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Fifty-Seventh Year
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1"47 ibY Unted Pef Sym4dke~e, Inc.
.-AJI ,ighftreervod
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
jeneral Manager ................ Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
he use for re-publication of all news dispatches
redited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
aper. All rights of republication of all other
.natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only,
Police Force
United Nations the factor which was
supposed to guarantee its ability to keep
peace and make it superior to the old League
of Nations was the international police
force which could be employed to force ob-
servance of UN decisions. It was agreed by
all members that without the police force
the UN would have little value. But two
years after its organization the UN, what-J
ever its other accomplishments, still does
not have a police force because the mem-
ber nations, though agreeing on its import-
ance, cannot agree on what form it should
This lack of agreement has resulted in
a problem of great importance. At the
present time the UN is involved in an.
attempt to settle the Greek civil war and
the Indonesian conflict between Dutch
and Republicans. Although there has
been no decision as to what to do about
Greece the Council has taken the first
step in Indonesia by asking both parties'
to cease fire. But this raises the question:
What can the UN do to enforce its decision
in Indonesia or any action it may decide
on with regard to Greece if either or both
parties in the conflicts refuse to obey UN
orders? Without a police force it is pow-
erless to do more than request; it cannot
General Joseph T. McNarney, speeaking
on the radio program "Our Foreign Policy,"
stated that the Russian disagreement with
the other big powers is the reason for fail-
ure to create an effective police force. He
listed three points of basic disagreement:
First, and most important, is the Ameri-
can insistence that each country furnish
armed forces according to its ability and
Russian insistence that no one power should
make available more forces than any other.
The reason for Russian insistance on this
point is obviously her fear that a police
force based on the ability of each nation
to' contribute would be dominated by the
western powers. But, as General McNarey
explained, the result of following the Rus-
sian plan would be a police force kept to
the strength of the weakest member and
powerless to interfere effectively in any maj-
or conflict.
The other two issues under contention
are the right of the police force to use
bases and pass across the territory of
UN members, and the location of the
forces when they are not being used by
the Security Council.
The problem, however, goes deeper than
any of the disagreements on this particular
question. It is rooted in the fear, distrust
and suspicion between the eastern and west-
ern blocs which have been the cause of the
other conflicts within the UN. It is under-
standable that on this, perhaps the most
important question of all, there will be the
most difficulty in reaching an understand-
ing. But without thi understanding and
its result-an effective police force-the UN
will be reduced to the position of the League,
a high-sounding but ineffective debating so-
-Allegra Pasqualetti
THE UNITED NATIONS has received an
astonishing telegram from Ethiopia, say-
ing that the country can get along without
any relief money. It doesn't even need funds
to keep its people from taking up Com-
munism.--The New Yorker
to day news, two vast facts show up like
huge and menacing submerged rocks, which
are now washed over, now left naked, in
stormy water. First, the Soviet Union is
plainly giving serious thought to employing
its obedient satellite states in new aggres-
sive moves of the most critical character.
Second, the slowness of American succor for
a desperate Britain and Europe has permit-
ted critical weakening of the Western
world's power to resist these aggressions if
they are finally ordered by the Kremlin.
It is, of course, in the Greek situation
that the first fact is most apparent. The
American State Department and British
Foreign Office have been in consultation for
some time on the meaning of the various
moves on the puppet side of the Greek fron-
tier. And it can now be stated on excellent
authority that a decidedly threatening sig-
nificance is tentatively ascribed to these
Cautious Army
O CAUTIOUS now is the Army in its top
secret work, that it has marked off areas
in certain plants as out of bounds for left
wing labor leaders whom the military men
just don't trust. In one sprawling Eastern
radio apparatus factory, the Army and Navy
have roped off sections know as "17-5". This
is prohibited territory, for officials of the
leftist union in that plant.
At the same time, union members known
to be leftists are being transferred from
17-5 areas after investigation by Army and
Military intelligence. Our security officers
are determined that there will be no leaks
from these plants via lefty union grapevines
which have been known to piece details to-
gether and send them abroad ...
* * * *
For a while last Thursday, Suite 1508-
10 in New York's Hotel Roosevelt was the
CIO secret national headquarters. Phil
Murray, in town from the Sidney .Hill-
man memorial services, quietly called his
top lieutenants together for a broad dis-
cussion of important CIO strategy. So
quiety did some of these men slip into
the city that even their own local head-
quarters didn't know they were around.
Most important part of the off-the-rec-
ord discussions centered on how to handle
the inner CIO right-wing-left wing battle
at the October national convention .. .
Talking about conventions-there's one
scheduled which will have among its dele-
gates radio's Superman, Mr. District Attor-
ney, and Fred Allen's Mrs. Nussbaum. They
are, of course, respectively, radio actors
Clayton Collier, Jay Jostyn and Minerva Pi-
ous, who will be among the 300 delegates
elected recently to the American Federation
of Radio Artists convention scheduled for
New York Aug. 14.
Those delegates, representing radio play-
ers, singers and announcers in 25 cities, are
of course, a tremendous talent gold mine for
the AFL new huckstering policy. Much time
will be spent working on techniques to help
the AFL fight for repeal of the Taft-Hart-
ley law. Other business: setting wage scales
for television and looking for ways to limit
the 24-hour day disc jockeys who are eating
up time during which the players could be
CIO's Political Action committee is back
and is trying to put the heat on Sen. Taft
right in his home town of Cincinnati where
a year-round voting registration system is in
effect. PAC headquarters boasts it is bring-
ing out 100 new Democratic voters a day by
registering them so that they'll be eligible
to ballot in November 1948-and cast a big
anti-Taft or anti-Republican vote right in
the Senator's own bailiwick . . . Railway
union leader A. F. Whitney, one of the few
important labor chiefs in Henry Wallace's
Progressive Citizens of America, will quit
that outfit .. .
Boston's Robert Murphy, who failed to
sign the big leagues up with his Ameri-
can Baseball Guild, now wants the Dept.
of Justice to take action against profess-
ional baseball as a monopoly. Murphy still
hopes to organize a baseball players un-
ion, he tells us, and has plans for an
American Hockey Guild, an American
Basketball Guild and an American Foot-
ball Guild, but is doing very little about
unionizing athletes this year although he
has set them all up as unincorporated as-
sociations . ..<
Dixie Doodle-There's an AFL crowd
down in Asheville, N.C. which won' picket
jails or courthouses again before it counts
noses in its own unions. It all began when
the AFL chiefs there decided to embarass
Southern CIO leader Van Bittner by throw-
ing a picket line around a courthouse in
which he and his lieutenants scheduled an
important strategy session. As an excuse
for the picketing, the AFL charged that
prison labor had been used to repaint the
goings and comings in Bulgaria and Yugo-
The evdience for this tentative con-
clusion, so far as it has been disclosed,
consists of items of information like the
pieces of a puzzle. For example, it is
now known that Yugoslavia has recruited
and trained a Macedonian brigade from
dissident Greek Macedonians, and has
incorporated this unit in the Yugoslav
army. The brigade is now reported sta-
tioned at Bitol, in position for a move
to "liberate the fatherland" if need be.
At Sofia, in Bulgaria, "free" Macedonians
have also been holding rallies for an in-
dependent Macedonia. And on several
levels, culminating in the recent talks
between Marshal Tito and Georgei Dimi-
trov, representatives of the Yugoslav and
Bulgarian governments have been in busy
These and other bits of information have
been fitted into the final conclusion, which
is very simple that an offensive to estab-
lish a "free Macedonia" is now contemplat-
ed.. It is thought that Tito and Dimitrov
agreed upon plans for this effort.
It is thought further that the frontiers
and organization of the new "free Macedon-
ia" have already been decided upon. If
the contemplated moves are undertaken and
succeed, the "free Macedonian" capital will
certainly be at Salonika, and it is consid-
ered probable that Tito and Dimitrov mea'j
to supplement the territory of the new state
with small portions of Yugoslav and Bul-
garian territory. It is further assumed that
the plans include the eventual establish-
ment of a greater south Slav federation,
comprising all the Kremlin's Balkan pup-
pets, in which the new Macedonian "state"
would play a role similar to Albania's.
As stated above, these conclusions are
of course only tentative, and certain
American analysts tend to dissent. The
probable truth is that the plans described
above (the existence of which will of
course be denied with screeches of in-
dignation) have actualy been prepared,
but for use on an if, as, and when basis.
In short, these plans will be put in mo-
tion if the Kremlin calculates that the
West will not react decisively. The Soviet
veto of the proposed Balkan border com-
mission plainly supports this interpreta-
Under the circumstances, the much bet-
ter publicized developments in Britain take
an additionally alarming aspect. For some
time, officials of the British government
have been hinting both to our permanent
representatives in London and to travelling
high American officials, that something
very serious might occur in the near future.
The truth is that in their appalling eco-
nomic situation, the British government had
been consistently acting on the most hope-
ful assumptions. Now that events have in-
stead substantiated all the gloomiest fore-
casts, the British are confronted with the
catastrophic prospect of exhaustion of their
resources for buying food and raw materials
abroad before the Marshall plan can come
into operation.
The result has been the series of
emergency Cabinet and Labor party meet-
ings, at which a general contraction of
British commitments has necessarily been
agreed upon. The worst of it evidently
is that plans for this contraction include
withdrawal of the expensive garrison in
Greece, as'well as reduction of the Brit-
ish troops in Italy. The American gov-
ernment has long been notified that
these moves would have to be made even-
tually, but in the face of the possibility of
another push by the Kremlin, the timing
could hardly be worse.
None the less, there are two hopeful as-
pects of the situation. First, the British are
finally facing the harsh realities of their
position, which in the long run may be
healthy if the United States does its part.
Second, in the event of an open threat of
another Kremlin push, both governments
are understood to have agreed already, ir
principle, to display the utmost firmness.
The plight of Britain must obviously tempt
the Kremlin, as does the chaos in Greece.
Yet if the leaders of the Soviet Union are
aware that true firmness will eventually be
encountered, they can be counted on to be
cautious in the end. Lenin once remarked
that certain situations had to be "probed
with bayonets," but the implication of this
was that if the bayonets struck anything
unyielding, it was time to call a halt.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, boom 12'3 Angell
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 30S
Examination for U n i v e r s i t y
Credit. All student who desire
credit for work done in the sum-
mer session will be required to
take examinations at the close of
the session. The examination
schedule for the schools and col-
leges on the eight-week basis is as
follows: (Thursday, August 14 and
Friday, August 15.)
Hour of Recitation Time of Exam
8 Thursday, 8-10
9 Friday, 8-10
10 Thursday, 2-4
11 Friday, 2-4
1 Thursday, 4-6
2 Thursday 10-12
3 Friday, 10-12
All other hours Friday, 4-6
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by
mutual agreement between stu-
dent and instructor, and with the
approval of the Examination
Schedule Committee.
Colleges of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and Architecture
and Design; Schools of Education,
Forestry, Music, and Public
Health: Summer Session students
wishing a transcript of this sum-
mer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several
days before leaving Ann Arbor.
Failure to file this request before
the end of the session Will result
in a needless delay of several days.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Admission - School of Business'
Administration. Deadline for ap-
plicants for Fall Semester ad-'
mission - August 15. Application
blanks available in Room 108 Tap-
pan Hall.
German Departmental Library
Books are due in the departmental
office by August 8 regardless of a
later due date stamped in the
Housing for Men Students, Post
Summer Session: Men interested
in rooms in the Residence Halls
for the Post-Session, Aug. 18-
Sept. 12 are required to leave their
names at the Information Desk,
Room 2, University Hall, on or
before Friday, August 8. No meals
will be served.
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Pub-
lic Health: Students are advised
not to request grades of I or X
in August. When such grades are
absolutely imperative, the work
must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the,
make-up grade not later than 4
p.m., September 5. Grades received;
after that time may defer the
student's graduation until a lat-;
er date.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall,
by 4 p.m., September 5 .
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Deadline for Veterans' Book
and supply Requisitions. August
22, 1947 has been set at the dead-
line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,
Meetings of the University of
Michigan Section of the American
Chemical Society will be held on
August 7 and August 8, 1947, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Dr. L. E. Sutton, Uni-
versity of Oxford, England, will
speak Aug. 7 on "The Heats of
Formation of Some Bonds," and
Aug. 8 on "The Occurrence of the
Dative Link." The public is in-
General Placement:
Mr. Harry J. Altick, CLU, will
interview men for Sales positions
with the State Mutual Life As-
surance Company on Thursday
morning, August 7th. Call ex-
tension 371 for appointments.
Application forms for Account-
ants and Industrial Engineers for
positions with Studebaker Corpor-
ation of South Bend, Indiana, are
now available at the Bureau of
Information booklets and appli-
cation forms from the National
Tube Company of Lorain, Ohio
are available at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments for mechanical, elec-
trical, chemical, and industrial
engineers. Those interested should
call at the Bureau before Thurs-
Application forms from the De-
sign ServicenCompany, Cleveland,
Ohio are now available for me-
chanical, electrical and architec-
tural engineers. Call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments for further
information and forms.
Civil Service:
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Patent Examiner, Grade P-1, and
Veterinarian, Grades P-1 and P-
2. Call at the Bureau for further
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Iinf
General Placement:
The Department of Public Rec-
reation of Baltimore, Maryland
is accepting applications for Ex-
ecutive Director of Community
Center (Colored). For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
Approved social events for this
week: August 6, Deutscher Verein;
August 8, Graduate Student Coun-
cil, Intercooperative C o u n c i 1;
August 9, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesda yand Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League and on Thursdays at
4:00 at the International Center.
All students interested in inform-
al French conversation are cor-
dially invited to join the group.
The French Club will hold its
last meeting on Thursday August
7, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Mr. Bertrand Coblentz,
a visiting doctor from Paris, will
talk informally on: "Paris au-
jourd'hui". Miss Elizabeth Moore
will sing some French songs.
rroup singing, games, refresh-
Alpha Phi Alpha (Epsilon Chap-
ter) will meet on Thursday, Aug-
ust 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Union.
This will be the last meeting this
Due to unforeseen circumstanc-
es the last meeting of La Sociedad
Hispanica will be held in room
316 of the Michigan Union, Wed-
nesday, 'August 6 at 8:00 and not
at the Rackham Building as pre-
viously announced.
Wesleyan Guild Notice: A per-
sonal consecration service will be
held on Sunday, August 10th, out
at Barton Hills. Transportation
will be provided, leaving the First
Methodist Church at 5 p.m. Res-
ervations can be made by calling
6881 before Friday.
The Inter-Cooperative Council
will sponsor a talk by Gopal Tri-
pathi, President of the Indian In-
stitute of Chemical Engineers,
speaking on "The Present Crisis
in India" at 8 p.m. Friday at Rob-
ert Owen Cooperative House, 1017
Oakland. There will be refresh-
ments and dancing after the talk.
Mathematics Lecture: Profess-
or L. J. Mordell of St. John's Col-
lege, Cambridge University, will
give a lecture on "A Chapter in
the Theory of Numbers" on
Thursday, August 7th at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 3017 Angell Hall.
The fourteenth public lecture of
the Linguistic Institute will be
held at 7:30 August seventh in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The subject will be
"Nasal Consonant Phonemes in
the Western Romance Languages,"
and the speaker will be Professor
Ernest F. Haden of the Univer-
sity of Texas. Professor Haden
is a well known scholar in Ro-
mance linguistics, and is active
in the study of French dialects
in the United States and Canada.
Dr. Nelson T. Johnson, Secre-
tary General to the Far Eastern
Commission and formerly Amer-
ican Minister to Australia and
Minister and Ambassador to Chi-
na, will lecture on "The Respon-
sibilities -of the United States as
a World Power," Friday, August
8, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Hall. This is the concluding lec-
ture in the Summer Session Lec-
ture Series, "The United States in
World Affairs." The public is in-
Academic Notices
Algebra Seminar: Wednesday
3:15 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Pro-
fessor R. M. Thrall will speak on
Lattices and Representation The.
The Seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics will meet on Wed., August
X- tte--
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * 9
Worthy Effort '
To the Editor:
ORCHIDS TO Miss Rateaver
and The Daily for the story
of French oppression of Madagas-
caran natives. This kind of cour-
age is worthy of our greatest re-
spect. Perhaps the first step in
any sort of reform is an aware-
ness of its existence. However,
Miss Rateaver has enlisted herself
in a very lonely endeavor in the
face of the general lethargy of the
American people. Her efforts em-
phasize the fact that there is more
oppression in the world than we
commonly know about. Through
efforts of this kind of beginnings
can be made that may eventually
result in freedom for more people.
If only such efforts were multi-
plied by millions!
-N. M. McClung
6, at 4 p.m. in Room 317, West En-
gineering Bldg.
Dr. Dolph will speak on Par-
tial Differential Equations.
Zoology Seminar: Thursday,
August 7,7:30 p.m., East Lecture
Room, Rackham Building. Miss
B .Elizabeth Horner will speak on
"Arboreal Adaptions of Peromys-
Student Recital: James Mearns,
Pianist, will present a program
8:30 Wednesdaysevening, August
6, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Mr. Mearns, a student of Joseph
Brinkman, will play compositions
by Mozart, J. S. Bach, Beethoven,
Schubert and Chopin. The recital
is being given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of Music, and is open to
the public.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University School of Music car-
illonneur, will present a program
Thursday evening, August 7, 7:15
p.m. Mr. Prise will play four
groups of folk-songs whish will in-
diude British, German, Russian,
and American works.
The concluding Thursday Eve-
ning Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School, will consist of
Haydn's Emperor Quartet, Schu-
bert's Rondo in B minor, Mah-
ler's Symphony No. 1, and Wag-
ner Excerpts from Die Meister-
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Elements
of Design, and What is Modern
Painting? Alumni Memorial Hall;
daily, except Monday, 10-12 and
2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Exhibit of American Photo-
graphy, Daily. July 28 to August
8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall,
Architecture Building.
Exhibit of the Washtenaw His-
torical Society display continues
until beginniny of the fall semes-
ter in the Rackham Exhibition
Events Today
Power Shovel Film. A new film
prepared by the Crane and Shov-
el Association and showing the o-
eration of- the most modern pow-
er grading equipment will be
shown in Room 1042 East Engi-
- neering Building, from 10:00 to
12:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August
6. Open to the public. Civil and
Mechanical Engineering students
are especially invited.
State Conference on Bands and
Wind Instruments, Wednesday,
August 6; 9:00 a.m., Wind Instru-
ment Studio Clinics, Harris Hall;
10:15 a.m., Summer gession Band,
League Ballroom; 1:15 p.m., to
4:00 p.m., League Ballroom, Dis-
cussions on adjudication at music
festivals, and problems of teach-
ing wind instruments. Guest
speakers include Dr. Charles
O'Neill of Toronto, Canada, For-
rest Buchtel of Chicago, and
prominent band men of Michigan,
and the University faculty.
But we're anticipating, Barnaby. Before
I can set the wedding date- Before the
banns are announced and the dot agreed
to- I'll have to make a formal proposal
of marriage to the Widow Bainbridge
Fortunately we know she's THAT
WAY about J. J. O'Malley so
I'm sanguine about my chances!
- . . .. .. ...
3aCk or
But does she know 9rf-
that you have wings,
Mr. O'Malley ... ?