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July 25, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-25

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Latest Deadline in the State
_ . _ . .. . ... ... _ .. ... . .. . .. ..... .. _ . . .. . . . .. _ _ .. . _ ._. _.._ .


Black Dares
Sigler To Test
Asks Legislature
For Election Spot
PORT HURON, Mich., July 24
-(P)-Attorney General Eugene
F. Black today challenged Gov.
Kim Sigler to call a special sessior
of the Michigan Legislature to au-
thorize him to run against the
Governor in the September Re-
publican Primary.
Governor Sigler, contacted at
St. Ignace on his way to Macki-
nac Island late today, termed
Black's request "too ridiculous tc
pay any attention to."
Disclaimed Attention
Black, who earlier had dis-
claimed any intention of running
for office, issued the challenge
when the deadline for filing peti-
tions passed with Sigler's bid for
the Republican nomination going
Black said he realized the dead-
line for nominating petitions had
passed, thus special legislative ac-
tion would have to be taken to get
his name on the ballot.
He challenged the Governor to
take the action and accept oppo-
sition in the Primary as a means
of obtaining a "vote of confidence
or no confidence" from the peo-
Sigler, obviously irked at Black's
latest verbal blast, said, "I am sick
and disguested with Mr. Black's
He continued, "I picked him out
from no where and tried to make
something to him and this is the
thanks I get. I am not going to
pay any more attention to Mr.
,Black, for some time, has flailed
the Governor at every opportun-
ity in a personal feud and current-
ly is engaged in an investigation
of Republican Party fund raising.
The Republicans earlier this
week demanded of Sigler that he
force Black to resign, and if he
refused to remove him from office
as, the State's Attorney General.
Black had answered that, the
State GOP organization could not
force him out of the party. He in-
sisted he would continue his study
of party fund raising.
Sigler was given clear sailing
to an unopposed renomination
when both Lt. Gov. Eugene Keyes
and Recorder's Judge W. McKay
Skillman of Detroit withdrew.
GM Succumbs
To '48 Costs,
Raises Prices
DETROIT, July 24-(P)-Gen-
eral Motors Corp., last of the big
auto firms toehold out against a
higher 1948 price level, gave in
today and tagged passenger cars
with. an eight per cent increase.
The price boost becomes effect-
ive Monday on Cadillacs, Buicks.
Oldsmobiles, Pontiacs and Chevro-
While the rest of the industry
boosted first wages and then
prices-or vice versa-GM insist-
ed it would try to hold the price
Even After Wage Hike
, Even after it granted 225,000
CIO production workers a sliding
11 cent an hour wage increase

this spring, GMV spoke of trying
to keep car prices the same.
But President C. E. Wilson ad-
mitted Saturday that the com-
pany had failed. He blamed "ris-
ing wages and material costs." He
did not mention the recent rise in
steel prices, but presumably this
was a factor.
There will be no changes in
truck prices at present, Wilson
It was GM's third general price
increase since the war, but the
first in nearly a year.
Some Changes Made
The new list of prices brought
Chevrolet virtually even with its
chief competitor in the low price
field-the Ford Motor Co.
The lowest priced Chevrolet now
bears a list tag -of $1,160, only
three dollars below the lour}st
priced model in the new, 1949
Ford line.
Pontiac raised prices from $114
to $148, with most models ab-
sorbing a $131 makeup.
Oldsmobile raised its Futuramic
line and all cnnvertihle and sta-

ance on each wing tip is left as the first jet-propelled F-80 fighter
plane of the 36th Fighter Wing is loaded into the hold of the
Army Transport Barney Kirschbaum in the Canal Zone of Pan-
ama. The wing, comprised of 75 of the jet fighters, left Panama
on the escort carrier Sicily and the transport for operations in
Congressmen Crowd Capitol
For Special Session Monday

WASHINGTON, July 24-()-
Congressmen were in a wary mood
as they began arriving today for
the special session that President
Truman called to open Monday.
Early arrivals, including Re-
publicans and all shades of Demo-
crats, are strangely silent, or talk-
ing only off-the-record.
"This is Mr. Truman's show,"
one told a reporter. "It's up to him
to put on the first act. We'll see
who gets the applause before the
curtain goes down."
Few Additions
Talks with about 20 of the 96
Two Killed in
Air Force Transport
Carried Four to City
BERLIN, Sunday, July 25-(/)-
At least two persons were killed
early today when a two-engine
American transport plane carrying
flour and other supplies over the
Russian land blockade crashed
into a street in the U.S. sector of
the city.
The plane sheared off several
trees and then hurtled into a
bomb-damaged block of apart-
ment houses. Two hours after the
crash, German firemen and U.S.
military police removed one body
from the wreckage and located a
second man. Apparently, no resi-
dents of the apartments were in-
It was believed there were no
passengers aboard. The twin-mo-
tor transports usually carry a crew
of two. The cause of the crash
was not immediately known.
The scene of the crash was in
the partly bomb-damaged district
3f Friedenau in the American sec-
tor of the four-power city.
The plane, a C-47 cargo carrier,
was coming in from Wiesbaden
and preparing to land at Tempel-
'of Airdrome, the U.S. air base
in Berlin.

senators already here indicate
that very few' anticipate any ma-
jor additions to the record that
the GOP - controlled Congress
completed June 19.
Most of the lawmakers expect
to be in session about a month.
They expect the President to de-
mand action on 10 or 12 bills,
topped by some type of govern-
ment controls and long-range
Republicans say they will listen,
conduct some hearings and de-
bates, and come up wtih pretty
much the same decisions they
reached at the regular session.
Civil Rights
Southern Democrats expect the
civil rights program - already
cause of a serious split between
them and Mr. Truman-to be
called up in the Senate. They are
determined to stage a lengthy fili-
buster against any such bills and
to fight any attempt to limit de-
bate. They have been promised
some Republican held.
Only party intimates of the
President-such as Senator Hatch
(Dem., N.M.) and O'Mahony
(Dem., Wyo.)-show tempered en-
thusiasm. They say there is a
chance for Congress to get some-
thing done and for Democrats to
please the voters.
Mr. Truman is spending the
weekend on the presidential
yacht with his top advisers, shap-
ing the message and bills he will
offer Tuesday in a personal ap-
pearance before a joint session,
of the House and Senate.
U.S. Must Stay in Berlin
Despite Duress-Dewey
PAWLING, N.Y., July 24-(/P)
-Gov. Thomas E. Dewey said to-
night the United States must not
surrender its rights in Berlin "un-
ar duress."
The GOP presidential nominee
also called upon the American
people "to unite to surmount pres-
ent dangers."

U.S. To Lead
Atomic Field
Truman States
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 24-Pres-
ident Truman said today that he
has ordered every effort to keep
this country's "leading position"
in the atomic field.
He further said that recent tests
on Eniwetok Atoll in the far Pa-
cific "demonstrated beyond any
question that our position in the
field of atomic weapons has been
substantially improved."
At the same time, Mr. Truman
said that he had no given up
hope of eventual, workable, inter-
national control, under which mil-
itary use of the A-bomb could be
Stumbling Block
Russia, he said, is the stumbling
block to progress toward such con-
And pending world control, "we
-annot as a nation afford to di-
close the secrets which make this
new force the most deadly form of
military weapon."
The President's remarks were
contained in a statement in con-
nection with the fourth semi-an-
nual report of the Atomic Energy
Commission to Congress.
"Our government has sought,"
Mr. Truman said, "through its
representatives on the United Na-
tions Atomic Energy Commission,
to find a common basis for un-
derstanding with the other mem-
ber nations. However, the uncom-
promising refusal of the Soviet
Union to participate in a work-
able control system has thus far
obstructed progress."
Civilian Control
Stressing that he favors civilian
control of our atomic energy pro-
gram as provided in the Atomic
Energy Act, Mr. Truman said:
"As President of the United
States, I regard the continued con-
trol of all aspects of the atomic
energy program, including re-
search, development and the cus-
tody of atomic weapons, -as. the
proper functions of the civil au-
Mr. Truman said the Commis-
sion reports "that recent experi-
ments hold out the promise of
more efficient production on the
farm and in the factory and an
increase of mechanical and human
energy for doing the world's
The commission declared that
the secret Eniwetok tests of three
atomic weapons of new and im-
proved design "confirms the fact
that the position of the United
States in the field of atomic weap-
ons has been substantially im-
PAC Favors
en Platform,
Stays on Fence
WASHINGTON, July 24-(!Ps-
The CIO's Political Acition Com-
mittee (PAC) today delayed en-
dorsement of a Presidential can-
didate but praised the 1948 Dem-
ocratic platform in contrast to the
"In our opinion the platforms of
the Republican and Democratic
parties offer the voter of America
in 1948 a real choice between lib-

eralism and reaction," said PAC
director Jack Kroll in a letter to
to all state and local branches.
Third Party
There are more than 6,000,000
members of the CIO, but leaders
of CIO unions with nearly three-
quarter million members have en-
dorsed Henry A. Wallace and the
Progressive Party movement.
Kroll commented:
"In our opinion the Republican
platform holds no promise for the
American public or the members
of the CIO. It is a vague docu-
ment, couched in the usual gen-
eralities, and is intended to mask
rather than reveal the real in-
tentions of the Republican Party.
"The platform adopted by the
Democratic party is specific and,
in two instances, is outstanding.
It calls for repeal of the Taft-
Hartley Act and it spells out a
civil rights program that includes
anti-poll tax, anti-lynching, anti-
segregation and anti-discrimina-
tion legislation."
Minimum Wage Raise'
Kroll also mentioned Demo-

THE OLD CAMPAIGN SPIRIT-Henry A. Wallace, newly nomi-
nated for president on the Progressive Party slate, and Sen. Glen
Taylor, of Idaho, (right), the Convention's vice-presidential choice,
emerge from Convention Hall to receive the greetings of their
followers, following a long, roaring session at which delegates
didn't let their enthusiasm sag for a minute. With the party
favorites is Joseph Rainey, Philadelphia magistrate, who will run
for Congress on the Wallace ticket.
U Summer Band Concert
Wl B

The University Summer Session
Band, under the direction of Wil-
liam D. Revelli, will have Erik
Le dzen as guest conductor at itsC
annual -concert at 8 p.m. Tuesday
in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Leidzen, a composer, has
served for several years as arrang-
er for the famous Edwin F. Gold-
man Band. He will conduct the
band in two of his own composi-
tions, "Doxology" and "March,
E.F.G." The title of the latter work
is derived from the initials of the
conductor of the Goldman Band.
The band will also play "Dance
of the Rose Maidens" from "Gayne
Ballet," Prof. Revelli describes this
suite-ballet as a "musical tour de
force," a type which has not
appeared since Ravel's "Bolero."
Shostakovitch, the most popu-
lar living Russian composer, will
he represented by the Finale to
his 'Symuphony No. 5."
Five of the works will be pre-
seated for the first time, and eight
will have their first appearance in
Ann Arbor.
In addition to Leidzen's original
compositions, the band will play
his original arrangement of Pro-
kofiev's "Music for A Summer
Besides Lseidzen's compositions,
the "Overture for Band" by An-
d'ea Rollunrl, a youg TNew York
comypo"'er, will have its debut.
"Atmerican Folk Rhapsody" by
irundtnan is also an original ar
ralingnerent. 'he composer is a
member of the faculty at the
School of Music of Ohio State
Also included on the program
are "March, Opus 99," by Prokof-
icv; "-Prelude and Fugue in B Flat
Minor," Bach-Mochlmann; and
"Overture, Orlando Paladrino,"
The other numbers are "Sec-
ond Suite for Band in F Major," a

suite based on old English country
tunes, by Holst; "Procession of the
Sardar," by Ippolitov-Ivanov; and
"Rumbolero," by Gould.
Admission will be free.
Woman Editor
Psses Awa
eMinor Patterso,(n
Stricken at Home

Henry Wallace
Gets Unanimous
Third Party Vote
Calls for Removal of Berlin Troops;
Peaceful Negotiations with Russia
By The Associated Press
SHIBE PARK, Philadelphia, July 24-Henry Agard Wallace for-
mally accepted tonight the unanimous nomination of the new Pro-
gressive Party and proclaimed: "If I were President, there would be
no crisis in Berlin today."
He invited America to march the troops out 'of Berlin, give it up
militarily in a search for peace."
"I am committed," Wallace said "to peaceful negotiations with
the Soviet government.
"The American people want and deserve fewer Red issues and
more red meat."
By his side, the party conven-rill
tion placed Senator Glen Taylor Dixiecrats To
of Idaho as the Vice Presidential
That was at a long, roaring ses- Run Thurmond
sion in Convention Hall at which
delegates didn't let their enthus-
iasm sag for a minute.
They adopted a constitution
to make the party permanent, Candidate Predicts
with a national committee and
plans for annual conventions. Victory in November
They received, for formal
approval tomorrow, a platform ATLANTA, July 24-(P)-The
that says in 7,000 words what states' rights Democratic steering
their party stands for and committee today decided to try to
promises. enter a presidential ticket in all
The platform calls for 1. Peace the states.
with Russia; 2. Repeal of Amer- The action was announced in a
ica's draft law; 3. Destruction of formal statement released through
all atom bombs; 4. Government George McNabb, press secretary
ownership of large segments of in- to Gov. Strom Thurmond of South
dustry and full equality for all Carolina.
minorities; 5. Guarantee of the Thurmond was recommended at
constitutional rights of freedom of the Birmingham states' rights
speech, including those of the convention July 17 to carry the
Communists. South's fight on civil rights
The platform also calls for a against President Truman.
return to price control to fight His running mate, selected at
the high cost of living, a greater the Birmingham meeting, is Gov.
New Deal and a veteran's bonus. Fielding L. Wright of Mississippi,
In a "Wallace or War" foreign the vice presidential candidate.
plank, the party accuses Dem- The committee's announcement
ocratic and Republican parties said the decision to campaign in
of embarking on a "drive to all states was to give "millions of
war,e and demands "Negotia- real Americans the opportunity of
tion and discussionwith the So- voting for these candidates, and
viet Union to find areas of to preserve our American. way of,
agreement to win the peace. government according to our fed-
agreement o win thepeace. eral and state constitutions."
It calls for repudiation of the "This is the' most feasible way
Marshall Plan for European aid, to preserve the real Jeffersonian
for din ai d hr theDemocratic Party in this coun-
ening of the Nations and for strength- try. We are dedicated to the pres-
"nindaof theUnited Nations as a ervation of states rights in this
"foundation. for eventual federal country because this means pre-
world government." serving the individual rights and
Then tonight, the conventionlertong the m eopl."
shifted outdoors, to the Phila- liberty of all the people."
elpia asb~arsprk foe~ala Shortly after the announce-
deiphia baseball park, for Wallace ment, Gov, Thurmond said, "We
and Taylor to deliver their ac- are running for president and ex-
ceptance addresses. pect to be elected."
"A new frontier awaits us," He said he would make his first-
Wallace said in the text he wrote Headhewudmkhifrs
W e i t speech at Cherryville, S.C., July 31
out in advance. "No longer west at the Watermelon Festival
to the Pacific-but forward across The governor also disclosed that
the wilderness of poverty, and the party's official title, adopted
sickness and fear. today, is "States Rights Demo-
"This is the American way-- crats"
to conquer the forces of nature- He told reporters "We are not
not our fellow men." running on a white supremacy,
Wallace said there's still one racial-hatred or class prejudice
world but-froen in one fear." platform. We are running primar-
"I assure you that without ily on the issue of states rights.
sacrificing a single American__
principle or public interest, we
would have found agreement Bomber of UN
long before now with the Soviet Rk7LLIN
government, and with our war- I y%
time allies." Dagnosed
Germany, Wallace said, will be
the core of every world crisis until NEW HAVEN, Conn., July 24-
there is agreement with Russia. ()-Stepben J. Supina, the ex-
World peace, he said, is too fragile Army B17 turret gunner who
"to be shuttled back and forth dropped a home-made "bomb"
through a narrow air corridor in
f>iuhhmanes" over United Nations headquarters,

"Our prestige in Germany went was pictured today by his lawyer
sinking," Wallace said, "when we as one "who may be in need of
divided Germany and established medical attention."
the western sector as an American While his client sat silently be-
and British Puerto Rico-as a col- side him, Supina's lawyer, J. Em-
ony. met Claire, told Judge D. W. Ce-
"When we did that we gave up lotto in city court that he wanted
Berlin politically and we can't lose the flier examined by a psychia-
anything by giving it up militar- trist and asked ' that the case be
ily in a search for peace.", continued until Monday.
Both Judge Celotto, before
whom Supina was arraigned on A
charge of being a fugitive, and
Prosecutor Raymond Doyle agreed
to the postponement, Bonds for
Supina's release were fixed at $50,-
The flier was arraigned less
than 24 hours after he walked
publicly commended by Sen. Ar- into the newsroom of the New
thur Vandenberg (Rep., Mich-), Haven Register and identified
for his efforts in the work himself as the pilot who exploded
Knap no erve as diret f a one-pound stick of dynamite at
the State Department's Office of Lake Success.
Finarncial and Development Policy, He took this means, he said, "to
which puts him in close contact make them here and abroad look
with the policies and activities of to the United Nations for lasting
the ERP administrative organi- peace."
zation. __ __ _
Ti. ,c~nrv.Anr . t! nn nn,. rnc, 4 ir



Death wrote "30" today to the
career of Mrs. Eleanor Medill Pat-
terson, publisher of the Washing-
ton Times-Herald.
She was found dead at her
home in nearby Marlboro, Md.,
apparently having been stricken
while reading,
The lights were still on in her
room when her maid, Eva :Boro-
wik, went to her bedroom about
noon today to deliver a message
from one of the Times-Herald
Mi's. :Patterson, widely known
as "Cissy," had suffered a heart
attack about two years ago, She
spent three months recuperating,
then resumed active newspaper
Sixty 'thre years of age, she
was the idaughter of Elinor Medill
and Robert Wilson Patterson. She
was tie granddaug hter of Joseph
Medill, founder of the Chicago
The late Joseph Medill Patter-
son, founder and publisher of the
New York Daily News, was her
brother, Col. Robert McCormick,
publisher of the Chicago Tribune,
is her cousin.
Col. McCormick, travelling in
Europe, said at Paris today Mrs.
Patterson's death was a "terrible

Television Carries Play from
Stage of Lydia Mendelssohn

Immediacy is the most exciting
thing about the medium of tele-
vision, Thomas Riley of station
WWJ-TV told the audience at the
speech department conference and
reunion yesterday, and proceeded
to prove it.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
looked like a Hollywood stage,
with its three sets on the podium,
the two big klieg lights and the
two cameras. Only the director's
chair was missing.
'Walls of Glass'
"Walls of Glass," written and
produced by members of the Uni-
versity speech department, was
televised over WWJ-TV at 3 p.m.
yesterday. In order to give the
"studio" audience a better chance
to understand video, three large
screens were placed in different

WWJ staff member Riley, di-
rector of the broadcast, pointed
out that lack of demand and in-
centive have kept a perfect writ-
ing technique for the medium a
long way off, but the "Walls of
Glass" turned out to be quite well
written, by Vance Simmons and
Pat Merrick. The original play
dealt with cancer research, but it
did not mention the University by
Comfortably Cool
Because of extra-sensitive cam-
eras, no extremely bright lights
are required nowadays and the
cast can stay comfortably cool
throughout the performance. At
least the cast, consisting of Mar-
ilyn Scheel, Arlyn Roemer, Rich-
ard Charlton, Josh Roach and Don
Mitchell, did not look like grad-.
uates from a steambath when the

Burke Kapp to Discus
Thrf part being played by ERP
will be outlined this week when J.
Burke Knapp, State Department
official, continues the University
Lecture Series on "The Economic
Reconstruction of Europe," with
two lectures.:
Knapp will seak on "Financing
the Supply of Europe," at 8:10 x
p.m., Tuesday, in the Rackham
LetrHl add.us"Fnn

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