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July 10, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-10

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F iftrSvgat Yealy
Fi f ty-Seventh Year

The Coming Cof-lict


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versipy of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Manfging Editors .. John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate. Editor ................... Eunice Mintz
;ports Editor .................Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager ................ Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager ............... Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is' exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan; .as second class mail mmtter.
Su;bscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Menber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily,
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
-1 M
Flying Saucers
D URING THE PAST two weeks, one crazy
report after another has kept this "fly-
ing saucer" business alive, much to the
country's delight. For a while I believed,
but now I want to see evidence.
The point of credibility was passed early
this week when one Michigan resident
claimed he saw a saucer "with a little man
sitting on it, steering." Scientists scoffed
at that. Now a few are timidly suggesting
that the whole "mystery" is a hoax.
However, the scientists themselves have
helped to keep the fantasy alive by polite-
ly commenting on various lay theories. For
instance, two Chicago astronomers volun-
teered the information that the discs are
probabaly "man-made". An unnamed Cal-
ifornia Institute of Technology scientist in
nuclear physics suggested that the saucers
might be the result of experiments in
"transmutation of atomic energy". Dr. Oli-
ver Lee, director of Northwestern Uni-
versity's. Dearborn Observatory, soberly af-
firmed that "the Army and Navy are work-
ing on all sorts of things we know nothing
Dr. Harold Urey, noted atomic physicist,
on, the other hand, called the "transmuta-
tion" theory "gibberish."
Other interested observers, searching the
.... skues have reported all kinds of flying discs
That's the point. No two people have been
able to agree about what the discs look
like. Some of them have been reported with
tails, some as large as washtubs, some 18"
in diameter and some made of a transpar-
ent substance. There must be several spe-
cies then, like buttercups.
The only authenticated "flying sucer" ob-
served so fare was reportd by a Ohio wom-
an who threw one at her husband.
This is the biggest hoax since "invasion"
from Mars.-
-Fred Schott
Bike Ordinance
passed an ordinance prohibiting the rid-
ing of bicycles on campus. As yet, however,
no action has been taken to enforce this
ordinance, and bicycle riding has not de-
One of the lessons which those of us who
were in the service soon learned was that if
an officer gives an order which he does not
enforce, or can not enforce, he will quickly
lose respect. The Student Legislature should
take this lesson to heart.

Some action to enforce this ordinance
should be taken immediately if the Legis-
lature hopes to retain any influence on the
campus. For if this ordinance is not en-
forced, the Legislature can not expect any
of 'its future activities to be regarded seri-
-Dave Wagner
Foremen's Strike
COLLAPSE of the 47-day-old foremen's
strike against the Ford Motor Com-
pany seems to mark the first direct appli-
cation of the Taft-Hartley Act to a labor
dispute. The new law withdrew the Wagner
Act's recognition of foremen's unions, and
the 3,800 strikers have now voted 10 to 1 to
return to work.
The strike fared poorly from the beginn-
ing. The C.T.O. United Automobile Workers

tJP TO NOW, Mr. Truman has been hav-
ing trouble on his foreign policy main-
ly with the left wing in American life. But
there's a change coming. As his policy
veers over toward the direction of aid to
all of Europe, rather than just guns for
Greece and Turkey, the President is going
to come into conflict. with the right wing.
There is a fatal symmetry at work here.
In place of the Wallace meetings, we are
now going into an era of low moans from
the Republicans.
There will also be (I hope I don't sound
cynical) a certain switching of argument.
When the issue was the arming of Greece
and Turkey, the liberals complained that
we were too poor for such adventures and
that we would bankrupt ourselves, while.
the right contended that we were the great-
est power on earth and had, a duty to keep
the peace, even if that meant individual
action. Now that the issue is world re-
construction, the liberals will find that we
have money enough, while it is the right
which will suddenly plead national poverty,.
and will piteously display thin wrists and
famished cheeks in the Washington sun.
But this traffic in debaters' points can
not obscure the fact that there is a real
change in the basis of our foreign policy.
It even sounds different. One remembers
the high, nervous squealings with which
the Truman Doctrine was defended. In con-
trast, Secretary Marshall's warm defense
of our policy of economic aid to all co-
operating nations seemed very bariton, very.
It was an unnervous, up-from-the-ankles
wallop, with a wonderful lack of apology
in it, and no need for any, as Mr. Marshall
held up our offer of aid to the world, and
showed that there were no strings on it,
Perhaps the liberals are right in feeling that

we do have enough money for such pur-
poses; there are times in this anxious world
when it is worth spending a couple of bill-
ions just to be able to make one speech
like that.
But now we come back to the question
of how American conservatism will react to
the new policy. Time Magazine, last week,
polling the European man-in-the-street,
found him, in more than one case, wonder-
ing realistically ,how much of American
opinion there was behind Secretary Mar-
shall And we must remember that Mr.
Herbert Hoover's recent long essay on for-
eign relief was more of an argument for
keeping it down than for increasing it.
American conservatism seems, at the
moment, primarily interested in short-
range objectives. It showed that when it
put the new rent increase bill over, while
vigorously giving lip-service to the need
for lower prices. It just couldn't resist..
One wonders whether a conservatism
pitched at this level will be able to stand
for the deprivations implicit in the Mar-
shall Plan, the export of articles we could
perhaps use here, and the possible implied
postponement of tax reductions. One has
a "no" feeling about all this, a feeling that
tax reduction will look bigger to American
conservatism than Europe and two planets
thrown in.
One wonders, too, whether the first con-
servative who publicly scorns the Marshall
Plan and demands that we save our money
will be hounded as Henry Wallace was re-
cently hounded, and denounced, as he was
denounced, for upsetting the foreign policy
of the land and for causing foreign peoples
to have doubts about our steadiness of pur-
The tune is changing, friends; choose
your partners for the next set.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation

Co~pt. 1447 by United Feef,,e Syndicafe, Inc.
3 I -AllI rghts reserod


"We were married just yesterday. This is her very first batch of
ice cubes and she's afraid they won't turn out well."

Our Russian Poli*cy

T IS EVIDENT that American policy
makers are facing the real problem of
forming a policy toward the Soviet Union.
Such a policy has been in the making
ever since 1943 when it became evident that
Russia would insist upon the partition of
our ally, Poland, as its pound 'of flesh.
To convince the American Congress and
people, a policy must be intelligible, not
too complicated and consistent. It can-
not be mere subtle diplomacy. For the
American people do not believe in subtle
diplomacy and they will not back their rep-
resentatives in carrying it out.
The Truman Doctrine is indeed the foun-
dation for a policy-one that makes sense
to Americans. The Marshall plan for Euro-
pean rehabilitation (whose existence State
Department officials frantically deny) was
a splendid first concrete step in putting
such a policy into effect-if carried out.
But meanwhile things are happening. The
Soviet union goes on tightening its claws
around countries like Hungary. The re-
sentment ofndecent Americans rises ever
It is therefore time that the Administra-!
tion announced a definite policy, not towar~d
the world, or toward Europe but toward the
Soviet Union. What can such a policy look
In my judgment, there are several pos-
sible attitudes.
One is that of "trusting Russia"-advo-
cated by the people like Henry Wallace and
Claude Pepper. The United States should
disarm unilaterally, offer Russia a big loan
for reconstrgetion and the atomic bomb for
reassurance-and hope for the best.
A second is that of a "long-term, patient
but firm and vigilant containment of Rus-
sian expansive tendencies . . " "Cool and
collected," U.S. demands "should be put
forward in such a manner as to leave the
way open for a compliance not too detri-
mental to Russian prestige."
This view, ably expressed by X in the
current number of Foreign Affairs Quar-
terly, admits that the Soviet Union is and
will remain an opponent of the United
States maintaining "a cautious, persistent
pressure toward the disruption and weak-
ening of all rival influence and power."
The same view-roughly-is expressed by
Harold N. Groves of the North American
Newspaper Alliance. Offering a "Summary
of opinion of the best informed and most
objective quarters open to him" in Wash-
ington, Mr. Groves states that we "must
contain the Russians in an unprovocative
way and confront them with superior
strength whenever they attempt to erupt
from their present sphere of influence."
A third policy would be to "force a show-
down" with the Soviet at the earliest op-
portunity. An occasion could be found in
the discussion over atomic control that is
almost bound to occur at the next Assem-
bly of the United Nations. Or it could oc-
cur over Germany at the London meeting
of the Foreign Ministers next November.
Unless Russia climbed down at that time
and accepted our views, we should thence-
forth oppose Russia actively in every part
of the world Since Russian fifth columns
are everywhere active, this would amount
to widening the Truman Doctrine still more
apd applying it everywhere. It would mean
definite diplomatic and economic efforts

it is negative. It ignores the fact that Rus-
sia's real strength lies in its fifth columns in
;very country which the said policy would
not eliminate. Moreover, it entails a par-
tial retreat to some sort of hemispheric
isolation and ultimately an atomic arma-
ment race and a war in which the U.S.
might lose its basic liberties.
' Policy 3--the tough line-also promises
an armament race and an ultimate war un-
less we could bluff the Russians out of
Policy 4 alone would give a reasonable
chance of peace--but it is still the idea of
a minority
(There is of course a fifth possible pol-
icy of doing nothing and muddling into
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
COAL MINE operators must have short
memories. Already they must have for-
gotten the deaths of those 111 men in Cen-
tralia No. 5. Else how could they be fighting
tooth and nail against the enactment of a
not too adequate federal safety code?
They are voicing their opposition before
a special senate committee which investi-
gated the Centralia disaster and which has
before it two bills-one introduced by Re-
publican Senator Butler of Nebraska call-
in for a one-year extension of the safety
provision incorporated in the Krug-Lewis
agreement which expires next week, and
the other by Democratic Senator Kilgore of
West Virginia calling for an indefinite ex-
tension of those safety provisions.
Although the Illinois disaster clearly
showed that federal mirle inspectors do not
have enough authority to prevent such trag-
edies, the mine owners are clamoring that
the continuation of the present code would
give the government unwarranted "political"
powers. This is nonsense. It is dangerous
nonsense which places profit ahead of hu-
man lives. If anything, the Federal Bureau
of Mines and its representatives should be
given specific authority to close a mine in
case of imminent danger, rather than of
merely turning in a report which the opera-
tors may ignore. And if politics entered the
Centralia story, it certainly was at the state
level. It was the Green G.O.P. machine
which sought to use state inspectors as lug
There is nothing partisan about safety
in the mines. This is indicated by the
fact that a Republican and a Democratic
senator are sponsoring the same safety
If the owners cannot see that in their
hazardous industry adequate safety meas-
ures are paramount, the Senate committee
members might read to them the pathetic
letter in which some of the Centralia vic-
tims had appealed to Governor Green to
save their lives. If the committee- and sub-
sequently the Congress-does not auhorize
proper safety regulations, the legislators
may find themselves in a position not un-
like that of the Illinois politicians when the
news came to them of the disaster in Mine
No. 5.
-St. Louis Star-Times

Publication in The Daily Officiai
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin sh6nuld be sent in
typewritten form to the office Of the
Summer session, Rom121 Angel
Home Front
WASHINGTON-- Despite Molo-,
tov's huffy walk-out, the,
brilliance of planning and con-
ception which lay behind the
Marshall proposal is becoming ev-
er clearer abroad. Indeed, the
enthusiasm of the European re-
sponse has surprised even those
who helped Marshall to plan the
policy. Yet while the news from
abroad is more hopeful than the
most sanguine expected, there are
signs of real trouble ahead on the
home front This fact was re-
cently underlined by one of the
most capable and best informed
Senators, himself deeply convic-
ed that the Marshall proposal is
our last, best chance.
"The State Department," he
said, "is failing to protect its
rear. If Bevin and Bidault and
the Europeans came up with a
first rate plan tomorrow, and
Marshall asked for the necessary
appropriations the day after, he'd
be turned down flat by an over-~
whelming majority in both Hous-
Nor is a flat, total rejection
of the plan the only danger.
That there is another, perhaps
more pressing threat was dem-
onstrated in a recent meeting
of freshman Senators, organ-
ized by able Senator Cabot
Lodge, to discuss the whole
problem of American aid to
Europe. Present at this meet-
ing, as a guest star, was Harold
Stassen,, contender for the Re-
publican presidentialenomina-
ion. Stassen repeatedly ex-
pressed the view, which lie has
already put forward in speech-
es, that countries applying for
aid must abandon attempts at
socialization before becoming
The technique of terrorizing
Congress, at the last minute, into
doing what must be done, has
been used before. It has been
used so often that it can no longer
be relied upon. Both in the State
Department, and in the moreen-
lightened and far-seeing quar-
ters on Capitol Hill, the convic-
tion that there must be a better
way is gaining strength.
One such way is now under dis-
cussion at both ends of Pennsyl-
vania Avenue. That is the ap-
pointment of a high-ranking
State Department official with a
thoroughly competent staff, whose
first and only duty would be to
explain to Congress factually and
in detail what American foreign
policy is, and why. Such an of-
ficial must have certain quali-
fications. He must have rank:
probably at least an assistant sec-
retaryship. Otherwise most Con-
gressmen, not unconscious of
their own political rank, would
remain unimpressed. He must
have meal experience of foreign
affairs, for he must be capable
of making his case convincing.
(Copyright 1047, N. V. Tribune Inc.)

Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-7
ceding publication (1:O a.mn. Sat-j
T11URli AY ,JULY 10, 1947 t
VOL. LVII, No. 11S
To chairmen and managers of1
campus activities, and to presi-
dents of campus organizations:
Eligibility lists shoule be submit-
ted for all students participating
in public activities during the+
summer term. Forms may be se-
cured in the Office of Student
Affairs, Room 2, University Hall.
Eligibility Certificates should be
secured at once by all students'
participating in, extra-curricular
activities. Such participation in-
cludes service on a publication,
in a public performance or re-
hearsals, or in holding office or
being a candidate for office in a
class or other student organiza-
tion. Certificates may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall.
Graduate Students who are ex-
pecting to receive degrees at the
end of the Summer Session are
reminded that diploma applica-
tions must be filed with the Re-
corder before Friday noon, July
11. Applications may be obtained
at the Information desk in the
Graduate School Office.
Fraternity and sorority presi-
dents of houses operating during
the summer are requested to sub-
mit a membership report imme-
diately. Forms may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall.
Teacher Placement:
Rehabilitation Service, Herman
Kiefer Hospital, Detroit, has an
opening for Rehabilitation Coun-
selor I. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
Civil Service:
State of New York Department
of Civil Service has announced a
program of internship in Pub-
lic Administration. Applications
and further information a r e
available at the Bureau of Ap-
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, D.C. announces
an examination for Photographer
(Grades CAF-3 to CAF-7). The
appointments will be located in
Washington, D.C., Virginia, and
Doctoral Examination for An-
dre Samuel Dreiding, Chemistry;
thesis: "Synthesis of Compounds
Related to Alicyclic Steroids",
Friday, July 11, at 2:00 p.m. in
the East Council Room, Rackham.
Chairman W. E. Bachman.
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert E. Kuntz, Zoology; thesis:
"Comparative Embryological De-
velopment of the Excretory Sys-
tem in Digenetic Trematodes with
Emphasis on the Excretory Blad-
der", Friday, July 11, at 9:00 a.m.
in room 3091 Natural Science.
Chairman, G. R. LaRue
Golf Clinic for Women Stu-
dents. Friday afternoons from
2:00 to 3:00 on Palmer Field.
There will be individual instruc-
tion and competition. All wom-

n students in physical educationI
lasses and the Intramural pro- a
gram are eligible to attend. V
Margaret Bell, M.D. I
Chairman, Dept. of Physical J
Education for Women
Approved social events for the I
^oming week-end: (afternoonI
vents are indicated by an aster-
isk): July 11-Mosher Jordan;
July 12-Acacia, Alpha Kappa t
Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Graduate a
Student Council, Phi Delta Phi, I
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, The Law-l
ver's Club, Robert Owen Cooper-t
ative House; July 13-*Summer I
Session Choir.r
Registration Blanks may be ob-
ained at the University Bureau oft
Appointments and OccupationalX
nformation, 201 Mason Hall on
ruesday, Thursday and Friday.
office hours are: 9 to 12; 2 to 4. f
rhose interested in securing posi- 1
ions in the immediate future are 1
urged to register with the Bureaui
at once. This applies to both the1
General Placement and Teacher4
Placement divisions of the Bur-t
Canadian undergraduate stu-I
dents: Application blanks for the
Paul J. Martin Scholarship for
Canadian undergraduate students
may be obtained at the Scholar-
ship Office, Room 205, UniversityI
Hall.. To be eligible a student
must have been enrolled in theT
University for at least one sem-
ester of the school year 1946-47:
All applications should be returned1
to that office by Wednesday, July
16, 1947.1
The scholarship will be assigned
on the basis of need and super-
ior scholastic achievement.
Deadline for Veterans' Book andt
Supply Requisitions. August 22,
1947 has been set as the deadline
for the approval of Veterans' Book
and Supply Requisitions for thei
Summer Session-1947. Requisi-
tions will be accepted by the book
stores through August 23, 1947.
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Forestry, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of
I, X or 'no report' at the close of
their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made
up by July 23. Students wishing
an extension of time beyond this
date in order to make up this
work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 4 U.H.
where it will be transmitted.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Married Veterans of World War II
Veterans' Emergency Housing
Opportunity will be provided
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
day, July14, 15 and 16 for stu-
dents in the above group to file
application for .residence in the
Veterans' Emergency Housing
No apartments available for the
summer session, but these appli-
cations will be considered for fu-
ture vacancies.
Student applications for esi-
dence in these apartments will be
considered according to the fol-
lowing qualifications.
1. Only married Veterans of
World War II may apply
2. Michigan residents will be
given first consideration. How-
ever, out-of-state students may
also register at this time. See
Regents' ruling on definition of
Michigan resident. "No one shall
be deemed a resident of Michi-
gan for the purpose of registra-
tion in the University unless he
or she has resided in this state six
months next preceeding the date
of proposed enrollment.")
3. Veterans who have incurred
physical disablity of a serious na-

ture will be given first consider-
ation. (A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.)
4. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer Ses-
sion is considered as one-half
5. Students who are admitted to
these .apartments may in no case,
occupy them for a period longer
than two years
6. Length of overseas service
will be an important determining
7. In considering an applicant's
total length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will
be discounted.
8. If both man and wime are
Veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special considera-
9. Each applicant must file with
his application his Military Rec-
ord and Report of Separation.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Professor W'alter L. Wright, Jr.,

Professor of Turkish Language
and History,. Princeton University,
will give a lecture, "A Near East
Policy in the Making," Thursday,
July 10, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. This is a lecture in
he Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
The public is invited.
Dr. Yuen-li Liang, Director of
he Division of the Development
and Codification of International
Law, United Nations, will give a
lecture on "International Law,
the United States, and the United
Nations" Monday, July 14, 8:10
p. m. Rackham Amphitheatre.
This is a lecture in the Summer
Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs." The
public is invited.
Professor John N. Hazard, Pro-
fessor of Public Law, Columbia
University, will lecture on "The
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion: Ideological and Institutional
Differences," Tuesday, July 15,
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. This is a lecture in the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs." The
public is invited.
Major General John H. Hill-
dring, U.S.A. (Ret.), Assistant
Secretary of State, U.S. Depart-
ment of State, will give a lecture,
"What is our Purpose in Ger-
many?", Wednesday, July 16, at
8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
This is a lecture in the Summer
Lecture Series, "T h e United
States in World Affairs." The
public is invited.
Professor Gottfried S. Delatour,
Visiting Professor of Sociology,
Columbia University, will lecture
on "The Problem of Internation-
al Understanding;" . Thursday,
July 17, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. This is a lecture in
the Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
The public is invited.
Academic Notices
The Political Science 2 makeup
exam will be given Monday, July
14 from 2-5 in room 2037 A. H.
Political Science I makeup fin-
al examination to be held Mon-
day, July 14 2-5 in 2037 A. H
Harold M. Dorr
Music Education Students: A
validation test of directed teach-
ing and sight piano will be given
in Lane Hall basement 9:00-11:00
a.m., Saturday, July 12. All
transfer students in Music Educa-
tion, graduate and undergraduate
are required to take this test.
Zoology Seminar: Thursday,
July 10, 7:30 p.m., East Lecture
Room, Rackham Building. Mr.
Robert E. Kuntz will speak on
"Comparative embryological de-
velopment of the excretory sys-,
tem in digenetic trematodes with
emphasis on the excretory blad-
The Regular Thursday Evening
Concert sponsored by the Grad-
uate School will present Mozart's
Quintet in C, Beethoven's Quar-
tet No. 2 in G, and Schubert's
Quintet in C. All graduate stu-
dents. are cordially invited.
Student Recital: Robert Gordon
Waltz, Tenor, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 Wednes-
day evening, July 9, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The' recital
will include compositions by Schu-
bert, Duparc, Tremisot, Franck,
Poldowski, Recli, Donaudy, Cim-
ara, and Sibella, and will be open
to the general public.
Lecture Recital: Lee Pattison

pianist, will present his second
lecture-recital, entitled "Chopin:
The Flowering of Romanticism,"
at 8:30 Monday evening, July 14,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. It
will be open to the general pub-
Band Concert. The University
of Michigane Summer Session
Band, William D. Revelli, Con-
ductor, will be heard at 8:30
Tuesday evening, July 15, in Hill
Auditorium, in a program includ-
ing compositions by Prokofieff,
Guilmant, Sibelius, Guiraud, and
Sousa. MisshElizabeth Spelts, so-
prano, of the School of Music
faculty, will sing a group of Eng-
lish songs.
The general public is invited.
Carillon Recital: by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
7:15 Thursday evening, July 10.
Program: Humoresque by Dvorak,
Curious Story, Dreaming, and The
Happy Farmer, by Schumann,
Venetian Boat Song, Confidence
des fleurs, Springsong, Spinning
Song, by Mendelssohn,; Offen-
bach's Barcarolle, Tschaikowsky's
None but the Lonely Heart, and
Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodie No.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi-
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5,
The public is cordially invited.









I told Bcarnaby once again why
we couldn't ask his imaginary

He seemed so disappointed I said I
wouldn't mind if that little pixie

Yes. A cave's comfy. And if
t rented one I could invite a

Whee! What times we'll
have at the seashore-

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