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July 25, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-25

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U' To Sponsor Archeological
Expedition to Iran in October

MSC Policeeini Seek Fruit Thieves

A 2,400 year old Persian inscrip-
tion which has furnished the key
to the translation of all cuneiform
writing will be copied this October
for the first time by an archaeo-
logical expedition to Iran spon-
sored by the University and the
American Schools of Oriental Re-
The expedition will be headed
by George G. Cameron, who holds
the annual professorship of Bagh-
dad for 1948 under the American
Schools of Oriental Research.
Rocky Walls
Dr. Cameron said the inscrip-
Five Dead in
State Accidents
By The Associated Press
Five persons already were dead
in traffic and drowning accidents
today (Sat.) as Michigan moved
through another summer weekend.
Three children were trapped
and drowned in the back seat of
the family car early Saturday
when it broke through a bridge
rail and plunged into 12 feet of
water in the St. Mary's River at
Sault Ste. Marie.
They were Gary Halfaday, 6,
and, his sisters, Carolyn, 8, and
Frances, 2, of Munising, Mich.-
Their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Garrett Halfaday, escaped after
the car went off a bridge bn-
necting Sault Ste. Marie with
nearby Sugar Loaf Island.
Near West Branch, Hurleyj
Lockard of Bowling Green, O.,
drowned Friday night when his
boat turned over in East Lake.

tions located on the rocky walls of
Mount Behistun in Iran have been
examined twice previously, but
these copies are now regarded as
inadequate and doubtful passages
will be re-translated.
The expedition also will examine
four additional columns of inscrip-
tions at the right of the main
sculptured panel which have never
been read. Inaccessible from the
ground, these columns will be
reached by cable from above.
The main inscriptions and an
accompanying relief were carved
by order of Darius, King of Persia.
They are 500 feet up Mount Behis-
tun and 100 feet above a sheer
vertical wall.
Darius and Enemnies
The relief portrays Darius and
ten of his enemies whom he was
forced to subdue before he ex-
panded his empire and launched
his fated war with ancient Greece.
The inscriptions written in three
ancient languages--Elamite, Old
Persian and Babylonian-related
how Darius outwitted his enemies
and with the aid of his god Aura-
mazda, became king over Persia.
Dr. Cameron adds that Darius
attributed his success to the fact
that he was "neither a liar nor an
evil-doer, neither I nor any of my
Cuneiform Key
By comparing the three versions
of the same story, scholars have
thus been able to find the key to
all cuneiform inscriptions.
Dr. Cameron will proceed to Iran
through France and Turkey. He
will spend January in Egypt and
in February will become professor
of Near Eastern cultures at the

The present situation at Michi- say has been going on almost long
gan Mate College can be described enouwh to be a tradition, results in
as "Hungry" 4 uiitul~ loss of data in long range
Campus cops are investigating t seseasrch"
the disappearance of garden pro- * * *
duce and fruit from the College Sometimes being the Queen of
experimental plots, according to the Dance isn't a great oportunity
the Michigan State News. to meet all the smart men-if you
The pilfering, which officialstomtal esmrmn-fyu
just happen to be married already
like a pretty University of Indiana
T " coed.
+ I.i. * 1 As the queen of the Hoosier Sig-
~ ma Delta Chi Summer Prom, the
(Continued from Page 1) 24 year old dramatics student was
khP d~on' nario ud mz ohn~


WINGS OVER LIBERTY-Planes of the First Airborne Reserve, flying out of Stewart Field at West
Point, paint an aerial pattern over the Statue of Liberty during practice flight for their participation
in an aerial parade next week which will mark formal opening of Idlewild Airport in New York.


Shows Continuous
Daily from 1 P.M.


d, -1
Eve -

ad D I ; VI" t
ara like .:":
* - J
po tht
James Gleason " Elsa Lanchesterl
Gladys Cooper and The Mitchell Baycholir

Four Musicals
Scheduled for
Future Weeks
Annual Concert To Be
Presented by Choir
Four musical events including
the annual concert of the Summer
Session choir are scheduled for,
presentation on the campus in the
next two weeks.
The firstconcert will be a per-
formance of Faure's "Requiem"
by the Summer Session choir at
8 p.m. today in the First Presby-
terian Church.
Gabriel Faure, a French com-
poser who died in 1924, wrote the
"Requiem" in 1887 and though
popular on the Continent has
been little heard in America.
Miss Helen, Hosmer of the State
Teachers College, Potsdam, New
York, will direct the choir. She
is a summer faculty member of
the University School of Music.
The choir, will be heard again
in its annual concert August 3 in
Hill Auditorium.
Works by Vaughn Williams,
Brahms, Beethoven, Hindemith,
Weinberger and spirituals ar-
ranged by William Dawson, direc-
tor of the Tuskegee Institute
choir, will be featured.
In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, Kathryn Karch
Loew will present an organ re-
cital at 8 p.m. August 1 in Hill
Mrs. Loew will play the Con-
certo in A Minor by Vivaldi-Bach,
"Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn"
and Prelude and Fugue in A Ma-
jor by Bach, Symphonic Chorale
on "Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade"
by Karg - Elbert, PFc elude on
"Rhosynedre" by Vaughn Williams
and Variations on a Noel by Du-
Similarily, Richard Sokatch, pi-
anist, will perform at 8 p.m. Wed-1
nesday at Rackham Assemblyl
Hall. His repertoire will include
works by Bach Busoni, Mozart,
Tajcevic, Debussy and Brahms.
Radio Station Fire
DANVILLE, Ky., July 24-(P)-
Fire damaged the engine room at
radio station WHIR here last
night, but the blaze extinguished
itself and was not discovered un-
til this morning.

Culminating twenty-eight thrill-
packed days, the boys of the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp held their
annual carnival last Sunday.
The carnival, the highlight of
each four week session, was the
result of weeks of anxious plan-
ning on the part of the 116 under-
privileged boys attending the
camp under the sponsorship of
various social agencies.
Each of the cabins of eight
boys, ranging from eight to thir-
teen years in age, had planned
some sort of a concession which
they personally constructed and
Four Baseball
Players Killed
Ina Bus Crash
ST. PAUL, July 24-(P)-At
least five persons, including sev-
eral members of the Duluth team
of the Northern Baseball League,
were killed today in the head-
on collision of the team's bus and
a heavy truck.
Eleven injured persons, four of
whom were described as in critical
condition, were taken to Ancker
Witnesses in a car following the
truck said the truck hit a rough
spot in the road, bounced out of
control, and plowed head-on into
the bus. The bus burst into flames.
The dead included the driver
of the truck, James E. Grealish
of St. Paul. Three other victims
were tentatively identified as Don-
ald Sherer, Bob Bredwell and Gil-
bert Trible, all of St. Louis.
The bus was reported driven by
the baseball team's manager,
George Treadwell. The bus was
owned by the ball club.
When the flames finally were
put out, but before the wreckage
had cooled enough to be entered,
three bodies could be seen in the
bus wreckage. Alongside the high-
way lay the bodies of the truck
driver, and an unidentified man.
Among the injured are:
Donald Vandermeer, 18, Muske-
gon, Mich., critical.
Frank Clark, 20, Jackson, Mich.,

1 _. _


ran under the direction of their
own counselor.
In the morning a water show
was featured, with swimming and
boating races. If possible, the
campers who did not take part in
the races were more excited than
the participants.
Among the concessions which
were eagerly advertised by the
young barkers, were baseball
throwing' galleries, lemonade
stands, and turtle races. One of
the most unusual was a boxing
exhibition put on by the boys of
the youngest cabin in the camp,
who seemed to delight in mauling
each other in a friendly way.
The day's program was crowned
with a picnic supper at the water-
Camp Location
The Fresh Air Camp, located
about twenty-four miles north-
west of Ann Arbor on Patterson
Lake, was founded twenty-eight
years ago by Lewis Reimann, the
Presbyterian Student Worker on
campus. It was originally con-
ceived merely as a camp for un-
derprivileged boys in southeastern
Ten years ago the University
Summer Session began to offer
counselors related graduate
courses at the camp. In 1944 it
was officially accepted bry the
Michigan Board of Regents, and
later placed under the control of
the University's Institute for Hu-
man Adjustment.
At the present time the camp is
considered a "workshop in hu-
man behavior." Graduate stu-
dents and a limited number of
undergraduates from all over the
country who are majoring in so-
ciology act as counselors. Half of
their time is spent studying, and
half of the time they serve as ac-
tive counselors.
Naturally with the boys com-
ing from a great variety of homes,
some from orphanages and deten-
tion homes, a great many prob-
lems concerning camper rela-
tionships continually arise. It is
the counselors' job to alleviate as
much friction as possible, while
giving the boys a taste of living
outdoors with others of their own

Fresh Air Camp Winds Up
Session With Annual Carnival

camera men receive the director's f
instructions through special ear-
phones. The sound, picked up from
overhead microphones, is relayed'
While some crew members tried
to separate the coaxial cable going
up Burton Tower from the tree
where the cable had entangled it-l
self, we slipped up to the 10th
floor of Burton Tower, where the
transmission station was set up.1
The engineers commented that
this was the longest hop the sta-
tion had ever tried from Ann
Arbor. For football games, an ad-
ditional transmitter had been
used, on the way to Detroit.
Four checks had to be made be-
fore the experiment could be called
a success, and the crew was on
the job since 7 a m..,yesterday, pre-
paring for the broadcast, setting
up the microwave transmitter
somewhat in the manner of a
searchlighl t beam.
"And this is our day for the
races," they said.
All told, the crew consisted of
7 engineers, 2 helpers, a produc-
tion man, a lighting expert and
the program producer. (Lighting
expert is a fancy name for stage-
hand, the ground crew said.)
This was the third speech de-
partment production televised.
The first two were broadcast from
Detroit studios in May. Another
performance will take place in the

418 East Washington
Phone 9717 -
,, rl1, ,.
serui 8
Lunch 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
(Come and cat all you want)
Daily, except Friday, 11:30 to 1:30 and 5:00 to 8:00 P.M.
Sunday, 12 Noon to 6:00 P.M.
/Caering /t Wedding Breakfas/ and Bridge Clubs

ue secnu mnarrieu woman enosen
for the honor.
In Texas they claim they pro-
duce the biggest and the shapliest
girls in the world.
And the University of Texas
Summer Texan thinks it has proof
in the form of a large front page
photograph of Miss Texas being
crowned. (In small type they ad-
mitted she was from Lamar Col-
lege, Texas.)
For students interested in the
more technical details, the Texan
reorted: "Her measurements, top

to bottom., were 34, 24, and 36, but
since then the last has diminished
to 35."
University of Texas student
members of the local NAACP and
Wallace Progressives publicly pro-
tested the whipping of a Negro,
according to the Summer Texan,
* * *
Student drivers at the Univer-
sity of Illinois will have to take it
easy on the gas pedal from now on
according to the Daily Illini.
Campus cops there have been al-
lowed the privilege of arresting
unsuspecting scholars exceeding
the speed limit by the Urbana City
B ixen Visits Campus
Carlos M. Blixen of Uruguay is
currently visiting the campus to
study the English language teach-
ing department.
Blixen is conducting a study of
English language teaching meth-
ods as related to the teaching of
English as a foreign language.



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