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July 28, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-28

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Whither Civil Rights?

ecutive order to the armed services was
one of the most distinct fizzles he has con-
cocted so far.
If Congress is to measure the amount of
civil rights action expected of it by the
extent of the action Truman has taken
in dealing with racial bias in the armed
forces, it doesn't have a very large job to do.
Congress might just as well settle down for
a two-week snooze.
By saying nothing and achieving as much,
the President has only entrenched even
more deeply the vice he somehow hopes to
The strongest statement he can muster
enough courage to make is: "Equality of
treatment and opportunity for all persons
in the armed services without regard to
color, race or national origin."
The qualifying phrase, "Putting it (the
equality principle) into effect as soon as
possible" leaves a gaping loophole through
which the white supremacy advocates can
escape as soon as they see the word
This might be 100 years if military minds
have their way. (Gen. Dwight Eisenhower
declared recently that "separate units for
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

the races are better for the efficiency of the
armed services as well as for both races.")
One cute restriction tied onto the tail of
the executive order is that the racial equal-
ity provision is to be put into effect only
where "efficiency" and "morale" are not im
The remaining five sections of the Presi-
dent's order outlines the organization of an
advisory committee to be known as the
President's Committee on Equality of Treat-
ment and Opportunity in the Armed Serv-
ices. The committee will have power to ex-
amine the present military setup in regard
to the application of the "equal treatments"
clause and make suggestions only.
* The end of segregation and favoritism
that has been demanded by liberal lead-
ers and especially Negro organizations, is
nowhere to be found. The Negro divisions
and special sleeping quarters in camps
and ships will continue.
The President's statement appears to be
just a thin and poorly-constructed fish net
thrown out for the votes it will garner. And
because few people read the texts of ex-
ecutive orders, Truman is probably quite
safe in assuming that it will be successful.
The only voters who will be pleased with
the text of the President's orders will be
the "Dixiecrats" who will probably welcome
Truman back to the fold.
But those who conscientiously hope for an
end to segregation in the armed services
and unwritten military class laws will iden-
tify Truman with the class of petty vote-
-Craig Wilson.

Price Fight
WASHINGTON-Washington is a city of
angry men. The Republicans are furious
to a man. Southern blood is boiling. And
President Harry S. Truman, the cause of it
all, is angry too. His special message to
Congress was a good deal less shrill than
his acceptance speech in Philadelphia. But
the mood of that speech persists.
Truman's advisers asked him casually last
week when he intended to send his message
to Congress. Truman replied irritably that
he did not intend to send it at all-he was
going to take it himself, and the Republicans
could boo till they were blue in the face.
The President is, in fact, spoiling for a
fight, and what he mostly wants to fight
about its prices.
He made that quite clear at last week's
Cabinet meeting, when he laid down the
law with unaccustomed fire. The special
session program had, in fact, already been
worked out in broad outline before the
Cabinet met. Most of the preparatory
work on the price control measures, which
are the heart of the message, was done
by Paul Porter, former O.P.A. Adminis-
trator, with the advice of Presidential
Counsel Clark Clifford and Economic Ad-
viser Leon Keyserling among others.
Some consideration was given by these
men to a much more drastic program than
that the President has now presented to
Congress. This involved the absolute freez-
ing of all prices and wages at present levels,
on the simple theory, as one Presidential
adviser put it, that "this thing has got to
stop." This idea was soon discarded as un-
realistic especially since it was believed that
it might give the impression that the Ad-
ministration was preparing for war. Pressure
from labor leaders to eliminate all references
to wage controls was also resisted, largely
on Porter's advice. What finally emerged
was something very like the Administration
price program which received short shrift
from the Congress last autumn.
The Administration can be expected to
present the special session program to the
Congress and the electorate with a good deal
more force and discipline than was the
case nine months ago. Porter will be the
Generalissimo of the whole operation. Chi;
witness for the Administration proposals
will be Secretary of Commerce Charles Saw-
yer, Secretary of Agriculture Charles F.
Brannan, and Secretary of the Interior Jul-
ius Krug.
At a Monday caucus of Republican lead-
ers, the House contingent expressed senti-
ment for an immediate adjournment. It
was argued that this move could be justified
on several grounds-that the calling of the
special session was a purely political ma-
neuver, that the proposed measures could
only be administered by an efficient execu-
tive; that a prolonged squabble would dis-
astrously undermine American prestige be-
fore the world. Most of the Senators dis-
agreed. As one of them said: "Something
just has got to be done about prices." How-
ever, obviously politically motivated the
Administration proposals, and however,
angry all concerned may be, it is hard to dis-
agree with that remark.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc)


Letersto the lEditor..

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Gray Reality

I FIND MYSELF a little amused at the
absolute horror displayed by some of the
more bitter critics fo the Wallace party over
the fact that that party blames Russia for
having done anything to injure the peace,
and yet blames the United States, always
and constantly, in bulk and in detail. For
these same critics, if they are truly faithful
to our bipartisan foreign policy, do much
the same thing in reverse; they always
blame Russia, never blame the' United
States; they find that every Russian move
has been sheer provocation, every American'
move a merely necessary counter thrust,
forced upon us. Their stand may be more
acceptable, on the nationalistic level, but it
would be hard to show that it is any more
acceptable, or even very different from the
other, on the philosophic level.
I suppose that this opposition of two
rather extreme stands is the best we pan
hope for. But it is a little sad. A real peace
party, a party that didn't hate anybody,
might, I think, be willing to concede that
the Russians have quite unnecessarily paint-
ed themselves into a corner by their morbid
theorizing about the nature of capitalism,
and that we have on occasion been hyster-
ical, undiplomatic and, in our own way,
quite provocative.
There is no such party. And that is
very odd because, in private conversation,
one finds scads of people who seem per-
fectly able to entertain both ideas at once,
the idea that we have sometimes been
at fault, and that the Russians have
also sometimes been at fault; they seem
to be able to handle the two ideas com-
fortably without bursting open, or falling
apart into fragments.
I have mentioned to persons who take
strong anti-Russian positions that we have
done a bit of unnecessary sabre-rattling, and

they have agreed; they have been perceptive
and knowing about it, though they would
rather perish, I think, than carry any of
this sensitivity to the platform.
I have found Wallaceites who have had
long gloomy moments over certain belliger-
ent Russian statements and over Russian
incomprehension of America, but, again,
these are persons who would not want to
say in public what they quite definitely
feel as private characters.
This is the century of the set face. It's
like a youngsters' game in which the first
one to break into a smile loses the prize.
Reality is almost always a gray, not
black nor white; but the only way we
can seem to get a gray politically is by
pitting clean blacks and whites in fervent
opposition to each other. Nobody will say
in a platform what so many will say at
the dinner table. It is a mark of our
frightening times that public character
must be so much more intransigent than
private character. Many will speak for
America, with passion and eloquence;
some will present justification of the
Russian course, but the result is not quite
true ratiocination. It is hard to think sol-
idly and massively when the second part
of the syllogism lies in somebody else's
On the philosophic level, it is not alto-
gether bad to have a Wallace movement, to
present .at least a small touch of contrasting
color, in a setting which would otherwise
have all the monachromatic charm of a
hospital operating room. The question is
how much mingling of ideas is produced
by this head-on opposition of ideas, and the
answer is, darn little. Peace waits for a
movement that can argue with itself, one
that allows dissimilar ideas to be properly
introduced to each other, in the hope that
they can get along.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
Vol. LVIII, No. 194
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall.
State of California Department of
Corrections has openings for men
as Senior Clinical Psychologists in
the Guidance Center at the Cali-
fornia State Prison at San Quen-
tin, 20 miles from San Francisco.
Minimum qualifications include:
Education-Equivalent to a Mas-
ter's degree with major work in
clinical psychology-Experience-
Two years of full-time, paid ex-
perience in the practice of clinical
psychology involving the examin-
ation classification, diagnosis, and
treatment of individuals at various
age levles. Salary is $376 to $458
per mo. Complete information is
on file at the Bureau.
August, 1948, Graduates in
Mechanical, Industrial-Mechani-
cal, Aeronautical with Power Ma-
jor and Metallurgical Engineer-
ing: Mr. H. G. Bigler of GENEV-
Detroit, will interview students in
the above groups, Friday July 30,
in Room 218 West Engineering
Building. Students may sign the
interview schedule posted on the
Bulletin Board outside of Room
225 W. Engr. Bldg. Aplication
Blanks and a Faculty Rating
Blank are available.
The School of Business Admin-
istration announces an opportun-
ity for students to take the Strong
Vocational Interest Test on Thurs.
July 29, 3 p.m. in Room 102 Arch-
itecture Building. The American
Institute of Accountants' profile
blank for accountants will bepfur-
nished with the report of the test
to those who care to use it. The
fee of $1 is payable at the time of
taking the test.
The fourth Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held on Fri., July 30,
1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the Fresh
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students
interested in problems of indi-
vidual and group therapy are in-
vited to attend. The discussant
will be Dr. Norman Westlund,
Director of the Saginaw Valley
Child Guidance Clinic.
Approved Student Sponsored
Social Events. Weekend July 30,
July 31
Delta Sigma Theta
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Phi Rho Sigma

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Zeta Psi
Linguistics Institute Luncheon
Conference. Lecture on "Sounds
and Prosodies" by Professor J. R.
Firth of the University of Lon-
don. Wed., July 28, Union Build-
ing. Luncheon 12:10, Anderson
Room; Lecture 1:00, Room 308.
Linguistic Institute Forum Lec-
ture. "The Strategy of Linguistics"
by Professor W. Freeman Twad-
dell, Department of Germanic
Languages, Brown University.
Thurs., July 29, 7:30, Rackham
Academic Notices
Botany: Seminar,. 1139 Natural
Science, Wed., July 28, 7:30 p.m.
Report of Dr. E. B. Mains: "In-
heritance in Squash and Gourds."
Anyone who is interested is cor-
dially invited to attend.
Applied Mathematics Seminar:
The Applied Mathematics Seminar
will meet on Thurs., July 29, at 4
p.m. in 247 W. E. Bldg. Dr. R. F.
Clippinger of the Aberdeen Prov-
ing Grounds will talk on High
Speed Computing Instruments.
Stndent Recital: Richard So-
katen, pianist, will present a pro-
gram at 8 Wed., July 28, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music. A
pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Mr.
Sokatch will play compositions by
Bach, Mozart, Marko Tajcevic,
Debussy, and Brahms. The public
is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: 7:15 Thurs.,
July 29, by Percival Price, Univer-
sity Carillonneur. The program
will open with a group of five
songs, followed by a composition
for carillon by Timmermans en-
titued A Dutch Holiday. It will
close with Wagner's Prelude to
Logengrin and the March of the
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will
present its annual summer con-
cert at 8 p.m., Thurs., July 29, in
Hill Auditorium, with Mary Fish-
bure, guest instructor in piano,
as soloist. The program will con-
sist of Handel's Suite from "The
Water Music," Beethoven's Eight
Symphony; D'Indy's Symphony on
a French Mountain Air, Op. 25,
for Piano and Orchestra, and
Deems Taylor's Suite, "Through
the Looking Glass," Op. 12.
The concert is open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
Events Today
English Teachers' Summer As-l
sembly (final)-Wed., July 28, 41

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in t~is column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any otherreason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Student Vote
To the Editor:
I have read your editorial in
The Daily of July 23 about the
problem of determining place of
residence for students who want
to vote in Ann Arbor. I am a stu-
dent at- the U. of M., although I
am not enrolled this summer. I
have been very much concerned
about this problem for a long time,
and I believe that under present
conditions the student is virtually
disfranchised. But one part of
your editorial attracted my atten-
tion and got a~ line of thought
started which may help a little.
You mentioned that lawyers' fees
are beyond the means of a student.
But they are not beyond the means
of large numbers of students, and
the obvious place to start getting
some clarification about the thing
is to get a large group of students
to inteest themselves in the prob-
lem as a service project.
I am thinking of the AVC, or
several of the campus organiza-
tions working in cooperation. Hav-
ing been closely connected with
p.m., in Assembly Room, Rack-
ham. Subject: "Principles in
Teaching Literature,' from the
pamphlet Preparation for College
English (1945). Moderator of the
panel will be Professor Arno
Bader. Questions, discussion, re-
freshments. All graduate and un-
dergraduate students who teach
English are urged to come.
English Journal Club: The Jour-
nal Club, composed of Graduate
Students and Faculty members of
the English Department, will hold
its summer meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Wed., July 28 in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham
Mr. Donald Pearce and Mr.
Hosmer Swander will discuss
Communication and Belief in
Poertry. Yeat's "Second Coming"
and other poems will be criticized.
Copies of the poems are avail-
able in the English Department
Undergraduate students and
members of other departments
are invited. ,Refreshments will be
Speech Assembly: Professor
William M. Sattler of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma will discuss
"Free Competition in Ideas" at 3
p.m. today in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Open to the public.
The French Club will meet
Thurs., July 29, 8 p.m., 2nd floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. French songs, games, re-
freshments. All students of French
are particularly invited at well as
all those interested.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tues. and Wed. at 3:30 in the
Grill Room of the Michigan
League and on Thurs., at 4:30 in
the International Center.
Sociedad Hispanica. The next
meeting of the' Sociedad Hispan-
ica will be held on .Wed., July 28,
8 p.m., West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. There will
be an informal panel discussion on
American customs by three Span-
ish-American students, Roberto
Gordillo, Fabio Gomez and Pedro
Sacio Arriz. The audience is in-

vited to participate in the discus-
sion. Group singing will follow.
Young Democrats: Will meet
Thurs., 8 p.m., Michigan Union, to
discuss campus political rallies. All
interested persons are invited.
Flying Club-Open meeting,
Wed., July 28, 7:30 p.m., Room
1072 East Engineering Building.
(Continued on Page 4)

the cooperative movement on the
campus, I have a good idea of
what students can do cooperatively
once they get started. If these
groups would agree to sponsor a
campaign to clarify the whole vot-
ing procedure, hire a competent
lawyer to wade through the red
tape and by-pass the petty offi-
cials who take satisfaction in put-
ting obstacles in students' way to
build up their own ego, and then
top it with a serious effort to get
every student on campus who is
qualified out to vote on election
day, they would be rendering a vi-
tal service to the whole commun-
ity. The matter of getting all peo-
ple to take advantage of their vot-
ing privilege is one of the most
vital things that we have to face
as citizens.
If you think that this is at all
workable, I would certainly appre-
ciate it if you would refer this let-
ter to AVC, the Young Democrats
and Young Republicans, the Wal-
lacites and Slossonites or whom-
ever you can contact.
This thing may be a rather long
range project, but with a deter-
mined lawyer on the job it might
really get somewhere. The whole
picture of who can vote where is
so slip-shod in most communities,
and there are so many more stu-
dents of voting age on the campus
than there has ever been before,
thaat it gets more interesting all
the time. I hope that I will be
hearing more in The Daily about
this matter before the summer is
-Jerry Rees,
Green Lake, Wis.
* * *
Wallace Convention
To the Editor:
Fifty-Eighth Year

. I


Current Movies


'HE FIFTH PROGRAM in the current
Faculty Concert Series was presented
this past Monday evening at Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. Fine music well performed and
cool 'breezes from the air-conditioning sys-
tem, combined to make this a very enjoy-
able evening for the large audience present.
One extra-musical diversion was created
when an especially strong gust of air blew
the music off of Mr. Milofsky's stand. This
unexpected difficulty was as successfully
coped with as many others inherent in
the music performed.
Beethoven's Trio in E-flat major, Op. 70,
No. 2, was the opening work of the concert.
An ensemble consisting of Gilbert Ross, vio-
lin; Oliver Ed.el, cello; and John Kollen,
piano, gave this work a spirited reading, es-
pecially notable for its vigorous rhythm and
accurate intonation. The over-all balance
was good, though at times the cello line
tended to become so faint as to be inaudible.
This good performance, enthusiastically re-
ceived, set the pattern for what emerged as
the best concert in the series to date.
Emil Raab, violin, and Bernard Milof-
sky, viola, joined Mr. Ross and Mr. Edel
for the performance of the next work on
the program, Leroy Robertson's American
Serenade. This work of a 52 year old
American, once again indicates that con-
temporary composers are capable of writ-
ing music, and are writing music, that

performance by the ensemble in this work,
was again very good. The reading reflected a
sure understanding of its musical style.
After the intermission, the concert con-
cluded with an exceptionally fine perform-
ance of Beethoven's Quartet in F major, Op.
135. A momentary slip in the cello was
gracefully bridged, and detracted not a whit
from the finely polished reading given by
the ensemble.
Much about this last "complete" work
of Beethoven's life, written in poor health
and with presentiments of death, invites
one to programmatic conjecture. The
'"Must it be? It must be!" that he inscribed
beneath the theme in the introduction to
the finale, seems to suggest the invitability
of fate and death. In purely musical
terms, its setting creates suspense and
drama. This tension recurring at the end,
is finally dispelled through the medium of
a happy and confident coda based on a
subordinate theme.
In this buoyant ending, one sees justifica-
tion for the authority who stated that
"Beethoven, like Paul, knew what a crown
of glory the future held." The many mem-
bers of the audience who left the auditorium
whistling, singing, and humming this theme,
must surely agree.
-Martin B. Bernstein
PERHAPS IN A WORLD of fast-extin-

At the State...
Hayworth and Orson Welles.
POSSIBLY IT IS an outright confession
of my bourgeois taste, but this latest of
Orson's outputs leaves me just the least bit
confused. This is either a very good or a very
bad picture, and despite the arguments of
its fans that have tried to explain as art
what I considered corn, I'm inclined to side
with the disapproving team. I like murder
mysteries, and I'm a sucker for undying love,
but when Orson takes on an Irish brogue
and plays naive sailor boy following Rita
around the world on her rich husband's
yacht, the whole thing began to smack of
Bogart and Bacall at their worst. Which may
be an unfair comparison, for I rather doubt
that even they would be caught mouthing
such strained phrases as "I love you, my be-
loved fool," and "Say hello to the sunrise
for me." By most male standards Rita is
probably worth chasing a sunrise or two for,
but her acting in a really rather meaty role
runs a poor second in her heavy concentra-
tion on looking mentally anguished, deeply
mysterious and being dressed and draped at
all times for any stray Vogue photographers
that might be lurking about.
The plot is much too complex a potpourri
of involved murder motives and alibis, snak-
ey characters and pithy snatches of philos-
ophy to try to preview here, and confiden-
tially I'm rather glad I just have to review
it and not explain it. The photography is
superb, with many clever Wellesian touches,
which in combination with the excellent
minor roles and a tendency towards rapid
action gives it some saving grace.
-Gloria Hunter
IN A PERIOD when prices are soaring be-
cause not enough goods are being pro-
duced, nobody cannot object because the
country's productive capacity is being in-
creased. One wonders, however, what is go-

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular
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Associated Collegiate Press



I'm not going out in that sun again,
O'Malley. I'm not an outdoor type-
Wait in the parlor.
Grandma keeps all Tsz, tsz.
the blinds closed.
FF1 had just glided into the parlor

Gus seems to develop a new fear
every day. Now, it's freckles!
oAnd everybody knows
nothing can happen
''s to a Ghost anyway-


That's Gus!
Gosh! Something
HAS happened to
him, Mr. O'Malley!




Gus, cheer up! You've helped me decide what

Alas, poor Yorick. J knew him, Horatio-


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