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August 09, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-09

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Latest Deadline in the State






Intervenes in
UAW Strike
Agency Names
Three-Man Panel
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Aug. 8-The Federal
Conciliation Service intervened
today in the 18-day-old Murray
Corp. of America Strike which is
blamed for the idleness of 72,000
auto workers.
The. federal agency set up a
three-member hearing panel to
make recommendations to end the
dispute. At issue was the CIO
United Auto Workers' demand for
contract provisions to exempt the
union from financial liability un-
der the Taft-Hartley Labor Law.
In addition to the 7,000 men on
strike at Murray another 65,000
were idle temporarily because of
t a shortage, managements said, in
auto parts made by Murray.
f Union Demands
The union is asking contract
provisions to exempt it from fin-
f ancial liability for contract vio-
lations under the Taft-Hartley
Labor Law.
Named to the committee were
Walter Green,' Detroit Concilia-
tion Commissioner, and Judge
John O'Conner, of Huntington,
W.Va. A third member will be
' chosen before Wednesday, when
the panel is scheduled to convene.
Intervention by the conciliation
service followed union rejection
of a company proposal descrbed
as a "modification" of the form-
ula under which the coal indus-
try and John L. Lewis settled their
dispute of similar nature.
Union Reaction
Emil Mazey, UAW-CIO region-
al director, said the Murray offer
was rejected because it had "other
strings attached." These were
understood to include a union
guarantee that all other differ-
ences during the effective period
of a contract would be settled by
Negotiations Recessed
Meanwhile, negotiations over a
proposed Ford pension plan. were
recessed today until 9 a.m., Mon-
day. Both sides reported "pro-
" r-gre ys ."
Richard T. Leonard, a UAW
vice-president and director of its
Ford Department, has been auth-
orized by the National Ford
Council to call a strike any time
after Aug. 14, unless agreement
is reached on the pension plan.
Credit Curbs ,
Truman Requests
SUse of Self-Restraint
President, Truman today signed
legislation signalling an end to
controls over installment buying
Nov. 1 but rapped Congress for
. not lbeeping a rein on credit and
urged all hands to avoid an "easy
payment" inflation orgy.
"Self-restraint on the part of
those who use credit as well as
upon the part of those who ex-
tend it," he said ir. a statement,

"will reduce the danger of an
over- expansion of installment
credit which would inevitably be
followed by severe contraction,
thereby contributing to unemploy-
ment and to reduced production."
To the retailers, finance com-
panies and the consumers, Mr.
Truman's action today means an
end within a little less than
three months of federal credit
curbs which have required:
A down payment of at least
one-third, with the balance to be
paid off in 15 months or less, on
automobiles, stoves, mechanical
dish washers, ironers, refrigera-
tors, washing machines, radios
and some other items.
A down payment of at least one-
fifth, with the balance to be paid
within 15 months, on furniture
and rugs.
The controls -were instituted
during the war as an anti-infla-
tion measure.
Committee Fines
Three Fraternities
Discinlinary action against

U.S. Film Industry Bans
All Shipments to Britain
British Citizens, Housewives Disgruntled
Over Blow to Celluloid Glamor, Bloodshed
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug. 8-America's motion picture industry, hitting
back at a severe tax imposed by Great Britain on U.S. films, 'today
placed a flat ban on shipment of all feature pictures and short sub-
jects to Britain.
Eric A. Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Association of
America, announced the decision after a closed three-hour session
attended by 50 film executives. The vote on the ban was not an-
The tax, announced yesterday by Great Britain as a measure
to combat that country's dollar shortage, was attacked by John-
ston who declared in a statement that it "in effect strangles

England Poses Key ues tions

To Soviets on A-Bomb


Hugyhes Defends Expenditures

Claims U.S.
Gets Money's
Worth in Deal

More Sweat
Will Precede
Final Exams
CHICAGO, Aug. 8-(P)-A new
heat wave started moving into
the sun baked, heat-plagued Mid-
west Friday.
With the toll of deaths attri-
buted to this week's heat wave
growing to 152, temperatures
were going up in the Great Plains
states and forecasters said read-
ings in the bigh nineties were in
prospect f(most of the midwest
by Sunday. They said the new
heat wave would last only some
48 hours, however.
A cool air mass from Canada
afforded temporary respite in
most midwestern states Friday,
but the only moisture was in wide-
ly scattered thundershowers. The
late-planted corn crop still was
in need of a general soaking rain.
Nineteen new deaths from heat
exhaustion were reported in St.
Louis today, bringing the total in
that area to 50 for the current
heat wave. Chicago had 44 heat
deaths, Wisconsin and Ohio 11
each, Indiana eight, Iowa and Ar-
kansas five each, Alabama and
Louisville, Ky., three each; Peoria,
Ill., and Tennessee, two each, and
Pennsylvania one.
Showers fell in North Dakota,
Northern Minnesota, Indiana and
Ohio, and some. southeastern sec-
tions of the United States.
Forecasters held out some like-
lihood of rain in the midwest early
next week, when temperatures are
expected to drop again.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-Secre-
tary of Labor Schwellenbach an-
nounced today that President Tru-
man will appoint David A. Morse
of New York as Undersecretary of
* * *
ASH FORK, Ariz., Aug. 8-An
antelope ran full-tilt into a
sagging 44,000-volt power line
early today and darkened the
towns of Ash Fork, Seligman
and Williams for seven hours.
* * *
HAMBURG, Germany, Aug. 8-
German authorities disclosed to-
day that wide-scale police raids
on the "German Riviera" had
trapped scores of Germans living
in black market luxury in sharp
contrast to their hungry country-
* * * *
BERLIN, Aug. 9 - United
States Army Criminal Investiga-
tion agents disclosed today they
were searching for missing jew-
els belonging to the late widow
of Kaiser Wilhelm II and be-
lieved to be worth more than
* * *
Army Engineers Corps announced
today it expects to advertise for
bids for constructing 15 new vet-
eran administration general med-
ical and surgical hospitals, some
of them within 45 days.
* * *
Navy announced today that tar-
get ships which survived the Bi-
kini atom bomb tests 13 months
ago have arrived at West Coast
and Hawaiian ports and although
still "unsafe" there is no danger
to inhabitants.

DETROIT, Aug. 8-City offi-
cials made plans today for a
fi-h aoaie ha Miniw.n RPM

American film shipments to
"If the British do not want
American pictures,dthat's one
thing," the M.P.A. head comment-
ed. "If they do, they shouldn't ex-
pect to get a dollar's worth of
films for a quarter."
Meanwhile in London the icy
wind of the economic crisis blew
smack down the neck of the Brit-
ish little man - and his little
wife - with the news that no
more Hollywood movies would be
crossing the Atlantic.
You can water his beer, up the
price of his cigarettes, cut his
candy ration and still the little
man who dodged the buzzbombs
will grumble, grin, shrug and carry
on. But deprive him of his weekly
bath of celluloid bloodshed and
"This is the last straw!" de-
clared the wife of an electrical
engineer. "Going to the films
is the only recreation I have-
and if they take away Ameri-
can films . . . well, I'm patriotic
and all that, but there's nobody
like Clark Gable in British pic-
Motion picture theatre manag-
er echoed the harried house-
wife's complaint and warned that
hundreds of cinema palaces are
likely to close because of the short-
age of British pictures. Britain
produces about 45 films a year to
take up 20 per cent of the screen
playing time while foreign films-
principally from Hollywood --pro-
vide the rest.
Britain's big movie producers,
worried for fear a retaliatory tax
might be placed on British films
in the United States, were not
But the Hollywood film famine
brought joy to several sections of
the British population, including
the higher brow critics who de-
plore Hollywood "slickness" and
the parent teacher members who
blame the movies for everything
from juvenile delinquency to
Brooklyn inroads on the King's
"On the rare occasions when I
allow my children to visit the
cinema," a London vicar's wife
said, "I want them to see a whole-
some picture - none of that Hol-
lywood slapstick or sloppy sen-
timentality, and certainly not that
frightful nasal accent."
British Labor
Bill Approved
LONDON, Aug. 8-(-)- The
Labor Government's emergency
bill broadening its already exten-
sive powers over labor and man-
agement was approved in the
House of Commons on its deci-
sive second reading today despite
Winston Churchill's impassioned
protest that it was a "blank check
for totalitarian government."
By 251 votes to 148, the Labor
majority threw out Churchill's
motion to reject the bill which
the war-time Prime Minister as-
sailed as a "gross invasion of our
fundamental liberties" and a
"complete abrogation" of the
powers of Parliament.
Home Secretary Chuter Ede,
asserting that any orders issued
under -the new powers would be
subject to parliamentary review,
said the bill was necessary because
"we should have power to deal
drastically and swiftly with awk-
ward situations that may arise."


Senate Group
Not Profiting

TAKEOFF-William P. Odom,
27-year-old former British Fer-
ry Command officer, waves from
the cockpit of the "Reynolds
Bombshell," a converted twin-
engine Army bomber, just be-
fore taking off in Chicago.
* * *
'Bo mbshell'
Leaches India
On World Hop
Near Halfway Mark
In Try for Record
KARACHI, India, Aug. 9-(P)-
William P. Odom, striving for a
new round-the-world flight record,
arrived at Karachi Airport-the
half-way mark-today and de-
parted an hour and 15 minutes
later after refueling.
Fifteen Minutes Behind
A study of times for two legs of
both of William Odom's round-
the-world flights show he is be-
hind 15 minutes in actual flight
time, but has picked up one hour
and 4 minutes in time spent on
the ground.
The first Gander-to-Paris hop
took seven hours and four minutes
in actual flight time, compared
with seven hours and 52 minutes
this trip. But Odom's Paris-to-
Cairo time on the current flight
was only six hours and five min-
utes, compared with the previous
flight's six hours and 38 minutes.
This left Odom 15 minutes behind
the previous performance in ac-
tual flight time.
Mother Worried
Meanwhile, Odom's mother,
Mrs. Ruth Odom, said today she
was trying to keep cool while her
son, was flying around the world,
"but it's pretty hard."
"I guess I'm the only one in
the family who really gets excited
on these flights of his," she said in
Kansas City.
Wife Cool
Mrs. Bill Odom, in Chicago, said
tonight she couldn't "afford to
get excited" about her husband's
current globe-circling solo at-
"He flies so much I can't afford
to get excited. I'd be a wreck,"
the attractive 26-year-old pilot's
wife commented in her map-lit-
tered hotel suite.
She said her husband invited
her to make the flight with him
but she turned it down.
* * *
'Cubs' To Follow
In Odom's Wake
NEW YORK, Aug. 8-(P)-Two
former Army fliers said today they
would take off at 10 a.m. tomor-
row from the Teterboro, N.J-., air-
port to fly around the world side
by side in two Cub planes-but
"we're not trying to set any speed
The flight will be the first ever
attempted in the A Cub, one of
the world's smallest planes.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-Defi-
ant Howard Hughes testified to-
day that the government is get-
ting its money's worth from his
$30,000,000 aerial cargo boat that
never has flown.
And the millionaire manufactur-
er and flier of planes told a Sen-
ate war investigating subcommit-
tee he isn't making a dime out of
that project or any other war-
time business.
Hughes still was going on the
subject when the committee
quit for the night. He gives
another installment of the story
Relative calm descended on the
afternoon hearing. Hughes glow-
ered and tiffed with chairman
Ferguson (R-Mich) and let off
steam with a little cussing. Fer-
guson threatened to clear out the
spectators when they applaude
one of Hughes' cracks.
But for the most part, the in-
vestigation stuck to the charted
The morning meeting, how-
ever, was stormy, with tempers
strained and hot words flying.
Hughes defiantly refused twice
to hunt up free-spending John-
ny Meyer, his missing publicity
He and Ferguson barked and
snapped. Ferguson angrily pound-
ed his ash tray on the table top,
demanded obedience to the com-
mittee and ground out subpoenas
for Meyer and for Hughes' person-
al papers.
Hughe explained at least in
part why it is taking so long and
costing so much to turn out the
world's largest airplane - a 200-
ton flying boat for which the gov-
ernment contracted with Hughes
and Kaiser late in 1942. Kaiser
subsequently withdrew from the
The original contract was for
$18,000,000 for three planes.
Hughes said this was changed to
a plane of twice the plan-
ned size, and that doubling the
size more than doubles the cost.
The committee has received
testimony that the government will
have to put some $4,000,000 into
such things as engines and pro-
pellors, bringing its investment up
to $22,000,000.
Hughes said his company al-
ready has lost $7,200,000 on the
deal and will sink another $2,000,-
000 in it.
Housing Probe
Is Considered
LANSING, Aug. 8-(P)-The
chances of a full-dress legislative
investigation of housing delays in
Michigan were laid today in At-
torney General Eugene F. Black's
Governor Sigler asked Black to
decide whether he legally could
ask the "little legislature" (Emer-
gency Appropriations Commis-
sion) to provide $30,000 for a five-
man House committee named to
study problems and practices
which might account for housing
The request for the fund was
brought to Sigler by three mem-
bers of the committee, headed by
Rep. Paul Arnold.

BAMBOO DANCE-Philippine students at the University prac-
tice the "Tinikling" or "Bamboo Dance" of the Philippines in
preparation for the Festival of Nations to be held in Hill Audi-
torium tomorrow. In the dance, two persons beat time with two
long pieces of bamboo, while a dancing couple steps intricately
in and out of the sticks. Left to right: Pedro Gomba of Manila;
Miss Lourdes Segundo of Manila, and Francisco Narciso of An-
geles, Philippine Islands.
Festival of N ations to Feature'
Fillipino Dances Tomorrow

"Abaruray," a candle dance, and
"Tinikling," a bamboo dance, will
highlight the performance of the
Phillipine Michigan Club to be
presented at the Festival of Na-
tions at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Hill
The club, which was organized
Two Additions
To East Quad
Ready in Fall
About 300 male students will
hang their hats in the East Quad-
rangle recreation rooms for the
first few weeks of the fall term.
Only two of the new residence
halls in the East Quad will be
ready for occupancy at the be-
ginning of the term, Francis C.
Shiel, business manager of resi-
dence halls, said yesterday. The
other two units, however, will be
ready during October.
Last year an overflow of incom-
ing students was quartered in the
East Quad recreation rooms until
space in rooming houses and the
residence halls could be located.
Expected dates for completion
of the new units have been an-
nounced as follows: Henry Clay
Anderson House, Sept. 1; Charles
Horton Cooley House, Sept. 12;
Joseph Ralston Hayden House,
Oct. 15; and Louis A. Strauss
House, Oct. 30.
Assignments to the new houses
have been made and students will
receive notices by mail, according
to Shiel. Those assigned to the
Anderson and Cooley houses will
be able to move directly into their
new quarters.

here for University students and
Ann Arbor residents from the1
Phillipines, is a social and cul-
tural group.-
Modified Folk DancesI
Both dances to be performed,
are modified Filipino folk dances.
The candle dance, which will fea-
ture Edita Martelino, requires a
skillfuldancer who performs with
a lighted tumbler first balanced
on her arm and later on her head.
Miss Martelino will be assisted
by a group of student members of
the club.
Bamboo Dance
Lordes Sagundo and Francisco
Narciso will be featured in the
bamboo dance, a lively group
dance, a lively group dance mim-
icking rice birds of the Philippines1
as they hop from one bamboo stalk
to another. The dance will be ac-
companied by the clapping of two'
stalks, by Zoilo Lindo. This dance
is particularly popular at fiestas
of Phillippine towns and small
Spanish Influence
Although both dances have a
Spanish and Malayan influence,
they have acquired distinctive
qualities and characteristics now
traditionally of the Philippines.
The dancers, garbed in the col-
orful native costumes, will be ac-
companied by Dr. Augusto Cam-
ara, president of the club.
Few 'Carmen'
Tickets Unsold
WPAG FM Will Air
Bizet Opera Today
A few tickets are still available
for performances of Carmen to be
held at 8 p.m. today and Monday
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The opera, which is presented
by the speech department's Mich-
igan Repertory Players, will be
broadcast at 8 p.m. today on
WPAG FM. Carolyn Street Austin
stars in the opera as Carmen, with
Norris Greer as Don Jose, Laur-
_-,n A41,wnnn wanmlln nnr

Seeks Russian
Aie; Gromyko
Hits Conitrols
USSR Assails 'Anti-
Labor' Acts in U.S.
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 8-Brit-
ain announced suddenly tonight
she is asking Soviet Russia key
questions on the whole Soviet posi-
tion on atomic control.
This came shortly after Russia's
Andrei A. Gromyko flatly rejected
once more, in sharper terms than
usual, basic principles on owner-
ship, management and control of
the atomic materials and facili-
ties which are favored by a major-
ity of the United Nations Atomic
Energy Commission.
The questions were under-
stood to deal with these points:
1. Does Russia believe that
some minor sanctions can be im-
posed by majority vote or must
every sanction be subject to the
2. Will atomic inspectors be
allowed to visit any plants not
reported to the proposed inter-
national atomic energy agency?
3. Will Russia 4rree to one
complete treaty (as' favored by
the commission majority) or will
she insist on separate conven-
tions, one for immediate pro-
hibitions of the atomic bomb,
another for controls, and a
third for atomic quotas for the
4. Does Russia accept any
ther fom of control than in-
spection by the international
Earlier in the session today, Rus-
sia assailed the United States for
its treatment of American Com-
munists, declaring that this treat-
ment and recently enacted "anti-
labor" legislation were serious vio-
lations of human rights.
The attack occurred in the mem-
bership committee of the United
Nations Security Council after
U.S. representative Hayden Ray-
nor had opposed the admission of
Bulgaria to the UN and criticized
the Communist-dominated BuiD-
garian regime.
Soviet representative Alexei
N. Krasilnikov criticized particu-
larly President Truman's pro-
gram to purge the government
of disloyal employes and "the
recent trial of a leader of one
of the political parties in the
Krasilnikov told a reporter later
that he referred to the trial of
Eugene Dennis, General Secretary
of the Communist Party, who was
sentenced July 8 to one year in
prison and Vned $5000 - the
maximum penalty for contempt of
British Curbs
May Calm U.S.
Inf lation Trend.
Britain's decision to slash imports
may have some mildly "calming"
effects on United States inflation
trends, government officials fore-
cast today.
But the depressant impact on
American prices, if any, will be
minor, officials of three agencies
The effect on United States ex-

ports probably will not be felt for
three months or more, it was esti-
mated. It will diminish a flow to
Britain which amounts to only 8.2
per cent of this country's total
overseas shipments so far this
Officials of the commerce and
agriculture departments and the
president's council of economic
advisers, interviewed on the do-
mestic impact of Britain's crisis,
agreed that any exact analysis is
impossible at this moment be-
caui full details of the British

Peace Efforts Bogging Down -- Prof. Rowe


The efforts of Russia and the
United States to find a common
set of values on which to build a

"There are today but two great
powers on earth," he said. "The
Russians look at us and we at
them with suspicion. We regard

tionship within one or two genera-
"There is still a possibility,
though, that the next attempt to

be reached on atomic energy con-
trol ."
"For," Prof. Rowe explained,
"no state, whatever its aims or

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