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August 10, 1947 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-10

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1947 1

.SUNDA...« AUGUST 1Ovi i1947z


Fifty-Seventh Year

Pppets Are Human


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity- of Michigan under the authority of the
,Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
leneral Manager ................ Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager...........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager..............Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
redited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
,aper. All rights of republication of all other
.natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-.
gan, as second class mailnmatter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
JN THE WORDS of Samuel Grafton, I'#
going to "peddle a little paradox" today.
A few days back, The Daily reported an
address given at the University by Benjamin
Gerig, deputy representative on the UN
Trusteeship Council. It was an address that
treated of the new spirit of colonialism that
is abroad in the world today. No more, Gerig
said, are administering states ,concerned
with exploitation of the non-self-governing
territories in their care. "Instead, their par-
amount aim is the well-being of the inhab-
itants of these territories."
To prove his point, Gerig enumerated
the stipulations in the United Nations
Charter, in which the administering states
pledge themselves to the promotion of the
political, social, economic and educational
with a view toward bringing about self-
government in the territories.
Another issue of The Daily during this
past week reported the launching of a cam-
paign on the part of a University student
to inscribe the story of oppression in Mad-
agascar onto the conscience of the world.
Miss Bargyl Rateaver, a native of Mada-
gascar, finds it difficult to reconcile the
French government's pious assertion that
the island is now free with a recent uprising
for freedom, in which her father, a mission-
ary, along with other natives, was interned
in the squalor of an ancient prison at Fort
"There has, in the 52 years. of French
occupation of the island, been little letup
in the imperialistic exploitation of Mad-
agascar's people," she said. It was a com-
ment based on a life-long and first-hand
awareness of the situation.
It is apparent that there are at least
some persons who do not share Mr. Gerig's
views as regards the application of the
new spirit of colonialism of which he
speaks. Some of these persons are the
inhabitants of the colonies-the inhabi-
tants whose interests are now "para-
mount," whose self-government is being
looked to as the aim in view of the admin-
istering states, according to Gerig.
One doesn't have to refer to The Daily's
accomts for stories of colonial exploitations
covered up with pious platitudes. Take Pal-
estine, for one, and Indonesia for another.
Their stories are all in the papers. They all
tell the same tale-one of a native popula-
tion fed up with oppression and no longer
able to rely on promises of freedom. It is a
story that doesn't seem to jibe with the

assertions of Mr. Gerig.
It is apparent that the principles of trus-
teeship as enumerated in the UN Charter
and enunciated by Gerig remain, for the
present, only principles with little in the
way of reality to back them up.
-Ben Zwerling.
CZECHOSLOVAKS find little to laugh at
these days. But last week they smiled
grimly at a story currently making the
rounds of Prague's beer cellars and coffee-
houses. A. prominent politician, one of
the few leftovers from the old guard of
President Masaryk, was being questioned by
a worried friend: "Sometimes it looks as if
a war between Russia and the U.S. were
just around the corner, doesn't it?" It cer-
tainly does, sometimes." "And with whom,
do you think, Czechoslovakia should ally
herself, if and when?" "With Russia, of

is beginning to be earnestly debated
among the makers of American foreign pol-
icy. It can be expressed in a simple question:
What will be the result of repeated conflicts
NSO and Peace
COUNTLESS organizations in the coun-
try are currently at work to promote
world peace, but our progress in that direc-
tion is imperceptible, if, in fact, actual. In
the light of this discouraging outlook, it is
entirely possible that the embryonic Na-
tional Student Organization is the one group
which can actually be effective in carrying
us toward that end which is the goal of
nearly all of civilized society-world peace.
Such an extravagant claim for an infant
organization, which has thus far been largely
ignored by both the public and the press,
is not as idealistic as the hasty critic might
suppose. The strongest advocates of world
government generally admit that legislation
alone will not bring world peace; that na-
tionalism will be reduced, not by a vote of
the Security Council or even by interna-
tionalism in the minds and hearts of the
people. Through developing friendship be-
tween American and foreign students, the
NSO can accomplish this over a long period.
The threat of annihilation by the atom
bomb before that transition to an inter-
national thinking is achieved now faces
us. However, the world's leaders are so
far away from finding a short cut for
preventing that destruction that we can
only educate and hope.
Because of its unique position as the
organization of all American students, the
NSO, more than any other body, can effec-
tively develop the internationalism upon
which our prospects for world peace depend.
America's college youth of today will be
America's leaders of tomorrow. Because of
America's position as the world's strongest
power, what our students are learning and
experiencing now will sway the destiny of
the world in the near future.
Michigan delegates joined with represen-
tatives from 300 other schools last December
to form an organization through which
students could work to solve their common
problems. "Fostering cultural activities, pro-
moting two-way student exchange, and fa-
cilitating student travel, both within this
country and without," were the general
terms in which the new organization spoke
about its part in promoting world peace.
As so many phrases on paper they have
little meaning. Transformed, however, into
terms of chartering ships to enable Amer-
ican students to travel abroad at reason-
able rates, increasing the number of stu-
dents studying abroad, and including stu-
dent participation in the American UN-
ESCO delegation, the NSO's potentialities
take on color.
The University will have 12 representa-
tives at the NSO's constitutional convention
to be held at the University of Wisconsin
the end of this month. On their shoulders
rests the responsibility for establishing the
organization that can make these objectives'
a reality.
This summer the State Department used
two Maritime Commission ships to carry
students to Europe for study. Next summer
at least a dozen should be carrying students
abroad, those who prefer just to tour as
well as those who desire to study formally.
That is but one step. Smith College
and the University of Delaware have inau-
gurated a plan which enables students to
spend their junior years abroad in coun-
tries such as France, Italy, or Switzerland.
The Fulbright Bill offers government
scholarships for our students studying
abroad. These will probably be restricted
mainly to graduate students. (The pro-
gram needs expanding to include a volume
of potential student leaders, not simply
specialists in a specific field.)
Representation on UNESCO would give

students an opportunity to present their
ideas to that body as well as to learn about
its program and activities first hand.
The NSO's contribution to world peace
will not be spectacular. But by making it
possible for the students of today to visit,
to know, and to understand other students
throughout the world, the NSO can lay
a sound foundation for cooperation among
the nations tomorrow. It can accomplish
a major task in broadening the horizons of
the American leaders who will be promot-
ing that cooperation.
Of all the prospects for world peace in
sight today, the international aspect of the
NSO's program can easily be voted the "most
likely to succeed."
-Tom Walsh.
MEETING on the anniversary of Hiro-
shima's destruction and, as the Chinese
delegate pointed out, in the "grim shadow"
of that portentous event, the United Nations
Atonic Energy Commission has underscored
the failure of statesmanship to meet the
threat of atomic warfare. Representatives of
five nations-the United States, Canada,
Belgium, China and Australia-discussed the
Russian plan for atomic control in terms
which made it plain that while Russia main-
tains her position, the commission has
reached a dead end in its search for a solu-
tion of the atomic nroblem. Mr. Osborn. the

of national interest between the Soviet Un-
ion and its satellite states?
This may sound pretty academic. Yet the
problem has been brought to the fore by
completely concrete and frequently highly
dramatic reports from behind the iron cur-
tain. The reports concern the events leading
up to Soviet puppets' unanimous refusal
to participate in the Marshall plan for
European reconstruction. The public hu-
miliation of Czechoslovakia, which is now
called at Prague "the Munich in reverse,"
is known to the whole world. But now that
the returns are in from all over eastern
Europe, they disclose that the pattern was
approximately the same everywhere.
In Budapest, for example, the Commu-
nist-dominated Hungarian government
was as anxious to become eligible for the
benefits of the Marshall plan as was
the Communist-led government at Prague.
It was never publicly announced, yet the
Hungarian cabinet is now known to have
actually appointed a delegation to attend
the Paris conference on the Marshall plan.
The chief delegate was to have been the
Minister of Communications, M. Gero,
himself a Communist, and even the lesser
members of his staff had been selected.
Then General Sviridov, Soviet commander
in Hungary, requested an interview with
Hungary's new puppet premier, Dinnyes.
In talking to Dinnyes, Sviridov minced no
words. .According to reliable reports, he
pointed out that the Soviets would strip
Hungary bare through their control of Ger-
man and Italian assets; that there were still
unnumbered Hungarian prisoners of war
in Russia; and finally that a Soviet refusal
to ratify the Hungarian peace treaty would
have disagreeable consequences-such as the
permanent retention of the Soviet garrison
in Hungary.
Dinnyes listened to this rather forceful
sort of 'reason. The Hungarian refusal to go
to Paris was promptly announced. Hungarian
leaders are now frankly congratulating
themselves, in conversations with foreigners,
on their good fortune in avoiding the public
humiliation of the Czechs.
In Finland no "less than in Hungary,
members of the Cabinet frankly wished to
send a deputation to Paris. Foreign Min-
ister Enkell is even known to have branded
rumors that Finns would refuse the Paris
invitation as mere Communist tactics of
confusion. But Enkell, together with the
rest of the Finnish people, learned that
Finland had indeed refused as rumored-
from the Moscow radio.
In Poland, members of the government
were obviously distressed but made no plaint.
Some Polish Socialists, however, dared to
demand the sending of a Polish deputation
to Paris. No deputation went, and recently
reports have come from Warsaw that addi-
tional arrests of Socialists are now occur-
ring, on the ground that they lacl."the
will to cooperate" with the Communists.
The process of crushing out all possible
opposition is also proceeding apace in Ro-
mania. The arrests of Dr. Juliu Maniu and
other leaders of the Peasant party occurred
some time ago. Now the party's remaining
deputies have been expelled from the parlia-
ment, and just to round the thing off, a new
party leadership has been officially ap-
pointed. The leaders are a certain Popovici,
a cooperative but complete deaf nonentity,
and Professor Zanne, who has the valuable
qualification of being a protege of Andrei
The important fact about these pre-
nomena is that they are bound to repeat
themselves. It is not only that the Soviet
Union wishes its satellites to have no
contact with the West. There is a vital
additional factor. The Russians also want
their satellites to provide them with raw
materials and manufactured goods. And
the satellites in turn must depend on the
Soviet Union for other goods and raw
materials which they are now prevented
from securing from western Europe or the
United States. New conflicts must thus
arise. And the bullying tactics used to
secure obedience to the Kremlin's edict
against the Marshall plan, will have to be
used again whenever there is another con-

In the cases of Finland and Czecho-
slovakia, this presents a special problem.
These nations are not yet completely pup-
petized. If their governments are,constantly
forced to subordinate the national interest
to Soviet interest, the peoples will turn
against the governments. Then the Soviets
will have to choose between relaxing their
present control, or resorting to puppetiza-
tion, by force. But even within the confines
of the countries already puppetized, the
same process will also work.
Men like Dinnyes and Gero in Hungary,
for example, by presenting Moscow for a
better deal for their people, will eventually
incur the Kremlin's suspicions. More and
more abject puppets will be demanded and
installed. The present system of delegat-
ing control of the satellites to governments
like that in Hungary may thus gradually
begin to break down. Yet the system can
only be replaced by extension of direct
Soviet responsibility. The question being
asked in Washington is whether the Soviet
system can support these added strains upon
its administrative and other resources.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Study of History" says:
The creative minority, out of
which the creative individuals had
emerged in the growth stage, has
ceased to be creative, and has stink
into being merely 'dominant' out
of the secession of the proletariat,
which is the essential feature of
disintegration, has itself been
achieved under the leadership of
creative personalities for whose
activity there is now no scope ex-
cept in the organization of oppo-
sition to the incubus of the un-
creative 'powers that be.' "
Regardless of Toynbee's un-
due mysticism in those final
chapters, the struggle today is
between those who, by dollars,
would get oil or trade, and those
who by sympathy would get the
loyalties of people.
Years ago the great war strate-
gists of Britain got their oil and
trade around the Mediterranean
but came out finally with the dis-
trust alike of Mohammedans
throughout Egypt, Arabia and
Syria; of the Christians in Greece
and the Balkans; and of the Jews
scattered thinly but vocally around
the world. Shall we get the oil
from the Persian Gulf, a thousand
miles to ships at Joppa or Haifa,
but failing to understand human
need, spill the loyalty of millions
into the lap of Russia? A low
standard economy with a message
of protest-just because it can
understand minimums-may be-
come the saviour while a high
standard economy, replete "with
double entry systems which relate
to maximums, fails to understand
bewildered citizens.
Toynbee's insistence that the,
only place a creative mind can
function is in revolt was attested
five years ago by the Catholic
French philosopher, Jacques
Maritan. In a brilliant book,
"Christianity and Democracy,"
he pointed out that in recent
decades Christianity seems im-
potent, unable to take advan-
tage of its opportunities, weak
in the critical periods and indif-
ferent to the major social ob-
jectives of its Founder.
He reminded us that while it
was the Christian drive which
brought the American revolution,
it was the revolting agnostics who
introduced liberty and fraternity
into France and the protesting
atheists who developed a people's
economy for the Russians. His
lamentationis over the inability of
the followers of Jesus persistently
to merge the two commandments:
1. Thou shalt love God and 2. Thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thy-
self, in social practice.
General George Marshall at
Harvard, plumbing the spirit of
defeated Europe with a few sen-
tences on self help, set off the
best industry since UNRRA. If the
United Nations organization can
salvage concerted action for Euro-
peans from us as effectively as
they salvaged an armistice for In-
donesia from the Dutch, we may;
soon see constructive peace intro-
There is an untabulatable
something beneath every move
men make or fail to make today,
which, over much, must deter-
mine consequences. In such an
era, when complexity obscures
the path, it is safest for every
citizen to deliberately align him-
self with goodness.

"The suffering God is no vast
cosmic force,
That by some blind, unthink-
ing, loveless power
Keeps stars and atoms swing- '
ing in their course,
And reckons nought of men
in this grim hour.
Nor is the suffering God a
fair ideal
Engendered in the questioning
hearts of men,
A figment of the mind to help
me steel
My soul to rude realities I ken.
God suffers with a love that
cleanses dross;
A God like that, I see upon a
Georgia Harkness; "Holy Flame."
-Edward W. Blakeman.
Ideologically as well as geo-
graphically, England is set be-
tween the United States and the
Soviet Union. There are dangers
in this position, but there are also
great advantages, and although
they know that they must do a
good deal of rather drab "holding-
on," the English people are not
without a strong sense of optim-
ism about their own future.
Foreign Affairs Magazine

Pubication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivernotice to all
members of the University. Notices
fir the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angel]
hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m Sat-
Examination for U n i v e r s i t y
Credit. All students who desire
credit for work done in the sum-
mer session will be required to
take examinations at the close of
the session. The examination
schedule for the schools and col-
leges on the eight-week basis is as
follows: (Thursday, August 14 and
Friday, August 15.)
Hour of Recitation Time of Exam
8 Thursday, 8-10
9 Friday, 8-10
10 Thursday, 2-4
11 Friday, 2-4
1 Thursday, 4-6
2 Thursday 10-12
3 Friday, 10-12
All other hours Friday, 4-6
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by
ml itual agreement between stu-
dent and instructor, and with the
approval of the Examination
Schedule Committee.
All veterans enrolled for the
eight weeks Summer Session and
who are receiving government ed-
ucational benefits under the Vet-
erans Administration, are remind-
ed that Report of Absence Cards
are due Monday, August 11, 1947.
These cards may be mailed to the
Veterans Service Bureau or placed
in any deposit box.
If any veteran has failed to
receive a Report of Absence Card
he should obtain one immediately
at the Veterans Service Bureau,
Room 1514, Rackham Building.
The filing of a Report of Ab-
sence Card is a University regula-
tion applying to all veterans cer-
tified for government educational
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Pub-
lic Health: Students are advised
not to request grades of I or X
in August. When such grades are
absolutely imperative, the work
must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 111
a.m., August 23. Grades received
after that time may defer the stu-
dent's graduation until a laterl
date. Note: This is a correctionI
of the date listed in The DailyI
August 6, and 7.c
Colleges of Literature, Science,I
and the Arts, and Architecturec
and Design, Schools of Education,
Fo r e s try,dMusic and Public
Health: Students who have beenI
in residence only during the Sum-
mer Session and who wish a tran-
script of this summer workl
should file a request in Room 4,
U.H. several days before leaving1
Ann Airbor. Failure to file this
request before the end of the ses-
sion will result in a needless de-1
Ilay of several days. Other stu-
dents will receive a print of their
entire record two weeks after the
end of the Summer Session.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Admission - School of Business
Administration. Deadline for ap-
plicants for Fall Semester admis-
sion - August 15. Application
blanks available in Room 108 Tap-t
pan Hall.
Deadline for Veterans' Booki
and supply Requisitions. August;
22, 1947 has been set at the dead-

line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,
To all students having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Monday, August 11.
2. Students having special needi
for certain books between August
11 and August 15 may retain such;
books for that period by renew-
ing them at the Charging Desk.1
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their records
at the Library by Wednesday,1
August 13 will be sent to the Cash-F
ier's Office and their credits and
grades will be witheld until such
time as said records are cleared
in compliance with the regula-3
tions of the Regents.
Recommendations for Depart-l
mental Honors: Teaching depart-

ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall,
by 11 a.m., August 23. Note: This
is a correction of the date listed
in The Daily August 6, and 7.
Doctoral Examination for Harry
Alex Romanowitz, Electrical En-
gineering; thesis: "Measurements.
Analysis, and Statistical Nature
of Deionization Time in a Mer-
cury Vapor Thyratron," Monday,
August 11 at 1:30 p.m. in the West
Council Room, Rackham. Chair-
man, W. G. Dow.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Cheng
Tsui, Botany; thesis: "The In-
fluence of Zinc in Plant Growth,"
Monday, August 11, at 2 p.m. in
Room 1139, Natural Science Build-
ing. Chairman, F. G. Gustafson.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Ther-
al Thomas Herrick, Education;
thesis: "The Development of Cri-
teria for the Evaluation of Citi-
zenship Training in the Senior
High School," Monday, August
11, at 3 p.m. in the East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham, Chairman, H.
C. Koch.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Man-
uel Ochoa Hizon, Mathematics;
thesis: "Actuarial Studies of the
Philippines' Government Service
Insurance System," Tuesday, Aug-
ust 12, at 3:30 p.m. in the East
Council Room, Rackham. Chair-
man, C. J. Nesbitt.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Fulton Haugh, English Lang-
uage and Literature; thesis: "Sen-
timentalism in the American Pro-
letarian Novel," Tuesday, August
12, at 7 p.m. in the West Council
Room, Rackham. Chairman, J. L.
Ralph A. Sawyer
La p'tite causette will meet on
Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week at 3:30 in the Grill Room of
the Michigan League.
Civil Service: City of Detroit
Civil Service Commission an-
nounces examination for Med-
ical Attendant (male), Head Hos-
pital Nurse, and Supervisor of
Hospital Nurses.
New York Civil Service Depart-1
ment announces examinations for
positions in the Health Depart-
ment: Assistant Director, Division
of Cancer Research; Assistant Dis-
trict Health Officer; and Senior
Public Health Physician, Tuber-
culosis Control. Call at the Bureau
for further information.
General Placement-Charles E.'
Merrill Co., Inc., announces an
opening for School Representa-
tive to cover part of Michigan and
northern Indiana.
The Grand Rapids Urban
League announces an opening for
a group work secretary (male) for
an inter-racial agency. Call at thec
Bureau for further information.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.1
University of Michigan1
General Library
Schedule of Hours after Summer
Session 1947:-,
The General Library will closet
at 6 p.m. daily from Friday, Aug-
ust 15 to Saturday, September 20.
The Graduate Reading Rooms and
the First Floor Study Hall will be
closed during this period. The1
Basement Study Hall will be open1
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except
Saturday when it will be closed
at noon. The Rare Book Room 1

will be open from 10 a.m. to 12
noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and from
10 am. to 12 noon on Saturday.
All departments of the Library
will be closed on September 1,
Labor -Day.
Divisional Libraries, with the
exception of those listed below,
will close Friday afternoon, Aug-
ust 15, and will reopen Monday,
September 15 on a short schedule1
(10 a.m. to 12 noon, 2 p.m. to 4l
p.m.). Regular schedules approx-
imating those in force during the
second semester of the academic
year will be resumed in all branch-
es of the Library on Monday, Sep-
tember 22.1
Bureau of Government. Open
August 18-September 20-Monday
through Friday 8:30-12; 1-4:30;
Saturday 8:30-12:30.
Detroit Branch: Closed August
18-August 27;. Open August 28-
September 20; Monday through
Friday 10-1; 2-6; Saturday 10-12.
East Engineering: Open August
18-September 20; Monday through
Friday 10-12; 2-5; Saturday 10-1

Engineering: Open August 18-
September 20; Monday through
Friday 10-12; 2-5; Saturday 10-
Hospital Open August 15-Aug-
ust 23; Monday through Friday
8-12; 1-5; Saturday 8-12; Closed
August 25-September 13; Open
September 15-September 20; Mon-
day through Friday 8-12; 1-5;
Saturday 8-12.
Physics: Open August 18-Sep-
tember 20; Monday through Sat-
urday 10-12.
Transportation: Open August
18-September 20; Monday through
Friday 8-12; 1:30-4:30; Saturday
Vocational Guidance: Opens
August 18-September 20; Monday
through Friday 1:30-5:30; Satur-
day 9-12.
Professor Joshua Whatmough
of Harvard University will lecture
on "Man and His Language" at
the eighth luncheon conference
of the Linguistic Institute at 1:00
Tuesday August twelfth in room
308 Michigan Union. The lec-
ture will be preceded by a lunch-
eon at 12:10 in the Anderson
Room. Both luncheon and lec-
ture will be open to members of
the Linguistic Institute and the
Linguistic Society. Professor
Whatmough is Professor of Com-
parative Philology at Harvard
University, and is well known for
his many contributions to Celtic
and Indo-European philology and
to general linguistics.
Professor Joshua Whatniough
will deliver the second of two lec-
tures to the Linguistic Institute
at 7:30 Wednesday, August 13 in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. His subject will be "De-
scriptive Linguistics, Historical
Linguistics, and Area Linguistics,
with Special Reference to the Dia-
lects of Ancient Gaul." The lec-
ture will be open to the Public.
Professor Whatmough's lecture
will concern itself with the impli-
cations of some of the newer
methods in the investigation of
The concluding lecture of the
series offered by the Linguistic
Institute will be offered by Pro-
fessor Hans Kurath of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The address
will be given Thurs., Aug. 14 at
7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building and will be
open to the public. The subject
will be "Linguistic Geography and
Its Relations to Other Fields of
Research." Professor Kurath, now
the director of the Middle English
Dictionary, and of the Linguistic
Institute, is well qualified to talk
on LinguisticdGeography, since he
is also the editor of the Linguis-
tic Atlas of the United States
which has published over three
hundred maps of the dialect areas
of New England and is planning
publication for the Middle and
South Atlantic States.
Carillon Recital: Sunday after-
noon, August 10, 3:00 p.m., Per-
cival Price, University Carilloneu,
will play a program including a
group of Old English Airs, con-
positions by D. Scarlatti, Prelude
and Fugue for Carillon by J. A.
Maasen, and a group of hymns.
Student Recital: The Chamber
Music Class, under the direction
of Oliver Edel, will present a pro-
gram Monday afternoon, August
11, 4:15 p.m., ih the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. The concert will in-
clude works from Pergloesi to e-
tremely modern compositions. The
public is cordially invited .
Faculty Concert Series: Mr. Lee
Pattison, Pianist, will present the
final Monday evening concet,

August 11, 8:30 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The all-Bee-
thoven program will include Son-
ata, Op. 10, No. 1, Sonata, Op. 10,
No. 3, Rondo in G, Op. 51, No. 2,
Polanaise, Op. 89, and Sonata, Op.
101. The concert is open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Kenneth
Snapp, Cornetist, will present a
program Tuesday afternoon, Aug-
ust 12, 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. Mr.s Snapp wil be
assisted by Carolyn Weaver, Pi-
anist, and The Brass Choir. The
recital will include compositions
by Senee, Thofe, Bohme, Gaubert,
Bach and Brandt.
Mr. Snapp, a student of Haskell
Sexton, will present this program
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of
Music Degree in Music Education,
and is open to the general public.
Student Recital: Robert Noeh-
ren, Organist, will present a pro-
gram Tuesday evening, August 12,
8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. The
program, presented in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music,
will include Part Three of The
Greater Catechism from the Clay-
ierubung by Johann Sebastian






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