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July 25, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-25

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FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1947

j A ifty-Sevenl an
Fifty-Seventh :Year

Unnecessary Mystery


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor................. Eunice Mint
Sports Editor .................... Archie Parsons
't Business Staff
3eneral Manager ............Edwin Schneider
xAdvertising Manager ......... William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager ................ Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press'
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
3redited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
caper. All rights of republication of all other
natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school yeai by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Spy Testimony
ONE OF THE top news stories Tuesday
concerned the testimony of Victor Krav-
chenko, formerly a member of the Russian
purchasing commission, before the House
Committee on Un-American Activities. The
general nature of his charges was that Rus-
sia's international policy is leading to war
and that the United States is infested with
Russian spies in the form of official repre-
sentatives of the Soviet Union.
That this testimony should be considered
"news" is doubtful. If it is "news" then it
indicates an incredible naivete on the part
of American government officials.
Whether or not the actions of any na-
tion will lead to war no one person can
say. There are too many "ifs," too much
depends on what other countries may do.
KIravchenko's charges on this matter may
be put down as the opinion of one person,
others can be found to confirm it but
there are as many in dissent. His asser-
tions, however, that "every responsible
representative of the Soviet government in
the United States may be regarded as an
economic or political spy," is based on ex-
perience and therefore must be considered
as having some basis.
Having accepted its truth, it is pertinent
to ask, "exactly what do we know now that
we didn't, or shouldn't have known before?"
The answer is-nothing. It is true that the
average citizen who has never considered
carefully the duties of foreign representa-
tives may feel some shock at the thought
that these gentlemen' do other things be-
sides deliver notes of protest. But it is un-
believable that government officials have
been living in the same ignorance. Similar
reports on Russian activities have been
heard many times before, and even if they
hadn't, logic and history should have been
sufficient to indicate what is going on. One
of the duties of foreign representatives is
o report information concerning the activ-
ities of the nation in which they are sta-
tioned to their own governments, and in
these reports they are expected to include
not only what is handed out through the
press for public consumption, but also any
other material available. Realizing this
fact we have no reason for surprise if in-
formation which we consider secret gets
out of the country.
The "news" in Kravchenko's testimony is
not that Soviet representatives have been
looking for this information, but that we

have been gullible to give them access to it.
-Alegra Pasqueletti
"Y FORCE of circumstances, the United
States is deeply involved in the Dutch
Army's offensive against the Indonesian Re-
public. Our State Department has so far
only murmured faint disapproval of what is
going on. Unless we speak with a firmer
voice; and speak in accordance with our fre-
quently proclaimed ideals, we shall find our-
selves on the wrong side of a contest for
power which may be crucial to peace in the
Southwest Pacific.
What is going on is fairly plain. The
Dutch government, having reached what ap-
peared to be a reasonable settlement, with
the Indonesian Republic looking toward
virtual independence, is now using planes,

AN UNNECESSARY mystery has been
made of the Administration's time-
table for action on the Marshall plan for
Europe. At home, rumors abound. Abroad,
the British and French leaders of Europe's
effort to organize for reconstruction have
been bitterly disheartened by President Tru-
man's intimation that the Marshall plan
would not necessitate a special session of
Congress. As Ernest Bevin sadly remarked,
"Europe is bleeding to death," and if the
tourniquet is- not applied in a reasonable
time, the patient wil expire.
There is no earthly reason for the Ad-
ministration's air ofaimlessness and uncer-
tainty about the special session. President
Truman, Secretary of State Marshall and
the Congressional leaders have in fact al-
ready mapped out a perfectly sound ten-
tative strategy of action.
In brief, there will be no prolonged
special session unless Europe begins to
come apart at the seams, and the quick-
est American aid is therefore imperative,
But during the recess, all preparations
will be made for the promptest possible
Congressional action on the Marshall plan,
immediately following the opening of the
regular session on Jan. 1.
The State Department's planning sec-
tion is now completing its studies of the po-
litical aspects of the problem. The Presi-
dent's committee of nineteen, under the
chairmanship of Secretary ofeCommeite
Harriman, is now tackling the economic as-
pects. Secretary Harriman expects to be
ready by Oct. 1 with an American balance
sheet, showing this country's ability to pay
the bill for a broad scheme of world recon-
Thus by Oct. 1 all the data needed for
action will at long last be available. At that
time or shortly thereafter, there is good
reason to expect that Senator H. Vanden-
berg, of Michigan, and Representative
Charles A. Eaton, of New Jersey, will call
into session the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee of the Senate and the Foreign Affairs
Committee of the House. In view of the
enormous importance of the Marshall plan
to this country and the world, it is neither
feasible nor desirable for the Congress to
pass upon it without the most careful study.
If the presently mapped tentative strategy
is followed, this study will be completed bye
the two committees at hearings held dur-
ing October and November .
If this is done, in turn, the commit-
tees will then be ready to report out an
amended, completed bill as soon as Con-
gress meets, and the debate can begin in-
stantly. Since the debate is likely to be
extremely prolonged, there is some
thought of taking the edge off the Con-
gressional itch for self-expression at a

holding committee hearings in the ab-
sence of Congress will make it possible to
bring the Marshall plan to final vote be-
fore Feb. 1. Thus the tourniquet should
be available to stanuch the terrible wounds
of Europe before the grim winter has
brought disaster.
The final decision as to whether to adopt
this novel expedient has not yet been tak-
en. Its obvious good sense seems likely,
however, to commend it to all concerned.
For President Truman, it exorcises the
nightmare which has been visibly haunting
him. He will not have to cope with a spe-
cial session of a hostile Congress with only
one piece of business before it-a situation
bound to prove the truth of the old rule
that "satan finds work for idle hands to do."
For the members of Congress, it removes the
need to curtail their vacations and to in-
terrupt the vital labor of mending fences
back home. And for the country and for
Europe, it assures action to avert the dan-
gers now menacing us at a date very nearly
as early as could be achieved by a special
Free Riders
HAVE LETTERS from readers who are
disturbed about the Marshall Plan be-
cause some of its supporters, quite obvious-
ly, are chiefly interested in a German in-
dustrial revival.
But it is wrong to walk out on the Mar-
shall Plan for that reason. In a democracy
every issue carries free riders on its back,
and some of these are strange passengers,
indeed. One does not ask for his gloves and
stick, and beat a hasty exit therefore; not
unless one is prepared to be much alone.
One stays and fights for what is good in
the Marshall Plan, and to repel boarders,
for that is what it means to live the demo-
cratic life.
Nor does one defend the Marshall Plan
blindly, professing to see no danger what-
ever of a German revival, or of a grotes-
que miscarriage of the original idea.
Life is a little tackier than that, and after
the first six weeks of human existence one's
eyes are supposed to remain open, at least
during the daytime hours. Both the
blanket defenses and the lugubrious good-
byes forever are overdone. It isn't a ques-
tion of what the Marshall plan is, for it
isn't anything yet; it is whatever we shall
make it. Stick around, friends; it might be
a good fight.
For on Thursday of last -week every-
body and his aunt were sure the Marshall
plan foreshadowed a major revival of Ger-
man industry. But on Friday, the French
protested (through M. Bidault, who is no
communist) and on Saturday our State
Department and the British Foreign Office
called off the German revival until at least
September. That is a 'fairly good example
of the little surprises offered by the demo-
cratic way of life.
In a democracy, therefore, one doesn't
make up one's mind about an issue after
one quick glance, any more than one does
about a baby. One sits up with it, hope-
fully, and feeds it, and changes its
clothes and teaches it manners, until
finally something comes of it.
It is only in a dictatorship that a gov-
ernment plan or "line" is more or less'
complete when it is first presented to the
world. That is not true in our society.
Amongst us a process of elaboration (or
erosion) begins tie moment after the offi-
cial pronouncement, and it never ends.
And, in a democracy, one does not hope
to have his own way completely. One looks
for good fighting positions, and a fat share
in the final compromise. One hopes that,
if one is right and has taken his stand well,
even the free riders who have boarded the
issue fol purposes of their own, will, in the
end, find themselves jockeyed out of posi-
tion, and working for aims perhaps quite

different from those they originally had in
This is the life, as the saying goes. At
least it is our life, and no better one has
ever been contrived.
The Marshall Plan offers a fine fight-
ing position to any liberal. Its volunteer
supporters, including some of the dubious
ones, have given hostages to the angels by
voicing ideals of which they may be remind-
ed in tight spots later. Just to recall the
political mood of a few months ago is to
recognize that the Marshall Plan repre-
sents dynamic progress toward a heightened
political morality, and that remains true
even though some of the participants in
the march may be dragging their feet.
Not to share in all this is not to share
in the life of our time, and to give a final
verdict on the Marshall Plan as it now
stands is like giving a verdict on a day in
the calendar. Was Tuesday good or bad?
But there will be Wednesday, to fill out
Tuesday's meaning. And the calendar is
not the least powerful of the odd but ef-
fective weapons the good democrat carries
in his quiver.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)

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,,k~ Cp I yi. e~ Syndiu.te.Inc.

short special
any case, the

session in December. In
hope is that this device of

1. .


At the Michigan .. .
That Way With Women, (Warner Bros.),
Dane Clark, Martha Vickers, Sydney
SYDNEY Greenstreet gets funnier and
funnier with each new picture. As a
grumpy; retired auto magnate, with a liking
for work and "working people," he takes the
nonors from Martha Vickers and boy friend
Dane Clark.
People say Dane Clark is terrific, but he
was not in this picture. It wasn't his fault.
He had a bad part.
Greenstreet has enough good cracks in
the pic..ure to keep it pretty much alive.
Martna Vickers, a local lass before she hit
the flickers, also enlivens the action by
canging costume 17 times. She's a knock-
Of course the whole plot is screwy. Green-
strdet disguises himself as his gardener-chef,
buys part of a gas station, helps young
Clark make a go of it, finally marries his
daughter off to him, after a short stretch
for stealing tires.
-Fred Schott
At the State ...

Publication in The Daily Officia
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1947
VOL. LVII, No. 22S
Veterans receiving government
educational benefits and who are
enrolled for either the 52 or 6
weeks Summer Session are re-
minded that their absence reports
are due by July 28th and may be
deposited at any one of the sta-
tions designated on the reverse
side of the absence report card or
may be mailed to the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rackham Build-
Veterans are further reminded
that the filing of an absence re-
port is a University regulation and
must be complied with.,
Robert S. Waldrop, Director
Veterans Service Bureau
The English Journal Club will
present Mr. R. G. Shedd and Mr.
A. Bezanker in a discussion of
The Comic in Art, on Tuesday,
July 29, at 7:45 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. They will apply the
concepts of Aristotle, Meredith
and Bergson to Congreve's Love
for Love and Kesselring's Arsenic
and Old Lace. The audience is
invited to participate in discuss-
ing the subject.
Doctoral Examination for
George Greisen Mallinson, Educa-
tion; thesis: "Materials of Con-
sumer Science for the Junior High
School," Friday, July 25, at 7 p.m.
in the East Council Room, Rack-
ham. Chairman, F. D. Curtis.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Psychology 165s will meet until
further notice on Monday in
Room 1035 A.H. on Tuesday in
1025 A.H. on Wednesday 2013 A.H.
and Thursday in 1025 A H. Phy-
chology 109 will meet until fur-
ther notice in Room 1025 A.H.
Civil Service:
City of Detroit Civil Service
Commission announces exaicna-
tions for Intermediate- Clerk
(Male); Jr. Public Health Nurse;
Communicable Disease Nurse;
General Staff Nurse; and Public
Health Nurse. Call at the Bur-
eau for further information.
General Placement:
The Proctor & Gamble Dis-
tributing Company, Detroit, will
be at the Bureau of Appointments
on Monday, July 28, to interview
men interested in Sales. Call ex-
tension 371 for appointment.
Victor Chemical Works, Chica-
go, will be at the Bureau on Wed-
nesday, July 30, to interview grad-
uates for Chemical Engineers, and
Chemists (Analytical, Organic,
Bio-chemistry, and food Technol-
ogy). Call extension 371 for ap-
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Women students attending the
Starlight Ball have 1:30 permis-
sion. Calling hours have not been
Office of the Dean of Women
Women students who are plan-
ning to be in Ann Arbor after the
close of the regular summer ses-

sion may call at the office of the
Dean of Women in regard to
housing during this period. If
enough applicants wish to sign in
advance for suite accommodations
at the special student rates in the
Michigan League Building, reser-
vations may be made after refer-
ral by the office of the Dean of
Teacher Placement:
Lingnan University in China
desires to engage two teachers.
One teacher for the Department
of English; and one teacher for
an elementary school maintained
on the campus of the University
for children of the American fac-
ulty and of other foreign resi-
dents of the city. Contact the
Bureau of Appointments for fur-
them information.
The American College for Girls
in Istanbul has a vacancy for a
woman instructor in Physical Ed-
ucation. The position carries a
three-year contract with board,
room, laundry and round-trip
travel provided by the College.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Bureau of Appoint-
Civil Service:
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces federal examina-
tions for Accountant and Auditor,
Grades CAF-7 to CAF-12 posi-
tions are in Washington, D.C. and
in nearby Virginia and Maryland;
Engineer, Grades P-2 to P-8, po-
sitions located in Dayton and Wil-
mington, Ohio, with the Army Air
Forces, War Department.
State of Michigan Civil Serv-
ice Commission announces exam-
ination for Industrial Part-Time
Education Supervisor IV; Right
of Way Assistant, II & III; and
Conservation Representative. Con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments
for further information.
General Placement:
A representative from the Girl
Scouts' Chicago Office will be at
the Bureau of Appointments on
Tuesday, July 29, to interview
women for openings in their Field
Department. Requirements in-
clude a degree and some experi-
ence in Education, Sociology, Per-
sonnel, or Group Work. Twenty-
three years is the minimum age
acceptable. Call extention 371 for
Davidson'sBrothers, Inc. Detroit,
will have a representative at our
office on Tuesday, July 29, to in-
terview men and women interest-
ed in executive training for de-
partment store work. Call exten-
sion 371 for appointment.
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michigan
League and at 4:00 on Thursdays
at the Internationl Center. All
students interested in informal
French conversation are cordially
invited to join the group.
General Placement:
Attention, Civil Engineers: The
Design Service Company of Cleve-
land, Ohio will interview at the
Bureau on Thursday, July 31st.
Call extension 371 for appoint-
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Visitor's Night will be held at
the Angell Hall Observatory Fri-
day, July 25 beginning at 8:30
p.m. The Moon and Jupiter will
be shown. If the evening is
cloudy or nearly cloudy the Ob-
servatory will not be open. Child-

ren must be accompanied by
Approved social events for the
coming week-end: July 25, Zeta
Beta Tau; July 26, Phi Kappa Psi,
Zeta Beta Tau.
There will be a meeting of Al-
pha Kappa Sorority Friday at 7:00
p.m. at the Britt League House,
1136 E. Catherine Street.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for swimming and outdoor
sports on Sunday July 27 at 2:30
p.m. at the Northwest Entrance
to the Rackham Building. Please
sign up before noon on Saturday
at the check desk in the Rack-
ham Building.
Dr. Hugh Borton, Chief of the
Division of Northeast Asian Af-
fairs, Department of State, will
lecture on "United States Occupa-
tion Problems and Policies in Ja-
pan and Korea," Tuesday, July
29, at 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. This is a lecture in the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
The public is invited.
Dr. John H. Giese from the Ball-
istics Research Laboratory, Aber-
deen, Maryland, will give three
lectures on "The Differential Geo-
metry of Compressible Flows with
Degenerate Hodographs. (Parts I
and II: Steady Potential Flow.
Part III: S t e a d y Rotational
The first lecture will be sched-
uled for Monday, July 28, at 7:30
p.m., the second for Tuesday, July
29, at 4 p.m., and the third for
Wednesday, July 30, at 4 p.m. All
lectures will be given in Room 317
West Engineering Building.
Dr. John P. Humphrey, Direct-
or of the Division of Human
Rights, United Nations, and Gale
Professor of Law, McGill Univer-
sity, will lecture on "The Inter-
national Protection of Human
Rights," Saturday, July 26, at
8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. This is a lecture in the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs." The
public is invited.
Admiral Thomas C. Hart, form-
erly Commander in Chief, United
States Asiatic Fleet, and Com-
mander of the Allied Naval Forces
in the Java Area, will lecture on
"The United States and the Paci-
fic Ocean Areas" Monday, July 28,
at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Hall. This is a lecture in the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
The public is invited.
Dr. Donald D. Brand, Profes-
sor of Anthropo-Geography and
Head of the Department of An-
thropology, University of New
Mexico, and recently Cultural
Geographer in Mexico for the In-
stitute of Social Anthropology of
the Smithsonian Institution, will
lecture on "Scientific and Cultural
Relations between the United
States and Mexico," Thursday,
July 31, at 4:10 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. This is a lecture
in the Summer Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
fairs." The public is invited.
Student Recital: Jerry Pickrel,
Pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music at 8:30, Tuesday eve-
ning, July 29, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Mr. Pickrel, a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman, will offer a
program of compositions which
includes works of Bach, Beetho-
ven, Schumann, and Prokofieff.
The public is cordially invited.

University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will
be heard in its annual summer
concert at 8:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, July 30, in Hill Auditorium,
The program will open with Bee-
thoven's Prometheus Overture,
followed by Mozart's Piano Con-
certo No. 27 in B flat Major, K.
595, in which James Wolfe will
appear as soloist. The second
half of the concert includes
Faure's Suite from the Stage
Music to Haraucourt's Comedy,
with Howard Kellogg, Tenor as
soloist. The public is cordially
Student Recital: Harry Burton
Ray, Pianist, will be heard in a
recital at 8:30 Friday evening,
July 25, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, as partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music. Mr. Ray is
a pupil of John Kollen. His pro-
gram will include compositions by
Brahms, Schubert, Dohnanyi, and.
Chopin, and will be open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Frank W.
Baird, cornetist, assisted by Grace
Harriman Sexton, pianist, Noah
A. Knepper, oboist, and Mary Al-
ice Duncan, pianist, will be heard
in a recital 8:30 Friday evening,

To the Editor:
T'S A DOWNRIGHT sorry sight
to see The Michigan Daily suc-
cumb to the current anti-Soviet
hysteria with which the press is
The editor responsible for play-
ing up Victor Kravchenko's "rev-
elations" before the House Com-
mittee on un-American Activities
(Daily, Wednesday, July 23) was
surely aware of two facts that
ought to have conditioned his
judgment of the newsworthiness
of the Kravchenko dispatch.
First, the House committee be-
fore which Kravchenko appeared
has been time and again discred-
ited as either a reliable or a fair
forum. It seems peculiarly to
have attracted, from its inception
in 1937, an assortment of extreme
Right wingers whose viewpoints,
however worthwhile they seemed
or however privileged they were,
have gained no notoriety for eith-
er their veracity or their pro-
More serious, in the immediate
instance, is the editor's excision of
a significantly revealing portion
of Kravchenko's testimony, re-
ported in the same Associated
Press dispatch that was printed
in part in The Daily: "He de-
clared that a person who reads the
Communist newspaper, the Daily
Worker, knows it for what it is;
but not so with the Chicago Sun
or New York PM. Kravchenko
said it is his opinion that Mar-
shall Field, publisher of the
Chicago Sun and PM, is more
dangerous and causes America
more trouble than some 30 per
cent of the Communists about
whom we know what they are
All of Which just about con-
vinces me that this exiled Rus-
sian "democrat" would rather
see imposed on the peoples of both
his native land and ours the
brand of freedom that is, in Chi-
cago, espoused by the Tribune,
and, in New York, by the Sun
(whose childishly hysterical three-
line, front-page-wide headlines
about theft of atomic secrets were
virtually discredited).
Please-let's not add an Ann
Arbor newspaper to this gentle-
man's list of preferred reading.
-Robert Copp
August 1, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Mr. Baird, a student of
Haskell Sexton, will play compo-
sitions by Haydn, Hindemuth, Em-
mauel, and Barat. The program;
presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master
of Music Degree, will be open to
the public.
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi.
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5.
The public is cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Pri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Events Today
Theoretical Physics Colloquim:
Professor Victor Weiskopf will
give an extra colloquim on Nu-
clear Binding Energies on Friday,
July 25, at 4 o'clock in the staff
room of Randall Laboratory.
The second Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held on Friday, July
25, 1947. Discussions begin at 8
p.m. in the Main Lodge of the

Fresh Air Camp located on Pat-
terson Lake. Any University stu-
dents interested in problems of
individual and group therapy are
invited to attend. The discussant
will be Dr. Daniel C. Siegel, Neur-
opsychiatric Institute of the Uni-
versity Hospital.
Art Cinema League and Camuipis
Chapter American Veteran's Com-
mittee present a great first-run
French film Children of Paradise.
English titles Friday, Saturday,
July 25, 26, 8:30 p.m. Box office
opens 3 p.m. daily. Hill Auditor-
ium, phone 4121, Ext. 479.
University Community Center
Willow Run Village

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
44 F

It I










Undercover Maisie, MGM, Ann
Barry Nelson-
AT LAST! Maisie with black

hair and

If you enjoy a harmless crusade against
the forces of crime and don't rebel at the
rehashing of a character in a long series of
pictures, you'll get a bang out of Undercov-
er Maisie. i
With only her physical attributes and her
skill in the art of the brush-off to recom-
mend her, Maisie does all right as a female
detective, her accomplishments in judo
making the masculine cast look like babes in
the woods.
Barry Nelson resembles an immature Or-
sen Welles at times, but what he lacks in
allure he more than recovers in his luck in
lines. His crack, "I'm .ust as human as the
next guy" tops the others in overstatement.
-Beverly Dippel






C-..M 7017, )te A'-ooger Pl4, inc.

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