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August 09, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-09

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Fifty-Seventh Year

Future of Germany


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigani under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
3eneral Manager.............. Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager.........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager ................ Melvin Tick

Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
)aper. All rights of republication of all other
,natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Rditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

and France will meet soon to discuss the
future of Germany. This represents an ad-
vance on previous attempts by the U.S. and
Britain to settle this European matter alone
or with Russia, another largely non-Europ-
ean country.
In my judgment, it still misses the main
point, It is not what we should do to
strengthen German industry, or to diminish
(by about one percent) the burden on the
American tax-payers, important as these
tasks seem, instead the main problem is, how
to cure the German of the mad immoral am-
bition for power that is responsible for that
once great people's relapse into savagery?
And here a word of caution. If you be-
lieve that peoples embark on careers of
atrocity and crime solely because of pov-
erty or some fancied contrast between'
"haves" and "have-nots," stop here. This
column is not for you.
At the root of German agression lies-in
my judgment-a spiritual sickness, an eth-
ical anaemia, a moral rotting away. This
sickness is not confined to Germany. It has
been spreading for a long time. No con-
temporary country is immune. It happened
that the German got the worst case. Ger-
many became a country in which nine out of
ten influential citizens had lost the funda-
mental sense of right and wrong and re-
placed Christian ethics by some sort of "bi-
ological" drivel worthy of bushmen.
This moral sickness is evident in Mar-
tin Niemoeller, the preacher who found
bitter words to condemn Hitler's persecu-
tion of the churches but none with which
to protest against his more monstrous
crimes of launching an aggressive war
and planning the annihilation of whole
peoples. There are signs of it in Social-
democratic leaders who seem more inter-
ested in recuperating lost territories than
in restoring Germany's moral health.
If I am right then what the Germans need
most is not more steel but discerning out-
side support.
I do not ignore the fact that hungry Ger-
mans will lack adequate incentive to moral
regeneration. Increased steel production,
under proper control and within strict lim-
its, may be desirable.
But restoring Germany's economy is no
guarantee that the Germans will become
good Europeans or democrats.
Only a sort of moral conversion can

accomplish either. Without such conver-
sion, Germany's lapse into nazism or com-
munism is almost certain once German
power begins to return.
If this thesis be even tentatively accepted,
then one primary task of Allied military
government should be the giving of all pos-
sible support to the few thoroughly "good"
Germans who are struggling to restore their
country's moral health.
Unless these people can makes the Ger-
mans democratic, there is going to be no
democracy in Germany. Unless these few
leaders get support from outside, the task
of leavening an exhausted, confused and
brutalized people will be beyond their
Such moral leaders need books more
than machine tools. Above all, they need
recognition by western leaders and sup-
port from them. Decidedly this does not
mean that we are to exculpate Germany
or cry over the Nazis or generally try to
act as though the Germans were not in-
dividualy responsible for the worst crime
in history.
It means that we are consciously to assist
those Germans who individually are either
not responsible, who always opposed na-
tional-natism-or who, having supported it,
are now sincerely repentent.
As I consider it, American military gov-
ernment is not giving adequate support to
these people. I know of two instances in
which individuals of the higest moral char-
acter were deliberately put aside by military
government despite of the protests of Amer-
ican friends who had known them twenty
One was ousted from a key post in a
broadcasting station by pro-communists
in American uniform. Another, who had
become an American citizen, was drop-
ped because not sufficiently servile.
Here is where reform can fruitfully start.
Our task is to persuade some of those Amer-
icans to return and work in Germany who,
having lived in the country, can smell a
Nazi or a nationalist a mile off. These
people would see to it that "good" Germans
are helped to contacts with similar people
in our country.
Unless Germany is restored spiritually, no
amount of material rehabilitation will save
us from a horrid choice; keeping the Ger-
mans permanently helpless or risking a third.
German war.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)



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Letters to the Editor...


Cepr, 1447 by Un~dpnues



SOME REPUBLICANS will stoop to- any-
thing to smear the name of Franklin D.
Roosevelt. Senator Brewster and Senator
Ferguson are making a spectacle of them-
selves via Elliot, who, it seems, has not al-
ways acted with a great deal of discretion.
It all began when Howard Hughes got
some government contracts. The story goes
that Elliot recommended the awarding of
a goigrnment contract for the Hughes' pho-
to-reconnaissance plane. The story goes
that Elliott accepted from Hughes and his
dispenser, "Goodtime" Johinny Meyer, var-
ious gifts, favors and lavish entertainment.
Senator Brewster and Senator Ferguson
seem 'to have decided that these facts
mean Elliot sold the government (his
father) onethe Hughes plane because
Hughes. gave him a good time.
Elliot served as an officer in the Arm.y
Air Forces during the war. His record is
so good that the two senators have not
dared to challange it, or even mention it.
Elliot says he wanted the Hughes planes
because they promised greater safety for
his men.
And Hughes says that Senator Brewster
is nothing but a blackmailer anyway. He
claims Brewster offered to call off the in-
vestigation if he would merge his Trans
World Airline with Pan American Air-
ways, in which Brewster is interested, and
thus create a monopolistic overseas air
Brewster has denied this out of one side
of his mouth and admitted twice discussing
the merger with Hughes out of the other
To which we can only comment: some
Senators have very big mouths.
-Eunice Mintz
Ford Layoff
ENRY FORD II, consciously or other-
wise, has just conducted for 51,000 of
his employes a snappy but profound session
in mass education. He has wiped away at
one stroke the confusion spread among the
workers for years by various "economists,"
statisticians and news writers.
In large industrial strikes, workers have
been repeatedly subjected to computations
of the amount of wages they have been sup-
posedly losing as each idle day passed. As
each strike progressed, and as the statis-
ticians' pencils moved faster and faster,
the figures reached astronomical sums.
By laying off 51,000 workers on the same
day they called off a scheduled strike, Ford
demonstrated that such estimates are noth-
ing more than guesswork. Loss of wages,
Ford has shown the workers, need never
enter into strike discussions within union
circle, because there is no assurance that
work will continue, strike or no strike.
-Malcolm Wright
AMONG CONCRETE proposals for mte-
gration of Europe's economy, as called
for by the Marshall. Plan, those put for-
ward by France dealing with German coal
and steel production deserve serious study.
Briefly, they emphasize German coal pro-
duction as a basis for increased steel pro-
duction not so much in Germany as in
France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
French analysis of the possibilities shows
that not only would this tend to create a
more equal balance in European war po-

Politics as Usual

'WHILE THE world comes apart at the
seams, the maneuvers of domestic pol-
itics rather irrelevantly continue. One
maneuver which is at least less irrelevant
than most, is the virtually final decision of
Postmaster General Robert Hannegan to
resign as chairman of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee. Barring accidents, the
long-rumored Hannegan resignation will be
offered to the committee at a meeting which
Hannegan is calling for September.
The current plan is that Hannegan will
stay on for a while at the Post Office, but
will eventually withdraw into private busi-
ness. (His ambition is to own a baseball
team, and he and his friend, Edwin Pauley;
have been trying, thus far unsuccessfully, to
buy one of the major league clubs.) His
reason for leaving the national committee
is the ill health which has plagued him for
more than a year.
At first glance, all this seems innocent
enough. Yet behind it, there is some-
thing more than meets the eye. And that
something is an incipient revival of the
ancient Democratic feud between the
party's conservative Southern faction and
more progressive Northern wing.
It is true that Hannegan's decision to
retire was based on his high blood pres-
sure and nothing else. But it is also true
that the Southerners have for some time
wanted him out of the national committee
owing to his pro-labor views. Hannegan has
in the past rather angrily intimated that
the only thing that could make him change
his mind about laying down his burdens,
would be a Southern effort to force him to
do so. If this develops, by the odd logic of
politics, he will fight for what he does not
want. It seems more likely that there will
be no fight, and that he will resign as plan-
ned. And if he goes, the still more important
question of his successor will remain to be
Until a day or so ago, this question seemed
to have been settled in favor of Secretary of
Agriculture Clinton Anderson. The Presi-
dent meant to draft Anderson from his cab-
inet post to head the party in the election
year. But Anderson's greatest ambition is
to enter the Senate. The able Carl Hatch
of New Mexico has decided to leave the
Senate at the end of this term. And An-
derson will therefore now retire from the
cabinet only to run for Hatch's Senate seat.
That leaves the field open for the succession
to Hannegan. The most frequently named
contenders are Judge Sherman Minton,

as record, Anderson could have been
counted on not to maintain the close
liaison with the labor groups on which
Hannegan has always insisted.
In Conjunction with the labor bill veto,
such Presidential veerings hardly seem logi-
cal. The veto no doubt proceeded from the
President's honest conviction as to the Taft-!,
Hartley law, yet it was also aimed to solidify
the labor groups for the Democrats. It
brought back into the fold the bitterest cf
labor's dissidents, A. F. Whitney of the
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. It would
seem plain folly for the President even to
consider jeopardizing the labor support thus
garnered for him.
The quirks of the President's character
cannot be discounted, however. In prin-
ciple, he is pro-labor. But in practice,
he has a strong distaste for labor lead-
ers, which is encouraged in him by such
members of his circle as Secretary of the
Treasury Snyder and his large, loud mili-
tary aide, Major Genrela Harry Vaughan.
Following the veto, according to a report
circulating among labor insiders, Whit-
ney, Philip Murray of the C.I.O., and
William Green of the A.F. of L. all sig-
nified their willingness to call at the
White House in evidence of their support
for Truman. The rival labor chieftains
might even have marched in together-
an impressive demonstration. The last
thing the President wanted, however, was
anything of the sort; and the labor lead-
ers' march to the White House did not
occur. Holding allies at arm's length is
not the best way to cheer them on.
To all this must be added still another
factor in the President's political situation:
the Democratic organizations, in most states,
are suffering either from advanced harden-
ing of the arteries, or galloping factional-
ism or both. By dint of a telephone call
from Washington in which young Franklin
Roosevelt participated, James Roosevelt's
unfriendly maneuverings in California were
somehow halted, yet California is still rent
with strife. New York hardly contains tTo
Democratic leaders on speaking term'ns.
Pennsylvania is divided between the dilapi-
dated David Lawrence of Pittsburgh and the
still more dilapidated Joe Guffey. And so
it goes. Under the circumstances, one
would suppose Truman would want all the,
enthusiastic allies he could muster.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room Z1I3 Angel
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 338
Examination for U in i v e r s i t y
Credit. All students who desire
credit for work done in the sum-
mer session will be required to
take examinations at the close of
the session. The examination
schedule for the schools and col-
leges on the eight-week basis is as
follows: (Thursday, August 14 and
Friday, August 15.)
Hour of Recitation Time of Exam
8 Thursday, '8-10
9 Friday, 8-10
10 Thursday, 2-4
11 Friday, 2-4
1 Thursday, 4-6
2 Thursday 10-12
3 Friday, 10-12
All other hours Friday, 4-6
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by
mutual agreement between stu-
dent and instructor, and with the
approval of the Examination
Schedule Committee.
All veterans enrolled for the
eight weeks Summer Session and
who are receiving government ed-
ucational benefits under the Vet-
erans Administration, are remind-
ed that Report of Absence Cards
are due Monday, August 11, 1947.
These cards may be mailed to the
Veterans Service Bureau or placed
in any deposit box.
If any veteran has failed to
receive a Report of Absence Card
lie should obtain one immediately
at the Veterans Service Bureau,
Room 1514, Rackham Building.
The filing of a Report of Ab-
sence Card is a University regula-
tion applying to all veterans cer-
tified for government educational
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Pub-
lic Health: Students are advised
not to request grades of I or X
in August. When such grades are
absolutely imperative, the work
must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 11
a.m., August 23. Grades received
after that time may defer the stu-
dent's graduation until a later
date. Note: This is a correction
of the date listed in The Daily
August.6, and 7.
Colleges of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and Architecture
and Design, Schools of Education,
F o r e s t r y, Music and Public
Health: Students who have been
in residence only during the Sum-
mer Session and who wish a tran-
script of this summer's work
should file a request in Room 4.,
U.H. several days before leaving
Ann Arbor. Failure to file this
request before the end of the ses-
sion will result in a needless de-
lay of several days. Other stu-
dents will receive a print of their
entire record two weeks after 'the
end of the Summer Session.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar

To all students having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Monday, August 11.
2. Students having special need
for certain books between August
11 and August 15 may retain such
books for that period by renew-
ing them at the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their records
at the Library by Wednesday,
August 13 will be sent to the Cash-
ier's Office and their credits and
grades will be witheld until such
time as said records are cleared
in compliance with the regula-
tions of the Regents.
University of Michigan
General Library
Schedule of Hours after Summer
Session 1947:
The General Library will close
at 6 p.m. daily from Friday, Aug-
ust 15 to Saturday, September 20.
The Graduate Reading Rooms and
the First Floor Study Hall will be
closed during this period. The
Basement Study Hall will be open
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except
Saturday when it will be closed
at noon. The Rare Book' Room
will be open from 10 a.m. to 12
noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and from
10 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday.
All departments of the Library
will be closed on September 1,
Labor Day.
Divisional Libraries, with the
exception of those listed below,
will close Friday afternoon, Aug-
ust 15, and will reopen Monday,
September 15 on a short schedule
(10 a.m. to 12 noon, 2 p.m. to 4
p.m.). Regular schedules approx-
imating those in force during the
second semester of the academic
year will be resumed in all branch-
es of the Library on Monday, Sep-
tember 22.
Bureau of Government. Open
August 18-September 20-Monday
through Friday 8:30-12; 1-4:30;
Saturday 8:30-12:30.
Detroit Branch: Closed August
18-August 27; Open August 28-
September 20; Monday through
Friday 10-1; 2-6; Saturday 10-12.
East Engineering: Open August
18-September 20; Monday through
Friday 10-12; 2-5; Saturday 10-
Engineering: Open August 18-
September 20; Monday through
Friday 10-12; 2-5; Saturday 10-
Hospital Open August 15-Aug-
ust 23; Monday through Friday
8-12; 1-5; Saturday 8-12; Closed
August 25-September 13; Open
September 15-September 20; Mon-
day through Friday 8-12; 1-5;
Saturday 8-12.
Physics: Open August 18-Sep-
tember 20; Monday through Sat-
urday 10-12.
Transportation: Open August
18-September 20; Monday through
Friday 8-12; 1:30-4:30; Saturday
Vocational' Guidance: Opens
August 18-September 20; Monday
through Friday 1:30-5:30; Satur-
day 9-12.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letterstare those of the
writers only. Letters of more thai
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Y a
To the Editor:
the University of Michigan has
a resolution before it concerning
the distribution of football tickets.
We should like to submit a plan
whereby the present arrangement
of giving out one certain individ-
ual seat for the several home
games would be done away with.
In it's place we suggest the stu-
dents receive stubs with which
tickets can be obtained in the stu-
dents section during the week
prior to the actual day of play.
Assuming that such "trade in"
be permissible through Thursday
the University could then sell the
unclaimed tickets.
Another method might be to al-
low the student to take any seat
in his own class' section upon ar-
rival in the stadium such as is
done at many western schools.
The better seats would then be
distributed on a first-come first
served basis.
The main purpose of either plan
is to do away with the main evil
of the present one, of necessarily
holding the same seat for every
ball game. A classic example of
the results of this is the hard to
adjust frosh. He arrives on camp-
us knowing virtually no one. His
ticket is given him and he winds
up with a ticket that is unchange-
able amidst a group which he has
nothing in common. After living
on campus he meets other stu-
dents with whom he becomes
friendly. Companionship is a
great thing at a football game.
If one is on the inside, he feels
a little of this thing called "school
spirit." It's hard to have such
a feeling for an impersonal in-
by 11 a.m., August 23. Note: This
is a correction of the date listed
in The Daily August 6, and 7.
Deadline for Veterans' Book
and supply Requisitions. August
22, 1947 has been set at the dead-
line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,
Housing for Men Students, Post
Summer Session: Men interested
in rooms in theResidence Halls
for the Post-Session,' Aug. 18-
Sept. 12 are required to leave their
names at the Information Desk,
Room 2, University Hall, on or
before Friday, August 8. No meals
'will be served.
Approved social events for this
Week: August 8, Intercooperative
Council; August 9, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Doctoral Examination for John
Hans Biel, Pharmaceutical Chem-
istry; thesis: "Anti Spasmodics
X. Analogs of Acetylcholine."
Saturday, August 9, at 9 a.m. in
the East Alcove, Rackham. Chair-
man, F. F. Blicke.
Ralph, A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Vad-
en Willis Miles, Education; thesis,
ples and Experiments Desirable
"A Determination of the Princi-
for a High-School Course of Inte-
grated Physical Science," Satur-
day, August 9, at 9 a.m. in the
West Alcove, Rackham. Chair-
man, F. D. Curtis.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Harry

Alex Romanowitz, Electrical En-
gineering; thesis: "Measurements,
Analysis, and Statistical Nature
of Deionization Time in a Mer-
cury Vapor Thyratron," Monday,
August 11 at 1:30 p.m. in the West
Council Room, Rackham. Chair-
man, W. G. Dow.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Cheng
Tsui, Botany; thesis: 'The In-
fluence of Zinc in Plant Growth,"
Monday, August 11, at 2 p.m. in
Room 1139, Natural Science Build-
ing. Chairman, F. G. Gustafson.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Ther-
al Thomas Herrick, Education;
thesis: "The Development of Cri-
teria for the Evaluation of Citi-
zenship Training in the Senior
High School," Monday, August
11, at 3 p.m. in the East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham, Chairman, H.
C. Koch.

stitution which in one step can
insure the lack of companionship
at such an ~important athletic
event as the Michigan-Ohio State
igame etc.
The claim of the University that
every seat in the stadium is a good
seat is partly justified. It is our
firm conviction that a seat be-
hind the goal posts in the com-
pany of several buddies or a girl
friend would be less objectionable
than a permanent lonely seat on
the forty.
-John M. Cox
Vice, President, Engineering
* * *
To the Editor:
THE BICYCLE situation on this
campus is little short of crim-
inal. The menace offered to cy-
clists by pedestrians must be re-
moved. Many cyclists are suffer-
ing from shattered nerves and the
burden on Health Service person-
nel has become serious.
The following rules must be
adopted immediately and enforced
1. The pedestrian, upon per-
ceiving an approaching cyclist,
shall step three paces to his right
off the side-walk and stand at at-
tention until the cyclist has
passed. Saluting is not required
but is recommended.
2. The pedestrian shall be re-
quired to look around at intervals
of every three steps. This is to
assure himself that he is not cre-
ating a traffic hazard for a cy-
clist approaching from the rear.
3. The pedestrian, in case of an
accident involving a cyclist, shall
be automatically adjudged the
guilty party and subject to crim-
inal and civil action.
These rules are simple and easy
to remember. They are easier to
enforce than the present rules.
They will cut down accidents.
The ultimate solution, of course,
is the elimination of the pedes-
trian. But that must be approach-
ed by easy stages.
-Carroll H. Clark
thesis: "Actuarial Studies of the
Philippines' Government Service
Insurance System," Tuesday, Aug-
ust 12, at 3:30 p.m. in the East
Council Room, Rackham. Chair-
man, C. J. Nesbitt.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Fulton Haugh, English Lang-
uage and Literature; thesis: "Sen-
timentalism in the American Pro-
letarian Novel," Tuesday, August
12, at 7 p.m. in the West Council
Room, Rackham. Chairman, J. L.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Professor Joshua Whatmough
of Harvard University will lecture
on "Manand His Language" at
the eighth luncheon conference
of the Linguistic Institute at 1:00
Tuesday August twelfth in room
308 Michigan Union. The lec-
ture will be preceded by a lunch-
eon at 12:10 in the Anderson
Room. Both luncheon and lec-
ture will be open to members of
the Linguistic Institute and the
Linguistic Society. P r o f e s s o r
Whatmough is Professor of Com-
parative Philology at Harvard
University, and is well known for
his many contributions to Celtic
and Indo-European philology and
to general linguistics.
Professor . Joshua Whatmough
will deliver the second of two lec-
tures to the Linguistic Institute
at 7:30 Wednesday, August 13 in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. His subject will be "De-
scriptive Linguistics, Historical
Linguistics, and Area Linguistics,
with Special Reference to the Dia-
lects of Ancient Gaul." The lec-
ture will be open to the Public.

Professor Whatmough's lecture
will concern itself with the impli-
cations of some. of the newer
methods in the investigation of
The concluding lecture of the
series offered by the Linguistic
Institute will be offered by Pro-
fessor Hans Kurath of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The address
will be given Thurs., Aug. 14 at
7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building and will be
open to the public. The subject
will be "Linguistic Geography and
Its Relations to Other Fields of
Research." Professor Kurath, now
the director of the Middle English
Dictionary, and of the Linguistic
Institute, is well qualified to talk
on Linguistic Geography, since he
is also the editor of the Linguis-
tic Atlas of the United States
which has published over three
hundred maps of the dialect areas
of New England and is planning
publication for the Middle and
South Atlantic States.
Carillon Recital: Sunday after-
noon, August 10, 3:00 p.m., Per-
cival Price, University Carilloneur,
will play a program including a






uel Ochoa.

Ralph A. Sawyer
Examination for Man-
Hizon, Mathematics;



[How beautiful-


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