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August 10, 1947 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-10

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Cliff Keen To Coach New
Ceithaml Will Handle 'B' Pigskin Squad;
Weber in Full Charge of Frosh Activities

Cliff Keen, Wolverine wrestling
coach, has been assigned to han-
dle Michigan's new 150-pound
football squad this fall, it was
announced yesterday.
Keen, a member of the Uni-
versity athletic staff since 1925
except for a tour of duty with
the Navy physical education
program, served last fall as one
of the assistant Wolverine foot-
ball coaches. He is a graduate
of Oklahoma A.&M. and a form-
er National Collegiate Wrest-
ling champion.
Crisler, who promoted the idea
of lightweight football in the
Western Conference, said 150
j. pound games are being scheduled
with Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio
State, first of the Big Nine schools
to inaugurate the sport along
with Michigan.
Grid Ducats
Selling Fast
Report OSU Game
Close to Sellout
Sellouts for at least two of the
University of Michigan's home
football games this fall are al-
ready imminent, Athletic Director
Fritz Crisler disclosed yesterday.
Crisler said that only a few
tickets are left for the Ohio State
l game Nov. 22, and the quota of
pasteboards assigned Ohio State
are already sold out at Columbus,
Also virtually a sellout is the
Minnesota game Oct. 25, while the
third highest number of tickets
have been sold for the Michigan
State opener Sept. 27.
Last year Michigan's stadium
capacity of 85,753 was reached
:x twice for the Army and Illinois
games, while away from home the
Wolverines played to capacity
crowds at Ohio State and Minne-

Crisler said that his 1947
coaching staff will remain vir-
tually the same aas it was last
year, with Bennie Oosterbaan
handling the backfield assign-
ment, Jack Blott coaching the
Linemen and Art 'Valpey the
ends. Butch Jordan will again
assist Blott on the line and Er-
nie McCoy, assistant to the Ath-
letic Director, will continue as
chief scout.
Wally Weber, fullback on the
1925-26 Big Nine championship
Wolverine teams, will take over
the freshman team. Last season
Weber, assisted by Keen, handled
the "B" squad. He last coached
the freshmen in 1942.
George Ceithaml, 1941 Wol-
verine quarterback and captain,
will coach the "B" squad. Ceit-
haml joined the Michigan staff
last spring after Navy service.
With the question of eligibility
of several players in summer
school still in question, Crisler
will delay sending out invitations
to early practice until next week.
Practice is scheduled to start
Sept. 3.
Otto Enters
Net Finals
NEW CASTLE, N.H., Aug. 9
-(P)-Fred Otto, a member of
the 1947 Michigan tennis team,
fought his way today to the
finals in the annual Went-
worth Invitation tennis tourn-
ament here along with Arthur
Graybill of the University of
Redlands, Calif.
In the semi-finals, Otto,
seeded number five, defeated
Ted Bache, captain of the
Harvard net squad, by scores
of 97, 4-6, 6-2.
Graybill won his semi-final
round at the expense of Andy
Paton, Michigan's number two
man last spring, by 9-7, 4-6,

CLIFF KEEN-Michigan wrest-
ling mentor who will serve as
coach of the new Wolverine
150-pound football team this
CHICAGO, Aug. 9-(P)-Strok-
ing reversely with a left-handed
putter his son found in a rubbish
pile, Tony Caruso of Ottawa, Ill.,
today won the 43rd Chicago City
Amateur golf tournament.
Aug. 9-(AP)-Stymie, the world's
leading money-winning horse,
got slapped down today trying
to pick up an extra $18,500 in
the Whitney Stakes. At the end
of the mile and one-quarter it
was Rico Monte by a head over
Gallorette with Stymie, the 9 to
20 odds-on favorite, third and
last in the short field.
- * * *
-(P)-Big Gardnar Mulloy of Mi-
ami underwent a complete rever-
sal of form today after being vir-
tually blasted off the court in the
first two sets, and went on to hang
up a. 4-6, 5-7, 6-3,. 6-0, 6-3, tri-
umph over lanky Bob Falkenburg
of Beverly Hills, Calif., in the
semi-final round of the Eastern
Grass Courts tennis champion-

Ex-'M' Captain.
Enters Detroit
Meets Ton Sheehan,
Former Irish Star
DETROIT, Aug. 9--IP)-Tom-
my Sheehan, the former Notre
Dame golf captain playing pro-
bably the best golf of his career,
rolled into the finals of the De-
troit District Amateur Champion-
ship at Country Club of Detroit
today, where he will meet Ben
Smith, the Ex-Michigan links
captain, in Sunday's finals.
Sheehan pasted Randall Ahern
of Detroit, 5 and 4 in the third
round this morning and then
eliminated the defending champ-
ion, Fred Kammer, playing his
home course, 4 and 3.
Smith, who won a share of the
Western Conference title while at
Michigan four years ago, downed
Harold Brink of Grand Rapids, 3
and 1, in the third round and top-
ped Tony Skover of Detroit, 6 and
4, in the semi-finals.
Skover earlier had stopped Lou
Wendrow of Lansing, the 1946
State Amateur champ, 4 and 3,
and Kammer had survived a 20-
hole match toedge Lloyd Martz
of Detroit, 1-up.
U' Clubhouse
Architect's plans for a new
University of Michigan golf
clubhouse and service building
at the University course were
approved yesterday by the Ath-
letic Department.
Athletic Director Fritz Cris-
ler said the new building not
only would contain locker
rooms, showers and other facil-
ities for golfers but will also be
used as quarters for Michigan
football teams on nights be-
fore games.
The former service building
on the course burned in 1944.

Tigers, Bosox Gain Ground;
Greenberg HR Tops Cards
By The Associated Press Brooklyn. With the bases load
The hitting of George Kell, and two out in the top of a
sturdy third baseman who got four
hits in four times up including a sixth, Schultz connected for
homer and two doubles, helped the grand slam home run to wipe c
Tigers whip the White Sox 8 to a 1-0 Dodger lead.
4 yesterday to crack pitcher Diz-
zy Trout's five-game losing streak. The Brooks, trailing by t
Perfect Day runs in the bottom of the inin
Kell's perfect day at bat lifted threatened when they loaded
his average to .343 and madebases with only one out, but
things much simpler for Trout, Jurisich replaced Oscar Judd a
thins mch smplr fo Trutforced Carl Furillo to hit into
who was batted out of the box in fmedir dullay.
the seventh inning but received game-ending double play.
credit for his first victory in eight Cards Falter
starts since June 29. An eighth inning home run
Detroit collected 12 hits, all but Hank Greenberg ended the Ca
two off starter Orval Grove, who inals' current victory streak as
retired after five innings to his Pirates downed the birds 5 to
sixth defeat and gave way to Ed- last night, keeping the losers f
gar Smith, who yielded two hits games behind the league lead
and two runs the rest of the way. Dodgers.
The Red Sox reduced the Yank- The onrushing Braves mo
ees' American League lead to 111% within a game of third place
games by taking the Bronxites in- seven from the top when t
to camp for the second straight made it two in a row over the N
day 6-4. A pair of home runs by York Giants with a 9-4 trium
Bobby Doerr each with Ted Wil- Johnny Sam won his 16th ga
liams on base, accounted for four of the season with a 10-hitter.
Boston runs. Doerr's second homer After absorbing an 8-1 lacing
came in the eighth and broke a the hands of the Cubs in the f
4-4 tie. game of a doubleheader, the Ri
Marchildon Wins 14th behind the eight-hit pitching
Phil Marchildon joined Reyn- youthful Everett Lively, cop
olds of the Yankees as the only the second game 5-0 to gain a s
14-game winners in the American and retain their fifth place mar
League when he pitched the Ath- by half a game.
letics to an 8-1 victory over the
Senatoyrs. The Canadian right-
hander allowed only seven hits 'IT'S CREW-CUT TIME
and had a shutout until the ninth.
Cleveland swept a doubleheader Be you flat, round, or square
from the Browns 5-2 and 5-4, headed - we'll design one to
winning the second game in the fit your Personality. 8 bar-
10th inning when Manager Lou bers - No waiting. Fan-
Baudreau slammed a run-produc- cooled! Tonsorial queries in-
ing double. vited!
* * *

BEN SMITH-Wolverine golf
captain in 1943 who will play
in today's finals of the Detroit
District Amateur Championship
against Tommy Sheehan, form-
er Irish linkster.
Bio ix

By The Associated Press

Walker, Phils 371
Kell, Tigers 373
Boudreau Indians 337
DiMaggio. Yanks 371
Cooper, Giants 340
Gustine, Pirates 406
*, * *






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