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July 26, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-26

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FIid&-zr nh Yeatr
ifty-$eveuth Year




Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigang under the authority of the
Board in Control of student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Vs'ociate Editor .......... ....... Eunice Mint
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
eneral Manager .................Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach
Circulation ManagerM........... ....vein Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
Lhe use for re-publication of all news dispatches
;redited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
)aper. All rights of republication oftall other
,matters herein also reserved.
g ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mail inatter.
Subscrption during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
al week of the Congressional session is
not unlike those desparate last days before
There's been that same dilly-dallying, the
familiar procrastination during the course
of the term. It has led to the same frantic
realization that the clock is running out.
There are the same efforts to catch up
with delinquent assignments. There's a
familiar resignation in the awareness that
pow is no time to think about improving
our mind-or our country.
We're concerned now solely with a pass-
ing 'grade-in the one case in the eyes
of our teachers, in the other of our sup-
porters, constituents or otherwise.
And like the schoolboy trying to cram a
semester's work into one frantic nig t,
Congress realizes that some short cuts are
necessary. Staying up all night with props
of benzadrine or hot coffee won't do the
trick. There aren't that many hours in
the night,
So, it becomes necessary to schedule
the work over the hours-to discard the
least necessary aspects of our work, to
concentrate on that which we will be
held accountable for. Weore out for a
passing grade.
Congress has made such a must list. It's
out for a passing grade too.
But can there be hope of a passing grade
when the biggest problem of domestic re-
construction goes unresolved-when the
Wagner-Ellender-Taft long-range housing
bill does not make the "must" list?
Can the Congress come through with bet-
ter than a failing mark if it doesn't pass
the Stratton bill and let the world know that
400,000 displaced persons can find refuge
here, that the United States is sincere when
it calls on nations to open their doors to
those left homeless in the war's wake.
What of the $250,00,000 asked by the
President for flood control, t he long-
range program to cushion for the people
of the midwest and the nation as a whole
the tremendous havoc annually wrought
by the swelling of the Mississippi and its
These aren't the only bills of long-range
value for the many that seem likely to stand
aside in favor of immediate gains for the
few. But they're typical. And they indicate
that our congressmen need something more
than benzadrine tablets, something more
than a handy guide to the most immediately
gainful legislation. They need something in
way of statesmanship and foresight-not

much, but some. Otherwise they must be
resigned to a failing grade.
-Ben Zwerling
jected the American invitation to a pre-
liminary conference of eleven powers repre-
sented in the Far Eastern Commission,
called for the purpose of preparing a peace
treaty with Japan. Furthermore, the Rus-
sians denounce this effort to speed peace
in the Far East as a "unilateral" action on
the part of the United States and demand
that the matter of drafting a Japanese
treaty be turned over to the Council of For-
eign Ministers, to which they would admit
China for this undertaking, but from which
they would bar France.
This Russian action will scarcely come
as a surprise. For it is in line with that
policy of total obstruction of all peace ef-
forts which the Russian Government has
pursued since the end of the war not only
in the Council of Foreign Ministers, but

THE ACTION OF the British in forcing
4500 Jewish refugees back from Pales-
tine to France can only be described as un-
Western. This is a new moral adjective.
I have just made it up.
But it seems to me that at a time when
the West is taking a moral stance in world
politics, particularly with reference to free-j
dom, there can, unfortunately, be such a
thing as un-Wesern behavior. When it oc-
curs it is a black mark, not only against the
nation guilty of it, but against the entire
west, which is now joined in a club, or con-
federation, of nations which take a moral
position in world affairs.
The spectacle of Britain, waddling
angrily back to France, with 4500 of the
poorest and weakest and most defenseless
people in the world, is a blot against the
west. The cruel ingenuity of turning the
flight of the Jews into a grim game of
parchesi, in which a stumble near the
end means you have to go back to the be-
ginning, has nothing very western in it.
To show a decent respect for the opinions
of mankind, perhaps we should lay off mak-
ing speeches about western morality until
these helpless Jews are landed in France
and pushed back, as with a boot, into their
former obscurity and anonymity.
This has, in fact, been a bad week for
the West. The wanton military attack by
the putch on the Indonesians, during ac-
tiaf negotiations toward a settlement, and
in defiance of the native Republicans' will-
ingness to accept arbitration, is also about
Little Foxes
THE COUNTRY IS due for a barrage of
pious platitudes about the accomplish-
ments of the departing Congress, from par-
tisans who wish to paint a charming pic-
ture. There will be a holy silence, however,
about one feature which has been as con-
spicuous as it is uncharming. In the pres-
ence of lobbyists, the Eightieth Congress of
the United States has behaved like a blowsy
chorus girl just starting on her second pint
of rye.
The fact is vitally important, and not
merely to the American progressives who
can hope that the triumphs of the lobbyists
today will prepare for the triumps of pro-
gressivism tomorrow. Sensible American
conservatives must realize that holding a
lobbyists' carnival at the Capitol is not a
wise way to serve long-range conservative
interests. Yet at this session, something
very like the beginning of a lobbyists' car-
nival has been plainly discernible.
The power lobby is the most active,
and most conspicuously well-heeled in
Washington. . Its grand panjandrum, the
high-powered P. L. Smith, representative
of the National Association of Electrical
Companies, gets a salary in the Holly-
wood class-$65,000 annually with an
ample expense account. But even the
prosperous Smith is less important than
the numerous officials of the large util-
ities companies. These converge on the
Capitol at frequent intervals to make the
boys on the Hill see the power question in
"the old, free enterprise way."
Besides stirring up the sordid attack on
David E. Lilienthal, the power people have
scored major successes at this session with
the appropriations committees. These comn-
mittees are a natural field of operations,
because of the views on public power held
by the two chairmen, roaring old John Taber
of New York and his more slick opposite
number in the .Senate, Styles Bridges of
New Hampshire.-
Through the appropriations committee,
in fact, the Federal power program nas een
put into a slow stall, by snipping here and.
chopping there at vital projects. The great

Bonneville project, for example, is so under-
maintained and over-loaded that the trans-
formers are literally being cooled by having
hoses played on them. Again, extension of
power supply from the Shasta dam to sever-
al important California municipalities was
neatly prevented by the simple deletion of
funds for a transmission line. And the
Southwest Power Administration, which has
to contend with especially strong political
counter-influences in its Texas-Oklahoma-
Arkansas area, also had its funds for trans-
mission lines drastically cut.
These achievements at the present session
are obviously intended, however, to be only
the hors d'oeuvres-the little snacks at ,the
beginning of a much larger meal. For the
first time in a good number of years ,the
more unenlightened utilities leaders have
been openly trying to put the clock back
with legislation. The result has been a
crop of strikingly significant bills-the Riz-
ley bill, to free natural gas from regulation;
the Dondero bill, to limit sales of public
power and to deprive the public power-
minded Interior Department of its juris-
diction; the Thomas bill, which would have
the effect of forbidding government con-
struction of any further transmission lines.
None of these bills has yet passed. But
this does not trouble the power people.
Their strategy obviously is to put on their
real pressure drive Iater nn . when t

as Western as Fujiyama,

If the West isn't going to behave in a
Western manner, who on earth is? Is it
really proper for one Western nation,
which has been the willing recipient of
military and other forms of aid from
the remaining Western nations, and
which, in fact, has had its neck saved
by them, to plunge into a wild adventure
of its own in this way, and to upset and
distort the global picture of what the
West can and should stand for in the af-
fairs of men?
It seems to me quite correct to set up a
new perspecvtive of intra-Western duties,
forbidding such independent action by any
one Western nation on short notice and on
its own say-so. If the Russians had em-
barked upon any such enterprise as the
Dutch have just commenced, half the head-
line writers in America would have blown
their brains out in sheer frustration at their
inability to make the front-page banners
big enough.
The same moral indignation had better
spray upon the Dutch, too, or we shall
stand in some danger of conceding that
ours is a selective indignation, and that
we have conveniently divided the world
into two categories of nations, those
which can't be bad, and those which can't
be good.
If the word "Western" is to have mean-
ing to the world, then the word "un-West-
ern" will unavoidably come to have mean-
ing, too. It is with perfect seriousness that
one proposes a new categroy of international.
sin, and that is for a Western nation to act
in a manner that runs counter to that gen-
eral position in regard to human freedom
which the West is straining to take in this
world. The least any nation can do when
it feels the impulse coming on to hound
some refugees or to bomb some natives is to
hold its hand and to consult with the other
Western nations.
(copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
Film. (French dialogue, English subtitles.)
Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Bras-
Art Cinema League's International Filrqi
Program has been highly touted as "the
French reply to Gone with the Wind." Of
course, the makers of this film were not
replying to anything-they were simply
making a film as only the French know
how. There can be little, if any, compari-
son between French and- American films;
each have their own merits and demerits.
Les Enfants du Paradis has all the merits
of the well-known French film tradition. Its
essence is that curious blending of the tragi-
comic which seems to characterize every
movie of the French stamp. The principal
protagonist is cast in the familiar ridiculous
mold through which he achieves the whole-
hearted sympathy of the audience. Jean-
Louis Barrault is an unusually effective pan-
tomime artist, as well as a superb actor.
Arletty, as the beautiful lady with a con-
fused sense of values, commands an amaz-
ing mastery of the fine points of acting.
The mob scenes, another characteristic of
the French mnovie, are here presented a
an integral part of the dramatic situation.
the jostling, gay, angry, unheeding crowds
give you the very feel of the story.
And, finally, the minor chaacters are, as
usual, all real personalities.
The movie is long, but it has much more
than can be compressed into this space to
recommend it.
-Natalie Bagrow
IN A RECENT REPORT from Hungary,
Daniel De Luce, Associated Press Corres-
pondent and Pulitzer prize winner, stated
Jews under the Soviet influence in Hun-
gary have achieved more freedom from fear

than at any other time during the twenti-
eth century and far less than in most Euro-
pean countries.
Yet, here at home, in a country com-
paratively untouched by war, anti-Semitism
continues, as well as discrimination toward
the Negroes.
It is an old maxim that trouble and dis-
aster will do away with petty pealousies
and hates. Hungary, perhaps, is provir
that idea.,
But isn't it possible to conquer the hates
without a disaster? Must we in America
have our country torn up, our government
taken over by an enemy, many of our citi-
zens killed or put in labor camps to develop
Must we be forced to work together re-
building to see that a man is a man, to see
that another can and will work just as we?
Is there no other way in which we can
learn these things without first going
through almost complete chaos?
-Daily Illini

or1 the Chinese


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Publication in The Daily Officia
Bulletin is constructivenotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 23
Veterans receiving government
educational benefits and who are
enrolled for either the 512 or 6
weeks Summer Session are re-
minded that their absenceareports
are due by July 28th and may be
deposited at any one of the sta-
tions designated on the reverse
side of the absence report card or
may be mailed to the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rackham Build-
Veterans are further reminded
that the filing of an absence-re-
port is a University regulation and
must be complied with.
Robert S Waldrop, Director
Veterans Service Bureau
Deadline for Veterans' Book
and supply Requisitions. August
22,1947 has been set as the dead-
line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,
Doctoral Examination for Bur-
ton Thomas Ostenson, Zoology;
thesis: "FEcologic and Geographic
Variation in Pelage Color of the
Mammals in the Nebraska Sand-
hills and Adjacent Area," Tues-
day, July 29, at 2 p.m. in Room
3091, Natural Science Building.
Chhairman, L. R. Dice.
Ralph A. Sawyer
General Placement:
Attention, Civil Engineers: The
Design Service Company of Cleve-
land, Ohio will interview at the
Bureau on Thursday, July 31st.
Call extension 371 for appoint-
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Differential Geometry Seminar
Tuesday, 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. C. M. Fowler will conclude
his talk on Higher Helices. Mr.
S. Conte will speak on Generalized
Lines of Striction.
Seniors: College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, Schools of
Education, Music and Public
Health: Tentative lists of seniors
for August graduation have been
posted on the bulletin Board in
Room 4 University Hall. If your
name does not appear, or if in-
cluded there, is not correctly
spelled, please notify the counter
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
The English Journal Club will
present Mr. R. G. Shedd and Mr.
A. Bezanker in a discussion of
The Comic in Art, on Tuesday,
July 29, at 7:45 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. They will apply the
concepts of Aristotle, Meredith
and Bergson to Congreve's Love
for Love and Kesselring's Arsenic
and Old Lace. The audience is
invited to participate in discuss-

Prof. Hugh E. Keeler will speak
on "Modern Power Plants for
Public Utilities and Industries" at
a luncheon of the Michigan Chap-
ter of the Indian Institute of
Chemical Engineers at the Mich-
igan Union at 12:30 today.
Civil Service:
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces federal examina-
tions for Accountant and Auditor,
Grades CAF-7 to CAF-12, posi-
tions are in Washington, D.C. and
in nearby Virginia and Maryland;
Engineer, Grades P-2 to P-8, po-
sitions located in Dayton and Wil-
mington, Ohio, with the Arny Air
Forces, War Department.
State of Michigan Civil Serv-
ice Commission announces exam-
ination for Industrial Part-Time
Education Supervisor IV; Right
of Way Assistant, II & III; and
Conservation Representative. Con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments
for further information.
General Placement:
A representative from the Girls
Scouts' Chicago office will be at
the Bureau of Appointments on
Tuesday, July 29, to interview
women for openings in their Field
Department. Requirements in-
clude a degree and some experi-
ence in Education, Sociology, Per-
sonnel, or Group Work. Twenty-
three years is the minimum age
acceptable. Call extension 371
for an appointment.
Davidson's Brothers, Inc., De-
troit, will have a representative at
our office on Tuesday, July 29,
to interview men and women in-
terested in executive training for
department store work. Call ex-
tension 371 for an appointment.
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Civil Service:
City of Detroit Civil Service
Commission announces examina-
tions for Intermediate Clerk
(Male); Jr. Public Health Nurse;
Communicable Disease Nrse;
General Staff Nurse;and Pubic
Health Nurse. Call at the Bur-
eau for further information.
General Placement:
The Proctor & Gamble Dis-
tributing Company, Detroit, will
be at the Bureau of Appointments
on Monday, July 28, to interview
men interested in Sales. Call ex-
tension 371 for appointment.
Victor Chemical Works, Chica-
go, will be at the Bureau on Wed-
nesday, July 30, to interview grad-
uates for Chemical Engineers, and
Chemists (Analytical, Organic,
Bio-chemistry, and food Technol-
ogy). Call extension 371 for ap-
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
History Language Examination
for the M.A. degree: Saturday,
August 2, at 10 o'clock, Room B,
Haven Hall. Eeach student is re-
sponsible for his own dictionary
and also must register at the His-
tory Department Office before
taking the examination.
La Sociedad Hispanica meets
every Tuesday and Wednesday
for informal conversation at 3:30
p.m. and every Thursday for tea
at the International Center. All
those interested in speaking Span-
ish are invited to attend.
La Sociedad Hispanica presents
Mr. Emiliano Gallo Ruiz from the
Romance Languages Department
who will speak on "La Estetica de

This lecture will take place on
Wednesday, July 30 in the East
Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building at 8 p.m. The lec-
ture will be illustrated with re-
productions of paintings by Diego
Rivera, Orozco, and Siqueiros. All
students and other interested are
invited to attend the lecture.
Pi Lambda Theta's final meet-
ing will be a picnic at Shirley
Mattern's home. Members will
moet at the University Elementary
School Library at 5:30 p.m. on
Tuesday. July 29. Rides will be
arranged at that time.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michigan
League and on Thursdays at 4:00
at the International Center. All
students interested in informal
French conversation are cordially
invited to join this group.
Charles E. Koella
The French Club will hold its
sixth meeting on Thursday, July
31, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Professor Ernest F. Haden
will give an informal talk entitled:
"Les Acadiens dans l'est du Cana-
da." Miss Anne Battley will sing
some French songs. Group sing-
ing, games, refreshments. All stu-
dents interested -are cordially in-
Charles E. Koella
The Russian Circle will meet
Monday evening at the Interna-
tional Center at 8 o'clock. Madam
Pargment will lecture on Contem-
porary Russian Literature.
The Midern Poetry Club will
meet in room 3217 Angell Hall on
Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Members
poetry will be discussed.
Dr. Hugh Borton, Chief of the
Division of Northeast Asian Af-
fairs, Department of State, will
lecture on "United States Occupa-
tion Problems and Policies in Ja-
pan and Korea," Tuesday, July
29, at 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. This is a lecture in the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
The public is invited.
Dr. John H. Giese from the Ball-
istics Research Laboratory, Aber-
deen, Maryland, will give three
lectures on "The Differential Geo-
metry of Compressible Flows with
Degenerate Hodographs. (Parts I
and II: Steady Potential Flow.
Part III: S t e a d y Rotational
The first lecture will be sched-
uled for Monday, July 28, at 7:30
p.m., the second for Tuesday, July
29, at 4 p.m., and the third for
Wednesday, July 30, at 4 p.m. All
lectures will be given in Room 317
West Engineering Building.
Dr. John P. Humphrey, Direct-
or of the Division of Human
Rights, United Nations, and Gale
Professor of Law, McGill Univer-
sity, will lecture on "The Inter-
national Protection of Human
Rights," Saturday, July 26, at
8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. This is a lecture in the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs." The
public is invited.
Admiral Thomas C. Hart, form-
erly Commander in Chief, United
States Asiatic Fleet, and Com-
mander of the Allied Naval Forces
in the Java Area, will,lecture on
"The United States and the Paci-
fic Ocean Areas" Monday, July 28,
at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Hall. This is a lecture in the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."

The public is invited.
Dr. Donald D. Brand, Profes-
sor of Anthropo-Geography and
Head of the Department of An-
thropology, University of New
Mexico, and recently Cultural
Geographer in Mexico for the in-
stitute of Social Anthropology of
the Smithsonian Institution, will
lecture on "Scientific and Cultural
Relations between the United
States and Mexico," Thursday,
July 31,aat 4:10 p.m., Rackhar
Amphitheatre. This is a lecture
in the Summer Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
fairs." The public is invited.
Student Recital: Jeiry Pickrel,
Pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music at 8:30, Tuesday eve-
ning, July 29, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Mr. Pickrel, a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman, will offer a
program of compositions which
includes works of Bach, Beetho-
ven, Schumann, and Prokofieff.
The public is cordially invited.
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will
be heard in its annual summer
concert at 8:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, July 30, in Hill Auditorium.

X ette4
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
minid our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
30 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
AVING PE4D the very glibly
written article by the "Com-
nittee for Constitutional Govern-
ment" printed in the 24 July Daily,
I would like to ask them a few
How do you propose to lower
the national debt? By lowering
the national reveune?
Are they against the "Marshall
Plan" or aid to Europe? If not do
they intend to support it by cut-
ting national reveune? I respect-
fully submit the suggestion that
the plan will cost money.
Will cutting taxes help to cut
inflation? Do you want increased
steel and coal prices?
In short, just what are they
for, and more important, what
are they against?
-John Duffey
* * *
Kravchen ko
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS AS if your correspond-
ent who criticized The Daily's
excision of Kravchenko's remarks
on Marshall Field and his Chi-
cago Sun and New York PM, as
giving us a false idea of Krav-
chenko's ideas, should himself
have noted and reported to us
another feature of Kravchenko's
testimony as given in the A.P.
dispatch. To quote:
"Asked by Representative Rich-
ard M. Nixon, Republican, of Cal-
ifornia, how he would curb the
Communist party or Communist
influence in the United States,
Mr. Kravchenlo said the entire
system of American propaganda
must be changed.
"But as for outlawing the par-
ty, he said America's greatest
strength was in its freedom. 'Let
the Communists talk all they
want,' he recommended, 'so long
as they are not in action.'"
This shows Kravchenko as em-
inently a believer in free discus-
sion. He objects, it seems, only to
what may fool us, he fears.
As for Kravchenko's opinion of
the Chicago Sun and the New
York PM, it strikes me as a mat-
ter of considerable public inter-
est. It certainly would be most
un-American for the Michigan
Daily to suppress an item because
some more or less voluble persons
dislike seeing it expressed.
-Henry S. Huntington
thoven's Prometheus Overture,
followed by Mozart's Piano Con-
certo No. 27 in B flat Major, K.
595, in which James Wolfe will
appear as soloist. The second
half of the concert includes
Faure's Suite from the Stage
Music to Haraucourt's Comedy,
with Howard Kellogg, Tenor as
soloist. The public is cordially
Student Recital: Students of
the School of Music from classes
in Theory and Musicology will
present a Panorama of Secula I
Music of the Middle Ages, Renais-
sance, and Baroque, Thursday
evening, July 31', at 8:30 in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, under
the direction of Louise E. Cuyler.

The program will include compo-
sitions for a brass ensemble, di-
rected by Paul Bryan, a madrigal
group, conducted by Wayne Dun-
lap, and a chamber orchestra, un-
der the direction of Edwyn Hames.
The public is cordially invited.
Photographs of Summer Fungl
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi-
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5.
The public is cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for swimming and outdoor
sports on Sunday July 27 at 2:30
p.m. at the Northwest Entrance
to the Rackham Building. Please
sign up before noon on Saturday
at the chaeck desk in the Rack-
ham Building.
Art Cinema League and Campus







I ing the subjec


la Pintura Mejicana Moderna." The program will open with Bee-I

' L


If jhat little pixie tries

I don't know who told you about

The girl laughed ... Her name was Priscilla.


-. ..

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