitution in a slow Dixie drawl.
When asked what was going to
be s"one about the Southern
strategy, Senator Robert Taft
(Rep., 0.) said "The only solution
is to change the Senate rules so
that we can limit debate, but I
don't think we can do that before
the regular session' in January,"
he said.
Special Conference
The GOP policy leader said he
would ask a special Republican
conference tomorrow to decide as
a Constitutional amendment.
Southerners have indicated they
would not filibuster such a move.
It would, however, require a two-
thirds approval of both Houses
and ratification by three-fourths
of the states.
Political Campaign
Hill declared the Poll Tax Bill
had been brought before the Sen-
ate "in the heat of a political
campaign-under political pres-
sure-at a time when the Senate
ought not to be considering any
fundamental changes in the law."
There were only eight Senators
in their seats and less than 25 per-
sons in the galleries as Hill ended
a six-hour, 13-minute speech.

* * *
Poll Tax Bill
Still Stalled
By Filibuster


Willow Village
A registration campaign last
weekend at Willow Village netted
609 new voters for the fall pri-
maries and elections, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
From the Ypsilanti, township
portion of the Village, 412 persons,
mostly student veterans, signed
up, setting a new registration rec-
The registration booths will be
open again from 1 to 5 p.m. and
from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday and Sat-
urday. Last chance for registra-
tion is Aug. 25.
Ypsilanti township residents
will register in the University
Community Center and Superior
township residents in the North
CommunityCenter. Those persons
who have not voted in two years or
who have moved since they voted
last, must re-register.
Univis Lens Plant
Strike Is Halted
DAYTON, O., Aug. 3 - (P) --
Peace - enforced by National
Guard guns, bayonets and tanks-
came to the strike-bound Univis
Lens plant today.
But not to the CIO United Elec-
trical Workers, whose 91 day strike
for bargaining rights resulted in
picket-line battles and a munici-
pal state of emergency.
The company resumed produc-
tion today when approximately
350 of its normal 658 employes re-
turned to the plant between lines
of steel-helmeted troops who re-
sorted once to use of tear gas.
The union, which planned a big
demonstration at the plant gates
this morning, changed its mind
after the Montgomery County CIO


'Ajjnt Rjjth' qt pv. Mail;ncr l ict

,Cl llll . 1 l lA 111 Jl

Lsl l if111111 .Uh

Drop to Lowest in 50 Years
By CRAIG WILSON tions. In a year Aunt Ruth
For "Aunt Ruth," the job of 800 bundles. Along with that
brightening lonely lives goes on goes hundreds of birthday
in peace as well as war. and friendly letters to all of
That is why Ruth Bacon Bu- list.
chanan, "Aunt" to thousands of list. ,t AntRuh
Army and Navy servicemen and work she is doing now
former University students, is call- eouk She remg oc
ing for the names of "anyone in enough. She remembers too
the service or hospitalized who the thousands of notes and P
would like a letter, birthday cards she mailed during. World W
or copies of The Daily." At that time her mailing list
Today her mailing list is down btered 2,230 and she wrote
to twenty-the smallest it reached letters, according to conser
in years, almost back to the Span- estimates. Birthday cards re
ich Ammcria.n xrw, men +. "im. the fantastic total of 6,902. C

t pile,
n her
, the
ar II.

U.S. Should Expect Ingratitude-Wheare

America must expect a certain
amount of criticism and ingrati-
tude from the European nations
participating in the European Re-
covery Program, Prof. Kenneth C.
Wheare, visiting member of the
political science department, said
last night.

for the economic recovery pro-
gram," he stated.
However, he pointed to a "strong
desire" in Britain and in other na-
tions of Europe to be politically
independent not only of Russia
but also of the United States.
"Britons would i tnbpasso-

of a free society in Britain exists
under socialism, he said. Britain
may find itself in serfdom to bu-
reaucracy, according to Wheare.
He said that at present no re-
strictions could be removed.
"For example, it is a condition
of rreivin American aid thit

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