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June 25, 1947 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1947-06-25

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Fifty-Seventh Year

Taft-Hartley llI


_-" _

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor..................Eunice Mintz
8ports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager...............Edwin Schneider
Advertisng Manager .......... William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
t.jhe use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
inatters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
ean, as secoxs4 class mail matter.
- ubscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
A Small Planet
5OLATIONISM died when a bomb fell at
Today there are those who seek to per-
petuate the memory of pre-war isolationism
by erecting legislative monuments to it, but
they are few. The people of the world woke
up August 6, 1945.
. Overnight the problems of war and peace
were intensified, for our leaders faced a sud-
idenly-shrinking world. As scientists con-
tinue research that will send airplanes hurt-
ling through the skies at super-sonic speeds
this planet grows even smaller.
The events of the last seven years have
made us neighbors of people about whim
we know next to nothing,. History has made
their problems ours. We no longer dare
shrug off civil war in China, fascism in
Spain, revolt in India. At the same time we
realize that we must "set our own house in
~order", as the politician is wont to phrase
Where does the University fit into the
scheme of things? The University is
bringing education now to more students
than ever before. It is education for cit-
izenship. It is education for a Small Plan-
et where knowledge is harmony, ignorance
is suicide.
One example of the manner in which the
University is facing its broadening respon-
sibility can be found in the lecture series
_o be held this summer session, during which
20 distinguished diplomats will discuss the
participation of the United States in world
With this issue, The Daily resumes publi-
cation for the summer. During the eight
week session, we will strive to maintain our
57-year-old tradition of presenting and in-
terpreting to the campus news of local, na-
tional and world concern.
The Daily editorial page will continue to
provide in the Lettters to the Editor column
a meeting place for the views of any and all
in the campus community who wish to be
heard. All letters which are in good taste
and lesst han 300 words will be printed. (The
editors reserve the right to withold letters
reiterating points already made.)
The editorial page will also feature the
sardonically humorous cartoons of Bill
,;Mauldin, the subtle "Barnaby", and the col-
umns of Samuel Grafton, the Alsop broth-
ers, and Edgar Ansel Mowrer, a Daily editor
1of some years ato. Our own news analysis
will be centered in interpretive editorials by
staff members.
As a campus newspaper, The Daily ha
the primary responsibility of "campus covy
erage." But recent history has proved that
there is no logical division between campus
news and world news. It is a Small Planet.

-The Senior Editors
HIlE PROPERTY and crop loss from re-
cent floods in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska
and Illinois is estimated at $40,000,000, and,
with many of the debris-laden streams ris-
ing again, the final toll will be much heav-
What high waters have done to houses,
.bridges, dikes, fences and standing grain is
easily computed. What they have done to
the good earth of one of the nation's most
'fertile areas is only a guess, but the dollar
value of millions of tons of wasted topsoil
'is high, and the loss is virtually irreplacable.
The lesson of these recurrent floods in
the agricultural Midwest has been plain for
years. The tiaticn's supply of productive
land has already been reduced to the point

THE PRESIDENT has been overridden;
the Taft-Hartley bill is law; and now we
start on one of the most difficult periods
in the history of the republic. The great
initial point to be made is that if this bill
had been killed, we could have settled down
into a familiar way of living and of doing
business with labor. But now there can be
no settling down, now we are committed,
now we edge into the great uncertainty cre-
ated by a bill which starts a thousand ar-
guments, and fails to settle one.
It is a peculiar experiment; for the
thing about the Taft-Hartley bill is that
it picks out one interest in our compli-
cated community for repressive action.
There has been a vote of preference with-
in the American family. What would
never be done with the farming interest
or with the business interest has been
done with labor, for this bill sets up an
arm's length relationship with labor, and
announces tenderly that this relationship
is from now on to be the special province
of lawyers and policemen.
The bill sets up, also, a kind of czar, in
the person of a new general counsel of the
National Labor Relations Board. This
functionary is given extraordinary powers;
he will decide, 'independently of the Board,
and without right of appeal, whether charg-
es are to be heard by the Board, and whether
orders of the Board shall be deferred to the
courts for enforcement.
And already it is murmured that there
will be a Congressional battle to insure that
the man who gets this job shall not be one
with a background of liberalism, or of
friendship to labor. The Congress which
overrode the President will not willingly
confirm a man of peace. Those who wanted
the bill will want a man in charge who can
extract the maximum of "usefulness" from
its provisions.
The first fact we must face, then, is that
the crisis of passage or non-passage has
now been replaced by a continuing crisis;
the point has become a line. What we went
through last week is the first skirmish in a
long conflict. This perspective of struggle

is the worst single feature of Taft-Hartley-
It is an ism. For this bill may establish
a mood to last for ten or twenty years; it
may set a style that could conceivably dark-
en a generation. The fact that this atmo-
sphere is 'created, as a continuing thing, is
worst than any specific provision in the bill.
This fact is lost sight of when proponents
of Taft-Hartleyism challenge the other side
to show any single clause is wildly punitive.
Some are, such as the ban on the closed
shop, and the fantastic provisions for hold-
ing an election whenever a union organizer
sneezes, and the clauses which allow an em-
ployer to keep a union in the courts in end-
less litigation.
But worse than any of these is the sum
total, the overall effect of leering hostility,
the setting of a style which may dominate
a period in our history.
The wording is not all, for the effect
achieved is like that which can sometimes
be brought about wordlessly, as by the slap
of a glove against a cheek. From the im-
pulse thus given, anything can grow, in-
cluding a third party movement, flowing
from the sense of exile, as labor, contem-
plates the easy admittance at 'the front door
of government which is given to other in-
terests, and contrasts this with its own
strangely equivocal position on the curb-
stone, or the doorstep.
The fact that we are going to try, dur-
ing a desperate world crisis, to keep our
labor interest at arm's length is in itself
an ominous sign of political immaturity,
narrow and unwise. The most fortunately
situated conservatism in the world is, for
no sound reason, borrowing and inviting
We have resolved a critical debate in fav-
or of a critical decade. The fact that a con-
tinuing crisis has been installed is more im-
portant than the specific arguments for or
against any of the clauses. Those who love
America will look about for a quick emerg-
ence of that integrating emotion which
alone can save us. They will hope it can
come in time to cure a divisiveness which
not even a two-thirds vote can make into a
good thing.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)


a~~z (opr. t~~C~ 947 b Ua v t urSnicfl
"I'm here for criminal assault and robbery. I refuse to be put in
the same cell with political scum."

'Pros perity' in Terror

NOT ALL MOSCOW'S blustering broad-
casts about "reviving prosperity in the
European states" can hide the horrible fact:
behind the iron curtain terror is supreme.
Nor can the United States quite wash its
hands of responsibility for this useless hu-
man suffering. No amount of official ex-
planation can eliminate the fact that
Washington acquiesced in handing over
once-free peoples to a government whose
brutality at home boded ill for the fate of
other peoples under its control. We have at
least a negative responsibility for all the
frightfulness .that Moscow is labelling "lib-
For instance in' Roumania.
Absolutely authentic information from
Roumania makes even this hardened news-
paperman feel a little sick.
Terror, inflation, pillage and one partial
crop failure have brought about complete
economic ruin and starvation. . The aim is
to ruin the Roumanian middle classes with-
out precisely installing Soviet communism.
That will come later.
In Moldavia, one of the richest food,
growing countries of the world, the pea-
Sants are eating roots and grass and dy-
ing like flies. Swedes who have recently
returned consider conditions as horrible
as those the Germans introduced at Buch-
enwald. Anybody who had any wealth or
social position before is treated as ver-
In the capital city of Bucarest there is
practically no bread.
The turncoat foreign minister, Tartarescu
is being attached by his communist associ-
ates. If you are a communist or support the
party, you eat. If not, you cannot open a
shop, teach at the university, plead in the
law courts.
P.oumania has become to all intents and
purposes a Soviet province. A communist
"legal" coup d'etat similar to the one in
Hungary is expected at any time.
This situation raises the all important
question, what is the United States going
to do about it? Obviously, here is a situa-
tion that defies treatment under the Tru-
man Doctrine.
Which raises the second question, what
could we.do?
The answer is, not much. We are com-
mitted to preventing the further spread of
"Soviet democracy." But where Russian rule
has been established with our consent, the
American people are obviously not going to
wage war to eliminate it.
The question should be, therefore, what
can we do short of war?j
Some Americans believe that ultimately
Russia may consent to exchange these
victim peoples against a sufficiently _big
American loan as their ransom.

"One instrument could be the attitude of
our diplomatic representatives in Warsaw,
Bucarest, etc. Officially, these diplomats
must be accredited to the stooge govern-
ments. Actually, they should considei'
themselves accredited to the opposition par-
ties, who constitute the majority. This does
not mean that they should oppose the reg-
ular governments. Nothing would be ac-
complished by this. Still less does it mean
that our diplomats should urge the opposi-
tion to conspire or revolt.
"But just as Soviet representatives in
bourgoies countries always consider them-
selves really accredited to the communist
opposition, so our diplomats in capitals
under Soviet rule must concentrate on
preserving the faith of these peoples in
"A second instrument of incomparable
value is the cultural work of the State De-
partment. American Congressmen obvious'
ly do not suspect the mischief they are mak-
ing in suppressing American cultural at-
taches, libraries and broadcasts.
"Assistant Secretary Benton got off on the
wrong foot when he tried to see the Voice of
America on a "talking to Russia" basis.
There is little or nothing that we can use-
fully say to the Russians. These people have
been thoroughly conditioned by thirty years
of Bolshevism. Broadcasts to the Soviet
Union, could only begin to pay dividends aft-
er ten years.
"Broadcasts to the satellites are necessary,
now. These are captives to whom we aldne
can bring the promise of ultimate freedom.
"Freedom to them does not mean the
American way of life. Freedom means the
recovery of their own way of life whichRus-
sians and local communists have taken
from them. Therefore-they do not want
American crooning. They want world news
which is being withheld from them. News
of American policies. Of American power.
For in this last lies their only hope."
To which this writer adds a fervent Amen.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
Inembers of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
The 1947 Summer Registration
Cards contain an erroneous state-
ment on the coupon identifed as
"Student's Receipt". This is of-
ficial wotice that the statement
reading: "Students actually with-
drawing after not more than eight
weeks' attendance, may receive re-
funds-", should read: "Students
actually withdrawing after not
more than four weeks' attendance,
may receive refunds-".
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Forestry, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of
I, X or 'no report' at the close of
their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made
up by July 23. Students wishing
an extension of time beyond this
date in order to make up this
work should file a petition ad-
"Marshall Plant'
IT IS TO BE HOPED that the
"Marshall Plan" will be substi-
tuted for the badly conceived,
jerry-built Truman "doctrine." ..
But Secretary Marshall, before
this, has driven through to his ob-
jective and I hope that he will do
so this time.
Secretary Marshall's proposal
holds out the only hope to solve
the problems of Europe if Russia
continues to be intransigent, or
even if Russia, as is to be hoped,
pulls with the team instead of
holding back. Secretary Marshall's
approach to the distressing Euro-
pean question is via Western Eu-
rope. He does not propose a solu-
tion in terms of huge armaments
and marching men, but in terms
of rehabilitazation and recon-
struction. Apparently Secretary
Marshall realizes that Commu-
nism cannot be held in check by
bullets. The only way to hold
back Communism is by bread. And
the best bread for this purpose is
bread that is won by those who
subsist on it.
This is the only way to preserve
our own idealogies and to set an
example to others.
-Harold L. Ickes
(Copyright 1947, N. Y. Post Corp.)

dressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 4 U. H.
where it will be transmitted.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Certificate of Eligibility
Participation in public activities.
Participation in a public activity
is defined as service of any kind
on a committee or a publication,
in a public performance or a re-
hearsal, or in holding office or
being a candidate for office in a
class or other student organiza-
tion. This list is not intended to
be exhaustive but merely is indi-
cative of the character and scope
of the activities included.
Before permitting any students
to participate in public activities,
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each ap-
plicant to present a certificate of
eligibility, (b) sign his initials. on
the back of such certificate and
(c) file with the Chairman of the
Committee on Student Affairs the
names of all those who have pre-
sented certificates of eligibility
and a signed statement to exclude
all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists
may be obtained in the Office of
Student Affairs.
Officers, chairmen and manag-
ers who violate the Rules Gov-
erning Participation in Public Ac-
tivities may be directed to appear
before the Committee on Student
Affairs to explain their negligence.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the
beginning of each semester and
summer session every student shall
be presumed to be inelibible for
any public activity until his eli-
gibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman
of the Committee on Student Af-
fairs, in the Office of Student Af-
fairs (Room 2 University Hall) a
Certificate of Eligibility. Certifi-
cates will be issued to those qual-
ified as follows:
1. Second semester freshmen: 15
hours or more of work completed
with (1) at least one mark of A
or B and with no mark of less
than C, or (2) at least 2t times
as many honor points as hours
and with no mark of E.
2. Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors:
11 hours or more of academic
credit in the preceding semester,
or 6 hours of academic credit in
the preceding summer session,
with an average of at least C and
at least a C average for the en-
tire academic career. Unreported
grades and grades of X and I are
to be interpreted as E until re-
moved in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. (Students ineli-
gible may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Af-'
3.. Special Students. Special stu-
dents'are prdhibited from partici-

pating in any public activity ex-
cept by special permission of the
Committee on Student Affairs.
4. Physical Disability. Students
excused from gymnasium work on
account of physical incapacity are
forbidden to take part in any pub-
lic activity, except by special per-
mission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs. In order to obtain
such permission, a student may in
any case be required to present a
written recommendation from the
University Health Service.
5. Extramural Activities. Stu-
dents who are ineligible to parti-
cipate in public activities within
the University are prohibited from
taking part in other activities of
a similar nature, except by special
permission of the Committee on
Student Affairs.
6. Special permission. Special
permission to participate in pub-
lie activities in exceptions to these
rules may be granted only upon
the positive recommendation of
the Dean of the School or College
to which the student belongs.
7. Probation and Warning. Stu-
dents on probation or the warned
list are forbidden to participate in
any public activity.
T e a c h e r's Certificate Candi-
dates: Call at the office of the
office of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S., on Thursday, Friday
or Saturday, June 26, 27 or 28, to
take the Teacher's Oath. This is
a requirement for the teacher's
The University Chorus will meet
Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs., at
3:00 p.m. in Haven Hall. Singers
from all departments of the Uni-
versity are eligible and welcome.
Report to Haven Hall between
2:00 and 4:00 any day this week to
consult with Miss Muldowney, the
choral* director. At present we
need altos and sopranos.
David Mattern
Professor of Music Education
Presidents of fraternities and
sororities open during the summer
term are requested to file a mem-
bership report. Forms may be se-
cured in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, Room 2, University Hall.
Approved student organizations
planning to be active during the
summer term should file a direc-
tory card. Forms may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall.
During the summer session, the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at
the University of Michigan will be
open daily from 10:30 a.m. to
10:15 p.m., and on weekends from
1:30 p.m. tb 11:00 p.m.
A meeting will be held Thursday
at 4:00 p.m. at the League for all
girls interested in being hostesses
and assistant teachers for the
dancing classes. Classes will be
held each Tuesday at 7:00. There
will be both beginning and inter-
mediate classes.
Automobile Regulation, summer
session: All students not qualified
for exemption from the Automo-
bile Regulation may receive driv-
ing permission only upon appli-
cation at Rm. 2 University Hall.
Those exempted are:
(1) Those who are 26 years of
age or over;
(2) Those who have a faculty
ranking of Teaching Fellow or its
(3) Those who during the pre-
ceding academic year were en-
gaged in professional pursuits; eg,
teachers, lawyers, physicians, den-
tists, nurses, etc.
All other students desiring to
drive must make versonal applica-
tion for driving privileges. Com-
pletion of the Automobile Regula-
tion section of the registration
card does not fulfill this obliga-

Summer' Registration will be
held Tuesday, July 1, at 4:05 in
Room 205 Mason Hall. This reg-
istration with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational In-
formation has to do with all types
of positions. It is very essential
that anyone interested in a po-
sition in the immediate future at-
tend this meeting: Registration
blanks will be available on Wed-
nesday and' Thursday, July 2 and
3, and Monday and Tuesday, J.uly
7 and 8.
Sports Classes available for
Women:Students: Registration for
Women's Physical E d u c a t i o n
classes will be held daily this week
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in

Barbour Gymnasium. The follow-
ing classes are open to graduate
and undergraduate women for
non-credit: Archery, Badminton,
Golf (Elementary and Intermedi-
ate), Life Saving, Posture, Figure
and Carriage, Riding, Rythmic
Fundamentals, Swimming (E4-
mentary and Intermediate), Ten-
Classes begin on Monday, June
30 except for Life Saving which
begins this week. No late regis-
There are no instructional fees
for these classes except in the case
of riding classes which are con-
ducted from a nearby stable.
There is a small charge for Inter-
mediate Swimming which is held
in the Michigan Union Pool.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Chairman, Department of
Physical Education for
Academic Notices
Algebra Seminar, 3201 Angell
Hall. Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.: R.
M. Thrall: Some Classes of Alge-
bras with Radical. Thursday, 3:30
p.m.: S. A, Jennings: Representa-
tions of certain groups in rings.
Mathematics Seminars. All
those interested in Seminar work
in the Summer Session will meet
Thursday, June 26, at 3:001 p.m.
in Room 3201 Angell Hall.
The first presentation of the
Regular Thursday Evening Rec-
ord Concerts will include a group
of Bach's Toccatas and Fugues,
Schubert's Symphony No. 5 in B
flat, and Mozart's Divertimenti in
E flat. All graduate students are
cordially invited. The concert be-
gins at 7:45 p.m. in the Rackham
Exhibit: Through June. Rotun-
da of University Museums Build-
ing. "Michigan Fungi".
Events Today
Student Recital: Mildred Will-
iams, Pianist, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 this eve-
ning, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Her program will include
compositions by Bach, Beethoven,
Poulenc, Debussy and Brahms,
and will be open to the general
There will be a meeting of the
University of Michigan Sailing
Club Wednesday, June 25, at 7:00
p.m. in the Michigan Union. Any-
one wishing to sail, or learn to
sail, is invited to attend.
La p'tite causette today at 3:30
in the Cafeteria of the Michigan
League. All students interested
in informal French conversation
should join this group that meets
three times a week, Tuesdays and
Wednesdays at 3:30 in the Michi-
gan League and on Thursdays at
4:00 at the International Center.
Students in French'31, 32, 61, 83,
84, 92 and 153 will greatly profit
by attending regularly.
Charles E. Koella
The AVC will hold it's first
meeting of the summer term,
Wednesday June 25 at 7:30 in the
Union. A report on the National
Convention will be given by the
delegates. All members and pros-
pective members are urged to at-
Coming Events
The first Fresh Air Camp Clinic
will be held on Friday, June 27,
1947. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the Fresh
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students in-

terested in problems of 'individual
and group therapy are invited to
attend. The chief discussant will
be Dr. Valeria F. Juracsek from
the Neuropsychiatric Institute.
Respectfully yours,
William C. Morse
Camp Director
Square hancing Class, spon-
soroed by the Graduate Outing
Club will be held on Thursday,
June 26th at 7:45 p.m. in the
Lounge of the Women's Athletic
Building. Everyone welcome. A
small fee will be charged.
Student Recital: Virginia Den-
yer, Organist, will be heard in '-a
program of compositions by Bach,
Reger, Karg-Elert, Sowerby, and
Farnam, at 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, June 29, in Hill Auditorium.
Presented in partial fulfillment'of
the requirements:-for the degree of
Master of Music, the recital will
be open to the general public.
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Friday, June 27, 8:00 p.m. -
Duplicate Bridge. Regular group
meetings will be resumed next
French Club: The first meeting
of the Summer Session French
Club will take place on Thursday,
June 26, at 8 p.m. in the second

. 4

3 ~ *MA~,

But 1 hayen'imade a single comment- Nonsense. % r SOMEONE said -
Cr7tical or otherwise... You're just distinctly SOMETHING- 9 'I hav
prejudiced against my son's dog . .. heard you. but thi
Me, too. .for an
3 ~

l'n't heard anyone growl yet
his sounds like a pretty hat e
ment-- I think they're headed
II old fashioned dog fight-


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