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July 29, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-29

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p., A


Spotlight on Congress

IN CALLING THE special session of Con-
gress, President Truman has in effect
asked the Republicans to put up or shut up.
Admittedly, the President's action was in
no small way motivated by political reasons.
But after one glance at his program it is
evident that more than political prestige is
at stake. Of primary consideration, above
and beyond mere maneuvering, is the wel-
fare of the American people.
The President has asked the 80th Con-
gress-the Republican Congress-to pass
measures to meet the rising cost of living
and to alleviate the housing shortage. He
called for limited price controls, stand-
by authority to ration commodities in
short supply and to limit wage adjust-
ments. He also asked for re-establish-
ment of an excess profits tax, restoration
of consumer credit controls and regula-
tions of speculation on commodity ex-
And the President urged quick approval
of the Senate-passed Taft-Ellender-Wagner
housing bill to provide aid to cities in clear-
ing slums and building low-rent housing
No sooner were Mr. Truman's words out of
his mouth, than the Republicans, who have
just compiled what they call "an extraor-
dinary record of. accomplishment" had this
to say:
"It is our view that the restoration of
OPA, subsidies, price control, wage control
and rationing, would only make the situa-
tion worse, create black markets and check
the increase in production which is the
only ultimate solution."
This bland tongue-in-cheek statement
was issued, despite the fact that only last
week it was announced that the cost-
of-living index in America had reached
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

a new all-time high-without controls and
rationing and with mounting production.
The Republican leaders went on to say
that "much already has been done to solve"
the housing problem and then point out
that a million new dwelling units are being
constructed this year. Point of interest: the
greater proportion of these units are in the
high bracket field, whereas the compara-
tively mild T-E-W Act would provide low-
cost housing for those millions of sorely-
pressed families that are still living doubled
Then the public-spirited Republicans took
a few cracks at the President and the Demo-
crats with the complaint that most of the
social legislation is of a permanent char-
acter which can be considered more thor-
oughly next winter.
All this, of course, overlooks the suc-
cinct fact that several years were needed
to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps
from a Republican-germinated depression
and that the New Deal did in fact make
remarkable advances along the lines of
social legislation. That the Democrats were
unable to follow through their program
which, incidentally, lagged behind Great
Britain's by 50 years-was no fault of their
own, but traceable directly to the war.
The Republicans, bleating about increased
production as the cure-all, scrapped ration-
ing and controls, abolished the excess profits
tax (guess who benefitted from that) and
obstructed the President in every conceiv-
able mannner possible.
It should be recognized here and now
without any further nonsense that our for-
eign committments under ERP and our an-
nounced stepped-up Armed Forces program
are going to require Government spending,
and lots, of it. Very simply, as any Economics
54 student will tell you, this means that the
government will be competing with private
enterprise for goods and resources. Under
these conditions, further inflation can only
be controlled by a combination of sensible
rationing and a reasonable but strict tax
The legislation proposed by the President
is urgently needed. It should be passed with-
out further ado.
-Kenneth Lowe.

What About the Olympics?

Do OLYMPIC GAMES promote interna-
tional understanding and good will?
This question can probably be more easily
answered in the negative. There seems to be
no evidence that the Olympics have ever
created antagonism between nations. Bitter
rivalries between various delegations were
traceable to international conflicts already
existing, and the tense spirit of nationalism
often prevailing had its origins outside the
realm of sports. So much can be stated dog-
matically. Can we go further?
Olympic delegations and committees are
generally accepted as being representative
of their respective countries. Avery Brundage
has announced his resignation, but still this
once he is chairman of the American Olym-
pic Committee, as well as president of the
Amateur Athletic Union. Will the interna-
T ruman's Program
PRESIDENT TRUMAN has continually
blamed the Republicans for the high
prices, but Mr. Truman forgets that he is
the chief contributor to the present inflated
Admittedly necessary things were loans to
England, UNRRA, the Truman plan and
now the ERP, but by funneling billions of
dollars worth of foodstuffs and other con-
sumer goods to the nations of the world
these things have created shortages which
in turn cause high prices.
The President is not being criticized
for these necessary programs (unless, as
Henry Wallace wishes, we are to give the
rest of the world to Russia) but he seems
hypocritical in condemning the Repub-
Of course the Democratic come-back to
this is that it was the Republicans who
removed OPA. It was this same OPA which
put ceilings on prices while allowing wages
to rise unchecked, which caused corn and
hog prices to get so out of line that farmers
were unwilling to raise much livestock. and
as result the prices were within reach but
the goods were not.
If President Truman sincerely wanted to
try to correct the present inflationary trend
he would suggest complete controls on wages
as well as prices, but this, as he or his ad-
visers well know, would be political suicide.
At the same time the present DP pro-
gram was attacked as being discrimina-
tory. The Bill has for one of its condi-
tions a clause stating that to be eligible
for immigration a DP must have been in
Germany before a given date in December,
1945. This was a full seven months after
the war with Germany had ended, and
means that anyone who had been uprooted
by the Germans is eligible.
Since it is only fair that these people who
have been slave laborers under the Nazis
should get first crack at entering the coun-
try the only. discrimination seems to be iA
favor of those who were forced to move by
the Germans and against those who later
mnvpri of t+pn;rnwn volition-

tional sports world accept his views as typ-
ically American?
Brundage said that "politics should not
enter into the Olympic ideal any more
than color, race for creed." Thus Brundage
was able to tell Hitler in 1936 that his
policies were none of our business. "Cus-
toms of other nations are not our bus-
iness," and persecution of minorities is as
"old as history," Brundage is quoted as
But Brundage did not stop there. He
attacked the men who wanted to boycott
the 1936 Olympics, held at Berlin and
Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the year of Hit-
ler's march into the Rhineland. Brundage
called these men "alien agitators," "Commu-
nists" and "certain Jews."
And he publicized the statement of Inter-
national Olympic Committee member Gen.
Sherrill, who said: "It does not concern me
one bit the way Jews in Germany are being
treated, any more than lynchings in the
South of our own country."
Did Brundage, who was so tolerant of
Nazi Germany and Imperialist Japan, also
feel the same way about Communism?
Hardly. America Firster Brundage stated
categorically that Communism must be
stamped out. So much for our Olympic
The Cold War is obviously going to find
its parallel in the Olympic contests. United
Press reports from Prague that out of 100-
odd Czech athletes originally slated to go
to London, only about half will be able to
go, because the government is unwilling to
clear the others, for fear that they will not
return. Low-calorie countries of Europe are
likely to blame the well-balanced American
diet if the United States team walks off
with many victories, and deride the team if
it is so weak as not to win, even with
a stomach full of Wheaties and white bread
especially flown to the United Kingdom
from the States. Egypt said that Arab coun-
tries would withdraw their delegations if two
women Israel planned to send (Israel has no
able-bodied men to spare) were recognized.
The Soviet Union is not sending any team,
but some of the Communist-dominated
countries of Eastern Europe will be repre-
sented. It has not yet been announced that
losing athletes from those countries will be
declared Trotzkyites, saboteurs and Capital-
istic softies who need toughening up at
a labor camp, but it is doubtlessly true tha,
in some countries the team has not much
to look for unless it brings home the bacon.
Great Britain, traditionally one of the
great sport-loving countries, is reported
to be indifferent to this year's Olympics,
although the 250,000 visitors from abroad
will bring some badly needed dollar credits
to the country.
The London Evening Standard comments:
"We do not regard sport as primarily an
occasion for nationalistic self assertion. Yet
the Olympiad atmosphere tends notoriously
to take on an unpleasant edge of jingo riv-
atrv whcis the+ antithesis ofreral1 snortinw

Campus Rally
A DRIVE will open today to obtain at least
2,000 signatures of students on campus
who wish to support the action of the Stu-
dent Legislature in requesting that the Uni-
versity Regents allow an all-campus political
rally to be held on a non-partisan basis.
Each scholar signing will indicate thatI
there is one more voice on campus calling
for action on the issue of political meetings.
A large number of signatures will be a strong
indicator to the Regents that the University
student body is actively interested in, and
willing to support whole-heartedly, plans for
a greater measure of political discussion on
Such a rally, which would be sponsored
by the Student Legislature and open to all
parties, has so far only been considered in
relation to a rally of all candidates for the
post of Congressman from the Second
Michigan District. However, the universal
need and application of the rally plan
cannot be denied.
It is a straight-forward method of bring-
ing to light all political viewpoints without
putting the University in a position of ap-
pearing to support the candidacy of one in-
dividual over another. It can be used to
highlight the other campaigns-on the local,
state and even the national basis.
In this most crucial of election years,
when the destiny of the ballot can swing the
United States so far along differentroads to
hoped-for security and justice, full consider-
ation of all political issues, by all voters, is
absolutely necessary.
However, only the signatures of thousands
of students to petitions calling on the Re-
gents to consider favorably the Legislature's
request can prove that the campus is aware
of the importance of political rallies and Ts
willing to lend strength to their support.
-Craig H. Wilson
Out of Control
congressmen seem short, and one reason
for this, I think, is that the congressional
situation is out of control, and they know
it. This is exasperating to them for they are
not used to an uncontrolled situation, they
are not accustomed to operating in the kind
of harsh white light that beats upon this
special session. In spot situations in the past
the public has sometimes roused itself, and
followed specific debates, particular votes,
with eager interest; but this is different,
from the first moment to the last, every
breath it takes, every word it says, the neck-
this time the Congress itself is the issue,
ties it wears and the way it combs its hair.
The present atmosphere does not at all
resemble the clubhouse calm in which Con-
gress usually operates, comfortably far from
the next election, and behind a stockade of
procedure so complex that it tends to dis-
perse attention and to make issues seem
diffuse. For a short time we are operating
under something very like the European sys-
tem of parliamentary government, in which
a single vote on a single measure may sum-
mon up and profoundly affect a national
None of this is of very great use to the
Republicans, whose expectations were that
they were about to win an election almost
by default, rather than on issues.
According to Washington observ&rs, they
are divided into several schools, one which
wants to adjourn immediately and defy the
President, a second which wants to pass
some but not all of the proposed reform
measures, and a third which wants to pass
everything the President asks for, and then

"o on to win the election. This kind of de-
bate, which is primarily strategic, and
which relegates the content of the issues to
a kind of second place, shows that the Re-
publicans are still suffering from a time lag.
Chey have not yet realized how deeply b3-
sues have been injected into the campaign,
and how much damage has been done to the
concept of a purely strategic approach to
But the chief issue is Congress itself. And
this is very strange, because Congress has
not been an issue, in quite the present way,
for fifteen years. During the Roosevelt era,
the era of a strong President, the attention
of the public was centered on the White
House, to which it looked for a solution of
its problems; in a curious way, it paid small
attention to the importance of Congress in
the total setup. Even when Roosevelt tried
explicitly to secure a more liberal, a more
responsive Congress, the public did not back
him; the only result was that he fell into
trouble with his own party.
But today, in a time of a weak presi-
dency, attention has shifted to Congress,
and it is not so much that Mr. Truman
has made Congress an issue, by assaulting
and upbraiding it, as it is his own weak-
ness which has turned the public interest
to another sphere. Something has hap-
pened, and I think it is important; during
a campaign from which no strong presi-
dent seems likely to emerge, or at least
none who is very well cast for a role as
the paladin of the people, the popular at-
tention has turned to an alternate area of
stiyiggle and hope.

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Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the t
Assistant to the President, Roorn
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 pm. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
* . *.
VOL. LVIII, No. 195
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason IHall.
State of California Department of
Corrections has openings for men
as Senior Clinical Psychologists in
the Guidance Center at the Cali-
fornia State Prison at San Quen-
tin, 20 miles from San Francisco.
Minimum qualifications include:
Education-Equivalent to a Mas-
ter's degree with major work in
clinical psychology-Experience-
Two years of full-time, paid ex-
perience in the practice of clinical
psychology involving the examin-
ation classification, diagnosis, and
treatment of individuals at various
age levles. Salary is $376 to $458
per mo. Complete information is
on file at the Bureau.
August, 1948, Graduates in
Mechanical, Industrial-Mechani-
cal, Aeronautical with Power Ma-
jor and Metallurgical Engineer-
ing: Mr. H. G. Bigler of GENER-
Detroit, will interview students in
the above groups, Friday July 30,
in Room 218 West Engineering
Building. Students may. sign the
interview schedule posted on the
Bulletin Board outside of Room
225 W. Engr. Bldg. Aplicatikn
Blanks and a Faculty Rating
Blank are available.
The School of Business Admin-
istration announces an opportun-
ity for students to take the Strong
Vocational Interest Test on Thurs.
July 29, 3 p.m. in Room 102 Arch-
itecture Building. The American
Institute of Accountants' profile
blank for accountants will be fur-
nished with the report of the test
to those who care to use it. The
fee of $1 is payable at the time of
taking the test.
The fourth Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held on Fri., July 30,
1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the Fresh
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students
interested in problems of indi-
vidual and group therapy are in-
vited to attend. The discussant
will be Dr. Norman Westlund,
Director 'of the Saginaw Valley
Child Guidance Clinic.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-'
pational Information, 201 Mason
The Westinghouse Air Brake
Company, Wilmerding, Pa., has
openings in their training pro-

gram, starting September 20, 1948.,
They are interested in mechani-
cal, electrical, and aeronautical
eng.ineers. Application blanks are
on file at the Bureau, and men
may get complete information
Visitor's Night, Department of
Ast'rnomy-Friday, July 30, 9 to
10:30 p.m., in Angell Hall, for ob-
servations of Jupiter. Visitor's
Night will be cancelled if the sky
is cloudy. Children must be ac-
companied by adults.
Mathematics Movie: A movie
"Triple Integrals" and a slide film
"Areas by Integration" will be
shown in 3017 Angell Hall, at 11
Fri., July 30. All who are interest-
ed are welcome.
Linguistic Institute Forum Lec-
ture. "The Strategy of Linguistics"
by Professor W. Freeman Twad-
dell, Department of Germanic
Languages, Brown University.
Thurs., July 29, 7:30, Rackham
The sixth lecture in the special
series of lectures sponsored by the
Department of Engineering Me-
chanics will be given by J. Free-
man, Associate Professor of Chem-
ical & Metallurgical Engineering,
Unr,'rsity of Michigan. Professor
Freeman will speak on "Metal-
lurgical Aspects of Creep and Re-
laxation at High Temperatures"
Fri., July 30, 3 p.m., Room 445
West Engineering Bldg., and Sat.,
July 31, 11 a.m., Room 445 West
Engineering Bldg.
Academic Notices
Applied Mathematics Seminar:
The Applied Mathematics Seminar
will meet on Thurs., July 29, at 4
p.m. in 247 V. E. Bldg. Dr. R. F.
Clippinger of the Aberdeen Prov-
ing Grounds will talk on High
Speed Computing Instruments.
Carillon Recital: 7:15 Thurs.,
July 29, by Percival Price, Univer-
sity Carillonneur. The program
will open with a group of five
songs, followed by a composition
for carillon by Timmermans en-
titled A Dutch Holiday. It will
close with Wagner's Prelude to
Lohengrin and the March of the
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will
present its annual summer con-
cert at 8 p.m., Thurs., July 29, in
Hill Auditorium, with Mary Fish-
burne, guest instructor in piano,
as soloist. The program will con-
sist of Handel's Suite from "The
Water Music," Beethoven's Eight
Symphony; D'Indy's Symphony on
a French Mountain Air, Op. 25,
for Piano and Orchestra, and

*. 7 e~

Raps Alsops
To the Editor:
I am thinking of Messrs. Joseph
and Stewart Alsop's syndicated
column. And for this time, I shall
limit myself to their column in
last Sunday's Daily, "Wallace's
Little Group." The extended detri-
ment of this column, I believe,
sanctions my time and The Daily's
space. Let us take inventory of
Messrs. Alsop's words.
"The Wallace party convention
has not, of course, been a conven-
tion at all," starts the column. I
cannot find any meaning in the
phrase "of course." In the next
five lines, on the "positive" aspect
of the "convention," we find that
it was "dreary," "nauseating," a
"spectacle" and "quite obviously
stage-managed" by the Commun-
ist Party. The "quite obviously" is
an emotional retribution for the
fact that the columnists offer no
proof of it, and probably have
Farther on we find that "Wal-
lace's only labor support derives
from such men as . . . " Why not
"men like" instead of "such men
as"? The reason is obvious: "such"
means nothing but it is, in its
vagueness, an effective tool of
denigration. At the end of that
same paragraph our writers grow
bolder and more irresponsible, and
the Communists become "Stalin-
ists," the subjugation of a col-
lectivity and ideology to a per-
sonal name being repulsive to us
Americans. Those who have join-
ed Wallace and are non-Com-
munists are "fuzzy-minded" (like
Jo Davidson, Rexford Tugwell and
Mr. Downes, I suppose). The "in-
siders" in Wallace's group are, in
harmony, "astute."
At one point in the column Wal-
lace recently "firmly believed that
as the international crisis deep-
ened . . . " he would gain support,
a brilliant piece of psychoanalysis
on the part of the columnists. And
yet, later on, they say, "One can-
not help but wonder what is going
on in the mind of Henry Wallace."
This, I think, is enough to show
conclusively thedithyrambic na-
ture of the column on Wallace. It
is not just a question of an emo-
tive introduction or conclusion; it
is a constant permeation of atti-
tude in the connotation of every
possible phrase, sentence or even
Deems Taylor's Suite, "Through
the Looking Glass," Op. 12.
The concert is open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
Collegium Musicum Program
under the direction of Louise Cuy-
ler, will be presented at 8 p.m.
Fri., July 30, in Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Dr. Juana de Laban, As-
sociate Supervisor in Physical Ed-
ucation, will assist in the program
of music and dances of the 16th,
17th. and 18th centuries.
The public is cordially invited.
Graduate School Record Con-
cert: 8 p.m., West Conference
Room, 3rd floor, Rackham Bldg.
BACH: Concerto in D Minor:
Szigeti, violin; Orch. of the New
Friends of Music, Stiedry cond.
on Green Sleeves: Boyd Neel
String Orch., Neel cond.
SCHUBERT: Quintet in C Ma-
jor, Op. 163: Pro Arte Quartet; A.
Pin;, 2nd cello. STRAVINSKY:
Symphony in 3 movements, 1945:
N. Y. Philharmonic, Stravinsky
All graduate students invited;
silence requested.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo.
rial Hall: Art Masterworks
framed color reproductions to be

loaned to Michigan Schools
Weekdays 9:30-12 and 2-5; Sun.
days 2-5. The public is cordiall3
Events Today
Young Democrats: Will mee
Thurs., 8 p.m., Michigan Union, t(
discuss campus political rallies. Al
interested persons are invited.
(Continued on Page 4)

How about proof, true reason-
ing? There is none. There is only
pseudo-proof. Let us examine a
couple of instances.
The Alsops inform us that Tug-
well has come out in favor of the
Marshall Plan, but that in spite
of having been the chairman of
the platform committee the plat-
form denounces the Marshall
Plan. And that Tugwell "has un-
happily announced that this ap-
parent contradiction is 'unimpor-
tant.' " The conclusion is that Mr.
Tugwell is in a "ludicrous posi-
tion." Why? Anyone can think of
several perfectly legitimate al-
ternatives for this conclusion.
Does being chairman of a com-
mittee mean that one is its dic-
tator? After all, we are dealing
with an economist, professor at
the University of Chicago, and
not with a whimpering boy. Are we
to discai'd Tugwell's announce-
ment as a meaningless sign of
helpless defeat?
Speaking of Baldwin, the Al-
sops call him a " 'united fronter'-
one who believes in cooperation
with the Communists," and the
only proof they have is that he
has joined the Civil Rights Con-
Pressman "has frequently been
reported a member of the Com-
munist Party" (a very common
practice today) "and he has not
publicly" (notice "publicly") "de-
nied it." (Many who are not Com-
munists have, for respectable rea-
sons, refused to deny it.) The writ-
ers, in their own way, say that
Pressman is not a proven Com-
munist. But immediately follow-
ing, and speaking of John Abt,
they say that he is a "kind of cut-
rate Pressman, sharing his views,
his affiliations and an office at
Wallace headquarters." But we
have just concluded that Press-
man has no proven affiliations!
How, then, can Mr. Abt share
Pressman's affiliations?
And the astounding impudence
of the column . . . it is called
"Matter of Fact."
I feel confident now that I can
ask my.reader, "Is this a column
worthy of a thinking reader?" Now
as much as ever we are in dire
need of clear thinking. I accuse
"Matter of Fact" of dabbling fan-
fare. And to The Michigan Daily
and the Board in Control of Stud-
ent Publications, I urge you in the
name of decency to rid your news-
paper of such low journalism.
-R. F. Defendini
Fifty-Eighth Year




Letters to the Editor



Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James........Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,
Associated Collegiate Press



Those red flannels I hung out on
the line, on account of moths- '
They re gone, f
Eph? Tramps?

Jeremiah! You've been fighting
again! Your poor tail feathers-
jacKL or1ยข

These, er, tights won't do, m'boy. Perhaps my
Hamlet had better be done in modern dress-
Yes,- guess so,
Mr 'Malley.Rhy.isa.Pscu
Its allegory and metaphysics are obscure



Grandma, Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,

As I was saying, Mrs. Baxter, my play



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