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July 25, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-25

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Latest Deadline in the State






Known Dead in



Buying Curbs
By Congress
Group Approves
Installment Sales
By The Associated Press
Aroused by a mixup at a White
House news conference, a Senate-
House Conference Committee
voted tonight to kill all controls
on installment buying on Nov. 1,
A remark by President Truman
gave Congress the impression he
might use his emergency powers
to keep the curbs in effect. Later
it was explained that he had no
such intention; that it was all due
to a misunderstanding.
Deny Authority
But the conferees agreed upon
a bill denying him the authority
to continue such regulations af-
ter Oct. 31. Meantime they con-
tinue in effect.
Senator Flanders (R-VT), one
of the conferees who ironed out
differences in legislation passed
by the two chambers, told report-
ers Congress probably would rati-
fy the agreement and send the bill
to the White House before the
scheduled Saturday adjournment.
The House originally had
passed a bill to end the controls
immediately. The Senate had pro-
posed to permit some curbs to re-
main indefinitely but to end
others Dec. 31.
Down Payment
The existing controls, which
could be continued unchanged un-
til Nov. 1 under the compromise
agreement, require one third
down payments, with installments
running no longer than 15 months,
on automobiles, stoves, mechani
cal dishwashers, ironers, refriger-
ators, washing machines, radios
and some other goods.
, A 20 per cent down payment,
with installments limited to 15
months, is required for furniture
and rugs.
Congress Will
Arrange for
Extra Session
WASHINGTON, July 24-()-
Republican leaders decided today
to adjourn Congress on Saturday
in such a way that they, as well
as President Truman, can call a
special session next fall if they
see fit.
The Saturday adjournment goal
appeared assured of realization,
meanwhile, as a batch of appro-
priation bills and other "must"
legislation made good progress.
The final conference version of
the bill to put the armed services
under a single "secretary of de-
fense" was approved unanimously
by the Senate. House action, ex-
pected speedily, will send the
measure to the President.
The GOP leaders decided upon
an adjournment resolution which
will stipulate that Congress can
be called back into session by the
speaker of the House, the presid-
ing officer of the Senate and the
Republican floor leaders of the
two chambers.
Unless there is a special ses-
sion, the 80th Congress will not
meet again until Jan. 6.
The Republican leaders at their
meeting also decided to put

through before Saturday resolu-
tions calling for joint Senate-
House investigations of prices and
On the controversial resolution
by Senator Kern (R-Mo.) for a
Senate investigation of Attorney
General Clark's handling of the
Kansas City vote fraud charges,
the Republican leaders decided to
put it up to the senate alone.
New Members of
AVC Get Tickets
New members of AVC and old
members who recruit new mem-
hers this week will receive compli-

Daily Correspondent
Scores Senate Politics
special To The Daily
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of a series of interpretative articles
on political trends and personalities in Washington by a Daily staff corres-
WASHINGTON-A visit to Congress in these final days of the
session presents a fascinating spectacle of the legislative process and
at the same time a disillusioning picture of legislative thinking in
which partisan politics is the dominant issue.
The Senate is slowly plodding toward passage of the remaining

Several Bodies
UMW Official Declares Little Hope
Remains for Other Trapped Victims
By The Associated Press
WEST FRANKFORT, Ill., July 24-Franklin County Coroner D.
J. Clayton tonight said that 28 miners perished in the explosion that
rocked the Old Ben Coal Company's No. 8 mine this afternoon.
Clayton said that 15 bodies of the trapped victims had been re-
moved to a temporary morgue set up in the Central Junior High
School and that 12 other bodies still were in the gas-filled pit. One
miner was removed dead from the shaft shortly after the explosion.
Howard Lewis, brother of UMW chieftain John L. Lewis, is uner-
ground superintendent of the mine and early was feared to be among
those trapped but he later turned

...NBC vice president to speak
* * *
NBC Official
Will Address
Speech Conference
Meets for Two Days
One of the featured speakers of
the annual Conference and Re-
union of the University of Michi-
gan Speech Department, Clar-
ence L. Menser, vice-president in
charge of Programs for the Na-
tional Broaocasting Company, will
talk on the subject of "Radio" at
1:30 p.m. today in Rackham Am-
About 300 persons are expected
to attend the two-day conference
which begins today. Beginning
the program will be a discussion
of "Speech Rehabilitation" by
Prof. Herbert Koepp-Baker, of
the University of Illinois College
of Medicine.
Two teams of University stud-
ents will debate the 1947 national
high school question at 10:45 a.m.
and at 3 p.m. Conference mem-
bers will see an experimental
sound-track film developed for
use in teaching speech. This latter
consists of sections of newsreel
shots of various prominent figures
taken without their knowledge.
University speechastudents will
present a play, "Last Stop," by
Irving Kaye Davis, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 p.m.
today. Conference members will
be guests at this production and
at a critical analysis of the per-
formance to be held at 10 p.m. in
the BC room of the Michigan
Menser, who has been with the
NBC since 1929, received his M.A.
here in 1917. He spent a few years
teaching, during which he be-
came professor of speech at Knox
College, Galesburg, Illinois. Dur-
ing this time he spent the sum-
mer months acting and directing
in summer stock.
Since he joined the NBC, Men-
ser has been responsible for many
important moves in the broad-
casting industry.

appropriation bills. An air of fu-
tility often seems to pervade the
dignified 18th century atmosphere
of the upper chamber these days
as a handful of persistent Demo-
crats attempt to restore some of
the slashes made by the House
in the President's budget.
The sentiments and the tactics
exhibited in the debate on these
appropriations bills lend a start-
ling insight into the current trend
of Congressional activity.
Restore Amendment
Arkansas Democratic Senator
Fulbright (who spent $65,000 on
his primary campaign), a persua-
sive and eloquent speaker, argued
for nearly an hour recently in
support of an amendment to re-
store a $920,000 cut in the Federal
Trade Commission appropriation,
berating the attitude of the Re-
publican dominated Appropria-
tions Committee w h i c h, he
charged, had simply given each of
the several independent quasi- ju-
dicial agencies (such as the In-
terstate Commerce Commission
and the Federal Communications
Commission) slight increases over
their previous year's appropria-
tions "to get them off our backs."
Stand Pat
The stand-pat Republican po-
sition set forth by Senator Reed
(R-Kan.) who reported the bill
was: "Of course the appropriation
was cut below the budget figure.
Every other agency was cut too in
what it asked for," he declared.
Fulbright, who had been chal-
lenging the Republican's policy
of cutting all of the agencies ap-
propriations "without a proper
consideration of their relative im-
portance," also attacked Reed's
statement that the Committee's
report for the lesser amount was
unanimous, contending that pres-
sure existed within the committee
and that the decision was "not
quite free in accordance with the
individuals' best judgments."
Anti-Trust in 1948
An anti-trust policy will be a
major issue in the 1948 presiden-
tial campaign, charged Senator
O'Mahoney (D-Wyo.) w h o s e
"temperature," in the wry words
of Senator Reed, had risen.
Supporting him was the vola-
tile Senator Murray (D-Mont.)
who realized that "the amendment
would be a futile act" because "ap-
parently the Republican party is
bound to carry out its policy of
nonsupport forhanti-monopoly en-
forcement in this country."
In the lengthy discussion of the
need for increasing the enforce-
ment of anti-monopoly laws to
halt the growth of "collectivism,"
the only bi-partisan speech was
made by Senator Wayne Morse
(R-Ore.), known as an indepen-
dent thinker who frequently jumps
the Republican line. While his
speech was designed mainly for
the purpose of placing his stand
in the Record, Morse declared that
the question "is not a partisan
matter" and urged both parties
to support their party platforms
to maintain the free competition
which "is the essence of the free
enterprise system.'
Fair Action'
The power and the importance
of the ballot stood out clearly as
the amendment was defeated 35
to 47. The Republicans had made
no attempt to meet the issue on
the floor. They had simply stood
behind Senator Bridges' (R-Mass.)

Strikers Quiet
After, Clashes
No Trouble Expected
At Remington-Rand
24-(/)-Quiet prevailed at the
strike-bound Remington Rand
Company plant today as more
than 1,000 pickets withdrewunder
terms of a "temporary truce"
while reenforced police details
stood by to prevent repetition of
previous picket line disorders.
The truce was effected after an
all-night meeting between police,
company officials and represen-
tatives of the striking CIO United
Electrical Workers. It came when
the company agreed to a state
police request that it call off a
back-to-work movement, crux of
the clashes between pickets and
Augment Strikers
The strikers, reportedly aug-
mented by unionists from nearby
cities, broke up into smaller
groups, one of which-variously
estimated at from 300 to 700-
paraded through the business dis-
tricts of Benton Harbor and ad-
jacent St. Joseph.
Police said large delegations of
pickts paraded around two other
strikebound plants-the New Pro-
ducts Company and the Viloco
Machine Company-and also be-
fore the newspaper plant of the
Benton Harbor News-Palladium.
'Under Control'
State police captain Caesar
Scavarda, who headed a large
state police detailrushed here
Wednesday when Berrien county
officials reported the situation out
of hand, said "everything is under
control today."
Rackham Fund
DETROIT, July 24-(/P)-The
entire $14,000,000 Horace H.
Rackham charitable and educa-
tional fund, except for $75,000 to
be used for incidental purposes,
has been expended, an attorney
for trustee for the estate said to-
Clarence E. Wilcox made the
disclosure in explaining the effect
of the death Tuesday of the De-
troit philanthropist's widow, Mrs.
Mary A. Rackham, on the fund.
He cited particularly the pur-
chase of the Rackham School of
Graduate studies in Ann Arbor
and the Rackham Educational
Memorial in Detroit. In both cases,
according to the attorney, Mrs.
Rackham insisted on more land
to set off the luxurious buildings
by landscaping, and in the latter
case dipped into her own fortune
for $1,000,000 to carry out her
Mrs. Rackham, who was 82 at
her death, took an active and de-
cisive part in determing how the
fund should be spent despite her
advanced years, Wilcox said.
Funera ervice for Mrs Rak-

Keating Says 'Income Tax
Deductions for Baby Sitting'

WASHINGTON, July 24-()-
Rep. Keating (R-NY) admitted
today that he has become the No.
1 authority on a pressing national
problem-baby sitting.
Congressman Keating, father of
one, introduced a bill into Con-
gress that would make five
changes in the income tax laws..
One change would allow deduc-
tions for "all necessary expenses'
paid by a working wife for nur-
sery care cost or for wages to a
A reporter translated this to
"baby sitter." And before you
could say "Shut up, junior!" Keat-
ing had enough correspondence
to cover a medium sized, 17-year-
old child watcher.
A Brooklyn doctor of philoso-
phy wrote learnedly to argue that
baby sitting is a luxury. But he
said a housekeeper while mother
works is a baby-looker-after of
another color.
His wife teaches school, at $2,-
600 a year. She spends $750 of
this for a housekeeper. And since
she has other expenses, and since
her income is added 'on to his in
figuring taxes, most of what she
Starlhht Ball.
To BeToday
League to Sponsor
Summer Formal
The Starlight Ball, first semi-
formal dance of the summer will
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to-
day in the ballroom at the League.
A special committee has ar-
ranged to decorate the ballroom
so that it resembles a starry bow-
er. Al Chase and, his band will
also contribute to the theme of
the dance by dreamy arrange-
ments of many popular ballads.
In addition there will be inter-
mission entertainment featuring
the songs of Lynn Wohlgemuth.
Programs will be given to each
couple as souvenirs.
The Office of the Dean of Wom-
en has granted women 1:30 per-
mission for the occasion.
Dress for men is optional, but
it is requested that women do not
wear corsages.
Carla Mullendore, chairman of
the Starlight Ball, has announced
that tickets are still available at
the desks in the League and Un-

has left is going to the govern-
But Keating had his detrac-
tors. Such as the Aberdeen, Md.,
man-his blood percolating at
212 degrees--who began:
"It makes my blood boil."
U' Orchestra
Will Present
Concert at Hill
The annual summer concert of
the University of Michigan Sym-
phony Orchestra will be presented
at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill
The concert, which will open
with the "Prometheus Overture"
by Beethoven contains works of
both classical and modern com-
posers. The music of Beethoven,
Mozart, Samuel Barber, Faure and
Robert Ward will be featured.
Wayne Dunlap, conductor of the
all-student orchestra, has been a
member of the School of Music
faculty since 1946. Previous to
this, while with the armed forces,
Dunlap taught in England and
The soloists for the evening are
pianist James Wolfe and tenor
Howard Kellogg.
Wolfe has appeared with the
University Symphony, the Little
Symphony and symphony orches-
tras in Denver, Washington and
Honolulu. He will offer Mozart's
"Piano Concerto, No. 27 in B flat
Kellogg is director of the voice
department in the ,School of Mu-
sic of Bradley University in Peoria,
Illinois. He will be heard in Faure's
"Suite from the Stage Music to
Haraucort's Comedy."
On Tuesday evening the Uni-
versity Orchestra will present the
same program in the Rackham
Educational Memorial Building in
Detroit. Both performances are
open to the public.
Play Production Class
To Give 'The Last Stop'
Beth Laikin, Nancy Landay and
Jim Lynch will star in "The Last
Stop" a play by Irving Kaye Dav-
is, to be presented at 8 p.m. today
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by
advanced play production classes
in the speech department.
The play, which will be open to
the public, will be directed by
Clara Behringer, student in 'the
speech department.

POLICE TURN FIRE HOSE ON PICKETS-More than 1,000 pickets milling around the Reming-
ton-Rand, Inc. plant, Benton Harbor, Mich., were finally dispersed when police turned fire hoses on
them so that non-striking workers could enter the factory. The plant, closed almost a month over a
wage dispute, reopened July 21. July 23, picket lines were augmented by workers from other factories
in Benton Harbor and in nearby St. Joseph.

up safe.
A UMW official announced the
death toll for the disaster at 26
shortly before Clayton released his
Eddie Franco, official of Lo-
cal 959 of tie UMW, emerged
tonight with bodies of four men
and said: "There are 21 more
men down there-all dead."
One identified victim, Carroll
Stevens, was removed dead from
the pit shortly after the explo-
Franco said that rescue crews
expected to bring 15 of the bodies
to the surface momentarily but
"We can't get to six of them
right away. They are pisrtly bur-
ied under a fall of rock."
Franco said carbon monoxde
fumes were preventing attempts
to reach the six.
William W. Lamont, manag-
er of the United Mine Workers
Hospital, said one of the min-
ers, Thomas Palmer, 40, previ-
ously reported dead at the hos-
pital, was alive but "in an aw-
ful condition."
They were John Banicky, 40,
recently brought into the hos-
pital, Frank Casper, 43, Charles
Smith, 36, and Thomas Kirby,
Franco said, "There doesn t
appear to be any chance for the
others still trapped."
There was no official explana-,
tion for the cause of the blast but
Lamont said the injured miners
told him that dust ignited by a
spark from a motor caused the ex-
plosion and fire.
Lamont said that rescued min-
ers reported that at first there
had been telephonic communica-
tion with the trapped men, bus
that it had now broken down
They said, he added, that there
was a fire below the surface fol-
lowing the blast.
Blood plasma was being rushed
from Springfield to the disaste
scene after Dr. R. W. Smith, chief
surgeon of the UMW hospital, re-
ported that his supply of plasma
"won't hold out until morning.
Smith said mie officials had as-
'(d the hospital to prepare for 23
more injured.
Bill Freezes
WASHINGTON, July 24-(R)-
Legislation freezing the social se-
curity payroll tax at one per cent
for another two years was rushed
through Congress today, prevent-
ing a threatened $2,000,000,000 in-
crease in the tax in 1948.
The measure now goes to the
White House for President Tru-
man's signature.
The House and then the Sen-
ate passed the bill quickly after
conferees broke a deadlock on
major differences i n separate
measures passed by the two
chambers. Without the compro-
mise the tax automatically would
have increased January 1.

Senate Group
To Investigate
Plane Contract
Committee To Probe
Krug, Kaiser, Hughes
Members of the Senate War In-
vestigating Committee will study
evidence Saturday to see wheth-
er Elliott Roosevelt, Secretary of
the Interior Krug and others had
any connection with the $40,000,-
000 wartime plane contract
awarded Howard Hughes, Holly-
wood millionaire.
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich),
chairman of a subcommittee
which gathered the evidence, said
today he will lay it before the full
committee. He told a reporter it
includes sworn testimony of John
Meyer, former vice president in
charge of public relations for
some of Hughes' enterprises, as
well as documents from Meyer's
and Hughes' files.
Hughes and Henry J. Kaiser,
wartime ship builder, obtained a
contract reputedly over army
and navy protests, to construct
plywood planes. Later this was
replaced with a contract for
Hughes to build a photographic-
reconnaissance plane, in the pro-
totype of which the millionaire
flier crashed several months ago.
Ferguson has charged that
White House "pressure" made it
possiblefor Hughes and Kaiser
to get the contract.
Krug told reporters he had in-
f o r m e d Ferguson, Ch1'airman
Brewster (R-Me.) of the full com-
mittee and Senator Hatch (D-
N.M.) at an informal conference
that Kaiser had "put the heat of
hell on everybody in Washington"
to obtain a wartime plane con-
Krug declined to comment on
reports that he had attended Hol-
lywood parties arranged by
Hughes. Friends said he had told
them that he never was at a par-
ty at which Hughes was present,
Kaiser Protests
Senate Accusation
OAKLAND, Calif., July 24-
(j)-Henry J. Kaiser, Oakland in-
dustrialist, hotly denied today
that he "put the heat of hell" on
anybody to get wartime contracts
to build a huge plywood airplane.
Kaiser said he would be in
Washington Tuesday and would
appear voluntarily before the
War Investigating Committee.
The wartime shipbuilder also
denied any knowledge of lavish
Hollywood parties Hughes is al-
leged to have given. He said he
had not attended any such part-
Strategic Area
Won by Dutch
BATAVIA, Java, July 24-(P)--
The powerfully-equipped Dutch
army in four days of mobile war-
fare apparently has won its cam-
paign for control of Java's stra-
tegic areas-but in mountain and
village strongholds the Indones-

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM July 24-Haganah, the underground Jewish resist-
ance organization, said tonight another refugee ship named "Return
to Zion" and carrying 400 unauthorized refugees was approaching Pal-
estine waters and that British destroyers "already are on her track."


Middle East Deserves U.S. Aid

m- Landis

* * *


WAITJHINV1'fNT iJuly 4- ~ nanrTa~ft (R-.) t heatned

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