See Page 2
Lw ztr~rn
Latest Deadline in the State
U.S. Bomber
Crashes into
Gulf of Aden
16 Killed, Engine
Failure Blamed
(By The Associated Press)
ADEN, July 28-One of three
B-29 Superfortresses on an
around-the-world flight crashed
in the sea within sight of this port
on the south coast of Arabia last
night. At least 16 American crew-
men were believed lost.
One man was rescued but it was
F not learned immediately the exact
number of men aboard the giant
American bomber. Authorities here
' imposed restrictions on outgoing
dispatches concerning the crash.
jFive bodies were recovered from
the sea during the day and were
.buried with full military honors
in a funeral attended by the crews
of the two remaining B-29s.
The crash occurred at 7 p.m.
local time (10 a.m. Central Stand-
ard Time, Tuesday) shortly after
the three planes took off for Cey-
Cause Unknown
Cause of the disaster still is un-
known. Eyewitnesses said the
plane was airborne when the mo-
tors suddenly became silent.
The other planes returned to
Aden and are awaiting instruc-
U.S. Consul Charles Gidney and
the consulate staff were present
during rescue operations all
through last night. Divers are
working on the wreckage which is
visible about a mile offshore at
low tide.
The three planes carried a total
- of 53 men, according to an an-
nouncement when they left Tuc-
son, Ariz., on the flight. The cus-
tomary complement of a B-29 is
nine men but two of the globe-
girdling planes carried double
crews while the third carried 17
The lone survivor, identified
only as Sgt. Gustafson, was picked
up by local fishermen. He was
reported resting comfortably in
the RAF hospital.-
Tucson List
(Capt. Percy H. Kramer, public
information officer at Davis-
Monthan Field in Tucson, the
ship's home base, issued a list of
~ 18 men aboard the ship when it
left Tucson which included M /Sgt.
Sigyer R. Gustafson, 32, Noor-
wood, Mass.)
The three big bombers left Tuc-
son six days ago in the first
around-the-world attempt of B-
29s. The Air Force called it a
"routine long distance training"
They reached Tampa, Fla., the
same day and Lagens Air Base in
the Azores the next day.
~I Remember
M Iama' Will
r Begin Today
1"I Remember Mama," fourth
f~ speech department presentation of
the summer program, Will open at
k8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn
John Van Druten's popular folk-
Sdrama, which is based on a series
of nostalgic stories by Kathryn
Forbes, will feature Prof. Claribel
Baird as "Mama," the role made
famous on Broadway by Mady
Prof. Baird, who has been active
in the direction of speech depart-
ment plays, has also appeared in
the cast of several previous pro-
ductions on campus.
Lead Roles
Assisting her in lead roles will
be Don Kleckner, Lillian Bond and
John Sargent. Among the support-
ing players will be Phyllis Pletch-
er, Peg Mongeau, Earl Matthews,
Jane Linsemayer, Ann B. Davis,
Ruth Livingston and Willard C.
Prof. William P. Halstead will
direct the play. He will be assisted
by Oren Parker, art director; Har-
old Ross, assistant art director;
Jack Bender, technician.
rances Goodman, costumiere, and
Jack Bender, technician.
Family Saga
The Van Druten drama, which
enjoyed a lengthy New York run
before being produced as a film
early this year, recounts highlights
Report Western Powers
Ready for Peace Talks
British Official Says U.S., England, France
Will Give Russia Conditions for Conference
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 28-A responsible British official said today
Britain, France and the United States are ready to present to Russia
their conditions for new talks "on a general European settlement"
of East-West quarrels.
(This report that proposed discussions on German problems might
be broadened to an All-European basis was not commented upon by
State Department officials in Washington. Secretary of State Marshall
said for his part the British-French-American agreement on next
steps in dealing with the Berlin crisis was secret and he hoped the
British and French would be equally reticent. He said there already
ti had been too much speculation
<- , I N
Board Blocks
Keyes Enquiry
Into Petition's
Refuses Investigation
Of ForgeryCharges
LANSING, July 28-(A)-Objec-
tions by Lieutenant Governor Eu-
gene C. Keyes to the nominating
petitions of two rival Democratic
candidates for his office were
overruled today by the State
Board~ of Canvassers.
The board said it could take no
action on the charge by Keyes
that there were irregularities in
the nominating petitions of Vic-
tor Targonski of Wyandotte and
John W. Connolly of Detroit. The
Board pointed out that the two
had been certified Monday before
the complaint was received and
said it had no power to reopen the
question of the legality of the pe-
No Proof
Assistant Attorney General
Maurice M. Moule said Keyes had
complained to him that "some of
the signatures on the petitions
were phonies." Moule said Keyes
had submitted no proof of his
Acting on an Attorney General's
opinion. the Board struck two
names from the list of candidates
for state representative.
They were Leo C. Anderson of
Ironwood who was seeking the
Democratic nomination for state
representative in the Gogebic dis-
trict against incumbent Louis.
Nezzano and Robert E. Byrne of
Baldwin, seeking the Republican
nomination as state representative
from the Mason district.
Ballot Approved
The Board approved the form
of the ballot on which the voters
will mark their decisions on seven
public questions at the Nov. 2
general election.
One ballot will contain the fol-
lowing questions in this order:
1-Providing for the succession
of the Lieutenant Governor-Elect
if the Governor-Elect dies before
taking office.
2-Repeal of the sales tax di-
version amendment.
3-Removing constitutional ceil-
ings on the salaries of state offi-
4-Removing constitutional
ceilings on legislators' salaries.
5-Providing that the 15-mill
tax limitation may be lifted for
20 years by a majority of the vot-
ers instead of the present five
years by two thirds of the voters.
6-A referendum on the Calla-
han "foreign agents" act.
A separate ballot wll carry the
question of calling a constitutional
convention for revising the con-
about what the western powers
were going to do.)
Berlin Formula
The formula for unraveling the
Berlin tangle will be set before
Russia's Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov during the next few days
by British and American diplo-
mats hurrying back to Moscow and
by the French ambassador who is
already there.
The British informant said the
idea in the minds of the western
powers is to broaden a projected
four-power discussion of all Ger-
man problems to embrace out-
standing European differences be-
tween East and West.
His statement appeared to fit in
with what one American diplomat
said yesterday: "This is not a
Berlin crisis; this is a European
No Confirmation
A foreign office spokesman said
he could neither confirm nor deny
that the Western Powers contem-
plate discussions on a European
settlement as a whole.
The British official who said
the west was prepared for general
European talks emphasized the
basic conditions insisted upon by
the United States, Britain and
France remain the same:
1. Russia must recognize that
the Western Powers will not quit
Berlin and will not negotiate con-
cerning problems of that city or
on broader problems while under
Soviet pressure.
2. Russia must lift her food and
fuel, blockade of Berlin.
Earlier, a British official had
forecast that the Western Powers
will put in "cold storage" their
plans to set up a west German
government if Russia agrees to
these conditions and thereby
opens the way for consideration of
all German questions. His state-
ment was backed by a foreign of-
fice spokesman.
Marshall Calls
For UN Check
Secretary of State Marshall today
launched an inquiry to find out
whether Communist agents or
other aliens dangerous to Amer-
ican security are entering the
United States through the United
Nations Organization.
Marshall named three private
citizens to recommend measures
to plug loopholes if any are found.
The three are B. M. McKelway,
editor of the Washington Star;
James H. Rowe, Jr., a former as-
sistant attornety general, who is a
member of the commission on or-
ganization of the executive branch
of the government; and Marcellus
C. Shield, for 28 years clerk of the
House Appropriations Committee
before retiring in 1944.
Anti-Poll Tax
Bill To Start
Southerners Project
Extended Filibuster
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 28-0P)-
Congress tonight plunged into a
civil rights battle certain to post-
pone, if not wipe out, any linger-
ing chance of action on cost-of-
living and other major legislation
at the special session.
Senator Wherry of Nebraska,
acting Republican leader, an-
nounced he will bring up tomorrow
an anti-poll tax bill-one of the
key items ingPresident Truman's
party-splitting civil rights pro-
And Southern Democrats de-
clared they would debate the
measure right down to the
ground. One of them, Senator
Hoey (Dem., N.C.) said flatly
there was going to be a fili-
Senator Taft (Rep., O.), chair-
man of the GOP policy committee,
said the Southerners probably
would "debate" the poll tax bill
all day tomorrow and Friday, with
the daily sessions winding up about
4 p.m. (CWT).
Taft said he didn't know what
the Republicans would do if the
Dixie forces still hold the floor
next week. He conceded that it
would be "very difficult" to beat
a filibuster with 21 senators tak-
ing part in it.
Peace hopes, raised briefly
when a compromise poll tax pro-
posal was made in the Senate,
faded just 24 hours after Pres-
ident Truman told the lawmak-
ers he had called them back to
cope with inflation, the housing
shortage and 17 other problems.
Senator Russell (Dem., Ga.), a
leader of the Southern revolt
against President Truman's civil
rights program, said the South
would agree to that in short order.
All the Dixiecrats are against, he
said, is letting Congress control
state and local elections.
A number of Republicans were
cool to Hayden's proposal. But
Senator Morse (Rep., Ore.), tem-
porarily acting as majority leader,
saidGOP leaders "will take under
advisement any formal offer you
have to make."
Morse added, however, there
would have to be a "gentlemen's
agreement" that the Dixiecrats
wouldn't filibuster if a constitu-
tional amendment, instead of a
straight bill, is proposed. An
amendment, if voted by Con-
gress, would have to be ratified
by 36 states before it could be-
come effective.
The Republicans, running the
show, had plans of their own.
Some of them were announced by
Senator Millikin (Rep., Colo.),
chairman at a meeting of GOP
Hesaid Mr. Truman's recom-
mendations to Congress yesterday
would be taken up by the proper
committees and that action would
follow on anything "of an emer-
gency character and of national
Millikin said there was much
talk of adjourning before long
so as not to interfere with mem-
bers' political campaigning in
their home states.
Sandwiched between the civil
rights squabbling were some anti-
inflation developments:
Senator Tobey (Rep., N.H.),
chairman of the Senate Bank-
ing Committee, invited produc-
ers, manufacturers and distrib-
utors to submit "practical plans
to curb inflation by voluntary
A resolution calling for an ii-
vestigation of meat prices was in-
troduced by Senator Baldwin
(Rep,. Conn.).
ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION SPEAKERS-Cornelia Otis Skinner, (left), famous daughter of a
famous father, will be the fifth lecturer in the 1948-49 Oratorical Association Lecture series. Her
appearance in a solo drama, "The Wives of Henry the VIII" marks her third appearance before
Ann Arbor audiences. Eve Curie, (right) who gained initial fame by her biography of her scientist-
mother Madame Curie, will speak on her experiences in post-war France in the sixth lecture of the
Curie, Brown, Skinner To Speak Here
Eve Curie, John Mason Brown,
Cornelia Otis Skinner, Raymond
Gram Swing-figures known the
world over, will be among the
speakers presented during the fall
and winter at the University by
the Michigan Oratorical Associa-
Other speakers in the series will
be authoress Rebecca West, for-
eign correspondent Robert Magi-
doff, and journalist Herbert Agar.
AP Correspondent
The lectures will open on Oct.
12, when Robert Magidoff speaks
on "Why I Was Expelled from
the Soviet Union." Magidoff spent
12 years in Russia as an Associat-
ed Press correspondent and later
as Moscow correspondent for NBC.I
-His expulsion from Russia in April,
1948 on suspicion of espionage was
widely reported in the American
press, and will be the subject of
his talk.
"History on the March" will be
the topic of the second lecture by
news analyst Raymond Gram
Swing. Swing, who will speak on
Nov. 1, is the first commentator
to have won both the "Oscars"
of broadcasting, the Dupont and
Peabody awards. During a varied
career he has been a foreign corre-
spondent, and for the past 14
years, one of radio's best known
Rebecca West, authoress of the
recent best-seller, "The Meaning
of Treason" will ascend the lec-
ture platform here on Nov. 10 to
discuss "Famous Trials." She will
draw on material from her latest
book for her lecture. Known for
both her fiction and non-fiction
works, Miss West has gained an
enviable reputation as a lecturer.
'Broadway in Review'
Appearing for the third succes-
sive year in the Oratorical Asso-
ciation series, John Mason Brown,
distinguished critic, will speak on
"Broadway in Review" on Nov. 19.
Brown is conceded to be one of
America's foremost literary and
dramatic critics.
Also appearing for the third
time in Ann Arbor will be Cornelia
Otis Skinner, actress and monolo-
gist. Miss Skinner will be heard on
Feb. 24 in one of her famed solo
dramas, the elaborately costumed
See LECTURES, Page 4
At Least 300
Known Dead;
Undetermined Total
Remain in Wreckage
(By The Associated Press)
Thursday, July 29-New blasts
ripped the wrecked I. G. Farben
Chemical Company here early to-
day in the wage of yesterday's
explosion which killed more than
300 and injured 6,200, according
to a U.S. Army estimate. German
police said between 500 and 800
were killed.
The Army said there were 300
known dead, presumably from a
count of bodies during rescue op-
erations, and that an undeter-
mined number of dead still remain
in the blazing wreckage.
A U.S. Army statement said
2,700 persons were treated for
injuries suffered in the plant
when the first blast occurred
yesterday. At least 3,500 others
were injured by falling walls
and flying glass and debris out-
side the plant, the Army said.
Hospitals reported that between
30 and 40 injured persons had
died since the initial blast.
Because new explosions boomed
through the night and flames
raged through the wreckage, it
was impossible for rescue squads
to approach some sections of the
factory in search for bodies. Other
estimates of casualties ranged up
to 1,000 dead.
The entire area was evacuated
late last night of all except fire-
men and rescue workers.
Six hundred American troops
were on the scene, laying hose
and working in the glare of
the flames and searchlights. It
was estimated that 1,000 doctors
and nurses were giving aid to
the burned and injured. They
came from all sections of West-
ern Germany.
American, French and German
rescue workers braved the minor
blasts, flames and fumes early to-
day, 10 hours after the first ex-
plosion, as they continued bring-
ing survivors out of the inferno.
The blast and resultant fire,
which sent flames and smoke tow-
ering miles into the air, came just
15 minutes before the plant's 22,-
000 workers would have gone
home for the day. Clocks for miles
around were stopped by the con-
cussion at 3:45 p.m. (7:45 a.m.,
Central Standard Time).
Although the expiosion o-
curred in the French occupation
zone, Americans played a major
role in fire fighting and rescue
work. American military police,
aided by U.S. soldiers from the
Mannheim Ordnance Depot, lay
down 39,000 feet of hose and
supplied surgeons, ambulances,
food and Protestant and Cath-
olic chaplains.
Lt. Gen. Curtis . Lemay, com-
mander of the U.S. Air Force in
Britain, said all available U.S.
planes were ready to aid. His offer
came as planes under his com-
mand were flying huge quantities
of food and supplies into Berlin
to fight the Russian blockade.
The explosion is believed to have
occurred in a six-story building
known as the "nitrate building."
The plant had been producing
industrial chemicals, drugs and
dyes. However, unconfirmed re-
ports in recent months said the
French also were using it to make
high explosive propulsion fluids
for experiments with V-1 and V-2
An estimate of "thousands"
dead was posted in the U.S. Army
information room at Heidelberg
tonight, but the Army said the
bulletin was "unofficial."
Police on the scene gave their
estimate of 500 to 800 dead after
being told of the posted bulletin.
Thomas Committee
r1- >_ LcN C r m_ my ..i
GOP Leaders
Slap Truman
Question Necessity
Of SpecialSession
WASHINGTON, July 28--(P)-
GOP Congressional leaders re-
turned President Truman's fire to-
night, castigating his call of a
special session as unnecessary and
declaring that us anti-inflation
proposals would make high prices
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) and
Rep. Halleck (Rep., Ind.) led a
parade of indignant legislatots to
answer Mr. Truman's address to
Congress yesterday-and his fre-
quent earlier denunciation of the
GOP-dominated 80th Congress.
Taft, chairman of the GOP sen-
ate policy committee, said in a
prepared speech that "we would be
fully justified in adjourning at
Taft said it is difficult and dan-
gerous to work out great public
problems without the slightest co-
operation from "a hostile presi-
The only way these problems
can be solved, he said, is by vote
of the people at the November
'We have determined therefore
that this session should be limited
to a short period of perhaps twc'
wteks," he said.
Dunlap To Lead All Student
Orchestra in Concert Today
The all-student University Or-
chestra, under the baton of Wayne
Dunlap will present its annual
Summer Concert at 8 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
The 87 piece orchestra will per-
form a program including the
Suite from "The Water Music" by
Handel, arranged by Harty, and
Beethoven's Symphony No. 8 in F
Major, Op. 93. After intermission,
the orchestra will play Symphony
on a French Mountain Air for
Piano and Orchestra, Op. 25 by
D'Indy. Mary Fishburne will be
the featured soloist. The conclud-
ing selection will be Deems Tay-
lor's Suite, "Through the Looking
Glass," Op. 12.
The Harty transcription of
Handel's Water Music follows
Handel's basic scoring plan and is
in keeping with Handelian style.
The score, published in 1922, calls
for flutes, oboes, clarinets, bas-
soons, horns, trumpets, timpani
and strings.
Beethoven's Eighth Symphony
was first performed in 1814 in Vi-
enna. A reviewer said at the time,
"Here, as in all of Beethoven's
works of this class, there breathes
that peculiar spirit by which his
originality always asserts itself."
D'Indy's Symphony has as its
theme songs of the mountains.
The theme in its original or trans-
formed appears in all three move-
ments. The inclusion of the piano
is an unusual feature of the sym-
The concert is open to the pub-
SL 'To Petition
For Meeting
The Student Legislature will
seek proof of student support be-
hind its request to the. Board of
Regents that it allow an all-cam-
pus meeting with all Congres-
sional candidates from the second
Petitions will be circulated to
obtain signatures of 2000 students
who favor the meeting which the
Legislature hopes to sponsor next
Under present Regents' ruling,
the meeting is impossible.
It the Legislature is allowed a
hearing, the request and signa-
tures will be presented to the Re-
gents at their next meeting, Sept.
World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
DAYTON, O., July 28-Police won a violent skirmish with pickets
today in the third day of the battle with a CIO union over the reopen-
ing of the Univis Lins Co., plant. Five pickets were injured.
Witnesses said heavily reinforced squads of police swung clubs
and cracked heads in again forcing a path through a picket line at
the entrance to the plant.
* * * *
ATHENS, July 28-Informed sources said tonight opposition
apparently had collapsed in the Greek Supreme Defense Council
to changes in the Greek military set-up recommended by Ameri-
can officers.
These sources said the U.S. Military Mission to Greece, headed
by Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet, asked that Lt. Gen. Panos Kalo-
geropoules be replaced as commander of the second army corps
and that other changes be made.
* * * *
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 28-The Yugoslav information of-
fice charged that the secretary of the Yugoslav legation in Budapest,
Zhovko Boarov, had been arrested by the Hungarian government in
Males Scorned Coed Chronicle in_1882
The Ann Arbor Daily News
called it "a sad result of coeduca-
tion," the Chronicle referred to it
as "an evidence of feminine inca-
pacity" and the Argonaut labelled
One of the outstanding featuresI
of that edition was its sly edi-
torial policy on campus males.
"The higher education of men
is no less important than that of
women," the 66-year-old editorial)
Snric "ga" oc i r waa - +
"If some are not interested in
lawn tennis, archery, or fencing,"
the writer advises, "let them nev-
ertheless show their interest in
athletic exercise by joining the
association and agreeing to take
an ,..'-. ,It --r avow r A ny.n +