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July 10, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


Hartley Says
Coal Contract
Violates Law
Warns Operators
Against Signing
By The Associated Press
warning that coal operators risk
criminal prosecution for signing
John L. Lewis' precedent-break-
ing wage contract was sounded
today by Rep. Hartley (Rep., N.
J.) even as southern operators
capitulated and affxed their sig-
Hartley said the pact violates
the Taft-Hartley labor law.
About ninety per cent of the
soft coal industry has now form-
ally agreed to Lewis' terms.
Face Charges
Rep. Hartley said in a House
speech that any operator who
signed up might face charges
carrying penalties up to $10,000
in fine and one year's imprison-
The check-off of initiation fees
and assessments of the United
Mine Workers, provided in the
contract, is not sanctioned and is
a "clear .violation !of the act,"
Hartley said.
Only the withholding of union
dues from paychecks is author-
ized. Hartley went on, and there-
fore the operators who signed
have "agreed to pay money for
an illegal reason," he continued.
Reflects Collusion
"In my opinion, this agreement
clearly reflects collusion between
the mine operators and the UMW
with the intention of violating the
"For example, the contract cov-
ers the employment of miners on-
ly during the time as 'such per-
sons are able and willing to work'.
The law meant for labor unions
to become responsible organiza-
Hartley told reporters he did
not plan to initiate personally any
action against the signers, saying
this would be up to the execu-
tive branch of the government.
There was no comment from the
executive branch.
Miners Return
To Coal Pits
PITTSBURGH, July 9-Miners
thronging back into soft coal pits
after their extended vacation sent
production soaring in northern
states today while the announce-
ment by southern operators that
they also would accept the new
wage contract promised normal
production by the week's end.
The southern operators, who
employ approximately 100,000 of
the 400,000 bituminous United
Mine Workers, late today follow-
ed the lead of northern, mid-west
and western owners in agreeing to
kJohn L. Lewis' terms.
T he first of the southern group
to sign represented West Virgin-
ia and East Kentucky bituminous
mines. The UMW estimated less
than ten per cent of the nation's
soft coal production still is un-
accounted for.
Pennsylvania, Illinois and Ohio
led the field in restoring coal pro-
duction with fuel flowing from
tipples in industry in a. growing
stream. Over the nation, delay in
holding ratification meetings,
widespread absenteeism and lack
of full crews slowed recovery in

some areas.
Forecasts were general of re-
sumption of normal production by
tomorrow. A state-by-state survey
showed nearly 135,000 of the 300,-
000 miners covered by the north-
ern agreement were back at work
The Illinois Coal Operators
Associationr eported all mines
working and the AFL-United
Mine Workers said about 17,000
of the state's 23,000 miners had
returned to work. John McCann,
president of the Independent
Progressive Miners reported all
his 17,000 members were on the
'Stone Flower'
Will Open Today
Vladimir Druzhnikov will star
in "The Stone Flower," Russian
film with English sub-titles, to be
presented at 8:30 p.m. today and
tomorrow at Hill Auditorium by
the Art Cinema League.
The film, based on an old Rus-

Sen. Hickenlooper Says
A-Bomb Data Recovered

'Important Files';

Soldiers Secretly Took
FBI Recovered Papers

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 9-Senator Hickenlcoper (Rep., Iowa) told
the Senate today that two souvenir-hunting soldiers surreptitiously
removed "certain important documents" from atomic energy files at
Los Alamos, N.M., in March, 1946, but that FBI agents recovered the
So far as he knows no damage was done to the security of the
atomic secrets, said Hickenlooper, who is chairman of the Senate-
House Atomic Energy Committee.
He said the secret data were taken from the Los Alamos testing
- - station by two former Army ser-

Greeks Crush
Com munist'
Sponsored Plot
Thousands Arrested
In Pre-Dawn Raids
ATHENS, July 9-(P)-Greek
police and soldiers, under orders
to crush a reported revolutionary
plot, arrested several thousand
persons today in swift pre-dawn
raids conducted simultaneously
throughout Greece.
More than 2,000 persons were
seized in the Athens are alone,
an official announcement said.
Zero Hour
NapoleanZervas, minister of
public order, said the zero hour
for a Communist uprising-under
a "Plan F"-had been set for 1
a.m. tomorrow.
The Communists already had
issued orders for the distribution
of arms, Zervas declared, and had
intended to plunge the entire
kingdom into revolution.
Police officials here asserted
that the Communists had schem-
ed to "murder political leaders,"
seize important ministries and
conduct a campaign of general
Clean Sweep
The arrests, accomplished with-
out disorders, made virtually a
clean sweep of the leftist leaders
here. Zervas said, however, that
many high-ranking Communists
had fled to the mountains in
northern Greere.
Approximately 4,000 gendarm-
es, police and soldiers participat-
ed in the raids, the minister dis-
closed. w
Most of the persons arrested
will be taken to islands near
Athens, until the investigation is
complete, he said. Other officials
said those found guilty would be
Premier Demetrios Maximos
declared in a statement that or-
ders to put "Plan F" into effect
had been issued by Gen. Markos
Viflades, commander of guerilla
forces in northern Greece.
Senate Passes
Unification 13111
The Senate stamped its approval
tonight upon a permanent uni-
lcation of the Army, Navy and
Air Forces.
The compromise measure-de-
veloped after repeated requests by
President Truman during the
past two years-now goes to the
House where Republican lead-
ers have it on their "must list."
Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.D.)
of the Senate Armed Services
Committee and other supporters
said the far-reaching revision of
the armed forces is necessary to
save the United States from des-
truction when and if a future war

geants before their demobiliza-
tion. He described them as "souv-
enir hunters."
"The documents were, as we
believe, completely andefully re-
covered. The individuals did not
allow unauthorized persons to
have any access to these docu-
ments, and we have no present
information that any unauth-
orized persons did in fact see
the documents other than the two
Army sergeants."
Names Undisclosed
FBI headquarters here declined
to disclose the names of the two
former sergeants, but said they
are not in custody at this time
and no formal charges have been
lodged against them.
"Attorneys of the Department
of Justice have been conferring
with the Atomic Energy Com-
mission staff with regard to the
further course of action to be
taken," the FBI said in a state-
Under the atomic energy law,
the penalty for disclosing A-Bomb
secrets to an enemy is death. De-
partment of Justice officials were
uncertain however, as to the pen-
alty, if any, in the present case.
Student Hunt
For Celebrity
Is Fruitless
The University has some cele-
brities registered here for the
summer, but they are hard to
That's the opinion of one grad-
uate student here for .the summer
who bought a Summer Diiectory
from a campus salesman yester-
Using a good line of selling tac-
tics, the salesman told the stud-
ent that the Directory was in-
teresting reading as well as a key
to making campus contacts.
Taking the salesman at his
word, the student began perusing
through the book from the last
page forward in search of old
friends. Choosing the first fa-
miliar name, he phoned.
"Is Henry A. Wallace from In-
dependence, Mo., there?" he ask-
"The name doesn't sound fa-
miliar, but I'll check with the rest
of the fellows," was the reply.
Directory Sale
Contines Today
A new supply of the Sum-
mer Directory will be on sale
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today
at the Engine Arch and on the
They will also be on sale at
all campus bookstores, the
League, the Union and the Stu-
dent Publications Building.
The first shipment of the
Summer Directory was com-
pletely sold out yesterday, ac-
cording to Editor Tom Walsh.

Tax Cut Bill
Approved by
Senate Group
Rep. Martin Asks
Pu blicSupport
By The Associated Press
publican backers of the $4,000,-
000,000 income tax cut bill shoved
it through the Senate Finance
Committee on an express sched-
ule today and followed up with an
appeal for public support against
an expected veto.
House Speaker Martin (Rep.
Mass.) made the plea in a radio
broadcast, asserting that the is-
sue is whether the President or
Conrgess is to control the na-
tion's purse strings.
Headed for Senate
He spoke after the Finance
Committee, acting in less than an
hour, approved the House-passed
bill 10-3 and headed it for the
Senate where its path to passage
appeared clear.
Martin based his argument on
this point:
"The strength of the House of
Representatives and of the whole
Congress has always been in its
control of the purse strings. It is
necessary for the 80th Congress to
protect this prerogative so the
checks and balances in govern-
ment may be maintained, as they
were intended by the founding
fathers to be maintained under
our Constitution."
Concerted Drive
Martin asserted that "for the
past 14 years. there has been a
concerted drive to break down the
authority of the legislative branch
of the government over the ex-
penditure of public funds."
Moreover, he declared "there
has also been a concerted drive
during all that time to destroy
public confidence in the Con-
Republican leaders take it for
granted that the House, which
passed the new bill by a whop-
ping 302-to1l2 vote yesterday, can
roll up the two-thirds majority
necessaryhtowoverride another
presidential blackball.
But while passage of the bill
appears assured in the Senate,
the outcome of a veto vote there
remains in doubt.
U Hospital
'Off ersClass in
Pastoral Care
Ten ministers and theological
students will enroll next week in
the University's Summer School
of Pastoral Care, a six-week
course at UniversityuHospital,
sponsored by the Institute of Pas-
toral Care of the Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston.
The students, of various relig-
ious denominations, will receive
instruction in the art of minister-
ing to the sick and pastoral care,
according to Chaplain Malcolm B.
Ballinger, of the Michigan Society
of Pastoral Care, who will direct
the piogram this summer. Chap-
lain Ballinger is Protestant chap-
lain to the Hospital and director
of clinical training.
The pastoral care program is

intended as clinical work sup-
plementary to regular seminary
training. The University is one
of the few schools in the country
to offer this training.
For two weeks the students will
be engaged in orderly service. For
the last four weeks the clergy-
men will visit patients at the Hos-
The course also includes lec-
tures by members of the medical
school, nursing school and social
service staffs, as well'as by min-
isters. The program will extend
from July 14 through Aug. 22.
Award Offered
To Canadians
Canadian undergraduate stud-
ents, who were enrolled in the
University during at least one
semester of the 1946-7 academic
year, are eligible to apply for the
Paul J. Martin Scholarship for
Canadian students, Dean Erich A.
Walter has announced.

LEWIS SIGNS COAL CONTRACT-John L. Lewis, president of
the United Mine Workers, signs a contract covering 150,000 of the
nation's soft coal miners. (July 8) Looking on are Charles O'Neill
(left) of the northern commercial operators and Harry M. Moses
representing the steel companies' "captive mines", who signed for
their operations.
King Reveals Engagement of
Elizabeth to Former Prince



LONDON, July 10 - (P) - The
engagement of Princess Elizabeth
to her childhood sweetheart, the
handsome former Prince Philip of
Greece, was announced officially
early today by King George VI.
The King gave his blessing to
the long-forecast engagement of
Britain's heiress apparent in a
court circular, the traditional
Kesseiring' s
Comedy Play,
To Oper Today
"Arsenic and Old Lace," Jo-
seph Kesselring's classic comedy
murder, will open at 8 p.m. today
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Produced by the speech de-'
partment's Michigan Repertory
Players, the comedy will star Ar-
thur Shef as Johnathan, the role
made famous by Boris Karloff in
the Broadway production.
Other leading players are Jean-
ette Grandstaff as Abby Brewster,
Donald Kleckner as Teddy, Emily
James as Martha Brewster, Rich-
ard Rosenbloom a s Mortimer
Brewster and William Kinzer as
Dr. Einstein.
Max Kelly Albert Nadeau, Earl.
Matthews, Frances Barker, Cov-
ell Radcliffe Ward Alquist, James
Lynch and James Drummond are
other members of the cast.
The play concerns the inno-
cently murderous activities of
the Brewster sisters, who populate
their cellar with the remains of
their victims, their brother who
believes he is Theodore Roosevelt
and a second brother whose mys-
terious activities add to the gen-
eral confusion and suspense.
Some tickets are still available
for performances to be presented
today through Saturday with a
matinee Saturday.
New Absence
Forms Mailec1
The newly-revised veterans ab-
sence forms are in the mail and
will be in the hands of all vet-
erans on campus within a few
days," it was learned yesterday
from Robert A. Waldrop, direc-
tod of the Veterans Service Bur-
Students enrolled under the
benefits of the G.L Bill will be
required, under the new system,
to record their week by week ab-
sences on the forms and file them
at the close of the summer ses-
The new scheme marks a de-
parture from that in effect last
semester, in which veterans were
required to file reports each week
with their respective schools and
colleges. Resulting confusion and!
widespread criticism gave rise to
the new plan.
Vetera~nsenrolledI in the. six

manner of speaking to his sub-
I jects.
No date has been announced
for the wedding, but it probably
will be in October at Westminster
Abbey. It is certain to be one of
the most colorful ever held in Lon-
don as the 21-year-old Elizabeth
will be the first princess to marry
while heiress apparent to the
The 26-year-old Philip - big,
blond and breezy-gave his bride-
to-be an engagement ring con-
taining a large diamond and two
smaller baguette diamond's set in
The King's announcement said:
"It is with the greatest pleasure
that the King and Queen an-
nounce the betrothal of their
dearly beloved daughter, the Prin-
cess Elizabeth, to Lieutenant Phi-
lip Mountbatten, R.N., son of the
late Prince Andrew of Greece and
Princess Andrew (Princess Alice
of Battenberg), to which union
the King has giadly given his con-.
GI Insuirance
Date Extended.
Deadline for Policy
Renewal Is January 1
The deadline for 9,500,000 vet-
erans to extend their lapsed G.I.
insurance policies without phy-
sical examination, was extended
by the Veterans Administration
yesterday to January 1, accord-
ing to the Associated Press.
More than two - thirds of
Michigan's 600,000 . veterans, in-
cluding somewhat over half of the
ex-GI's on campus are thus
granted an additional five months
to reconsider the matter of their
expired insurance.
August 1 had previously been
the last date on which veterans
might reinstate without examin-
Lapsed policies may be reac-
tivated by payment of two prem-
iums according to Ransom Haw-
ley, Jr., contact representative of
the local Veterans Administration
office in the Rackham Building,

Re eet Invitation
To Paris Parley
Conference To Convene Saturday
Finland, Hungary Still Uncertain;.
By The Associated Press
PARIS, July 9-Poland and Yugoslavia joined Russia and two
other nations in the Soviet orbit tonight in rejecting the British-
French invitation to participate in the Paris conference on European
recovery under the Marshall plan whch opens here Saturday.
On the eve of the deadline for accepting bids, sent to 22 Euro-
pean nations, Finland and Hungary remained the only two nations
whose participation was uncertain.
'Iie participation of 15 nations, in addition to France and Great
Britain, definitely was assured. It s
was anticipated that Albania,
who also has not replied to the Ten Senators
invitation, would follow Russia's
lead in refusing to discuss the NFT1ej T
American aid proposal advanced lO OSI
last ,month by Secretary of State
George C. Marshall. Be Revamped
Poland's refusal, announced in
Warsaw after a four-hour cabinet
meeting, was prompted chiefly by Include Suggestion
the fact that Germany would
share equally in reconstruction ef- To Drop Soviet Union
forts with other war-torn coun-
tries. Bulgaria's rejection of the WASHINGTON, July 9-(P)-
bid was announced earlier in the Three resolutions were introduced-
day and Romania notified the today in Congress aimed to give
British and French of their refus- the United Nations a strong arm
al earlier this week. and a new start-with talk of
Observers said there was a
"50-50" chance that Finland dropping Russia if she balks.
and Hungary would send repre- Ten House members, including
sentatives to the conference. Republicans and Democrats, de-
Those countries which have of- clared the calling of a new char-
ficially or unofficially accepted ter conference to give UN power
are Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Eire, to enforce "world law to prevent
Greece, Turkey, Luxemborg, Hol- war" would be the surest way of
land, Czechoslovakia, Iceland, "determining whether the Soviet
Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Union is bent on conquest."
Sweden and Denmark. Ten Senators from both parties
proposed a reorganization meet-
P rof. Pollock ing to be called by President Tru-
Ssman to propose revisions to
strengthen the organization in
maintaining world peace. Sena-
tors suggested it might be neces-
sary to go ahead without Russia.
The third resolution promptly
followed in the Senate. Proposed
WASHINGTON, July 9--(?)- by one of these Senators and two
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the others it suggested that UN be
University of Michigan political given sauthority to enact, inter-
science department, was appoint- pret and enforce laws to keep
ed today to a 12-member group peace.
which will investigate all gov-
ernment departments in the in- The House proposal was simil-
ernet epartm yetsin the and ar. It would have Congress urge
terests of economy, efficiency the President to take the initia-
Legislation creating the Coi- tive in calling a general UN con-
missionon Organization of the ference under provisions of its
Executive Brance of the Govern- charter "for the purpose of mak-
mecti w rasigied o y resoening the United Nations capable
ment was signed by President of enacting, interpreting and en-
Truman earlier this week. It pro- forcing world law to prevent
vides thlat four members each
shall be named by the President w'r
Senator Vandenberg as President Rep. Judd (Rep., Minn.) told
Pro Tempore of the Senate and the House: "Let us revive the
Speaker Martin of the House. hope of the world for peace."
Vandenberg named Senators
McClellan (Dem., Ark.) and Aiken
(Rep., Vt.), Joseph E. Kennedy ofSig EpRobbery
Hyannis Park, Mass. and Prof.
Pollock. Nets ini e f t9
The commission is to consider
such matters as abolishing un- The latest in a wave of robber-
necessary government activities, ies of fraternity houses netted the
and consolidating others; trim- thief $95 at Sigma Phi Epsilon,
ming government expenditures; 733 S. State, Tuesday night.
and defining and limiting func- The robbery is the fourth of the
tions of various federal agencies. summer term. Previously, two
houses on Washtenaw and one on
Vets To Cash Hill St. were robbed of $263.
The three victims of the 'latest
theft were Thomas Cramer who
Leave onds lost $15; Eugene Freed, $20; and
John Juivenen, who lost about
WASHINGTON, July 9-(R)- $60.
A proposal to permit 9,000,000 ex- Albert Heusel, Ann Arbor chief
GI's to cash their terminal leave of detectives, said the thief ap-
bonds after Sept. 1 if they wish parently used the tame tactics of
was given tentative approval to- walking into the unlocked house
day by a Senate Armed Services while all the occupants were

Chairman Baldwin (Rep., aicr
Chnaid Balhdin (Rep, t Heusel reiterated his previous
Conn.) said he hoped to have the warning for all organizations in
measure cleared by the full com- tarea o ake rationary
mittee tomorrow night. the area to take precautionary


World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 9-Congressional leaders said today they
have been invited to the White House next Monday for a conference
with President Truman.
They said they did not know the topics to be discussed but specu-
lated they might include congressional adjournment plans or the ad-
ministration's foreign-aid program.
LAKE SUCESS, July 9-France and Colombia have approch-
ed the United States with compromises aimed at reconciling the
opposed American and Russian proposals for settlement of Bal-
kan disorders, it was learned authoritatively today.
The American delegation to the United Nations has rejected
both proposals designed to water down the U.S. resolution calling
for a semi-permanent investigating commission to halt Greek bor-
der disturbances.
* * * *

Dr. Wright To Speak on Near
East Policy in Lecture Series

Dr. Walter L. Wright, third
speaker in the Summer Session
lecture series, "The United States
in World Affairs," will speak at
4:10 p.m. today in the Rackham
Amphitheatre on "A Near East
Policy in the Making."
Dr. Wright is Professor of Turk-
ish Language and History at
Princeton University. From 1935
to 1944 he was president of the

In 1934, Dr. Wright served as
secretary and expert on Tuikish
history and affairs for the Hines-
Kemmerer Economic Mission to
He received his Bachelor of
Arts degree in 1921 and Doctor
of Philosophy in 1928 from
Princeton. He received the Master

"With dormitory sleeping quar-
ters on the second floor and un-
locked doors, fraternity houses
are especially vulnerable," he said.
"Valuables should be taken into
the dormitories and doors should
be locked."
County Seeks Fee
On 'U' Properties
A move to make the University
pay an annual fee to the county
on Universityr owned lands ap-
peared likely Tuesday when the
Board of Supervisors took pre-
liminary action on a resolution
from Cheboygan County.

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