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July 23, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-23

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Question of Fact

lost political sheep if the vagueness of
the state laws on elections and particularly
the attitude of local election officials is not
cleared up immediately.
For the student who has given up his
residence in his home state, the local voting
requirements present a maze of "ifs" and
"buts" which seem to boil down to no vote
in the fall elections. The experience of one
local stuednt proves a case in point. He is
no longer a resident of his home state and
for the past six months was not a student
at the University. He plans to return to the
University but at present is working in Ann
Arbor. The first question asked of him was
"Are you a student at the University?".
According to the local election officials,
it seems that if one is a student at the
University, one is not a resident of the
state. It apparently makes no difference
to these officials that the students are
self-supporting and have their homes in
the city. What may clinch the November
vote is whether or not the student is
married, but even the ruling on this is
generally vague.
The particular official to whom our stu-
dent talked refused to accept him as an
Ann Arbor resident and prevented him from
registering. However, a few days later, our
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

anxious would-be voter returned to the elec-
tion offices. The official was on vacation
and this time his substitute accepted him
into Ann Arbor's arms. Upon inquiry, she
admitted that acceptance of residence way
"pretty much of a personal decision" and
that the first official wasn't particularly "fa-
vorable" to students.
Consulting the attorney general brought
this student to a dead end. Deputy attorney
general, Peter Bradt said, "Since the attor-
ney general is authorized by law to render
opinions only to state officers and prosecut-
ing attorneys, I regret that I cannot advise
you on the problem mentioned in your letter
of July 12."
Enclosed, however, was a carbon copy
of an Attorney General Opinion sent to
Michigan State College's President Han-
nah, the substance of which was the con-
tradictory "Student by mere attendance
at institution does not gain residence at
place where institution of learning is lo-
cated but constitution does not preclude
obtaining residence at that place. Wheth-
er residence is obtained is a question of
fact in each individual case."
But the deputy attorney general also
seemed doubtful about the clarity of the
statement and added, "It is suggested that
you consult your attorney upon this matter."
Private attorneys are not in the financial
bracket of this or any other student. And
whether or not election officials choose to
snub University students' declarations of
residence makes our political choices in im-
portant elections a matter of a "question of
fact." Too many students are finding that
it is all too questionable and personal.
-Lida Dailes.

Irons in thefirej
upon the Communist high command is
a matter of concern to all those who still
value freedom of expression as a national
virtue, rather than a national weakness. De-
spite grand jury sanction, the tone of the
political arrests is all too reminiscent of
purges conducted in other lands, as by the
Communists themselves in Rumania, Bul-
garia, and elsewhere. Such drastic govern-
ment action connotes one of two possibil-
The first is that we are embarked upon a
policy of fear and coercion to pale all pat
legislative inquisitions, Lusk, Coudert, Calla-
han, et al. Free speech is to be quashed in an
orgy of "homogenizing," and then America
can set out to subdue the nasty, nasty Rus-
sians with atomic persuasion.
This idea that political unanimity at
home is the prerequisite to effective interna-
tional action is dangerously close to becom-
ing holy word. In any realistic estimate,
Communism as an organization represents
zero political threat to American democracy.
The government knows this and the people
should know it. J. Edgar Hoover's statistics
on the ratio of Communists to the entire
population in the U.S. today as compared to
1917 Russia are sor much irrelevant twaddle.
Communism as an ideology, has never yet
been truly met by us, on all fronts, in the
full fervor of the democratic faith. To re-
duce the struggle to bare force alone means
to abandon any hope for a victory in men's
minds, in exchange for the illusory vic-
tories of the battlefield.
The second possibility is that our gov-
ernment expects momentarily the overt act
which will spark World War III. This would
probably justify the immediate detention
of all known Communists, as potential sab-
oteurs. But if the situation is.so serious, why
all the clammy silence in Washington? Four
years prior to Pearl Harbor, President Roose-
velt began the military and moral rearma-
ment of the American people, so that when
the fateful day did arrive we could unite
with a minimum of hysteria in the commoi
task. The Truman Administration is giving
us a great deal of military spending, but it
is very miserly with straight talk.
A full bill of particulars, specific as to
"clear and present danger" is the least
President Truman can do to give assur-
ance that freedom still gives a little tinkle
around here.
* * *
THE RECENT FUROR over Communist
agents' gaining admission to th United
States as special UN representatives is an-
other disturbing example of accelerating
national hysteria. As long as the Communist
nations of eastern Europe retain mem-
bership in the United Nations, and as long
as we are host to that organization, it is
difficult to see how we can refuse admission
to accredited representatives of such na-
tibns. The fact that their governments are
tight little Communist cliques is no doubt
unpleasant, but granting the fact, we can
hardly expect them to send over dignified
The statement of Secretary of State Mar-
shall that he knows of not one case of such
infiltration should set this particular spasm
at rest. But we can look for many more
such, in the present national case of cold
war nerves.
-David Saletan.

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07,4, ol 10 1 OF

Editorial Rounds

Four Parties~-II

THE FACT IS that something like the
Wallace Third Party would have had
to come into existence even if there had
been no Wallace. This comparatively small
organization is the nearest thing to an
American opposite number to the great left
movements that have come forward in Eu-
rope; to believe that no such manifestation
had to occur here is to believe that we stand
indeed as a special case in this world. As
a matter of fact we do stand in a rather
special position as it is, for the head of
the Third Party here preaches what he calls
"Progressive Capitalism," a slogan which the
leaders of most of the left movements in
Europe would receive with stunned bewilder-
ment. Our exceptional situation in the world
is sufficiently indicated by the fact that
we have no mass party with a socialistic
program; our conservatives ought' to be
willing to settle for that, without quite
expecting that there should be no organized
protest whatever against peace disappoint-
ments and our massive postwar drift to the
Not even the fact that the Communists
are in the Wallace movement, or that they
boast of having been the first to call for
a Third Party, can quite reduce this develop-
ment to the level of an artificial maneuver
malevolently dreamed up just to create
trouble for deserving Democrats. For the
Communists are no fools, organizationally,
and they do not like to be alone. There have
been times in the past when they have
thought, briefly and impossibly, of a na-
tional third party. This time, independently
of them, the conditions existed which could
produce such a movement.
It is a crime against insight (to me the
worst of crimes) not to realize what has
led so many quite average middle class
people, among others, into the Wallace
movement, the dizzying fall from the
heights of hope for one world, the numb
acceptance of the collapse of peace by
both major parties, the awakening, in

short, from the finest of dreams to the
coarsest of realities. And if there be those
in the Wallace movement who have not
really faced up to how they, themselves,
feel about Communism, it ought to be
possible, at least in human terms, to un-
derstand their reluctance to seem to align
that has for, many years used anti-Com-
munism as its trade-mark, and employed
it against Roosevelt, among others.
The chief defect of the Third Party is that
it seems to be not quite a party, but rather
more of an organization for special pleading.
It does not criticize Russian moves; it blames
everything on us, even going to the length
of expecting us to act in a manner quite
contrary to our nature as a capitalist coun-
try. But if it is peace one wants, then all
pugnacity from whatever course, must be
rebuked and resisted. Mr. Wallace points to'
Russian faults occasionally, but the general
spirit in the party is otherwise. In a country
like ours, this approach makes the new party
a self limiting enterprise.
This review of what could be called the
four parties brings up a fact which may
have escaped general notice. It is that all
four of the parties are, at least in part,
appealing to the liberal, humanitarian voter.
The candidate of the southern dissidents
deprecates the goal of "white supremacy";
he sees states rights only as an issue in-
volving human freedom. The Republicans
have looked for their own candidates in an
area as far removed as possible from the
Congressional contingent .which produced
the Taft-Hartley Act., etc.; they may now
even pass a housing bill. Mr. Truman has
made a quick left turn during the past
month, after his long leaning toward the
right, and the Wallace party, of course, is
after the independent liberal. What has
happened to that smug, very pleased assur-
ance of a few months ago that the country
was through with liberalism for good, that
it had entered into a firm, and lasting con-
servative phase?
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.).

N.Y. Herald-Trib
GOP and Inflation
A WHITE HOUSE spokesman
makes it clear that measures
against inflation will be the first
item on the President's program
for the special session which con-
venes next Monday. No problem
confronts the people more insist-
ently and ominously than that of
rising prices, already well above
those of six months ago, and un-
der the double impactof rearma-
ment and European aid, threat-
ening to go still higher. The peo-
ple have a right to expect that
their leaders will deal seriously
and responsibly, within the limits
of government action, with a situ-
ation charged with so much po-
tential danger to their welfare and
happiness. The President, having
called Congress, could hardly fail
to give priority to the problem. He
will undoubtedly find that the
leaders of the Republican major-
ity share his basic concern and
his recognition of the need for
precautionary measures.
Unfortunately Mr. Truman's
course has been one to make the
attainment of effective controls
less likely rather than more so.
He has himself fluctuated wildly
on the subject, as recently as last
autumn condemning rationing and
price control as characteristics of
the "police state." His November
message to Congress, setting forth
a ten-point anti-inflation pro-
gram, was without lucidity of per-
suasiveness and failed to tie in the
danger of inflation with the Eu-
ropean aid program then being
shaped. Having been unable to
provide effective leadership in the
last Congress, he has now called
a special session under conditions
which make constructive action
more than usually difficult.
The session, as he has con-
ceived and promoted it, is more
a means of bedeviling the Re-
publicans than of achieving
legislation which the general
welfare requires. Problems
'which always exist when the
legislature and the Executive
are under the control of differ-
ent parties are compounded in
this instance by the nearness of
the campaign and the Presi-
dent's fiercely partisan attitude.
It would be a natural tempta-
tion for the Republicans in Con-
gress to balk, letting the President
suffer the consequences of his
bankrupt leadership and sterile
tactics. The temptation, however,
will surely be, resisted. An infla-
tionary trend is dangerous because
it may at some'moment get out of
hand, with accumulated pres-
sures starting prices upon a dizzy
spiral. The President, in such cir-
cumstances, should have the
power to impose necessary con-
trols. During the next months,
with the campaign in progress and
with our foreign affairs in a criti-
cal state, the country cannot risk
having its economy suddenly
stricken and immobilized. The
formulation of stand-by controls,
to be invoked at the discretion of
the President under carefully de-
fined conditions, would be a valid
safeguard; it would yield the Ex-
ecutive necessary authority to
meet an emergency, and would
leave for the new administration,
which in all likelihood will assume
power in January, the responsibil-
ity for working out long range and

well studied measures. The Repub-
lican majority, having taken such
action, would have done the most
that can reasonably be expected in
combating inflation at this ses-
* * *
N.Y. Star
How Truman Must Fight
IN SIX DAYS since Mr. Truman's
special session call the
original "politics" cry of many
Republicans has faded into an at-
tempt to get to the point-the
GOP'sneed to work out a strategy
reconciling Governor Dewey's
"modern" approach and the stone-
age toryism of Old Guard Repub-
licans in the House of Representa-
tives. But Mr. Truman himself
still faces a major problem. He
must show he can pour the effect-
ive force of his administration be-
hind the enlightened program he
demanded at the Democratic con-
When the President last No-
vember asked an earlier special
session for a 10-point anti-infla-
tion plan, half his Cabinet offi-
cers sabotaged the program with
fainthearted support. The contra-
dictory bills the executive depart-
ment finally recommended gave
the GOP a chance to laugh.
Mr. Truman's objectives in
the new special session seem to
be an effort to obtain sound
housing and price-control legis-
lation or, if these are denied, to
dramatize tWie issues between
himself and the Republican
These are legitimate objectives.
There are valid differences of
opinion between a majority of the
people in regard to housing, for
example, and the doctrinaire hos-
tility of the House Republican
leadership to the Taft-Ellender-
Wagner housing bill. The Repub-
lican convention showed some in-
clination to campaign on issues of
confusion-vague outcries against
regimentation, bureaucracy and
"radicalism." If Mr. Truman can
now clarify the facts-can show
that the real issues are homes and
high prices, the need for better
minimum wages and human rights
guarantees--the election may con-
tain less theatrics and make more
This presupposes, however, that
Mr. Truman at last can rally a
united and clearheaded executive
team behind his program. It will
not be enough to present a "con-
crete bill' on high prices, as the
White House promises. The Ad-
ministration as a whole must be-
lieve in the program and fight to
get it.
The people may respond, as the
President deeply believes, to evi-
dence showing that he is "right"
and the congressional Republicans
"wrong." They may even support
him with understanding, in the
North and West, when he fights
Southern Democrats on civil
rights issues. But he can't wage a
singlehanded battle. The voters
are "liberal" enough; the torrent
of "liberal" pledges by Republi-
cans, Wallace people and Demo-
crats repudiates the Old Guards-
men. Mr. Truman's task is to
show that the Democratic party,
under his leadership, again can be
an instrument of the people's im-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
mermbers of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent lai
typewritten for to the office of th
Assistant to the President, Roonra
1021 Angelall, by 3:00 p. . oat
the day preceding publication (11 :00
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1948
VOL. LVIII, No. 191
Notice of Regents' Meeting: The
next meeting of the Regents will
be on September 24, 1948, 2 p.m.
Communications for consideration
at this meeting must be in the
President's hands not later than
September 16.
Herbert G. Watkins
Women students attending the
League Formal on July 24 have
1:30 a.m. permission. Calling
hours will not be extended.
Women students in the summer
session who wish to remain for
the fall semester and have not yet
applied for housing should -do so
at once at the Office of the Dean
of Women.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
The Ansco Corporation, Bing-
hamton, New York, will have a
representative at our office- on
Mon., July 261h, to interview men
in chemistry, chemical engineer-
ing, or electrical engineering. Call
extension 371 for appointments.
To Students in Business Educa-
There will be a meeting for all
students in Business Education
Mon., July 26, 7 p.m., in Room 268,
Business Administration Build-
ing. Demonstration of Thomas
Natural Shorthand by the author
of the system, Charles M. Thomas.
Visitors welcome.
Approved Student Social Events.
Weedend July 23-25, 1948 ..
July 23
Inter-Cooperative Council, Con-
gregational Disciples Guild
July 24
Delta Tau Delta, Theta Xi, Sig-
ma Nu
The fifth lecture in the special
series of lectures sponsored by the
Department of Engineering Me-
chanics will be given by C. R. So-
derberg, Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology. Prof. Soder-
berg will discuss "Yielding and
Fracture of Metals" on Fri., July
23, 3 p.m., Rm. 445 West Engineer-
ing Building, and Sat., July 24, 11
a.m., Room 445, West Engineering
Student Recital: Arlene Sollen-
berger, Contralto, a pupil of Ar-
thur Hackett, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8 p.m., Fri.,
July 23, Rackham Assembly Hall.
The recital will include Italian,
French, German, and English
songs, and will be open to the pub-
Student Recital: Kathryn Karch
Loew, organist, will present a pro-

gran at 8 p.m. Sun., August 1, in
Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music. A
former pipil of Palmer Christian,
Mrs. Loew is now studying with
Carl Weinrich, GuestuLecturer in
Organ in the School of Music. Her
recital will include compositions
by Vivaldi, Bach, Karg-Elert,
Vaughan Williams, and Dupre,
and will be open to the public.
University Summer Session
Choir, Helen Hosmer, will present
its annual program at 8 p.m. Tues.,
August 3, Hill Auditorium. The
program will include compositions
by Vaughan Williams, Bennet,
Billings, Brahms, Beethoven, Hin-
demith, Weinberger, Piket, and a
group of spirituals. Open to the
Special Summer Session Choir
Concert: First Presbyterian
Church, 8 p.m. Sun., July 25, pre-
senting Gabriel Faure's Requiem;
Helen Hosmer, director, Eleanor
Peeke, soprano, Howard Street,
baritone, and Mary McCall Stub-
bins, organist. Open to the gen-
eral public.
Coming Events
The Roger Williams Guild will

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address,
Letters exceeding 300 words, repet-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in god
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of e-
densing letters.
* * *
Cyclist's Lament
To the Editor:
Y RECORD is pretty good.
During the past three years,
I have only run down 15 pedes-
trians on the campus with my
bicycle, seriously maiming two,
bruising 10 and inflicting light
injuries on the rest.
My victims include two school
teachers, three dogs and miscel-
laneous girls all of sorority age.
One of the dogs, sensing in me a
potential competitor, however,
promptly turned around and
slashed my front tire to ribbons
and chewed up my chain, forcing
me to purchase a new bike.
All things considered, I haven't
done badly-not nearly the men-
ace that the Student Legislature
makes me out to be. Therefore,
it is with a great deal of alarm
that I view the recent move by
our elected representatives to cur-
tail the activities of bicyclers on
campus by prohibiting them from
freely whizzing up and down the
diagonal. A pox on them, I say.
The Age of the Common Man
has become the age of restriction.
Next thing you know, we'll be for-
bidden from riding foreign bicycles
in Ann Arbor. And my machine
is a beautiful English job which
I will defend to the death. Shined
every Sunday by my girl friend
(except when her boy friend comes
in from Detroit), it is a thing of
beauty and a joy forever.
And what is more beautiful or
soothing than the sound of rubber
tires gliding gracefully on cement
walks? What is more graceful
than a pedestrian in flight before
the onslaught of a crew of bi-
cyclers dashing madly to their
eight o'clocks?
If the Student Legislature
would make much ado about noth-
ing, let them concern themselves
drinking fountains. Or let them
legislate against thoughtless stu-
dents who throw their newspapers
in the waste paper basket when
they are finished with them, in-
stead of leaving them around in
the Union lounge for someone else
to read.
As for me, I will not be intimi-
dated. My bicycle will ride. Let the
limbs be strewn where they may.
-Barney Lasehever.
meet at the Guild House at 2 p.m.
Sat. for a picnic and swim at Por-
tage Lake. Transportation will be
furnished. Those unable to leave
early will meet at the Guild
Houseat 5:30 to go out for the




Xe ttei4





The Kremlti's Wants',

WASHINGTON-What is the grand prize
for which the Kremlin is willing to bring
the world to the very edge of a war which
the Kremlin must' know it can never win?
No one can know for certain the answer
to that question. Yet some of the experts
are beginning to suspect, on the basis of
available evidence, that the Russians now
intend actually to -incorporate their eastern
European empire, including the Soviet zone
of Germany, into the Union of Soviet So-
cialist Republics. For this purpose it is es-
sential that the Western powers evacuate
One 'important item of evidence to sup-
port this theory is a recent speech by Otto
Grotewohl, Communist leader of the Soviet
The 'speech makes no bones about the
desperate economic crisis into which the
Russian policy of plunder has plunged the
Soviet zone of Germany. Indeed, Grote-
wohl neatly sums up the crisis: "Hunger
is the cause of low production, but to
remove hunger, industrial production it-

purged. The purge has, according to reliable
reports, already started in Saxony. In short,
the Soviets have decided to deal with an
economic crisis of a sort familiar in the
Soviet Union by political measures also fa-
miliar in the Soviet Union.
Moreover, Grotewohl repeatedly insisted
in this Soviet-sponsored speech that the
Soviet zone Communists are to have no more
truck with the West. Henceforth the Soviet
zone must be exclusively and wholly "orient-
ed toward the Soviet Union." Grotewohl even
hinted that the "German unity" theme
which has been the chief instrument of
Soviet and Communist propaganda in Ger-
many is now to be abandoned. "For us as a
party," he announced, "it is at present im-
possible to rely on any sort of grouping
with the West. It is impossible at the pres-
ent moment even with regard to German
It is believed that this speech, taken
together with other developments, may hav
the most crucial significance. Some of the
other developments are: the purges im-
pending against the "nationalism" of its

Current Movies~
At the State ...
Fitzgerald, Veronica Cake and Joan Caul-
THIS ONE HAS A PLOT. It deals with the
reformation of two beautiful confidence
Veronica and Joan, as the Sisters in
crime, are brought face to face with the
Good Life, under the auspices of Barry
Fitzgerald, and decide that champagne,
lobsters and elderly bankers can't hold a
candle to it. They swear off, after painful
hesitation on the part of Veronica-the
more hard-boiled one-and that is that.
Upon this skimpy but adequate framework
is hung a rather inadequate picture. No
extravagant claims have been made for the
acting ability of Lake or Caulfield and none
are likely to be made on the basis of their
current performances. Fitzgerald is whimsi-
cal, as usual--Irish, as usual, and a life-
saver in a picture that needed one. The
supporting cast, generally speaking, is fairly
competent. William Demerest, as the iras-
cible sheriff, helps Fitzgerald carry the load
that is so blithely shrugged off by the
female leads.
Somehow, one feels that this thing could
have been better, that it could even have
been funny-as it apparently was meant to
be. But the gears don't mesh. Punch lines
lack punch. Situations that should draw
chuckles from the audience fell short.
Probably the chief error was in giving
acting parts to the ham-our girls. Veronica
Lake and Joan Caulfield do best when stand-
ing quietly around looking like Veronica
Lake and Joan Caulfield. In this produc-

Fifty-Eighth Year

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business , anager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld ,Circulation Manager'
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press






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