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July 26, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-26

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Regents List
Nine for New
Faculty Posts
Five Promotions
Are Confirmed
Nine faculty appointments and
five promotions were approved,
and gifts totalling $155,362 were
accepted by the University Board
of Regents yesterday.
Appointments confirmed in-
clude: Dr. Alfred M. Elliott, assis-
tant professor of zoology; Leo M.
Legatski, assistant professor of
civil engineering; DeOwen Nich-
ols, Jr., associate professor of
mechanical engineering; and Leo
A. Schmidt, associate professor of
Other Appointments
Other appointments were: Phil-
ip A. Duey, visiting associate pro-
fessor of voice; Edwin R. Martin,
assistant professor of electrical
engineering; Dr. Winthrop N.
Davey, acting head of the Tuber-
culosis Unit of the University
Hospital to replace Dr. Daniel E.
Jenkins whose resignation was ac-
cepted by the Board; and Lt. Col.
Caleb A. Shreeve and Major Wil-
liam F. Johnston, assistant pro-
fessors of military science and
William Frankena was promot-
ed from associate professor to
professor and made chairman of
the philosophy department. He
succeeds DeWitt H. Parker who
had asked to be relieved of the
duties of chairman but will con-
tinue on the faculty as Robert
Mark Wenley University Professor
of Philosophy.
Additional Promotions
Other promotions include: Dr.
Ernest Watson, assistant profes-
sor to associate professor of child
See REGENTS, Page 4
UNv Offiial To
Talk Today on
Human Rights
"The International Protection
Of Human Rights," is the topic of
a lecture to be delivered by Dr.
John P. Humphrey, director of
the United Nations' Division of
Human Rights, at 8:10 p.m. today
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
His address will be the eleventh
of 20 lectures in the summer ser-
ies, "The United States in World
Scheduled in the series next
week is Admiral Thomas C. Hart,
formerly commander of t h e
United States Asiatic Fleet, who
will lecture on "The Unitedl States
and the Pacific Ocean Area" at
8:10 p.m. Monday in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
*eSecond lecture of the week will
be given by Hugh Borton, chief
of the State Department Division
of Northeast Asian Affairs, who
will speak on "United States Oc-
cupation Problems and Policies in
Japan and Korea" at 4:10 p.m.
Tuesday in Rackham Amphithea-
Prof. Donald D. Brand, of the
anthro-geography department at
the University of New Mexico, will
give the final lecture of next week
at 4:10 p.m. Thursday in Rackham
Amphitheatre. His topic will be
"Scientific and Cultural Relations
between the United States and

Lincoln Files
Are Revealed
Eager Historians
Witness Opening
W 4 SHINGTON, July 26--(UP)--
With eager scholars looking on.
the papers of Abraham Lincoln
which his son collected and sealed
for 21 years after his own death
were opened early today.
Robert Todd Lincoln's ban of
secrecy on the documents he hur-
riedly collected at the White
House aftei' his father's assassin-
ation expired at midnight.
One minute later, Congression-
al Librarian Luther H. Evans
opened the collection of some 15,-
000 to 20,000 documents. A group
of Lincoln historians, scholars and
library staff members witnesseco
the opening.
(Among those present was Col-
ton Storm, acting director and

Kem Demands Administration
Reveal Facts in Election Case;

War Bribery
Defendants Get
Eight Months

arsson s



tharges Denied

Sen. Pepper Forese
Doom -of Marshall F
Special To The Daily
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of a series of interpreta
on political trends and personalities in Washington by a Dailys
WASHINGTON-Congress is about to terminate ec
abroad, in the opinion of Senator Claude Pepper (D-Fla.
He told me yesterday that he expects General Mar
have rough sledding in following through with his prop
for the reconstruction of Europe.
This Southern liberal, who today champions the New I

CROWD GATHERS AT MINE BLAST SCENE-Relatives mill around ambulances (above) at Old
Ben Coal Mine No. 8 near West Frankfort, Ill., where an explosion trapped 30 miners.
* * *

Lewis Visits
Survivors of
Mine Disaster
Gov. Green Claims
No Rules Violated
25- (A) -- John L. Lewis, AFL
United Mine Workers' president,
made an unheralded visit today to
this Southern IJinois town where
27 coal diggers perished in a mine
disaster officially ascribed to a
gas explosion.
With hundreds of miners lining
the streets to get a glimpse of
him, Lewis conferred for an hour
with officials of the Old Ben Coal
Corp., in whose No. 8 .mine the
tragedy occurred, yesterday and
with local union officials includ-
ing hlis brother, Howard, under-
ground superintendent at the
Clear Compensation
Although reserving comment on
the explosion, Lewis told a report-
er, "I am extremely anxious to see
that dependents' compensation is
cleared quickly and satisfactorily
to all ;,urvivors."
Meanwhile, the work of identi-
fying victinis neared completion
in the gymnasium of Central Jun-
ior High School, and investigators
of the disaster prepared their re-
Regulations Met
No question of laxness in opera-
tion of the mine was r'aised. Gov-
ernor Dwight H. Green of Illinois,
who spoke briefly with Lewis and
questioned four injured survivors
of the blast in the little UMW hos-
pital, said he was satisfied there
had been full compliance with
safety laws.
Lewi' also talked with the hos-
pitalized men.
Green, who postponed his va-
cation and came 350 miles from
Chicago by automobile, said the
last state mine inspection on May
29 indicated that all regulations
had been met.
Mine Rock-dusted
Harold L. Walker, state direc-
tor of mines, said the entry where
the blast occurred had been thor-
oughly rock-dusted to allay coal
dust Wednesday night-the night
before the explosion.
William Gallagher, a federal
mine inspector, who joined rescue
workers in the mine passages 500
feet below the earth's surface last
night, said today that "it was a
gas explosion. There's no ques-
tion of that."
Gallagher, who praised the
quick organization and comple-
tion of rescue work, said that
safety precautions appeared to
"have been a factor in localizing"
the explosion.

NBC Vice-President Defends
Practices of Radio Networks

Maintaining that the "right to
listen" is as vital as the "right
to be heard," Clarence L. Menser,
vice-president of the National
Broadcasting Company, defended
many current radio network prac-
tices yesterday before the annual
Conference and Reunion of the
University's speech department.
"At times radio has been crit-
icized for not putting more em-
phasis on smaller audiences,"
Menser said. "Yet radio must as-
sume that its whole audience has
Prof. Ward To
Talk at Speech
Reunioni Today
Prof. Winifred Ward, director ot
the Children's Theatre at North-
western University, will speak at
9:30 a.m. Today at the annual
Ccnfer nce and Reunion of th2
University's speech department it'
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Prof. Ward, who founded thd
first childrer's. theatres 22 years
ago in Evanston, Ill., will expla,
the work :'nd objectives of the
children's theatre movement.
The conferencerprogram ir-
ejudes a demonstration of the-
speech correctionswork underw :
ir the University's. Speech Cline~
;'t .10:Y0 a-n..
Prof. Magdalene Kramer, chair-
'i.an. of the Department of the
Teaching if Speech, Columbia
University, will be the speake: at
j luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in the
Union Ballrerm. Final event on
the program will be an inspecti, :
1,c)' of the tiible speech equip-
:ntnt at the Speech Clinic and
the Fackham School of Special
Education in Ypsilanti.
Outdoor Dance
Set for Friday
An all-campus dance, publicized
as the "Moonlight Dance," will be
presented from 9 p.m. to 12 mid-
night Friday, according to Phil
Licht of the American Veterans
Committee who claims "there's a
new wrinkle in this one."
The event will be open to all
students free of charge and will
be held in the new parking lot be-
tween the Natural Science and
Chemistry buildings with Al Chase
and his band providing the music.
The dance will be sponsored by
the League, Union, Student Leg-
islature, Inter-Racial Association
and AVC.

a right to listen which may at
times transcendsomerparticular
group's right to be heard."~
The only way to judge radio
is in terms of its service to the
listener, Menser said. Radio wel-
comes constructive criticism, the
NBC executive said, but it also ex-
pects cooperation from the listen-
"One of the most important el-
ements in this cooperation is se-
lection of programs," he explained.
"No amount of editorial judgment
by the broadcaster can guaran-
tee that program will not be heard
by audiences for which they are
not intended. That responsibility
rests largely with the hand that
throws the switch or turns the
Menser also defended the radio
daytime serial, declaring that "It
is a definite literary form which
will and should continue because
it has widespread acceptance by
many listeners to whose way of
life it makes a definite contribu-
Balkan States
Told To Heed
UN Dectstons
LAKE SUCCESS, July 25--1)-
The United States warned Rus-
sia's three Balkan satellites to-
day that any attempt to ignore
the decision of the Security Coun-
cil might result in the strongest
kind of enforcement measures.
The warning came after Russia
bluntly told the Council that it
had no power to force Yugoslav-
ia, Bulgaria and Albania to coop-
erate with the American-proposed
United Nations Border Commis-
No. Decision Reached
The clash marked the finish of
four weeks debate on the Balkan
problem with the Council still far
from a decision and brought an
Australian charge that Russia
and her satellites were staging a
"filibuster" to delay United Na-
tions action.
Declaring that the 11-nation
body's decisions were binding.
U.S. Deputy delegate Herschel V.
Johnson said "any failure would
lay the non-complying states open
to serious action to insure their
Council May Investigate
"The Council has the power to
make investigations," Johnson as-
serted. "Countries are obligated to
This brought a retort from So-
viet Deputy Foreign Minister An-
drei A. Gromyko that if a nation
found that the work of a commis-
sion "is incompatible with its sov-
ereignty then it can refuse to co-
The Council recessed until Mon-
day without a vote. It appeared
that it would be the middle of
next week before a vote is reached
on the American proposal.
S.winton JWill
Talk from Java
Stan Swinton, Associated Press
correspondent in Batavia, Java,
..Il t .... a .. . .. } ... A ....,...

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 25- An-
drew J. May, former chairman of
the House Military Committee,
and the munitions-making Gars-
son brothers were sentenced to
from eight months to two years in
federal prison on war bribe
charges today despite their fer-
vent pleas that they never handled
a dishonest dime.
The Garssons, Henry and
Murray, were convicted of giv-
ing - and May of receiving-
$53,634.07 in bribes.
This money was forked over,
the government charged, in re-
turn for pressure brought to
bear by May on the War De-
partment and other agencies to
help the Garsson's wartime mu-
nitions combine.
As a Democratic Congressman
from Kentucky for 16 years until
his defeat last year, the 72-year-
old May was a power in Congress
on all matters affecting the mili-
"I never did a thing in Congress
that today vexes my conscience,'
said May in his plea for mercy
today,. "I'm not guilty."
Each of the three was let out
on a $2,000 bond until the ap-
peal is settled.
The maximim penalty could
have been six years in jail plus
a $30,000 fine.
In the pre-sentencing appeals
for mercy, the defense lawyers had
said that their clients are so hard
up they are paying their trial ex-
penses with borrowed money.
"I have never violated a law
-as far as I know-in the 72
years I have lived," May told
Schweinhaut, who was waiting
to sentence him.
"I was superintendent of a
Sunday school and taught a
Bible class back in Kentucky,
and when I came here I attend-
ed the Baptist Church regularly.
"I have never tasted liquor, wine
or beer, and I have never used to-
bacco in my whole life, in order
to enjoy my old age without poi-
soning my system."
"I . ave never received a dollar
that was not honestly earned."
Greek Leftists
Attack GreVena
ATHENS, Greece, July 25-(R)
-A War Ministry spokesman an-
nounced that a force of 1,200 to
1,500 guerrillas made an unsuc-
cesful attack on Grevena early to-
day after a surprise march from
Mount Grammos where they sup
posedly had been bottled up by the
Greek Army.
Military sources said the guer-
ilias were part of the band of
2000 to 2,500 which attacked Ku.
nitsa and attempted to march on
Ioannina, capital of Epirus, near-
ly two weeks ago.
This band, which the Greeks
said came from Albania, previous-
ly had been reported surrounded
and then spiit up into small un-
Grevena is a city of 4,000 in
the eastern foothills of the Pin-
dus Mountains.

Truman Signs
Bill To Repeal
175 WarActs
To End G.I. Benefits
For New Enlistees
WASHINGTON, July 25-(/)-
President Truman today signed
legislation repealing some 175
wartime emergency laws-now or
within one year - and putting
stop-dates on veterans G.I. bene-
The new legislation declares in
effect that insofar as certain acts
of Congress are concerned, "World
War II, the limited emergency,
and the unlimited emergency shall
be construed as terminated and
peace established."
Hopes To End Other Laws
Mr. Truman voiced hope for a
speedy end of the remaining
emergency statutes.
One major effect of today's ac-
tion is to put stop-dates on G.I.
benefits for about 16,000,000 ser-
vicemen and veterans.
Hereafter new Army enlisters
will be considered peacetime per-
sonnel, and will not be eligible
for G.I. unemployment pay, ed-
ucational or job-training aid, or
government loan guarantees. Men
and women in service today will
be eligible for benefits if they
serve a minimum of 90 days.
G.I. Benefits To End
If they have service-incurred
disabilities they will get compen-
sation at only about 75 percent
of the wartime rates.
For veterans who entered the
ranks more than 90 days ago,
educational courses must start
not later than four years after
this date and completed not more
than 9 years later.
Unemployment allowances will
cease two years hence; loan guar-
antees may be made until ten
years hence. The federal guaran-
tee of premiums on commercial
life insurance policies of service-
men terminates immediately.
Ford Production
Halted by Strike
DETROIT, July 25-(')--Pro-
duction of Mercury and Lincoln
autos was halted indefinitely to-
day by the Ford Motor Company
beause of a strike at a key sup-
plier plant, the Murray Corp. of
Ford officials said 4,500 (CIO)
workers at two Detroit area
plants would be idled immediately
and that "continuance of the
(Murray) strike will force more
drastic cutbacks in production
within a few days."

Hof Franklin D. Roose
Senate, believes that
heading for another pE
action similar to the
followed the last war
time," he pointed out,
brief spurt of interna
before we declined to
in the League of Na
recognize Russia."
"This time the retu
lation is only grad
Senator explained, "
yet fully manifest."
stantiate his conten
"America is turning
liberalism to the phi
a Harding or Hoovej
pointed to the woll b
passed by the Cong
would have weakened
agreements had it no
"The tax bill clea
where the sympathy a
gress lies," he said, p
that the rich wouldk
to the 1939 tax rate
poor remained close oi
time level.
The willingness toi
United Nations and th
attitude toward labo
pressed by the Taft-]
are further indication
actionary trend, the
While the Senatort
the Republicans ma
peat their 1946 strate
ning against the C
he believes that a t
movement would su
in electing a Republ
dent who would be
servative than the G
date who would be r
two parties were con
Despite his somber v
world affairs, the Sen
pessimistic. He is h
"the people will see th
of the current trend i
implication that "time
pear to be about Nove
Seen Blod1
Political and other "T
head off an inquiry i
plane contracts of How
and Henry J. Kaiser,
ed today by Chairma
(R-Me.) of the Sena
vestigating Committee
"All kinds of politi
has been brought to
attempt to stop this
tion," Brewster told
"They have gone ou
tempted to hire Repu
yers to represent the
As part of the camp
ster declared, Carl B
York, "publicity man f
and "Hollywood int
trying to play up a'
to "divert public atte
the real issue."

Says Inquiry
Was Blocked
'lan By Filibuster
Republicans Charged
staf corres- With Playing Politics
onomic aid By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 25-Sena-
rshall will tor Kem (R-Mo), blocked by Dem-
osed plan ocrats in his attempt to get a
Senate inquiry of the Kansas City
Deal policies election case, challenged the Tru-
velt in the man administration tonight to
America is raise "this un-American iron cur-
reriod of re- tamn" and bare the facts.
one which Kem took to the radio (NBC)
r. "At that with his accusations. As he had
, "we had a in the Senate, he said the Demo-
tional spirit crats filibustered against his pro-
participate posal to investigate Attorney Gen-
tions or to eral Tom Clark's handling of a
federal inquiry into alleged vote
urn to iso- frauds. The case involves a 1946
dual," the Democratic Congressional prim-
and is not ary in which President Truman
To sub- took a direct interest.
ntion that 'Playing Politics' Charged
away from Democrats in the Senate denied
ilosphy of the filibuster charge and retort-
ill recently ed that the Republicans were
ress which playing politics. Kem's proposal
our trade was blocked again today by Demo-
t been ve- cratic objections and Republicans
conceded it will not reach a vote
~rly showed before Congress quits tomorrow.
f this Con- Kem contrasted President Tru-
ointing out mnan's intervention last year to
be returned help defeat Rep. Roger C. Slaught-
s while the er, a Democrat, in Missouri's 5th
to the war- district primary, with what he
called the late President Roose-
by-pass the velt's refusal to interfere in the
e Congress' state's 1936 primaries.
or, as ex- FDR Did Not Intervene
Hartley Act, "Let it be said to the credit
s of the re- of the late President Franklin 1.
Senator ex- Roosevelt," Kem said, "that in
spite of the support he received
thinks that from the Pendergast machine, all
y well re- attempts by interested politicians
gy of run- to secure his intervention in their
ommunists, behalf were of no avail."
eird party Kem said in recent years there
ic only have been other attempts by a
can p e i
more con- President to purge members of
xOP candi- Congress.
un if only Carry Purge To People
npeting. "But," he added, "never has a
iewpoint on President resorted solely to a po-
nator is not litical machine to carry out his
opeful that purge. Other Presidents have had
e ill effects the courage to go directly to the
n time." By people, but Mr. Truman called for
would ap- the help of a corrupt political ma-
ember, 1948. chine, notorious for its ability
to produce ]results."
Another attempt by Kem to get
up his resolution to discharge the
I Senate Judiciary Committee from
k further consideration of the in-
quiry proposal failed shortly after
noon when Senator Barkley, the
ly 25-(P)- minority leader, objected.
pressure" to
nto wartime
yard Hughes House Passes
was report-
an Brewster - -i-
te War In- lica ion
cal pressure
bear in an Committee Approves
s investiga- MilitaryTraining Act
utlc and la-
btiand at- WASHINGTON, July 25-(MP)-
m.a l The House gave President Truman
)aign, Brew- his bill for unifying the armed
yoir of New forces today and put his program
fro Hughes," Ice universal military training it
erests" are position for early action next year.
"sex angle" The House Armed Services Com-
ention from inittee approved the training bil,
20 to 0, and put it on the House

ca'endar where it will stay untki
Coneo ess meets again in Janet.
j y.
The bill to put the Army, Nfvw
and Air Forces under a single
ate Secretary of Defense went to the
White House after the House, by
a ioutine voice cote, accepted the
y be man f3al version worked out by a.
s, or man House-Senate conference commit-
,ural. Some- . The Senate had approved it
over bing ceterday.
t over being The measure creates an indi,-
ilt aroundso dual depa. twnent of air on an
uilt tqual footing with the Army and
there is al- Navy departments, all three head-
g writers in ed by ,secreltaries not of Cabinet
.vx -an iark. The StAcretary of Defens

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
BENTON HARBOR, Mich., July 25-Court action against CIO
pickets appeared a possibility today as Remington Rand Corp. kept
its strikebound plant closed in the second day of a truce arranged by
State Police.
Meanwhile, in Lansing, State Police Commissioner Donald S.
Leonard, answering charges of mismanagement made against his or-
ganization by Berrien County Prosecutor Joseph Killian, said "we are
not interested in cracking a few heads for the sake of appearances."
* * * *
WASHINGTON, July 25-Two former Communists testified
4..._. 4 U Wm1U-4., - L4 s i £i..46^ YJ7 YT..tA .I ,

orror' Is Specialty for 'U' Gradu

Daily Special Writer
Eerie laughter that floats over
the radio every Sunday night to
usher in "The Hermit's Cave" an-
nounces one of radio's oldest mys-
Few of its listeners know that
this serial is written by Gerald-
_., TT .. ,.. 4 .L,, nr 7

Often confined to the hospital
and constantly fighting pain, she
completes her script for each
week's broadcast on the portable
that always accompanies her.
Formerly a teacher of English
and speech at East Lansing High
School, Mrs. Howlett received her
start in radio when Eric Howlett
-X - - T ...1. , e __. +- -- 1+ -

"The struggle ma
against the element
against the supernat
how, people never gel
fascinated by the sup
most stories are bi
that," she added.
Mrs. Howlett feels
ways a place for youn
r- mi Ar - --an hnit

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